Rhinoplasty: why and how is it performed? Detailed review from a patient about nose surgery Wings wide nostrils widened without surgery

Correction of the wings of the nose, or rhinoplasty, has several indications. Some agree to such an operation out of necessity, while others simply pursue the goal of making their face perfect. In any case, the risks of surgery will be the same. You should not think that surgery to change the shape or size of the wings of the nose is absolutely harmless.

If people for whom rhinoplasty becomes a real salvation. For aesthetic perfection, those who have suffered severe injuries, burns and other types of nasal deformities agree to such a procedure. A deviated nasal septum is considered a rather dangerous phenomenon. This somewhat spoils a person’s appearance and adds a lot of inconvenience to him in the form of sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, frequent headaches and sleep problems. In such a situation, you should not refuse rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty – features of correction of wide wings of the nose

It is worth remembering that, like any other type of surgical intervention, a person may have contraindications for nasal surgery.

Rhinoplasty includes several types of plastic surgery. The doctor can correct the shape of the nose and septum () and tidy up the wings of the nostrils. The latter case is quite common in those patients who do not need treatment, but want to achieve a perfect appearance. In fact, rhinoplasty can greatly change a person, making his facial features sharper and clearer.

This is what rhinoplasty looks like

It is the wings of the nostrils that are responsible for the “fat nose” effect. Moreover, some have to carry out such a correction due to the uneven location of the cartilage at the base of the wings. This can be a natural pathology or acquired.

Surgery on the wings of the nose plays an important role for many patients. Having corrected their deficiency, they become more relaxed, self-confident, and this greatly changes their life. To determine whether a person needs reduction of the wings of the nose, it is worth contacting a doctor who will draw special lines on the patient’s photo and determine whether surgery is necessary. Special straight lines are drawn on the photograph. If the patient's nasal wings extend beyond the permissible limit, this may be an indication for surgical intervention. In addition, indicators such as the size of the nasal cartilage, the thickness of the skin in this place and the length of the wings themselves are measured.

Video of rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose:

How does the correction happen?

After the specialist approves such a procedure, one of the appropriate methods of action will be selected. There may be several options for surgery on the wings of the nose. This should include reducing the nostrils, narrowing them and restoring tissue on the wings. The latter case is most often prescribed for those who have suffered serious injuries and burns, so the skin and cartilage tissue have been damaged.

This is what the result of rhinoplasty looks like

Reducing and tapering wings are very different from each other. In the first case, only part of the skin is removed, but also cartilage tissue. The second case involves the removal of a certain area of ​​skin, after which a scar remains. It tightens, tightens the rest of the skin, which fits more tightly to the cartilage.

Pros and cons of the operation

Experts assure that it is the wings of the nostrils that are the important factor that is responsible for the perception of the entire human nose as a whole, and sometimes the face. Therefore, when reducing them, it is worth considering that appearance can change greatly. Many people strive for this, so they easily agree to such an operation, but for others it is an opportunity to improve not only their appearance, but also their physical condition.

The nose is very important for a person, as it performs many vital functions. It is involved in breathing, speech formation, helps recognize odors and protect a person from harmful microorganisms.

As for surgery on the wings of the nose, it is considered one of the most harmless, since important areas are not affected. Complications with this type of rhinoplasty occur very rarely. Moreover, many are also attracted by the fact that the recovery period after changing the shape of the wings of the nose does not exceed 7 days.

Rhinoplasty has many advantages, but we can’t help but mention the disadvantages. For example, if something goes wrong, it will be simply impossible to hide the defect. It is difficult to find a more open place on the human body.

The video shows the positive and negative aspects of the operation:

Surgery on the wings of the nose requires the highest skill from the doctor. If a specialist makes a mistake, this can lead to the formation of scars up to five millimeters long. Sometimes they “see through” and become an unpleasant reminder of surgery. Only the work of a good surgeon will not leave traces behind, but it must be taken into account that such masters value their work very highly. Also read, make your nose smaller without surgery.

How to prepare for plastic surgery to reduce the wings of the nose

Many people believe that such a minor procedure as reduction does not require special preparation. However, we must not forget that such an intervention using anesthesia is still impossible to carry out efficiently if the patient does not comply with certain preoperative instructions.

First of all, doctors try to prepare a person mentally. This can be quite difficult, since some people do not fully understand what they are agreeing to. As a result, after the operation they get a different face, which can be difficult to get used to.

Rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose cannot be prescribed just like that. To do this, the patient will have to undergo many examinations, during which it will be determined whether he has contraindications to such a procedure. Analyzes and other diagnostic methods are used not only by a plastic surgeon. Basically, otolaryngologists, anesthesiologists and therapists are involved in the preparatory work. After all the necessary examinations and diagnostic procedures, we can talk about whether rhinoplasty is acceptable for a particular patient. In addition, during the preliminary examination, doctors choose the best options for how to perform the operation.

Here's a video of what you can expect after surgery:

As for the plastic surgeon himself, he usually takes a “before” picture. This allows you to evaluate how the operation went. Using a computer program, a specialist can simulate the future appearance of the patient, which will help the person decide whether he is ready for such changes in his life.

But the list of necessary actions that must be performed before lying on the operating table is not only a preliminary examination and psychological preparation. A few weeks before surgery, the patient is advised to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. It is not allowed to take medications that could change blood clotting.

Consequences of surgery and postoperative period

The operation that a plastic surgeon can perform on the wings of the nose can be open or closed. In the first case, we are talking about a complex problem when the doctor needs to get the closest possible contact with the tissues being operated on. It is believed that open rhinoplasty provides the most effective results.

In any case, no matter what type of rhinoplasty is used, in the postoperative period the patient will experience severe swelling of the face, or rather the part of it where the incisions were made. This is the most unpleasant part of the procedure. However, the postoperative period passes quickly, and the swelling completely subsides within a couple of weeks.

When changing the shape of the wings of the nose, small incisions are made, so the scars heal quickly. However, for the first few days the patient will have to breathe through the mouth as there will be cotton swabs in the nose. They are needed to eliminate the risks of bleeding and accidental injury. The consequences of nose rhinoplasty are described in more detail.

Of course, any operation is very unpleasant and painful. That's why doctors prescribe painkillers.

In order to reduce the size of the nostrils and wings of the nose, rhinoplasty surgery is prescribed. Rhinoplasty refers to operations that are prescribed for medical and aesthetic reasons. Rhinoplasty has many varieties, and correction of the wings of the nose is done only to improve the appearance of the shape and size of the nostrils.

Rhinoplasty is a complex and common operation. In addition to improving the appearance of the face and the shape of the nose, it is also possible to correct the deformation of the tip of the nose and its septum, too large wings of the nose and the results of injuries.

The surgeon who performs rhinoplasty surgery must be a professional medical specialist. At the appointment, it is important to discuss all the important points of the upcoming operation.

Indications for rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is done under general anesthesia and lasts from half an hour to two hours. Computer modeling is first done to give the nostrils and wings of the nose the correct shape, taking into account the patient’s wishes.

First, before rhinoplasty, you need to undergo an examination and consultation with a surgeon about:

Various defects of the wings of the nose can be congenital or acquired. Birth defects can occur when the bones of the skull are not formed correctly during fetal development. Acquired defects can occur after injuries or unsuccessful operations.

Wide or long wings of the nose can be seen in people belonging to some races, for example, in the Negroid race.

In each specific case, rhinoplasty is prescribed and performed taking into account various changes and forms of correction, and all operations are individual, without a general standard.

The essence of rhinoplasty surgery is that the surgeon must remove part of the wing if the nose is too wide or long, narrow or widen the nostrils, remove excess skin and cartilage to reduce thickness.

Types of nostril rhinoplasty

The timing of the nostril rhinoplasty operation depends on the required volume of surgical intervention. For example, the nostril correction operation itself takes about half an hour, but complete rhinoplasty lasts two hours.

According to the technology of rhinoplasty, there can be the following types:

Another important point is the fact that plastic procedures specifically for the wings of the nose are not often performed as a separate operation; they are usually combined with general rhinoplasty. In consultation with a doctor, it is discussed how much surgery the patient is supposed to undergo.

Stages of rhinoplasty

The first stage is that you need to make small cuts on the sides and wings of the nose. What the result will be depends on the shape of the cut and the depth.

That is, the wings of the nose are reduced without changing the structure of the internal cavity. To make the nose more closed, the incision must be made along the base, touching the bottom. You can reduce the size of the wings of the nose and nostrils by removing one area in the internal cavity.

In the second stage, excess skin is removed from both sides. It is important here that the surgeon does not remove excess tissue, otherwise the resulting unaesthetic appearance of the nose cannot be corrected.

At the third stage, the skin is joined and cosmetic sutures are applied.

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty

The stitches that are placed during the operation are removed after 6 days. The patient is usually not kept in the hospital; a second appointment and examination by the surgeon should be scheduled seven days after rhinoplasty of the nostrils.

After the operation, tampons are placed in the patient's nasal passages for the day and a plaster bandage is placed over the nose for fixation. The remaining small scar will go away in a month and a half and will become invisible over time.

Also, after rhinoplasty of the nostrils, during rehabilitation you should not stay in the sun for a long time, lift weights and do heavy physical exercises, or go to the bathhouse or swimming pool.

Consequences of rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose

Rhinoplasty is a surgical intervention, and there is no guarantee that there will be a 100% result, since the integrity of the skin and cartilage tissue is violated, bleeding, swelling, hematomas, and even bruises may occur.

Also, one of the negative consequences may be difficulty breathing through the nose. The complexity of the operation of rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose is that the consequences can be noticed both after a month and after a year. This occurs due to the long restoration of the tissues and functions of the nose, so that swelling takes a long time to subside.

Causes of complications after surgery:

Sometimes after nostril rhinoplasty, asymmetry of the wings of the nose and nostrils may occur. This may be due to the doctor’s erroneous actions during the operation; the skin was removed unequally from both sides of the nostrils.

If the surgeon noticed this in time, then to eliminate it you need to use tampons during the rehabilitation period. Otherwise, you need to do a second operation, which is allowed only 6 months after the first.

You can evaluate whether the nostrils are different two months after rhinoplasty surgery, after the swelling has gone away.

In rare cases, after rhinoplasty, scars may remain near the nostrils, since the incisions during the operation are small, otherwise the scar will be noticeable. A scar may also remain due to poor skin regeneration or inadequate care for the skin that has undergone surgery.

For a high-quality and positive effect of rhinoplasty surgery, you need to choose an experienced and professional surgeon, and discuss in advance all the nuances of correcting the shape of the nose and nostrils.

Surgical reduction of the nostrils is a type of rhinoplasty. It is believed that such an operation is complex, requires a certain amount of experience from the doctor, and has a high risk of complications. Modern plastic surgery allows correction of the nostrils (nose wings) with minimal risks.

Read in this article

Who needs surgery

Rhinoplasty, aimed at correcting the shape and size of the wings of the nose, is performed at the request of the patient. Naturally, the doctor will conduct a preliminary examination and determine whether there are contraindications to surgical intervention. But nostril reduction is carried out not only at the request of the person, but also for certain medical reasons:

  • overly wide or long wings of the nose;
  • disproportionate shape and size of the nostrils;
  • too thick skin in the area of ​​the nose in question;
  • retraction of the wings as a result of their injury;
  • nostrils too wide;
  • inharmonious size of the nostrils with the nose.

Disturbances in the appearance of the wings of the nose can be congenital or acquired. In the first case we are talking about intrauterine disorders of the anatomical structure of the skull, in the second about the consequences of unsuccessful surgical intervention, injuries and curvature of the nasal septum.

How is surgery performed?

There are 2 main methods of performing surgery to correct the shape and size of the nostrils:

  • Removal of skin tissue. It can be used in all cases, regardless of the cause of nostril problems. The surgeon makes neat incisions at the base of the wings of the nose, removes the “loose” part of the skin and applies sutures.
  • Contraction of the nasal openings. Used only when necessary to correct too wide nostrils. The doctor makes an internal incision through which the thread is pulled. Then it is tightened to the desired size and fixed.

Technique of the operation

Most often, rhinoplasty is performed by removing skin tissue. The operation algorithm is as follows:

  1. The doctor makes incisions at the base of the nostrils - this is done one at a time. The final result depends on the depth of the incision - for example, if the surgeon touches the base with a scalpel, the wings of the nose will become narrow.
  2. The surgeon removes excess flaps of skin. Here you need to work extremely carefully - excision of too large a fragment of skin can lead to an inharmonious change in appearance. It is impossible to correct such an error.
  3. The edges of the incision are connected and closed with a cosmetic suture.

If you need to solve the problem of the retraction of the wings of the nose, then you will need to restore their support. This type of surgery is performed using the patient’s cartilage tissue, which is obtained from the nasal septum or auricle.

Before the operation, each patient needs to undergo an examination - correction of the shape and size of the wings of the nose is carried out under general anesthesia or local anesthesia (the choice depends on the amount of work to be done). To undergo plastic surgery, the patient must have the results of the following studies:

  • general blood and urine tests, biochemistry - results are valid for 2 weeks;
  • HIV and ECG tests – data is valid for a maximum of one month;
  • blood for hepatitis and syphilis - considered reliable within 2 months;
  • fluorography - only a conclusion from a radiologist is required, which has no statute of limitations.

General analysis for choosing wing size

If 6 months before the planned rhinoplasty to reduce the nostrils, plastic surgery on the mammary glands was performed, then the surgeon will need the results of their ultrasound examination.

The recovery period lasts no more than 5 days, during which time the appearance becomes acceptable for going to work. For outpatient treatment, the patient is discharged from the clinic a few hours after the operation - the doctor will make sure that he is feeling normal.

If the rhinoplasty was performed under general anesthesia, you will have to stay in the clinic for 1 - 2 days. In the case of artificial formation of supports for the nostrils, you will need to wear a special plaster cast for a week, which supports the implanted cartilages.

For a month after the operation, you should not visit saunas and steam baths, play sports or expose your face to direct sunlight.

Possible complications

Nostril reduction– a full-fledged surgical intervention, which is accompanied by tissue incision and damage to the integrity of blood vessels. In the early recovery period, swelling, bleeding, and extensive hematomas may occur. These conditions disappear over time, often without the need for specific therapy. It is much more difficult to cope with the asymmetry of the wings of the nose and problems in nasal breathing.

A distinctive characteristic of complications after surgery to reduce the nostrils is that they can appear a month or even a year after the manipulation.

Watch the video about nostril reduction:

This can only be avoided by contacting a qualified specialist, in a clinic with an impeccable reputation, and by following all recommendations for managing the rehabilitation period.

Result before and after

Correcting the shape and size of the nostrils ensures the creation of a harmonious appearance with correct proportions. The face acquires softer lines, even its expression changes. The final result will be visible only 6 months after the surgical intervention - swelling will disappear, hematomas will disappear, cartilage and soft tissue will completely fuse, scars will resolve.

Before and after nostril reduction surgery

Cost of nostril reduction

Rhinoplasty, aimed at correcting the shape and size of the wings of the nose, is quite expensive. Depending on the complexity of the work ahead, the price of the operation can be 21,000 rubles (about 4,000 UAH) and higher.

Nostril reduction is not the most popular plastic surgery. But it can solve many human problems - from difficulty breathing to psycho-emotional disorders and low self-esteem.

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Rhinoplasty of a wide nose is performed due to the large shape of the tip, back, and wings. The before and after results can be shocking, because sometimes the nose becomes wider. Afterwards restoration is required.

It is not a rare occurrence that it is not the length, shape or tip of the nose that spoils the appearance, but the nostrils. Such a small but important touch can significantly change the appearance. This is why nostril rhinoplasty is performed. The results of such an operation help to, in general, imperceptibly improve the overall impression of the face and add attractiveness.

The main principles of nostril rhinoplasty

Any adjustment has its own principles or, if you like, postulates, on which the high-quality professional work of a plastic surgeon is built. Correct rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose and nostrils implies:

  • Symmetry;
  • Proportionality;
  • Accuracy.


Plastic surgeon, Pavlov E.A.:

Hello, my name is Evgeniy Anatolyevich Pavlov, and I am a leading plastic surgeon at a famous Moscow clinic.

My medical experience is more than 15 years. Every year I perform hundreds of operations, for which people are willing to pay HUGE money. Unfortunately, many people do not even suspect that in 90% of cases surgery is not required! Modern medicine has long allowed us to correct most appearance flaws without the help of plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery carefully hides many non-surgical methods of appearance correction. I talked about one of them, check out this method

Since the nostrils are paired elements of the nose, the most important point is symmetry. It allows you to eliminate sharp differences in their size, configuration, and shape. When we talk about proportionality, we mean that the wings and nostrils should be visually combined with other parts of the nose in particular and the face in general. Since the nostrils are a small area, precision is extremely important during the operation. Therefore, the surgeon’s actions must be as careful, planned and thoughtful as possible. Otherwise, even larger defects may occur, such as large nostrils after rhinoplasty.

When is nostril rhinoplasty prescribed?

There are a number of shortcomings and defects due to which rhinoplasty of the nostrils (the photo shows how it can be done) becomes possible. These factors may be congenital or acquired. When talking about acquired defects, we usually mean either post-traumatic or post-operative. An example would be different nostrils after rhinoplasty. In this case, it is meant that primary rhinoplasty led to undesirable consequences due to surgeon errors or complications. We decided to highlight the main reasons for prescribing rhinoplasty of the nostrils:

  1. Uneven or too wide nostrils when looking at their shape relative to an imaginary horizontal axis. This is how different nostrils can be corrected during rhinoplasty.
  2. Too narrow nostrils (usually a congenital defect, but it can also appear after burns or other injuries).
  3. Fleshy, thick nostrils. The reason here usually lies either in thickening of the skin or in excess of cartilage tissue.
  4. A groove, retraction or retraction of the wings often appears due to injury.
  5. Excessively long wings can significantly increase the size of the nose. This happens due to overhanging tissue in this area.

As you can see, there are a lot of defects and it is impossible to fix them. Since the area of ​​correction is extremely small, a certain amount of experience is required from a plastic surgeon. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose a doctor before going under the knife. Perhaps you should look at photos of rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose to decide whether you need it or not.

Rhinoplasty of wings and nostrils: how it is performed

As a rule, such an operation is not performed separately. It is often done with either septoplasty or another type of rhinoplasty. Nostrils can be corrected by removing tissue on the back surface where they are attached to the cheeks, or by removing excess tissue at the base of the nose.

Rhinoplasty can reduce the size of the nostrils by mobilizing the skin on the nose, which is freed from its connection with cartilage and bone tissue. This technique is used when it is necessary to reduce too wide nostrils, pull them closer to the midline, making them narrower.

Our readers write

Topic: Fixed my nose

From: Ekaterina S. (ekary*** [email protected])

To: Site Administration

Hello! My name is Ekaterina S., I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to change the shape of my nose. Now I am very happy with my face and no longer have complexes.

And here is my story

From the age of 15, I began to notice that my nose was not what I would like, there was not a large hump and wide wings. By the age of 30, my nose had grown even more and became absolutely “potato”, I was terribly complex about this and even wanted to have surgery, but the prices for this procedure are simply astronomical.

Everything changed when a friend gave me one to read. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article literally gave me a second life. After just a few months, my nose became almost perfect: the wings noticeably narrowed, the hump smoothed out, and the tip even rose slightly.

Now I don’t have any complexes about my appearance. And I’m not even shy about meeting new men, you know))

Tissue sagging due to excess skin can be eliminated in two ways. In the first, this tissue is pulled inward along the upper border of the nostrils. With the second method, the excess is simply hemmed.

Problems such as wing retraction or grooves are also solved using two methods. In the first case, the tension changes with subsequent displacement of the skin from other parts of the nose located next to the defect. In the second case, to restore support, the surgeon uses a composite piece of cartilage and skin, which is taken during transplantation from the auricle or nasal septum (this is why nostril rhinoplasty is often accompanied by septoplasty).

To widen a narrow nasal passage, cartilage spacers are used along the edge of the nostrils. You can also change the location of the tissue flap on the side of the nose. This type of surgery not only has cosmetic implications, but also medical ones, as it helps improve nasal breathing.

The main nuances of rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose

If you decide to have rhinoplasty of your nostrils and wings, then the first thing you need to do after you have decided on a doctor and clinic is to consult with a surgeon. He will determine exactly how the operation should be performed, what exactly needs to be changed, and, using a computer program, will create an approximate result that the patient needs. Reducing the wings of the nose with rhinoplasty is a complex procedure and requires special attention, precision and a steady hand of the surgeon.

The second stage (note that it is mandatory for everyone without exception) is a medical examination. This involves drawing up a medical record based on tests, ECG, and fluorography. You will need to provide information such as allergies, medications you take, and when was the last time you had a correction or other type of surgery in this area.

Stories from our readers

Fixed my nose shape at home! It's been half a year since I forgot what a hump of the nose is. Although it is generally accepted in society that appearance is not the most important thing for a man, I really didn’t like my nose. In addition, I also work in a field where appearance matters, I work as a wedding host.

Oh, how many consultations I attended - all the doctors quoted exorbitant prices and talked about long rehabilitation, but for me this is in no way suitable because weddings happen all the time, especially during the season. One day I had an appointment with Dr. E. A. Pavlov. He told me that in my case it was quite possible to do without surgery, it was enough to wear a special corrector every day. Here is an article in which he describes this method in detail. I obediently wore the concealer every day for several months and was amazed at the results, judge for yourself. In the end, I’m very glad that I was able to get by with “little blood”

If you have the same problems with finances or don’t want to go under the knife, then I recommend reading this article

Let us remind you that at least a year must pass from the last rhinoplasty to the next one. We kindly ask you not to hide important data in pursuit of beauty. If you did, be sure to indicate this. If there are still remnants of the substance in the nose area, the result may be completely different. This is evidenced by photos after rhinoplasty of the nostrils. .

Another mandatory point is visiting a number of specialists: an ENT doctor, a dentist, an anesthesiologist and a therapist. Moreover, rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose should be allowed last. The anesthesiologist, based on your indications and type of operation, must select the type of anesthesia for you. If the correction of the nostrils is carried out separately, then local anesthesia will be sufficient. If this procedure is combined with others, then general anesthesia is necessary. The independent procedure lasts about 20 minutes.

Nostril revision rhinoplasty

Repeated rhinoplasty is usually prescribed for a number of deficiencies obtained after the first operation. Examples could be:

  • Asymmetrical nostrils (after rhinoplasty, one nostril is higher than the other);
  • Wing asymmetry;
  • Enlargement or excessive reduction of nostrils;
  • Excessive narrowing or widening of the nostrils.

Rhinoplasty of the nostrils in the before and after photo above is a prime example of a not entirely successful correction. A striking example of such defects is Michael Jackson. Unsuccessful rhinoplasty of the nostrils in particular and the nose in general led to the fact that the appearance did not change for the better.

In general, defects after surgery arise for a number of reasons. This can happen both due to the surgeon’s miscalculations and due to complications that arise after the operation. Let us stipulate that it is often the patient’s manipulations with the just operated area that quite often lead to such disastrous results. Often, due to external intervention by the patient, a defect such as different nostrils appears after rhinoplasty. Before deciding to have a second operation, you will have to wait at least a year, since after correction the shape of the nose finally returns to normal only by this time.

What to expect after wing and nostril rhinoplasty?

First of all, after the operation you will not have the most attractive appearance due to swelling, bruising and bandages. This period will have to be endured. Since turundas are inserted into the nose, nasal breathing will be difficult. After about five days, the doctor will remove the sutures, unless self-absorbable materials were used during the operation to hold the skin together.

Be prepared for the scars to remain visible for about two months. Although in general this question depends on the patient’s body. Some wounds heal without a trace, while others live with scars for years. This problem can generally be solved with the help of powder and tonic, but they cannot be used during the first stage of rehabilitation. You should not get the intervention site wet after surgery (meaning the nostrils after rhinoplasty).

You will need to sleep on your back with your head elevated. Saunas, steam baths, swimming pools, gyms are postponed during rehabilitation. You will need to follow a diet both before and after surgery. Alcohol should not be taken during the first two stages of recovery. It is also advisable to forget about smoking. You should also protect yourself from exposure to sunlight. Your doctor will tell you in more detail about the rest of the recommendations, and will also explain what kind of care you need and what medications you will have to take for a while.

Can there be different nostrils after rhinoplasty?

If the patient notices large nostrils after rhinoplasty or other defects after the operation, it means that some problems arose during the manipulations or the rules of the recovery period were violated.

After rhinoplasty with reduction of the wings of the nose, the following complications may occur:

  1. Irregularity of the respiratory organ. Usually this does not appear immediately after surgery, but after a certain time. The most common cause of this complication is a deformed nasal septum.
  2. Saddle deformities. It is marked by the formation of a “sagging” area on the back of the nose, as well as the formation of a depression.
  3. Step deformations. A noticeable line appears between the back bone and the cartilage.
  4. Beak-shaped nose. This is a type of complication when the lower part of the back resembles a bird's beak.
  5. Drooping or elevation of the tip of the nose. This occurs when the tip of the organ becomes displaced or raised.

If after rhinoplasty one nostril is higher than the other or other problems are noted, the reasons may be hidden in violation of rehabilitation rules:

  • use of glasses during the recovery period;
  • independently getting rid of plaster and tampons installed in the nasal passages;
  • receiving mechanical injuries in the respiratory organ area;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking cigarettes during the postoperative period;
  • early start of sports activities.

Nostrils after rhinoplasty will acquire an aesthetic appearance if all medical recommendations are strictly followed. Therefore, you should listen to the advice of the surgeon.

The path to beauty can be difficult. Especially when correction of such an important component of the face as the nose is required. If it looks inharmonious due to its shape and too large size, surgery will help. It is called rhinoplasty, nose reduction is not the only, but the most common type of intervention and correction in this way. It is carried out differently depending on the type of defect.

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Reduction options

The nose consists of several sections. The specific changes that it will undergo during surgery depend on which area is excessively large or unsuitable in shape. Experts distinguish the following types of operations:

  • removal of the hump;
  • reduction in the size of the wings of the nose;
  • tip reduction;
  • narrowing of the nasal bridge;
  • cutting the length of the organ;
  • reduction in the height of the bridge of the nose.

Indications for intervention

Reduction rhinoplasty can be performed in the following cases:

  • if you want to make your nose smaller and its outline neater;
  • it is necessary to get rid of the hump that disrupts the overall harmony of the face;
  • the bridge of the nose deviates from a straight line, making the nose asymmetrical, or the nostrils of different sizes;
  • the size and shape of the organ negatively affect respiratory capabilities;
  • the nose has lost its correct configuration as a result of injury;
  • when the excessive size of the wings of the nose makes it disproportionately thick or long.

Just the desire to reduce the size for surgery is not enough. If it is clear in advance that this can lead to breathing problems and negative external changes, rhinoplasty should not be performed.

Preliminary examination

Rhinoplasty is a serious operation, performed under general anesthesia, with trauma to many tissues. Therefore, it is necessary for her to be healthy. Several types of analyzes and instrumental studies will help determine the absence of contraindications. In addition, they will give the doctor an idea of ​​the structure of the tissues of the nose and its structure.

A preliminary examination, carried out no earlier than 2 weeks before the date of surgery, should include:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • tests for infections (hepatitis, HIV, syphilis);
  • biochemical blood test;
  • coagulogram and prothrombin analysis;
  • tomography of the paranasal sinuses.

In some cases, an ultrasound of internal organs is required. It is also important to know the patient's blood type and Rh factor.

Methodology of the procedure

In solving the problem of how to make your nose smaller, the main word belongs to the specialist. The doctor sees all the patient’s nuances, allowing him to judge the possibilities of the operation and its consequences. Usually a new nose is modeled on a computer, naturally, taking into account the wishes of its owner.

The operation is always performed under general anesthesia, so the patient wakes up with a new nose. The intervention itself is done in different ways:

  • Rhinoplasty of the nose with a potato involves changing its tip. If it is too massive due to widely spaced domes, they are pulled closer to each other with special threads. If the internal walls are too large, you must first reduce them by removing excess tissue. And only then sew it together. If the skin on the tip of the nose is thick, excess cartilage tissue is removed in an attempt to correct the domes. This method is the most complex, but in this case the first two will be inappropriate.
  • may consist of changes in the tip and back of the organ, or only the bridge of the nose. There are also several options for operations here. Radical is an osteotomy, that is, damage to bones using a medical cutter. Then they are directed inward, displaced and fixed. This is often done after removing the hump, because this change leads to a visual increase in the area of ​​the back of the organ. Another way in which rhinoplasty is done to narrow the wide bridge of the nose is through a combination of osteotomy and transplantation. Indicated when the desired effect is not possible with one of the methods. The bridge of the nose can be narrowed using only cartilage transplantation. The material is taken from the patient's ribs, carefully rounding it.

Removing a nasal hump
Augmentation of the bridge of the nose by implantation of autografts
  • Rhinoplasty of a long nose is aimed at bringing the proportions of the length of the back of the organ and the distance from the base to the tip into correspondence. The ideal ratio should be 3:1. Therefore, you should not be afraid that the doctor will cut or leave excess. Moreover, depending on the degree of violation of proportions, the operation can be done in two ways. During the first, the lateral cartilages and the lower section of the cartilaginous septum are cut off. Then the edges are pulled to the middle with a seam, the nose acquires the desired length. If the disproportion is too great, the operation option is different. The cartilage is reduced in the septal part, which ensures that the sizes of all parts of the organ match.
  • Rhinoplasty to reduce the wings of the nose in some cases solves the problem of its “ugliness.” If the intervention is minimal, it can be performed under local anesthesia. The narrowing of the wings is done by placing sutures on the lower part of the column of the nose, then fastening them together. Excess skin is removed. If the width of the wings is too large, wedge-shaped cuts are made on the side parts at the base of the nose, then their edges are secured with a suture. This reduces not only the nostrils, but also the size of the wings.

To learn how rhinoplasty surgery works, watch this video:

Depending on the complexity of the operation, it can last from 40 minutes to 2.5 hours. Upon completion, gauze swabs are placed in the patient’s nostrils to maintain shape, and a plaster bandage is applied on top.

Recovery period

At first, the main inconvenience experienced by the patient is the inability to breathe through the nose. Tampons can be removed from it only after 3 - 7 days. Although discharge home follows after 2 days.

Plaster after rhinoplasty

You can get rid of the plaster cast only on the 11th day. And here the patient may be in for a surprise. Especially when a thick nose has been operated on, rhinoplasty may seem like a failure. After all, all this time, swelling remains on the face, which makes the tissue larger and wider. It also leads to the appearance of dark circles around the eyes in the first days. There is no need to despair, the swelling will go away after 3 months. And the nose will take on its final appearance in six months to a year.

The pain will bother you in the first days while the tissues remain damaged. To relieve it, tablets are prescribed. You will also need to take medications to prevent infection. The nose is treated from the outside and inside with ointments, drops and solutions recommended by the doctor. There is a whole set of requirements that must be met after rhinoplasty:

  • be on bed rest for the first days;
  • eat liquid and warm food to avoid damage to the operated area;
  • rinse your nasal passages several times a day with medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • apply furatsilin to combat swelling;
  • protect the nose from any mechanical and temperature effects (cold is contraindicated);
  • sleep on your back for at least 2 weeks;
  • do not wear clothes pulled over your head;
  • do not use glasses for 3 months;
  • Avoid cosmetics for the first 2 weeks after surgery;
  • for 2 - 3 months forget about a hot bath, sauna, solarium;
  • Do not smoke for 30 postoperative days.

Cost of the procedure

The range of prices for nose reduction surgery is large, as it depends on many things:

  • Volume of intervention performed. For example, if you need to shorten your nose, rhinoplasty will cost less than if you also need to correct the nostrils or use a graft.
  • Name of the specialist. Here its level is more important than anywhere else. The more successful operations a doctor has, the more expensive his work is. But there are also fewer health risks and fewer opportunities for complications.
  • Clinic level. Rhinoplasty is sometimes performed in public hospitals, where the stay itself is cheaper, although the quality of the work of doctors is excellent. In a private clinic, every day you are in the ward and meals are added.

Considering the above, Rhinoplasty can cost 70,000 - 300,000 rubles.

Having a nose reduction is sometimes vitally important in order to gain self-confidence and establish interaction with the outside world. But it should begin with studying the capabilities of one’s own body, the market of specialists and all the intricacies of the operation. Because repeated rhinoplasty if the first one is unsuccessful will cost more in every sense.

Having a nose reduction is sometimes vitally important in order to gain self-confidence and establish interaction with the outside world. But it should begin with studying the capabilities of one’s own body, the market of specialists and all the intricacies of the operation. Because if the first one is unsuccessful, it will cost more in every sense.