What could cause it to be green? Yellow-green feces: processes of formation. Green stool with mucus

Green stool in an adult occurs for various reasons. Feces change color when there are threats to human life or diseases develop in the early stages, and also provoke disorders in the functioning of the system and organs. Sometimes the cause of this problem is an incorrect diet. To understand the real cause of the pathologies, it is imperative to undergo all the necessary tests.

Reasons for green color

The main reason for the change in the usual color of stool is the fat-soluble compound bilirubin, which is part of the main structure of bile and penetrates into the gastrointestinal tract.

At a normal rate of passage of food through the intestinal tract, bilirubin begins to oxidize, which also pigments and gives the stool a brown color.

If there is a digestive disorder or processed food moves very quickly through the intestinal tract, then bilirubin does not have time to oxidize and, when emptying, it comes out natural, not oxidized, that is, the feces become green.

There are also many other reasons why green feces appear. Another common reason is the content of inorganic iron compounds in foods and medications.

Such products include:

  • red fish and meat;
  • red bean varieties;
  • foods and drinks with food colorings;
  • sweets based on licorice syrup;
  • dietary supplements with iron;
  • medicines containing seaweed;
  • drugs that replace iodine;
  • sugar substitute.
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What does the color of stool mean?

Normally, stool should be brown in color due to the yellow pigment. The color range of feces completely depends on the concentration of pigment - it will be light, green or even black.

When examining a problem, you need to know its true cause in order to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you eat foods that contain a lot of iron, your stool will turn green. When taking carbonated water, jelly, pastry cream with an abundance of dyes, a similar situation will eventually occur.

Green stool in pregnant women

The reasons for changes in stool in pregnant women can be very different factors. One of them is women's diet, which directly affects the color and consistency of feces.

In order for the baby to develop well in the womb and for the woman to feel normal, it is necessary to monitor and consume all the necessary components.

There are situations when an expectant mother tries to eat as many green foods as possible. But it is these plants that have the maximum amount of chlorophyll. When ingested (especially in large quantities), feces become dark green in color. Women should understand that this condition is in no way a pathology.

Green foods may cause colored stools

Many pregnant women take vitamins to develop the fetus and support their body. Calcium and iron, which are included in vitamins, may not be completely absorbed. The remains are passed out along with the feces. This is another reason for green stool.

If a woman has irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease during pregnancy, the intestinal walls will become inflamed. Read more about IBS.

When processed food passes through deformed tissue, it merges with bile. As a result, we have black-green stool.

Doctors do not recommend taking antibacterial drugs during pregnancy. But there are times when they are simply necessary. In such a situation, a woman produces stool with a green tint.

After the course of treatment is completed, the color range of stool will return to normal.

When does stool turn green?

Doctors identify a number of diseases due to which stool is forced to change its normal color. The patient also develops other symptoms that are characteristic of certain problems.

If it is an intestinal infection, the patient will feel pain in the abdomen. Green feces can lead to nausea, vomiting, fever, and loss of strength.

If there is dysbacteriosis, then the microflora of the digestive tract deteriorates, and as a result, almost all beneficial bacteria die.

Then leukocytes collect in the intestines, and the food is not digested, rots and begins to ferment. During this period, the stool changes color.

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Green stool with mucus

Green mucus in feces can be caused by many factors:

  1. Various intestinal infections are often accompanied by mucus and a green tint in the stool.
  2. Doctors distinguish three types of hemorrhoids, which form with a green tint and accumulate near the anus.
  3. Tumor-like neoplasms that are located in the intestines can manifest themselves as yellow or green discharge through the anus with mucus.
  4. Another cause of mucus is congenital intestinal fermentopathy or hereditary pathology in the structure of the upper intestines.
  5. Lactic sugar intolerance.


If you have at least one of the above symptoms, you first need to determine the cause. If you feel normal, there are no more changes, you need to go on a diet and temporarily not take any medications.

If an infant has such a problem, the woman needs to reconsider her diet.

In any situation, you cannot make decisions on your own; you need to undergo diagnostics and receive a full recommendation from doctors.

It can cause real panic in an unprepared person. The first thing that comes to mind is the thought of poisoning, or even a tumor in the intestines or stomach. What actually causes the change in the color of excrement?

Possible reasons

Colors are a reason to think about your health. Doctors say that feces serve as a kind of indicator of the condition of the body. Of course, the reason may be quite harmless. Everyone knows that the basis of feces is the food we eat - it is this that largely determines their color. You've probably noticed more than once that beets turn the contents of the toilet bowl dark red. As for the green color, you may have eaten a product that contained an excess of green dye. By the way, dark green feces are often observed in vegetarians: the culprit is fresh greens, which form the basis of their diet.

Baby feces

I have a small cold, or teeth are being cut, or a tummy ache. Therefore, any changes in the color and consistency of feces in babies cause fair concern among parents. Often the first impulse is to grab the child in his arms and run to the doctor. However, you shouldn't do this. Do not forget that the little man’s body is still developing. Dark green stool in a baby can be caused by artificial feeding - this means that the milk formula you give him is not suitable in composition. Try replacing it with a similar product from another manufacturer. Another fairly common reason is dysbiosis. This disease is a real scourge among infants. It is caused by and is almost always accompanied by intestinal problems. It is natural that this affects the condition of feces.

Dark green stool in an adult

This phenomenon is observed not only in infants, but also in adults. It is not difficult to guess that it is - one way or another - connected with the state of the digestive system. Perhaps the person has impaired absorption of iron into the intestines. You accept. Then there is no doubt - this is the reason. In addition, a strange color of stool may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or infection. In this case, it is caused by the accumulation of dead leukocytes removed from the body naturally. Also, green impurities are characteristic of gastric bleeding. If this symptom does not go away over a long period of time, you should be examined for stomach ulcers and gastritis. Finally, patients taking antibiotics often complain of green stool. By the way, this often becomes a predisposing factor to the occurrence of dysbacteriosis.

Solving the problem

If you are seriously concerned about your health, follow the advice of experts: pay attention to the accompanying signs. Are you suffering from bloating or gas? Do you feel pain after every meal? It would be advisable to test feces for dysbacteriosis. Do you feel nauseous, weak, or have a fever? You are clearly suffering from an infection. The doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis only after you pass all the necessary tests.

Green excrement can appear due to various reasons. For example, green poop can occur due to diet, namely the consumption of certain foods that cause the color of the stool. Also, this phenomenon may be associated with certain diseases that cause disruptions in the functioning of vital systems. In any case, you need to always be on guard, know the causes and treatment of this phenomenon.

Important! It is possible to accurately find out the true cause of the deviation only after the results of the relevant studies have been submitted and received.

If green feces were noticed in an adult once, this does not mean that it is necessary to sound the alarm. Often the color changes due to the foods consumed. For example, with excessive consumption of certain grains, which are difficult for the body to digest, the stool may turn green, and this phenomenon persists for several days.

To digest grains that have a dense shell, the body needs to produce bile in large quantities so that the process of breaking down food is more productive. The enzyme promotes this and produces greenish-colored stool.

Some products contain special pigments that can change the color of excrement. This factor is associated with an excess of iron in food. Therefore, this phenomenon should not be regarded as a disease.

Color may be affected by:

  1. Frequent consumption of spinach, cucumbers, sorrel, lettuce, dill, and other foods that have a distinct green color.
  2. Eating caramels, marmalade and other foods that contain a high level of food coloring. They can even cause stool that is dark green in color.
  3. If foods contain chlorophyll, the color of the stool will also change. After eating seaweed, this phenomenon can persist for up to 3 days.
  4. Red meat, fish, and red beans in some cases also contribute to the coloration of stool.

Pigments tend to persist in the human body for up to 5 days. That is, it is possible that even after a person stops eating all of the above foods, the color of the stool will still remain unchanged.

Important: If an adult notices that he has green poop, and the phenomenon is accompanied by mucus discharge, then this becomes a reason to think about his health. This symptom may already indicate that there are problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The reasons for the appearance of green stool are usually divided into two classifications:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

Let's look at them more specifically.

Physiological reasons

In this case, excrement changes its color as a result of human consumption of certain foods - this has already been written above. This does not threaten your health, but in any case, any adult should know exactly what foods the stool can change color after. If the products contain coloring substances (for example, iron), this all affects the color.

A person may develop dark green stools when consuming dietary supplements and certain pharmacological drugs. Let's list them:

  • laxative teas, capsules, the composition of which is of plant origin;
  • medications containing iodine;
  • glucose, sorbitol, etc.;
  • complexes of minerals and vitamins;
  • preparations containing seaweed.

In this case, the reasons for green feces are obvious, and this condition does not threaten human health.

Pathological causes

Sometimes it happens that green stool appears as a result of certain pathologies. If an adult notes that the phenomenon is accompanied by high fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible to make a diagnosis. Only an experienced gastroenterologist can answer the question exactly why the stool has a greenish color after receiving the results of the patient’s tests.

Important: If you notice that black-green stool has appeared, and you have not eaten foods that can change its color, you cannot engage in self-diagnosis! It is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible, as this condition can be dangerous.

We list the main diseases that are accompanied by this pathology:

  1. Crohn's disease.
  2. Infectious diseases - for example, enterocolitis. In this case, not only will the color of the stool change, but it will also be possible to notice traces of blood or mucus.
  3. Internal bleeding. If it is not strong, the patient may notice that the stool has a black-green tint. If the bleeding is severe, then the excrement turns black.
  4. Allergy to certain foods. In this case, it can be noted that the stool contains parts of undigested food with mucus, and accordingly, the stool in adults (its color) also changes.
  5. With a stomach ulcer, this phenomenon can also be noted.
  6. Rotavirus infection. Requires immediate attention to an infectious diseases hospital, especially if symptoms appear in a child. The symptoms are as follows: feces with mucus are released, it has an unpleasant odor. In this case, the general condition worsens sharply, and symptoms of intoxication appear.

If you notice green poop and there are accompanying symptoms, you should not delay going to the doctor.

Possible complications and diseases

Dysentery. This disease may be accompanied by symptoms:

  • hyperthermia;
  • increase in temperature;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • vomit;
  • severe abdominal pain.

If green stool in an adult persists for several days for no apparent reason, and the above symptoms appear, you need to consult an infectious disease specialist. If the phenomenon is accompanied by a putrid odor, sudden weight loss, and diarrhea, this state of affairs already indicates the presence of E. coli and other pathological microorganisms.

Dysbacteriosis. It occurs not only in children, but also in adults. Accompanied by belching, bloating, and upset bowel movements. Increased gas formation and green stools in adults are also present. All these symptoms are caused by a violation of the microflora. As a result, beneficial microorganisms gradually die and are replaced by pathogenic microflora. During the exacerbation of the disease, a high number of leukocytes is observed. As a result of such changes, the intestines cannot digest food normally. This provokes its fermentation and rotting. Components are released that cause green poop to appear.

Intestinal infections. Cholera, dysentery - all these diseases are considered infectious. In any case, the patient will have a high fever and nausea accompanied by vomiting. The person is weakened, there are abdominal pains, aches throughout the body, headache, chills, etc.

Internal bleeding. Occurs due to exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, or when oncological tumors appear in one of the sections of the gastrointestinal tract. The process of iron oxidation starts after blood enters the stomach. If the masses are not completely oxidized, then green feces will appear. Standard symptoms of bleeding: decreased blood pressure, pale skin, severe shortness of breath, tachycardia. This condition can threaten the patient's life.

Hepatitis. All pathological processes closely related to liver diseases lead to massive decomposition of red blood cells. In this case, the liver does not have enough hemoglobin, as a result of which bilirubin begins to be produced. This pigment contributes to the appearance of a greenish tint in stool. The same phenomenon is sometimes observed in blood diseases.

Allergy. It often happens that a person has a food allergy – that is, some foods are intolerable to the body. This factor causes the development of an inflammatory process, resulting in the release of green stool.

All of the above diseases require mandatory consultation with a doctor, since such conditions can not only harm health, but in some cases even threaten a person’s life.

What diagnostic measures are prescribed?

If greenish-colored stool appears in an adult, the doctor will definitely prescribe examinations and studies.

After deciphering stool tests in an adult, the doctor prescribes treatment. It will directly depend on the cause of the deviation; the regimen for each patient is selected separately.

If color changes were caused by food products, simply reconsider your diet. Eat greens and cucumbers in smaller quantities, do not overuse grains and red meat, and avoid foods that contain large amounts of dyes. Do not forget that greenish-colored stool will persist for some time. In order to remove harmful substances from the body, you can take Atoxil, Smecta, Regidron, etc.

If an adult has green stool, the reasons for this phenomenon may be different, and without undergoing appropriate tests they cannot be determined. A deviation from the norm may indicate an infectious disease - in this case, self-medication is strictly contraindicated.

If you notice that the stool has turned greenish, with high fever, diarrhea and weakness, you need to know what to do in such situations. Diarrhea causes the body to become dehydrated. The consistency and volume of the blood changes, minerals and salts are washed out - all this leads to the fact that the patient will feel even worse. In order to restore losses, you need to add one teaspoon of sugar and salt to each liter of water.

If the patient is vomiting and has green stools, the stomach must be rinsed in order to free it from food. To do this, drink a large amount of warm boiled water until the urge to vomit appears (you can make a very weak solution of potassium permanganate).

If the patient not only has greenish-colored stool, but also vomits, he needs to refuse food altogether for a while. In principle, if you have such symptoms, you need to follow a strict diet. Under no circumstances should you prescribe treatment for yourself, much less take various medications. With dysbacteriosis, for example, the picture can be significantly aggravated.

Do not neglect your health, consult a doctor at the first symptoms that worry you!

Changes in stool color are a common cause of concern. After all, feces are in many ways a kind of indicator of the body’s functioning, especially in children.

Why does stool turn green?

One of the main reasons for this phenomenon is poor nutrition. This is possible in both adults and children.

Basically, the color of stool changes due to eating a large amount of foods rich in iron and saturated with artificial colors:

  • Green leafy crops: lettuce, dill, onion, broccoli, savoy cabbage, spinach;
  • Black licorice;
  • Fruit juices;
  • Vegetable purees from the baby food range;
  • Caramel with coloring;
  • Cereals and muesli;
  • Sea fish and red meat;
  • Red beans.

The dark green tint can persist for another five days after taking the above products. Bright green stools are mostly caused by additives and dyes. It is worth noting that changes in the nature of bowel movements are often observed in vegetarians who include a large amount of vegetables and fruits of this color in their diet.

Green feces in a child

In newborns, this color of stool is not uncommon throughout the first month of life. This is directly related to the adaptation period and breastfeeding.

But if the feces have a strong unpleasant odor, the body temperature rises and the baby refuses to eat, then you need to seek medical help, because these are symptoms of an infectious disease.

This phenomenon can also occur in infants during the teething period. In this situation, the color of the stool is affected by excess saliva. As a result, a large volume of bile is released, which causes colic in the tummy and changes the color of the stool.

It is possible that the disorder is caused by inappropriate milk formula that the baby is fed when bottle-fed. In such cases, simply changing the product is sufficient.

In newborn babies, green stool may be a residual phenomenon of the first fecal masses passing. However, prolonged jaundice should be a reason for additional testing of gallbladder and liver function. In some cases, milk protein intolerance or dysbacteriosis manifests itself in this way.

If green stool is observed in an adult

In the vast majority of cases, the color changes due to the intake of various supplements that adults like to take without prior consultation with a specialist. In addition, many of them are quite harmful. But generally dietary supplements have minor side effects.

Greenish stool may occur when taking:

  • Dietary supplements with high iron content;
  • Herbal laxatives;
  • Seaweed and chlorophyll;
  • Vitamins and minerals;
  • Iodine preparations;
  • Sorbitol and glucose.

Pathological causes of green stool in children and adults

If the nutritional factor is excluded, there remain a number of other reasons for changes in the character of stool, which may be directly related to dysfunction of the intestine or to other organs and systems.

It is worth noting that bile, when released from the gallbladder, has a rich green color. And when it passes through the intestines, it gradually changes color to dark brown. But if it moves very quickly, then the color does not have time to change and remains green.

Reasons for rapid movement of food:

  • Giardia;
  • Salmonellosis;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Food allergies;
  • Rotavirus infection;
  • Malabsorption syndrome;
  • Fructose and lactose intolerance;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Celiac disease;
  • Duodenal or stomach ulcer;
  • Disturbance of intestinal innervation in diabetes;
  • Surgical removal of the ileum;
  • Inflammation of the small intestine (mostly due to Crohn's disease);
  • Impaired absorption of bile acids by the small intestine;
  • Thyrotoxicosis (often due to autoimmune thyroid disease).

It is imperative to consult a doctor if green stool is accompanied by pain in the small or large intestine, when the temperature rises, vomiting occurs, and this color of stool is observed for more than 5 days.

Basically, this symptomatology is characteristic of infectious diseases and inflammation. As an example, acute enterocolitis - inflammation of the intestines - is a fairly common phenomenon. In this case, the feces are not only green, but also contain impurities of pus and mucus. In this case, this color is due to dying leukocytes.

Often there is very severe pain in the peritoneum, cramps, and diarrhea. If a person suspects this pathology, it is necessary to provide therapeutic fasting on the first day. Such drugs as Smecta, Regidron, Humana-electrolyte, etc. will help support the body.

On the second or third day, a gentle diet is allowed. In particularly acute cases, medical assistance is required for intravenous administration of saline solution.

You need to pay attention to other signs, for example, with dysbiosis, bloating, frequent belching, increased gas production and abdominal pain are observed. Often in adults, this disorder develops due to antibiotic therapy, which is aimed at combating a specific disease, but kills the beneficial intestinal microflora.

At the same time, green feces have an unpleasant smell of rot. The presence of the disease can be determined using a detailed stool test for dysbacteriosis.

The disorder may occur due to bleeding when the distal part of the intestine is affected. In this situation, this is due to the iron contained in the blood. Most often, this symptom indicates a duodenal or stomach ulcer. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, you need to contact a gastroenterologist for fibrogastroendoscopy.

What to do with green poop?

If your stool has changed color due to certain foods, medications, or dietary supplements, no specific treatment is required. However, in all other cases, you should consult a doctor, especially if green stool is accompanied by fever, diarrhea or constipation, weight loss and general malaise.

Intestinal infections, which are accompanied by fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea, are especially dangerous. Mucus, pus, and sometimes even streaks of blood can be found in feces.

In a healthy person, the stool has a brown tint, but green stool in an adult is not always a sign of a serious illness. The fact is that the brown color of feces is given by the substance stercobilin, which is formed as a result of pigment metabolism. But this process itself is influenced by both medications and food taken. And often after giving up certain foods or pills, everything returns to normal.

When should color changes not be a concern?

If color changes are one-time in nature, then they are due to the characteristics of the diet. People who prefer meat to vegetables may have dark brown stools. Those who eat more plant foods may have lighter-colored feces, often with a yellowish tint. This also applies to dairy products if there are a lot of them in the diet. Blueberries and blackcurrants give stool a black-brown color, while beets and raspberries can turn stool reddish-burgundy. Stool with a greenish tint appears after excessive consumption of sorrel and spinach. If you exclude them from the diet for some time, then everything will return to normal.

The abundance of grains in the diet also gives the stool a green tint. The fact is that most cereals have a double protective shell. To break it down, the body needs to produce more bile. And as a result of this, the color of the stool changes. A green tint can appear when a person’s diet contains a lot of red meat or legumes. Then the stool takes on a black-green hue due to the large amount of iron contained in the listed products. Sometimes a green tint to stool indicates that a person eats a lot of sweets like jelly or marmalade, for which food dyes of the appropriate color are used.

In all these cases, changes in the color of the stool occur without diarrhea. After giving up the listed products, the color will normalize, but it still takes 3-5 days for this to happen; this does not happen right away.

A greenish-black color of feces is also observed after taking certain medications, mainly those containing iron. Interestingly, after studies for which the patient takes a radiocontrast agent, the stool becomes grayish. Moreover, this situation continues for several days, and then everything goes away without human intervention. But if such studies have not been carried out, and the stool has a gray-white tint, this is already an alarming sign, since it may indicate blockage of the bile ducts and impaired liver function.

Green stool is a sign of disease

Changes in stool color can also occur due to the development of certain gastrointestinal diseases.

These could be:

  1. 1. Dysbacteriosis. Although this is not so much a disease as a condition associated with a lack of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines. With it, processes of rotting and fermentation of undigested residues occur in the gastrointestinal tract, since there are no bacteria that would participate in the digestion process.
  2. 2. Dysentery. An intestinal infection, which also causes other symptoms - pain in the abdomen, attacks of vomiting and nausea, high fever, weakness.
  3. 3. Malignant tumors of the intestinal gastrointestinal tract and complications of peptic ulcer. In such cases, the stool becomes green due to the fact that iron, which is part of the red blood cells, is oxidized.
  4. 4. Salmonellosis, which belongs to the group of infectious intestinal diseases. It develops due to eating contaminated dairy products, meat, eggs and even some vegetables that have not been cooked. This disease is characterized by high fever, abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea. Loose stools can lead to diarrhea over a short period of time.
  5. 5. Diseases of the circulatory system. The change in stool color in this case is due to the fact that due to the breakdown of red blood cells, the body converts hemoglobin into bilirubin in increased quantities. When this compound enters the intestines, it gives the stool a corresponding color.

Six-month-old children also have green stools, since bilirubin enters the intestines of a baby of this age in an unchanged state. If there is no abdominal pain, fever or other alarming symptoms, this situation does not require treatment, since the problem will resolve on its own. But in adults, such a situation should be a reason to consult a doctor.

In addition to those listed, there are other diseases whose symptom is green stool.


  1. 1. Food poisoning and allergic reactions, due to which bile moves through the intestines very quickly and does not have time to change its color. As a result, the stool turns green.
  2. 2. Celiac disease, that is, intolerance to gluten contained in white bread and pastries. If the reason lies in this, the stool will not necessarily be liquid. With the disease, constipation is also possible.
  3. 3. Lactose intolerance, in which the human body lacks the enzyme necessary to digest dairy products. Therefore, when consuming even a small amount of milk, loose stools of a characteristic color appear.
  4. 4. Disorders of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis).
  5. 5. Other intestinal pathologies. Sometimes gastrointestinal bleeding can cause discoloration. Many believe that in this case the stool becomes black, but the color may also be dark green due to the reaction of hemoglobin and gastric juice. In such a situation, blood pressure decreases, weakness appears, and the pulse quickens.

It is important to determine the reason why the stool has changed its color, since the treatment strategy depends on this.

Features of treatment for dysentery

When green stool appears, accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting and fever, experts suspect an intestinal infection. Treatment depends on what kind of infection caused the disease. And for this it is important to diagnose it correctly. For example, dysentery has characteristic symptoms that can be used to make a diagnosis, although additional tests are usually prescribed anyway.

So, this disease is characterized by loose stools, which only initially have a fecal character. Then the amount of mucus in it increases, in which, over time, streaks of blood or admixtures of pus may appear. Doctors often use the term “rectal spit” in relation to such stool. The frequency of bowel movements reaches 10 times a day. This process is always accompanied by nagging pain, quite strong and painful.

In severe cases of the disease, therapy is carried out in a hospital setting. But sometimes treatment at home is also possible - subject to strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations. There is no need to refuse food. But you need to follow a special therapeutic diet - table No. 4 according to M. Pevzner. This diet involves the consumption of low-fat soups, dietary meats and fish. Bread is excluded from the diet, but you can eat wheat crackers. Steam omelette is prepared from eggs.

Pureed porridges cooked in water are recommended. You can eat vegetables, but not raw, but boiled. You can drink green and black tea, rosehip decoction. Almost all dairy products, pasta, pearl barley and millet are excluded from the diet.

For dysentery, antibacterial drugs are not always prescribed (for the gastroenteric form of the disease there is no need for this). But sometimes the doctor still prescribes ampicillin or tetracycline antibiotics. In this case, after completing the course of their use, you need to take drugs that normalize the microflora, otherwise dysbacteriosis will develop. And this in itself causes changes in the color of the stool.

When treating dysentery, antispasmodics are used to relieve pain, immunomodulators, synthetic enzyme complexes and drugs like Festal and Mezim-Forte.

Treatment of other diseases that cause changes in stool color

Dysbacteriosis is a fairly common disease, but this does not mean that you can cope with it on your own. To begin with, you should remember that many of its symptoms are nonspecific; they are also characteristic of other gastrointestinal diseases, which are much more dangerous. Therefore, if you simply take medications on your own to normalize the microflora, without first consulting a doctor and without knowing the diagnosis, you can seriously harm the body.

It should be remembered that probiotics will not be enough, because you first need to eliminate the cause of this disease. And it consists of both bacterial and fungal infections. Dysbacteriosis can be a complication of other pathologies, so additional examinations are necessary. If the cause of this disease is bacterial, you should take antibiotics to destroy pathogenic microflora. If dysbacteriosis has revealed the presence of pathogenic microflora of a fungal nature, the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs. And after completing the course of taking them, you can drink probiotics to populate the intestines with normal microflora.

If a person is suspected of having salmonellosis, they should definitely consult a doctor. This disease is dangerous because dehydration occurs very quickly. Therefore, you need to take some measures even before the doctor arrives. A person should be given plain water to drink. Some people advise giving mineral water, but it is not recommended for everyone.

At the same time, the patient is given drugs from the group of sorbents. This is not only activated carbon, but also a more effective modern medicine - Enterosgel.

If you suspect gastrointestinal bleeding, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, the person must be provided with peace. It is advisable for the patient to lie on the bed, it is recommended to put a pillow under his head, and cold on his stomach - in the epigastric region (you can take a bag of frozen vegetables from the refrigerator, wrap it in a thin towel and hold it like that for some time). Cold causes a slight constriction of blood vessels, and this will help slightly reduce the amount of blood loss.

Problem during pregnancy

Expectant mothers often suffer from exacerbations of chronic diseases. But green stool during pregnancy is often associated with more harmless reasons. Many women try to provide their body (and fetus) with folic acid and eat a lot of leafy vegetables, leaning on spinach and broccoli. But these foods contain a lot of chlorophyll, which turns feces green.

Another common cause is prenatal vitamins. Such complexes usually contain a lot of iron and calcium. Excess iron is not absorbed by the body, but is excreted along with feces. Sometimes the color change is caused by activated carbon, which is prescribed to expectant mothers for increased gas formation. There is nothing dangerous in this, this drug is not absorbed into the blood, and it cannot harm the child.

Many expectant mothers are afraid of internal bleeding. But during pregnancy, in this case, the stool always takes on a tar-black hue.

There is another reason why pregnant women's stool turns green. This is dysbacteriosis, which often occurs during pregnancy. In this case, based on the test results, the doctor may prescribe medications that will remove toxins that have accumulated as a result of digestive disorders. This is Smecta or Imodium. You will need to follow a certain diet, eat whole grain porridge cooked in water, and more low-fat fermented milk products. Green tea and rosehip infusion are usually recommended for drinks, but herbal infusions should be used with caution - they are not as harmless as they might seem.

Many believe that the healing mineral water of Essentuki, which is used in the treatment of diseases of the biliary tract, will be useful in this case. But doctors do not have a consensus on whether it can be drunk during pregnancy. You need to consult a specialist before deciding whether to drink such water or not.