Anti-dandruff hair mask recipe. Treatment mask against dandruff at home. Mask against dandruff and hair loss

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Dandruff is very noticeable on partings and spills onto clothes as soon as you touch your hair. This makes any, even the most thoughtful look, sloppy and unkempt.

Baking soda enhances the effect of salt and helps remove the stratum corneum of the skin and restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


  1. Iodized salt – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Soda – 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation and use

Mix soda with salt and dilute with water until you get a thick paste. Apply the mixture to the roots of your hair, massage thoroughly and leave for an hour for impact. Rinse off with warm water.

With onions and vodka

Onions stimulate microcirculation and skin respiration, and vodka dries the skin, removing fat from the root zone.


  1. Onion - 1 medium head.
  2. Vodka – 50 grams.

Preparation and use

Grate the onion and squeeze out the juice. Add vodka to the squeeze, mix and distribute the resulting mixture over the scalp. Leave for 10 minutes and then rinse with water and shampoo.

Please note! Onion-based masks have a rather specific and difficult-to-remove odor, so it’s best to make them in your free time.

Anti-dandruff masks for oily hair made with lemon juice are a great way to cure dandruff and leave your hair feeling freshly washed for a long time.


  1. Lemon – 1 medium fruit.
  2. Water - p half a glass (100 ml).

Preparation and use

Remove pulp and seeds from freshly squeezed lemon juice. Dilute the acid concentration with warm water. Rub the resulting liquid into the scalp with soft stroking movements. After 10 minutes, wash your hair with your usual anti-dandruff shampoo. paying special attention to the root zone. Apply a moisturizing balm or leave-in emulsion to the ends.

Aloe is widely used in folk medicine as an antiseptic and wound-healing agent. However, few people know that it can be used to treat oily dandruff.


  1. Aloe Vera Leaves – 3 pcs.

Preparation and use

Clean the pulp from the leaves and squeeze the juice out of them using gauze. Distribute the resulting liquid along the partings. You don't have to wash it off. To consolidate the effect, repeat the action twice a week.

Nettle decoction conditions hair, removing excessive grease


  1. Crushed nettle leaves - 100 grams.
  2. Boiling water – 1 liter.

Preparation and use

Brew nettle leaves in hot water, let them brew and strain the broth. Rinse your hair with the product after each shampoo.

Colorless henna is a natural absorbent and antiseptic. An anti-dandruff mask for oily hair based on it solves two problems at once: stops the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and removes sebum.


  1. Colorless henna – 1 -2 packs depending on hair length;
  2. White or blue cosmetic clay - 4 tablespoons.

Preparation and use

Mix clay and henna powder. Mix until you get a creamy consistency. Apply first to the scalp and distribute the rest through your hair. Leave for 30 minutes and then rinse with water.

Anti-dandruff masks for dry hair

Green cosmetic clay helps saturate the scalp and hair with nutrients and microelements.


  1. Green cosmetic clay – 2 tablespoons;
  2. Egg yolk - 1 piece
  3. Chamomile decoction - 1 glass.

Preparation and use

Dilute the clay with warm herbal decoction until it becomes thick sour cream. Add the yolk and mix again. Apply to your head, put on a plastic cap and leave for half an hour to take effect. After time, wash off with shampoo.

Fermented milk products soften the skin, moisturize the hair and stimulate the growth of new hair follicles.


  1. Kefir - 1 glass.
  2. Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  3. Olive oil – 2 tablespoons.

Preparation and use

Shake the egg yolks with the butter, and then pour in the kefir. Mix until smooth and apply to freshly washed hair. Leave on 20 minutes then rinse with cool water to prevent the yolk from curdling. Use the mask once a week.

The combination of these components has a moisturizing, refreshing and healing effect.


  1. Aloe vera leaf pulp - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Eucalyptus oil – 3 drops.

Preparation and use

Mix the pulp of the plant with oil, apply to the scalp and leave for an hour. When finished, rinse with warm or cool water without using shampoo.

Nourishing and healing properties of honey are widely used in traditional medicine recipes. A homemade anti-dandruff mask based on honey can save even the most dry hair and flaky scalp.


  1. Honey – 7 tbsp. l.
  2. Garlic - 6 cloves.

Preparation and use

Squeeze the garlic into the honey using a garlic press and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to your scalp and leave for 10 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Reference! Garlic is a natural source of salicylic acid. She is actively eliminates pathogenic fungi and bacteria, which are a common root cause of the development of seborrhea.

The mask simultaneously heals the scalp and regenerates damaged hair.


  1. Olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  2. Lemon juice – 100 ml.

Preparation and use

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the scalp and hair itself. Put on a cellophane hat and warm your head with a towel. Leave for an hour and then wash off with shampoo. Apply the mask once every three days until improvement occurs.

Masks for dandruff and hair loss

With onion (for dry and oily hair)

Onion-based masks for dandruff and hair loss can be used on both dry and oily scalps. The difference will be in the ingredients.

Ingredients for Oily Skin

  • Onion - 3-4 heads medium size.

Ingredients for dry skin

  1. Onion - 4 tsp grated pulp.
  2. Honey – 1 teaspoon.
  3. Basic cosmetic oil – 5-6 drops.

Preparation and use

In the first case, the bulbs must be grated and the paste applied to the skin and hair. Leave for an hour and then rinse with shampoo several times. In the second, all the above ingredients need to be mixed and applied to the scalp, and wrapped with a towel on top. Leave for half an hour and then rinse with shampoo.

Castor oil strengthens hair follicles and covers the hair shafts with a protective film.


  1. Castor oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Vodka – 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Strong black tea - 100 ml.

Preparation and use

Brew strong tea and strain from the tea leaves. Add the rest of the ingredients to it and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture over dry hair and massage thoroughly. Rinse off after 40 minutes. For best results, repeat the procedure twice a week.

Masks for hair growth and dandruff

Want to make your hair even longer and say goodbye to dandruff? Then these homemade masks are especially for you.

Onion juice irritates the scalp, and honey saturates it with missing microelements.


  • Onion - 1 small onion.
  • Liquid honey – 1 tablespoon.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons.

Preparation and use

Grate the onion on a fine grater, add a spoonful of liquid honey and stir. Let the mixture sit in the refrigerator for an hour, then apply to the scalp. Leave for an hour, then rinse with plenty of water. To prevent the smell of onions from becoming ingrained into your skin, rinse your hair with a solution of apple cider vinegar.

The energy of citrus fruits can awaken dormant bulbs, prevent the appearance of seborrhea and remove existing dandruff.


  1. Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Orange juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation and use:

Mix all the ingredients together and apply along the partings. Leave it on for 10 minutes, covering your head with cellophane and wrapping it in a towel. To enhance the effect, you can warm it up with a hairdryer. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo. Repeat once a week until the desired effect is achieved.

Important! Do not use store-bought juices to make masks. They often contain a lot of sugar, and sugar is an excellent food for pathogenic bacteria.

If you do not have this plant at home, then you can always use the juice from the pharmacy.


  1. Aloe juice – 50 grams(standard bottle).
  2. Vodka – 200 grams.

Preparation and use

Mix the juice with vodka, pour into an opaque glass bottle and let it brew for three days in a cool, dark place for three days. Once the tincture is ready, distribute it over the scalp using a pipette. The product does not require rinsing. To consolidate the result, repeat the procedure twice a week.


Treating dandruff with homemade masks requires precise calculation of ingredients and strict adherence to the procedure schedule. But you should not rely only on external means. To make your skin and hair feel good, add more vitamin groups to your diet. A, B, PP, E and F.

Dandruff is the most terrible problem not only for women, but also for men. The scalp is subject to severe challenges. Nutrition, weather conditions, and emotional state greatly affect the health of the hair and the body as a whole. Even the most fashionable hairstyle can ruin the appearance and mood of the owner of hair with dandruff. You can cope with this problem without resorting to expensive means. Anti-dandruff hair masks will help with this.

Benefits of homemade masks

Getting rid of dandruff at home is not difficult. Homemade masks are good because everyone chooses for themselves which vitamins will be included in it. You can easily monitor the freshness of added products.

Pros of making anti-dandruff masks at home:

Treatment of different types of dandruff

First you need to determine the type of dandruff: dry or oily. Dry dandruff is located along the entire length of the strands, crumbles, and is located in the forehead and parietal area. The skin is itchy and itchy. large, difficult to remove from hair. At the same time, they quickly become oily and itching may occur.

Dry scalp

Dry scalp can be easily identified by the condition of the skin on your face. If your face is dry, you want to constantly moisturize it, moisten it with water, then there is no doubt that your scalp is dry.

To prepare whey, you need to heat a glass of milk with 3.5% fat content, without bringing it to a boil. Throw in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of henna. Leave for 30 minutes. Apply the mixture to your hair and warm it. Leave for an hour and rinse with shampoo.

To prepare a mayonnaise mask, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • salt (can be sea salt) - 50 g;
  • honey - 70 g.

Mix the ingredients. Distribute the mixture over the entire length of the combed curls. Wash off after 30-40 minutes.

To prepare a lazy mask, you will need mustard powder. It must be rubbed into clean scalp and left for about 20 minutes. Wash off with your usual shampoo and conditioner. Mustard may cause unpleasant sensations, you will have to be patient.

Kefir for a kefir mask should be at room temperature. It must be diluted with unrefined oil. Leave for forty minutes and rinse hair.

To prepare honey porridge, you need to take:

  • one onion;
  • natural honey - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • burdock oil - 2.5 tbsp. spoons.

Grate the peeled onion, add oil and a spoonful of honey. You can add a little lemon juice. Apply the resulting porridge to your hair and leave for an hour. Wash off with shampoo with plenty of room temperature water. Burdock oil for dandruff can be safely replaced with vegetable, olive or castor oil.

Products for oily hair

An easy way to determine oil content: the next day after washing your hair, apply a dry, clean cloth to the roots. If traces are visible on it, then the hair is oily.

To prepare a curd mask, five tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese should be mixed with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. You can add an egg. Distribute over the entire length of the hair and rub into the scalp. After 35 minutes, wash off.

For a mask with green clay you should take:

  • green clay - 60 g;
  • 2 yolks;
  • apple cider vinegar - 20 ml.

Dissolve clay and two egg yolks in warm water. Stir well and add vinegar. Rub the resulting mask into the roots and massage the skin. Then distribute with a comb over the entire length of the hair. Leave for 30-40 minutes, wrapping your head in plastic and a towel. Rinse off with warm water. The mixture is made in a non-metallic container.

To make lemon mustard, you need to peel the lemon. Mix the pulp with 20 gr. dry mustard and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Rub into skin and massage head for 10 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature. Herbs will help oily hair: nettle, calendula and chamomile. It is necessary to pour boiling water in equal quantities, cool and rinse your hair. Store the broth in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Mixed option

Calendula tincture is applicable to all hair types. Pour two tablespoons into a glass of vodka, cover with a lid and place in a dark and cool place. You should insist for a week and a half. There may be a burning sensation upon application. Cover your hair with a towel and rinse after 10 minutes with running water and shampoo.

An effective option against dandruff and hair loss is an infusion of onion peels. Only dark hair is rinsed in this way. Onion peels can make light curls a couple of shades darker. Everyone has the right to choose which recipe to use: folk or pharmacy.

To get rid of dead scalp cells, rub salt well into the roots. The procedure must be carried out before applying the mask. You should drink more fluids, keep your hair clean, your diet, and your emotional state. Every anti-dandruff hair mask is effective. They need to be done once a week. It is advisable to change the composition more often to find the most suitable one.

Before applying, massage your scalp to improve blood circulation. You can pull your hair a little at the ends. Often the cause of dandruff depends not on external factors, but on the health of the entire body.

The problem may be hidden inside, so in some cases you should reconsider your lifestyle.

Which anti-dandruff masks have the best reviews at home - see recipes for effective homemade anti-dandruff masks that have proven to be highly effective.

How to make anti-dandruff masks at home

  • If there is a lot of dandruff, make masks 2-3 times a week. If you want to use them for preventive purposes - 1 time.
  • Dandruff is a problem that does not go away quickly. Therefore, the use of masks must necessarily be a course - 10-12 masks 2-3 times a week, then a break of 2 weeks and a new course.
  • Try to use cellophane wrap or a shower cap during the mask, even if this is not in the recipe. The effectiveness of the mask will be higher.
  • After using a homemade anti-dandruff mask, you should not go outside for at least an hour.
  • Alternate masks every week; practice shows that using different home recipes leads to faster results.
  • Do not change recipes - dandruff, as a rule, is an indicator of high sensitivity of the scalp, and changing the recipe may provoke an even stronger manifestation of it.
  • If homemade anti-dandruff masks do not give the desired result, consult a specialist - you may have a fungal infection of the scalp and need medication to treat the problem.
  • Determine the problem of your dandruff. There are 4 main areas - dandruff with hair loss, dandruff with itchy scalp, oily or dry dandruff. If you are missing the first two points, look in the article how to get rid of dandruff test how to determine your type of dandruff, and use homemade masks in your direction.

Homemade masks for dandruff and hair loss

It often happens that dandruff and hair loss bother a person at the same time - in addition to masks, in this case it is necessary to drink vitamin complexes and massage the scalp for better blood circulation and speed up metabolism in the scalp. As for the masks themselves, here are the recipes recommended by traditional medicine.

  • The simplest, and at the same time very effective folk way to stop dandruff and hair loss is to use a mask based on onions. You need to grate one onion on a fine grater, mix it with a tablespoon of liquid honey and rub this mixture into the hair roots. Put on a shower cap and leave the mask on for 30 minutes. If the smell of onion remains, rub your hair with kefir (if you have dry hair) or water with apple cider vinegar (if oily, 2 tablespoons per glass of water) for 5-10 minutes, then wash with shampoo.
  • The following mask for dandruff and hair loss is based on aloe juice; it is already sold in ready-made form in the pharmacy. Mix 50 gr. aloe (standard bottle) with a glass of vodka, let it brew for 3 days in a dark place. Application is simple - divide your hair into 5-6 partings and rub this tincture into each parting, applying with a pipette or cotton pad. There is no need to wash off the mask; do it 2 times a week.
  • To strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff, use a mask with natural fruit acids. To prepare the mask, combine 2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice, orange and burdock oil. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and massage for 10 minutes, then wrap your head in cellophane and a towel and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. Do it once a week.
  • Our grandmothers also knew about the benefits of nettle in the treatment of hair from severe dandruff. It perfectly cleanses the hair, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands and strengthens the hair roots, which is very important for the problem of hair loss. Pour a tablespoon of nettle into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, distribute the resulting liquid over the roots and entire length of the hair. You can do this even after washing your hair, using nettle infusion as a rinse.
  • If your hair is falling out a lot, use hair loss masks in addition to the anti-dandruff mask once a week.

Homemade masks for dandruff and itchy scalp

Masks against dandruff and itchy scalp should contain substances that soothe the skin and relieve irritation. This is what home cosmetology offers in such cases.

  • Received excellent reviews against dandruff and itchy scalp masks made from colorless henna, which is sold in cosmetics and household chemicals stores. It does not dye your hair, so you can safely use it for any color of your hair. The simplest option is to dilute 3 tablespoons of henna with warm water until it becomes sour cream, let it brew for 5-10 minutes and rub it into the scalp for half an hour, cover with a cap. The effectiveness will be even higher if you add 5-6 drops of eucalyptus oil to the composition.
  • An elementary option is to use a solution of salicylic acid for dandruff and itchy skin. It is no coincidence that many factory-made anti-dandruff shampoos contain this component, but making a mask yourself is both easier and cheaper. You will need 1 yolk and a teaspoon of alcoholic acid solution, mix thoroughly and apply to the hair at the roots. We do it 2 times a week.
  • For those who want to not only fight itchy scalp and dandruff, but also vitaminize their hair, give it shine and a pleasant smell, we can recommend a mask made from green apples. 1-2 apples are grated into a fine grater, 5 drops are added to them tea tree oil(it costs pennies at the pharmacy) and the resulting pulp is rubbed into the roots. We keep it under the cap for half an hour, after which the hair is simply washed without shampoo.
  • For those who do not want to waste time on mixing, we recommend using kefir for hair(low fat for fatty ones) or yogurt (for dry ones). Apply them to hair and scalp for 15 minutes. It couldn't be simpler!

Homemade masks for dry dandruff

Let's move on to masks against dry dandruff - according to experts, this is what bothers us much more often. After reading your numerous reviews, we have selected the best recipes, in your opinion.

  • Finely grate 2 heads of garlic, fill them with any vegetable oil and let it brew for 3-5 days. Rub the resulting garlic oil into your scalp.
  • Mix one yolk (contains zinc) with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. The composition normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminates dandruff.
  • Another good tandem is a tablespoon burdock oil and the same amount of honey.
  • If you have dark hair, we recommend that you pay attention to a product such as turmeric, it works great against dandruff. To prepare the mask, dilute 1 tbsp. l. turmeric with warm milk, you should get a liquid mass. Apply it to your hair and scalp, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Homemade masks for oily dandruff

Oily dandruff is stickier, thicker, and very difficult to comb out, but folk experience has also found decent homemade mask recipes against it.

  • Buy an alcohol tincture of calendula, combine it in equal proportions with burdock or castor oil and rub the mask into your hair half an hour before washing.
  • Judging by numerous reviews, a grapefruit mask often helps to cope with oily dandruff even when other remedies are powerless. To make this mask against dandruff on your hair, peel the fruit and mash it well, mix the pulp with a tablespoon of aloe juice and rub this mixture into the scalp, then massage lightly for 5-7 minutes, put on a cap and hold for another quarter of an hour. Do this mask 2 times a week for a total course of 7-8 times, it will definitely help you get rid of dandruff.
  • Brew strong green tea - 1 tbsp. l. half a glass of boiling water, strain. Add a quarter cup to tea apple cider vinegar. Distribute the resulting solution over your hair, squeeze out excess moisture and cover your head with a terry towel. After 40 minutes, rinse the mask with warm water.
  • And a number of recipes that you often mention - homemade pumpkin masks for oily dandruff. This is the same pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon. Finely grated pulp of any of the products (watermelon, as you understand, you don’t have to grate at all) is applied to the roots and distributed along the entire length of the hair. Keeping it for half an hour is enough. The product is simple, but very effective, tested on myself.

Ekaterina the Beautiful All rights reserved

What else do they read on the site on the topic of dandruff?

Homemade hair masks. To solve the problem, anti-dandruff masks alone are often not enough; you also need strengthening, nourishing, moisturizing (for dry) and normalizing oily hair in order to create the necessary acid-base balance in the scalp.

Essential oils for beautiful hair. At home, essential oils will become real healers for you that will help remove dandruff. Just add a few drops to your mask and shampoo. Which oils to choose, their doses, what to mix with, how to rub in - in this material.

The problem of dandruff is caused by the active work of the fungus, which is one of the components of the microflora of the epidermis. A normal amount of fungus promotes the imperceptible exfoliation of dead skin cells, but if the sebaceous glands work more actively and the concentration of fungi increases, then there is a need for external intervention.

Anti-dandruff masks prepared at home can be a real first aid in solving this unpleasant problem.

Numerous folk remedies can significantly speed up the healing process. However, in combination with other recommendations, dandruff will go away much faster.

When using masks, it is important to remember three main rules:

  1. Prevention and treatment require varying numbers of treatments to eliminate or prevent dandruff.
  2. A variety of recipes will help you alternate them with each other and see which one is most suitable for solving the problem in a particular case.
  3. Cosmetics for washing hair should be replaced with natural ones during the period of treatment with masks.

The frequency of procedures depends on the amount of dandruff. For prevention, once a week is enough, but for treatment, you will need to apply the mask 3-4 times.

Recipes for masks against dry dandruff

Masks against dry dandruff, like those aimed at solving several other problems, can consist of one component or several. For example, a kefir mask copes well with dryness, and makes the hair itself soft and silky.

The following steps need to be followed:

  • Apply 2.5% of the product in its pure form to the scalp, and rub the remainder over the strands;
  • leave for 40 minutes;
  • rinse thoroughly with water and organic shampoo.

To prepare a mask against dryness and flaking, consisting of several components, you must have the following ingredients:

  • 1 tsp any vegetable oil;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 glass of kefir.

Beat the yolk, add it to kefir and mix the whole mixture with the butter. The finished mixture is applied to hair and skin. For 40 minutes you need to put on a shower cap and wrap your hair in a towel. The procedure ends with thorough washing with natural shampoo or soap.

Top 5 best anti-dandruff masks with egg

The special benefit of masks is their comprehensive effect. They can not only solve one problem, but also compensate for the lack of nutrients. Thanks to this, the hair will be restored, replenishing the reserves of missing components. The yolk and white contain important microelements that can have a beneficial effect when used externally:

  • retinol helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • vitamin B6 and B12 reduce fat content;
  • biotin promotes protection and regeneration;
  • Vitamin E provides nutrition to the hair follicle;
  • lecithin cleanses pores.

Egg and kefir are one of the most common ingredients that can be used to quickly prepare an anti-dandruff mask. At home, it can be prepared with any available ingredients.

To enhance its effect and restore split ends, you can add 1 tbsp. honey per glass of kefir, whipped with one yolk. The resulting mixture should remain on the hair for 1 hour.

For hair of any type, a universal honey-egg mask is an excellent solution.

It is prepared and applied in accordance with the following recommendation:

  • 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. honey is mixed until smooth;
  • hair should be washed before applying the mask;
  • Apply the mixture to clean, damp hair;
  • it is important to saturate the roots well and distribute the residue among the strands;
  • sweat film and a towel should keep the applied composition for 20 minutes;
  • wash off the mask without using shampoo.

An anti-dandruff mask at home may consist of additional useful components, which was previously used only for internal use. For example, castor oil contains many vitamins, helps destroy fungi and affects blood circulation.

To prepare a mask using this component you must have:

This mixture is applied before washing your hair, thoroughly rubbing into the hair roots. The mask should remain applied to the hair for 1 or 2 hours, after which the mixture should be washed with one of the natural remedies.

Oil lovers will appreciate a mask with flax or burdock oil. To prepare an anti-dandruff mask at home using flaxseed oil, you will need additional components:

  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tsp flaxseed oils;
  • apply one layer at a time, with an interval of 2 minutes for drying;
  • Wash thoroughly with a natural remedy.

Masks with oils

A variety of vegetable oils contain useful ingredients for preparing anti-dandruff masks at home.

A mask made from castrum and burdock oil is very effective against dandruff and can be easily prepared at home.

Taking olive, burdock or castor oil as a basis and adding one yolk and 4 tbsp. kefir you can create an effective mask. You need to apply this composition to dirty hair 3 times a week.

From aloe juice

An aloe mask can be made without using additional ingredients.

To prepare it you need to follow 5 steps:

A positive result will become obvious within a couple of weeks if you repeat the procedure 3 times/week.

Masks with kefir

Kefir is useful not only for internal use, but also for external use.

Nourishment and restoration of hair structure are possible thanks to the influence of the following elements:

  • acids;
  • vitamins B and E;
  • natural yeast;
  • calcium and proteins.

Kefir anti-dandruff masks prepared at home are a simple way to protect hair and eliminate dry dandruff.

There are 3 basic ways to fight dandruff with kefir:

  • the first is to apply the product to the hair roots and keep the mixture under cling film for 40 minutes;
  • fermented milk product can be used as an alternative to shampoo;
  • kefir is mixed with 1 tsp. any vegetable oil and beat with the addition of one egg yolk. The resulting mixture is applied to the head for 30-40 minutes, after which it is washed off with a suitable product.

Those with dark hair color should be careful, since kefir can affect the pigment and wash it out. For this reason, hair may lose its rich color. But for light hair, this mask is just right; it will renew and lighten the tone of the hair, giving it shine and silkiness.

Honey masks for dandruff

Linden and chestnut honey are excellent for preparing a honey mask.. If the honey is candied, it should be melted before preparing the mixture. In 2 tbsp. honey you need to add 1 tbsp. aloe juice
Rub the mixture into the ends and leave on the head under a shower cap for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with shampoo.

Homemade masks against oily dandruff

An anti-dandruff mask with the addition of essential oils is a quick and affordable way to carry out pleasant and useful procedures.

Fans of fragrant herbal mixtures can try adding rosemary, eucalyptus, tea tree, drops of geranium oil and citrus fruits.

The recipe for preparing and using an oil mask is as follows:

  • 2 tablespoons are poured into the container. any vegetable oil;
  • 4-5 drops of different essential oils and citrus juice are added to the overall mixture;
  • for prevention, a mask of this composition is used once a week, and for the treatment of oily dandruff - 2 times.

Lemon mask

This mask is another effective option to combat oily dandruff. To prepare it you need citrus juice and water. Squeezed pure lemon juice should be diluted with water in equal parts.
The resulting liquid is rubbed into the roots for 15 minutes. For a month, every week you need to repeat this simple process 1-2 times.

With grapefruit

To prepare the product you need:

  • 1 tsp mix olive oil with 3 drops of fruit juice;
  • mix honey and egg with butter;
  • heat the resulting product in a water bath;
  • Apply warmly to hair for half an hour;
  • the process is repeated weekly for two weeks.

Beetroot mask for oily dandruff

To extract and transfer beneficial beet minerals to the root system of the hair, you need to stir the root vegetable for 2 hours. After grating the boiled beets, add 1 tbsp. lemon juice and oatmeal. After half an hour, rinse the mixture from your hair with clean and warm water.

Garlic mask

Onion mask for mixed dandruff

To combat this type of dandruff, a recipe using several components is suitable:

The components are mixed into a homogeneous mass and applied under the film for 20 minutes. You can wash your hair in any usual way, but it is advisable to replace shampoo with a natural product.

Anti-dandruff masks with medicinal herbs

Some suitable herbs to combat dandruff include: birch tar, nettle, calendula, burdock, chamomile, lavender, sage or rosemary. Some masks can be made based on birch tar, burdock or calendula. Nettle and chamomile are more suitable as a rinse, and other herbs can become auxiliary components.

The essence of masks using herbs is to boil the inflorescences, leaves or roots. The resulting decoctions are infused and cooled, after which they are applied to the scalp and washed off with warm and clean water.

Recipes to soothe skin (anti-itch)

To soothe itching and relieve inflammation, a mask with aloe leaf juice is an excellent solution. Its benefits lie in the composition of this unique plant. It contains valuable pectin and polysaccharides.

These substances can influence cell activity, their growth and division. Since aloe juice contains glycoprotein, itching and irritation quickly calm down due to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Other beneficial properties of aloe are as follows:

  • cleansing of dead particles;
  • destruction of fungus;
  • hydration;
  • restoration of follicles;
  • cleansing of fat that clogs pores;
  • destruction of bacteria with antiseptics.

Oils in mask compositions

Cosmetologists consider castor, burdock and olive oils to be the most effective oils for soothing the scalp and getting rid of flaking and dandruff. They have healing properties for skin and hair, so they should be added to mask compositions on a regular basis.

How long does the course of treatment with masks last?

Each of the masks consists of various components that have different effects, so recommendations for extending the course should be applied for each individual method of combating dandruff. Some act more quickly and radically, so their use is limited to one month with the treatment procedure performed only once a week.

Other components show their effects only after 2-3 months when used several times a week. Tar, onion and garlic masks are not designed for long-term procedures. Herbs, essential and vegetable oils can act over a longer period, providing a gradual and gentle effect.

How to prevent dandruff?

Poor nutrition or personal hygiene can cause this unpleasant phenomenon. To reduce the risk of dandruff, you should limit the use of chemical cosmetic products, use natural products and lotions, choose a product with the appropriate active ingredient, and regularly take enough vitamins.

Perhaps you should change your usual shampoo from time to time and carry out regular prevention, which is much more pleasant than treating the cause and consequences of dandruff.

To avoid dandruff or to treat it, it is worth replacing your usual shampoo with a natural one, and stocking up on organic products for the period of hair treatment. For example, rye shampoo is an excellent option.

An anti-dandruff mask at home is a quick and inexpensive way to improve the health of your hair, scalp and hair follicles, in combination with the active ingredients of natural ingredients.

Video about anti-dandruff masks at home

Homemade anti-dandruff masks:

Aloe hair mask:

Unpleasant symptoms of dandruff, such as itching and flaking of the scalp, periodically appear in many people. In order to get rid of unpleasant sensations and keep your hair beautiful, use anti-dandruff masks at home.

Folk remedies for dandruff and itchy scalp

Any discomfort on the scalp indicates that the chemical balance of the sebaceous layer is disturbed. Itching and flaking occur both with too low and too high fat secretion. Any disturbances in blood circulation at the base of the skin near the skin are also harmful. In such cases, nourishing masks are successfully used that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The basis for an effective anti-dandruff mask can be common products found in every home. But for an anti-dandruff hair mask to be effective, you need to understand how the sebaceous glands work. Products for combating dry and oily dandruff are different.

Types and causes of dandruff

The cause of the detachment of skin particles is a fungus that is found on the epidermis of the scalp in many people. As a result of its activation, rapid death of the cells of the hairy skin occurs. The life cycle of cells is 28-32 days. Instead of the prescribed period, they live only 8 days. The reasons for the spread of this fungus are a malfunction of one of the body systems:

  • endocrine;
  • nervous;
  • digestive.

There are three types of dandruff:

  1. Dry. Appears as a consequence of insufficient sebum production. Characterized by many dry scales.
  2. Oily liquid. Formed due to excessive formation of fat. This type is typical only for hormonal imbalance. The scalp takes on an unnatural shine, the pores expand, and the hair remains greasy, even after using shampoo. Frequent cases of alopecia (partial baldness).
  3. Thick oily. Occurs due to the strong intensity of the sebaceous glands. The hair shaft thickens and becomes stiff.

Dry and thick oily dandruff can be treated with homemade masks, the production of which will not take much time and will not affect the budget. Oily liquid - subject only to specialists; therapy is prescribed by a dermatologist, taking into account the severity of cutaneous seborrhea.

Home therapy should not be limited only to hair masks; in order to avoid relapse, it is necessary to exclude the irritating factor that caused epidermal seborrhea. If this is an exacerbation of chronic diseases associated with the digestive system or thyroid gland, it is better to visit a doctor to prescribe medication. In complex therapy with an anti-dandruff hair mask, you can get rid of unpleasant itching and flaking in just 8-10 procedures.

Anti-dandruff hair mask at home: how to choose

Homemade anti-dandruff masks are a natural and pure product that are very easy to prepare. You can choose a treatment based on your hair type, because inappropriate ingredients can only worsen the condition.

Anti-dandruff hair masks for oily hair are always prepared using various oils. They have the necessary properties for all types of curls, help restore the structure of the hair shaft after dyeing, which can also serve as an impetus for the aggravation of dandruff. For a single serving, 1-3 tbsp is enough. any type of oil, the amount depends on the length of the curls.

Egg masks against dandruff should be chosen for dry and depleted hair. Due to the fact that chicken eggs are enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin complexes of groups A, B, D, and E, they prevent hair loss and split ends, and also eliminate dandruff due to nutrients. You can use the whole egg in the recipe, but it’s better to limit it to just the yolk, because... for this type of curls it will be more nutritious.

Secrets of effective use

In order to get the desired effect from the anti-dandruff mask, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Heat to a temperature of 36-37°C. Applies to all recipes except egg ones, because... When heated, the egg will curdle.
  2. Keep warm. After applying the mask, you need to wait 20-30 minutes. During the procedure, the head must remain warm. Thermal insulation can be achieved using cling film or a bag and additionally wrapped in a terry towel.
  3. Rinse off only with warm water. Hot water will increase sebum production, cold water will create a shocking effect, can injure the already weakened hair structure, as a result, the mask will not give the desired result,
  4. Dry wet hair only by blotting.
  5. For intensive revival of curls, you can use an anti-dandruff mask at home 2 times every 7 days.

Ideal anti-dandruff hair mask: ingredients

Insufficient sebum

If the sebaceous glands are weak, dandruff and itching will appear due to dry scalp. With this disorder, the scalp renews itself much faster. There are so many flakes of keratinized skin that they become noticeable, and their color changes from transparent to white. In this case, they talk about dry seborrhea. Masks must contain nutritional elements.

Folk anti-dandruff masks have a mild effect, therefore, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe, the desired effect is achieved after 1.5-2 months of use. After this period, it is recommended to take a two-week break and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Burdock oil

This beneficial anti-dandruff oil can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared at home from burdock root and any oil you have at home. Substances in burdock roots prevent the growth of fungus and bacteria, and inulin stimulates the secretion of sebum, which is very valuable for a mask against dry dandruff.

To prepare a mask for dry dandruff with burdock oil, you need to mix warm oil with honey and calendula tincture in equal proportions, a tablespoon of each product. You can also add this oil to shampoo when washing your hair.


This product contains phytoncides that kill fungus, as well as essential oils. They improve blood supply to the scalp. The recipe for a garlic mask against dandruff is quite simple. It is necessary to rub a paste of several cloves of garlic into the scalp onto dirty hair an hour or two before washing your hair. Garlic can be supplemented with honey, sour cream and castor oil in a ratio of 2:1:1:1. All ingredients in a teaspoon. This mixture should be kept on your head for half an hour. Garlic masks give noticeable results after 2-3 months of use, although the first improvements will be noticeable much earlier.

Garlic leaves a characteristic odor on the hair, so it is better to plan procedures with this product if you have the opportunity to stay at home for some time.

Egg and castor oil

Castor oil is a remedy for dry seborrhea that has been tried and tested for generations. It nourishes and softens the scalp. And eggs are rich in proteins, the substance that makes up hair. In addition, they contain a whole range of vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids. This mask has a double therapeutic effect. It nourishes the scalp and heals the hair. One tablespoon of castor oil and the same amount of cognac in combination with one egg are mixed and applied to the scalp. If castor oil is used separately, it can be kept on the head for an unlimited time, for example, it can be left overnight, it will not harm. And the procedure itself can be repeated every other day.


Kefir contains so many useful components that in itself it is a ready-made mask. It contains lactic acid, yeast, vitamins, protein and calcium. But if desired, it can be supplemented with mustard or essential oils in the following proportions: half a glass of kefir, a tablespoon of mustard and a few drops of rosemary or lemon oil. This mask is applied to dry or slightly damp hair, while the kefir should be slightly warm. The procedure can be performed every other day for two weeks.

A recipe for a mask with kefir against dandruff washes out hair pigment. Therefore, after a kefir mask, dark colored hair may become a little lighter.


Grapefruit oil is included in many hair care products. To treat dry dandruff with grapefruit, you only need a few drops for the entire mask. A teaspoon of castor or olive oil is mixed with 3 drops of grapefruit oil, a teaspoon of honey and an egg are added. This mixture is slightly heated in a water bath and applied to the hair. After half an hour, rinse with shampoo. The procedure can be repeated no earlier than a week later. The entire course of treatment takes no more than three weeks, after which you need to give your hair a rest.

Linseed oil

This valuable product is rich in saturated fatty acids and vitamins A, B, E and F, making it effective against dry dandruff. The properties of linseed oil are enhanced if you use it constantly. An excellent remedy would be a mixture of flaxseed oil and lemon in a 2:1 ratio. Ingredients are measured with a tablespoon. Even if you use this mask twice a month, improvements will be noticeable. And more frequent procedures will only be beneficial. For example, you can take a course of ten applications, which are carried out twice a week.

Increased activity of the sebaceous glands

A large amount of oil that is released on the scalp can clog pores, which impairs oxygen exchange and causes oily dandruff to appear.

Asperin against dandruff

Aspirin for dandruff, which is added to shampoo, has been successfully used. Take two tablets, grind them into powder and mix them with a portion of shampoo, which is enough for one time. After 10 minutes, this mixture is thoroughly washed off the hair.

Mustard masks will also be useful. These ingredients are not expensive at all, but are very effective. The variety of folk remedies for oily dandruff is very large. Here are some of them.

Oak bark and onion peel

A decoction is prepared from these ingredients in the following proportions: 5 tablespoons of oak bark, 5 tablespoons of onion peel are diluted with a liter of boiling water and placed on low heat for an hour. The cooled broth is applied to the scalp for 1 hour, after which the hair is washed with shampoo. For greater effect, you can apply the same strained liquid after washing. Onion mask against dandruff is effective due to the keratin contained in onions, and oak bark has an antiseptic effect. This mask can be used every time you wash your hair until improvements appear.

Nettle and vinegar

Vinegar effectively gets rid of dandruff of fungal origin, as it has bactericidal properties. It also has acidity suitable for the scalp and normalizes fat balance. And nettle is rich in beneficial vitamins and minerals. It contains a lot of vitamin C and carotene. To treat dandruff, you need to take 100 grams of nettle, fresh or pharmaceutical, add 1 liter of water and 0.5 liter of vinegar. After this mixture has boiled for half an hour, it needs to be cooled and strained. This decoction is used to wash hair, replacing shampoo.

Cognac and lemon

To ensure that the anti-dandruff mask at home also has a general strengthening effect on the hair, you can use a combination of cognac and lemon. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and will help remove the smell of alcohol from your hair, and cognac contains tannins and acids that are beneficial for hair. Alcohol dries out the skin, so a homemade cognac mask should be prepared specifically for oily dandruff.

Treatment with this mask is carried out on clean, damp hair. The cognac should be slightly warmed up. Lemon juice and cognac are combined in a 4:1 ratio, the volume is measured with a teaspoon. If desired, you can add essential oils. The procedure is carried out twice a week. It must be repeated 10-15 times. After a break of two weeks, the course can be repeated.

Blue clay

This cosmetic product is rich in silicon and also eliminates excess sebum. Blue clay itself is already an excellent anti-dandruff mask at home. But it can be supplemented with different oils at your discretion. The clay is diluted in an amount sufficient for one use, and at the end of the procedure it is washed off with shampoo. Hair is usually softened with conditioner, since clay makes it harder. The procedure should be carried out twice a week for about a month.

Blonde hair takes on a different shade after a blue clay mask. To eliminate this effect, just add a tint to the shampoo.

Essential oil

An excellent hair mask for oily dandruff can be prepared at home from essential oils that have an antifungal effect. In addition, they soothe scalp irritation and other seborrheic symptoms. The most commonly used oils are tea tree, eucalyptus and rosemary. And juniper and pine oil fights excess sebum and has a deodorizing effect. To prepare the mask, just add a few drops of your favorite oils to the shampoo and massage it into the scalp, leaving for 5 minutes. Therefore, the frequency of procedures and their number must be determined individually. If an essential oil dries out your scalp or causes irritation, you should take a break. The approximate frequency of such masks is twice a week.

Using folk remedies in anti-dandruff masks is an effective and safe way to take care of the health and beauty of your hair. Such masks not only eliminate dandruff, but also improve the condition of hair to the very ends. From the wide variety of mask products, you can choose the one that your hair likes most.

Causes of dandruff

The process of renewal of skin cells on the head is a natural phenomenon.. If for some reason the rate of replacement of old scales with new ones accelerates, dandruff appears. It consists of a large number of dead skin particles glued together.

The specific cause of dandruff impossible to determine, note only the factors contributing to it:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • dry hair and scalp due to frequent chemical stains, constant exposure to the sun, frequent visits to baths and saunas without a protective cap;
  • selected inappropriate means for hair care;
  • fungal infection;
  • poor nutrition.

Hair care rules for dandruff

At the first manifestations of dandruff and itching should be observed Follow the recommendations for caring for your hair and scalp:

  1. For the treatment of dandruff use only specialized shampoos, gels, oils and masks, individually selected for your hair type.
  2. Prohibited dry your hair with a hairdryer.
  3. You should wash your hair in soft water, gently kneading the skin with your fingers. Rub the skin it is forbidden.
  4. Styling products should be wash off daily.
  5. Washed hair should not be left in a towel for a long time - fungus develops in a warm and humid environment. provoking the appearance dandruff multiplies faster.
  6. For improving blood supply Hair should be combed often with a thick brush and massaged regularly.

The most effective hair masks against dandruff

With dandruff treatment can be easily dealt with using folk recipes for preparing hair masks from natural ingredients.

They not only get rid of the problem, but also nourish the hair, making it elastic and less brittle.

By making hair masks yourself, you can be sure in their composition and the absence of harmful chemical additives. Such products are prepared from improvised products that are constantly in the refrigerator of every housewife.

Mayonnaise hair mask

  • mayonnaise;
  • aloe;
  • egg yolk;
  • sunflower oil.

Mix the ingredients in equal quantities in one container and lubricate dirty strands. The mixture is left on the hair for 30-35 minutes, covering with a plastic bag, then wash off with shampoo and rinse with cool water. You can use a mayonnaise mask several times a week.

Castor mask with calendula

  • castor oil;
  • yolk;
  • calendula tincture.

The basis of the mask is egg yolk. In a deep bowl, add 5 ml of tincture of calendula and castor oil to it. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

Part of the nourishing mask is applied rubbing movements onto the roots of the hair, the rest is evenly rubbed over dry strands.

Withstand 60 minutes under a rubber cap or plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect.

The result is visible after just a single use. Treatment course with castor mask – 2-3 months.

Kefir mask

  • kefir;
  • vegetable oil;
  • yolk.

Pour half a glass of kefir (125-150 ml) into a deep container, add the yolk and 5-10 ml castor or olive oil. Comb your hair thoroughly and apply a natural mask along the entire length.

Wrap the strands in a towel and leave for 1 hour. Then wash your hair with mild shampoo. Regular use is recommended for 30-60 days.

Mask for oily hair against dandruff

  • garlic;
  • sour cream;
  • lemon juice;
  • castor oil;
  • aloe juice

Mix all prepared products in equal parts. Apply the resulting mixture to unwashed hair, distribute from roots to ends. Put a bathing cap and a thick towel on your head.

Mask need to leave on the strands for half an hour, after which it is washed off with shampoo and water at room temperature. Frequency of use – 4-5 times a month.

Onion mask with vodka

  • vodka;
  • onion juice;
  • castor oil.

Mix 2 tablespoons of onion juice with 1 tablespoon of vodka and castor oil. Rub the liquid mixture into the scalp and distribute throughout the curls. in 25-35 minutes before taking a shower.

Hair masks for itching

Fight the itch the skin on the head can be treated using masks prepared at home.

They only include natural ingredients.

Preparing a mask to relieve irritation does not take much time, but the effect of its use will be felt already after the first use.

Mask based on chamomile infusion with natural oils

  • chamomile decoction;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • avocado oil;
  • lavender oil.

To prepare the mask, mix all ingredients with your fingertips. rub in gently into the skin on the head.

Apply the composition to the skin after washing your hair for 20-30 minutes and wash off with warm water. Suitable for frequent use.

Honey mask against itching

  • aloe juice;
  • yolk.

Mix all the ingredients of the mask until smooth and rub into the scalp and hair roots with massaging movements. Leave for an hour and rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs or warm water.

The mask can be used after every hair wash. for prevention purposes or daily during periods of exacerbation of itching.

Masks for dandruff and hair loss

There are frequent cases when dandruff is so strong that unbearable itching appears, and as a result of scratching the skin, hair falls out severely. Sometimes this happens due to constant stress, and sometimes it is a common vitamin deficiency. This is where masks with B vitamins, also called beauty vitamins, will come to the rescue. For hair, in such a situation, you will need vitamins B6 and B12. They are produced in the form of ampoules for injection. After the first course of therapy, it will be possible to visually observe an improvement in such indicators as:

  • hair loss is minimized;
  • more intense curl growth;
  • adds gloss;
  • The number of exfoliated skin particles will be significantly reduced.

Mask with “red” vitamin complex

Almond oil 2 tbsp, 1 ampoule each of B6 and B12, vitamin C 1 sachet, honey 2 tbsp, hair balm 2 tbsp.

All ingredients must be whisked and applied to the skin and strands. Be sure to create a “greenhouse effect”. Wash off after 1 hour.

You cannot reheat the ingredients in this recipe.

Preventing and preventing dandruff

To prevent and prevent dandruff:

  • Take care of your nervous system and avoid stress.
  • Choose the right care products for hair, focusing on its type.
  • Keep your brushes clean for combing, do not use other people's combs and do not give your comb to strangers.
  • Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Dehydration damages hair, dry skin and becomes an indirect cause of irritation and dandruff.
  • Eat less sweets, eat healthy foods rich in calcium and vegetable oils.

Video: Anti-dandruff hair mask