Why there may be a long delay in menstruation. What causes a delay in menstruation: causes and consequences

The absence of monthly bleeding does not always indicate that a woman is pregnant. Often such a violation is associated with diseases or external factors that provoke deviations from the norm.

How many days can a delay without pregnancy be expected?

The menstrual cycle is the interval between two menstruation periods. The length of each woman's cycle is different. On average, Menstruation occurs every 28 days. Some women have a slightly shorter cycle, 25-26 days, or slightly longer, 30-32 days. This is due to changes in the follicular phase.

Why is there a delay in menstruation if you are not pregnant? You will learn from our article.

When menstruation is delayed, there is a maximum permissible norm, which may not indicate the presence of malfunctions in the body, diseases of the genitourinary system or pregnancy. A delay of no more than a week, without accompanying symptoms and poor health, should not bother a woman, because often after this period bloody discharge appears.

The situation is different if a woman suffers from abdominal pain, weakness, or poor health. This may be a signal from the body about a disease, so you should immediately contact a specialist.

After how many days without a period do you start to worry?

A delay in menstruation by more than 10 days should start to bother a woman. A bad sign is abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and general weakness. There are many reasons for this phenomenon: it may indicate hormonal imbalance, ovarian dysfunction, nutritional problems, sudden weight loss or gain, emotional or physical stress, climate change.

This will help prescribe competent treatment and give the necessary recommendations.

Please note! A long delay in menstruation may not mean pregnancy, but such a phenomenon may well indicate a disruption in the connection between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland (occurs due to emotional stress if a woman is in a constant feeling of anxiety, physical or mental stress). This is why it is very important to learn to relax.

The main reasons for missed periods without pregnancy

The reasons can be very different, ranging from climate change to oncology, so you should not delay visiting a gynecologist. The main causes and associated problems are discussed in the table.

Why is there a delay in menstruation if a woman is not pregnant? Problems causing delay
Causes related to external factors or genetics. Usually do not require treatment and go away on their own, without harm to the body.Stress and depression, climate change, intoxication, heredity, taking medications
Causes associated with diseases and disorders of the body. They require immediately long-term treatment Sclerocystic inflammation of the ovaries, polycystic ovarian disease, uterine fibroids, gynecological inflammatory processes, oncology, obesity

Gynecological diseases

  1. Ovarian dysfunction– damage to both ovaries by a large number of small cysts, so there is a delay in menstruation.

With this anomaly, the ovaries produce almost no hormones and do not release an egg in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The cervix remains dry due to lack of secretion. If a woman wants to get pregnant, then polycystic ovaries will be a big obstacle to achieving her goal, because the absence of ovulation reduces the likelihood of conception to zero.

Symptoms: absence of menstruation, discomfort in the lumbar region, pain in the lower abdomen, uterine bleeding.

Sclerocystic inflammation of the ovaries can be a consequence of psychological (constant stress, depression) or physical (genital infections, miscarriage) manifestations.

The main symptoms are the rare occurrence of menstruation and pain in the groin area. Also, upon examination by a gynecologist, enlarged ovaries will be detected. Their condition may change throughout the cycle.

  1. Uterine fibroids– inflammation of the appendages is often the cause of cycle disruption, which is why menstruation is delayed.

A benign tumor of the uterus is most often accompanied by profuse bleeding, although it can sometimes lead to a delay in bleeding. At the moment, the reasons for the formation of fibroids have not been precisely identified, so any woman is at risk, especially if she is pregnant, because the pathology can provoke a miscarriage.

Symptoms: heavy menstruation or lack thereof, uterine bleeding, lower back pain.

Gynecological inflammatory processes

Most of these diseases are often caused by infections which are sexually transmitted. For example, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, which enter a woman’s body exclusively through sexual interaction with an infected person. They disrupt the functioning of internal organs, which causes a lack of bleeding.

Important to know! Hypothermia does not cause inflammatory processes, but is only a catalyst for an existing inflammatory process and pathogenic microorganisms.

Symptoms: pain in the groin area, in the vagina, discharge with a specific odor.

Oncological diseases

The absence of menstruation in this case is associated with inhibition of hormone production processes and poor renewal of healthy cells. The main symptom of oncology is sudden weight loss and exhaustion of the body.


If a woman is not pregnant, and the organs of the genitourinary system are in order, then why else could there be a delay in menstruation? it's all about changes in the activity of the gonads due to age.

Menopause is the period of decline in female reproductive function, which leads to a delay. Normally, menopause appears in women after 40-45 years of age and is a common occurrence that does not require immediate examination.

Also, the condition in question occurs as a result of surgical interventions in the pelvic organs, gynecological inflammatory processes, tumors, and injuries.

Symptoms: menopause, frequent urination, vaginal and skin dryness, hair loss, headaches, frequent sweating.

Interesting fact! The catalyst for menopause is alcoholism and excess weight.

Stress and depression

The cessation of bleeding in this case is associated with a shock to the hypothalamus, which gives commands to the hormonal system. There are no visible symptoms. A woman can lead a normal life and not experience much discomfort.

Problems with excess weight

Why is there a delay in menstruation if a woman is not pregnant? Gynecologists, when this issue regularly arises, recommend paying attention to weight. Extra pounds can cause a delay in the menstrual cycle.

The menstrual system is the most sensitive system in a woman's body. Even an increase in body weight by more than 15% of normal can lead to bleeding disorders.

Obesity can be accompanied by many other diseases that can affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. So it is very important to find the main reason for this phenomenon.

Intoxication of the body

The absence of menstruation may be due to normal intoxication of the body. In this case, activated carbon will help and large number liquids. After cleansing the body, everything will return to its place.

Change in climatic conditions

The reproductive system is very sensitive, therefore, with any change in humidity, regime or time zone, the functioning of organs that secrete hormones slows down.

As a result, the onset of menstruation slows down a little.


You should ask your mother or grandmother if they have had regular delays in their periods, because this can be inherited and there is nothing wrong with such delays.

Taking medications

Taking medications is often the reason for the lack of discharge and answers the question of why menstruation is delayed if the woman is not pregnant.

  1. Medicines such as antidepressants, neuroleptics and tranquilizers can greatly harm a woman’s body. The thing is that these medications can increase the level of prolactin in the blood, which leads to the release of milk from the nipples. High levels of the hormone prolactin make it difficult for the pituitary gland to function properly. The menstrual cycle will be able to normalize after stopping the medications.
  2. A different situation is developing when a woman took medications for a long time, and then abruptly stopped taking them. In this case, menstruation stops due to the hypothalamus, which must send commands to the ovaries. It may not function and remain blocked. Then it is recommended to contact a gynecologist to prescribe further treatment.

Are constant delays in menstruation dangerous for a woman?

The danger lies not in the absence of menstruation itself, but in the reason for the delay. If this phenomenon is associated with taking medications or mental stress, then using hormones or going to a psychologist is enough, but if the cause is hidden in oncology or gynecological diseases, then treatment should be started as quickly as possible to avoid irreparable complications.

A delay in menstruation can be caused by both minor events, such as climate change, and serious illnesses (fibroids, cancer). The main thing is to consult a doctor in time and find out the cause, because timely diagnosis is the key to a healthy body.

Why is your period late if you are not pregnant? The reasons are in this useful video:

Periods are gone! 10 reasons. What to do:

The absence of menstruation when it is supposed to begin is called a missed period. If menstruation is absent for more than six months, then doctors talk about amenorrhea.

If you have not had any bleeding for a long time, you should first make sure that you are not pregnant. Conception is the main reason for the absence of regular menstruation.

You can clarify the situation at any time by purchasing a pregnancy test at the pharmacy. If a woman has had unprotected sexual intercourse over the past two months, then the test should be done.

After the first negative test, you can do a second test after waiting a few days. If it also showed a negative result, then you should understand in more detail the reasons that could provoke this condition.

Reasons for missed periods

Failure in the hormonal system is one of the main reasons. The menstrual cycle occurs as a result of complex and interconnected processes. The slightest change in the hormonal system can result in the absence of menstruation. Normally, the cycle should be regular.

Its duration varies, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. A normal cycle lasts about 28 days. The cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation until the date of the next menstrual flow.

If your period does not start at the scheduled time and is absent for more than 5 days, then this is a delay. Experts say that this can happen in healthy women with a regular cycle, but not more than twice a year. If they recur constantly, then you should consult a doctor.

Let's figure out what factors can cause disturbances in the hormonal system

  • stress;
  • underweight or overweight;
  • malnutrition;
  • too much physical activity;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs, poor health, weak immunity;
  • inflammatory diseases and pathologies of female organs (endometritis, adnexitis, dysfunction, etc.);
  • congenital or acquired ovarian defects;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • emergency contraception after sexual intercourse (such methods deal devastating blows to the hormonal system);
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • miscarriages, abortions, disturbances in the position of the intrauterine device (cause changes in hormonal status);
  • heredity;
  • sudden climate change, abuse of sunbathing and solarium;
  • discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives that have been taken for a long time;
  • menopause (after 40 years);
  • various gynecological procedures (colposcopy, cauterization of erosion, etc.);
  • bad habits and chronic intoxication (smoking, alcohol, drugs).

Main symptoms:

  • cycle lengthening;
  • menstruation did not start at the expected time;
  • Several days have passed since the expected date of the onset of menstruation, but there is no menstruation.

Gynecologists believe that a regular cycle should be established within 2 years after the arrival of the first menstruation.

Gynecologists believe that a regular cycle should be established within 2 years after the arrival of the first menstruation

But this statement is controversial, since there are healthy women who have irregular cycles throughout their lives.

But too long and frequent delays should cause concern. In this case, it is necessary to undergo examination by a specialist.

Symptoms that may accompany this phenomenon (brown discharge, etc.)

  • bloody, pinkish spotting from the vagina;
  • aching pain in the lumbar region;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • breast tension, pain and tenderness.

Such signs indicate that menstruation will begin any day now. We just have to wait a little. But for some women, these symptoms accompany the onset of pregnancy. Therefore, you need to take a pregnancy test to confirm your assumptions.

How is diagnostics carried out?

Diagnosis of the reasons for the absence of menstruation is based on studying the patient’s medical history, examination data, blood tests and ultrasound. The doctor determines secondary or primary amenorrhea. In the first case, it rules out pregnancy.

First missed period

The very first menstruation occurs in teenage girls aged 13 to 16 years. Some girls develop them at an earlier age. The first menstruation is irregular. The correct cycle is established only a few months after the appearance of the first menstruation.

The very first periods come at significant intervals. Their duration varies. In such cases, we are not talking about delays. Irregular cycles in teenagers are normal.

Some girls experience a long break after their first menstruation. Your period may start a second time within a few months. In the first year after the start of menstruation, doctors do not talk about this phenomenon.

They are physiological, since the hormonal system is just being formed during this period. Everything will work out later, when the hormonal system reaches a stable state.

If, 2 years after the appearance of the first menstruation, the cycle has not established itself, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

What does white discharge mean?

White curdled discharge is a fairly common symptom in the absence of menstruation for a long time. They may be accompanied by mild itching in the genital area. Discharge may indicate candidiasis (thrush). Sometimes they accompany disorders in the genital organs.

If you notice white discharge, be sure to visit a gynecologist. In case of pregnancy, thrush can cause damage to the fetus.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Thrush is not as safe as it may seem. Sometimes it is practically asymptomatic, becoming chronic.

Discharge may indicate candidiasis (thrush)

Leucorrhoea sometimes occurs during pregnancy in healthy women. They have a dense consistency and are considered normal. The body in this way protects the genitals from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

In some cases, white discharge indicates hormonal imbalances. Then the doctor conducts an examination and prescribes the optimal treatment regimen. Proper hormone therapy allows you to restore normal functions of the hormonal system. The discharge disappears and the menstrual cycle improves.

Another reason for white discharge is inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. If a woman exhibits a complex of symptoms - discharge, retention and abdominal pain, then she needs to be examined by a gynecologist.

The doctor will definitely take a smear to examine the microflora. If problems with the female organs are suspected, an ultrasound is prescribed.

A dangerous sign is the absence of menstruation and brown discharge. If there is pregnancy, then this is a sign of problems (ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption). Therefore, with such a symptom, you should urgently run to the gynecologist.

If you notice signs, do not postpone the examination. By taking timely measures, you can prevent and eliminate disturbances in the reproductive system.

How many days can it last

The menstrual cycle should normally be regular, but even in healthy girls it is not always accurate. Changes in the cycle can be caused by many factors. Therefore, minor deviations from the start date of your period should not bother you.

Thus, doctors consider it normal if a woman’s menstruation begins a little late a couple of times a year (no more than 7 days).

We are talking about a delay in cases where, with a stable cycle, menstruation is absent for several days. There are women whose menstrual cycle is unstable. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to establish the fact. In this case, it is almost impossible to predict the exact date of the onset of menstruation.

What to do if the test is negative

If you have not had your period for a long time, and the test showed a negative result, then it should be repeated in a week. In addition, you should purchase tests from different manufacturers. This will make it possible to accurately verify that there is no pregnancy.

If the test is performed very early, it cannot yet determine the presence of pregnancy. The correct result can be seen 4-5 weeks after conception. It is very rare to come across low-quality tests. This is why it is so important to purchase a second test from a different manufacturer.

If the repeat test is negative, then there is no pregnancy. In this case, the delay is caused by other reasons discussed above.

If the repeat test is negative, then there is no pregnancy.

Most often, disruptions in the menstrual cycle occur due to diseases of the endocrine system or pathologies of the reproductive organs.

If any changes occur in the adrenal glands, thyroid gland or hypothalamic-pituitary sphere, they can lead to ovarian dysfunction.

This leads to cycle disruptions and delays. Often the absence of menstruation occurs due to inflammatory processes in the ovaries.

In this case, the test shows a negative result, but menstrual bleeding does not begin. Very often, pathology is observed in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Such patients have irregular menstrual cycles and suffer from infertility.

Chest pain

Sometimes the disease is accompanied by chest pain. These symptoms may be accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. There could be many reasons for this. Pregnancy may have such signs. Therefore, you must first exclude its possibility.

If the test shows a negative result, then chest pain, which is accompanied by a delay in menstruation, may indicate a number of diseases. It is necessary to undergo examination by a specialist. A common cause of chest pain is mastopathy. This disease is characterized by changes in breast tissue.

A common cause of chest pain is mastopathy.

The changes are benign. If you find a lump in your breast, you should consult a doctor immediately. If you start a pathological process, you will have to have surgery later.

Chest pain and congestion may occur after following a strict diet for a long time. In this option, it is enough to establish the correct diet to get rid of problems.

If you exercise too much, you may also experience these symptoms. Then you need to determine what is most important for you: sports or maintaining fertility.

What to do

If a delay is observed in a woman who is sexually active, the following measures should be taken:

  1. buy and take a home pregnancy test (if the result is negative, take a repeat test in a week);
  2. calculate which factors could influence changes in the menstrual cycle;
  3. Contact a gynecologist in case of repeated and prolonged delays.

If a woman is not sexually active:

  1. take into account factors that could influence changes in hormonal status;
  2. If menstruation is absent for more than a month, and there are no obvious reasons for this, then you should consult a doctor.

If a delay is observed in a woman after 40 years, this may be a sign of the onset of menopause. In this case, you also need to visit a gynecologist. If there is no blood after an abortion or if there are signs of gynecological diseases (abdominal pain), you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Is treatment required?

If your menstrual cycle is irregular, this does not always indicate the need for treatment. Some women strive to return menstruation by any means necessary to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

This is the wrong approach. If the pathology arose as a result of conception, then it is too late to prevent pregnancy. Indiscriminate use of various drugs leads to complications.

If there is no pregnancy, then you should look for the root cause of this condition. By eliminating the cause, you can restore your normal menstrual cycle.

Sometimes it is enough to adjust the nutrition system and reduce physical activity for the delay to stop

If it is caused by any disease of the female genital area, then the doctor draws up a treatment regimen for this pathology. The delay itself cannot be eliminated. It goes away after proper treatment of the underlying disease.

Thus, there are no drugs that would eliminate the absence of menstruation. There are medications that can induce menstruation, but they are used only under medical supervision. Such drugs are taken with the goal of inducing spontaneous abortion. You cannot take this type of medication on your own, as it can cause serious complications.

Minor and rare cycle inconsistencies do not cause concern. They usually go away on their own and do not require any measures.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Lower abdominal pain during menstruation is a common occurrence for many women. But if the pain is accompanied by a lack of blood, then this is a cause for concern. Sometimes mild nagging pain and delay are the first signs of pregnancy. If chest pain is added to them, then many women are almost 100% aware that they are in an interesting position.

In this case, all that remains is to do a test to confirm your guess. But if you did 2 tests that showed negative results, then you should look further for the cause of the abdominal pain. The absence of menstruation can be caused by numerous factors.

Most often, cycle disorders, which are accompanied by aching pain, are observed in those who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome.

Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area are the most likely causes of abdominal pain. If the delay continues for more than a week and the pain does not go away, then you should consult a gynecologist. If you want to preserve reproductive function, then such symptoms must be treated very carefully.

If you run inflammatory process in the female organs, this will lead to infertility. Frequently missed periods are a bad sign and indicate hormonal problems. If in this condition there is also abdominal pain, then the woman should urgently visit a doctor.

You should not delay the examination, as serious hormonal imbalances result in infertility and miscarriage in the future.

Severe abdominal pain and lack of menstruation are a very dangerous sign. This happens with an ectopic pregnancy. If you do a test, it will show a positive result. But pregnancy develops in the wrong place where it should. Therefore, severe pain occurs.

Sometimes nagging pain in the lower abdomen indicates premenstrual syndrome. It is also manifested by increased irritability, tearfulness, aggressiveness, nervousness, increased appetite, drowsiness, fatigue, and swelling.

If you have a combination of such signs, then wait for your period to arrive. To get rid of pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and eliminate all chronic diseases. Only your gynecologist can give specific recommendations on this issue.

Delay in pregnancy

Any woman who is sexually active and does not menstruate on time immediately thinks about pregnancy. Conception leads to changes in hormonal levels. An embryo appears in the uterus, and the body creates optimal conditions for gestation. Normally, you should not have periods during pregnancy. But there are cases when after conception they do not stop. In this case, you should urgently see a gynecologist.

Immediately after childbirth, the menstrual cycle is unstable. They recover a couple of months after the baby is born. If the mother does not breastfeed the baby, the menstrual cycle returns faster. For breastfeeding women, these periods are individual. Therefore, during this period of life it is very difficult to predict the onset of ovulation.

If you become pregnant, you will notice a delay at least 2 weeks after conception. The development of pregnancy at this stage cannot be stopped using emergency contraception. Folk and home remedies can only do harm. In this option, there is only one procedure that is relatively safe for women - abortion.

You should not try to terminate a pregnancy on your own. This leads to dangerous consequences. Sometimes there are deaths. If you are determined to have an abortion, then you should not delay it. The procedure is easiest to tolerate if done in the early stages of pregnancy.

Medicines that can help you get your period


The drug duphaston is widely used in gynecological practice. It is an analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone. It is this hormone that is responsible for the second phase of the menstrual cycle. The drug acts on the principle of progesterone.

It makes the endometrium thicker, which increases the likelihood of bleeding. Sometimes the endometrium grows too quickly under the influence of duphaston. In this case, a woman may bleed between periods.

Duphaston is prescribed for ovarian dysfunction, painful periods, and also to relieve premenstrual syndrome. Pregnant women take the drug if they have a lack of progesterone. This helps prevent miscarriages.

Duphaston is an irreplaceable medicine in many cases. It is used for replacement therapy, as well as in the treatment of infertility. In the complete absence of menstruation, duphaston is taken together with estrogens. It is also prescribed during menopause.


Duphaston is considered a safe drug. It very rarely causes side effects. If they occur, it is only due to an incorrect dosage regimen. Therefore, this drug can only be prescribed by a gynecologist.

The dose of this medicine is always selected individually. The doctor takes into account the state of the patient’s hormonal system. Usually the daily dose of duphaston is divided into parts, taking them evenly throughout the day.

If a woman does not have menstruation, the drug is prescribed along with estrogens. This combination treatment is carried out for 3 months.


If the menstrual cycle fails, the doctor may prescribe the hormonal drug Pulsatilla. It is considered very effective and is often used in the treatment of such disorders. The medicine is considered homeopathic. At its core, Pulsatilla is a sleep-grass or lumbago. It has been used in homeopathy for about 200 years.

If the menstrual cycle fails, the doctor may prescribe this hormonal drug

The drug helps to establish a normal menstrual cycle. It is taken in the form of granules. The optimal dose is 6–7 granules per dose. But here a lot depends on the characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease. Therefore, only a doctor should select the right dose.

The granules should be placed under the tongue. Pulsatilla can bring positive results after the first use. It has no side effects and does not disturb the general condition of the female body. This medicine is prescribed by a specialist after examination.

Elecampane (instructions)

Elecampane is a powerful herbal remedy from the arsenal of folk healers. It induces menstruation in no time. A few doses of the decoction are enough for a woman to begin menstruation. This remedy is used by many women who want to induce menstruation.

A decoction of elecampane is useful for uterine diseases. It is also drunk when the uterus prolapses. To induce menstruation, you need to drink 50 ml of decoction 2 times a day. It usually helps within the first 24 hours.


Buy elecampane root at the pharmacy. Pour a large spoonful of herb into 200 ml of boiling water. Boil the broth for about 5 minutes. Then it should sit for half an hour. After this, it must be filtered and taken orally. Elecampane decoction has a bitter taste. In pregnant women, it causes spontaneous abortion.


  • pregnancy (abortion occurs a few hours after taking the decoction);
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The reasons for a missed period, excluding pregnancy, can be very diverse.. Minor changes in the menstrual cycle are not pathology. If the delay in menstruation is no more than 4-5 days, then there is no reason to worry. If the delay exceeds this period, a pregnancy test should be performed. What to think and do if the test shows a negative result? The answer is simple. It is necessary to consult a doctor, he will help you find out the causes of menstrual irregularities and give recommendations on how to avoid this in the future.

Features of the menstrual cycle in women

The main endocrine glands that regulate the menstrual cycle are the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. They are interconnected and also produce hormones that have a specific effect on the woman’s reproductive system, that is, on the ovaries and uterus. The hypothalamic-pituitary system also influences other endocrine glands that regulate the menstrual cycle.

The first half of the cycle is characterized by the preparation of the reproductive organs to receive a fertilized embryo. The endometrium lining the uterine cavity develops, swells, and increases the vascular layer for enhanced nutrition of the uterine mucosa. The ovaries produce the hormone estrogen, which promotes the maturation of the dominant follicle with the egg.

After the follicle bursts and an egg is released (the process of ovulation), the second half of the menstrual cycle begins. The follicle forms the corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone. If pregnancy does not occur, then the amount of the hormone in the blood decreases, and the uterus rejects the endometrium, that is, menstruation begins.

The menstrual cycle should be continuous and clearly established. Any malfunction in the female body can provoke its disorders. A normal menstrual cycle is characterized by stability and regularity. Ideally, the cycle lasts 28 days and is called lunar. Cycles from 21 to 35-40 days are considered the norm.

If the gap between cycles is sufficient, then you should not panic. After all, such events can happen, but no more than 1-2 times a year. If this happens all the time and you are not pregnant, then it’s time to find out the reason for the delay in menstruation.

Reasons that can cause a delay in menstruation

Let's try to outline the range of external and internal reasons that negatively affect women's health.

  • Chronic and acute diseases. Many diseases disrupt the delicate balance within the female body and can cause hormonal imbalance, including affecting the menstrual cycle. These are dysfunctions of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, metabolic diseases, in particular diabetes and obesity. Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area can disrupt the cycle. Among these pathologies are oncological processes, benign tumors, endometritis, endometriosis, salpingoophoritis, adnexitis, ovarian dysfunction, inflammation of the uterus and its appendages. Urinary tract diseases may be added to genital infections. The reasons that provoke cycle disorders include incorrect position of the intrauterine device.
  • The body's reaction to drugs. Long-term use of hormonal, anti-inflammatory, psychotropic, antiulcer, corticosteroid and anabolic, diuretic drugs can negatively affect the female reproductive system and cause menstrual irregularities. A doctor's consultation is necessary to adjust the dose or discontinue the medication.
  • Overweight. Subcutaneous fat is a participant in the regulation of hormonal levels within the body. This is a “storehouse” of estrogen, and an excess of its contents can lead to various pathologies. You should normalize your weight, then the menstrual cycle will normalize.
  • Lack of weight. Excessive thinness also causes delays in menstruation, or even its cessation. The minimum weight for a healthy woman should not be below 45 kg. Diets and the pursuit of the notorious Hollywood parameters of 60-90-60 have cost many women their health and even their lives. Why do you need this?
  • Stress. This is one of the most common causes of menstrual irregularities. Constant displeasure in the family, problems at work, exams, unhappy love, lack of proper rest, chronic fatigue, and nightly vigils at the computer have never brought any benefit to anyone. You should streamline your daily routine and learn to react calmly to any life situations. If you are unable to cope with stress alone, then contact a specialist.
  • Physical activity. Heavy physical labor and sports training provoke delays in menstruation. Ordinary women should avoid excessive stress and sports, which are rather exhausting and not beneficial. Be careful when choosing a profession.
  • Intoxication of the body . Bad habits, drug use, as well as forced work in hazardous industries constantly poison the body and lead to serious health problems. There is a reason to think about changing your lifestyle.
  • Termination of pregnancy. Whether it is forced or spontaneous does not matter. Abortions and miscarriages have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the uterus. This can lead to regular missed periods.
  • Hormonal contraceptives. Long-term use, as well as abrupt refusal of them, can cause menstrual irregularities. There are no reasons for special concern. Consult your doctor and take a break from taking contraceptives. The body will restore its functions.
  • Emergency contraception. Emergency contraception is a forced measure, but it is a mega blow to the hormonal balance of a woman’s body. Since this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy can cause menstrual irregularities, it should be used extremely rarely.
  • Acclimatization. If you have left the harsh climate for the golden sands of the beaches, then you can experience all the delights of acclimatization. Be prepared for anything. Including delayed menstruation. The cycle may be disrupted if you visit the solarium uncontrollably. By the way, an overly tanned girl or woman looks unkempt against the backdrop of snowy streets.
  • Hereditary factor. Menstrual irregularities can be inherited. Therefore, it is necessary to find out exactly whether relatives in the family suffered from similar ailments. Naturally, it would be ideal if young women were warned about this in advance.
  • The onset of menopause. It is not a fact that menopause will occur immediately after 40 years. Many women continue their menstrual cycle until age 55. But still, the decline of reproductive function becomes the cause of a change or disturbance in the nature of menstruation. Mature women have a history of chronic diseases, and all this together leads to a delay in menstruation. Alas, nature has power over us, although we are trying to slow down the passage of time.

We found out what can cause menstrual irregularities. We cannot change some circumstances, but we still have the power to eliminate most of them. Be smart and take care of yourself.