Cow's colostrum. Composition of cow colostrum. Colostrum release

A calf that drinks cow's colostrum after birth receives essential nutrients. The high content of protein, sugar, and fat in it triggers all the forces for the further full development of the baby. This fluid, produced by the cow's body in the first few days after birth, provides immunity that protects the newborn from disease. The first drink in a baby's life contains enzymes, hormones, vitamins and antibodies, which makes colostrum the most valuable nutritional product.

High calorie product

The colostrum (also known as cow colostrum) that appears in a cow in the last days of pregnancy or in the first 3-5 days after birth is a most valuable product. It contains several times more nutrients than regular milk. Externally, this yellowish liquid looks thick and sticky. But the main thing is its content

The first thing that experts usually note is the high calorie content of the product, which falls with each passing day. After all, colostrum gradually turns into milk and loses its special properties.

So, if on the first day the calorie content of 100 ml of colostrum from a well-groomed cow is 160 kcal, then on the second day this figure will decrease by 30%. On the third day, the number of calories will be only half of what it was at the beginning.

The process is affected by protein, the content of which is rapidly decreasing every day. On days 4-5 after calving, its amount decreases by two to three times, gradually turning cow's colostrum into regular milk. At the same time, the content of lactose, fat and sugar increases.

The gradual transition of colostrum into mature milk, indicating the percentage of the main components, is presented in the table:

Difference from milk

In addition to the fact that colostrum in cows is a high-calorie product, its composition differs from regular milk and the amount of vitamins and salts it contains. For example, there can be twice as much vitamin A, and in some individuals even ten times more. The same applies to carotene.

There is three times more ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and one and a half times more salts. All components of colostrum can be divided into groups:

  • components of growth;
  • immunoglobulins;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements;
  • natural antibiotics (lysozymes).

The first group includes polypeptides. They allow cells to multiply, activating this process. They also perform important functions in healing damaged tissues, allowing them to recover in a shorter time.

Transferring one's own immunity to the calf

The special role of colostrum in cows lies in the presence of an immunoglobulin component. In other words, this nutrient fluid contains antibodies that help fight infection. It’s amazing that they help not only the cow itself, but also its offspring.

When calves drink cow's colostrum, they receive these same antibodies along with all the nutrients. They are formed in the cow’s body if the cow has already had some kind of infectious disease and has received the appropriate immunity against the infection.

The cow shares the acquired immunity with her cub, giving him the strength to resist the disease. Most often, these are immunoglobulins of various classes: IgA (protects mucous membranes), IgM (accelerate the process of destroying harmful viruses), IgD (promote the formation of cells involved in the neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms).

In a couple of days you get a charge for life

Among the vitamins that are present in a cow’s colostrum, the above-mentioned vitamin A comes first. It turns out that even the blood plasma contains much less of it. Its brother, vitamin B, is necessary for the functioning of the organs responsible for hematopoiesis. It is also useful for the normal functioning of the nervous system for the occurrence of special biochemical reactions in the liver.

Vitamin E, also contained in colostrum, will be a powerful antioxidant for the calf, which reduces the risk of many serious diseases in the future.

This product, the production period of which is very limited, enters the baby’s body in the first days of life, not only heals his digestive system, but also makes the stomach work at the right rhythm.

There is another unusual component in cow colostrum. It is responsible for the transparency of the product and organizes the normal entry and absorption of large molecules into the intestines.

And finally, elements from the periodic table: zinc, phosphorus, selenium, copper, iron. All of them are present in this wonderful product, which is absorbed by the calf in the first hours after birth and then for just a few days. But during this time he receives everything he needs for further full development.

Ruddy dessert made from colostrum

Considering the beneficial properties of the described product, people have learned to make various desserts from it. We'll show you how to prepare colostrum to create a delicious pudding. We will bake it in a regular oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. We will need the following ingredients:

  • colostrum (2 l);
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon vanillin;
  • 3 eggs.

Grind the eggs and sugar well until the latter is completely dissolved, then beat lightly. Add the resulting mixture to colostrum, previously poured into a pan of a suitable size (3 l). Stir, pour into a deep baking dish and place in the oven for 45-50 minutes. The oven must be preheated to the temperature indicated above. Readiness is checked with a regular match. If milk oozes out when you pierce the pudding, then the dessert is ready.

Keep in mind the little tricks. If you want the pudding to be sweeter, add sugar to your liking. And for richness, you can add 20 g of butter.

Describe in the comments your observations of calves that ate this product after birth.

Cow colostrum is good for everyone

In the first hours after birth and even during pregnancy, all mammals begin to produce colostrum. Although it is a harbinger of milk, they are very different in composition. The value of colostrum for the body is much higher than milk. This substance is considered more useful because it contains many vital components and is even similar to blood serum. There are no analogues in nature that are similar in composition to this substance.

Colostrum is necessary in order to create the basis for the immunity of a baby mammal. To this end, it contains important nutrients that help the development and growth of tissues, feeding them with energy.

Cow Colostrum (Colostrum), and indeed any mammal, contains several main components:

1. Components of growth. Growth factors include polypeptides that activate cell reproduction, healing and tissue repair.

2. Immunoglobulin component, which forms passive immunity. That is, if the mother has had an infection, then with the help of colostrum, resistance to this infection is transmitted to the fetus from the mother, which is very important for a person. From colostrum the baby receives such important classes of immunoglobulin as IgA, IgG, IgM, IgD, IbE. IgG are antibodies that the mother's body produces against infection. Thus, the newborn also becomes the owner of immunity against the same diseases. Other immunoglobulins work in a similar way. Thus, IgA is needed to protect the surface of mucous membranes, and IgM helps accelerate the absorption of bacteria and viruses, and IgD helps to form cell antibodies that help neutralize many bacteria, viruses, pathogens and yeast cultures.

3. vitamins, enzymes, proteins, microelements. Colostrum contains a large amount of vitamins, enzymes, protein, hormones, antibodies, and various microelements. When consumed, the human body receives passive immunity, which is resistant to any diseases.

Of the vitamins, cow colostrum (Colostrum) has the highest content of vitamin A, which is almost ten times more than in blood plasma. We need this vitamin for a healthy immune system, resistance to exercise and stress. In addition, Colostrum contains a large amount of vitamin B, which is necessary for the process of hematopoiesis, the functioning of the nervous system and the occurrence of enzymatic reactions in the liver. If there is enough vitamin B in the diet, the immune system will have the strength to resist disease. Colostrum also contains a lot of antioxidant vitamin E. Among the microelements, Colostrum contains magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium, iron and phosphorus.

One of the most important components of the cow's colostrum is the part that is responsible for transparency. This part also ensures complex transport of large molecules, their entry into the intestines without damage and absorption. Colostrum from cows and goats is most often used as food. Despite the fact that cow colostrum contains a lot of useful substances, it is not a medicine. To a greater extent, this is nutrition that contains a wide range of useful components necessary to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, improve health and well-being due to vitamins, microelements and important substances.

The benefits of cow colostrum for the body are determined by its unique composition. However, in order to obtain medicinal cow colostrum (Colostrum), the animal must eat grass that is not treated with chemicals. Also, the cow should not be fed antibiotics, steroids or growth hormones.

Cow's colostrum is a good preventive measure against colds, strengthens the immune system, helps alleviate conditions with joint diseases, osteochondrosis, sclerosis, diabetes, diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular system, inflammation of the urinary tract, thrush, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, multisclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease.

Besides this medicinal properties of Colostrum for the body are manifested in the following areas:

1. Aging.

With age, the amount of growth hormone produced, which promotes cell regeneration and maintenance, decreases. The condition of the immune system also worsens, which leads to an immune response to the disease in only 50% of cases. The condition of the bone and joint tissue deteriorates, the skin loses its elasticity. The amount of insulin decreases, the activity of the adrenal glands worsens.

Cow colostrum provides the body with growth hormones and stimulates the body to produce hormones. The consequence of this is an improvement in skin condition and regeneration of cells and tissues.

2. Overweight.

The main reasons for excess weight are poor diet and lack of exercise. Excess weight is the cause of many serious diseases: diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and gallbladder disease. Cow colostrum contains growth hormones and insulin-like substances IGF, which increase the amount of fat burned and increase net muscle mass. Food begins to be processed better, and fats are burned more efficiently. The healing properties of colostrum help maintain balance (IGF), revitalizing metabolism.

3. Intestinal problems.

There is no good health without a healthy gut. The thing is that the intestines have very thin walls, so toxins, viruses and bacteria easily enter the blood circulation through them and are spread throughout the body. A healthy intestine destroys these toxins in a timely manner and prevents the development of allergies. Colostrum improves intestinal health. Immunoglobulins and other colostrum substances penetrate freely into the cell without being destroyed and themselves preventing pathogenic destruction. Growth factors reduce inflammation by repairing damaged cells in the intestinal walls. The healing process leads to a reduction in the amount of toxins entering the blood through the intestinal walls, and improved absorption of nutrients, which provide the body with the necessary energy.

4. Cancer.

Cancer refers to uncontrolled cell growth that begins under the influence of various factors. Colostrum, strengthening the immune system, helps neutralize the effects of harmful factors. Although there is not enough research on this yet, the available studies indicate the effective effects of colostrum. The composition of colostrum prevents the growth of cancer cells, facilitates the chemotherapy process and increases its effectiveness. In addition, colostrum contains proteins that interfere with the formation of cancer tumors - BC-1, BC-2.

5. Allergies and asthma.

Cow colostrum immunoglobulins help strengthen a weak immune response, and, on the contrary, restrain a strong one. A severe reaction leads to allergies and asthma. Colostrum reduces the level of susceptibility, alleviating symptoms.

Cow's colostrum is the milk secreted by a healthy cow within 72 hours of giving birth to a calf. Since it contains a large number of immune factors necessary for a person to resist diseases, as well as growth and development factors, in medical circles it is called “natural immune protector”. Cow's milk, unlike the milk of other animals, is most similar to human milk. Moreover, it is rich in nutritional content. Cow's colostrum has many health benefits. Doctors and biologists believe that widespread antibodies in cow colostrum and other immune factors have joint functions: they can more effectively resist the disease and reduce its development, increase the strength of resistance; can stimulate normal cell development, restore tissue and heal wounds, and enable older people to maintain their youth. Therefore, cow's colostrum is considered a product with immune regulation potential, stimulates growth and development, and resists aging. Very little cow's colostrum is produced, so its price is expensive. Experts consider it “soft gold.”
To make our Cow Colostrum product, YOFOTO only sources colostrum from healthy cows raised on New Zealand pastures. It contains the perfect balance of nutrients, strengthens the immune system, regulates the balance of nutrients and the balance of the immune system in the body, restoring the health of the body.

Product Features
Colostrum is the first precious food of a born baby. Cow Colostrum is created from the colostrum of healthy New Zealand grassland cows (taken from the highest quality cow colostrum within 72 hours of birth). It contains large amounts of protein, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. Is a pure natural nutrient.
Main components: cow's colostrum, milk powder (New Zealand), taurine, vitamin C.

Nutrient Content Table
Name in every 100g%
Energy value 1377KJ 16%
Proteins 28.8g 48%
Fats 24.0g 40%
Carbohydrates 30.3g 10%
Sodium 0g 0%
Vitamin C 80.8 mg 81%

Every 100 g contains 20,000 live active immunoglobulin units
Recommended proportions for use (each spoon contains approximately 10 grams)

Infants (6 months-1 year) 1-2 times a day, about 1 spoon, the required course of administration is 30-90 days
Children (1 year-3 years) 1-2 times a day, 1-1.5 spoons, required course of intake is 22 - 45 days
Children (3 years - 6 years old) 2 times a day, 1 - 1.5 spoons, required course of intake is 15-22 days
Adults 2 times a day, 1.5 spoons, required course of intake is 15 days
Pregnant women 2 times a day, 1.5 spoons, required course of intake is 15 days
Take twice a day: morning and evening. One spoon must be diluted with 50 ml of boiled warm water (measuring spoon in a jar)
Directions for use: To keep the immunoglobulin active, please dilute it with warm boiled water below 50 degrees (check with your hand, the water should be warm, but not hot).
Step by step explanation:
Pour some pre-prepared warm boiled water below 50 degrees into a clean container;
Add the required amount of “Cow Colostrum”, mix;
Pour all the remaining water into the container, mix with the added water until the colostrum is completely dissolved.
For a child, it is better to add “Cow's Colostrum” to food and drinks so that the taste is better for the child while eating. You can also add colostrum to porridge, regular milk and other products. But should not be added to juice to avoid curdling, which affects absorption (regular milk can also cause curdling). In order for the effect of use to be better, you should not drink carbonated water, cola and other carbon dioxide drinks for an hour after eating.

Did you know?
Cow's colostrum contains a large amount of living active substances and immunoglobulin. These nutrients cannot come from the placenta. Calves (cubs) can receive them only with the colostrum of the cow (mother), thus the calf (calf) receives immune abilities to resist diseases, and the development of its immune system is stimulated.
Cow colostrum contains large amounts of protein, minerals (including calcium, phosphorus, etc.), vitamins and other nutrients. But more importantly, it contains large amounts of immunoglobulin, growth factor and so on. Antibodies IgG、IgA、IgM、IgE、IgD and others effectively increase children's immunity. Colostrum helps children avoid colds, diarrhea, and respiratory infections. Cow's colostrum contains 50-100 times more IgG than human milk.
At the end of the 20th century, cow's colostrum was used only to create a product with immunoglobulin. This immune globulin has been clinically proven to have the properties of resisting a variety of infectious diseases. Now scientists have already confirmed that cow colostrum contains not only immunoglobulin, but also contains a variety of growth factors and an immune regulatory factor.

About immunoglobulin
How is milk different during the first 72 hours after birth?
Those who have already become mothers know that after the birth of a child, yellow milk is released in the first days. It is a little sticky. Since all the nutrients a newborn needs come from colostrum, it contains all the nutrients needed for growth and development. The most important thing is that it contains a large amount of immunoglobulin, growth factor and other substances. Bovine colostrum contains a wide variety of growth factors, including: skin growth factor, insulin growth factor, motor growth factor, fiber cell growth factor, nerve growth factor, skeletal growth factor, red blood cell and placental growth factor.
Where does so much cow's colostrum come from?
The population of New Zealand does not reach 4,000,000 people; 3,460,000 head of cows are raised there. New Zealand ranks first in terms of the number of exported dairy products. According to statistics, the amount of cow's colostrum released (within 3 days after birth) averages 30-39 kg. The amount of colostrum fed after birth is actually 5.1 - 8.8 kilograms. The rest can theoretically be processed into cow's colostrum. The annual amount of potential valuable resource is approximately 800,000 tons (based on powder calculations). Due to strict time constraints and processing requirements, New Zealand currently has the capacity to process 200,000 tonnes of bovine colostrum powder (based on powder calculations) annually.
Is it normal for Cow Colostrum to have an odor?
Cow's colostrum is the milk that the cow secretes within three days after giving birth, it is yellow in color, has a bitter taste and an unusual odor. Therefore, products made from bovine colostrum may also have a slight odor. It is important that the form of the product fully complies with the quality standards and sanitary control regulations of the country so that the consumer can safely accept it. "Cow's colostrum" especially for children has a fragrant taste and is easily digestible, so that children take cow's colostrum with pleasure.
Is it harmful to take Cow's Colostrum constantly?
Not harmful at all! Since Cow's Colostrum is made from milk taken from dairy cows within 72 hours of giving birth, no matter how long it is taken, it cannot have any negative effect on the baby.

A little about health
We have noticed that as we get older, we get sick easily, including colds, joint pain appears, fatigue appears, sexual function decreases, and after external injuries, skin diseases and chronic ulcers quickly appear that do not heal for a long time. Now we know: as a person approaches old age, immunity gradually decreases.
Cow's colostrum, which supplies the body with immune globulin and other effective elements, delays the aging process of the human body and increases resistance. Cow's colostrum serves as a prophylactic and is used in the treatment of many diseases. Including: AIDS, atypical pneumonia, allergic diseases, arthritis, asthma, bacteriological infections, lupus erythematosus, depression, common severe skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and so on.

Everyone knows what milk is, but what is colostrum or colostrum? This is the first milk that appears in mammals. This is a valuable substance for a newborn in the formation of immunity. A yellow and dense substance is secreted by the mammary glands in the first days after birth in both humans and animals.

Beneficial properties of colostrum

Cow colostrum is a valuable product that affects the formation, regeneration and maintenance of immunity. It successfully fights autoimmune diseases and allergic manifestations, nourishes, protects and rejuvenates the body.

Colostrum is produced in small quantities and is therefore considered a very valuable product. Contains unique substances that are not found in other products. This high content of biologically active components includes a maximum of fats and proteins, chlorine and sodium and a minimum of potassium and lactose. Cow colostrum has a rejuvenating and strengthening effect.

Cow colostrum contains:

  • Immunoglobulins and cytokines that have antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Lactoferrin has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms and helps to carry out.
  • The amino acid regulates immune peptides.
  • Taurine is necessary for brain activity.
  • Prebiotics normalize the intestinal flora of the intestine.
  • Interferon is the main element of protection against viruses.
  • Lysozymes are natural antibiotics.
  • Transfer factor is an immune memory genome.
  • Vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats.

The benefits of cow's colostrum are undeniable; it contains natural ingredients. The drug transfer factor, made from cow colostrum, has managed to cure thousands of people. Another product, “Cow Colostrum” using colostrum from New Zealand pasture cows, completely replaces the natural product.

Treatment with cow colostrum

The valuable cow product is used for many diseases, for example:

  • angina pectoris;
  • Alzheimer's and Crohn's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • sinusitis;
  • angina;
  • ear inflammation;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • diabetes;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • pneumonia;
  • osteoporosis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • arthritis;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • and child;
  • frequent headaches.

How to take

For therapeutic and preventive purposes, the product should be consumed in certain dosages, according to the person’s age.

How to take cow's colostrum:

  • infants from 6 months to 1 year, 10 g 2 times a day, duration up to 3 months;
  • children from 1 year to 3 years, 10-15 g 2 times a day, duration 1-1.5 months;
  • children from 3 to 6 years old: 15 g 2 times a day, duration 3 weeks;
  • adults 15 g twice a day, duration 2 weeks;
  • pregnant women 15 g twice a day.

Colostrum must be diluted with warm water at least 50 degrees. Reception is carried out in the morning and evening. It is better for children to add it to food, porridge, and drinks.

In addition, pudding can be made from natural cow colostrum. Of course, a natural product is rare. But if you managed to get some, you can combine it with milk.

Pudding recipe

Take 3 eggs, beat them with 200 g of sugar, add 2 liters of colostrum, and baking soda powder on the tip of a knife. When pouring the mixture into the container, you must leave a distance of two fingers to the edges. The pudding rises while baking. Place the dishes in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Check readiness with a toothpick. Then let it sit for another 30 minutes.

Colostrum has virtually no contraindications for use. The only thing that needs to be noted is the calorie content - 160 kcal and the nutritional value of the product - 130 kcal per 100 g. In very rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur.

— colostrum from the must-have series. This is the most natural and safe supplement, since it is made from cow's milk colostrum, and colostrum, as is known, contains a lot of useful substances that help strengthen the immune system, including lactenin, lactoferrin, lysozyme, immunoglobulins, interleukins and interferon gamma. In practice, in our family, colostrum has proven itself as an ambulance for flu and colds, the main thing is to start giving it at the first sign and then there is a high probability that the cold will not develop into something more, and you will get away with a slight runny nose.”

During intense training, my immunity dropped and I easily caught colds. But this product really works! It helped even with the first symptoms of a cold. Not cheap, but worth it. I ordered the same thing, but not in capsules, but in powder, it turns out cheaper per serving.


Colostrum... as soon as we received the bottle, we drink it with the whole family. It’s just super, I hope I won’t need any medications anymore! The only drawback is constipation, but this can be corrected with acidophilus. 5 stars are not enough for him 100++++++++!!! I will take it regularly!


A large jar, 150 capsules and the results from taking colostrum exceeded all my expectations! I was going to drink it for 1 month in the fall. Suddenly, the whole family was wiped out by a nasty virus. The family is constantly sick, seriously and for a long time, one infects the other in a chain. Feeling body aches and a sore throat, I took 2 capsules and, lo and behold, the next day I was cheerful and cheerful again. I'm not sick! This product is just a godsend! I will drink it all fall, give it to my children and recommend it to my friends!

I purchased Colostrum primarily for the child, to maintain health. For me, important factors were the support of immunity due to the presence of immunoglobulins and the fact that colostrum helps to better absorb nutrients. Colostrum is part of the supplement program I created for my son. This was necessary due to the fact that he underwent 4 operations and his vision sharply deteriorated due to this background. Of course, we take not only colostrum, but the results from taking it are already obvious. The child never got sick with a fever, and if signs of a cold appeared, they went away quite quickly. In general, it is recommended to take colostrum for 1 month, but I plan to give the child 2 months, 2 times a year. Since my child is 8 years old, we take 2000 mg per day, 2 tablets in the morning and 2 in the evening (but this is specifically this drug). The capsules are quite large and we simply pour them into a spoon and wash them down with water. For me, colostrum is also good because it is NOT A MEDICINE that cures one thing and cures another, but it is a natural supplement. It is also good for healthy children who are just starting to attend kindergarten, for example. After all, everyone probably knows how sick most children get when this time comes. I take it myself, for a course of 1 month, 2 tablets in the morning and 2 in the evening.

Description of colostrum and its healing properties:

Colostrum (colostrum) is a thick yellow substance secreted by the mammary glands of mammals, including humans, at the end of pregnancy and in the first 2-3 days after birth.

When fed with colostrum, the newborn's body develops an immune system and develops so-called passive immunity (immunity acquired without contracting a disease).

Colostrum is very different in physical and chemical properties from milk; it contains a very wide range of antibodies to the diseases that the mother of the newborn has suffered from during her life.

The healing properties of colostrum have been known to mankind since ancient times. In those distant times, the secretion of a cow's udder was collected in the first 48 hours after calving in tightly closed ceramic jugs and kept for several days. During this time, under the influence of microorganisms, the colostrum became strongly acidified, stratified and acquired a repulsive odor, and whitish flakes accumulated on its surface. These flakes were collected in a separate container and used as a cure for all diseases.

Cow's colostrum is of practical value for orthomolecular medicine.

Cow's colostrum is a unique natural concentrate of immunoactive factors, biological stimulants and nutrients that have a restorative and rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

Modern technology for isolating the active principle from cow colostrum is not fundamentally different from the ancient one, but all operations are carried out in compliance with the strictest rules of sanitation and hygiene.

The final product is lyophilized and encapsulated. As numerous studies by scientists - chemists, biologists and doctors have shown - colostrum is a multicomponent, multifunctional substance that contains biologically active substances: antibiotics; interferon And immunoglobulins; Immune Regulatory Proline Polypeptide (PRP); insulin-like hormone; anti-aging factor; substances with cortisone-like properties; growth factor; enzymes, lipids, oligo- and polysaccharides.

Doctors have known for a long time about unique properties of immunoglobulins, however, until recently, physicians had only immunoglobulin preparations in injectable form at their disposal, which significantly limited their widespread use. And only after the discovery of immunoglobulins in cow colostrum and the development of technologies for its processing, it became possible to create therapeutic and prophylactic products in capsulated form.

One of the most important tools of the human and mammalian immune system in the fight against any infections is a very special a unique class of protein molecules - immunoglobulins.

Immunoglobulins- proteins that neutralize most infectious pathogens and toxins in our body.

Properties of immunoglobulins:

  • To neutralize each type of bacteria, viruses and toxins, the body produces its own immunoglobulins, unique in structure. Each individual type of immunoglobulin acts strictly selectively, for example, only against tick-borne encephalitis viruses, only against influenza viruses, only against staphylococcal toxins, etc.
  • Immunoglobulins can exert their neutralizing effect in minimal concentrations. For example, to neutralize one virus, just one molecule of immunoglobulin is enough (compare with 500-1500 molecules of an antiviral drug). And this despite the fact that immunoglobulins are absolutely harmless, while most antibiotics and antiviral drugs are themselves very toxic.
  • Immunoglobulins are capable of penetrating along with the blood into any, even the most distant, corners of our body and overtaking “aggressors” everywhere.

In humans and other mammals, there is a 5 classes of immunoglobulins. Of these, the most numerous, the most universal and the most well studied are the classes of immunoglobulins A and G. Immunoglobulins G act in the blood and tissues of our body, and they neutralize up to 99% of infectious pathogens and toxins that enter our body.

Interferons- the main element of antiviral protection of the cells of our body.

Transfer factors- unique molecules of “immune memory” that “train” the child’s body to fight those infections that he has yet to encounter.

Growth factors- one-of-a-kind natural substances that in a child’s body regulate the growth and proper development of all organs and systems, and in the body of adults they exhibit their rejuvenating properties, stimulating cell renewal.

Endorphins- unique physiological substances that protect our body from a wide variety of stress, increase resistance to physical activity and regulate our mood (physiologists figuratively call them “joy hormones”).

Moreover, Colostrum is the only product that combines several more groups of biologically active substances in the most optimal proportions, which are very important for the proper development and growth of the child. This powerful alliance is created by the following components:

Nucleotides- regulatory substances, without which the synthesis of DNA and proteins, and therefore the growth, development and renewal of body cells, is impossible.

Amino acids- “building bricks” from which the proteins themselves are already built. In particular, colostrum is especially rich in the amino acid taurine, which is essential for the development of the brain, heart and muscles.

Essential vitamins and minerals- irreplaceable regulators of all life processes, ranging from individual biochemical reactions to the functioning of entire organs and systems.

Digestive enzymes- help the immature gastrointestinal system of a newborn cope with digestion, which is extremely important, since the growth and development of the child directly depends on the efficiency of nutrient absorption.

Prebiotics- natural factors that ensure the growth or normalization of intestinal microflora that provides the body

In other natural sources, these vital substances are found only separately.

Thus, Colostrum combines the properties of a universal vaccine, a universal biological stimulant and the most complete and easily digestible nutritional product. And if there is any food product in nature that can claim to be the “elixir of life,” it is, of course, colostrum.

Today, perhaps, only one question remains unresolved. Why is the mother's body endowed with such a limited ability to produce this unique product? Why can a child receive the much-needed “elixir of life and health” in just 1-2 days? Most scientists agree that this is due to two main reasons:

1. The process of colostrum formation represents a very large burden for the mother, who is already weakened by pregnancy. During these 1-2 days, the mother’s body loses a very large amount of vital substances, which pass into the colostrum. And if this had gone on longer, the mother’s immunity and her overall health would have been seriously compromised.

2. The concentration, physiological effectiveness and, most importantly, the duration of action of biologically active substances in colostrum are so high that during these 1-2 days they manage to activate and direct the development of the newborn’s own body systems in the right direction, as well as create a certain “safety margin” for several months.

Biological effect of bovine colostrum:

Pronounced immunoprotective (especially against infections of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract of the respiratory system), immunoregulating in autoimmune diseases and allergic conditions, protecting and restoring the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, nutritional and regenerative, rejuvenating, etc.

Cow's colostrum is required for the following conditions and diseases:

  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Allergy
  • Asthma
  • Depression
  • Attention disorders and/or hyperactivity
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Tension headaches
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Bronchitis and pneumonia
  • Sinusitis
  • Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
  • Diarrhea
  • Dysbacteriosis
  • Candidiasis
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoporosis Cow's colostrum is also necessary in the following situations: heavy physical and mental stress, immunodeficiencies, various autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, cosmetic programs, premature aging, etc.

COLOSTRUM (COLOSTRUM) is the only product that combines several groups of powerful biologically active substances in the most optimal proportions. This unique composition promotes reliable anti-infective protection, and also starts the process of restoration and rejuvenation of the body.