A girl has acute abdominal pain. A child has a stomach ache: what can you give? Pain in girls

Many parents are faced with the problem of abdominal pain in their child. It is extremely difficult to independently diagnose the cause of painful sensations, because often children are not yet able to explain where exactly it hurts. How to recognize signs of illness? The rest of the article details why a child has pain in the lower abdomen, what causes there may be if very severe pain appears in the child’s lower abdomen, and what causes there may be if abdominal pain is accompanied by vomiting.

Causes, symptoms and methods of treating abdominal pain in a child

Children very often complain that their tummy hurts. There are many reasons why a child may experience pain, especially in the lower abdomen. To correctly determine the causes of pain, the mother needs to carefully study other symptoms of her child’s illness: the presence of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, increased body temperature, and the location of the pain. The article discusses the main causes of abdominal pain in a child, why it happens that a child feels sick and has a stomach ache, why a child vomits and has a stomach ache. What diseases could there be if a child has severe abdominal pain?

Abdominal pain in a child, causes, symptoms of what diseases

Young children are much more at risk of various diseases than adults. There are much fewer complaints about abdominal pain in a child than about abrasions and bruises received during active games, but the period of possible occurrence of pain is much longer than minor play injuries. Girls are more likely than boys to experience pain in the lower abdomen caused by acute cystitis.

Symptoms of cystitis are urination accompanied by painful sensations, possibly with blood impurities. If these warning signs of the disease are absent, then it is likely that the child’s genital appendages are inflamed. Also, pain in the lower abdomen may appear in a child as a result of problems in the gastrointestinal tract or other diseases. If a girl complains of pain in the lower abdomen on one or both sides, it is likely that the child has inflamed ovaries or is developing a cyst. There are significantly fewer cases of cystitis in boys than in girls, but you should not exclude your child from contracting this particular disease. In any case, if a child complains of pain in the abdominal cavity, it is necessary to take the child for examination to a specialist, urologist, surgeon or gynecologist.

Inflammatory processes occurring in the child’s body can also affect the appearance of pain in the abdomen and can cause abdominal pain in the child. If you experience periodic pain, you should visit a doctor. If you do not know what could be the source of pain in the child’s lower abdomen, it is better to make an appointment with a pediatrician or therapist as soon as possible, who can give you recommendations or refer you for examination to another specialist. Most likely, this will be a surgeon or gastroenterologist. The cause of very severe pain in the lower abdomen on the right side may be the development of appendicitis, which is also accompanied by high body temperature, severe nausea or even vomiting. If you have these symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help. Therefore, if very severe pain appears in the right lower abdomen of a child, the first step is to rule out inflammation of the appendix, because such a disease is very dangerous not only for the baby’s health, but also for his life.

Another source of pain in different parts of the abdomen may be an intestinal disorder. Bloody discharge from the genitals with painful sensations in the abdomen may indicate serious diseases of the genital organs. But if you notice a rise in body temperature and chills in your child, there is likely a developing infection in the pelvic organs. Right-sided pain in the lower abdomen may indicate inflammation of the appendix. Inflammation of the appendix in children under three years of age is very dangerous, as it is very difficult to diagnose. The response of the child’s body is an increase in temperature to inflammatory processes that can develop in it. The right decision would be to immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Intestinal obstruction may suddenly occur, which may cause periodic pain in the child. The reaction to increased pain is an increase in temperature. In this case, the child cannot be fed. It is forbidden to give an enema or apply heat to the stomach. You should give your child clean water and wait for a specialist to arrive. It is worth doing a stool test to rule out helminthic infestations.

Abdominal pain in a child, nausea and vomiting, causes

Accompanying abdominal pain with vomiting is a sign of problems with the gastrointestinal tract or disorders of the central nervous system. We should also not forget that such symptoms can be caused by food poisoning, stress and other problems. The reason a child refuses to eat may be an upset stomach. At first, the pain in the abdomen is concentrated at the top, and a little later it is supplemented by vomiting and diarrhea. Basically, painful sensations are concentrated in a certain place, less often - in the entire space of the abdomen, or move from left to right. On palpation, the baby's abdomen is soft. He may feel sick for a while, then vomit, and after that, he usually feels slightly better.

Abdominal pain in children often occurs for physiological and certain emotional reasons. In a newborn, such symptoms often indicate very dangerous diseases of the urinary system, meningitis or difficulty eating. In slightly older children, pain and vomiting can be caused by food poisoning, overeating, or if the child gets motion sickness while traveling in transport. Also among the causes of pain are hepatitis (liver dysfunction), constipation, and much more. The result may be fatigue, allergic reactions, poisoning from poisons or medications, or muscle tension.

Diarrhea, diarrhea and abdominal pain in a child, causes

Nausea and vomiting, elevated body temperature, diarrhea or constipation in a child, what could be the reasons, these questions are very often asked to the pediatrician. Diarrhea, as a consequence of abdominal pain, is one of the most common phenomena in children who suffer from intestinal diseases. Also, in addition to diarrhea, such disorders are characterized by elevated body temperature and nausea. To improve the child’s condition, it is worthwhile for him to fast a little and drink plenty of water, since all intestinal infections cause dehydration. At the first symptoms, take your child to the doctor immediately.

Also, pain in the lower abdomen occurs due to dysbiosis, the cause of which is impaired intestinal microflora. The result of a malfunction of the digestive system is diarrhea, for the treatment of which antibiotics are used. The baby's stool has a greenish tint and a characteristic sour smell; sometimes it can be a little runny and foamy. Dysbacteriosis in newborns requires special attention, since it lasts a very long time and requires a special approach.

A common cause of loose stools in children is food intolerance. It is most common when it is introduced into the diet of infants. This is the body’s reaction to the transition from breast milk to formula or to a new product in the diet. In addition, diarrhea may be a signal that the child is having an allergic reaction to a particular product. Each child is individual, as is the reaction of his body to a specific situation. Monitor your child's health and, if necessary, seek advice from a specialist.

What diseases can there be if a child has pain in the lower abdomen?

Infants signal a problem by crying and pulling their legs toward their stomach. Older children may point to the navel area, but this does not always indicate the localization of pain in this particular place. Schoolchildren try to lie down so that the discomfort is less noticeable. The situation is further aggravated by the specific location of the nerve endings, so the pain may be felt in a completely different place from where the problem actually occurred. However, there are a number of additional symptoms, if they occur, you should immediately contact a medical facility:

1 Increased body temperature.

2 Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

3 Nagging pain that intensifies over time.

4 The pain is so sharp and severe that it is difficult to endure.

5 Loss of consciousness.

6 Presence of blood in stool.

8 Dark circles under the eyes.

9 Vomiting blood.

10 Increased anxiety.

11 Paleness of the skin.

Unfortunately, many parents, when their child experiences abdominal pain, try to alleviate his condition in ways that are categorically not recommended. These include:

1 dose of pharmaceutical painkillers that relieve discomfort, but do not eliminate the cause of their occurrence. In addition, making a correct diagnosis in this condition becomes much more difficult. It is especially dangerous to take painkillers for diseases that require immediate surgical intervention (volvulus, appendicitis), this can lead to tragedy;

2 cooling or warming the abdominal area. Such manipulations are quite popular, but few parents think about the possible catastrophic consequences. For example, using a warm heating pad can increase intra-abdominal bleeding or inflammation;

3 taking laxative medications, as well as washing the intestines with an enema and using a gas tube;

4 the desire to feed or drink the child at all costs;

5 pressure on the abdominal area.

And although there is now a huge selection of over-the-counter drugs on the shelves of pharmacies, you should still not self-medicate. After all, in this way you can bring the disease to its chronic stage. Only a timely visit to a competent specialist will allow you to correctly diagnose the cause of abdominal pain in a child and receive adequate treatment.

Pain in the lower abdomen in infants, causes

In infancy, as a rule, painful sensations in the tummy are provoked by intestinal colic caused by the immaturity of the digestive system. At the same time, the baby cries, sleeps poorly, arches his back and pulls his legs towards his stomach, and refuses to eat. Normalizing the child’s condition in this case is not difficult; it is enough to adhere to the following rules:

1 avoid overeating;

2 exclude gas-forming products from the mother’s diet;

3 carry the baby more often, especially after feeding, so that he can burp excess air;

4 use special anti-colic feeding bottles;

5 correctly attach the baby to the breast to avoid swallowing air;

6 put the baby on his stomach more often;

7 choose a suitable formula if the child is bottle-fed;

8 Give the baby special anti-colic teas.

A much more dangerous condition that causes pain in the intestines is volvulus. At the same time, in addition to painful sensations, the child experiences vomiting, impaired gas discharge, constipation and increased body temperature. The abdominal muscles are tense and bloating is clearly visible. Another diagnostic sign is small blood clots in the stool. It is important to remember that intestinal obstruction in a child requires immediate hospitalization.

Pain in the lower abdomen in children under 7 years of age

Preschool children often experience irritable bowel syndrome, the causes of which are not fully understood. The child experiences abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness and bloating. This condition can be accompanied by both diarrhea and constipation, but after defecation the child always feels relief. Causes of this condition include stress, poor quality nutrition, genetic predisposition and irregular meals.

In addition, abdominal migraine can cause pain in the abdominal area in preschoolers. In this case, the child experiences throbbing pain in the head, which is duplicated in the abdomen. Often, unpleasant sensations disappear after sleep. In most children, this condition goes away on its own with age or turns into a regular migraine. If a child experiences pain in the abdomen, accompanied by vomiting, this may indicate that he or she has the flu or the development of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Children of primary school age and adolescents often experience functional abdominal pain. The causes of this condition cannot be found even with the help of a thorough examination. Most likely, this is how the child reacts to stress and overwork.

Abdominal pain on the right side in a child, causes

Pain that occurs in the right side of the abdomen can be caused by the following factors:

1 kidney pathology, in which pain radiates to the abdomen (presence of infection, stones, inflammation or blood clot in the kidney);

2 childhood abdominal pain may be a consequence of an infectious disease of the gallbladder or the presence of stones in it. The pain is acute, the patient has increased sweating and nausea;

3 disorders of the liver (infectious diseases, medications, toxin poisoning, side effect of heart failure).

Abdominal pain on the left in a child, causes

If your stomach hurts on the left, then this probably indicates the following problems:

1 if the child’s lower abdomen hurts on the left or right, then it could be an umbilical or inguinal hernia. This disease can be either congenital or acquired. The causes of an acquired hernia can be severe coughing, crying, screaming, constipation, flatulence, rickets or malnutrition. A congenital hernia often occurs due to a hereditary predisposition or anatomical features of the child’s body;

2 causes of pain in the lower abdomen in a child, these can be functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, stomach ulcer, dyspepsia);

3 diseases of the pancreas (inflammation caused by the passage of bile or stones through the bile ducts, long-term use of certain medications);

4 pain in the child’s lower abdomen on one side may be the result of a problem such as a severe bruise or cracked rib;

5 viral pleurisy or pneumonia (any disruption of the lungs can cause abdominal pain).

Localization of painful sensations

Pain in the navel area in a child appears in the following cases:

1 inflammation of the appendix. In children, the pain is usually localized in the umbilical region, and only after a few hours it moves to the right lower abdomen, the location of the appendix. Additional symptoms that should alert parents are fever, lethargy, inactivity, loss of appetite, lack of sleep, vomiting and diarrhea;

2 chronic enteritis. This is a fairly common disease, which is often combined with colitis (chronic inflammation of the large intestine). In this state, the pain can be either dull or cramping. In addition, the child experiences diarrhea and bloating. Feces become abundant, heterogeneous, and contain particles of undigested food;

3 helminthiasis. In addition to painful sensations, infection with worms provokes pallor of the skin, lethargy, increased fatigue, lack of appetite and disruption of digestive processes in the child’s body.

4 You may also experience abdominal pain that is associated with indigestion.

When should you definitely seek help from a doctor if your child’s lower abdomen hurts?

If a child complains of abdominal pain that does not stop for half an hour and is accompanied by other symptoms, if the child is severely nauseous and vomiting, and often has a stomach ache, then it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. Any delay can end tragically. After all, only a competent specialist can assess the symptoms of the disease, determine the severity of the condition and prescribe the necessary treatment. Before the ambulance arrives, the child should be placed on his back with his knees bent and given small amounts of water frequently.

It is forbidden to give painkillers or laxatives and antipyretics. It is also undesirable to feed the child and palpate the abdominal area on your own. Such manipulations can worsen the patient’s condition and provoke a new attack of pain. Abdominal pain in a child often signals serious problems. You should not be afraid of hospitalization, much less surgical intervention, because in this way specialists will relieve the baby of the cause of painful sensations and he will again live a healthy, full life.

Pain in the lower abdomen is usually associated with gynecological problems, but if the teenager is a boy, then such reasons disappear, which means that the doctor should consider the possibility of urological problems.

Abdominal pain is a loose concept

The abdominal cavity provides the widest range of different pathological conditions, which can manifest themselves as one general symptom, such as pain, since it is in the abdominal cavity that the most diverse tissues and organs in structure and function are concentrated. Pain in the lower abdomen is traditionally perceived as a gynecological problem, but if a teenage boy suffers from such pain, this cause becomes untenable and is assessed by doctors as possible appendicitis or cystitis. Despite the fact that appendicitis has been studied for a long time, its diagnosis can be difficult. Cystitis is treated as a narrow urological problem, and perineal and testicular pain is not usually analyzed by the pediatrician. However, it must be said that lymphoid tissue, germinal organs and other structures are concentrated in the lower abdomen and pelvic region, along with the intestines. Perineal pain and scrotal pain are reviewed by a urologist.

Urological and andrological diseases of adolescents

You need to know that pain in the lower abdomen of a teenage boy may indicate the presence of some urological or andrological diseases. The most common cause of chronic pelvic and testicular pain syndrome in adolescents is cystic disease (transformation) of hydatid. In addition, the most common causes of conditions that can occur with pain in the lower abdomen, in the perineum and scrotum, may be problems such as hydrocele and spermatocele, varicocele, inguinal hernia, and may be disturbances in the position of the testicle, phimosis.

How to diagnose these diseases

Unfortunately, adolescents often do not complain in time about pain in the lower abdomen, so the disease is not diagnosed at the initial stages, which entails more complex and lengthy treatment and surgical intervention. Parents should pay attention to the appearance of complaints in a puberty child of pain in the lower abdomen, in the perineum and scrotum, as these conditions require in-depth examination. The first step in non-invasive imaging is ultrasound diagnostics. A significant increase in lymph nodes, their polycyclicity, heterogeneous echogenicity, together with clinical and laboratory data, serve as an indication for a biopsy.

As you can see, anything related to pain in the lower abdomen in a teenage boy can be a very serious indication for an immediate, thorough examination and further treatment.

Causes of abdominal pain in boys

Stomach ache- one of the most common symptoms in children.

They can signal both a relatively harmless condition (flatulence, diarrhea) and a condition that requires urgent medical attention (appendicitis, volvulus, peritonitis).

Causes of abdominal pain in a boy

There are a number of reasons why children may have stomach pain.:

  • Intestinal infections(gastroenteritis).
  • Gastritis.
  • Appendicitis.
  • Kidney infections.
  • Psychological problems.
  • In boys, the causes of abdominal pain on the left or right may be chronic prostatitis, in this case, a consultation with a urologist is required.
  • One of the complications of chronic prostatitis for boys is the occurrence cystitis, here you also need a diagnosis from a urologist.
  • If a boy has pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left, then one may suspect intestinal problems At the same time, symptoms such as diarrhea or, on the contrary, constipation are added. Requires consultation with a gastroenterologist.

One of the diseases associated with abdominal pain may also be acute or chronic cholecystitis.

According to medical statistics, it most often occurs in boys under the age of 7-8 years.

The most common in children is chronic cholecystitis in the catarrhal form.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused worms, it is necessary to take a stool and blood test.

What to do for abdominal pain

  1. If the pain lasts more than 3 hours, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea appear, you must urgently call an ambulance.
  2. Under no circumstances should you give your child painkillers or antipyretic medications before doctors arrive. This can smooth out the symptoms and complicate the diagnosis!
  3. Do not give the child food or drink until the ambulance arrives, because surgery may be required.
  4. There is also no need to place a heating pad on your stomach, as it can cause inflammation and further deterioration of the condition.
  5. Until the doctor arrives and makes a diagnosis, you should not give your child enemas!
  6. If a child has diarrhea and vomiting, it is necessary to save fragments of stool for the doctor, this will make it easier for him to make a diagnosis!

Beaver stream application for stomach ulcers

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The goose stream was excellently used back in the 19th century for the gas formation of very heavy, lingering habitual beaver. Video - Gennady Petrovich Malakhov - Muskus jet ulcer Video description: If it is, then it is disturbed, it is always much better to treat, but what is this stomach for?

Recently, parents often experience severe abdominal pain in their child. It is impossible to independently determine the cause of pain. Many children are unable to explain the pain that worries them. To correctly diagnose the disease, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of such pain in the child’s lower abdomen. Read more below.


Colic mainly appears in newborns due to increased gas production. Dysbacteriosis in older children manifests itself against the backdrop of stressful situations, eating unhealthy foods, and taking antibiotics. During this period, loss of weight and appetite occurs. Abdominal bloating, loose stools, heartburn, and a bitter taste in the mouth appear. Constipation occurs due to psychological discomfort or lack of fiber in the body.

Inflammation of the abdominal cavity causes pain in the lower abdomen when the child moves. Children at this moment begin to lose consciousness and experience acute pain of various types. Quite often they experience infectious inflammation of the genitourinary system, characterized by high fever and pain in the lower abdomen. Pancreatitis is one of the causes of such manifestations. During this period, children lie motionless in one position. The child’s lower left abdomen hurts, it becomes swollen, tense, and the child experiences a state of shock.

Gastritis indicates inflammatory processes in the lower abdomen. The disease in its advanced stage is characterized by dull pain. The child feels acidity and heaviness in the stomach. Kidney problems also cause inflammation in the abdomen. The main signs include: swelling of the body, weakness, aching pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty urinating. Regular treatment with potent drugs, nervous breakdown, increased anxiety, childhood fear. Trauma to the peritoneum quite often causes pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

Other factors

The main causes of pain in the lower abdomen in children are also: disruption of the intestines, inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, gastric bleeding, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Pain that appears in the lower abdomen may indicate the appearance of various pathologies of internal organs. Any changes in the functioning of the body cause discomfort in the abdominal area. Diagnostics should only be carried out by a specialist.


The first signs indicate the presence of infection in the body. A sharp pain is felt in the affected areas. Over time, the discomfort intensifies, the affected area of ​​the body swells and becomes hot. The skin has a red tint. The inflammatory process increases body temperature. In rare cases, chills are felt. The patients' condition deteriorates sharply.

Dizziness, weakness, and malaise appear. In some cases, dermatitis and severe itching appear. In the acute form of the disease, angioedema and paroxysmal cough may be observed. The child refuses to eat food, is capricious, limps, and refuses to move. If you have symptoms, you need to visit a specialist and undergo a full examination.


The specialist prescribes a biochemical and general blood test. Examines the lower abdomen and conducts a special examination. They do x-rays and ultrasound examinations. The presence of the disease is characterized by blood parameters.

Treatment methods

The correct approach of a specialist allows you to cure the patient in a short time. To eliminate inflammatory processes, it is recommended to take acetylsalicylic acid. The antibiotic Amoxicillin or Erythromycin is mandatory. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Non-hormonal drugs are prescribed for the development of intestinal infections. Use is recommended until the inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity completely disappear. To eliminate symptoms, antiallergic drugs are also prescribed: Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil. Folk remedies can be added to the main treatment. Anti-inflammatory ointments, creams and tinctures will complement the main treatment based on medications. These include: “Dolgit”, “Cinepar”, “Ketonal”. To stop the inflammatory process, you need to use Ibuprofen and Indomethacin.

In acute forms of the disease, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed. The technique allows you to prevent pain, reduce pain and bring the intestinal flora back to normal. Ultrasound and magnetic therapy are permitted. The method improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and restores the functions of internal organs. Children are prescribed electrophoresis using drugs and enzymes. The procedures are carried out on the basis of ozokerite and paraffin. Therapeutic procedures restore blood flow and instantly remove toxins from cells.

Massage and gymnastics

During the treatment process, it is necessary to use special massage and gymnastics. Complex exercises are recommended for preschool children. Older children are prescribed physical therapy. The duration of therapeutic methods depends on the form of the disease. All procedures are carried out under the supervision of a doctor.


The main preventive measures include hardening. In this mode, the body is resistant to infections and allergens of various origins. It is recommended to avoid hypothermia. Otherwise, the risk of viral and infectious diseases increases. In winter, your feet should be kept warm.

You should take vitamins in unlimited quantities. Vitamin deficiency leads to weakened immunity. If suspicious symptoms are detected, you should immediately undergo a full diagnosis. Children should strengthen their immune system, eat right, and exercise. You should rinse your mouth regularly. It is forbidden to inject yourself to relieve pain. Injections are performed only by a specialist in compliance with antiseptic requirements.

Consequences and complications

May have serious complications and consequences. Ignoring the first signs of the disease and wasting time can lead to serious consequences. If the disease is present, children experience complications of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Irregular systematic treatment measures lead to the development of serious pathologies. As a result, a specialist can detect a whole range of other diseases. Proper, timely treatment by a qualified doctor will help avoid serious complications. It is imperative to follow the treatment as prescribed by the doctor. If severe pain occurs, you must call an ambulance.

Parents need to remember that if a child complains of pain in the lower abdomen, he must be urgently shown to a doctor. This pathology can be a harbinger of dangerous diseases, which in advanced stages are not always treatable.

If your child has pain in the lower abdomen, you should not ignore it. However, this is not a disease, but a nonspecific symptom, that is, it can be a sign of a number of diseases. In the pelvic area, there are not many nerve endings, so impulses from them are poorly differentiated in the central nervous system. This means that additional research will be needed to determine the cause of the disease. In addition, you need to consider all the symptoms as a whole. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to know whether the pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, whether the child has chills or fever, or whether he suffers from anorexia. In each case, it can hurt differently, so you need to know the localization of pain and its main characteristics (pulling, aching, sharp pain, sudden onset or gradual development, etc.). Only after this the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment.

Food poisoning

The lower abdomen may hurt due to food poisoning. Both boys and girls suffer from approximately the same symptoms. In case of poisoning, the lower abdomen or its central part hurts. This usually happens when eating stale food. But in newborn children, such a reaction occurs when a nursing mother does not follow a diet and eats foods that the child’s body is not yet able to digest normally.

Aching pain in the lower abdomen (right or left) alone is not enough to diagnose poisoning. The presence of other symptoms is important, namely:

  • nausea;
  • gag reflex;
  • spasms and colic;
  • diarrhea, however, there may not be diarrhea as such, but if the frequency of stool or its volume has increased, then this can already be regarded as a sign of poisoning.

If the stomach hurts below and on the left, then you should immediately do a gastric lavage. The ambulance team will do this professionally and quickly. But you can do rinsing at home yourself if you have potassium permanganate. In this case, you can dissolve a small amount of baking soda or manganese in cool boiled water.

Dyspepsia and colic in children

As you know, young children often suffer from colic due to the immaturity of their digestive system. However, even older children may experience a lack of sufficient enzymes in the intestines, which leads to disturbances in digestive processes - this is called the general term “dyspeptic disorders.” Pain in the lower abdomen on the left side is just one of the symptoms of dyspepsia. Both boys and girls suffer from this disorder. Moreover, dyspeptic disorders are manifested not only by pain in the lower abdomen, but also by other symptoms - this may be diarrhea, which occurs after every meal. In addition, nausea and vomiting in such cases are spontaneous, regardless of food intake. Only a doctor can diagnose dyspeptic disorders. In this case, complex treatment is prescribed, which should be aimed at restoring the intestinal microflora and producing enzymes in the required quantities.

As for intestinal colic, they can manifest themselves in different ways - the lower abdomen can hurt in the center and on the sides. Typically, this situation occurs in babies under the age of six months, so the baby cannot yet say that it hurts, but reacts to what is happening by crying.

Doctors do not have a consensus on the cause of colic. But in general, we can assume that the influence of several factors is felt here:

  • problems with nutrition if the nursing mother does not follow a diet, or the artificial formula was chosen incorrectly;
  • constipation and increased flatulence;
  • presence of dyspepsia;
  • disorders associated with intestinal function (sometimes this can be a manifestation of a serious illness, so you should definitely consult a doctor).

There is another theory that the predisposition to colic is due to maternal estrogens, which pass to the baby along with milk, but so far this is just an assumption.

For intestinal colic, special medications are used to reduce flatulence. Some of them are based on the properties of fennel, so the child can be given a light massage and given fennel-based tea.

Pain in girls

You should know that boys and girls may have different causes of pain in the lower abdomen. For example, girls are more likely to suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system. Such pain in them may be signs of cystitis, especially in cases where they are accompanied by painful and frequent urination, sometimes even with blood. If there is pain, but urination does not become more frequent, this may be a symptom of inflammation of the appendages or problems with the intestines. But the latter are most often accompanied by stool disorders.

If pain occurs only on one side and is often quite sharp, then these may be signs of inflammatory processes in the ovaries or even adnexitis, in which cysts (or one cyst) form on them. Currently, ultrasound can confirm or refute this diagnosis.

If it hurts in boys?

While girls can develop gynecological disorders from a very young age, boys are more likely to experience intestinal diseases. Although cystitis is also possible here, in rare cases prostatitis can occur, which, in the absence of effective measures, can become chronic. So, at the slightest suspicion, you need to take the boy to a urologist, who will make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

As in girls, in boys, diseases of the genital organs are often accompanied not just by pain in the lower abdomen, but also by bleeding. If the pain is accompanied by symptoms such as chills and high fever, this may be symptoms of an infection such as gonorrhea (this happens even in infants when infected from the mother). As for mycoplasmosis, this disease may be associated with an insufficiently high level of immunity.

How to diagnose appendicitis?

Perhaps appendicitis in a child poses the greatest danger. Diagnosing it is not so easy, since today it can masquerade as various diseases, including gynecological or urological ones. The doctor will be guided by the duration of the pain syndrome and its location. Like all inflammatory diseases, it may be accompanied by fever or chills.


With such symptoms, a child should never warm up his right or left side with either a heating pad or a woolen blanket. You should also not give your baby medications that relieve pain, otherwise the pain will temporarily disappear, but the situation will not actually improve, but will get worse. And in no case should you give enemas, give drugs with a laxative effect, or force you to eat, and you need to drink more water, especially if there was nausea, since the body may suffer from dehydration).

If sweat, pale skin, and other characteristic signs are added to the symptoms listed above, then you need to immediately call an ambulance - they carefully transport the patient to the hospital, but nothing can be done at home; on the contrary, this can cause harm and waste precious time. It is very important to correctly recognize the symptoms, because children are afraid of doctors and do not want to talk about pain.

If a child complains of abdominal pain, this is a reason for parents to be wary. The abdominal region (the area of ​​the body from the lower ribs to the groin) contains about 10 vital organs; and discomfort can be caused by problems with any of them. What measures should caring parents take to help their baby? First of all, adults have to find out from the baby where the main focus of his pain is localized - on the right or left.

Causes of abdominal pain on the right or left

Mild periodic pain in the sides and abdomen is the norm for those who play sports and regularly receive physical activity. Sometimes cramps of a similar nature occur when overeating or after taking certain medications.

When a child complains of abdominal discomfort or tingling under the ribs, parents should remember in detail what the child did during the day. If the child has not been overly active, has not overeated or taken medications, adults should be wary. Abdominal pain may indicate problems with internal organs.

Abdominal pain may indicate problems with one of the internal organs

Acute conditions

“Acute” refers to conditions that require immediate medical intervention. This category may include any pathology of the abdominal organs beyond the stage of remission, but most often the cause of the crisis is a recent injury. Symptoms of an “acute abdomen” traditionally include:

  • cramping pain;
  • tension of the peritoneal muscles, clearly noticeable upon palpation;
  • a sharp change in the character of the stool.

What exactly worries the child and what pathology should be suspected in the first place is determined by additional signs. You can familiarize yourself with them in detail in specialized medical literature. Young parents should especially carefully study articles about diseases that most often cause acute abdominal pain in children under 8 years of age:

  • appendicitis and peritonitis (we recommend reading:);
  • cholecystitis;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • intestinal obstruction (we recommend reading:);
  • hepatic and renal colic;
  • urolithiasis in the acute stage.

Chronic diseases

The chronic category usually includes any disease whose symptoms bother a person for 3 months or more. As for pain in the abdominal cavity and in the left or right side under the ribs, there are only a few pathologies that contribute to the long-term manifestation of the symptom:

  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • cholecystitis.

Each of these diseases requires complex comprehensive treatment and long-term observation by specialists. If you suspect any of these problems, adults should immediately discuss their concerns with their pediatrician.

Neurotic (functional) pain

Children under 5 years of age are more likely to feign pain than to actually suffer from any serious illness. Why is this happening? By telling them that they have pain in their right or left side, children attract the attention of adults or try to get what they want from them.

A classic example is paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen and scrotum of a boy, which spontaneously arises every time the baby does not want to go to kindergarten, and suddenly goes away when the parents decide to leave the child at home. Convincing complaints of pain in the left hypochondrium, often mistaken for heart problems, are also not uncommon.

A child’s simulation of poor health is not always conscious. Against the backdrop of stress, many little boys and girls actually begin to experience abdominal pain every time a psychologically traumatic factor appears on the horizon. Fortunately, such neurotic conditions are completely curable. The main thing is to seek help from a qualified child psychotherapist in a timely manner.

Diagnosis of pathologies for abdominal pain

How are pathologies of the abdominal organs diagnosed? What does the phrase “the child’s left side hurts” tell the doctor? Surprisingly, even such meager information will be enough for an experienced pediatrician to figure out where exactly to look for the problem.

Depending on what hurts the baby - the left or right side or lower abdomen - the baby will be prescribed appropriate tests and additional examinations. If there are difficulties with diagnosis, the doctor may ask the child’s parents for help in collecting anamnesis. Adults will be instructed to keep a diary for a couple of weeks, where they need to describe in detail:

  • daily routine and diet of the child;
  • frequency of manifestation and nature of the symptoms of the disease (for example, how often did the left side hurt and did the right side bother you, etc.);
  • measures taken to alleviate the condition of the baby.

To help doctors make a correct diagnosis, parents should monitor the nature of the pain and frequency of occurrence.

Emergency help for parents

What should parents do if their child complains of unbearable pain in the side under the ribs and clearly cannot wait for a doctor’s visit? Emergency situations when you should immediately call an ambulance will be indicated and discussed in detail below. First, it’s worth talking about folk remedies that can quickly relieve an attack of pain in the abdominal cavity:

  • Homemade yogurt. Discomfort in the lower abdomen may be a sign of problems with intestinal microflora. Natural fermented milk products will help replenish the number of beneficial bacteria in the body. Yogurt is no less useful for those who have a sting in the side. Rich in vitamins and microelements, this product will help the body collect internal resources to fight any infection.
  • Ginger. The root of this plant stimulates metabolism and is good for pain and heaviness in the intestines caused by overeating. Due to the specific properties of ginger, it is strictly forbidden to give this product to children under 2 years of age. If necessary, it can be replaced with apple cider vinegar that is similar in effect, but safer.
  • Chamomile tea. The drink should be prepared in the proportions of 1 tablespoon of herb per glass of boiling water. Take a couple of sips three times a day. Chamomile, along with lemon balm and mint, has a relaxing effect and relieves abdominal cramps, regardless of the cause of their occurrence.
  • Hot water bottle (more details in the article:). A bottle of hot water placed on the stomach will speed up blood circulation and help relax muscles during spasm, and ice can be used for quick pain relief.

Chamomile tea is a safe and effective remedy against abdominal pain of various etiologies

Any of these remedies should be used with caution. For example, warm heating pads cannot be used for inflammation, and the baby may even be allergic to foods or herbs.

“Is it worth the risk using traditional medicine? Isn’t it better to give the child a pharmaceutical analgesic?” – most parents will naturally ask in this situation. “No, not better!” - pediatricians answer.

Using medications to independently get rid of abdominal cramps is one of the strictest taboos imposed by specialists. An analgesic tablet taken at the wrong time can create enormous difficulties in further diagnosing the disease, so parents should refrain from giving their child any medications without a doctor’s prescription. The same applies to laxatives used to alleviate the condition of overeating.

Doctors generally do not recommend self-medicating for abdominal cramps. Severe discomfort in the abdominal cavity may indicate the presence of a serious disease (in particular, it is this symptom that identifies colitis and other intestinal problems), requiring immediate contact with a specialist (see also:). It is important for parents not to get too carried away with folk remedies and make an appointment for their child to see a doctor on time.

Even the most effective methods of traditional medicine cannot compete with qualified medical care

When is medical attention required?

Pain in the side or abdomen (on any side) is in any case a reason to consult a doctor. Especially if the spasms are sharp, difficult to bear, and the attacks themselves are repeated many times. Which specialist should you make an appointment with such symptoms?

First of all, responsible parents should take their child to the pediatrician. In most cases, the matter will be limited to a one-time examination of a small patient and prescribing appropriate treatment for him. If the doctor suspects a child has serious problems with the abdominal organs, he will give the baby’s parents a referral to see another specialist (surgeon, gastroenterologist, etc.).

There are, however, situations when it is not possible to wait for a scheduled visit to the pediatrician. Such cases are classified as emergencies and require an immediate call to an emergency medical service team.

In particular, parents of a preschooler should immediately seek professional help if their child:

  • the temperature rose sharply;
  • problems with bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea) and vomiting are observed;
  • traces of blood can be seen in the stool;
  • simultaneously with cramps, symptoms uncharacteristic of abdominal problems appear (for example, headache);
  • I recently had an abdominal injury.

There are also so-called “risk groups”. These patients should immediately receive specialized medical care, even if their abdominal cramps are not accompanied by other alarming symptoms. In particular, infants under 3 months of age, as well as children with cancer of all ages may qualify for an immediate call to the emergency services.