Open a hospice business plan. How to open a private nursing home - main aspects of a business plan

The boarding house as a holiday home, located in a resort area and in demand among a wide range of clients, is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Increasingly, boarding houses are functioning as places for the permanent residence of elderly people and people with disabilities. Naturally, such facilities have certain specifics and are subject to special requirements.

How to organize a boarding house: key points

Let’s say right away that launching such a project requires large investments.

First, location. Boarding houses are usually located in picturesque places with good ecology, often near clean rivers and lakes.

So, in order to open a boarding house for recreation and permanent residence, you need to select a suitable territory - buy or rent land. If necessary, improve it.

Second, building and infrastructure. As a rule, in addition to the main building where the guests will live, it is necessary to have additional ones: medical, leisure, etc.

Third, the staff. If you run a boarding house that offers not only comfortable accommodation, but also medical treatments, you will need a staff of qualified specialists with medical education.

How to open a boarding house for the elderly? Starting a business in this niche requires substantial expenses, especially when it comes to older people and people with disabilities. Thus, all premises should be equipped as conveniently and safely as possible. Qualified medical personnel, proper organization of nutrition and leisure are required.

How much does it cost to organize a boarding house for the elderly?

At the start, to organize a boarding house for the elderly, an amount of at least 40 million rubles will be required. The return on investment, if business processes work well, will be approximately 5 years.

Are you interested in this niche, but is it too expensive to open a nursing home for the elderly from scratch? Take advantage of ready-made business offers. Keep in mind that buying an existing boarding house in the Moscow region will be significantly cheaper than developing such a project yourself. This segment is just being formed, however, in the Altera Invest catalog you will find current business options in this area.

How to open a boarding house for the elderly: registration and approvals

The difficulty here is that the owner must be licensed to provide a wide range of medical services. Registering with the tax office is only the beginning of the journey. In addition, you will need to go through a number of authorities to obtain approval from:

  • fire supervision
  • sanitary services
  • local health department

An entrepreneur can obtain permission to carry out activities after the premises where the boarding house is organized meets the entire list of standards of each organization.

How to organize a boarding house for the elderly: documents

To obtain the necessary permits, you must present contracts with all suppliers and certificates of conformity.

Another important task is to resolve legal and financial issues with the Pension Fund and the Department of Social Protection. In particular, agree with local authorities on the transfer of payments to the account of a boarding house for the elderly.

The modern pace of life takes up more and more free time. Everyone has elderly relatives who need care, attention and medical attention. Therefore, organizing a nursing home as a business is a very profitable and promising idea. This business is also attractive because it has virtually no competition in Russia, which makes it profitable even in conditions of the economic crisis.

Opening a nursing home as a business - where to start?

In Russia, the attitude towards such institutions for older people is somewhat biased. It is believed that sending old people to such institutions is not humane. This is a deep misconception. Modern private nursing homes are distinguished by a high level of living comfort, interesting entertainment, as well as high-quality food and medical care. Qualified staff will always help disabled or elderly people receive proper attention and care.

Relevance of this business

Any elderly person in the Russian Federation can count on qualified medical care and attentive care. The relevance of this business is very high: firstly, there is low competition, and secondly, there is no specific connection to the area. You can open such an establishment in any city or region. Hence, a private nursing home as a business is a very promising project.

Nursing home business plan

To make a profitable investment and open such a service from scratch, you will need some market analysis and clear planning. This will help minimize financial costs, significantly reduce time costs and avoid problems with current legislation. To do this, you will need to develop a ready-made business plan for a nursing home with the following points:

  1. The prospects of the project as a whole and demand in the services market.
  2. Target audience analysis.
  3. Specifics of the establishment.
  4. Total number of residents.
  5. Selection of rooms and places.
  6. Services provided.

Also, a financial clause should be included in the business plan: starting investments, all kinds of risks and force majeure situations. A clear calculation will reduce cash expenses and significantly help in opening a nursing home. Next, you should start preparing the necessary documents.

Opening instructions

This institution will be under strict supervision of government authorities and will be taxed. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permission. An entrepreneur must register as a legal entity. You will also need to obtain a medical license. The next stage will be the hiring of personnel: a prerequisite is the presence of a medical education. Employees of the elderly care center must have the following qualities:

  • goodwill,
  • attentiveness,
  • sensitivity and patience,
  • honesty and friendliness.

The best option would be people with medical education, as well as psychologists. It's a good idea to ask for references from your previous job. The staff’s task is to make the elderly person’s stay in the institution comfortable.

Design issues

Next, you will need to resolve issues with the premises. His choice should be taken extremely seriously, because the number of potential residents will depend on the living conditions. The best option would be a former recreation center or sanatorium. It’s good if there is a beautiful view of the forest, river or field from the window of the building. It would be nice if there was a canteen with three or four meals a day. The presence of a medical office will only increase the rating of the establishment, because old people often get sick and they simply need care.

Now the room needs to be equipped with equipment. To ensure a comfortable pastime for the elderly, it is better to make everything as cozy as possible and create a homely atmosphere. You will need to purchase:

  1. Beds with mattresses. A good choice would be beds with a position change function. When it comes to mattresses, it’s best to consider one with bedsore protection.
  2. Bathrooms. The first rule is that they must be safe. This is an anti-slip floor, preferably insulated. No sharp corners and easy movement.
  3. Handrails. The maximum number of handrails throughout the boarding house will ensure safety and ease of movement for elderly guests.
  4. Personnel call systems. It is advisable to equip each room with similar devices. This will allow you to immediately call staff if the guest needs help.
  5. Elevator. If the building is multi-story, it is required. After all, many old people are not particularly mobile, as are the disabled, who find it extremely difficult to move.

Interesting! A worthy analogue would be a multi-room apartment with all the amenities that can accommodate several guests. It also wouldn't hurt to have a 24-hour pharmacy nearby.

Positive aspects of business

Opening such an establishment has its advantages. These include:

  • fairly quick payback of the project (from 1 year);
  • minimal risks;
  • low percentage of competition;
  • high demand for these services.

It should be borne in mind that a commercial project of this kind requires significant start-up investments. This includes renting premises, purchasing and installing equipment, utility costs and staff salaries. However, this does not prevent you from receiving net profit in the first years of operation.

Possible pitfalls

The main thing in this business is the reputation of the establishment. No one would send their elderly parents or grandparents to an institution with a bad reputation. Therefore, it is worth making every effort to make the guests’ stay comfortable and safe. This will ensure positive reviews and, as a result, a greater influx of potential tenants. The qualifications of the staff are of great importance - a rude and indifferent employee will create bad advertising for such an establishment.

In conclusion

Nursing home business is a profitable business. Payback period with proper planning is from 1 year. The risks are minimal. It all depends on the cost of services, the qualifications of the staff, as well as the comfort of living of the elderly, their care and nutrition. An honest attitude towards guests and loyal prices will help make the business profitable and make a profit fairly quickly.

To assess the level of demand for a service, you need to take into account:

  • size of the settlement, degree of urbanization of the region;
  • mentality and solvency of the population;
  • the presence of competitors and the state of infrastructure (hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes of various forms of ownership, specialized organizations providing medical services at home).

State and municipal nursing homes, as a rule, cannot compete with private institutions due to inadequate living conditions and patient care. There are exceptions. It happens that a government agency is taken under the guardianship of a charitable organization or a large business entity. If, at the expense of the sponsor, a state institution has created sufficient material resources and tolerable living conditions, potential clients will not overpay to a private owner.

Organizational aspects

It is desirable that the establishment is located outside the city in a picturesque area. There are many reasons for this:

  • older people want peace, they benefit from walks in the air;
  • distance from the city reduces labor costs (the claims of cooks, cleaners, janitors and security guards from the nearest village will be less than those of city residents);
  • the relatives who have placed the elderly person in a private boarding house are wealthy enough to visit him by personal transport.

Selection of premises

The more the layout of the building (rooms for 1-2 people, a corridor system, the presence of a dining room, a sufficient number of showers and restrooms) corresponds to the profile of the future boarding house, the less will subsequently have to be invested in its arrangement.

Best option:

  • recreation center;
  • hospital;
  • sanatorium;
  • children's camp.

Such organizations are departmental or municipally owned. In both cases, the conclusion of the lease agreement may be delayed. State property can be leased only on a competitive basis.

The business plan for a nursing home must contain an estimate for putting the selected premises in order. In most cases, cosmetic repairs are not enough. You will have to change the plumbing, wiring, windows, doors, and re-roof. In the worst case scenario, we need to install communications, install a heating system, and negotiate the allocation of an electrical line. If the business is planned on a large scale, it is better to start with one building (floor), and finish the remaining premises as financial receipts come in.

You need to be extremely careful when executing lease relationships. It is worth involving a lawyer in the transaction process. The contract must be long-term. Otherwise, there is no point in investing in the reconstruction of someone else's building.

It is worth insisting that all or at least part of the cost of repair work be included in the rent. Improvements to the property are inherent and remain the default of the landlord at the end of the lease without any compensation. Since the contract is long-term, it will need to be registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Registration and permissions

A business plan for a private nursing home must take into account the need to register the organization. Least burdensome. As of 2016, the minimum authorized capital is 10 thousand rubles, the state duty for entering into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is 4 thousand rubles. Registration of a turnkey LLC in Moscow will cost 35 thousand rubles. If you delegate only the drafting of the charter to a law firm and deal with bureaucratic procedures yourself, you can get by with 1.5 thousand rubles.

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A business plan for organizing a home, boarding house or boarding school for the elderly must include the cost of obtaining a license. The state fee for issuing a document is 7.5 thousand rubles. But the main costs will be incurred in connection with the previous sanitary and hygienic examination, preparation of certified copies, and extracts from registers.

The licensing conditions are:

  • premises that meet the requirements of SanPiN;
  • availability of an agreement for water supply, sewerage, heating, lighting, ventilation, fire alarm;
  • the presence of medical personnel employed at their main place of work.

It will take up to 3 months to obtain a license, since passing through the authorities (Ministry of Emergency Situations, State Sanitary Supervision Service, Roszdravnadzor) can only be done sequentially. Each government agency needs conclusions from the previous one.

Caring for the elderly is not an easy task; often people have to give up work to look after their grandparents, who can harm themselves in the absence of relatives. Moreover, living under the same roof with people suffering from insanity or other forms of acute illness can become dangerous. Therefore, many people seek to place their elderly relatives in nursing homes and boarding houses, where they will be under the supervision of doctors and staff. Against this background, the interest of entrepreneurs in social business, namely opening their own nursing home, is growing. How to open a nursing home? We'll talk about this and much more in our article today. We will also discuss the business plan for a nursing home.

As in any business, the troubles begin with registering your business. First of all, you need to open a legal entity. Registration as an individual entrepreneur will not help in this case, since the businessman will have to deal with medical drugs and carry out activities to care for people, which may become impossible when running a business as an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, you can choose the LLC form.

After the legal form has been chosen, it is necessary to obtain a medical license, for this it is necessary to have on staff people with special education, or to have one yourself. After this, it is necessary to settle matters with the Department of Social Security and the Pension Fund, in which transfers of pension funds to the account of the nursing home will be registered. If children themselves pay for their elderly relatives, then social security and the Pension Fund need not be disturbed.


Buildings that were previously occupied by boarding houses, sanatoriums, and recreation centers are suitable for opening a nursing home. The area will depend on the scale of the planned business. But it is necessary to take into account that no more than two guests lived in one room. Also in the house there should be a leisure room, a dining room, a gym, and a first-aid post with a treatment room. Experienced entrepreneurs advise starting a similar business with a premises of 400-500 square meters, which can accommodate 30-40 guests.

Country cottages, recreation centers and boarding houses with an area of ​​400-500 square meters are perfect for a private nursing home.

A boarding house can be located not only in the city, but also outside it. It will be even better if the house is closer to nature, where the air is cleaner and the atmosphere is calmer. The main thing is that all the conditions are in the house, and not in the yard. Because the house will have to undergo compliance checks from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service.


Since a nursing home is not a sanatorium or a hospital, the entrepreneur will not need to buy equipment for treatment. However, you will have to spend money on the arrangement and comfortable accommodation of guests. For example, it is necessary to purchase special beds, with the ability to adjust, this will help feed and serve bedridden people who may also be in your boarding house. The mattresses on the beds must be special, which do not allow bedsores to appear and cause discomfort.

Beds in a boarding house for the elderly should be adjustable, this will help feed bedridden residents

The bathroom should have an area that allows several people to enter there, for example, a guest with the help of orderlies, and it should also be equipped so that guests have the opportunity to wash themselves (low shower counters, easy adjustment of water temperature, non-slip floor, shelves for hygiene products) .

The choice of flooring throughout the entire room must be approached very seriously, since a slippery floor can cause injury and even death to older people. Therefore, you need to exclude tiles and linoleum; it is better to choose a low-wool carpet that does not have a sliding surface, and is also secured with baseboards and does not move.

It is necessary to install handrails along the entire perimeter of the boarding house for ease of movement of guests. It is also necessary to purchase several wheelchairs and special walkers that will allow people with disabilities to move. If the boarding house has two or more floors, it is necessary to equip the house with an elevator, because the guests will not be able to go down on their own.

An alarm button must be placed near each elderly person’s bed, which will notify the staff that the person needs help. It is necessary to install refrigerators in the rooms for the convenience of guests, as well as, if possible, televisions so that they have something to while away the evening.

An alarm button must be installed next to each bed in case a person needs help.

In the case of meetings between relatives and clients, it is necessary to allow meetings in rooms; there is no need to allocate separate areas in the room where they will communicate, this is not a prison.

In the leisure room you need to install a large TV, install shelves with books, buy board games and equip it with sofas and armchairs. In this room, guests can chat, watch movies and discuss books they have read.

In the recreation room it is necessary to install a large TV, comfortable furniture, and also equip it with books and board games

In the gym you need to install several exercise machines for the strongest guests, as well as buy mats for health-improving gymnastics. The classes should be taught by an experienced instructor, who can be found for a piece rate.

The medical office must have first aid medications, as well as basic medications and blood pressure measuring devices.

The medical office must be equipped with tools and first aid supplies, and must also be replenished with basic medications.

In order to sometimes take your guests to the cinema or museums, you need to take care of transport; you can buy or rent a minibus for this. Such actions will have a positive impact on the image of the boarding house.

Elderly people need attention, so it is necessary to organize their leisure time and conduct various events


For high-quality operation of a nursing home, it is necessary to assemble professional staff. To do this, you need to conduct dozens of interviews and choose the best.

To work you will need:

– 2 doctors who will monitor the physical health of the guests;

– 4 nurses working in shifts with night shifts;

– 2 nurses who will keep the boarding house clean;

– 4 nurses who will care for the guests;

– instructor for physical exercises, possible on a piecework basis;

– accountant, for reporting, can be outsourced;

The total salary fund is about 300 thousand rubles monthly.

Beds in a boarding house for the elderly should be adjustable, this will help feed bedridden residents.

Nursing home in Ukraine

Oddly enough, in Ukraine the niche of such a business as private nursing homes is almost empty. This is largely due to the poverty of pensioners who cannot pay for their stay in such boarding houses, as well as the negative opinion of older people about such houses.

That is why today, for the development of such commercial projects with social goals in Ukraine, it is possible to rent premises at a discounted price and conclude a profitable agreement with product suppliers.

In order to start organizing a private nursing home in Ukraine, you also need to go through several authorities to obtain permission: the tax service, obtaining a license to conduct medical procedures, establishing contacts with social security authorities and the pension fund.

Income and expenses

Let's calculate the costs of opening a private nursing home with an area of ​​500 square meters, and then correlate them with the planned income of the organization.

Table 1.1

One-time expenses.

NameAmount, rub.
1 LLC registration4 000
2 Room renovation100 000
3 Beds, 40 pieces200 000
4 Cabinets, 40 pieces40 000
5 Small refrigerators, 20 pieces140 000
6 Refrigerator for the kitchen30 000
7 TVs in rooms, 20 pieces160 000
8 Plasma in the rest room25 000
9 Dining room tables, 10 pieces50 000
10 Dining room chairs, 45 pieces45 000
11 Kitchen utensils30 000
12 Installation of panic buttons80 000
13 Sports equipment50 000
14 Board games and books30 000
15 Bookcase15 000
16 Wardrobe, 40 pieces160 000
17 Stove for the kitchen20 000
18 Wheelchairs and walkers, 10 pieces100 000
Total: 1 279 000

Table 1.2

Monthly expenses.

NameAmount, rub
1 Renting premises at a reduced price200 000
2 Employee salaries300 000
3 Food purchasing200 000
4 Purchase of medicines50 000
5 Payment of utilities50 000
6 Internet, TV5 000
7 Entertainment50 000
Total: 855 000

The cost of a monthly stay for a guest in such a boarding house is 30 thousand rubles; if it is fully staffed with guests, the monthly income is = 40 X 30,000 = 1.2 million rubles. However, it is possible to completely fill the house only after 2-3 months of work.

The payback period for such a nursing home ranges from 9 months to 1.5 years.

Social business is always not only a concern for income, but also responsibility for the people whom the entrepreneur helps. Therefore, if you want not only to earn money, but also to provide all possible assistance to the state and people in need, then a private nursing home is a great idea for starting a social business.

hospice Vladimir

In the Welcome section to the question of how hospice stands for, asked by the author Vladimir Teplov, the best answer is I don’t know how it stands for, but it is:

Hospice (from English.

hospice) is a medical institution in which patients with a predicted unfavorable outcome of the disease receive decent care and service. Hospice patients are surrounded by ordinary “home” things, and relatives and friends have free access to them. Medical personnel provide palliative medical care: patients can receive oxygen, painkillers, tube feeding, etc.

The word “hospice” came into English from Old French (“hospice”). There it, in turn, was formed from the Latin words hospes and hospitium (“hospitality”). This term has been used since the 6th century AD. e. designated resting places for pilgrims. The first hospices were usually

The word “hospice” came into English from Old French (“hospice”). There it, in turn, was formed from the Latin words hospes and hospitium (“hospitality”). This term has been used since the 6th century AD. e. designated resting places for pilgrims. The first hospices were usually located along roads along the main routes of Christian pilgrims. These were, in a certain sense, houses of charity for tired, exhausted or sick travelers. However, hospices also helped local residents. From English the word came to other European languages ​​in the 19th century.

How to open a hospice

Hospice (from the English hospice) is a medical institution in which patients with a predictable unfavorable outcome of the disease receive decent care and service. Hospice patients are surrounded by ordinary “home” things, and relatives and friends have free access to them. Medical personnel provide palliative medical care: patients can receive oxygen, painkillers, tube feeding, etc. A minimum of doctors and a maximum of paramedical and junior medical personnel. The main purpose of staying in a hospice is to brighten up the last days of life and alleviate suffering. This is humane and, in addition, more cost-effective than treating terminal patients in an intensive care unit. In the post-Soviet space, this problem has not been solved, since it still requires significant investments, obtaining a license to work with controlled drugs, etc.

Word " hospice" came into English from Old French ( "hospice") There it, in turn, was formed from the Latin words hospes and hospitium (“hospitality”). This term has been used since the 6th century AD. designated resting places for pilgrims. From English the word came to other European languages ​​in the 19th century.

Basic principles of the hospice concept

The hospice provides care to terminally ill patients in the final stages of the disease. In the CIS countries, hospice care is provided mainly to cancer patients with severe pain in the last stage of the disease, confirmed by medical documents.

The primary object of medical, social and psychological care in a hospice is the patient and his family. Patient care is provided by specially trained medical and service personnel, as well as relatives of patients and volunteer assistants who have undergone preliminary training in hospices.

Hospice provides outpatient and inpatient care to patients. Outpatient care is provided at home by teams from the hospice field service (“hospice at home”). Inpatient care, depending on the needs of the patient and his family, is provided in a 24-hour, day or night hospital stay.

The principle of “diagnosis openness” can be implemented in a hospice. The issue of informing patients of their diagnosis is decided individually and only in cases where the patient insists on it.

The entire range of medical, social and psychological assistance to the patient should be aimed at eliminating or reducing pain and fear of death while preserving his consciousness and intellectual abilities to the maximum possible extent.

Each patient in a hospice should be provided with physical and psychological comfort. Physical comfort is achieved by creating conditions in the hospital that are as close to home as possible. Providing psychological comfort is carried out on the basis of the principle of an individual approach to each patient, taking into account his condition, spiritual, religious and social needs.

The sources of funding for hospices are budgetary funds, funds from charitable societies and voluntary donations from citizens and organizations.

Basic principles of hospice activities

Hospice services are free. You can't pay for death, just like you can't pay for birth.

Hospice is a house of life, not death.

Controlling symptoms allows you to qualitatively improve the patient’s life.

Death, like birth, is a natural process. It cannot be rushed or slowed down. Hospice is an alternative to euthanasia.

Hospice is a system of comprehensive medical, psychological and social care for patients.

Hospice - schools and support for relatives and loved ones of the patient.

Hospice is a worldview of humanism.

Prospects for the development of palliative care for cancer patients in Russia

The future development of palliative care is associated with the need to solve a number of problems of an organizational, scientific, medical, social and economic nature.

At the first stage, it is advisable to use the existing finite fund of urban oncology hospitals, which will allow, in a short time and without large financial costs, to create a network of palliative care departments to improve the quality of life of patients in need. At the second stage, along with the existing palliative care departments, the construction of hospices will be carried out. On the third stage - (as hospices are put into operation) - expand the functions of palliative care departments to multidisciplinary units of the palliative medicine system, in which patients with various forms of chronic diseases (neurological, endocrinological, pulmonological, etc.) in the terminal stage of development will receive the necessary care , i.e. patients whose specialized treatment has already exhausted its capabilities and/or is impossible due to the severity of the patient’s general somatic condition. As a result, the system of palliative care for cancer patients created in Russia can be used as a model of palliative medicine service, the basis of which is territorial centers of palliative medicine.

2.1. Opening of a hospice. Hospice Regulations

The hospice provides assistance to patients in the Central District of the city.

The organization of the work of the PMH is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on this institution, approved by the Moscow Department of Health and which is the fundamental document for the organization of the work of hospices in Moscow, including the First Moscow Hospice. Below is the full text of this provision.

1. General provisions

1.2. The hospice is created in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

1.3. Hospice officials and staff are guided in their activities by the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Regulations.

1.4. The hospice is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, current and other accounts in banks, a round seal with its name, a corner stamp with the name of the institution, and forms.

1.5. The hospice operates in accordance with the Charter and on the basis of a license obtained in the prescribed manner.

1.6. A hospice can be a clinical and educational base for medical educational institutions and research institutes.

1.7. The hospice acts as a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration, and arbitration courts in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.8. The hospice carries out state measures for mobilization preparation in accordance with current legislation and regulations of the Moscow Government.

1.9. In order to implement state, social, economic and tax policies, the hospice is responsible for the safety of documents (managerial, financial and economic, personnel, etc.); ensures the transfer of documents to state storage.

The hospice provides services to the population of the assigned area, numbering up to The capacity of the hospice is determined by the number of beds.

2.2. The selection of patients for hospice is carried out by hospice doctors based on:

– the presence of terminal cancer, confirmed by medical documents from the referring institution;

– presence of pain syndrome that cannot be relieved at home;

– the presence of socio-psychological indications (depression, reactive states, conflict situations at home, inability to care for the patient).

2.3. Hospice provides outpatient and inpatient care to patients, which, depending on the needs of the patient and his family, can be provided in the form of intermediate forms - day hospital, mobile service.

2.4. Providing psychological comfort is carried out on the basis of the principle of an individual approach to each patient, taking into account his condition, spiritual, religious and social needs.

2.5. Medical care and qualified care for patients in a hospice are provided free of charge. Subsidies (payment) from relatives or patients are prohibited.

2.6. The hospice does not engage in commercial or other activities that contradict its charitable nature and violate the principle of equal access to the institution and equal opportunities for medical and social care for all incurable patients.

2.7. Hospice provides medical, social and legal protection for patients registered with the hospice.

2.8. Hospice provides social protection for hospice staff.

2.9. The hospice carries out organizational and methodological work on primary training of personnel: doctors, paramedics, junior medical personnel, volunteers and training of relatives in patient care skills.

2.10. The structure and staffing of the hospice is approved by the chief physician of the hospice, based on the number of the assigned contingent and the volume of medical and social assistance provided (within the limits of the wage fund).

2.11. The hospice provides organizational, methodological and practical assistance to institutions and specialists on palliative treatment issues, takes part in meetings and conferences on current issues of palliative treatment.

2.12. Hospice provides:

– emergency medical care;

– specialized medical care;

– selection and implementation of the necessary analgesic and symptomatic therapy;

– qualified medical and social assistance to patients, provision of psychotherapeutic assistance to the patient and his relatives;

– nutrition, including dietary, in accordance with medical recommendations and the wishes of the patient;

– organizing and conducting supportive palliative treatment of incurable patients;

– organizing the necessary advisory assistance;

– carries out the development and implementation of new methods of palliative treatment and patient care into practice;

– analyzes the effectiveness of the medical and social activities of the hospice;

– carries out mobilization preparation and civil defense activities;

– carries out operation and repair of hospice property;

– maintains statistical and accounting records and provides reports on the activities of the hospice in the prescribed manner.

3. Hospice objectives

– the formation of a new form of medical and social care, based on a compassionate and humane attitude of the public and the state towards the problems of incurable cancer patients;

– increasing the availability of inpatient medical care for terminally ill patients and improving medical care at home;

– providing socio-psychological assistance to patients and their relatives, training relatives in the skills of caring for seriously ill patients;

– ensuring the selection and implementation of the necessary analgesic therapy;

– organizing the necessary advisory assistance.

3.2. In accordance with these tasks, the hospice is entrusted with:

– creation of a service of volunteer assistants providing free care for patients at home and in hospitals, training them;

– communication with religious organizations of all faiths for the performance, if necessary, of religious rites during the period of stay in the hospital and at home;

– communication and active work with charitable organizations, both domestic and foreign;

– communication with other hospices, both domestic and foreign;

– communication with social protection authorities;

– communication with the media.

4. Hospice structure

1. Reception department.

2. Hospital beds.

3. Day hospital.

4. Field service.

5. Administrative and economic service.

6. Support services (sterilization room, pharmacy, disinfection unit, laundry, catering department).

5. Hospice property and finances

5.2. The source of formation of property and financial resources of the hospice are:

– city health care budget;

– other sources, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. When exercising the right of operational management of property, the hospice is obliged to:

– use property effectively;

– ensure the safety and use of property strictly for its intended purpose;

– prevent deterioration of the technical condition of the property. This requirement does not apply to deterioration associated with standard wear and tear of property during operation;

– carry out major and current repairs of property;

– charge depreciation charges on the worn-out part of the property.

5.5. The property of the hospice, assigned to it under the right of operational management, may be withdrawn either in whole or in part exclusively in the following cases:

– during liquidation or reorganization of a hospice;