Massage with a toothbrush for dysarthria. Probe speech therapy massage of the tongue - assistance in speech development for children. Massage for stuttering

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Massage This is a method of treatment and prevention, which is a set of techniques of mechanical influence on various areas of the surface of the human body.

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The purpose of speech therapy massage in eliminating dysarthria is to eliminate pathological symptoms in the peripheral part of the speech apparatus.

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Objectives of speech therapy massage for dysarthria Normalization of muscle tone, overcoming hypo-hypertonicity in facial and articulatory muscles; Elimination of pathological symptoms such as hyperkinesis, synkinesis, deviation, etc.; Stimulation of positive kinesthesia; Improving the quality of articulatory movements (accuracy, volume, switchability, etc.); Increased strength of muscle contractions; Activation of subtle differentiated movements of the organs of articulation necessary for correcting sound pronunciation;

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Three complexes of differentiated speech therapy massage A set of speech therapy massage exercises for rigid syndrome (high tone). A set of speech therapy massage exercises for spastic-atactic-hyperkinetic syndrome (against the background of high tone, hyperkinesis, dystonia, and ataxia appear). A set of speech therapy massage exercises for paretic syndrome (low tone).

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A set of speech therapy massage exercises for rigid syndrome Purpose: To provide a calming effect, bringing the muscles to a state of complete rest. Recommendations: Movements should be very light; The speech therapist must respond to the child’s convulsive reaction and immediately stop the massage movements that cause such a reaction; Before performing a massage, the child must be laid down or seated in a comfortable position, taking into account the reflex prohibitive body position; Kneading and vibration techniques should not be used for rigid syndrome;

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Neck massage Exercise No. 1 Purpose: relaxation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Description: stroke the neck from top to bottom. Methodological recommendations. Stroking movements are carried out with both hands. It is necessary that the movements be light, relaxing the muscles as much as possible. Monitor the response in other muscle groups. Massage movements are performed 6-8 times, 2-3 times a day

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Forehead massage Exercise No. 2 Purpose: bringing the forehead muscles to a state of rest. Description: lightly stroking the forehead from the temples to the center. Methodological recommendations. Stroking movements are carried out with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands. Movements are performed 6-8 times, 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 3 Purpose: to ensure relaxation of the forehead muscles. Description: light stroking from the roots of the hair to the eyebrow line. Methodical recommendations: Stroking movements are performed with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands. Movements are performed 6-8 times, 2-3 times a day

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Cheek massage Exercise No. 4 Purpose: relaxation of the cheek muscle. Description: perform a rotational stroking motion along the surface of the cheeks. To achieve greater effect, the same movements can be performed on the inside of the cheeks. Methodological recommendations. Massage movements are carried out with the index and middle fingers of both hands. On the inside of the cheeks, massage is carried out using a “Ball” probe, an index finger, and a spatula. All movements are performed 6-8 times, 2-3 times a day. Rotational movements clockwise

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Exercise No. 5 Purpose: relaxation of the muscles that lift the angle of the mouth. Description: lightly stroking the cheeks from the earlobes to the wings of the nose. Methodical recommendations: Massage movements are carried out with the index and middle fingers of both hands. Movements are repeated 7-10 times, 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 6 Purpose: relaxation of the cheek muscle and muscles that lift the corner of the mouth. Description: light rubbing from the earlobes to the wings of the nose. Methodical recommendations: Rubbing movements are carried out with the index and middle fingers of both hands. Movements should be very careful, not causing tension in other muscle groups. Massage movements are carried out 3-4 times, 2-3 times a day

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Massage of the zygomatic muscle Exercise No. 7 Purpose: relaxation of the zygomatic muscles Description: light stroking from the earlobes to the middle of the chin. Methodical recommendations: Stroking is carried out with the index and middle fingers of both hands. Movements should be very light, performed 6-8 times, 2-3 times a day

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Lip massage Exercise No. 8 Purpose: relaxation of the lips and orbicularis oris muscles. Description: lightly stroking the lips from the corners of the mouth to the center. Methodical recommendations: Stroking is carried out with the index fingers of both hands. Movements are performed 6-10 times, 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 9 Purpose: relaxation of the lips. Description: easy description of the lips from the corners of the mouth to the center. Methodical recommendations: Rubbing movements are carried out with the index fingers of both hands. Rubbing movements should not be intense. Movements are performed 3-4 times, 1 time per day

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Exercise No. 10 Goal: maximum relaxation of the orbicularis oris muscle. Description: stroking the orbicularis oris muscle. Methodical recommendations: Stroking movements are carried out with the index fingers of both hands. Movements are performed 6-8 times, 2-3 times a day

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Tongue massage Exercise No. 11 Purpose: relaxation of the tongue muscles. Description: lightly stroking the tongue from the tip of the tongue to its root. Methodical recommendations: Stroking movements are carried out with a “Ball” probe, index finger, or spatula. Massage movements are performed 6-8 times 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 12 Purpose: relaxation of the root of the tongue. Description: light vibration with two fingers at the angles of the lower jaw. Methodical recommendations: Using the index fingers of both hands, perform rotational movements with pressure at points at the angles of the lower jaw for 3-4 seconds 2-3 times a day

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A set of speech therapy massage exercises for spastic-atactic-hyperkinetic syndrome Recommendations: Massage should be carried out very carefully, the speech therapist should monitor the response in other muscle groups; If the muscles are very tense, especially in the arms, you should stop the massage, because... A relaxing facial massage will not be effective. You must first relax your hands; Before performing a massage, the child must be laid down or seated in a comfortable position, taking into account the reflex prohibitive body position;

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Neck massage Exercise No. 1 Purpose: relaxation of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. Description: stroke the neck from the back and sides from top to bottom using circular movements. Methodical recommendations: Stroking movements are carried out with both hands. Movements are performed 6-10 times, 2-3 times a day. Massage movements should be very light

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Exercise No. 2 Goal: relax the front of the neck (larynx) and the root of the tongue. Description: stroking movements of the larynx are made from top to bottom. Methodical recommendations: Stroking movements are performed with the first phalanges of the fingers. Massage movements are carried out 6-10 times, 2-3 times a day

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Forehead massage Exercise No. 3 Purpose: relaxation of the frontal muscles. Description: lightly intermittently stroke the forehead from the temples to the center of the forehead. Methodical recommendations: Massage is performed with the index, middle, and ring fingers of both hands. Movements are carried out 6-10 times 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 4 Purpose: relaxation of the frontal muscles. Description: Point vibration of the forehead muscles is performed from the temples to the center of the forehead. Methodical recommendations: Vibration is carried out using the pads of the index fingers of both hands or a vibrating massager. Vibration should be carried out in a single fast rhythm. If discomfort and rapid drowsiness occur, the massage is suspended or stopped completely. Movements are performed 3-4 times, 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 5 Purpose: relaxation of the frontal muscles and facial muscles. Description: the forehead is stroked from the scalp to the eyebrow line, through the eyes throughout the face to the neck. Methodical recommendations: Stroking movements are carried out with the inside of the palm. Movements are performed 8-10 times, 2-3 times a day. Stroking movements should be very light and soothing.

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Massage of the eye socket area Exercise No. 6 Purpose: relaxation of the muscles around the eyes. Description: The orbicularis oculi muscle is stroked. Methodical recommendations: Stroking is carried out with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands. Movements are performed 4-6 times, 2-3 times a day. Movements should be very careful, not causing discomfort or increased tone in other muscle groups

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Cheek massage Exercise No. 7 Purpose: relaxation of the muscles that lift the angle of the mouth, the cheek muscle, and the muscles that lift the upper lip. Description: Rotational stroking movements are performed along the surface of the cheeks. Methodical recommendations: Rotational stroking movements are carried out with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands. Movements are performed 6-10 times, 2-3 times a day

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Acupressure of the cheeks Exercise No. 8 Purpose: relaxation of the facial muscles and muscles of the soft palate. Description: massage is carried out simultaneously at the points YING-XYANG, XIA-GUAN, ER-MEN. Methodical recommendations: In the area of ​​the YIN-XYANG point, the massage is performed with the thumbs, in the area of ​​the XIA-GUAN point, the massage is performed with the index fingers, in the area of ​​the ER-MEN point, the massage is performed with the middle fingers. The calming effect is achieved by smooth circular stroking of the points, with a gradual transition to stable rubbing of the points and then to continuous, without lifting the finger, pressure, with varying force. Then the intensity of the impact decreases and stops. Rotations are carried out clockwise. The duration of acupressure depends on the child’s reaction to the impact, but regardless of the reaction, the massage should not last more than 1 minute (for adults more than 3 minutes) and 1 time per day

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Massage of the zygomatic muscle Exercise No. 9 Purpose: relaxation of the zygomatic muscles and the muscles that lower the lower lip and corner of the mouth. Description: light tingling of the cheekbone muscles from the earlobes to the middle of the chin. Methodical recommendations: Pinching is carried out with the index, middle and ring fingers. Massage movements are performed 6-10 times, 2-3 times a day. Movements should be very light

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Exercise No. 10 Purpose: relaxation of the zygomatic muscles and muscles that lower the lower lip and corner of the mouth. Description: point vibration of the zygomatic muscles from the earlobes to the middle of the chin. Methodical recommendations: Point vibration is carried out using the pads of the index fingers or a vibration massager. Vibration is carried out in a single fast rhythm. Movements are repeated 3-4 times, 1 time per day

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Lip massage Exercise No. 11 Purpose: relaxation of the orbicularis oris muscle, its peripheral and internal parts; muscles that lift the upper lip and corners of the mouth upward, lowering the lower lip and corners of the mouth down. Description: lightly stroking the orbicularis oris muscle. Methodical recommendations: Stroking movements are carried out with the pad of the index finger. Movements are carried out clockwise. Massage movements are performed 8-10 times, 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 12 Purpose: relaxation of the lip muscles. Description: lightly stroking the lips from the edges to the middle of the lips. Methodical recommendations: Stroking movements are performed simultaneously with the pads of the index fingers of both hands. Movements should be barely noticeable. Movements are performed 8-10 times, 2-3 times a day

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Acupressure massage of facial muscles for hyperkinesis Exercise No. 13 Purpose: relieving muscle restlessness in the speech muscles. Description: a cross massage is performed at a point located in the middle of the left nasolabial fold and at a point located at the angle of the lips on the right. Then the massage is performed at a point on the right nasolabial fold and at a point at the angle of the lips on the left. Methodical recommendations: Massage movements are performed with the pads of the index fingers for no more than 10 seconds

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Exercise No. 14 Purpose: relieving muscle tension and suppressing hyperkinesis in the speech muscles. Description: massage is performed at a point at the angle of the lips on the left and at a point under the mastoid process behind the ear on the right. These exercises are also performed on the opposite side. Methodical recommendations: Massage movements are carried out using the pads of the index fingers

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Tongue massage Exercise No. 15 Purpose: relaxation of the longitudinal muscles of the tongue. Description: lightly tapping the tip of the tongue towards the root of the tongue. Methodical recommendations: Patting is carried out using the index finger, the “Ball” probe or using a spatula. Movements are performed 8-10 times, 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 16 Purpose: relaxation of the transverse muscles of the tongue. Description: lightly stroking the tongue from side to side. Methodical recommendations: Stroking movements are carried out using the index finger, the “Ball” probe or using a spatula. Movements are performed 8-10 times, 2-3 times a day

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Acupressure of the tongue for hyperkinesis Exercise No. 17 Purpose: suppression of hyperkinesis in the muscles of the tongue. Description: acupressure of the tongue is performed, alternately at three points. Methodical recommendations: Massage movements are carried out using a “Needle” probe (with a blunt end). Rotational movements are performed clockwise, no more than 3 seconds at one point

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Exercise No. 18 Purpose: suppression of hyperkinesis in the muscles of the tongue. Description: acupressure is performed in the recesses under the tongue, at two points simultaneously. Methodical recommendations: Massage is carried out using the index, middle palms or the “Rake” probe. Rotational movements are performed clockwise, no more than 6-10 seconds. Movements should not cause discomfort to the child

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Exercise No. 19 Purpose: relaxation of the root of the tongue, suppression of hyperkinesis. Description: acupressure is performed in the area of ​​the submandibular fossa. Methodical recommendations: Use your index finger to make light vibrating movements under the chin in the area of ​​the submandibular fossa for 4-5 seconds

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A set of speech therapy massage exercises for paretic syndrome Purpose: Strengthening muscles Recommendations: Movements are carried out intensively, with pressure; Rubbing, kneading, pinching are used;

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Forehead massage Exercise No. 1 Purpose: strengthening and stimulation of the frontal muscles. Description: stroking the forehead from the middle to the temples. Methodical recommendations: Stroking is carried out with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands. Massage movements are performed 6-8 times, 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 2 Purpose: strengthening and stimulating the frontal muscles. Description: kneading the forehead from the middle to the temples. Methodical recommendations: Kneading is carried out with the second phalanges of the index, middle and ring fingers clenched into a fist. Kneading movements are performed 6-8 times, 2 times a day

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Exercise No. 3 Purpose: strengthening and stimulating the frontal muscles. Description: rubbing the forehead from the middle to the temples. Methodical recommendations: Rubbing is carried out with the first phalanges of the index, middle and ring fingers. When rubbing, the skin of the forehead should stretch. Rubbing movements are performed 4-6 times, 2 times a day

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Exercise No. 4 Purpose: strengthening and stimulating the frontal muscles. Description: spiral movements from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Methodical recommendations: Spiral movements are carried out with the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands 4-6 times, 1 time per day

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Exercise No. 5 Purpose: strengthening and stimulating the frontal muscles. Description: tapping the forehead from the middle to the temples. Methodical recommendations: Tapping is carried out with the fingertips of both hands. Tapping movements are performed 8-10 times, 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 6 Purpose: strengthening and stimulating the frontal muscles. Description: pinching of the forehead from the middle to the temples. Methodical recommendations: Pinching is carried out with the index, middle and thumbs of both hands. Pinching movements are performed 4-6 times, 2 times a day

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Exercise No. 7 Purpose: strengthening and stimulating the frontal muscles. Description: rubbing the forehead from the eyebrows to the scalp. Methodical recommendations: Rubbing is carried out with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands. Rubbing movements are performed 4-6 times, 2 times a day

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Cheek massage Exercise No. 8 Purpose: strengthen the cheek muscles. Description: stroking, rubbing, kneading the muscles of the cheeks. Methodical recommendations: Kneading and rubbing the cheeks is carried out with both hands in the direction from the nose to the cheeks for 6-8 seconds, 2 times a day

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Exercise No. 9 Purpose: stimulation of the muscles that lift the angle of the mouth. Description, rotational stroking movements on the surface of the cheeks. Methodical recommendations: Rotational stroking movements are carried out with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands. Movements are performed counterclockwise, 8-10 times, 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 10 Purpose: activation of the muscles that lift the mandible. Description: spiral rubbing of the masticatory muscle from the temples to the corners of the jaw. Methodical recommendations: Movements are carried out with the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands. Movements are performed in a spiral 8-10 times, 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 11 Purpose: strengthening and activating the muscles that lift the angle of the mouth and the upper lip. Description: pinching cheeks. Methodical recommendations: Pinching movements (carried out with the index, middle and thumb fingers of both hands. Pinching is performed in a circle 6-8 times, 2-3 times a day, counterclockwise

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Exercise No. 12. Acupressure, option No. 1. Purpose: to activate and strengthen the muscles that lift the upper lip and corner of the mouth. Activation and strengthening of the facial muscles and soft palate muscles. Description: massage is performed simultaneously at the points YING-XYANG, XIA-GUAN, ER-MEN. Methodical recommendations: In the area of ​​the YING-XYANG point, the massage is performed with the pad of the thumb, in the area of ​​the XIA-GUAN point - with the pad of the index finger, and in the area of ​​the ER-MEN point - with the pad of the middle finger. First, the points are stroked, then lightly pinched or lightly tapped. Movements are performed counterclockwise. Feature: pinching should be done with force, according to the degree of patience of the child, stroking should be done with weakening force

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Exercise No. 13. Accurate massage, option No. 2. Purpose: strengthening and activating the muscles that lift the upper lip, the corner of the mouth, and the muscles that lift the corner of the mouth. Strengthens and activates the zygomaticus major, buccal, mentalis and depressor labii muscles. Description: a segment is massaged along the arch of the lower jaw from the CZYA-CHE point to the DI-CAN point. Next, from point DI-TsAN to point A. Then the segment from point A to point CZYA-CHE is massaged. After this segment, the segment along the lower jaw is massaged from point 24J to the CZYA-CHE point. Then a massage is performed on the segment from the JIA-CHE point to the TING-HUI point. Methodical recommendations: All massage movements are carried out using the pad of the index finger, using the stroking method. Approximately ten passes through all segments are carried out. Strokes are performed counterclockwise

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Exercise M 14. Acupressure, option No. 3 Purpose: strengthening and stimulation of facial muscles. Description: alternate massage of the points BAI-HU-EYE, YIN-JIAO, DUI-DUAN is carried out. Methodical recommendations: When massaging these points, impulsive sharp pressure is applied, but at the same time superficial and short-term for 2-3 seconds, followed by lifting the finger from the point for 1-2 seconds. Methods of rotation, patting, finger pushing and vibration are also used. The massage is performed with the pad of the index finger. Rotational movements are carried out counterclockwise. Massage of one point should not exceed 4 seconds. The speech therapist selects only one option for acupressure, which is most effective in each specific case.

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Massage of the zygomatic muscle Exercise No. 15 Purpose: strengthening the zygomatic muscle. Description: stroking the zygomatic muscle from the middle of the chin to the earlobes. Methodical recommendations: Stroking movements are carried out with the index and middle fingers of both hands. Stroking movements are performed 8-10 times, 2-3 times a day

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Exercise No. 16 Chain: strengthening the zygomatic muscle and the depressor anguli oris muscle. Description: rubbing the zygomatic muscle from the middle of the chin to the earlobes. Methodical recommendations: Rubbing movements are carried out with the index and middle fingers of both hands. Rubbing movements are performed 4-6 times, 2 times a day

To eliminate a child’s speech disorder - dysarthria due to a short hyoid frenulum, it is necessary to perform speech therapy massage of the tongue and correct sound pronunciation using gymnastics: breathing and articulation.

Indications and contraindications for tongue massage

Speech therapy massage can normalize the pronunciation of words and muscle tone, eliminate voice disorders, improve the secretory function of the skin, activate the flow of blood and lymph to increase gas exchange between the blood and all tissues.

Massage is performed every other day or daily for 10-20 procedures with a break of 1-2 months. The first session lasts 1-6 minutes, at the end of the cycle – 15-20 minutes. For children under 3 years of age, massage is performed for up to 10 minutes, for preschoolers - 15 minutes, after 7 years - 25 minutes.

It is contraindicated to massage the tongue for equine and infectious diseases, including ARVI and influenza, herpes on the lip, stomatitis and conjunctivitis. If there are seizures (episyndrome), restless behavior of the child: screaming, hysteria with blueness of the nasolabial triangle and tremor of the chin, massage is performed with caution and after the child has calmed down.

Correct body position during massage

To normalize muscle tone, relax and make the child’s breathing freer, it is necessary to correctly determine his position:

  • Place the child on his back, placing a cushion under his neck. At the same time, the shoulders rise, the head leans back. Arms are extended along the body, legs are bent at the knees, placing a cushion.
  • The “half-sitting” position is achieved in a chair with a high headrest, a highchair or a stroller.

Technique for performing tongue massage for dysarthria

First, the lip muscles are strengthened and activated by acupressure for 5-6 seconds: pressing with the pads of the fingers in a circular motion on the points around the lips counterclockwise. Perform from the center to the corners of the lips at the top and bottom.

When massaging the tongue from root to tip:

  1. Strengthen and activate the longitudinal muscles of the tongue. The longitudinal muscles of the tongue are stroked with the index finger, using a “Ball” probe or a spatula (for small children) 8-10 times twice a day.
  2. Strengthen the longitudinal and transverse muscles by rhythmically pressing with a plastic spatula on the root of the tongue, moving towards the tip, up to 6 times twice a day.
  3. Strengthen and stimulate the transverse muscles of the tongue by transverse stroking using the index finger and the “Ball” probe. You can use a soft toothbrush, 4-6 times three times a day.
  4. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue and increase the volume of articulatory movements by injecting the edges with a “Needle” probe (once a day, 10 seconds). If the child becomes drowsy, the injection is stopped.
  5. Reduce the level of salivation by acupressure in the depressions under the tongue, simultaneously at two points with the index finger or using the “Rake” probe. Perform a massage with rotational movements counterclockwise without causing discomfort to the child - 6-10 seconds.
  6. Stroke the side surfaces of the tongue using the thumb and index finger.
  7. Strengthen the tongue muscles by kneading with fingers wrapped in gauze. Thoroughly knead the entire area of ​​the tongue in all directions for 6-8 seconds, twice a day.
  8. Knead the muscles of the tongue, directing movements horizontally. Using the right thumb, they move back and forth across the tongue. Using the middle and index fingers, they massage from the bottom of the tongue with rubbing movements. Using light movements, massage one and the other side of the tongue separately.
  9. Continue the massage with circular and spiral rubbing movements.
  10. Rubbing movements are performed transversely, directing the fingers from one side of the tongue to the other.
  11. Lightly shake the tip of the tongue with your right hand, then apply light and rhythmic pressure with a wooden or plastic spatula.
  12. Continue the massage by lightly squeezing the side surfaces of the tongue, holding your fingers for 1-2 seconds.
  13. Squeeze the side surface of the tongue with your right hand and lightly rub it with your fingers, then repeat on the other side with your left hand.
  14. Perform pinching the edge of the tongue, then patting the tongue with a spatula and vibration (10-15 seconds each). In this case, the child should have a gauze roll on his lower teeth.

Before the massage, passive gymnastics is performed, stretching and relaxing the muscles of the root of the tongue. To do this:

  • By placing the thumb on top, the middle and index fingers on the bottom of the middle part of the tongue, the tongue is turned to the right, slightly pulling it. At the same time, the root of the tongue is pulled outward. Do the same to the left.
  • Pull the tongue forward by twisting it onto the index finger and make the reverse movement at a slow pace and with a small amplitude.

Tongue massage for dysarthria video

Description of procedures for the prevention and treatment of stuttering and dysarthria. Effective methods of treating a baby.

do speech therapy massage for stuttering and dysarthria? Photo: at an appointment with a massage therapist

Each child develops differently. One baby begins to speak without any problems, another faces difficulties in pronouncing sounds and words. Some children refuse to talk at all and remain silent until a certain age.

  • The reason for such children's behavior is a variety of physical abnormalities, problems psychological, postpartum injuries and postpartum diseases
  • This situation should be investigated by specialists, since the problem of speech impairment will not simply disappear. Consult with a speech therapist and decide on the most effective treatment package
  • Today, the most effective way of treatment is massage from a speech therapist. This treatment is a priority for stuttering, dysarthria and defective difficulties

What is speech therapy massage?

Photo: speech therapy massage in a lying position

Speech therapist massage is an exercise with the influence of mechanical techniques on the condition of the nerves and tissues in the speech apparatus, where the blood vessels are located. This is a technique for treating and normalizing the state of speech pronunciation, emotionality child.

This massage is used successfully for dysarthria and stuttering. It perfectly improves blood circulation and activates the lymph system, the general condition of the body is improved. physiological level

The main objectives of this massage are:

  • activation of the speech apparatus, muscles with little contractile ability
  • toning articulation
  • active stimulation proprioceptive sensations
  • technique for strengthening the swallowing reflex
  • stimulation of the brain in the speech afferentation zone

Speech therapy massage must take place in a warm and ventilated room. The cycle consists of ten to twenty daily sessions. The break should be taken at intervals of one to two months.

Species speech therapy massage for stuttering and dysarthria

  • Point – acts on active biological points. Takes place in the hairline area
  • Classic - massage practice of stroking, vibration actions
  • Segmental - reflex: the techniques of the classical technique are segmented in certain zones. Exercises are performed in the collar area, in the cervical region of the face
  • Probe massage. Performed through the use of a tool - a probe

Photo: session with a speech therapist

Is it possible to perform speech therapy massage on your own? Tongue massage

This specific type of massage must be trusted qualified and a specially trained person, for the safety and better effectiveness of the procedure.
For use at home, you can use the following exercises:

  • Lip massage is carried out using light stroking and pinching the baby’s lips
  • Tongue massage is carried out using an electric toothbrush. With its help, we influence the tip of the tongue in the very center
  • We accompany the massage of the child’s hands with gentle movements massaging the limbs of the fingers.

The effectiveness of any of the methods speech therapy massage will be achieved even with severe forms of speech impairment.
It is imperative to carry out all procedures within the time period established by the neurologist and pediatrician. Watch the video below on how to do this massage.

Video: Speech therapy tongue massage: master class

What methods, techniques and tools exist for speech therapy massage?

Speech therapy massage consists of a whole complex of methods and techniques. There are three complexes, targeted into the zone of pathological symptoms.

  • The first collection of exercises occurs at high tone
  • The second - for dystonia, ataxia and emerging hyperkinesis
  • And the last complex involves massage with low tone

An example massage suggests:

  • normalization of muscle tone in the organs of articulation
  • normalization of the motor system
  • establishing reflexes of precision, rhythm, switching

Professional During the sessions, the massage therapist must determine:

  • subsequence working with sounds; work out and bring to automation the basic articulatory patterns of sounds that need adjustment
  • develop an ear for phonetics
  • practice words with complex sounds - syllabic structure

The diagnosis of dysarthria is a common disease in speech therapy. The initial symptoms of the disease include: terrible diction, incredible substitutions of sounds in the syllable structure, slurred speech.

The basic speech therapy program is planned as follows:

  • During regular exercises with children, material is studied that is aimed at overcoming the underdevelopment of the speech reflex
  • In class individual character, corrective actions occur pronunciation sides of speech, dysarthria is being eliminated
  • The treatment process takes place in some specific stages. At the initial stage, normalization of muscle tone is provided. Here the speech therapist provides massage and plans activities leading to the normalization of motor skills articulatory apparatus
  • Enters specialized Exercises to strengthen your voice and breathing. Fundamental An element of all classes with a speech therapist is the development of fine motor skills

Main view specialized massage favors massage on tongue.

  • This is where a collection of physical actions come into play, which are determined to heal the areas of the child’s body that are affected
  • The duration of the procedure is no less than six minutes and no more than twenty in the last sessions of the session
  • Contraindications This type of massage is associated with: retching, dental disease, viral-infectious diseases

Photo: tools for use in speech therapy massage

Tools speech therapy massage

The speech therapist has auxiliary elements in your work. These include probes. They are divided into two subtypes: those made of metal and those made of plastic. Their shape is quite varied:

  • Ball, snail, hatchet, mustache, fungus

These devices are safe for children.

Rules massage tools

There are two safe postures for performing massage exercises:

  • Position: Lying on your back with a pillow under your neck
  • In a pose - sitting on a chair, using a headrest (it is possible to use children's devices: chairs, strollers). For the procedure to be successful, the muscles must be relaxed and at rest. First, gymnastic exercises are performed to stretch

Exercises performed for dysarthria:

  • Strengthening the longitudinal and transverse muscles by squeezing points on the tongue with a plastic probe. Motor processes are targeted from the roots to the tip of the tongue
  • Passing a ball-shaped probe over the longitudinal muscles to strengthen them. We perform the exercise ten times
  • Stroking the transverse muscles with a probe
  • We prick the entire perimeter of the tongue with an umbrella for ten seconds.
  • We carry out point motor turns counterclockwise
  • Massage the entire tongue with your fingers. To strengthen muscles
  • We aim by pressing and shaking the tongue, holding it by the tip
  • We carry out vibration movements with a probe along the edge of the tongue

The number of massages performed depends on the individual characteristics of the child’s body.

Benefit from speech therapy massage for stuttering and dysarthria will be achieved only with regular classes.

Children with less illness are more likely to restore speech development.

Video: Speech therapy massage for stuttering and dysarthria

Video: Lesson of a child with a speech therapist

Video: Home speech therapist

There are two types of dysarthria: increased or decreased muscle tone. The massage technique should be chosen based on the type of disease in the child.

Rules for tongue massage for dysarthria in children:

  • Monitor the temperature in the room where the procedure will be performed. The temperature should be comfortable, no drafts;
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before the session. Treat with an antiseptic. Remove jewelry from your fingers and trim your nails. It is important not to damage the baby’s mucous membranes;
  • Massage the tongue 3 hours after your baby eats food. Brush your little patient’s teeth and ask him to rinse his mouth. Get rid of crumbs and food debris in the mouth;
  • Perform movements from the tip of the tongue, going deeper into the oral cavity;
  • Install a special spatula that limits the movement of the tongue towards the palate, otherwise the “patient” will develop a gag reflex and the procedure will become impossible;
  • Ask your baby to relax his neck and jaw as much as possible. You can massage your shoulders and neck before starting the massage for greater relaxation and the child’s trust in you;
  • The tongue treatment procedure is carried out through gauze or cloth. Place the fingertip on your finger;
  • Start massage sessions with 5 minutes, gradually increasing the procedure time. Massage courses for dysarthria last on average 20 days, depending on the degree of the disease;
  • For greater effect from the procedure, the child can hold an infusion of herbs in his mouth;
  • Place a bolster or pillow under your child's neck.

Facial massage

Put a special mitten on your hands, after disinfecting your hands with an antiseptic. The temperature in the room is comfortable, the windows are closed so that there is no draft. Lightly stroke your baby's face. Using circular motions, begin massaging your baby's forehead. From the center of the forehead, move to the temporal zone, the movements are as gentle and light as possible, without unnecessary pressure, watch the child’s comfort and relaxation.

Facial massage is carried out from the center to the hair, chin, and neck. Pay maximum attention to your cheeks and lips.

Gently knead your lips with stroking movements. Iron the cheeks from the center to the lips and to the ears. Stroke your ears. Repeat each movement 2 to 5 times. At the beginning of facial massage sessions, perform each movement quickly; by the end of the course, increase the intensity and duration of the sessions. Watch a video of performance for dysarthria in children. Follow the instructions of the attending physician who prescribes treatment independently or under the supervision of a specialist.

Tongue massage

To reduce hypertonicity of the tongue muscles, use it for dysarthria in children. This procedure is very important, because children with dysarthria find it difficult to keep their tongue out of the mouth.

  • Start by tapping your finger above your upper lip from right to left, then vice versa. Tap the lower lip area using the same principle;
  • Going down from the nose to the upper lip, “pat” this part, then stroke this place with your fingertips;
  • Place your index fingers on the corners of your lips, using pressing movements, bring the corners of your lips into a tube, and spread them back. Repeat 5 times;
  • Push your upper lip toward your nose with the pad of your index finger;
  • Place your index finger behind the baby's cheek and make circular movements along the cheek. Touch your fingers inside and outside each other's cheeks, creating light pressure;
  • Raise and lower your tongue, “seal” it to the roof of your mouth.

Massage using a probe

Before performing a massage yourself, purchase a special device to perform probe massage for dysarthria in children. The device is called a probe. Can be plastic or metal.

Choose after consulting with your speech therapist. Probe massage of the tongue is effective for dysarthria in children. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

  • Pass the ball probe along the tongue along the muscles 10 times;
  • Take a plastic probe, move along the massage points on the tongue, moving from the root of the tongue to the tip. Repeat 6-8 times;
  • Smooth the transverse muscles of the tongue from root to tip. Repeat 6-8 times;
  • Feel the “dimples” under the tongue with your finger or probe, make point turns counterclockwise. Do not continue massaging the points for more than 12 seconds. Repeat 3 times;
  • Using light pressing movements, stroke your tongue from root to tip. Repeat the procedure several times. Iron the tongue on the sides, in the middle, on all sides;
  • Massage your tongue with gauze; it is described above how to do this procedure correctly;
  • Watch a video with the correct execution of stroking, rubbing, and vibrations of children's tongues.

Before starting therapeutic massage sessions for dysarthria, consult with a speech therapist who specializes in your problem. The benefits are achieved only with regular sessions, do them 2-3 times a day, do not forget to take a break once a week. The speed of recovery directly depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. In children with mild to moderate dysarthria, improvements in speech and pronunciation are noticed after a week of regular classes, massages, and treatment.

Prevent the disease in your child from infancy as much as possible. If before the age of one year you begin to have problems with swallowing milk, impaired facial expressions, impaired sucking reflex, or increased salivation, consult a speech therapist.

  • This is interesting:

From 3 months, infants are prescribed facial and tongue massage. It should be performed with extreme caution under the supervision of the attending physician. Remember, excessive independence is harmful to children’s health. Be sure to take your children to specialists who are competent in health issues in various areas. The health of children is important for further harmonious, proper development. Dysarthria is treatable in severe stages, but it is advisable to prevent their occurrence.

Nina Smykova

In recent years, the percentage of children with dysarthric speech disorders has increased sharply.

The leading defect in dysarthria is disturbances in sound pronunciation and speech prosody, caused by insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus. It manifests itself in a violation of the muscle tone of the general, facial and articulatory muscles, paresis or paralysis of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, pathological motor manifestations of the muscles of the speech apparatus (synkinesia, hyperkinesia, convulsions, etc., as well as insufficient formation of voluntary, coordinated movements of the organs of articulation.

Children with dysarthria have difficulty mastering sound analysis. Often, conventional methods of producing sounds do not give the desired effect: articulatory patterns do not form for a long time, without control they quickly disintegrate, and the sounds produced do not automate for a long time in the child’s independent speech. The specifics of speech development and the uncritical attitude of children with dysarthria to their speech necessitate the search for more effective ways to correct this speech defect.

Speech therapy massage is one of the effective methods in complex work with dysarthria, as it is an active method of mechanical action that changes the condition of muscles, nerves, blood vessels and tissues of the peripheral speech apparatus. Speech therapy massage helps to normalize the pronunciation aspect of speech and the emotional state of children suffering from speech disorders.

Massage can be carried out at all stages of corrective action. When overcoming articulatory disorders, massage is performed along with articulatory gymnastics.

Speech therapy massage can be performed by a speech therapist, speech pathologist or medical worker who has undergone special training and knows the anatomy and physiology of the muscles that provide speech activity. Elements of massage can be carried out by the child’s parents, specially trained by a speech therapist.

The main goals of speech therapy massage are:

1. Normalization of muscle tone of general, facial and articulatory muscles;

2. Reduction of paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus;

3. Increasing the volume and amplitude of articulatory movements;

4. Activation of those muscle groups that had insufficient contractile activity.

5. Formation of voluntary, coordinated movements of the organs of articulation.

The appointment of speech therapy massage should be preceded by a medical diagnosis performed by a doctor. As a rule, massage is recommended only as prescribed by a doctor. Most often, the main indication for its implementation is a change in muscle tone, both in the general muscles and in the organs of the speech apparatus.

At the beginning of work, the speech therapist must independently diagnose the condition of the muscles of the upper half of the body, neck, facial expression and articulation. This will help determine massage tactics. This diagnosis is carried out by inspection, palpation, and observation while performing dynamic and static exercises.

Before conducting a massage course, it is necessary to obtain a conclusion from a neurologist and pediatrician about the absence of contraindications. In no case should massage be performed if the child has active forms of tuberculosis, conjunctivitis, herpes on the lips or other oral infections, acute urticaria, a history of Quincke's edema, the presence of enlarged lymph glands, furunculosis, acute respiratory infections, stomatitis.

The massage is carried out in a clean, comfortable, well-ventilated room. On average, two or three procedures per week, performed in a row or every other day, may be sufficient. Typically, massage is carried out in a course of 10-20 procedures. These cycles can be repeated at intervals of two weeks to two months. In case of severe disorders of muscle tone, massage can be carried out for a year or more. The initial duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes, and the final duration is 20-25 minutes.

To conduct a massage, the speech therapist must have the following materials: medical alcohol, sterile wipes, sterile medical gloves or finger caps.

In speech therapy practice, different sets of massage movements can be used, I would like to dwell in more detail on some of them.

First of all, this is a classic speech therapy facial massage without taking into account the shape and severity of the defect.

- From the middle of the forehead to the temples

From eyebrows to scalp

Stroking, kneading, vibration movements (you can use

vibrating massager).


- From the corner of the mouth to the temples along the buccal muscle

From the zygomatic bone down to the lower jaw

Stroking, kneading, stretching movements.

- Along the alar part of the nasal muscle

Stroking, rubbing and vibration movements.

Nasolabial fold:

- From the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips

Stroking movements.

- From the middle of the upper lip to the corners

From the middle of the lower lip to the corners

Stroking, rubbing, vibrating movements.

(Rubbing - with the pads of the index and middle fingers, the thumb, the edge of the palm. Kneading - with the pad of the thumb, thumb and index or thumb and all other fingers. Vibration - with one, two or all fingers, while the tissues are given oscillatory movements of varying frequencies and amplitudes .)

If there is insufficient mobility of the tongue, massage of the lingual muscles is necessary. It is carried out using a wooden spatula, a toothbrush, or simply with the thumb and forefinger dressed in finger guards. Gently hold the tongue with the thumb and index fingers of the left hand. Fingers must be wrapped in a bandage.

- The longitudinal muscles of the tongue are massaged with stroking movements from the root or middle part to the tip.

Vertical muscles - from the root of the tongue to the tip and back with rhythmic pressure, pumping with the bristles of a toothbrush.

Transverse muscles - from side to side with longitudinal and zigzag stroking movements.

Muscle activation - from root to tip with vibrating movements, using a spatula or toothbrush bristles.

The hyoid frenulum is massaged from bottom to top, until slight pain is felt with stretching movements.

When the tongue deviates in any direction, the spastic part of the tongue is relaxed by stroking, and the flaccid part, on the contrary, is strengthened with the help of deep kneading and vibrations.

If we talk in more detail about tongue massage, I would like to present to your attention another set of massage movements:

1. Twitching the tip of the tongue (two fingers below, thumb on top).

2. Two index fingers under the tongue, thumbs on top. Stretch your tongue to the sides, twisting it around your index fingers.

3. Take the middle part of the tongue with your fingers, lift it and pull it forward.

4. The thumb is on the side, the other two are on the other side, the tongue is twisted onto the fingers.

5. Hold your tongue with your left hand, and squeeze your tongue from tip to root with your right hand.

6. Same thing from root to tip.

7. Hold the tip with your thumb and forefinger and massage up and down from the sides.

8. Slide down the sides of the tongue without unclenching your fingers.

9. Hold your tongue on the sides with your thumb and middle fingers, and press the middle with your thumb (index).

10. Two fingers on top, one on bottom. Place your tongue on the edge.

Perform each exercise 30 times. But no more than two exercises per lesson.

Massage is often combined with passive or active gymnastics techniques.

Passive gymnastics is an important means of additional impact to massage techniques. Passive movements of the head, facial and articulatory muscles are usually performed after a massage. Such movements are performed by the child with the help of a speech therapist, that is, passively, if the child cannot perform them independently or does not perform them fully. Before performing a passive movement, the speech therapist demonstrates it on himself. The movements are performed slowly, rhythmically, gradually increasing the amplitude, in series of 3-5 movements.

The most effective are the following passive exercises:

1. The child lies on the couch, his head hangs down. The speech therapist smoothly and slowly makes circular movements with the child's head.

2. The child is sitting. Circular movements of the child's head clockwise and then counterclockwise. Then, invite the child to drop his head forward - “fall asleep.” Throw your head back, tilt left and right. Slowly lower your head, then, returning it to its original position, sharply “drop it.”

3. Slightly tilt the child's head forward, which leads to involuntary closing of the mouth.

4. Throw your head back, which causes your mouth to open slightly. At the same time, the speech therapist helps with the implementation of these movements.

5. Passive articulatory movements: smile, stretch lips, return to original position; raising and lowering the upper and lower lips in turn and simultaneously.

6. And also various movements of the tongue aimed at stretching and relaxing its root: pull the tongue, turn it right to left, as if slightly twisting the tongue around a finger.

Active gymnastics is carried out by the child independently, as a rule, after massage and passive gymnastics. The goal of active gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements, namely the completeness of the range of movements, accuracy, and intensity of execution. Gymnastics includes movements of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, facial and articulatory muscles.

1. So, after massaging the shoulder girdle and neck, it is recommended to bend and turn the head while overcoming resistance.

2. After massaging the cheeks, you can move on to the active movement of opening the mouth, using involuntary “yawning”.

3. And, of course, the widely used articulatory gymnastics can be classified as active gymnastics.

It is often recommended to use probe massage to overcome dysarthria. Interesting material on this topic is presented in the journal “Education and Training of Children with Developmental Disabilities” No. 3, 2006. The article describes the probe massage developed by E. V. Novikova. Its essence lies in the targeted impact of probes on the affected areas of the articulatory organs. Using various techniques of probe massage, you can increase or decrease muscle tone, accelerate blood circulation, and increase metabolic processes in tissues. Unlike classical massage, with the help of probes you can influence the deep-lying muscle tissues of the articulation organs, overcome the gag reflex, and increased salivation. Contraindications for performing probe massage are the same as for classical massage. During the session, the child must be in a “reclining” position; for this purpose, the office must be equipped with a couch with a high pillow. Before performing a massage, the speech therapist teacher needs to study the conclusions of a pediatrician, neurologist, and otolaryngologist, which contain characteristics of the child’s health condition. And most importantly, to conduct a probe massage, a speech therapist teacher must undergo training in E.V. Novikova’s original courses and receive a document confirming the right to carry out this type of activity.

In general, this is all I wanted to talk about during our meeting today. More information about speech therapy massage can be found in the literature provided below.


1. Blyskina I.V. An integrated approach to the correction of speech pathology in children. Speech therapy massage: A manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions. - St. Petersburg. : “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2004.

2. Dyakova E. A. Speech therapy massage: Textbook for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2003.

3. Kopylova S. V. Correctional work with children with dysarthric speech disorders, J. Education and training of children with developmental disorders, No. 3, 2006.

4. Krause E. N. “Speech therapy for kids.”

5. Novikova E. V. Probe massage. Correction of sound pronunciation: A visual practical aid. – M., 2000.