Is it possible to pull a tooth at 35 weeks? View full version. Help with dental disease

12-03-2009, 13:41

12-03-2009, 13:51

Please tell me, I’m 35-36 weeks pregnant, I have caries, the doctors (whom I’m seeing) said that it needs to be cured! And in the eyes of dentists I see doubts or lack of knowledge about anesthesia, it’s scary....Girls Who treated your teeth and what kind of anesthesia did you have?

So maybe you should go to your residential complex, there is usually a dentist there and ask if the treatment needs to be done urgently and what kind of anesthesia they use. ;)

Kostya's mom

12-03-2009, 13:53

I treated under local anesthesia (lidocaine, ultracaine), there is nothing wrong with it, especially at 36-36 weeks.

12-03-2009, 13:54

I had my teeth treated at about 28-32 weeks, the dentist himself decided on the anesthesia, and said that it was necessary to cure caries!

12-03-2009, 13:56

I was treated with anesthesia and it’s okay, in any case, it’s better than walking around with caries.


12-03-2009, 14:02

I was treated without anesthesia, although I was offered topical anesthesia. I was fine. I treated for 33 weeks and I will go treat another tooth.

12-03-2009, 14:39

It is necessary and necessary to treat. As for painkillers in dentistry, there is anesthesia for heart patients, which is also safe for pregnant women. The only thing you can’t do is take pictures (of the canals of the teeth). Therefore, depending on what kind of caries you have, if it’s superficial, then don’t be afraid to go get it treated. Then Lala will have no time to be born.

12-03-2009, 14:40

I have been living in dentistry since 20 weeks... everything is under ultracaine. The last tooth made didn’t come out successfully, and I came to them with a complaint at 37 weeks. They opened the filling and told me to come back only after giving birth, because... after 36 weeks, any anesthesia with adrenaline easily provokes contractions. (Without adrenaline, it doesn’t bother me, and the caries is deep!:() Well, if you treat without anesthesia, you can also give birth. My doctor refused to do anything to me now, because One might say, he has already given birth in a chair!.. And I still walk around with an open tooth, rinsing... It hurts, it’s an infection!

12-03-2009, 15:37

Maybe I’ll write horror, but it really happened((((((((:(A girl working with my husband during pregnancy went to the dentist, And not in the basement, but in a rather sophisticated clinic:005:. There she was “identified "caries. After 3 days, the temperature rises sharply, she is taken to the hospital, they discover a blood infection there, they give a transfusion. They save her, but the baby is not:(:(:((((((((((((It turns out they are just doctors) something was left in the tooth (cotton wool or something)
I myself am pregnant now, but this incident left an imprint on my heart that I never went to have my teeth treated, and I won’t go again. But I already have a little bit left, we have 37 weeks)))

12-03-2009, 16:02

At week 10 I went to the dentist and treated Quincke's edema with regular lidocaine ((((

12-03-2009, 16:19

We have special services in 22 residential complexes. dentistry, where they select anesthesia that can be used during pregnancy, and the prices are normal.
I was still going to have my teeth treated after the 30th week. And then at the beginning I had terrible toxicosis for 4 months, then it became difficult to take time off from work... At a mandatory consultation, the dentist with a residential complex counted 4 caries, and said that as soon as the toxicosis goes away, come and get treatment... But, after reading the messages, that... then I didn’t want to... It’s better not to go at all. Thank you girls for warning me...


12-03-2009, 16:22


12-03-2009, 16:34

12-03-2009, 17:52

Good afternoon. Perhaps you need to change dentist. I had a dental nerve removed this week. This is not possible without anesthesia. You need to tell the anesthesiologist that you are pregnant (unless he himself notices:). I don’t remember the name, but they have a special drug used specifically for pregnant women. As far as I understand (I don’t know much about medicine), it does not penetrate the placenta. Sorry if I explained something wrong and good luck with your treatment.

12-03-2009, 18:00

I had my teeth treated at about 28 weeks, I was given a weak anesthesia with the medicine “Scandonest”, it is suitable for pregnant women, I specifically looked on the Internet in advance, it is necessary that the anesthesia be without adrenaline, which can provoke labor. True, this anesthesia wears off very quickly, in about 15 minutes, but during this time I managed to get everything done.
So don’t be afraid of anything, the main thing is to tell the doctor in advance that you are pregnant and everything will be ok!

12-03-2009, 19:30

Can Ubistezin be used during pregnancy?

12-03-2009, 19:38

But your doctor didn’t explain why you can’t do it after the 30th week? At the initial consultation, she told me that women come to her at 35 and 37 weeks, they say, they want to make it before giving birth, because... When the baby is born, he won’t be able to leave home for a long time + because of feeding.

12-03-2009, 20:31

Right now I am treating pulpitis. Anesthesia was done with ultracaine. I know that ultracaine is not harmful for pregnant women. They put medicine in the tooth and placed a temporary filling. I read that the second trimester is suitable for dental treatment. Yes.....if everything is not too advanced, caries can be treated without anesthesia at all.

12-03-2009, 21:53

12-03-2009, 22:13

Girls, has anyone had their teeth treated under VHI? Can't they refuse and consider it as pregnancy management?

Today I went to VHI! Everything is fine!

12-03-2009, 22:13

Teeth treatment in the 2nd and 3rd trimester! But it's better in 2!

12-03-2009, 22:52

I went to treat a tooth at 38 weeks :) The tooth turned out to have pulpitis, so anesthesia (without adrenaline), tedious drilling to the center of the earth, installation of medicine - everything is as it should be :)
By the way, we didn’t have time to remove the medicine before the birth, I gave birth with it and kept thinking about the temporary filling on the tooth - so as not to bite through it in the ecstasy of labor :)

12-03-2009, 23:04

I treated the tooth in a regular clinic. The caries was very small, and the doctor refused to administer anesthesia, citing the fact that any painkiller contains adrenaline (I question this doctor’s statement), which can cause contractions.
Since I’m a very impressionable girl, and my enamel is sensitive, those 10 minutes in the chair seemed like an eternity... and I didn’t behave nicely (I cried and screamed like a little girl:001:) The doctor herself probably regretted that she didn’t give anesthesia.
Total: 1000 rub. for the filling (although you don’t have to pay, but I have a front tooth, they need to pick the color) and my treasured certificate! :support:
And I was so afraid, I kept putting it off. Made it to 30 weeks

So I’m procrastinating, I’m afraid!!!:001:But something definitely needs to be done. I’ll go next week, but I have a question, what else is being treated for free somewhere?

12-03-2009, 23:26

Girls! My mother is a highly qualified dentist with a bunch of diplomas and advanced training certificates. At one time I graduated from the 1st Med, one of the best medical universities in the union. I declare in her words:
It is IMPOSSIBLE to treat teeth without anesthesia!!! Any severe pain can provoke a threat. Up to 12 weeks is not recommended. After 12 weeks - WELCOME.
Dentists who are afraid to give pregnant women anesthesia are laymen, it is better not to be treated by such people at all, which means that in other respects they are the same “specialists”.
I checked with my gynecologist, she also confirmed to me that enduring any pain is very harmful for a pregnant woman, because... These are spasms, and they also respond in the uterus.

Recently, a girl came to my mother for an appointment - 32 weeks, with acute pain. In another clinic they were afraid to treat her - like she would give birth right there. They said be patient. And the child inside her was already organizing a revolution. Her mother gave her pain relief, fixed her tooth, and both the mother and the baby immediately calmed down and the baby stopped convulsing inside. A few days later the girl came back happy and thanked her mother for not letting her die from pain.

A competent dentist will always choose the right anesthesia for you. The layman will be afraid. Run away from these immediately!!!

13-03-2009, 09:03

Of course you need to treat your teeth! After all, any caries is an extra infection that enters directly into the body. It’s just scary... Brrrrr..., but I’ll wait another 2 weeks and also go and give up.

13-03-2009, 10:15

13-03-2009, 10:55

Oh, and I’m so afraid of dentists - that I definitely won’t go - I’m afraid that I’ll give birth right there. To relieve the pain, I use Kamistad gel (I read somewhere that pregnant women can use it).

13-03-2009, 11:05


13-03-2009, 12:34

I need to see all the specialists, including the dentist. But can I refuse treatment??? so nothing hurts or bothers me.

It's possible, probably. It's not syphilis.

13-03-2009, 12:43

Of course, caries must be treated!

13-03-2009, 13:32

At 18 weeks, the housing complex sent me to see specialists, including a dentist, I decided to go to the nearest clinic, I thought after the examination they would simply write on my card that the oral cavity had been sanitized, because... Before pregnancy, I had all my teeth fixed. But the doctor there attacked me, saying that I just can’t write like that - he counted 3 or 4 teeth for me to treat - I promised to think about it... I left. I wanted to get some money. I signed up for VHI at another clinic, a doctor examined me there, said that the condition of my teeth now is such that it is better not to interfere and not treat anything at this stage, she wrote on the card that everything is ok.

13-03-2009, 13:59

Of course, caries must be treated!
It is important to find a good dentist (everything we want to put into the word “good”), and don’t be afraid!
During my last pregnancy, I was treated in Stomus, at 122 MSC on Lunarik. A wonderful doctor, the mother of a three-year-old baby herself at that time, did everything superb!
Now I'm going to see her again))
Could you please tell me the name of the doctor and what is the address of the clinic?

Sonya Orekhovaya

13-03-2009, 14:00

I also go to a very good, caring and attentive dentist! He has already cured 6 teeth for me, everything is very high quality. I found him through friends; by the way, he charges much cheaper than in other clinics. His name is Alexander Borisovich, I don’t know his last name: 006: The clinic is located on Kamskaya Street, 16a, near the Church of the Smolensk Mother of God, metro station. Primorskaya:0016:


13-03-2009, 14:24

At 12:20 I had my teeth treated. A very good drug is ubistezin. It comes off very quickly and easily, and a minimal surface area is frozen, not half the mouth.

13-03-2009, 16:11

I just went to see my dentist today! The period was 34 weeks, when I registered, I went to see her for an examination - everything was in order, but one old filling was in question and we decided to not touch it for now. And two weeks ago the tooth began to bother me when chewing. I came, they looked at me and gave me a very light, gentle anesthesia, which subsided 30 minutes after the end of the treatment! It didn’t hurt, the baby didn’t worry, and the small-looking caries turned out to be very deep inside, so if I had waited another month. then I could earn pulpitis! So don’t be afraid, get your teeth treated, just come to normal clinics, to good doctors. I go to Kondratyevsky 64/2, Avikul clinic, doctor Olga Vladimirovna Tonkoshkurova (has been guiding me and my family for 3 years), tel. 331-24-98

It is difficult to find a person who is happy to visit the dentist. Even if pain occurs, we patiently wait for it to “go away on its own.” Unfortunately, it does not go away; on the contrary, tooth decay continues. And if it was possible to get by with simple caries treatment at first, then the lost time leads to the need for tooth extraction.

Pregnant women are at increased risk, as hormonal changes occur in the body, immunity decreases, hidden diseases worsen, including caries, dental cysts, and bleeding gums often appear. But it can be easily eliminated with tea tree oil: just apply 2 drops behind your toothbrush while brushing your teeth. For prevention, eat apples and foods containing calcium.

Women are afraid to have their teeth treated, citing the fact that they will harm the child. But much more harm to the baby will be caused by a constant source of infection in the body of the expectant mother, which is a sore tooth.

What dental pathologies can be treated for pregnant women:

  • stomatitis,
  • gingivitis,
  • caries,
  • periodontitis,
  • periodontal disease,
  • periodontitis,
  • odontogenic periostitis ().

The need for tooth extraction is questionable, especially in the first and third trimester. If possible, it is better to delay surgery until the second trimester or postpartum period. Pregnant women should not have their wisdom teeth removed, because there is a high probability of complications, the temperature may rise, inflammation may develop, and there will be a need for antibiotics. All this will have an extremely negative impact on the baby.

But if a cyst is discovered and suppuration has begun, then the tooth needs to be removed; here, the lesser of two evils is chosen.

Choice of local anesthesia

Anesthetics prohibited for pregnant women are drugs containing adrenaline. These include such a common remedy as lidocaine. For local anesthesia during dental treatment, an injection of Ultracain or Ubistezin is used. They have a low degree of impact on blood vessels and do not penetrate the placental barrier.

In addition, arsenic should not be used for dental treatment during pregnancy: there is a high probability of its toxic effect on the baby.

Favorable and unfavorable periods for dental treatment

  • The best is the second trimester, namely the period from 13 to 24 weeks. The placenta, which protects the child, is already fully formed, the mother’s immunity has been strengthened, so medical intervention can be carried out even with the use of painkillers.
  • Dental treatment is also most optimal during the 8th month of pregnancy and from 36 to 38 weeks. The use of anesthetics is permitted.
  • At 31 weeks, vasodilation occurs, so any intervention will be perceived as very painful.
  • At 39 and 40 weeks, it is better not to disturb the expectant mother: the body is completely ready for childbirth, and any interference is unacceptable.

Radiography of pregnant women

It is contraindicated throughout pregnancy. If there is an urgent need for it, you need to use a lead apron to protect the chest and pelvic area. The best option would be an examination using a radiovisiograph.

Help with dental disease

  • before planned pregnancy;
  • 1 time per month in the first trimester;
  • 2 times a month up to 30 weeks;
  • 3 times a month until 39 weeks.

For a long time I thought that I would get through it, I would endure it and go get my teeth treated after giving birth. But yesterday the patience came to an end. For two days 2 teeth ached, the aching was tolerable, one might say they were whining. Yesterday morning one of them got very sick. I applied a cotton swab moistened with dental drops, then Belostezin. Relief occurred for no more than 15 minutes. Then a day later it seemed to feel better. At 5 pm the pain reappeared and intensified with each passing hour. By 8:30, the toothache had gotten so bad that the entire right side of my face was hurting, my ear was shooting, my eye was popping out of its sockets. My husband, seeing my suffering, dressed me and literally dragged me to a 24-hour private dental clinic (within walking distance from the house).
A surgeon saw me at the clinic, looked at me and immediately announced the diagnosis - pulpitis. This is exactly what I was afraid of: (But, unfortunately, he refused to help, arguing that without an anesthetic I would have a painful shock, and all his anesthetics were with adrenaline, he said, I’m afraid that at 39 weeks you will give birth from an injection with adrenaline I’m right here in the chair, and I have no desire to give birth. In the end, he said that they could only help me in one place and sent me to the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery.
We called a taxi and went to TsNIIS, sat in line for 1.5 minutes. There were two doctors on duty at TsNIIS, charming young men who were not afraid of my 39-week belly and were not afraid of the prospect that labor might begin; they were always joking and touched by the movements of my belly. They gave me a spot X-ray, then an anasthesia (and they said that at my stage this is no longer harmful to the fetus, it seems that it is already formed and a small dose of anesthetic with adrenaline will not affect its development. If labor begins, they will call an ambulance.
The diagnosis was confirmed - pulpitis with a complication on the trigeminal nerve (that’s where the eye was twitching and the ear was shooting). All the manipulations were carried out quickly, I didn’t even have time to come to my senses when they told me everything was ready. They drilled it out, removed the nerves, put in some medicine and put in a temporary filling and asked me to try to put in a permanent one before giving birth.
At 2 am, without terrible pain in my teeth, I was happy at home. Today I’m actually having a bad day, as my jaw still hurts (they said it will hurt for 2 days) and there’s an unpleasant taste of medicine in my mouth. I made an appointment for a tooth filling at the clinic on Saturday, I hope that out of fear they won’t drive me away like at week 26 :).
As a result, after visiting the dentist, I did not give birth (although many were scared by this, and the baby was frightened by the sounds of the drill, but did not ask to come out), I found out that after a full 38 weeks it is possible to treat teeth with an anesthetic and that this is not harmful to the child. You cannot endure a terrible toothache, otherwise a painful shock may begin, which will provoke childbirth. And that there are doctors who are not afraid to treat pregnant women. The doctors from TsNIIS have great respect and respect.

Diseases of the teeth and gums more often than other pathologies accompany a woman during the period of bearing a child. When deciding whether to have dental treatment during pregnancy, pregnant patients fear the harmful effects of anesthesia on the fetus. In order to avoid greater damage to the health of the baby and the mother herself, it is better not to rush, but to study the features of therapy for pregnant patients.

Is it worth treating teeth while pregnant?

Doctors indicate the following reasons why it is not dangerous to visit the dentist while pregnant:

  1. Stabilization of the condition of the expectant mother. If you don't take action, toothache will turn into night cramps. Gradually, discomfort will affect the entire gum, shooting into the area of ​​the ears and cheeks.
  2. Normalization of metabolic processes. Carrying a child is accompanied by hormonal changes that accelerate metabolism in the oral cavity. Because of this, tooth enamel is destroyed faster.
  3. Sanitation. Saliva is a natural antiseptic for the mouth. Dental problems increase the number of bacteria, thereby complicating the natural cleansing of the mucous membrane.

Features of treatment depending on the duration

Answering the question at what time pregnant women can have their teeth treated, doctors indicate that if it is possible to postpone therapy, then it is carried out in the 2nd trimester (we recommend reading: is it possible to treat teeth during ARVI?). X-rays and anesthesia during pregnancy are allowed from the 2nd trimester.

Treatment begins immediately if the patient suffers from unbearable pain and there is a possibility of infection in the body.

Early treatment

Bad teeth are not treated in the early stages of pregnancy, since it is necessary to limit the supply of painkillers during the period of fetal formation. Treatment without anesthesia provokes stress, which worsens the condition of the mother and child. In the future, this may complicate the course of pregnancy.

This recommendation is relevant for implantation, prosthetics and preventive teeth cleaning, which can be carried out after childbirth. Therapy is mandatory in cases of acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, accompanied by the release of pus. In such situations, the doctor selects an anesthetic with a minimum content of adrenaline.

Due to the increased need for nutrients in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to increase their intake into the body. It is necessary to take vitamins and minerals that are responsible for the strength of bone tissue. In addition to calcium, pregnant women are prescribed the following useful medications: vitamins A, E and D, phosphorus, fluorine, iron, potassium.

Features of dental treatment in the second trimester

The second semester is considered the best period for dental treatment. By the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the main internal systems and organs are formed in the fetus, and the dense placenta reliably protects it from harmful substances that are part of anesthesia. During this period, it is possible to eliminate problems that arose in the early stages of pregnancy: caries, inflammation of the nerves, cracked teeth.

Treatment in the third trimester

Dental treatment is not advisable at 36 weeks of pregnancy, after the uterus has risen to the chest. Introducing pain medications during the 3rd trimester increases the risk of preterm birth. For this reason, treatment of rotten teeth is carried out in extreme cases, to eliminate severe pain and remove dead tissue.

Visiting the dentist increases the load on the internal organs due to prolonged exposure to a reclining position. In the third trimester of pregnancy, pressure on the spine, aorta and vena cava increases. In order not to aggravate the patient’s condition, the doctor sits her in a chair tilted on her left side, thus reducing the load on the blood vessels.

Anesthesia during pregnancy - what drugs can be used?

Ideally, the patient has a low pain threshold, allowing her to easily tolerate simple dental procedures without anesthesia. If you need to remove a tooth or stop a nerve, you cannot do without freezing (we recommend reading: at what stage of pregnancy can a tooth be removed without contraindications?). To relieve pain in pregnant women, it is prohibited to use drugs with a high concentration of adrenaline: Imudon, Stopangin, Sodium fluoride.

To relieve pain in pregnant women, use Lidocaine with caution. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the drug affects the fetus more aggressively than on the body of an adult patient. In case of an overdose of Lidocaine in the later months of pregnancy, the child's breathing becomes impaired and the heart rate slows down.

When treating teeth in pregnant women, only local anesthesia is used. It is prohibited to administer general anesthesia that puts the patient into an induced coma. A woman’s loss of control over her body is fraught with hypoxia and increased uterine tone. The following drugs are used for pain relief:


X-ray examination in dentistry is prescribed for pregnant women in extreme cases, when the patient has a special jaw structure or severe pathologies that require careful diagnosis. X-rays are required in the following cases:

X-ray examination is carried out between the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. It is dangerous to take photographs in the 9th month of pregnancy, when the sensitivity of the uterus increases.

To avoid harm to the fetus and premature birth, the procedure is carried out using modern devices with a minimum dose of radiation, up to 32-35 weeks of gestation.

To reduce the harm from x-ray examination, the following rules are followed during the procedure:

  1. Protection. To block the path of X-rays, the area of ​​the thyroid gland and abdomen of the patient is covered with a lead blanket.
  2. Preparation. The exposure time (duration of taking the picture) is determined by the doctor individually. For examination of pregnant women, supersensitive class E film is used.
  3. Efficiency. In order not to put a pregnant woman at risk, they try to take all the necessary pictures in one session. For a quick and safe examination of the jaw, a woman is prescribed radiovisiography - computer X-ray with minimal radiation.

Tooth extraction

It is impossible to say for sure until how many weeks of pregnancy teeth can be removed (see also: what to do if gum inflammation occurs next to the wisdom tooth during pregnancy?). A good dentist will make every effort to restore the integrity of the dental unit. Relieving inflammation, removing a nerve, sanitation and filling holes is an incomplete list of measures to “save” the dentition. Extraction is a radical measure when saving a tooth through treatment is impossible.

Tooth extraction is indicated for acute pain that cannot be relieved with medication. The manipulation is carried out in the second trimester, after the end of hormonal changes in the body, until 7-8 months of pregnancy. Extraction of the root or fragments of a tooth from the socket is accompanied by bleeding, which may increase in the patient's position, and therefore it is rarely performed in the first and last weeks of gestation.

In exceptional cases, up to 35-37 weeks of pregnancy, extraction of wisdom teeth is prescribed. After this manipulation, pregnant women often develop a fever, increased bleeding, and the pain spreads to the entire gum. In addition, the procedure requires antibiotics, which must be used very carefully.

Dental treatment during pregnancy is a normal process that cannot be delayed. Delaying a visit to the dentist leads to an increase in the number of bacteria in the oral cavity, which causes more harm to the fetus than anesthesia. To alleviate a woman’s condition, they choose a doctor who has experience in treating pregnant patients and who can select the safest pain reliever.

Pregnancy can be compared to a novel, only each one has its own plot. Some people have toxicosis from start to finish, or drowsiness, like a bear in winter, and someone loses a tooth one after another or, even worse, suffers from a wild toothache in the midst of expecting a child. Dental problems are quite a serious and unpleasant problem during pregnancy. How to understand whether it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy, whether it is necessary to treat teeth during pregnancy, everything in order with the help of specialists.

Treat or Not treat…

Carrying a child involves a number of serious changes in a woman’s body, including hormonal and metabolic ones, which change everything. Therefore, you can hear from some ladies that during each pregnancy a sacrifice was made in the form of a lost tooth. Why go to such lengths if you can foresee everything, which is what our conversation will be about next.

According to statistics from American scientists, it has been proven that dental problems increase the risk of having children born prematurely or with intrauterine physical growth retardation.

It is ideal when a woman’s pregnancy is planned, and she can prepare herself for pregnancy in advance by going through all the specialists in advance: ENT doctor, surgeon, therapist, etc. Planned preparation also includes a trip to the dentist; he will find the source of the infection and carry out sanitation, thereby preventing possible danger.

How scary sick tooth

A bad tooth can not only cause terrible pain, but also become a source of bacterial growth. This fact may cause:

  • sore throat;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • pathologies of the skeletal system (osteomyelitis);
  • gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers, etc.);
  • heart diseases (myocarditis, pericarditis, etc.);
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, etc.).

Tell him that it is not possible for one tooth to create so many serious problems. Maybe, dear ladies, if a woman also has chronic diseases that periodically make themselves felt. In this case, dental problems are a trigger for their exacerbation. Therefore, the best option, of course, is a planned pregnancy.

Is it possible to remove, fill, whiten, insert, or replace teeth during pregnancy? Convenient table for pregnant women

But happiness sometimes “comes” unexpectedly and all plans can be radically changed. What to do and is it possible to treat teeth for pregnant women if they did not have time to visit their dentist before pregnancy? Which procedures can be done and which should be avoided? Read and memorize.

What can you do

What not to do

caries therapy – installation of fillings

teeth cleaning and whitening

periodontitis therapy

installation of implants

removal of teeth except eights

X-ray (allowed if indicated in the second half of pregnancy)

use of anesthesia (ultracaine, lidocaine, etc.)

use of general anesthesia

installation of braces

removing eights

sanitation and preventive examination


treatment of stomatitis

bite correction

ignore the old filling

So, based on all the above pros and cons, it is worth paying attention to each aspect.

When can you treat

When a toothache strikes you by surprise, you should immediately consult a dentist. There is no need to sacrifice yourself, claiming: I will endure everything for the sake of my child. This is, of course, commendable, but today such feats are, at least, not rational and not justified.

Problem #1

Caries is a dangerous disease that can lead to various diseases and create difficulties during pregnancy, and in some cases even lead to termination of pregnancy. At first glance, it seems like what will happen from a small hole in a tooth, but this is a mistaken opinion. This defect is an excellent place for the proliferation of streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria, which spread through the bloodstream throughout the woman’s body. What caries can lead to:

Pulpitis (root canal damage) Gingivitis bleeding and looseness of gums Parandatosis complete or partial loss of a tooth.

This transition from one form to another during pregnancy occurs faster, since the composition of saliva changes due to physiological and biochemical changes. Therefore, leaving caries unattended is dangerous. Many mothers ask when is the best time to treat teeth so as not to harm the unborn baby? My answer: If you notice that a hole has appeared in your tooth, or the tooth reacts to cold or hot, or other pathological changes have appeared, you must immediately contact your dentist!

Which fillings are harmless? for pregnant women s

Photopolymer material is safe today, but there are a number of nuances when it is not possible to install a permanent filling. For example, the interaction of the material with the tissues of the teeth does not allow it to last long. In this case, the doctor decides to place a temporary filling and then a permanent filling after the baby is born. There are cases when, at the time of pregnancy, a woman develops individual intolerance.

First trimester of pregnancy what to do?

Is it possible to treat teeth in the first trimester? During the first 18 weeks, all the organs and systems of the future fetus are formed; if the situation is not so serious and the dentist recommends that you postpone treatment until a later date, then postpone the therapy. Experts say that the best period is the second trimester.

Until what week can teeth be treated?

Are there any restrictions and until what week of pregnancy can teeth be treated? In the event that an emergency arises, a pregnant woman is not left without medical dental care. Toothache can provoke the development of complications and termination of pregnancy, so this fact cannot be ignored. Therefore, the gestation period does not matter in such cases. Of course, with planned therapy, if there are no emergency conditions, such periods are excluded when premature labor is possible or the woman already has such a threat:

Some mothers ask whether pregnant women can have their teeth removed under anesthesia? Removal is recommended at the twenty-seventh week if absolutely necessary. Those. If you are at 25 weeks and your tooth does not hurt but requires removal, but there is no urgency, for example, a decayed tooth or a remainder in the form of a root that does not cause pain and you can wait, then it is removed at 27 weeks or after childbirth. Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces drugs, namely those used in anesthesiology, which do not allow them to affect the development of the unborn baby. If there is an urgent situation to remove a diseased tooth or dental treatment is necessary, the dentist will choose the right anesthesia.

Prescribing antibiotics

I have developed purulent pulpitis, can I take antibiotics? If the process has turned into a purulent process, then taking antibiotics is unavoidable, since refusing them can lead to sepsis (blood poisoning). There is no need to worry, as the doctor will select a drug that will not harm the unborn baby, for example ampicillin, erythromycin, spiramycin, etc.

Prohibited antibacterial drugs during pregnancy include:

  • tetracycline;
  • gentamicin;
  • kanamycin;
  • norfloxacin, etc.

The use of such antibiotics can lead to fetal developmental abnormalities: malformations of internal organs, aesthetic abnormalities (cleft lip, cleft palate, etc.)

Remember, if you are taking antibiotics, you must take antifungal drugs and drugs that restore intestinal microflora. Only a doctor selects medications! Self-medication can be harmful, especially during pregnancy!


To diagnose dental problems, they often resort to x-ray examination, but during pregnancy this method forces many mothers to abandon it, which complicates the treatment process. To do or not to do, that is the question.

Experts say that dental x-rays can only be done if absolutely necessary.

According to the standards of sanitary epidemiological authorities and the Ministry of Health, X-ray examinations during pregnancy are carried out only for clinical indications. Preferably in the second half of pregnancy.

What to do if pregnancy is in the first phase of development, and x-rays are needed according to indications? Today, X-ray equipment has undergone a number of changes that make it possible to perform examinations even in the first months of pregnancy. In such cases, a localized image is taken with additional protective equipment (a lead apron is put on). Or they use special devices for diagnosing a pathological source that exclude x-ray radiation.

What to do to avoid dental problems

As the grandfather of medicine, Hippocrates, said: “It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.” And this is the truth, my dear future mothers. I offer ten recommendations from dentists so that the teeth do not leave one after another a beautiful woman’s mouth while bearing the desired child.

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In conclusion, I would like to note that you have been presented with material that can answer many of your questions. However, do not ignore going to a specialist in a timely manner, since wasted time can deprive you of not only a tooth and a beautiful smile, but can cause many problems. This is most important during pregnancy. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Tag: is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy?