Fashionable jungle cat fur coats. Reed cat fur coat. Is it worth buying it and what are the features of this fur? Wild cat fur coat

Any fashionista with a decent budget can afford a fur coat made of rare fur with a unique pattern. The expensive, unique fur of the jungle cat from the cat family (lippi) has an original spotted pattern, always different on each skin. It looks so impressive that the product does not need accessories or coloring. Such an elegant fur coat always shows the high status and taste of its owner. The 2018 sales catalogs include stylish women's and children's jungle cat fur coats. Let's look at their advantages and fashionable styles.

In the cat family there are interesting animals, for example, leopard, ocelot, lynx, snow leopard, and they also include the jungle cat (feldhaus) or the marsh lynx. This is a large predator up to 90 cm long, weighing about 10 kg, living near water bodies. Lippies live near lakes, rivers, and in swampy lowlands; they love water, but not cold water. The species is widespread in many parts of the world, but the number of individuals is becoming less and less; the animals are listed in the Red Book. They do not reproduce in captivity, so the animal’s fur is quite rare. Its color is associated with its habitat.

Pros and cons of lippie fur

Important. The main advantage of the fur of a reed animal is its beautiful specks scattered over the entire surface and creating a unique color.

What else is the fur of this swamp lynx valued for:

  • it is shiny, with delicate tints;
  • lightweight, comfortable to wear;
  • there is wind protection - it won’t blow;
  • the pile is hygroscopic and breathable, without the greenhouse effect;
  • the fur is elastic, the pile is long and thick.

This fur also has significant disadvantages:

  • in extreme cold, you won’t be able to stay warm in such a fur coat; it’s better to wear it in the off-season or complement the ensemble with warm clothes;
  • wrinkles easily and wears out quickly at the edges;
  • It is unlikely to be suitable for daily wear in any weather; it is better to wear it for going out.

Lippi fur is easy to dye, but usually products are made from fur with natural colors. The range of shades is mainly red-brown, gray-brown, olive.

Important. The quality and type of fur varies significantly between seasons; in summer it is lighter, shorter and stiffer. In winter it is softer and longer, thicker and more valuable.


Lippi fur is expensive and imported from other countries, so shortened models are in trend - sheepskin coats, jackets, and coats are popular.

What kind of reed cat fur coats are in the 2018 catalogs from manufacturers and stores:

  • car lady, a voluminous hood is trending;
  • trapezoid, fitted styles with leather or suede belt, any length is acceptable;
  • classic fur coats to the middle of the knee, straight cut or slightly flared;
  • There are stylish coats made from reed cat, combined with silver fox, arctic fox, mink, and raccoon. Most often, fur trim is used on the collar and cuffs, giving them volume and a chic look. Combined children's fur coats made from jungle cat are popular;
  • The combination of fur with leather, suede, nubuck (special calfskin) is relevant. They are used as individual elements or inserts in products made from jungle cat.

Lippy cat fur coat

What to wear with

To create a stylish look, a women's reed cat fur coat is perfect, and the set should include fashionable accessories. What to choose?

A few touches:

  • shortened models. Tapered trousers or jeans, ankle boots with small heels, narrow boots made of soft leather or suede;
  • autolady. Classic-cut trousers or skirt, medium-heeled shoes or leather boots. Large bag or large clutch, leather gloves;
  • long maxi fur coat Stylish evening look, leather gloves. Narrow boots or low ankle boots, a bag or large clutch is selected to match the shoes;
  • combined models, trimmed or inserted with other fur. You can focus on a bag and boots made of leather in brown, red, cherry tones.

What kind of animal is this – a jungle cat? Some people can hardly imagine what this animal looks like, what a coat of its fur looks like. However, such products have been around for a long time and are considered luxurious and fashionable. The choice of a jungle cat fur coat must be careful, because such a purchase is primarily made for pleasure.

What does a jungle cat look like?

Another name for the jungle cat is lippi or wild cat. It has long fur with a spotted pattern and a color ranging from red to gray-brown. The skins shimmer brightly both in the sun and under artificial lighting. Usually small-sized skins are grouped and create a unique, unusual composition.

Features of lippie fur

  1. When processed, jungle cat fur tolerates dyeing well, but more often it is preferred to use it in its original color. Stains make a fur coat special. The natural color of lippie fur can vary depending on the time of year; it can be summer or winter. In winter, the animal's fur is longer and softer, and in summer it is coarser. A product made from winter fur is of greater value.
  2. According to reviews, lippie fur is warm and light, but does not help in extreme cold. A fur coat made from reed cat fur will be appropriate in late autumn, warm winter and early spring.
  3. It is known that the skin of cats is fragile, so the fur of a jungle cat cannot be wear-resistant. Careful use is important. The fragility of the lippi fur coat is compensated by its beauty and unusual design.

Rules for storing wild cat fur coats

In order for a fur product to please its owner longer, it should be stored correctly. Here are some simple rules:

  • Before storing your fur coat, be sure to air dry it, avoiding sunlight. Can be dried in a dark, well-ventilated room.
  • Afterwards, gently shake the product, place it in a special case and hang it on wide hangers in the closet.
  • It is important to know that lippie fur does not tolerate wrinkles, so choose a loose cover and do not pack the fur coat into the closet.

How to choose the right jungle cat fur coat

Before purchasing the selected product, you need to test it thoroughly. Be sure to consider some features.

  1. When determining the quality of fur, it is worth paying attention to how it bends. When bent, the fur should not crunch or creak. After straightening, the skin should return to its previous shape.
  2. You also need to check how the fur coat is sewn: from large fabrics or small pieces. A product assembled from scraps will not last long, and its price should be lower.
  3. When choosing, the mezdra, the other side of the fur, plays an important role. The skin of the jungle cat is light.
  4. You should not buy a fur coat at markets or in non-specialized stores. Unscrupulous manufacturers often pass off something over-dyed and artificial as jungle cat fur. A fur coat should not be too cheap - this fact immediately raises doubts.

Which lippie fur coat to choose?

Jungle cat fur is very popular, so products made from it are included in all catalogs of major brands. Many women strive to buy a fur coat made from this fur. However, this pleasure is not cheap. In addition to fur coats, there are various models of coats and vests made using lippie skins. Such products are cheaper and more accessible, since less scarce fur is spent on their production.

If you still decide to buy a fur coat and don’t know how to wear such a product, then you can trust useful recommendations from stylists.

The fur of the jungle cat has an aesthetic appearance, but it is not resistant to wear and tear. A long fur coat with a hood will not be pleasant for daily travel in public transport or a car. For everyday wear, the ideal option is a short fur coat or a fur vest, which is worn over a leather jacket.

Despite the fact that Lippi fur coats are in short supply, their catalogs are constantly being improved and expanded. The reed cat fur coat in the photo is presented in various models.

  1. Classic option. Long fur coat with a hood and no trim. This product is worn with narrow heeled boots or with short ankle boots, as in the photo. The fur coat will be paired with a black suede clutch and matching gloves.
  2. Fur coat option with trim. This model in catalogs is presented in length up to the ankle or mid-calf. The finishing is done with arctic fox or raccoon fur. This gives the fur coat brightness and extravagance. Wears well with boots and a bag made of brown or red leather.
  3. Autolady. A lippi short fur coat can be either with a hood or with a collar without trim. The set includes a belt that emphasizes the waistline. Can be worn with trousers and boots. Black leather gloves and a matching business bag would be appropriate as additional accessories.
  4. Jacket with a hood or an English collar without trim. Suitable for young and slender people, ideal to wear with skinny trousers or jeans. Can be complemented with suede accessories and low-heeled ankle boots, as in the photo.

Quiet horror...

Of course, I knew that in our country ANYTHING is possible, but I didn’t know that we were allowed to make fur coats from such rare animals as lynx, tigers and even cats!

I specifically rummaged through the Internet and looked for information. It turns out that production fur coats made from lynx and other cats perfectly debugged and no one cares that these are rare animals, and besides, they are also relatives of our domestic friends.

Lynx and girl

The domestic lynx has become a popular pet in many countries. Lynxes do not attack people (there have been no known cases), so some nurseries already breed and sell lynxes for enclosures or indoor keeping as pets.
Despite this, in our country they make fur coats from these beautiful creatures...

Look at these lovely ladies who are happy to wear fur coats made from lynx...Probably, they would be just as happy to wear fur coats made from your cat.

Lynx coats are the most popular among wild cat coats. Now there are a lot of models of fur coats and stores where they are sold...

Lynx fur coats are quite expensive. Only the elite buy them. Used models cost from 150-200 thousand rubles, and new ones from 300 thousand rubles.
Moreover, fur coats made from Canadian lynx are more expensive than those made from our Siberian lynx...

They're doing it now fur coats even made from tigers, wild cats, ocelots or jungle cats. But these animals are listed in the Red Book!

Greedy flayers!!!

tiger fur coat on a young girl

manul fur coat

manul fur coat

wild cat manul

ocelot jungle cat fur coat

many advertisements for the sale of jungle cat fur coats
A used wild cat fur coat costs about 10 thousand rubles in total, and a new one costs from 60-100 thousand.

jungle cat ocelot

Why is this allowed here???

I raised the topic because I found this video and started to become interested in the problem...

A man saved a lynx that was supposed to become a fur coat:

I accidentally came across a video of a man saving a lynx, which was destined for a terrible fate - to become a beautiful fur coat... It’s simply terrible!

A noble man saved the animal, but did not give it a home; in such a situation, of course, it is better to give the animal to the zoo on a property basis than to keep a lynx on the balcony. But I still think that he did a noble deed!

By the way, we even make fur coats from dogs!
There is no limit to human cruelty and greed!

Many connoisseurs of natural fur strive to stand out among all the owners of mink and mouton coats. A great way to do this as effectively as possible would be a fashionable item made from jungle cat fur. This animal is extremely rare in nature, its numbers are strictly regulated, so a fur coat made from such fur is guaranteed to be exclusive.

Due to its unique color, the jungle cat is sometimes also called the swamp lynx. A third name is also common - lippi. The jungle cat is usually three times larger than domestic cats: the animal’s body reaches a meter in length and weighs fifteen kilograms.

Features and benefits of fur

The color of the jungle cat's skin is rightfully considered one of the most unique and elegant: short-haired spotted fur gently shimmers both in sunlight and in artificial light. Lippi fur is distinguished by a medium-width core; it is not prone to stretching and rubbing even with daily use - provided that the fur coat made from it is worn carefully and stored correctly.

Unlike many other types of fur, both summer and winter jungle cat skins are used to make fur coats. The latter produce darker items, which is explained by the soft and long pile of fur in which these animals meet the winter. This type of fur is valued much more than the short summer variety, which is rougher to the touch.


Despite the scarcity of jungle cat fur, The range of fur coats made from it is expanding every year. The main styles can be divided into several categories:

  • Classic. The “floor-length” option, which is common for fur coats made from other types of fur and is not burdened with decorative trim, does not include a hood;
  • Autolady. The fitted style, which has already become a modern classic for active independent ladies, is considered the optimal solution for those women who never spend a day without driving. There are models with and without a hood; a belt at the waist is appropriate and recommended, emphasizing the waistline;
  • Medium length fur coat. The most common version, ankle or mid-calf length, is often equipped with decorative elements made of raccoon or arctic fox fur;
  • Transformer. The central part of such a fur coat is usually sewn from lippie fur, but the detachable sleeves can be either leather or made from the fur of other animals;
  • Jacket. A youth model that exists in versions with both a hood and an English collar, not overloaded with trim.

Considering the rarity and value of jungle cat fur, it is not surprising that the shortened models of fur coats for which it is used are the most widely used on the market. Firstly, their production requires a smaller amount of scarce skins, and secondly, this significantly reduces the cost of the finished product. Vests and coats made from swamp lynx fur are also deservedly popular.

Warmer coats, suitable for showing off on the coldest days, are made from the winter fur of the jungle cat.

Stylists remind fashionistas who are looking for an exclusive model of a fur coat made from this fur that long models will not be appropriate while driving a car or on public transport. Active ladies whose day includes many trips will be more suitable for practical variations: a car lady or a fur coat-jacket.


The color of a jungle cat's coat directly depends on the area in which it lives. The fur can be red, olive, brown and even grayish-brown. Whatever color the skin has, its pattern will be truly unique: no two are alike in nature. The fact is that the shades of the pile on different areas of the skins are different.

This gives fur coat creators the opportunity to create a palette with original color tints and transitions. It is safe to say that each fur coat, made from jungle cat fur, is similar to other copies in style, but unique in color scheme.

Swamp lynx fur tolerates coloring well, but designers prefer not to deprive this exclusive fur of its unique, pristine color - the spotted texture looks luxurious even without coloring.

The rarity of the jungle cat is, in a sense, compensated by the fact that its fur combines perfectly with other furs. Among the most desirable “neighbors” the creators of fur coats name arctic fox and mink fur, as well as the silver fox.

How to choose?

Despite the unique features of jungle cat fur, fur coats made from it should be chosen in the same way as products made from other types of fur:

  • fur slightly crushed by the palm should almost immediately restore its original shape;
  • when trying to bend or wrinkle a fur coat, the fur should not make a creaking or crunching noise;
  • the new product should not emit any strong odors; the only acceptable aroma is the natural, subtle smell of fur.

Experts advise purchasing items made from jungle cat in trusted places where there is no risk of stumbling upon a fake or low-quality fur coat, and professional consultants will help you choose the right model.

How to store?

The delicate structure of the jungle cat's fur can become worn out and wrinkled if stored carelessly. To avoid this, hang your fur coat on wide hangers and provide free space around it. A hanging fur coat should not touch other things in the closet.

Before placing a fur coat made of such fur for long-term storage until the next season, it is necessary to dry it thoroughly in a dark and well-ventilated room. After drying, the fur coat is gently shaken and placed in a suitable case - ideally, this should be the “original” case that came with the fur product.