What causes green stool in adults? Dark green stool in adults and children: possible causes

Changes in stool color are a common cause of concern. After all, feces are in many ways a kind of indicator of the body’s functioning, especially in children.

Why does stool turn green?

One of the main reasons for this phenomenon is poor nutrition. This is possible in both adults and children.

Basically, the color of stool changes due to eating a large amount of foods rich in iron and saturated with artificial colors:

  • Green leafy crops: lettuce, dill, onion, broccoli, savoy cabbage, spinach;
  • Black licorice;
  • Fruit juices;
  • Vegetable purees from the baby food range;
  • Caramel with coloring;
  • Cereals and muesli;
  • Sea fish and red meat;
  • Red beans.

The dark green tint can persist for another five days after taking the above products. Bright green stools are mostly caused by additives and dyes. It is worth noting that changes in the nature of bowel movements are often observed in vegetarians who include a large amount of vegetables and fruits of this color in their diet.

Green feces in a child

In newborns, this color of stool is not uncommon throughout the first month of life. This is directly related to the adaptation period and breastfeeding.

But if the feces have a strong unpleasant odor, the body temperature rises and the baby refuses to eat, then you need to seek medical help, because these are symptoms of an infectious disease.

This phenomenon can also occur in infants during the teething period. In this situation, the color of the stool is affected by excess saliva. As a result, a large volume of bile is released, which causes colic in the tummy and changes the color of the stool.

It is possible that the disorder is caused by inappropriate milk formula that the baby is fed when bottle-fed. In such cases, simply changing the product is sufficient.

In newborn babies, green stool may be a residual phenomenon of the first fecal masses passing. However, prolonged jaundice should be a reason for additional testing of gallbladder and liver function. In some cases, milk protein intolerance or dysbacteriosis manifests itself in this way.

If green stool is observed in an adult

In the vast majority of cases, the color changes due to the intake of various supplements that adults like to take without prior consultation with a specialist. In addition, many of them are quite harmful. But generally dietary supplements have minor side effects.

Greenish stool may occur when taking:

  • Dietary supplements with high iron content;
  • Herbal laxatives;
  • Seaweed and chlorophyll;
  • Vitamins and minerals;
  • Iodine preparations;
  • Sorbitol and glucose.

Pathological causes of green stool in children and adults

If the nutritional factor is excluded, there remain a number of other reasons for changes in the character of stool, which may be directly related to dysfunction of the intestine or to other organs and systems.

It is worth noting that bile, when released from the gallbladder, has a rich green color. And when it passes through the intestines, it gradually changes color to dark brown. But if it moves very quickly, then the color does not have time to change and remains green.

Reasons for rapid movement of food:

  • Giardia;
  • Salmonellosis;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Food allergies;
  • Rotavirus infection;
  • Malabsorption syndrome;
  • Fructose and lactose intolerance;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Celiac disease;
  • Duodenal or stomach ulcer;
  • Disturbance of intestinal innervation in diabetes;
  • Surgical removal of the ileum;
  • Inflammation of the small intestine (mostly due to Crohn's disease);
  • Impaired absorption of bile acids by the small intestine;
  • Thyrotoxicosis (often due to autoimmune thyroid disease).

It is imperative to consult a doctor if green stool is accompanied by pain in the small or large intestine, when the temperature rises, vomiting occurs, and this color of stool is observed for more than 5 days.

Basically, this symptomatology is characteristic of infectious diseases and inflammation. As an example, acute enterocolitis - inflammation of the intestines - is a fairly common phenomenon. In this case, the feces are not only green, but also contain impurities of pus and mucus. In this case, this color is due to dying leukocytes.

Often there is very severe pain in the peritoneum, cramps, and diarrhea. If a person suspects this pathology, it is necessary to provide therapeutic fasting on the first day. Such drugs as Smecta, Regidron, Humana-electrolyte, etc. will help support the body.

On the second or third day, a gentle diet is allowed. In particularly acute cases, medical assistance is required for intravenous administration of saline solution.

You need to pay attention to other signs, for example, with dysbiosis, bloating, frequent belching, increased gas production and abdominal pain are observed. Often in adults, this disorder develops due to antibiotic therapy, which is aimed at combating a specific disease, but kills the beneficial intestinal microflora.

At the same time, green feces have an unpleasant smell of rot. The presence of the disease can be determined using a detailed stool test for dysbacteriosis.

The disorder may occur due to bleeding when the distal part of the intestine is affected. In this situation, this is due to the iron contained in the blood. Most often, this symptom indicates a duodenal or stomach ulcer. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, you need to contact a gastroenterologist for fibrogastroendoscopy.

What to do with green poop?

If your stool has changed color due to certain foods, medications, or dietary supplements, no specific treatment is required. However, in all other cases, you should consult a doctor, especially if green stool is accompanied by fever, diarrhea or constipation, weight loss and general malaise.

Intestinal infections, which are accompanied by fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea, are especially dangerous. Mucus, pus, and sometimes even streaks of blood can be found in feces.

The green color of stool in adults has a different nature.

The stool changes color when there is life threatening person or the disease develops at an early stage, causing severe disruptions in the functioning of systems and organs.

In rare cases, this is due to diet.

The true causes of the pathology can be determined with confidence after receiving test results.

If the stool changes color once, this is not a cause for concern. Its color also depends on the products used for cooking.

Cereals are capable of turning feces into shades of green. Moreover, even after their one-time use, but in large quantities feces retain the new color for a couple of days or more.

To digest cereal plants, which have a double protective shell, the body releases more bile so that the food processing process is more productive. This is how adults produce green feces when they have a bowel movement.

What foods change the color of stool from brown to green?

Some foods contain pigments that color feces shades of green. This is connected with excess iron in some of them. Therefore, this phenomenon is not always associated with diseases. Affect the color of stool:

  • eating green leafy crops - cabbage, spinach, onions, broccoli, lettuce, parsley or dill;
  • excessive consumption of jelly or caramel, marmalade with a high content of food dyes - the stool then acquires a clearly defined shade of light green color;
  • products that contain chlorophyll, especially seaweed;
  • the presence of red beans, sea fish or red meats on the menu.

Pigments are stored in the body up to 5 days, so the color of feces during this period may remain unchanged, even after stopping eating the listed foods.

In pregnant women

Among the main reasons for the appearance of green stool, diet is in first place. It is advisable for a woman in an interesting position to receive the necessary vitamins and minerals for the normal development of the child and a successful birth.

But you shouldn’t overuse green leafy crops either. Thanks to the presence chlorophyll - green pigment Eating spinach, green onions or cabbage gives the feces a characteristic color.

This does not apply to pathology, but there are a number of diseases in which this symptom is present.

Vitamin complex

The use of vitamins by a pregnant woman, which are prescribed to ensure the healthy development of the child and maintain the normal condition of the expectant mother, can color the stool in shades of green.

Vitamins enter the female body along with the necessary minerals. Iron and calcium not absorbed in the intestines, are excreted along with feces, coloring them in characteristic colors.

Bowel diseases

Pathological processes localized in it can change the color of stool from brown to green during pregnancy. This is usually due to problems with the intestinal tract due to Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome, in which the walls of the intestine become inflamed.

When processed food passes through the intestinal cavity, blood begins to be released from areas where tissues are deformed by the disease.

Then spotting mixed with bile which is released in excess, and the stool comes out looking black and green.

Premature emptying

When the transport of processed food debris through the large intestine becomes abnormal and deviates from the norm, the color of the feces is observed in a greenish tint.

The time it takes for stool to pass through the intestines depends on how long the food remains in the thick part of the intestine before it is thrown out in digested form from the rectum. When contracting transportation period through the large intestine, stool becomes green.

Excess bile

During inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines, bile can be produced in greater quantities than necessary. First, it is transported to the duodenum, having a green color. Food that gets there from the stomach mixes with bile and turns green.

During diarrhea, feces do not have time to turn brown under the influence of intestinal microorganisms, bile comes out with the stool.

Taking antibiotics

Medicines taken by a woman during an interesting situation often provoke the appearance of greenish stool during bowel movements. At the end of the course or after reducing the number of tablets taken, the color of the stool returns to normal. If this does not happen, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

What does green stool mean in adults?

Normally its color should be brown thanks to bile pigments. The color of the stool depends on their concentration - it will be light, green or even black. Eating certain vegetables, sweets or red meat affects the color of feces.

When diagnosing a pathology, it is important to know its real cause in order to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you eat a lot of foods that contain iron, your stool will turn a shade of green. This occurs as a result of the appearance in the diet of black licorice, vegetable or fruit juices and purees, and fish from the depths of the sea. Sparkling water, jelly, confectionery cream with lots of dyes also leads to a similar effect.

Food additives can also change the color of feces. This occurs with the systematic use of laxatives with plant extracts, biologically active components with an excess of iron, and medications from seaweed. Iodized preparations, sorbitol and glucose medications, minerals or vitamins can give the stool a greenish color during bowel movements.

A greenish tint to stool is observed during illness with dysbacteriosis or long-term use of antibiotics. Then changes in pigmentation accompanied by a nasty odor rotten. This means that you need to visit a doctor's office and undergo an examination.

What diseases cause green stool in adults?

If pathology progresses in the body, feces not only change color, the process is accompanied by characteristic symptoms related to certain diseases.

Intestinal infections

With any of them, including dysentery and cholera, there is an elevated temperature and nausea, which turns into vomiting. The body is weakened, appear painful sensations of different nature.


Disruption of microflora is fraught with an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal cavity. Beneficial microorganisms die. The accumulation of an abundant mass of leukocytes that have died is observed in the process of exacerbation of inflammation.

The intestines are no longer able to digest food normally, which causes it to rot and ferment. In this case, components are released that change the color of stool when it is emptied.


It occurs against the background of an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer or due to a cancerous tumor in one of the departments gastrointestinal tract. After blood is released and enters the stomach or intestines, the process of oxidation of iron, which is part of blood cells - erythrocytes, occurs.

If oxidation is incomplete, the stool will turn green. When bleeding begins, blood pressure drops, heart rate increases, shortness of breath and a sharp feeling of weakness are observed, and the skin turns pale.


Diseases associated with liver pathologies and the pathological processes that occur in this case lead to to massive decomposition of red blood cells.

Then the liver lacks hemoglobin, from which bilirubin must be produced. This pigment is responsible for turning stool brown.

If there is little of it in the intestines, the stool will be greenish. The same thing happens with blood diseases.

Food allergies

Some foods may be intolerable to an adult organism, and their elements may not be absorbed by the intestinal walls. This leads to an inflammatory process and dysfunction of the digestive organs, which contributes to the release green stool.

Take care of yourself and diagnose pathological changes on time.

Poor diet can lead to green stool for several reasons. Among them, it is worth highlighting as a separate group the consumption of greens, foods rich in iron and artificial colors. Green feces in children and adults can appear as a result of eating:

  • green leafy crops - lettuce, dill, onions, broccoli, spinach, savoy cabbage;
  • black licorice;
  • vegetable puree as part of baby food;
  • fruit juices;
  • caramels with dyes;
  • cereals and muesli;
  • red meat and sea fish;
  • red beans.

The dark green color of stool may persist for up to five days after consuming the above foods. Additives or artificial colors may cause stools to appear bright green.

In infants, green stool can persist throughout the first month of life. This is due to the adaptation period and breastfeeding. If the feces acquire an unpleasant, pungent odor, and the baby’s body temperature rises and loss of appetite, then an infectious disease should be suspected and medical help should be sought.

Green feces in infants are not a rare occurrence during teething. In this case, the formation of the shade is affected by excess saliva secretion. In response to this, a fairly large amount of bile is released, which can cause colic in the abdomen and green feces.

In newborns, green feces may be residual effects of the passage of original feces. But with prolonged jaundice, additional studies of liver function and Sometimes in infancy, intestinal dysbiosis and milk protein intolerance appear.

What causes green stool in an adult?

In the vast majority of cases, the green color of an adult’s stool is given by numerous nutritional supplements, which we like to take without prior consultation with our doctor. Many of them can be harmful to health. But most dietary supplements simply cause various side effects. Green stool may appear if you take:

  • iron supplements;
  • herbal laxatives;
  • seaweed and chlorophyll;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • iodine preparations;
  • sorbitol and fructose.

Pathological causes of green stool in children and adults

If we exclude the nutritional factor, then there are a number of other reasons for the appearance of green stools. These factors may be associated with disorders of the intestines and other related organs and systems.

It is worth knowing that in its natural form, in which bile is secreted from the cavity of the gallbladder, it has a rich green color. As it passes through the intestines, it gradually changes its color, becoming dark brown. If bile passes too quickly, it retains its original color and turns the stool green.

This may be facilitated by;

  1. food poisoning;
  2. Giardia;
  3. salmonellosis;
  4. rotavirus infection;
  5. lactose and fructose intolerance;
  6. malabsorption syndrome;
  7. celiac disease;
  8. Crohn's disease;
  9. thyrotoxicosis - increased levels of the hormone thyroxine in the blood, usually due to an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland;
  10. disruption of intestinal innervation in diabetes mellitus;
  11. disruption of the absorption of bile acids in the small intestine;
  12. inflammation of the small intestine, mainly due to Crohn's disease;
  13. surgical removal of the ileum.

You should consult a doctor if your green stool is accompanied by severe pain along the large and small intestines. If your body temperature rises and vomiting occurs. If the stool is green in color for more than five days.

You should be checked for dysbacteriosis, Shigella carriage and.

What to do if you have green stool?

Green bowel movements due to food eaten or medications and supplements taken are normal and do not require any action. In all other cases, especially if symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, constipation, weight loss or general malaise are present, you should consult a doctor because you may have a serious illness.

Liquid green stool in an adult appears not only as a result of the characteristics of the diet. It may be a symptom of an intestinal infection, a pathological malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, a consequence of an allergic reaction or gastrointestinal bleeding. Only a specialist can find out the exact cause of the problem based on data from a series of examinations.

Non-pathogenic causes of green stool in adults

Normally, adult feces are brown in different shades and have a semi-solid consistency. Changes in these characteristics are influenced by a large number of factors; among non-pathogenic ones, the main one is the consumption of the following foods:

  • A large number of different cereals. Due to the protective shell of cereals, the body secretes more bile to digest them, which helps turn stool green.
  • Leafy crops, legumes, fish, red meats (due to high iron content).
  • Jelly, caramel and marmalade containing special dyes.

In most cases, the listed foods do not cause digestive disorders, abdominal pain or diarrhea, and a few days after stopping eating them, the color of the stool returns to normal. Sometimes the cause of the appearance of a green tint in stool is diarrhea (due to changes in the composition of the microflora) or, conversely, thickening of the feces and their slow movement in the large intestine. Such phenomena are not always a symptom of an infection or other pathological condition; they can manifest themselves against the background of dietary patterns.

Pathologies that change the color of feces

In addition to natural, safe causes, changes in the color of stool also cause a number of dangerous diseases and pathologies. In this case, additional symptoms appear. Feces may acquire a green tint due to the development of the following ailments:

  • Intestinal infections. Accompanied by fever and general intoxication, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Due to changes in the intestinal microflora, the processes of fermentation and decay are activated in it. In addition to the change in the color of stool in an adult to green, bloating and cramping in the abdomen are added.
  • A disruption in the process of iron oxidation during an ulcer or oncology can cause a change in the color of the patient's stool.
  • With hepatitis, stool changes color from brown to green due to a lack of bilirubin in the liver.
  • Allergic reactions can cause digestive disorders due to the body's intolerance to the allergen. A change in the color of stool in this case is an uncharacteristic symptom.
  • Lactose and fructose intolerance when a patient consumes these products provokes green diarrhea.
  • Salmonellosis (intestinal infection transmitted through contaminated dairy products, meat or eggs). Green loose stools are accompanied by an increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees, nausea and vomiting, and abdominal pain.
  • Inflammation of the digestive tract (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammation of the small intestine, gall bladder and other organs). A characteristic symptom of the inflammatory process is abdominal pain.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease of the stomach in a chronic form due to disruptions in digestive processes is sometimes accompanied by a change in the color of stool in an adult.

Features of green feces in adults

Green stool in an adult may appear asymptomatically. In this case, a review of the diet and examination of the state of the intestinal microflora for dysbacteriosis is required. In addition to additional clinical signs, the disease causing the symptom can be recognized by the color and consistency of the stool:

  • Black-green stool appears due to infections in the intestines. The exception is vegetarians - their stool darkens due to a lack of a number of substances due to the exclusion of animal proteins from the diet.
  • Light green loose stools (diarrhea), accompanied by abdominal pain, may be a symptom of the development of a serious disease of the digestive tract, poisoning or other pathology. If an adult does not have any symptoms other than a change in stool color and consistency, green diarrhea could be caused by poor-quality or unusual food or medication.

Examinations for green stool in adults

Green feces in an adult for a long time is a reason to visit a gastroenterologist to find out the causes of this condition. If the symptom is accompanied by high fever, intoxication and acute pain, you should contact a specialist immediately. To make a diagnosis, depending on the manifestation of additional symptoms, doctors use the following hardware and laboratory tests:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • microscopic examination of stool;
  • bacteriological examination to identify the causative agent of infection or determine the state of the intestinal microflora;
  • colonoscopy;
  • gastroscopy;
  • MRI or CT scan of the abdomen.

Systematic asymptomatic bowel movements are not only the removal of waste products, but also an indicator of the well-being of the body and the proper functioning of its systems. If an adult's stool turns green, this is an alarm bell, and you should look for the reasons.

Green feces or a variety of its shades in an adult indicate a possible disturbance in the digestive process.

Green stool in an adult. The reasons may lie in eating food of this color.

Reasons that require focusing on the functioning of the body:

Green feces in an adult (the reasons may be of different nature) require careful analysis of the last 1-2 days before its appearance:

  • what medications were taken;
  • what food was consumed and in what quantities;
  • whether there was contact with infected persons;
  • how many days or hours are pain symptoms felt in the area of ​​the abdominal organs;
  • is there a temperature?

If symptoms do not disappear for more than 3 days:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • not falling high temperature;
  • diarrhea.

An immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary, and a detailed story of how your health has changed will help present a more complete picture of the disease.


Green feces in an adult (it is important to identify the causes of its occurrence immediately in the detection field) may be a consequence of gastroenterological problems.

To determine the correct diagnosis, the specialist uses the results of a number of studies:

Treatment with drugs

For serious manifestations of digestive tract disorders, it is not recommended to self-medicate. In some cases, only hospital treatment is necessary, in special situations - surgical intervention.

Before calling a doctor and if there is a clear picture of poisoning or diet violations, it is permissible to use some remedies yourself.

As a sorbent

Activated carbon:

  • released in tab. and powders;
  • used for diarrhea as a means of detoxification, removes rotting products and toxins;
  • taken 1 tablet. per 10 kg of body weight or 20 g of powder – 1 dose;
  • washed down with a large volume of water.


  • manufactured in the form of powder for suspension;
  • removes toxins and allergens from the body;
  • For children under 7 years of age, the recommended dose is 150 mg per 10 kg of weight, for adults – 12 g;
  • Duration of use is from 3 days to a week.


  • is a natural preparation, a combination of aluminum and magnesium silicates;
  • Available in powder form for suspension;
  • forms a protective layer on the gastric mucosa, preventing exposure to toxins and acids;
  • daily intake for infants - 1 sachet, from 2 years - 2 sachets, for adults - 3 sachets during the day;
  • Duration of treatment – ​​no more than 3 days.


  • Available in powders;
  • active ingredient silicon dioxide;
  • used for intestinal diseases with diarrhea, removes toxic, poisonous substances, products of decay and the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
  • taken in the form of a suspension 1 hour before taking other medications. 1 sachet of the drug dissolves in 50 g of water;
  • The daily norm for persons over 7 years old is 12 g in 2-3 doses.

To restore microflora (probiotics)

Hilak forte:

  • release form - drops;
  • improves food digestibility, localizes the spread of pathogenic environments;
  • the product is dissolved in water as follows: age 1-2 years - 15-30 drops 3 times a day before or during meals, adults - 20-40 drops;
  • Duration of treatment is at least 1 week.


  • powder for suspension is contained in ampoules or bottles for 5 doses;
  • drink half an hour before meals;
  • has an antimicrobial effect and also normalizes the intestinal microflora;
  • the dose of bificol and the need for its use is determined by the doctor (from 1 to 5 doses 2 times / day for 5 days to 2 weeks).


  • packaged in capsules of 1g;
  • additional varieties: Linex Forte and Linex Baby (in sachet);
  • stops diarrhea, thereby normalizing conditions for the restoration of microflora;
  • Children under 2 years of age are recommended to take 1 capsule 3 times a day, at older ages - 2 capsules. with the same frequency;


  • powder, packaged in 5 doses;
  • inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, thereby normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • newborns are prescribed 2 servings 3 times a day, from 6 months to 1 year - 3 servings 3 times a day, other age groups - 1 package 3 times a day;
  • course – no more than 1.5 weeks.

To stop vomiting symptoms and diarrhea


  • contained in capsules;
  • the main substance is loperamide, which selectively blocks opioid receptors;
  • there are a number of contraindications;
  • taken after consultation with a doctor. Most often this is for adults at a time - 2 tablets. (no more than 8 per day), for children over 6 years old – 1 tablet. (no more than 3 per day).


  • tab. symptomatic antidiarrheal action;
  • prescribed for children over 8 years of age, 1 tablet. no more than 4 tablets per day, from 18 years old - 2 tablets, maximum 8 tablets. per day;
  • when stool normalizes or is absent for more than half a day, enterobene stops drinking;
  • There are side effects that can be treated with an antidote (naloxone).


  • Available in tablets, dissolving in water, capsules, syrup;
  • slows down intestinal motility, reducing the number of urges to defecate;
  • For children under 5 years of age, syrup is recommended - 1 mg per 10 kg of weight 3 times a day, for school age - 2 mg according to the same regimen, for adults - 4 mg;
  • duration of effect on nerve endings in the intestinal mucosa – 5 hours;
  • used in complex treatment.


  • synthetic drug for injection and oral administration;
  • the main substance is metoclopramide hydrochloride, which normalizes gastrointestinal motility and acts as an antiemetic;
  • administered (IV or IM) to persons over 14 years of age - 1 amp. 3 r/day. Children from 3 to 14 years old - maximum per day - 0.5 mg per kg of weight. It is recommended for adults to take cerucal in tablets 3 times a day (1 tablet), for adolescents - 2 times;
  • the medicine is taken half an hour before meals with plenty of water;
  • there are a number of contraindications.



  • To improve digestion and better digestibility of food, medications with enzymes are used;
  • Pancreatin– tablets or dragees, adult dose 150,000 units/day, children’s dose – up to 100,000 units/day;
  • Mezim– tablets are taken before meals, for adults – 1-2 tablets, for children the dose is determined by the doctor.

Green feces in an adult, the causes of which lie in diseases of an infectious, invasive nature, or inflammatory processes, are stabilized after being prescribed by a doctor, depending on the diagnosis, a specific drug or complex treatment.



  • presented in the forms of tablets and powder for intramuscular or intravenous injection;
  • participates in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms;
  • prescribed 2-3 times a day, 1 tablet;
  • injections are made at the rate of 25 mg of powder per 1 kg of weight, 2 times a day for children from 3 to 16 years. For adults – from 500 to 1000 mg.


  • the main substance is ciprofloxacin hydrochloride monohydrate, produced in the form of tablets;
  • antimicrobial agent of wide use;
  • Contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, persons under 18 years of age and after 65 years of age, people with hypersensitivity to the main element of the drug. It is prescribed with particular caution for diseases of the brain, psyche, kidney and liver failure;
  • taken 250 mg 2 times a day;
  • course – 7-8 days. Possible side effects.


  • Available in tablet form, representative of the sulfonamide group;
  • broad-spectrum antibacterial agent, prescribed for gastrointestinal infections;
  • not recommended for persons with liver, kidney, blood diseases, during pregnancy and for children under 2 months;
  • the dosage is determined by the doctor, the tablets are taken during or after meals, the drug must be taken with at least 1/2 glass of water;
  • course duration - from 5 days to 2 weeks;
  • after the 5th day, a blood test is recommended;
  • Cotrimoxazole cannot be combined with a number of medications.


  • antibiotic tablets;
  • used in the fight against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria that cause infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Prescribed for pregnant women only in extreme cases; in case of illness, during breastfeeding, breastfeeding must be suspended;
  • patients over 12 years of age are prescribed 200 mg every 8 hours;
  • The course of treatment depends on the patient’s condition and is determined by the doctor.

Anti-inflammatory, painkillers

Considering that in acute gastrointestinal diseases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can only aggravate the situation, experts recommend their improved forms, which are gentle on the gastric mucosa - selective COX inhibitors.


  • Available in granules to obtain a suspension;
  • the active substance is nimesulide;
  • prescribed for pain and fever;
  • prescribed after meals, 100 mg 2 times a day only to adult patients.


  • the main active ingredient is nimesulide;
  • Available in tablets and suspensions;
  • prescribed: adults - 100 mg per dose 2 times / day, children in the form of a suspension - 3-5 mg per 1 kg of weight up to 3 times / day
  • may be recommended for pregnant women.


  • contains valdecaxib;
  • Available in tablet form;
  • intended to combat acute pain, 40 mg is prescribed at a time;
  • There are a number of contraindications.


  • contains meloxicam;
  • Available in tablets, sold by prescription;
  • intended to block pain symptoms for a certain time;
  • Amelotex is taken once a day with meals and is prescribed to persons over 15 years of age;
  • There are contraindications, side effects and incompatibility with some medications.



  • contains pyrantel pamoate;
  • prescribed for ascariasis, enterobiasis, hookworm disease;
  • Take 1 tablet, which must be chewed and then swallowed; if necessary, the dose is repeated after 2-3 weeks;
  • the drug is low-toxic, so it can be used in the form of a suspension for six-month-old children.


  • used as a one-time remedy against worms;
  • dose for adults – 1 tablet. (150 mg), for children – 1 tablet. (50 mg);
  • contraindicated up to 3 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation;
  • A re-appointment may be recommended after 10-12 days.


  • recommended for people over 4 years old;
  • is aimed at combating whipworms, tremadotes, roundworms, and is effective against mixed invasive diseases;
  • The treatment regimen and dosage are determined by the doctor;
  • there are contraindications.

Preparations containing pancreatic enzymes


The appropriateness of using this or that drug and the dosage regimen are determined by the doctor.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

Green feces in an adult, the causes of which are identified as poisoning or dysbiosis, will be regulated more quickly when using not only medications, but also traditional medicine recipes.

The mechanism of action is designed to increase the quantitative composition of microflora beneficial to the intestines:


In case of dysbacteriosis and disorders of the digestive system, gastroenterologists recommend adhering to the following dietary rules:

Recommended Not recommended
Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet, including complex carbohydrates.Food products containing sugar and lactose.
Minimize the consumption of alcoholic beveragesFried meat, smoked meats (in the acute stage or during the recovery period)
KiseliConsumption of spicy foods, pickles, spices, sauces with vinegar
Include easily digestible dishes in your diet: porridge with water, light soups, boiled or stewed chicken, buckwheat, fish, steamed cutletsMulti-ingredient soups and sauces (chanakhi, solyanka), irritating the mucous membrane of the esophagus and intestines
Rusks and yesterday's breadWhite fresh bread, muffins, cakes, chocolate
Table or medicinal mineral water without gas (Narzan, Essentuki, Borjomi), recommended in each individual case, dried fruit compote without sugarCarbonated sweet drinks, juices, coffee, dairy products

An important role in the diet is played by consuming enough water (8-10 glasses per day). Preventing dehydration during diarrhea will reduce the possibility of malfunctions in the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

During the period of illness and recovery, meals should be small and frequent.

The presence of green stool in adults can have a lot of reasons, so making diagnoses and, even more so, prescribing treatment is the privilege of specialists. You can help your body recover quickly and completely only by following your doctor’s recommendations and maintaining the necessary diet.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about green stool

Green feces - symptoms and treatment: