Electricity consumption standards for pensioners. How to apply for and receive electricity benefits for large families: payment documents and terms of compensation for electricity. Issues discussed in the material

Just a few years ago, the vast majority of Russian residents did not even think about getting benefits for electricity and managed to pay for it on time without any discounts. But the financial crisis, albeit minor, but the constant increase in prices for housing and communal services took its toll. Today there are huge queues for benefits and there is no end in sight. The state is doing everything possible to ease the financial burden for its citizens. That is why many benefits that were in effect before the crisis continue to work successfully today, providing the opportunity to significantly reduce monthly expenses.

Who can count on benefits for paying for electricity?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation leaves the issue of providing preferential conditions for paying for electricity exclusively to regional authorities. Therefore, each region has its own rules for calculating them. For example, in Moscow, as many as fourteen categories of citizens can count on receiving privileges, which include:

  • persons who are labor veterans and have the appropriate award;
  • former prisoners of concentration camps;
  • veterans of military service. Again, to receive benefits, they need to present the appropriate identification;
  • participants in armed conflicts in Chechnya, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, and other states. The legislation in force today no longer mentions veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but preferential conditions are provided to them by default;
  • citizens of the Russian Federation who received radiation sickness as a result of performing any work to eliminate man-made disasters (this concept most often means the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant);
  • persons with limited physical capabilities, regardless of the disability group assigned to them;
  • families raising three or more children who have a specially issued certificate;
  • Heroes of the USSR and Russia;
  • orphans who were left without parental care;
  • families raising disabled children under the age of 18;
  • Knights of the Order of Labor Glory;
  • persons who have the status of home front workers;
  • people who survived the blockade of the Russian capital during the Great Patriotic War;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War who did not take part in hostilities.

Were you surprised not to see “ordinary” capital pensioners on this list?

Unfortunately, today persons who have reached retirement age and do not fall into any of the above categories are not provided with benefits for the payment of electrical energy; they must pay for it in full.

What electricity benefits are provided by the state?

The current legislation provides for three main types of benefits for electricity:

  • A 30 percent discount that large families can count on (from 3 to 9 children). Benefits are valid until the youngest child turns 16 years old. If there are 10 or more children in a family, the discount on electricity bills can reach 70 percent;
  • A 100 percent discount is provided exclusively to Heroes of the USSR and Russia, as well as orphans and holders of the Order of Labor Glory;
  • all other categories of beneficiaries pay for electricity in the amount of 50 percent of the total amount.

Benefits are provided in the form of a reverse payment. This means that bills are coming to absolutely everyone, and they need to be paid on time. After this, the state transfers compensation in the amount of 30, 50, 70 or 100 percent of the deposited amount to a specially opened bank account.

Procedure for applying for benefits for electrical energy

A citizen who belongs to one of the categories of beneficiaries listed above must exercise his right to a discount. To do this, you need to prepare a package of documents, which must include the following papers:

  • general passport;
  • documents confirming the right to receive compensation. This may be a certificate of a large family, certificates confirming the assignment of the status of a participant in hostilities and other papers;
  • pension insurance certificate;
  • certificate of family composition. This document is necessary to determine standards for electrical energy consumption;
  • confirmation of disability issued by a special medical commission;
  • a certificate certifying that the citizen is currently paying for electricity in full;
  • application for benefits. An example of filling out this document can be found on numerous sites on the Internet;
  • bank account details to which compensation payments from the state will be received.

In addition, it is also necessary to issue a certificate stating that the beneficiary at the time of submitting the application does not have any arrears in paying for utility services. This is important because if you have even a small debt, benefits are not provided.

Electricity consumption standards or pitfalls on the way to benefits

The presence of benefits does not mean that you can consume electrical energy in any volume you like and pay for it with discounts provided by the state. There are standards that must be met throughout the month. In 2019 they will be:

  • for single persons, except for whom no one else is registered in the apartment or house - 50 kWh if the home is equipped with gas appliances and 80 kWh if an electric stove is used for cooking;
  • for families the standard is slightly higher. If the house is equipped with a gas stove, it is 45 kWh, but if it is electric, then 70 kWh per person for a month.

In both cases, if electricity consumption standards are exceeded, it is necessary to pay 100 percent of the currently established tariff for additional consumption.

The consumption standards mentioned above are given for Moscow and the Moscow region. If you live in another region of Russia and expect to receive benefits for paying for electricity, we strongly recommend checking the current standards with the administration of a particular locality.

How will electricity benefits be calculated in 2019?

After receiving benefits for electrical energy, a citizen of the Russian Federation can pay with the discount mentioned above for the volume that meets consumption standards. That is, if a disabled person or combat veteran lives alone and consumes no more than 50 kilowatts of electricity per month, then he only needs to pay for 25 kWh (50 percent discount). If the meter shows consumption, for example, 80 kilowatts, then payment for 50 of them is carried out with a discount established by law, and for the remaining 30 - in full.

Look for your case and try to figure it out. Good luck!

Benefit calculation examples

1. Calculation of benefits from electricity consumption - single-tariff metering device

PU single tariff;
Energy consumption × tariff = amount to be paid × 0.5 (preferential coefficient) = amount to be paid (taking into account the benefit)

2. Calculation of benefits from electricity consumption - multi-tariff metering device
50% discount on electricity consumption;

Energy consumption according to T1× tariff1 = amount to be paid pot1×0.5 (preferential coefficient) = amount to be paid (taking into account the benefit)
Electricity consumption for T2× tariff2 = amount to be paid for T2 × 0.5 (preferential coefficient) = amount to be paid (taking into account the benefit)
Energy consumption for T3 × tariff3 = amount payable for T3 × 0.5 (preferential coefficient) = amount payable (including benefits)
Total amount to be paid = amount to be paid (including benefits) for T1+amount to be paid (including benefits) for T2+amount to be paid (including benefits) for T3

3. Calculation of benefits according to the standard - single-tariff metering device when consumption is greater than the established standard
Single tariff metering device;
Single labor veteran (50% of the standard);
Standard 80 kWh;
Electric stove;
Consumption 135 kWh;
Tariff 3.28 rub.;
Out of 135 kWh, the benefit applies only to 80 kWh; the remaining consumption of 55 kWh is calculated at the full cost.
80×3.28=269.40 amount payable×0.5 (preferential coefficient) =131.20 rub. amount to be paid (including benefits)
55×3.28=180.40 rub.
Total payable, taking into account the benefits: 131.20 + 180.40 = 311.60 rubles.

4. Calculation of benefits according to the standard - single-tariff metering device when consumption is less than the established standard
Single tariff metering device;
2 labor veterans (50% of the standard);

Electric stove;
Consumption 98 kWh;
Tariff 3.28 rub.;
Since the consumption for the calculated month is less, the discount applies to the entire volume of consumption. The amount received for payment is multiplied by 0.5 (preferential coefficient).
98×3.28=321.44 amount to be paid×0.5 (preferential coefficient) =160.72 rubles. amount to be paid (including benefits)
"Unused» kilowatts in the current month from the established consumption standard are not carried over to the next month; in the next month, the standard of 140 kWh is included in the calculation.

5. Calculation of benefits according to the standard - multi-tariff metering device when consumption is greater than the established standard
Multi-tariff metering device (three-tariff);
Labor veteran, lives with family;
Standard 45 kWh;
Gas stove;
Consumption T1 – 100 kWh; T2 – 52 kWh; T3 – 73 kWh;
Tariff T1 – 4.92 rubles; T2 – 1.26 rubles; T3 – 4.08 rub.;
Since the consumption in the day zone T1 = 100 kWh, of which 45 kWh is calculated taking into account the preferential coefficient
T1 (including benefits) = 45 × 4.92 = 221.40 amount payable × 0.5 (preferential coefficient) = 110.70 rubles. amount to be paid (including benefits)
The remaining consumption of 55 kWh is calculated at full cost
Т1=55×4.92=270.60 rub.
The volume of the preferential standard is fully taken into account for the tariff zone of the day T1; for the remaining zones of the day (T2 and T3) the calculation is made at the full cost
Т2=52 × 1.26 = 65.52 rub.
Т3=73 × 4.08 = 297.84 rub.

110.70+270.60+65.52+297.84=744.66 rub.

6. Calculation of benefits according to the standard - multi-tariff metering device when the consumption in one of the zones of the day is less than the established standard
Multi-tariff metering device (three-tariff);
2 people live in the apartment: a labor veteran and an honorary donor;
Standard: 70 + 70 = 140 kWh;
Electric stove;
Consumption: T1 – 90 kWh; T2 – 52 kWh; T3 – 73 kWh;

Calculation always starts from day zone T1
Consumption for T1 = 90 kW h, this is less than the standard, so in this case the consumption will be calculated with a 50% discount
T1 = 90 × 3.45 = 310.50 amount to be paid × 0.5 (preferential coefficient) = 155.25 rubles. amount to be paid (including benefits)
We calculate how many preferential kWh are left after the calculation is made for the day zone T1
140 (established standard) – 90 (accounted standard) = 50 kWh (remaining unaccounted standard)

Consumption for the day zone T3 = 73 kWh, of this consumption 50 kWh is calculated taking into account the preferential coefficient, and the remaining consumption is 23 kWh at full cost
T3=50×2.85=142.50 amount to be paid×0.5 (preferential coefficient) =71.25 rub. amount to be paid (including benefits)
Т3=23×2.85=65.55 rub.
At this point, the calculation taking into account the benefit is completed; it is fully taken into account for the T3 day zone.
Consumption for day zone T2 is calculated at full cost
T2=52×0.88=45.76 rub.
Total payable taking into account discounts by day zones
155.25+71.25+66.25+45.76=337.81 rub.
*If there is a multi-tariff meter, the benefit is calculated by priority - from the largest tariff zone of the day to the smaller, i.e. First, for the T1 day zone, then for the T3 day zone, and if the standard is not fully used, then the remainder of the benefit is taken into account for the T2 day zone.

7. Calculation of benefits according to the standard - single-tariff metering device, benefit for having many children, when consumption is less than the established standard
Single tariff metering device;
Large family of 5 people,
Standard: 5×70=350 kWh;
Electric stove;
Consumption 253 kWh;
Tariff 3.28 rub.;
The discount for the above category of benefits is 30% of the standard, the value of the standard is calculated based on the number of people using the benefit.
Since the consumption in this case is less than the standard, the consumption is calculated entirely taking into account the benefits.
In the calculation, a preferential coefficient is applied to the accrued amount
(in this case 0.7, since the discount on the benefit is 30% of the standard)
253×3.28=829.84 amount to be paid×0.7 (preferential coefficient) =580.89 rub. amount to be paid (including benefits)
"Unused» kilowatts in the current month from the established consumption standard are not carried over to the next month; in the next month the same standard of 350 kWh is included in the calculation.

8. Calculation of benefits according to the standard - single-tariff metering device, benefit for having many children, when consumption is more than the standard
Single tariff metering device;
Large family of 5 people;
Standard: 5×45=225 kWh;
Gas stove;
Consumption 253 kWh;
Tariff 4.68 rub.;

Since consumption = 253 kWh (more than the established standard), of which 225 kWh is calculated taking into account the benefit, and the remaining consumption is 28 kWh at full cost
255×4.68=1053 amount to be paid×0.7 (preferential coefficient) =737.10 rub. amount to be paid (including benefits)
28×4.68=131.04 rub.
Total payable taking into account the benefits 737.10 + 131.04 = 868.14 rubles.

9. Calculation of benefits according to the standard - multi-tariff metering device, benefit for having many children
Multi-tariff metering device (three-tariff);
Standard: 6×70=420 kWh;
Electric stove;
Consumption: T1 – 174 kWh; T2 – 85 kWh; T3 – 189 kWh;
Tariff: T1 – 3.45 rubles; T2 – 0.88 rub.; T3 – 2.85 rubles;
The discount for this category of benefits is 30% of the standard, the value of the standard is calculated based on the number of people using the benefit.
Consumption for day zone T1 is calculated taking into account the benefit
In the calculation, a preferential coefficient is applied to the accrued amount (in this case, 0.7, since the discount on the incentive is 30% of the standard)
Т1=174×3.45=600.30 amount to be paid×0.7 (preferential coefficient) =420.21 rub. amount to be paid (including benefits)
We calculate how many preferential kWh are left after the calculation is made for the day zone T1
420 (established standard) – 174 (accounted standard) = 246 kWh (remaining unaccounted standard)
Since the benefit is not taken into account in full for the tariff zone of the day T1, the calculation is made according to the day zone T3
Т3=189×2.85=538.65 amount to be paid×0.7 (preferential coefficient) =377.06 rub. amount to be paid (including benefits)
We calculate how many preferential kWh are left after the calculation is made for the T3 day zone
246 (remaining unaccounted standard for T1) -189 (accounted standard for T3) = 57 kWh (remaining standard)
Consumption in the day zone T2 = 85 kWh, more than the remainder of the preferential standard, therefore, of the total consumption in the day zone T2, 57 kWh is calculated taking into account the benefit (preferential coefficient), and the remaining consumption is 28 kWh at the full cost.
T2=57×0.88=50.16 amount payable×0.7 (preferential coefficient)=35.11 rub. amount to be paid (including benefits)
T2=28×0.88=24.64 rub.
The total amount of payment, taking into account the benefits, is 420.21 + 337.06 + 59.75 = 817.02 rubles.

Payment for housing and communal services falls heavily on the shoulders and wallets of the majority of the country's citizens. The amounts on receipts are growing, but income is not keeping up with them. Therefore, benefits for electricity and other types of housing and utility services are now in demand, as are subsidies.

People try to use every opportunity to reduce payments. About who is provided with benefits in 2019-2020, further in the article.

What are benefits and how do they differ from subsidies?

The state has a social function. It obliges him to take care of citizens who are unable to pay for their own needs. In particular, a preferential electricity tariff is established for some categories.

Sometimes people confuse this preference with subsidies. But these are different things.

  1. A benefit is a reduction in pay due to belonging to a special category.
  2. The subsidy depends on the ratio of income and payment for housing and communal services.
  3. Preferential preferences are not legally linked to income. They are established for socially vulnerable or deserved citizens.
Electricity discounts are not automatically provided. You must declare your right to the relevant company providing the service.

Who is eligible for benefits?

It is necessary to understand that part of the payments falls on the budget. For example, if a citizen is given a preference of 50%, then the state is obliged to reimburse the service provider. Moreover, the payer is the region, not the federal budget.

It follows from this that the categories of citizens to whom benefits are established are determined by the regional government by its act. They may vary depending on the subject of the Russian Federation. However, there are categories of people who are universally assigned preferences. Let's consider them.

The following categories may not be eligible. For clarification, you should study the documents of the regional government.

Participants of the Great Patriotic War and hostilities

People who risked their lives for their homeland are respected in the country. They are entitled to the most preferences, including for payment of housing and communal services. The group called “participants of the Second World War” is quite extensive.

It is divided into subgroups. Each one has its own preferences: only for the beneficiary or for the whole family.

The reduction in payments depends on the specific category. So, half of the established norm per person can be paid by:

  • WWII participants;
  • disabled members of their families;
  • rear workers;
  • citizens who survived the siege of Leningrad;
  • family members of deceased disabled people/World War II participants.
The preference applies only to the beneficiary.

There are honored citizens whose benefits are taken into account for the whole family. These include:

  • disabled people of the Second World War;
  • concentration camp prisoners;
  • WWII participants who became disabled later.

For them, the discount will be 50% on the consumption norms of the entire family.

Preferences can be obtained only for one apartment: by registration or by actual residence.

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Disabled people

The next large group of citizens considered socially vulnerable. Electricity discounts for these people have changed slightly in 2018. The percentage of preferences remained the same - 50%. Changes have occurred in the calculation method, causing their payments to increase slightly. This category includes:

  • disabled people of all groups;
  • disabled children.

The preference of half the payment according to the consumption rate applies to the entire family in which this beneficiary lives.

Other categories

Each region is free to expand the list of persons for whom the budget pays. Thus, in some regions of the federation discounts are provided:

  • large families (from three minor children or more);
  • Labor veterans who are pensioners;
  • liquidators of accidents at Chernobyl and other nuclear power plants;
  • close relatives of the liquidators.

On average, each category has a 50% discount. However, for liquidators it applies to all family members. Their close relatives (if they live separately) use it only themselves. For families with many children, preferences vary depending on the region. Their value varies from 30 to 70%.

Low-income families can also qualify for discounts. But they are not installed in all regions.

Who doesn't pay their electricity bills?

There are citizens who enjoy a 100% discount. It is necessary to understand that it applies to standards, and not all electricity used. 100% beneficiaries include:

  • Knights of the Order of Labor Glory;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union or Russia;
  • orphans or children left without parental care.
Pensioners who do not fall into one of the categories do not have benefits.

Consumption standards

The next point is to determine the indications that are eligible for the discount.

The question is not easy. It often causes difficulties for citizens.

The fact is that the budget does not have the ability to pay for everything that benefit recipients use.

The regional government calculates and determines how much electricity a citizen needs for a normal life. This is the consumption norm.

As a rule, the norm is significantly lower than actual consumption.

It must be remembered that the norm depends on:

  • weather conditions of the region of residence;
  • provision of premises with slabs;
  • characteristics of the region itself.

For example, in the capital the standards for 2018 were:

  • for houses with gas stoves:
    • single residents - 50 kW/h;
    • family - 45 kW/h;
  • with electric stoves:
    • single residents - 80 kW/h;
    • family - 75 kW/h.
The consumption rate is set by the regional government. Discounts apply only to her. Citizens pay the rest in full (unless otherwise provided).

Confirmation of preferences

Any discounts on tariffs begin to apply only after a citizen declares them. In the case of electricity, you need to go to the company that provides the population with electricity.

You must have the following documents with you:

  • passport;
  • certificate confirming the category;
  • a certificate of family composition, indicating the area of ​​the premises;
  • payment receipts.

At your appointment with a specialist, you will need to fill out an application. It has a set form. Citizens can find the form on the company’s official website and fill it out themselves at home. In addition, you must leave copies of documents confirming your category along with your application. It is checked, since the budget will pay extra.

Since the end of 2018, citizens have been relieved of the obligation to document their lack of debt when preparing an initial or repeated package of documents for applying for benefits. Such information will be requested by officials themselves through their interdepartmental communication channels.

Discounts will begin to apply the next month after the date of application. Preferential tariffs are not established for debtors.

Counting example

Let’s demonstrate the logic of discounts using the example of a single disabled person. Let's say he lives in an apartment equipped with an electric stove. The norm for this citizen is 80 kW/h.

The discount will be taken into account according to the following logic:

  1. If less than the specified norm is consumed, then you will have to pay 50% of the electricity used. When the meter reading is 60, it is calculated as follows: 60 kW x 50% = 30 kW.
  2. If more than the norm is consumed (let it be 130 kW), then the calculation is different. First you need to subtract the standard from the general readings: 120 - 80 = 50. The discount will be 50%. Consequently, you will have to pay on a general basis for 40 kW out of 80 kW. To these should be added consumption that exceeds the norm. 40 kW + 50 kW = 90 kW.
  3. In money as of March 2017:

90 kW x 3.52 rub. = 316.80 rub. (here 3.52 is the price per kilowatt).

You need to carefully look at the distribution of the discount: is it assigned only to the beneficiary or to the whole family.

Regional differences

Discounts and preferences are established by local authorities. This also causes confusion. For example, in the capital, single pensioners are eligible for benefits. And in the region there are no discounts on electricity for such people.

  • honorary donors of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
  • combatants and others.

To accurately determine the size of preferences and categories of citizens, you need to look at the regulations of the regional government. Typically, this information is posted on the official websites of both the government authority and the company providing the services.

Citizens who are unsure of their rights are advised to contact their electricity supplier. Have all documents with you. If the beneficiary cannot go to the company office, a relative or social worker is allowed to do this for him.

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If previously few people took out discounts on housing and communal services, today the trend is changing. In crisis conditions, saving on utility bills makes sense. By applying for electricity benefits, you can slightly reduce costs. Let's figure out who is entitled to such preferences and under what conditions they can be issued. Let's look at the list of documents that must be provided to receive a discount.

General provisions

The Government of the Russian Federation reserves the right to assign electricity benefits to regional authorities. Local executive bodies themselves determine the procedure for granting preferences and the size of the discount. Funds intended to pay off debt are allocated from the budget of the city or district.

Government Decree No. 850-PP, as well as the Law of the Moscow Region No. 36/2006-OZ “On social support for certain categories of citizens in the Moscow Region” dated March 23, 2006, are in effect throughout the territory of Moscow and the region. These legislative acts regulate all utility preferences in the region. They stipulate a list of persons who can receive benefits on electricity bills in Moscow.

Who do they rely on?

Moscow has established its own rules for providing benefits, and determined the category of persons who can apply for them. It’s worth immediately taking into account that pensioners who do not fall into one of the groups listed below cannot count on relief.

So, the discount when paying for electricity in the capital is based on:

  • labor veterans who have confirmed their status;
  • former prisoner of concentration camps, previously acquitted;
  • combat veterans who took part in military conflicts in Yugoslavia;
  • residents of the capital who were involved in eliminating the consequences of a man-made disaster. Such disasters include an explosion at
  • who can confirm their status with an appropriate certificate;
  • orphans left without parental care;
  • families raising disabled children (persons with limited physical abilities under 18 years of age);
  • Knights of O. Labor Glory;
  • WWII participants who were not involved in hostilities.

Attention! The list of conditions that allow a family to be classified as having many children is determined in each individual region. In Moscow, the presence of three children (natural, adopted) gives grounds for assigning the status of a large family.

Important! Orphans retain the right to receive all benefits, even after acquiring a family. If guardianship is established over these persons or adoption is formalized, then discounts on electricity will remain for them.

Current legislation provides for three types of discounts:

  1. 30% compensation is provided to large families. This type of relaxation is guaranteed to families with 3-9 children; the presence of 10 offspring is the basis for increasing the discount to 70%. The benefit is provided until the youngest child reaches 16 years of age.
  2. Persons with special status receive 100% discounts as an exception. These are Heroes of the Russian Federation/USSR, Knights of O. Labor Glory. Electricity costs for orphans are also fully reimbursed.
  3. A 50% discount can be applied for by all other groups of persons who are entitled to a preference, but do not belong to the two above categories.

Attention! Disabled people have the right to count on 50% of the costs of their own share of consumption, but within the established standard. If, for example, a family of three spends 75 kW per month, then a 50% discount on 25 kW (personal share of the disabled person) will be allocated from the local budget.

Citizens who are raising a disabled child receive benefits for the whole family. They are given 50% of the total expenses.

What is a discount?

The benefit takes the form of a reverse payment. This means that the applicant who is entitled to it is obliged to repay the electricity debt in full. Local authorities undertake to reimburse the citizen the amount, taking into account the size of the discount provided to him. Compensation payments are made to a bank account specially opened for these purposes.

Important! The discount is provided within the framework of consumption standards approved by local authorities.

Procedure for registration and list of documents

A citizen who falls into at least one of the above categories can take advantage of the right granted to him. To do this, he needs to contact the appropriate authority with an approved list of documents. The following documents should be prepared:

  • copy of passport + original for identification;
  • a document that confirms the citizen’s involvement in these categories (veteran’s certificate, disability certificate, certificate of a large family);
  • pension insurance certificate;
  • certificate of family composition. It is required to determine the standard electricity consumption per family member;
  • a statement of the established form in which the applicant declares his right to a benefit;
  • bank statement with account details for crediting payments;
  • a certificate confirming the fact of 100% payment of debt on electricity payments.

Attention! If the applicant does not repay the electricity debt on time, he may be denied a discount.
Electricity consumption standards in Moscow and how do they affect the amount of compensation?

The presence of a benefit does not guarantee that a citizen enjoys unlimited electricity. Local authorities approve the standards within which the discount applies. Let's consider the framework that is established for a separate category of citizens as of 2019:

  • per citizen who lives independently (no one else is registered in the house/apartment) there is 50 kW of preferential energy. If his home is not equipped with gas appliances (an electric stove is installed), then he will pay for 80 kW at a discount;
  • a standard is allocated per family, the size of which directly depends on the number of family members living together. If the home is equipped with gas appliances, 45 kW is required, and if it is equipped with electric stoves, 70 kW. This is the norm per month for one person.

The subsidy for the payment of electricity in Moscow consists of reimbursement from the budget of the amounts actually paid to the resource supplier. Categories of citizens listed in regional regulations can apply for benefits. In this material, we will look at who is entitled to benefits in paying for electricity in Moscow, and what size of subsidy the law allows.

Any benefits for paying for utilities, including electricity, cannot be of an individual nature. At the federal or regional level, only categories of citizens entitled to receive subsidies or other benefits can be determined. In addition, preferential status must be supported by documents or other evidence.

The provision of benefits for electricity payments is carried out according to the following rules:

  • Only funds actually paid to the electricity supplier are reimbursed from the budget;
  • you cannot receive a subsidy if there are delays in payments;
  • the amount of the subsidy will be determined as a percentage of the payment amount and will differ for different categories of beneficiaries.

The subsidy is provided only on an application basis, and citizens will have to confirm the rules listed above. At the same time, a preferential payment procedure will apply to owners of any premises intended for permanent or temporary residence of citizens. If the property is transferred to non-residential premises or is used for business activities, the right to subsidize does not arise.

Citizens living in residential premises can apply for a subsidy:

  1. on the right of individual, joint or shared ownership;
  2. on social rent terms, i.e. in municipal housing stock;
  3. in departmental apartments and rooms, office premises;
  4. in private houses of individual development.

Benefits are also provided for persons moved into housing by the owner or tenant, if this entails an obligation to pay for utilities.

Who receives benefits?

  • veterans of labor, World War II, military service and combat operations, who have confirmed the corresponding status through social protection authorities or through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • persons who participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident and its consequences;
  • disabled people of any group, if the disability is officially confirmed by a certificate from MSEC;
  • large families;
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
  • minor children left without parental care;
  • other categories of beneficiaries.

The list of beneficiaries can change almost every year, so it is necessary to promptly monitor changes in Moscow legislation. Pensioners are not included in the register of beneficiaries, so their right to a subsidy will arise only if one of the categories listed above is confirmed.

To record the citizens to whom the subsidy from the budget will be transferred, a municipal register is maintained. Its information will be transmitted automatically to the district departments of the Center for Calculating Subsidies in Moscow, as well as to Mosenergosbyt. Accordingly, if the right to benefits is canceled, the information in the register will be changed.

In most cases, the subsidy will apply only to the beneficiary himself, and not to his family members. If several citizens live in a residential building, the subsidy is calculated in proportion to the total amount of electricity consumed. For example, if a family consists of 4 people, of which only one citizen is entitled to a subsidy, 25% of the transferred payments will be returned from the budget.

The basis for assigning a subsidy will be a citizen’s application submitted through the MFC “My Documents”, through the government services portal or Personal Account on the website of the Moscow Government, through the departments of the Center for Calculation of Subsidies. Upon initial application, you need to confirm your preferential status - with certificates, documents, extracts, etc.

Subsequently, it is necessary to regularly confirm the right to a subsidy if the preferential status is temporary. For example, for a group III disabled person, such confirmation occurs after re-examination by the MSEC authorities. Municipal authorities have the right to suspend the calculation and transfer of subsidies if the preferential status is not confirmed in a timely manner.

The size of the subsidy is determined not from the full cost of consumed electricity, but taking into account the maximum permissible standards. This rule is caused by the need to be careful with consumed resources and reasonable energy savings. In 2018, the following standards are used to calculate subsidies:

  1. if one citizen lives in a residential building - 50 kW, and if the stove is equipped with electricity - 80 kW;
  2. if there are two or more people living. for each citizen there is a standard of 45 kW, and if there is a stove - 70 kW;
  3. excess of the specified standard is paid by the beneficiary at standard rates, i.e. without allocating a subsidy from the budget.

Accordingly, when the composition of a family changes, citizens are required to notify the Subsidy Center or another authorized body about this. If this is not done, the annual audit will still establish the fact of an increase in family composition, which may lead to a recalculation of the subsidy amount. However, the mere fact of a change in the composition of living citizens is not grounds for cancellation of the subsidy if the preferential status is properly confirmed.

The transfer of the subsidy is carried out only after payment for electricity according to receipts issued by Mosenergosbyt. Citizens should not submit copies of receipts or payment information to municipal authorities on a monthly basis. This data is transmitted automatically through information interaction channels. If an error was identified when receiving a subsidy, you can submit updated data individually - the recalculation of payments from the budget will be done next month.

What is the size of the subsidy in 2019

  • full compensation (100%) is provided only for Heroes of the Russian Federation or the USSR, Knights of the Order of Glory, and orphans;
  • Large families can expect a refund of 30%; if there are 10 or more own or adopted children, the subsidy amount increases to 70%;
  • all other categories of beneficiaries will receive a refund in the amount of 30% of the amounts actually paid, in compliance with regulatory standards.

If there is a right to a subsidy on several grounds at once (for example, if a disabled person is also a labor veteran), a citizen will be able to receive only one benefit. If the amount of the subsidy differs for different reasons, the most profitable option will be automatically selected.

What documents are needed to assign a subsidy?

Since the allocation of a subsidy is of an application nature, citizens will have to submit an application in writing or electronically. The following documents are submitted along with the application:

  1. a copy of your passport or birth certificate;
  2. SNILS certificate;
  3. a document confirming preferential status - a veteran's certificate, a certificate of disability, a document conferring the title of Hero of the Russian Federation or the USSR, etc.;
  4. a certificate of the composition of persons living with the applicant in the same residential premises;
  5. details of the Muscovite’s bank account or social card through which the subsidy will be transferred;
  6. a document confirming the absence of debt for electricity.

Subsequently, there is no need to submit documents about the absence of debts, since Mosenergosbyt itself will transmit this information through electronic resources.

No more than 14 days are allotted for consideration of documents, after which the applicant will receive a response in written or electronic form. At the same time, information about the beneficiary will be transferred to Mosenergosbyt, so there is no need to contact the resource supplying organization to confirm eligibility.