Lesson outline (junior group) on the topic: Didactic game "Let's collect beads." Didactic game “Magic beads”

Galina Lukicheva

Didactic game “Collect beads” (from simple to complex).

Priority educational field according to Federal State Educational Standards: cognitive development.


1. For children from 3 to 7 years old.

2. Included: cocktail sticks cut into beads, 10-12 cords, cards with samples.

Contributes to: consolidates the color spectrum, teaches how to alternate colors according to a pattern; enriching the tactile sensitivity of the hands through improving fine motor skills in actions with beads; development of attention, logical thinking, consolidation of counting within 10. Perseverance, interest in the results of actions, focus.

Game options:

Option 1. On the table in front of each player are laces and beads.

The guys collect beads.

Option 2. The guys collect beads by color.

Option 3. The guys collect beads following a certain rhythm according to the pattern.

Option 4. The teacher offers the children a verbal dictation:

Exercise 1: 4 red beads, 3 green beads, 2 blue beads, 1 bead yellow.

Exercise 2: 7 yellow beads, 1 bead pink color, 3 beads green, 5 orange beads.

Exercise 3: 4 green beads, 2 less red beads than green; there are 1 more yellow beads than red beads, etc.

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Didactic game.

Topic: “Let’s collect beads.”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about color.


Learn to correctly identify and name primary colors (red, yellow).

Develop fine motor skills fingers

Cultivate emotional responsiveness and a desire to help others.

Material: fairy tale character, beads (red, yellow), laces different colors.

Progress: Knock on the door.

1. Educator: - Children, a fox came to visit us. Look, she's sad, she's crying. Let's find out what happened?

Chanterelle: - My favorite beads are torn. Please help me collect them.

2. Educator: - Guys, let's see what kind of beads the fox had. What color are the beads? Children's answers: ()

Educator: - That's right, it's a red bead. Let's all say it together - red!

But what color is this bead?...... yellow. Children's answers…………

Educator: - That's right, it's yellow! Let's all say it together - yellow!

Let's collect beads for the fox. Look, I take a red bead and put it on a string, now I take a yellow bead and put it on a string again.

Come here…….., let’s put the next bead on the string. What's the next bead?...... That's right, red. Which bead are you wearing – that’s right,……….yellow. Did the beads turn out beautiful?....Are you happy, little fox?....Yes......

Let's collect beads for our dolls!

3. Fizminutka (finger game)

(Fingers clenched into a fist)
- Thumb boy
Where have you been?
(thumb extends)
- I went to the forest with this brother,
(index extends)
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
(middle one unbends)
I ate porridge with this brother,
(nameless man unbends)
I sang songs with this brother.
(little finger extends)

Continued work with children.

4. Educator: - Look, guys, what beads we made. They are very beautiful.

(The teacher and the children examine the finished work.)

Educator: - Guys, our dolls are very happy about the gift! they became cheerful, they smile! Well done!

Let us always be so kind and help people!

Now let's say goodbye to the fox and invite her to visit us again.

Result: we fixed the fox’s beads, she thanks you for your help!

We collected beads for our dolls!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Tasks: - Develop knowledge of primary colors and their shades. – Strengthen the ability to arrange in a row according to a pattern (left to right, right to left) and count out a certain number of beads according to the sample, taking into account the color scheme. – Teach ordinal counting. Strengthen counting skills within 10. – Develop fine motor skills of the hands. – Reduce psychophysical stress. - Bring up positive attitude to yourself and those around you. Equipment: Multi-colored laces, large number beads (made from spools of thread covered with colored paper of different colors, sample handout cards.

Game description: Children are offered a choice of any card. The child independently, according to the model "collects beads» on a cord, that is, if the card shows

then the child speaks aloud: red-2, green-2, blue-2, yellow-2. playing the child counts and finds « beads» by color and quantity. Performs actions (“collects beads on cord). It should work out So:

At the end of the game the child must count total quantity beads collected on a cord and compare with the sample card. If the child succeeds well and quickly "collect beads» , then the game can be complicated, that is, add one more sample card.

My children are happy play this game! They consolidate the basic colors and their shades, master counting to 10 and beyond. They learn to compare, compare, and help each other. Give your children such a game and your children’s world will become even more colorful and interesting!

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“Summary of the didactic game “Let’s make beads for the dolls”, 2nd junior group”

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Almaty region

Enbekshikazakh district

Shelek village

GKKP Kindergarten No. 38 "Gulder"

Summary of the didactic game

“Let’s make beads for the dolls”

second junior group"Fidgets"

Prepared by teacher: Nolfina E.G.

2015-2016 academic year

Summary of the didactic game

“Let’s make beads for the dolls”


Teach children to distinguish color tones and match objects by color.

Activate the expressions “different in color”, “same in color”;

Strengthen the idea of ​​individual colors (red, yellow, blue, green, white, black);

Develop motor skills of the fingertips by stringing small parts onto a cord;

Cultivate endurance, be able to wait, listen to the answers of other children.


10 dolls dressed in dresses of red, yellow, blue, green, white, black;

Balls - beads (3-4pcs);

Laces the same color as the dolls' dresses;


Preliminary work: looking at and stringing beads.


Progress of the lesson.

The teacher draws attention to the dolls located on the bench.

Look, children, who came to visit us?

Children. Dolls.

Educator. That's right, these are dolls. How many dolls came to visit us?

Children. Lots of dolls.

Educator. That's right, a lot of dolls came to us. Look at the colorful dresses, hats, and shoes they have.

Each doll has its own name (Katya, Zhenya, Zina, Sveta, Berta, Cholpan)

Educator. What color is Katya's dress? (red)

Educator. What color is Zhenya's dress? (yellow)

Educator. What color is Zina's dress? (green)

Educator. What color is Sveta's dress? (blue)

What about Bertha? (white)

What about Chulpan? (green)

Game motivation.

The dolls brought with them colorful beads and laces. The autumn holiday is coming soon, they need decoration - beads for the holiday. They are asking you to help.

Children, let's help the dolls make beads for the holiday (the children agree).

Looking at beads.

What color are the beads? What shape? What are the beads strung on?

Exercise to prevent visual fatigue.

While sitting, close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open your eyes for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Doing work by children.

There are beads on the tables and trays. The teacher hands out laces to the children. He asks each child to take the tray with the beads the same color as the lace. Children string beads. The teacher helps those children who find it difficult.

Note: When stringing, you can sing a song:

We are playful beads,

We are a cheerful people.

We are running after each other!

Weaving into a round dance.

Around the green tree

They are lightly dressed,

We chat incessantly,

We shine like lights!