"Men need to pay attention." The urologist explains the rules of intimate hygiene. Men's health. Urologist answers readers' questions

Nikolay Tkachuk Friday, 11 May 2018, 16:07

The clinic’s urologist told Apostrophe about the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys and what to do if a person gets sick Into-Sana ROMAN VERNIK.

- Exacerbation of kidney diseases in spring - is this even true? If so, what exactly is being exacerbated?

In the spring, many diseases worsen. And diseases of the genitourinary system are no exception to this. First of all, this is probably due to the fact that after winter all people develop vitamin deficiency. Against this background, the body's defenses are reduced. And it’s easier to get sick from some illnesses. Also, in the spring, the temperature outside is still unstable. That is, its sharp drop. And all this contributes to the development of inflammatory diseases.

- In general, are people at risk who have it chronically or not?

No. Of course, for people who have chronic illnesses, the spring period can be a disaster for them, because almost 100% of the illnesses worsen. But for those people who are healthy, against the background of the conditions that I mentioned earlier, that is, vitamin deficiency and unstable temperature conditions, it is much easier for them to catch some kind of illness or get sick with it for the first time.

- There is pyelonephritis, there is urolithiasis. What's the difference between them?

Pyelonephritis is a nonspecific inflammatory disease of the kidneys. The main cause of its occurrence is bacterial flora, that is, pathogenic microorganisms. Urolithiasis, in turn, is a disease associated mainly with metabolic disorders in the body. But sometimes it can also occur as a result of inflammatory kidney diseases.

- Can they be at the same time?

Yes, these two diseases are like two brothers, they always go together. Let me give you an example. With urolithiasis, when there are stones or stones in the urinary system, stagnation of urine may occur. Due to stagnation of urine, favorable conditions are created for the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. And, in turn, inflammation of the genitourinary system occurs. Also, stones can injure the inner layer, the inner lining of the urinary system, and, accordingly, this facilitates the penetration of bacteria into the walls of organs. Because of this, again, inflammation occurs.

- What are the symptoms and when should you see a doctor?

In general, with regard to urolithiasis, for a long time people may not even suspect that they have this disease. Sometimes this can manifest itself as some minor pain in the lower back, a burning sensation during urination. But when the pebble begins its active path from the kidney to the bladder, a condition such as renal colic occurs. In this condition, a pronounced pain syndrome occurs, as people also say, at that moment they cannot find a place for themselves. The pain is localized mainly in the lumbar region. It can radiate to the stomach, thigh, and external genitalia. Severe nausea occurs, and vomiting may occur. Pyelonephritis, since it is an inflammatory disease, usually causes an increase in body temperature to fairly high numbers, 39-39.5 degrees. Pain in the lower back is also typical. May be in the side of the abdomen. Also, urination becomes more frequent. It may be painful at this time.

- Is treatment at home realistic?

First of all, in order to determine whether this disease can be treated at home, you need to consult a doctor so that he can find out if there are any threatening conditions for the patient. That is, this decision can only be made together with a doctor: is it possible to treat this disease at home. Because, for example, with urolithiasis, when a pebble becomes in the ureter and blocks the outflow of urine, no matter what medications you treat at home, no matter what antibacterial drugs you take, until the outflow of urine from the kidney is resumed in a hospital setting, there will be no relief from the condition.

- Is there any way to prevent these diseases?

As for the prevention of urolithiasis, it is probably necessary to say first who is at risk for these diseases. First of all, people who suffer from endocrine diseases, people who suffer from diseases of the thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, people who suffer from diabetes, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are at risk of developing urolithiasis. Also at risk are those who may develop pyelonephritis, this includes people with chronic foci of infection in the body. That is, for example, caries, chronic tonsillitis. This also includes pregnant women due to the fact that the fetus at a later stage causes a certain pressure on the ureters, which disrupts the outflow of urine from the kidneys, and certain congestion occurs, which is a definite basis for the further development of pyelonephritis.

- What is prevention?

In order to avoid urolithiasis, it is necessary, firstly, to have a balanced diet. There is no need to insist on one particular type of food. For example, as vegetarians, they are generally at risk of forming phosphate stones. Because plant foods have the ability to add alkali to urine. That is, there must be a balanced diet. Absence of chronic inflammatory diseases and their early treatment if possible. Prevention of pyelonephritis includes avoiding hypothermia, sanitation, that is, the elimination of chronic foci of infections in the body, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

- And for those who already have kidney disease, how should they eat? Perhaps drink more water or something else?

For those people who already suffer from chronic kidney disease. Firstly, nutrition and certain recommendations must be provided to each patient individually, in individual conditions. Because all people have different metabolisms, and, accordingly, the elimination of salts of a certain composition may also be different. General advice: in order to avoid the development of possible complications and inflammatory diseases, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluid. This means, for example, ordinary water: in the winter-autumn period it is 1.5-2 liters per day, in the spring-summer period it can be 2-2.5 liters per day, excluding liquid dishes and teas.

What can you say about a situation in which a sick person does not see a doctor and thinks that he will be cured himself?

As I said earlier, the decision about whether to be treated at home or not is made by the doctor. If a person does not consult a doctor and the drugs for treatment are incorrectly selected, complications such as kidney abscess, kidney carbuncle, apostematous pyelonephritis, and acute renal failure may develop. That is, the consequences can be very serious and severe.

And, according to your observations, does it often happen that people do not see a doctor on time or delay doing so?

Yes, of course, people usually come when there is severe pain, when it hurts. If a person’s pain is not severe or does not cause him severe discomfort in everyday life, people can treat themselves for a long time and take some medications, say, on the recommendation of relatives, friends, or something that was prescribed to some friend. And bring yourself to quite serious conditions.

- The next point is prostatitis. How does it occur, what causes it and who is at risk?

Chronic prostatitis. The main factors for the occurrence of chronic prostatitis are considered to be the following: firstly, people who have an irregular sex life are at risk. That is, they have too long gaps between sexual acts. But those people who have too frequent sexual activity are also at risk. Further, these are persons who are promiscuous. That is, they have more than one partner and do not use any means of protection during sexual intercourse. As a result, they suffer from sexually transmitted diseases. And this is already one of the factors in the development of chronic prostatitis. This also includes, as with chronic pyelonephritis, persons who have foci of chronic infection in the body. That is, caries, tonsillitis and the like.

- If you have chronic prostatitis, does that mean you also have regular prostatitis?

There are acute prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis and chronic abacterial prostatitis. And chronic abacterial prostatitis is divided into several more subsections.

- At what stage do people usually contact you and what to do about it?

Of course, if acute bacterial prostatitis occurs, then almost all patients seek help at that moment, because the patient’s condition is quite serious. It is characterized primarily by difficult and sharply painful urination, that is, the person cannot urinate adequately. Against this background, acute urinary retention may even occur. A sharp increase in temperature to high numbers, severe pain in the lower abdomen, in the perineum. It may be in the scrotum, or it may radiate into the anus. And, accordingly, such patients almost immediately seek help.

- At what age should you start monitoring this? Perhaps after 40?

In general, all men who have already begun to have an active sex life, on average these are men around 20 years old, need to visit a urologist once a year in order to avoid the development of any chronic diseases, in particular sexually transmitted diseases. And in general for examination and diagnosis of other pathologies.

- How about curing him in principle?

The diagnosis of chronic prostatitis is made when the patient has had certain complaints characteristic of chronic prostatitis for more than 3 months. If this period is longer, then such a disease is more difficult to treat. Treatment should include, in addition to the use of medications, physical therapy. The patient himself must change his lifestyle according to the doctor’s recommendations.

Photo: pixabay.com

- Besides medications, perhaps there is something else, perhaps sports?

The best prevention, probably, from sports activities is running and long walking. In order to avoid congestion in the pelvis. Sports such as powerlifting, as a rule, do not bring any benefit to this pathology.

- What complications accompany this disease?

The most common complication and most often occurring from chronic prostatitis is infertility. Because the main function of the prostate gland is the production of prostate secretion, which is the environment for the life and movement of sperm outside the male body. That is, if the gland does not work adequately, then the quality of life of these sperm deteriorates significantly and they become less capable of fertilization. Also, if there is a chronic infection in the prostate gland that persists for a long time, it can enter the epididymis and testicle through the vas deferens. As a result, diseases such as epididymitis or orchitis appear.

- Besides regular check-ups with a doctor, what other methods of prevention are there?

Of course, every person must modify their lifestyle. First of all, it is a healthy and rational diet. For men in particular, this means eating plenty of foods containing selenium and zinc. As for more specific steps, of course, you should not abuse alcohol. This is possible in small, moderate quantities, but abuse will always lead to problems with the prostate gland. Smoking also has a pronounced negative effect on a man’s sexual function. Of course, you need to avoid hypothermia so that no acute inflammatory diseases arise at first, which eventually transform into chronic ones.

- How much is a small dose of alcohol?

Let's just say, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the weekly dose of alcohol for a man is 200 grams . That is, this is about 30 grams per day of pure alcohol. This is the dose that causes minimal risk of any complications. But everything is individual for each person. It's hard to be specific here for everyone. As for nutrition, foods rich in zinc are, of course, seafood. That is, fish contains a lot of zinc. Selenium is found in large quantities in foods of plant origin, that is, in vegetables.

- How does a sedentary lifestyle affect?

Due to the fact that a person is in a sitting position for a long time, blood stagnates in the pelvis. As a result, metabolic processes in the prostate gland are disrupted and chronic prostatitis can also occur. But for this there must also be accompanying conditions. Such as the presence of bacterial flora. If, in addition to all this, a person has an irregular sex life, then this is a direct path to the development of chronic prostatitis.

- And a question from coffee lovers. Is coffee bad for your kidneys?

In general, coffee has a diuretic effect. It is quite difficult to say about its direct influence here. Coffee is contraindicated for certain types of urolithiasis. In particular, with stones of phosphate composition. Because it can change the acid-base balance of urine to the alkaline side. In general, its excessive consumption is still more harmful to the cardiovascular system than to the kidneys.

Nikolay Tkachuk

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If a man has received a referral to a urologist, this means that he may have problems in areas such as the urinary system, reproductive system, prostate diseases (inflammation, cancer, adenoma). In addition, you can go to this doctor with inflammation of the genital organs or diseases that are sexually transmitted. What needs to be done to minimize the likelihood of a visit to such a specialist?

Many men turn to these doctors due to problems with urination.

If urination is frequent (more than 4-5 times during the day, more than once at night with a normal bladder volume of 0.25-0.3 liters), then first of all you need to exclude too much drinking, excitement or cooling.

When these signs are eliminated, the need for frequent visits to the toilet disappears by itself. If it is not the above reasons, then you need to check for the absence of diabetes mellitus (diabetes insipidus), cystitis or hyperplasia, as well as bladder stones, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, prostatitis.

Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland when an inflammatory agent enters this area. It can enter from the rectum, urethra, through the pelvic lymph flow or from the bladder. Therefore, doctors recommend that representatives of the stronger sex avoid hypothermia, including from sitting on a cold surface, warm up every hour during sedentary work, have regular sex life (lack or excessive activity can be equally harmful), and do not engage in sexual relations with unfamiliar partners during avoiding sexually transmitted diseases. If the latter are detected, then the man should immediately consult a doctor. In addition, you need to maintain your immune system at the proper level, eat well, and lead an active lifestyle.

In elderly men, cases of cystitis are periodically recorded when an infection enters the bladder as a result of inflammation of the kidneys, as an ailment accompanying hyperplasia or cancer (the bladder does not empty completely, which leads to stagnation of urine and inflammatory processes), or a consequence of medical manipulations with the bladder ( introduction of endoscopic instruments). In this case, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease.

Untreated cystitis, in turn, can cause pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys of an infectious nature. Representatives of the stronger sex are also more likely to suffer from this disease as a consequence of prostate adenoma. Therefore, it is worth dwelling on hyperplasia in more detail.

This disease never affected eunuchs

An interesting feature of adenoma (benign tumor) is that it appears more often in masculine men than in effeminate men, because the former are carriers of high testosterone levels. The disease can develop unnoticed for many years, the gland increases in size, compresses the canal, problems with urination begin, and concomitant diseases develop. To avoid such a disease, the causes of which in men have not yet been fully revealed, you need not to abuse alcohol, eat wild berries, minimize the amount of harmful animal fats (this will also help in the fight against atherosclerosis), eat more legumes, which contain natural phytoestrogens and tomatoes, undergone heat treatment.

Additionally, it is necessary not to restrain the urge to urinate, not to smoke, to exercise, to avoid stress and prolonged constipation, not to get too cold, to eat more raw vegetables and less pickles and spicy seasonings, to exercise and have protected regular sex so that ejaculation is regular. After 30 years, you need to regularly visit urologists for examination, because The disease may strike at 35, or it may never appear.

Foreign body in the urethra

Difficulty urinating may be caused by the same prostatitis, urethritis or prostate adenoma, but it is also possible that a foreign body or stricture has entered the urethra. The foreign body is most often removed by surgery in young boys, so it is the responsibility of women and men to carefully monitor the behavior of babies. Urethral stricture (narrowing of the canal) can occur as a congenital disease or become acquired due to genital trauma or infection. Therefore, you just need to take care of yourself.

From time to time, men with discharge from the urethra are seen by a urologist. If they are transparent and occur in the morning along with sexual arousal or with an overloaded nervous system and bowel movements (grayish discharge associated with increased intra-abdominal pressure), then there is no need to worry in advance, because. Such phenomena are more often the norm in men. Otherwise, the discharge may be concomitant signs of prostatitis or sexually transmitted diseases.

These diseases include mycoplasmosis, herpes, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, etc. To avoid them, it is necessary to have sex with trusted partners and use condoms (protection from 70 to 96%; condoms do not provide full protection). If you have had unprotected sexual intercourse with a casual partner, then you should treat the genitals with special sprays at the slightest suspicion (burning sensation, pain during intercourse, redness, swelling or itching of the genitals, fever, fatigue, change in the color and smell of semen, erectile dysfunction and etc.).

To be healthy, a man needs to follow many rules.

Urologists urge members of the stronger sex to eat rationally also because some of the calls to them (about redness of the glans penis) are related to allergic reactions, often to food. If a man has a predisposition to allergies inherited from his parents (immunoglobulins from group A are poorly produced), then he needs to constantly follow a diet. For the rest, a varied, well-digestible diet is recommended, because... everything that was not digested in the intestines and was not excreted from it in time enters the blood, which causes an additional burden on the immune system. It is recommended to eat in moderate portions (the gastric mucosa is not irritated), chew foods well (moisturize food with salivary enzymes). In addition, itching and redness of the glans are associated with sexually transmitted diseases and urethritis.

In addition to the above problems, urologists consider dysfunctions in men in the sexual sphere, including accelerated and delayed ejaculation. Accelerated ejaculation syndrome is typical for 90% of young men, so young people should not be upset about this. It is worth living with a permanent partner and improving your technique. If a man does not know how to plan the duration of sexual intercourse in adulthood, then vesiculitis or prostatitis can be considered as the cause. In more complex cases, the problem lies in the nerve endings of the brain, which could be caused by injuries, infectious diseases, birth injuries or intracranial pressure. Therefore, the head must be protected even better than the reproductive organ.

Difficulty in ejaculation, in addition to structural features of the genital organs, diseases of the spine, and hormonal disorders, is often caused by bad habits or a depleted nervous system. It is because of this that doctors pay attention to the need to adhere to a routine, exercise and get good nutrition.

Poor personal hygiene can also lead men to urologists. Appearing itching in combination with ulcerations of the foreskin (balanitis) or both the foreskin and the glans (balanoposthitis) may appear due to a weakened immune system or reluctance to take a shower on time. In addition, damage to the genitals can be caused by wearing tight pants/swimming trunks or poor quality dyes, which cause contact dermatitis. Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex should take care of having good, clean clothes in their wardrobe that fit them in size.

The most common urological diseases in men include prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland. The cause of inflammation can be both infectious and non-infectious factors. Chronic and acute prostatitis, in the absence of adequate treatment, provoke complications - pyelonephritis, cystitis, vesiculitis, and the development of prostate adenoma cannot be ruled out. A serious complication of prostatitis is impotence or infertility.

Prevention measures

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • if you have a sedentary job, you need to do regular warm-ups and take walks;
  • normalize nutrition, get rid of constipation;
  • have regular sex life with your spouse or girlfriend;
  • no need to self-medicate;
  • consult a doctor promptly if any diseases appear;
  • lead an active lifestyle, engage in sports and physical education to the best of your ability;
  • even if nothing particularly bothers you, you need to be checked by a urologist every year after forty years.

Physical therapy indicated

To prevent prostatitis, samples of complexes have been developed that should be used if you want to maintain health. In the forties of the last century, gynecologist Arnold Kegel developed a set of exercises to develop the muscles of the perineum. This complex was intended for women suffering from urinary incontinence. Over time, it became clear that Kegel exercises are suitable for men too. First, identify your perineal muscles. A man does this in the following way: trying to stop the flow of urine while urinating. The muscles that have to be used for this are the perineal muscles we need. At the same time, you will be able to feel tension around the anus and in the perineum.

The first part is related to slow compression. You need to tense your muscles, as you were able to do to stop urination. Count slowly to three. Now you can relax. The second part contains abbreviations. You need to tense and relax your pelvic muscles, and do this as quickly as possible. The third part uses the push technique. Try pushing as you would when passing urine or passing a bowel movement.

In addition to the perineal muscles, this exercise provokes tension in some abdominal muscles, as well as relaxation and tension in the anus. You should start training with ten slow contractions, compressions, and push-ups five times a day. After seven days you will have to add five exercises to each part, continue to do them five times a day. Add five sets of each exercise each week until you have a total of thirty. Then continue to do five series a day in order to maintain tone. In total, you need to do one hundred and fifty Kegel exercises every day. Do the exercises anywhere: while walking, driving a car, watching TV, lying in bed, and the results will not be long in coming.

Hello, my dear readers!

Today my guest is urologist Oksana Kozlova, and we will talk about dietary supplements for men.

Men are big children, and if you don’t take care of your man’s health, he certainly won’t take care of himself. We are used to going to the gynecologist or dentist once a year, but a man can only be driven to the doctor at gunpoint.

At the same time, men are no less susceptible to various diseases than we are, they just hide it and put off visiting the doctor until the last minute.

In general, I wrote about the benefits of dietary supplements for the health of women and men in a previous article, you can look it up at And today we will talk about special dietary supplements for men. They will help solve problems in the field of urology and maintaining potency.

Who else, if not us, will be the first to know that men are having problems. And this despite the fact that they hide them under naive pretexts: “I’m tired,” or “I drank a lot of water,” etc.

Will dietary supplements help?

I: Oksana, tell me, is it possible to use dietary supplements in case of incipient problems in men’s health?

Oksana: At the very initial stage, and also as a preventive measure, dietary supplements can really help. But, I recommend that even with minor problems, consult a doctor immediately.

Even if the problem is not yet clearly expressed, the doctor will help you select a set of medications, including dietary supplements, to correct and prevent men’s health, taking into account the general condition and age of the patient.

However, it happens that for one reason or another, a man cannot see a doctor in the near future (business trip abroad, emergency at work, etc.). In this case, if problems with men’s health are just beginning, you can try to correct them yourself with dietary supplements.

Prevention of men's health

Dietary supplements for men for potency

Oksana: One of the main reasons that leads to problems with potency is obesity. Often, by getting rid of excess weight, a man solves his problems in the field of potency.

Nowadays men have less and less time to play sports, and some simply don’t like it, in which case it makes sense to recommend medications to men or. This will be an excellent preventive measure for men's health so that these problems do not start or start as late as possible.

If the first signs of male ill health have already begun, then along with dietary supplements for weight loss, you need to take dietary supplements to increase potency in men or herbal infusions for male strength.

Me: Are there any men who brew herbal infusions for themselves and drink them 3 times a day? 🙂

Oksana: There are women who brew all this for them. Of course, it will be easier and more convenient for men to take the same plant extracts in the form of dietary supplements, rather than carry a thermos with the broth to work.

How quickly will it work?

Oksana: Dietary supplements for potency, of course, do not give an immediate effect. Only medications can be quickly treated, but they are indicated for serious dysfunctions, and at the initial stage it is quite possible to do without them.

Dietary supplements are milder-acting drugs. They contain vitamins, various herbal extracts, waste products of insects and animals that improve potency, fertility, libido, and the functioning of the urinary system. Dietary supplements have a number of significant advantages.

Thanks to the above composition, they have no or only minimal contraindications. In addition, potency and the general vitality of a person are very interconnected. Many dietary supplements not only solve the problem, but also improve the general condition of the body.

A person taking them becomes more resilient and active. Many dietary supplements include vitamins C, E, zinc, various fatty acids, selenium and a number of other vitamins and microelements. Zinc is important not only for potency, but also for sperm quality.

Many dietary supplements include extracts of ginseng or antlers or deer blood, which have long been considered very useful substances specifically for men’s health and are actively used in Chinese medicine. Their effectiveness has been proven over time.

This does not mean that I sing the praises of dietary supplements; we must understand that dietary supplements are not medicine. In advanced cases, only medications and a competent doctor will help.

What is better dietary supplement or medicine?

Me: Oksana, there are a lot of reviews on the Internet that this or that dietary supplement has helped cope with very big problems in men. Some write that doctors could not help with medications, but dietary supplements helped.

Oksana: Such cases may well happen, and God is weak that these people found something that ultimately helped them restore their health. However, there is no point in arguing whether a dietary supplement can cure serious illnesses or not - this needs to be tested on a statistically significant audience with a similar health condition.

Dietary supplement for increasing potency in men

After all, how does a dietary supplement differ from a medicine? The fact that the drug has passed all the necessary studies, its effectiveness was tested on groups of patients.

And as a result of many years of research (and they really last for years), if the effectiveness of the drug is proven, then it is given the status of a medicine and entered into the register of medicines.

We have many herbal products that have been given medicinal status. Do not think that only “chemical” drugs are medicines.

Dietary supplements have not undergone such research. They may be effective, but the manufacturer did not, for example, have the funds for such research. The dietary supplement can be very effective, and doctors can prescribe it to their patients.

However, if the patient has serious health problems, every day is important, and in this case we always prescribe medications with a statistically verified result of a quick cure.

For example, if problems with potency arose due to poor circulation in the pelvic organs, or due to any infectious or other diseases, then no supplements will definitely help.

If, for example, a slight dysfunction arose due to stress, overexertion, vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamins and microelements, then dietary supplements will cope with this perfectly.

How to choose a dietary supplement

Oksana: I’ll say right away that when I talk about dietary supplements, I mean dietary supplements that are included in the Rospotrebnadzor register. I do not recommend dietary supplements that have not been tested for safety in the Russian Federation and are not included in the register, even as an experiment. Taking them can be not only useless, but even very dangerous to health.

Therefore, the first criterion for choosing a dietary supplement is its safety. Go to the Rospotrebnadzor website, enter the name of the dietary supplement into the search bar, and see whether this drug is included in the register or not, whether it is safe or not.

And I beg you, do not buy any Chinese dietary supplements for potency on incomprehensible sites, from incomprehensible manufacturers. There may be substances prohibited for use in dietary supplements, in unknown dosages, with unpredictable side effects.

If you are a fan of oriental medicine, then buy proven Chinese dietary supplements at the pharmacy to avoid counterfeits.

Oksana: Also try to buy all medications in pharmacies or online pharmacies. In online pharmacies, prices are usually 15-20% lower, but they are also checked like regular pharmacies, and the likelihood of buying a counterfeit or unregistered drug there is reduced to zero.

The second criterion for choosing a dietary supplement is its effectiveness. Dietary supplements are tested only for safety. They do not undergo such thorough and lengthy studies as medications.

Therefore, when choosing a dietary supplement, it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer. Well-known manufacturers value their reputation and carefully select components for dietary supplements, and do not make unrealistic promises.

And the third criterion for selection is that the dietary supplement must solve exactly your problem. The best dietary supplements for potency are those that are right for you.

If you have problems with men's health due to age, some dietary supplements work better here, for example, Yohimbine. If due to stress, exacerbation of vegetative-vascular dystonia, then others, for example Impaza. If due to prostate adenoma, then the Red root shows a good effect. It is better, of course, for a doctor to select a corrective drug for you.

Me: Many people ask which dietary supplement is best for potency. It turns out that everyone has their own.

In Russia they really like to self-medicate and prescribe themselves not only dietary supplements, but also medications. And, as we see, they don’t always get it right with the drug. My advice is this: read about each dietary supplement on the Internet before buying it, or at least consult a pharmacist, tell him what you attribute your ill health to. Have you been nervous lately, or do you have prostate adenoma, or have vegetative-vascular dystonia?

If the pharmacist is smart, he will be able to select the most suitable drug for you. At least he won’t sell you something that won’t suit your case at all.

Now I will say a few words about the most popular biologically active dietary supplements in our country. All of them are included in the register of Rospotrebnadzor and are recommended for sale through the pharmacy chain.


Contains large quantities of aphrodisiacs and vitamins. Increases stamina during sexual intercourse. Increases testosterone production. And the presence of aphrodisiacs increases excitability in men.


The dietary supplement released in the USA “Orgazex” has very good reviews. It enhances sensation during sexual intercourse. An hour after taking this Orgazex, the man will be fully armed. A stable erection persists for two days after taking the drug.


A very popular remedy for men is Impaza. Previously, it was registered as a dietary supplement. However, the drug has been tested and has been a registered drug for several years.

Impaza is recommended for erectile dysfunction, including impotence, usually due to age. Helps in the treatment of vegetative-vascular disorders. It has few contraindications - the main one is individual intolerance.

Tentex forte

Which dietary supplement is best for potency?

Another former dietary supplement, and now a registered drug, is Tentex Forte. This is a completely herbal preparation.

It helps even with moderately severe situations of erectile dysfunction, especially caused by excessive nervous and physical stress. It helps if a man has no sexual desire, if potency is absent or weakly expressed.

Like all similar drugs, it has contraindications - high blood pressure, severe problems with the kidneys, heart, atherosclerosis (narrowing of blood vessels).

Red root and golden pipit

Often in pharmacies you can find drugs such as red root and golden horse. Golden pipit is useful as a general tonic. One of its main components is ginseng root.

People who abuse this drug have a side effect – increased urination.

As for the red root tablets or tincture, it helps not only with potency disorders, but also with other diseases of the genitourinary system in men. In particular, the date has a good effect on prostate adenoma. Therefore, it is recommended by doctors as an addition to treatment.


Male supplements to increase potency

Available in tablets. It is used and shows a good effect in case of problems with potency, especially age-related ones. It also has a good effect on urinary incontinence. Cannot be used for diseases of the genitourinary system in the acute stage.

Super Yohimbe – a plus

Increases potency, significantly increases blood flow to the genitals. The supplement contains various plant extracts and acts as a very strong strengthening agent.


I understand that you were somewhat surprised by the article about medications for men. But if we don’t take care of ourselves, then they themselves will definitely not take care of their health.

The main thing is to choose safe and effective dietary supplements that have been tested by Rospotrebnadzor and produced by a reputable manufacturer. Then your men will delight you with their attention for a long time!

If you are a man who has passed the 4th decade, and you have to get up every night to go to the toilet in a small way, the prostate gland may be making itself felt.

The thing is that, starting from this age, this male organ can be affected by adenoma. We talked to the medical center’s urologist, Dmitry Bugrimenko, a doctor of the highest category, about what this disease is and how to fight it.

Prostate adenoma is a tumor. But do not be afraid: the tumor is benign - the tissues of this organ are simply growing. Its appearance and development is associated with changes in the hormonal background of the male body, which are observed in almost all representatives of the stronger sex after 40-45 years. This condition is called andropause, or male menopause. At this time, the production of the sex hormone testosterone begins to decrease. So to some extent this disease is even natural.

When to go to the doctor?

The first signs of adenoma are associated with difficulty urinating. “Anatomically, the prostate kind of covers the urethra and, when it enlarges, then, firstly, it compresses it, and secondly, it puts pressure on the bladder,” says Dmitry Bugrimenko. - Because of this, the stream of urine loses pressure, is interrupted, and you have to urinate more often (normally a person urinates 5-8 times a day, with adenoma - 9 or more often). Often, having gone once, after a couple of minutes a person feels a new urge. What is typical is the urge to walk small at night.” At the same time, the feeling of complete emptying of the bladder with an adenoma is rare - it usually seems that there is still something left.

Unfortunately, even if they suspect that they have an adenoma, most men argue that “it’s all just age,” and therefore do not seek medical help. And then they pay with more severe consequences. “If the outflow of urine is constantly obstructed, favorable conditions are created in the urinary tract for the development of infection, and complications begin to appear - cystitis, pyelonephritis, bladder stones,” says the urologist. - Over time, chronic renal failure develops, which is manifested by constant headache, thirst, dry mouth, weakness, irritability. The most dangerous acute complication of adenoma is acute urinary retention (when urine stops being excreted altogether) and the development of renal failure - this condition is life-threatening and requires calling the emergency room. In any case, the sooner a man seeks help, the greater his chances of beating the disease.”

But there are also “silent” adenomas. “In the early stages, the tumor may already be present, but there are no symptoms yet. Therefore, in order not to miss the onset of the disease, men over 40 need to be examined by a urologist once a year for prevention, and not allow prostate cancer to develop,” the specialist emphasizes.

The specialist you need to contact is a urologist. To determine the extent of the adenoma, he will conduct several studies on the man. “They often ask whether it is possible to make a diagnosis without a digital examination of the prostate through the rectum, which many are embarrassed about,” says the specialist. - But this is the most important study for adenoma; nothing can replace it. You also definitely need to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Having the results of these tests in hand, the specialist can decide on the treatment that is suitable for a particular patient.”

Risk group

In some men, prostate adenoma develops earlier. The risk group for the occurrence of this disease, first of all, includes those men whose work involves a sedentary lifestyle. First of all, these are those engaged exclusively in mental work. “The press also often hears information that the development of adenoma is predisposed by alcohol and tobacco abuse, past inflammatory and sexually transmitted diseases, and even non-traditional sexual orientation. But no reliable connection has been identified between these factors and prostate tumors,” notes Dmitry Bugrimenko.

How to get rid of the problem

All treatment methods for prostate adenoma can be divided into two groups: conservative and surgical. The former are used in the initial stages of the disease. This is taking one or more medications, usually in pill form. Most often these are drugs from the group of alpha-blockers; they relax the muscle walls of various organs, including the urethra. Of course, they won’t remove the tumor anywhere, but they will normalize urination. The urologist may also prescribe additional treatment - hormonal agents (5-alpha reductase inhibitors), herbal remedies (for example, based on nettle, pumpkin, chestnut, American dwarf palm fruit, etc.), homeopathy, which can stop tumor growth, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs - if the adenoma has already become complicated by cystitis or other inflammation of the urinary tract.

But if the adenoma is already in its prime, then such treatment is ineffective - you can only help get rid of unpleasant symptoms with the help of surgery. “The traditional operation for patients with adenoma is partial or complete removal - prostate adenectomy,” says the urologist. - This operation has its drawbacks - you need to make an incision in the anterior abdominal wall, there is blood loss, and a scar remains. In the West, such operations have already been abandoned; they practice a much more gentle technique with minimal intervention (the so-called minimally invasive operation) - transurethral resection. We also do it here, but it is not so common. It is carried out without an incision in the anterior abdominal wall; access is through the urinary canal (urethra). A resectoscope is inserted into it - a mini-probe with a video camera and cutting tools. The urologist surgeon sees the image on the screen and, guided by it, removes pieces of prostate tissue and cauterizes the bleeding vessels.” The only common disadvantage of both operations is that they both require hospitalization and have a relatively long postoperative period.

5 useful tips for men

Do exercises. Prolonged sitting leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, which contributes to the development of adenoma. Therefore, make it a rule to get up every hour - if not to warm up, then at least to just walk.

Have regular sex life. One of the best ways to combat blood stagnation is regular intimacy. Intimacy can both slow down the appearance of adenoma and restrain its progress. Therefore, women, do not deny your men this pleasant and useful method of treatment.

Change medications. There are a number of medications that can worsen the symptoms of adenoma: some antihistamines, diuretics and decongestants (including nasal sprays). Ask your doctor if you are taking such medications and, if so, change them to more suitable ones.

Don't drink at night. If you do develop an adenoma, do not drink water or other drinks for several hours before bed so that you are less likely to have to get up to go to the toilet at night.

Do a cancer check once a year. Anyone who has an enlarged prostate gland must undergo a blood test once a year for PSA (prostate specific antigen) - a special marker of the malignant process.