Science and facts: does cat reincarnation occur? Transmigration of the human soul into an animal... Transmigration of the soul after death - various theories

Animal Reincarnation

Question: Dear Kryon, what happens to animals (dogs and cats) when they die? Do they exist after the transition? Do they reincarnate too? Are they developing?

Answer: Are you asking specifically about pets. The task of these creatures is to help humanity. In this regard they - employees and are embodied in the same group. These beings do not need to “evolve” into Humans, just as Kryon does not need to “evolve” into another form. Some of us are Divine universe workers and we all look different to you in your reality, but much is understood and seen to be relevant from this side of the veil. We have said before: we all have separate tasks, but we are not separate. The “soup” of Divinity has many flavors, but it is still “soup.” Thus, consider animals as part of the taste of God.

To those of you who have lost your pets (since their lives are short-lived), we say: having lost a faithful friend, an animal who has unconditionally dedicated its entire life to helping you, it is natural that you are sad and suffering. Now the good news: they reincarnate! Moreover, they do this in the same areas where they left, so you can find them again!

Rules to find the energy of the same animal soul again:

Wait three months.

Don't assume that the animal will be the same breed or the same size. In fact, don’t even count on the animal being the same species! Typically cats reincarnate into dogs and vice versa to maintain a fine balance.

Look them in the eyes... and that's it. They will show themselves to you.

Call them what you want. They are not attached to anything other than your energy.

If you don't find them again, there is no negative in that. This is just a possibility. They will continue to have a strong love for humanity and will help others as they helped you. Not all the animals you find have been here before. Many come for the first time, volunteering to play their part to make you feel more loved and calm, so that you become stronger Lighthouses.

The task of animals on the planet is to support humanity while it builds peace on Earth. They are also Divine. But you knew about it, didn't you?

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The article gives a general idea of ​​what can be considered a soul in pets, and presents the most popular points of view that provide answers to basic questions on this topic.

But we should not forget that every opinion is subjective and it is extremely difficult to say for sure and with one hundred percent certainty something on this issue, because we are considering a situation whose solution has not yet been presented or reliably proven by anyone.

Do dogs and cats have a soul according to the Bible, psychic opinion, Orthodoxy, arguments

The Bible says that the soul is found in the blood of the earth's cattle (Genesis 9:1). Psychics say that cats and dogs have a soul; some of them believe that the soul separates from the body during sleep and then returns back.

Where does the soul of a dog go after death, Vedas

To answer the question of where the soul goes, you need to be sure of the existence of heaven and hell, because according to the majority, the human soul goes there. No one can say for sure about the existence of an afterlife.

The death of a dog in the house, if a person in the family is sick, has left the house, what does it mean?

The death of a dog in the house has long been considered a bad omen; expect trouble.

If a person is sick, the dog leaves home. You shouldn't wait for recovery.

Causes of death of a dog during pregnancy

- Large fruit.

- Poor circulation.

- Weak labor.

Sometimes there are situations when a pet, for some reason, painfully leaves this world. Serious illness, injury, poisoning or other reason. In this case, it is better to resort to euthanasia. Over time, grief is replaced by warm memories. It is impossible to let go of a beloved friend without worrying.

A dog has died, what to do next, how to explain to a child whether it’s worth getting a new one

This can be a real stress for a child; it is better to try to explain that the dog died and went to heaven, she will be fine there. Under no circumstances should you get a new pet right away, it will be a replacement. But a dog is not a toy; it cannot be forgotten on the second day after death. Bury the animal with the child, go to the grave with him.

Dog death from old age: symptoms and how to know that it is dying

The dog becomes less agile. He eats less. Sleep time increases. Lack of sexual activity. Changes in appearance, the coat becomes grey, some parts suffer from baldness. Teeth fall out.

Sudden death of a dog causes and symptoms

Sudden death can result from:

- Poisoning.
- Heart disease.
- Pneumothorax.
- Collapse of the trachea.
- Foreign body in the throat.

Signs of dog death from poisoning

Depending on the toxic substance, signs may vary. Once in the body, the poison affects the central nervous system, organs, and skin. Most often, the dog falls, convulses, foams at the mouth, vomits, and grinds its teeth. They are too active, their consciousness is not clear, or, on the contrary, they are lethargic and depressed.

Can dogs sense the death of their owner?

There are many stories in which they tell how a dog, sensing the imminent death of its owner, began to behave differently, whine or warn in some other way. There are often cases when a dog saved its owner from death.

Esoteric dog soul

It is believed that the soul turns to dust.

Clinical death in a dog happens or not, from a tick bite, heart attack, heart failure, during and after childbirth, from anesthesia, rat poison

Clinical death happens.

If you do not provide help, death after a bite from an infected tick will occur within 3-7 days.

Just yesterday it was a playful creature full of life, warming you with its warmth. And today it has turned into something lying motionless, with eyes covered with a dull film and bared teeth... I can’t believe that “this” was once a living Jack or Muska... “This” cannot have anything to do with them! They remained somewhere there, in the depths of the apartment, in the rustles of the night, the creaks of dried floorboards... Occasionally we imagine a barely audible whining or scratching, and only a second later we remember that the pet is no longer there...

My cat Alba died at the end of July, in the midst of an “abnormal” heat wave. We periodically wiped her with wet rags and placed water throughout the apartment, but this did not help. When we returned from visiting on a weekend evening, Alba was lying on the floor, unable to get up and breathing hoarsely... Half an hour later she died literally in my arms. A friend said that her heart could not stand it due to overheating...

Paradoxically, I still listen to the sounds heard in the house, carefully walk along the dark corridor, afraid of stepping on the tail, open the apartment door with caution so that it does not jump out... It seems to me that she is still in the house. She couldn't leave there.

According to religious beliefs, animals, unlike humans, do not have a soul. But is this true?

One Cornish couple got lost on a peat bog and couldn't find their way back. Suddenly the couple saw in front of them a car that had once belonged to their wife’s late aunt. They followed the animal and soon came out onto a path. As soon as these people were safe, the phantom disappeared...

Muscovite Sergei M., at the invitation of a friend, went to the Bryansk region to hunt. A friend fell ill, and Sergei went hunting alone. Wandering through the forest, he regretted that his beloved dog Trezor, who died two years ago, was not with him. Returning back, Sergei chose a shorter path. The area around was swampy, swampy, and water churned underfoot. Suddenly the hunter saw ahead... Trezor! He sat on a hummock and growled furiously. At first Sergei was happy. But then I remembered - the dog was dead! How did she end up here? Maybe the dog just looks like the late Trezor? Coming closer, the hunter hesitantly called Trezor by name. The dog sat down on his hind legs, wagged his tail and whined. There was no doubt: this is Trezor! Sergei rushed to him. But he instantly bared his teeth and rushed at the owner, as if he wanted to grab him by the throat. The man pulled aside - and the dog, jumping up, flew over his head. Looking around, Sergei saw that she was nowhere to be found. And right in front of him, in the very place where Trezor had just sat, a swamp splashed, hidden by grass and duckweed. If it were not for the animal, Sergei would inevitably step on a swampy place, and he would probably be sucked in.

It happens that ghost animals settle in the house where they once lived with their owners. Here is Marianne's story. Once she bought a Siamese at the market with a hernia on her stomach. It just became a pity. The kitten was taken out, the hernia was operated on, and after a while the sick little creature turned into a beautiful cat. Syama lived in Marianna's family for eleven years and died of a serious illness. Over the years, she turned into a member of the family, so the owners grieved for her very much. After this, Marianna and her daughter saw Syama more than once, either sitting on a stool or curled up in a ball on a pillow. Sometimes they heard sounds like a cat jumping onto the floor from a bed or a chair. They weren’t even very surprised by this - they thought it was just a fantasy, after all, they had gotten used to having a pet after so many years.

Marianna's daughter met a guy and brought him to visit. He didn't know that the family once had a cat. We sat down on the sofa to watch TV. And suddenly the guy jumped up on the spot: “Where did the cat come from, it just wasn’t there? It’s lying right on the pillow!” Then the mother and daughter realized that they were not imagining anything, that the cat was indeed in the house. The girls told a friend about this, but he didn’t believe it, although he saw the ghost himself... One day, Marianna’s daughter brought home a new friend from technical school. And then Syama appeared again - she walked along the carpet in front of the guest, stepping softly with her paws. The friend was very surprised, but did not deny that there was a cat. Then the daughter brought a new cat into the house, also a Siamese breed. After that, Syama never showed up.

Another case. An English family rented a large abandoned house in Devonshire for the summer. From the very first days, the residents began to be haunted by oddities. The cold crept into the living room in the evenings, despite the switch on, the door creaked open of its own accord, someone pulled blankets off the children at night... One night the new housewife heard someone invisible run into their bedroom through a closed door, and then felt , as a shaggy lump plopped down on her stomach and began to beat her legs with its tail... The next morning, the youngest son told his parents that he had seen a small dog in his room... Later they found in the house a basket with a leash, a collar, a chewed rubber ball and a faded photograph in which a touching dwarf terrier is depicted...

I hope that my Alba will return home someday. Even if it’s just an ethereal phantom or a dream... She can’t betray those with whom she lived for eight years? Or maybe she still lives in the house, we just don’t notice her?

Incredible facts

There is a lot of different literature, articles and facts confirming the existence of the afterlife and the continuation of the life of the human soul.

And if with souls of people Although something is clear, with the spirits of animals after death everything is much more confusing and difficult to explain.

In this article we will consider the point of view of a famous British clairvoyant and medium Craig Hamilton-Parker(Craig Hamilton-Parker).

He explains what happens to animals when they die and gives examples of how their spirits visit their owners after death.

Animal souls after death

© Barna Tanko/Getty Images

There is only one life for every living being.

The divine spirit touches all living beings who inhabit this planet, and each of us bears the burden of responsibility to each other.

It would be wrong to separate the lives of some from others. All aspects of human and animal life are inextricably linked and must move together. While man was making his evolutionary ascent, the animal was always nearby.


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"Sometimes, at night, my wife Jane sees the spirit of our deceased dog William lying next to the bed. (He was a special animal when he was alive). He still comes back and visits her. I get hundreds of letters from people wondering what's going on with her." the souls of their departed pets. Others claim that they saw the spirit of their pet who came to them after his death.

Animals seem to have the ability to anticipate their death, and in some cases seem to accept it. When William's time came, the veterinarian advised that he be euthanized. This decision is not easy for many."

The medium says that in some sessions, along with the souls of departed relatives, he was also able to summon the spirits of dead animals.

He saw many cry, realizing that their loved ones were not lost forever, and that they had simply passed on to the spirit world.

According to Craig, after death, all pets continue to live with people in the same spiritual world.

To prove this theory, the medium cites an incident that happened to a woman who turned to him for help several years ago. This case was described in one of the national British magazines and was confirmed by journalists.

Do animals have souls?

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So here is the story of Susan Lloyd (names have been changed for privacy reasons), as told by the woman herself:

“I really wanted to communicate with the spirit of my deceased dog. It was for this reason that I decided to turn to a medium. My little fox terrier Pip, who died two years ago, was 10 years old.

His death came as a real shock to me. But I was also upset that the spirit of my beloved pet did not come to me. I was worried that he was lost somewhere looking for me and therefore could not contact me. For a long time I was very upset about this.

I also recently lost a close friend, Dave. I was with him until the last minute of his life. When he was dying, we talked very openly about the afterlife. He also loved Fox Terriers, and I told him that soon in the afterlife he would meet all the dogs he had lost in life.

© Damedeeso

Dave's death was the catalyst. I began to worry that perhaps I was wrong in believing that dog souls do not die after death. I needed to know if what I told Dave was true.

I did not tell the medium anything about my late friend, but Craig (the medium) himself told me about Dave, described his personality, what he was like, how he died and how he left his wife and three children.

But his main interlocutor suddenly became my friend Carol. The medium put his hands on his chest and suddenly began to tell things about my friend that were completely true and which he could not have known.

I was amazed: Carol, who was one of my oldest friends, passed away five years ago.

After which the medium suddenly took the position in which Carol usually sat, adopted her mannerisms and began to speak in her intonation. His voice and especially his laugh sounded as if they were being reproduced by my deceased friend.

© pyotr021/Getty Images

Finally, the medium said that Carol had an important message for me. "Carol says she sees your dog. It's white with a black spot on its tail. I can't hear the dog's name, but I can tell it has three letters in it. She says the dog looks like a cartoon character. Maybe be Titus (my dog's name Pip)?"

About Tibet

© Wassiliy/Getty Images

Before the Chinese occupation of Tibet, its inhabitants carefully sifted the soil before building temples. This was done so that not a single worm would be harmed. The Tibetans believed that souls could be reincarnated into any living form and that human birth was a very rare and fortunate opportunity.

In fact, the number of rebirths a soul takes is so great that one of the worms may have been a relative in some past life, such as your mother or sister.

However, a modern Tibetan Buddhist would probably call the reincarnation of a person into a worm unlikely.

The philosophy of Tibet is as follows: a person must treat all living beings on this planet with care. This means that each of us must be kind and be able to empathize with the world around us.

We need to treat every bird, every insect the way we would treat our family and friends.

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In this regard, a reasonable question arises: how does our soul evolve?

One day someone asked a medium what happened to the souls of dinosaurs, since these animals had long since become extinct. The clairvoyant's answer was: "They are here!" The fact is that the human soul is, in fact, the most recent stage of an evolutionary process that has been going on since the beginning of life.

Sometimes when a person dies, the soul is transferred to an animal. This is especially common among those who practice magic and witchcraft, but there are exceptions.

The Mystery of the Ship's Cat

Such an incredible story about a ghost cat was told by an old sailor from Malta. He was the captain's mate.
Before reaching Cape Town, the engine on the ship failed, and the captain, who was not distinguished by an angelic character, became completely furious. In particular, the captain did not like his second mate, the German Hansen. And when he stood up for the helmsman, the captain hit him in the face, and he fell onto the steel frame. Hansen hit a sharp corner and died instantly. The next day, he was buried at sea.

Hansen had only one friend on the ship, the ship's cat Raj, who slept in his bed and with whom Hansen could talk for hours. After the funeral of his friend, the cat appeared on the captain's bridge and motionlessly began to look where his friend was usually on duty.
When it was time to leave the post (according to the schedule it was Hansen's time), the cat turned and walked down the steps. The team immediately noted that the cat’s movements around the ship exactly corresponded to the route of the late German.
But soon the sailors realized that the cat was not just following his owner’s daily route, but that he was the deceased Hansen, who had taken possession of the animal. Out of fear, the team became almost uncontrollable.
Then the captain, who by that time had not been seen sober for a long time, gave the command to catch the cat and drown it in the sea. But Raj disappeared. And 2 days later he was seen lying in a ball on the face of the dead captain. Apparently, the captain fell asleep drunk, and the cat decided to take revenge on him by covering the captain’s mouth and nose with his body.
The strangest thing was how the cat was able to get into the cabin, because the captain locked it from the inside, and the sailors had to break down the doors. True, there was a spare key that was kept in a hiding place, but only the captain and the late Hansen knew about it.

What is a fly buzzing about?

Another case of a person dying in an animal occurred in India in 2004. Sheena Sehradi, who lived in Calcutta, believed that in her next life she would be a dog, which she often told her husband Rama.
The woman was ill for a long time and soon died. A few months after her death, Rama met a dog on the street, whose eyes were unusually similar to the eyes of his deceased wife.
When Rama approached the dog and called him by the name of his late wife, the dog responded. Rama was not particularly surprised by this and immediately approached the Calcutta City Court with a request to allow him to marry the animal, which he considers to be the reincarnation of his wife. Soon permission was received: in India, marriages of people with animals and even plants are a common occurrence.
This will seem incredible and completely implausible, but there are cases when the souls of the dead, who do not want to part with their loved ones, can even move into... a fly!
...Tatyana was grieving the death of her husband, with whom she had lived for twenty-five years. At first I didn’t leave the house at all and even wanted to kill myself, but I came to my senses in time. And then strange things began to happen in her apartment. Either she clearly heard shuffling steps around the room, or sighs coming from the sofa, or the clanking of dishes in the closet, as if someone had clumsily taken a glass.
One day Tatyana unconsciously, out of habit, said: “Well, why are you, Igor, you keep sighing?”
And she was dumbfounded by the ringing silence. She understood that her husband’s soul continues to live next to her. After that, she could sit on the sofa for hours and talk about her longing and love for Igor. In response, I heard only sighs.
One day Tatyana had a friend and her daughter visiting her, and she was very surprised to notice that Tatyana was talking to someone. Tanya answered her frankly that she was talking to Igor. Probably, the guest thought that Tanya had “gone crazy” and left, advising her to see a doctor.
Soon the rustling and sighing stopped. Tatyana became bored, believing that Igor’s soul was gone forever. But autumn came, then winter. One Sunday, Tatyana was making coffee in the kitchen. A fly flew over her, circling. But it’s winter, where does it come from? - thought Tatyana. And suddenly she realized that it was Igor who reincarnated as a fly and in this form returned to her again.
From that day on, the fly goes with her everywhere: at a party, at work. One day Tatyana was returning home from work by taxi. There was a fly sitting on the front glass. The driver wanted to kill her.
“I beg you, don’t touch her, this is my fly,” Tanya said.
She was traveling on a train to another city - and then the fly was with her. Even in the subway, where there are never flies, she accompanies her.
When Tanya goes outside, a fly is the first to fly out of the apartment. Tanya says about this: “It’s not so scary on the street together. Igor will always find a way to save me from harm”...

If the wife is a crocodile!

And here's another story that was on almost everyone's lips in Mexico a few years ago. It has nothing to do with death directly, but the animal and the transmigration of souls are present in it.
It all started with the fact that spouses Simon and Raymond Ortega filed for divorce in a Mexico City court. Motivation: Simon claimed that his wife was a secret crocodile!
Of course, Raymonda herself did not consider herself a reptile. As described by this twenty-six-year-old woman, the situation was as follows:
“This scoundrel pretended to take a photograph of me, and then presented a photograph of some bastard. And I had the audacity to claim that it was me!”
Simon, a thirty-two-year-old used car salesman, objected passionately:
"Nothing of the kind! I bought a completely new camera and wanted to take a portrait of my beloved wife. And he himself was stunned when the face of a crocodile suddenly appeared on the negative. I think the film somehow captured my wife's true face. To tell the truth, I had noticed something like that in her character before...”
According to neighbors invited to the court hearing as witnesses, the dull-witted Simok, wanting a divorce, could hardly have thought of such a sophisticated deceit.
On Simon's side in this unusual process was the popular Mexican clairvoyant and medium Pedro Castillo. Explaining to the servants of Themis his own theory of the transmigration of souls, he emphasized the fact that in her previous incarnation, Donna Raymonda was undoubtedly a crocodile, and her astral body, they say, retained the memory of her previous life.
The court did not accept the image of the crocodile as evidence, but divorced the Ortega spouses due to the obvious impossibility of saving the marriage.

“Interesting newspaper” – (Incredible)