Why does my eye itch so much? The process of treating and eliminating the symptom of itchy eyes. Demodectic mange as a common cause of itchy eyes

Itchy eyes are a fairly common problem. Ophthalmologists often associate it with air and water pollution, dusty premises, allergic manifestations, and minor injuries. There are eye diseases that are accompanied by itching and require urgent treatment. But there are also very simple reasons that can be easily eliminated on your own.

But first, of course, you should find out the cause of the itching. This will make it easier to find adequate treatment for this problem. Let's briefly look at the main reasons why the eyes itch, what to do, the reasons, and the treatment of this pathology we will discuss:

Why do my eyes itch? Reasons

Eyelid itches

The reason may be the banal use of low-quality cosmetics that cause an allergic reaction. Your eyelid may itch from using certain eye drops that don't fit your lenses. The cause may be the ingress of small particles of dust and wool. The eyelids also itch due to strained vision and eye fatigue.

In this case, it is enough to eliminate the cause of the itching. Or just get a good night's sleep. Of course, if it is an allergy to pollen or animal dander, you will need antihistamines. The doctor will prescribe them.

Corners of the eyes

Itching in the outer and inner corners may indicate the development of conjunctivitis. Additional symptoms also include the presence of small cracks in the corners of the eyes, as well as the appearance of thick discharge. There are many effective, fast-acting medications available to treat conjunctivitis.

Under the eyes

Very often, itching under the eyes is one of the allergic manifestations. Usually, with allergies, additional symptoms appear: redness of the mucous membrane, eyelids, tearing, as well as runny nose and sneezing. Antiallergic medications will help relieve symptoms.

Eyes itchy, watery

In addition to an allergic symptom, this can occur with severe eye fatigue. This fatigue is familiar to everyone who sits up late at night in front of a computer monitor, TV screen, or reads for a long time in poor lighting. As you understand, this problem is also easy to solve.

Diseases and eye conditions that cause itching


Cloudiness of the cornea, which causes itching, can develop due to trauma to the cornea. Or due to inflammatory diseases.


This chronic disease is caused by neurovascular pathologies. The disease disrupts the circulation of fluid in the tissues of the eye. This causes it to accumulate and intraocular pressure increases. The main sign of incipient glaucoma is visual impairment in the form of a rainbow around light sources.


With cataracts, clouding of the lens occurs due to disruption of its nutrition. In addition, cataracts often develop with diabetes, and can also result from eye injury or long-term eye disease.


It is a chronic infectious process that develops in the area of ​​the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye. The first symptoms of the disease include redness of the eyelids, severe itching, and the sensation of a foreign body in the eye.


Known to many, it is a common disease in which a purulent inflammatory process occurs in the sebaceous glands located at the roots of the ciliary row.


The cause of this very unpleasant, difficult to treat disease is a subcutaneous mite that affects the skin. Most often, the disease occurs when the immune system is weakened.

If your eyes itch - treatment

First of all, the cause of this phenomenon should be established. If you simply change your decorative cosmetics or eye lenses, you can easily get rid of itching. But if your eyes itch due to the development of any disease, an experienced ophthalmologist can help. He will examine the eye for a foreign body and conduct an examination for the presence of disease. If the cause is found, the necessary treatment will be prescribed.

For example, if an allergy or an eye disease is detected, or you simply need to eliminate dry eyes, which often occurs from working at the computer for a long time, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment using special medications and procedures.

Folk remedies

To quickly relieve the condition and eliminate itchy eyes, rinse them in a propolis solution. To do this, dissolve 1 tsp. (5%) propolis tincture per 200 ml of warm boiled water. Rinse your eyes with this solution one at a time. You can also bury it. Propolis is a natural antiseptic, therefore it effectively relieves suppuration.

There is another good treatment that is used when the eyes are itchy. Try the following: wash a very fresh cucumber and cut into thin slices.

Place the plate with the cucumber on the refrigerator shelf and wait 15-20 minutes. Now put the slices to your eyes and lie down for a while. Fresh cucumber has a calming effect on the mucous membranes and eliminates irritation. Eliminates swelling and inflammation.

If itching continues, consult a doctor for diagnosis and necessary treatment. Be healthy!

Hello! Itchy eyes are not a rare phenomenon; it is important to get rid of it in time. Let's try to find methods to eliminate this nuisance and answer the question - why do my eyes itch?

The organs of vision are in danger

Are your eyes itchy and swollen? This means that there is something wrong with the organ of vision. Before eliminating these phenomena, you should find out the cause.

Causes of eye itching:

  1. Response to smoke, dust, pollen, aerosols, chemicals, washing powders and other irritants.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision (blepharitis, barley, meibomitis, etc.). If the outer corners of the eye itch, it is most likely Morax-Axenfeld conjunctivitis.
  3. Often the eyelids become swollen and itchy due to allergies. During an allergic reaction, the eyes become red and watery, and the nose is constantly stuffy.
  4. Reaction to certain foods, such as chocolate.
  5. A reaction to low-quality cosmetics, the eyes itch, turn red, and swelling appears around the eyes.
  6. Lack of sleep, eye fatigue or hypovitaminosis.
  7. Itching appears from prolonged work at the computer and dry eye syndrome.
  8. Incorrectly selected glasses or lenses.

But it's not that simple. Some types of causes require detailed examination and immediate treatment. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment, because it is the most vulnerable part of our body.

Drug treatment includes antibacterial, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as anti-demodectic agents, etc.

What to do if there is an infection in the eyes? In this case, an inexpensive but very effective albucid will help.

If the eyelids itch due to allergies, then treatment is used according to the following scheme:

  1. Taurine or taufon drops should be instilled 2 drops into each eye in the morning immediately after morning hygiene and in the evening before bed for 1 week.
  2. Antihistamine (erius, cetrin, letizen, kestin, tavegil, suprastinex) take 1 tablet twice a day also for 1 week.
  3. At night, apply hydrocortisone eye ointment behind the lower eyelid for 2 days.
  4. You will have to exclude any makeup, even hairspray.

How to treat conjunctivitis

This disease is well treated with antibacterial drops, e.g. ofloxacin from the group II generation fluoroquinolones. The substances included in its composition are introduced into bacterial cells, preventing them from multiplying, so they die.

Ofloxacin Available in the form of ointment and drops. For bacterial conjunctivitis (when pus is released from the eyes), drops are instilled 2-4 times a day in a row for at least 5 days.

With barley, when the eyelids are very swollen, the same will save antibacterial ointment. Apply it to the inflamed area 3 times a day for 5 days, even if the symptoms have already disappeared.

If the disease is just beginning, use rinsing decoction of calendula, chamomile, tea leaves tea. Once the abscess is very mature, lotions cannot be applied so as not to infect the surrounding tissues. The abscess will burst 5-7 days after the first symptoms appear.

Dry eye syndrome

This phenomenon can be noticed by the sensation as if sand is poured into the eyes. This syndrome appears from prolonged work at the computer and dry indoor air. When working at a computer, blink frequently and rest your eyes every hour.

A humidifier will help avoid this phenomenon. If the sand in the eyes does not go away, then you need to instill artificial tears. Demodicosis of the eyes is more difficult to treat. The ophthalmologist may refer the patient to a dermatologist.

Familiar to many , when the itching bothers you day and night. Itchy eyes can be relieved with antihistamines, which are prescribed in drops and tablets.

Tears flow not only from grief and joy

Many people's eyes often water. It turns out that severe lacrimation occurs when the optic nerve is overstrained, allergies and for no apparent reason, and also if it torments. If you have tears for no apparent reason, you should pay attention; perhaps this is due to hyperfunction of the lacrimal glands.

When lacrimation occurs, excess moisture irritates the skin, visual acuity changes, and quality of life deteriorates.

An ophthalmologist will determine which disease is disrupting your life.

2 recipes can help with tearing:

  • 1 tbsp. seeds, 1 tbsp. eyebright herbs, 1 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over plantain leaves;
  • leave for a day, strain through gauze and cotton wool;
  • instill 3-4 times a day, 1-2 drops.

From dill seeds:

  • 1 tsp Brew crushed dill seeds with a cup of boiling water;
  • simmer for 5 minutes over low heat;
  • insist, strain;
  • wash your eyelids 2-3 times a day.

A swollen eye can be treated: Add a few drops of castor oil to a rich face cream. Lubricate your eyelids to relieve inflammation. If your eyelids are very swollen, wash them more often with a decoction of parsley and rose hips. Just don’t leave this disease untreated!

Burning eyes: causes of the phenomenon

What is this process when your eyes light up? This phenomenon occurs due to dryness of the eyeball from prolonged viewing of TV and prolonged work at the computer. A person practically does not blink, so the eyeball is not moisturized.

The eyes burn due to a hidden inflammatory process, allergies, demodicosis of the eyelids. Demodectic mange is dangerous because the mite that causes it can live on people’s skin for a long time. Its release can provoke a decrease in immunity and the development of serious pathologies in the body. Burning is observed not inside the organ of vision, but in the skin around it.

You can become infected with mites in different ways, especially when using someone else's cosmetics.

These same symptoms can also show other diseases of the organs of vision. Moreover, pain may accompany the burning and redness. The eyes hurt somewhere inside the apple or in its outer layers. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor. You may have contracted a fungal infection.

If you have a high temperature, you may also notice your vision organs burning. Don't rub your eyes, but make a compress from tea bags. Drink more water to increase your lacrimation. Take a break from the computer and TV.

It will help with dry eyes, burning, redness, which we have already written about more than once.

Beauty shouldn't require sacrifice

Many girls complain that after eyelash extensions their eyelids swell and the eyeball turns red. Innovation in cosmetology helps girls do without mascara and still have a beautiful, expressive look. But the problem is that many experience unpleasant consequences.

To get eyelash extensions without consequences, find a good, clean specialist. After all, such a procedure is not only your beauty, but also your health. Be sure to find out what materials the master of this salon will use. Materials must be of high quality!

Causes of redness of the eyelids:

  • Master's awkwardness. The most dangerous thing is damage to the retina or eyelid skin.
  • Poor quality glue and more than required application.
  • Infection.
  • Not testing for allergies.

If the eye becomes inflamed after such a procedure, you will have to contact an ophthalmologist so as not to worsen the situation.

You will learn about unsuccessful eyelash extensions 2-3 hours after the session. The most dangerous thing is if there is an infection. This is the most difficult thing to get rid of.

First symptoms:

  • swelling of the eyelids, burning sensation;
  • discomfort in the eye area;
  • redness of the skin of the eyelids;
  • Tears are constantly flowing;
  • in the morning something flows from the eyes.

The first thing to do is remove the eyelashes, then consult a specialist. He will prescribe cold compresses and medicine.

It is worth saying that absolutely every person has encountered the problem of itching in the eyes at least once in their life. And before you take any measures to eliminate the unpleasant itching, you first need to find out why it appeared.

The reason can be both general and local. For example, many eye diseases are accompanied by a symptom such as itching in the eyes. Also, such a problem may indicate irritation of nerve endings, infection, etc.

Eyes itchy and watery

The most common explanation for these symptoms is allergies. However, similar signs can also appear with severe eye fatigue as a result of prolonged work, poor lighting, and lack of sleep. Often itching and lacrimation appear with glaucoma, cataracts, conjunctivitis, demodicosis (eyelash mite).

If you experience such sensations, it is best to immediately consult a doctor, because many of the listed diseases can cause serious complications, including loss of vision without proper treatment.

Itching in the corner of the eyes

If it itches in the corner near the nose, this may indicate inflammatory pathologies that could appear either as a result of the action of pathogenic microorganisms or as a result of a severe allergic reaction.

Itching and swelling of the eyelids

When the eyelid is swollen, the problem may be a disturbed sleep pattern, when the eyes simply do not have time to rest. This reaction can also occur when the eyes are exposed to strong wind.

Itching and redness

Redness usually indicates conjunctivitis or other inflammatory diseases.

Appearance of pain

If, in addition to itching, a person feels pain, these symptoms may indicate:

Itchy feeling inside

The appearance of a headache

Most often, such symptoms appear with severe fatigue, but you should definitely visit a doctor, since the combination of itching and headache may indicate a violation of intraocular pressure.

Itching and flaking of the skin

Peeling of the skin is a clear sign of demodicosis. This disease cannot be cured without visiting a doctor; only a doctor can prescribe competent treatment using modern medications.

In addition, redness and itching in the eyes can be symptoms of common diseases, for example, this happens with diabetes, kidney disease, or after taking medications.

What to do if you have itchy eyes

Treatment is carried out taking into account the cause that led to the itching. In some cases, you just need to eliminate the irritant, for example, stop using cosmetics, do wet cleaning at home, and in others, get diagnosed by a doctor and take medications:

  • antibacterial, for example Tsipromed or Albucid;
  • antiallergic - Lecrolin;
  • anti-inflammatory, for example, Dexamethasone;
  • anti-demodicosis agents - Blefarogel.

If the eyes are itchy and watery, and the problem is caused by some allergen, the following treatment regimen is most often used:

  1. Using Taufon or Taurine drops. Instill two drops twice a day. Duration of treatment - 7 days.
  2. Use of antihistamines - 1 tablet twice a day. The minimum treatment period is one week.
  3. You need to apply a special hydrocortisone ointment at night for two days, which will help remove both itching and swelling.

With this treatment, it is not advisable to use cosmetics, face creams and even hairspray in order to quickly get rid of itching.

If the problem is caused by conjunctivitis, you cannot do without antibacterial drops. According to clinical studies, the drug Ofloxacin showed good results: its components penetrate the cell walls of bacteria, blocking their reproduction.

You can also use Floxal eye ointment, which works in almost the same way.

If the eyes begin to itch due to the appearance of stye, antibacterial ointment should be applied to the inflamed area of ​​the eye at least three times a day until the symptoms disappear, with a minimum treatment period of 5 days.

Do you feel itching in the corners of your eyes closer to your nose, or do you have purulent discharge? In this case, you need to fight bacterial conjunctivitis: you should use antibacterial drops 3-4 times a day for at least five days, even if the symptoms disappear earlier.

Professionals who spend most of the day at the computer are familiar with dry eye syndrome firsthand.

When choosing eye drops, do not rush - first understand the main differences in the effect of the most well-known drugs on the affected area:

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to medications, you can also use alternative medicine. The main advantages include the safety and accessibility of their use. The most famous ways to get rid of the problem:

  1. Dill water. To prepare it, you need to take dill powder and boil it in clean water. Wash the skin around the eyes with this solution several times a day. Quickly removes the feeling of itching, relieves redness and swelling.
  2. Tea bags (preferably chamomile or green). Ideal for helping if your eyes are very itchy. You need to make a strong brew from the bags, cool them a little and put them on your eyes for 10-15 minutes. This procedure can be carried out without restrictions on quantity.
  3. Fresh cucumber. Grate it and place it on closed eyelids for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Milk compresses: soak a napkin or cotton pads in cold liquid, place on your eyes and hold for about 10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out activities at least twice a day.

There are also other methods:

  1. To restore the cornea, you need to instill plantain juice once a day behind the lower edge of the eye. The duration of treatment is at least a month. Plantain can be used to prepare compresses: pour a glass of boiling water over its seeds, leave for 30 minutes, then soak a cotton swab in the resulting liquid and apply it to your eyes.
  2. Lotions made from cornflower flowers help get rid of itching. To prepare a decoction, you need to take a handful of crushed flowers, pour a glass of boiling water over them and leave to steep for 2-3 hours.
  3. If a person has caught conjunctivitis, you can try washing your eyes with agave decoction: pour boiling water over a handful of dry plants and leave for about two hours.
  4. Flaxseed decoction helps against the same disease: take water and boiling water in a 1:1 ratio, leave for 30 minutes. Used in the form of drops. Helps not only relieve itching, but also remove inflammation and reduce flaking.

It is important to remember that you should never scratch your eyes: this will only worsen the situation and introduce dirt. If you feel unbearable itching, make a chamomile-based solution and rinse your eyes with it, this will reduce irritation.

However, it is worth remembering that traditional medicine can only relieve symptoms, but not eliminate the problem that caused the itching and irritation. That’s why it’s so important to consult a doctor when the first signs appear - he will conduct an examination, determine the root cause and prescribe competent treatment.

You should not exclusively self-medicate, since itching may indicate a serious eye disease, which without proper treatment can cause negative consequences, including loss of vision.

Do your eyes often itch? Itching can occur completely unexpectedly. This discomfort may disappear quickly, but in some cases it persists for a long time. What is the reason for this symptom? How to quickly get rid of itching? To find out the answers to these and many other questions, read the article to the end.

If you have itchy eyes, the cause of this symptom is unknown, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. Dust particles and small particles can easily enter the eyes in windy weather, causing severe itching. When a foreign body gets into the mucous membrane, only one eye itches and hurts. Also, discomfort in the organs of vision can occur due to severe fatigue - long reading, reading. The person, without noticing it, begins to rub his eyes vigorously. If the itching is not accompanied by severe pain, there is no need to worry. It is enough to rinse your eyes if a speck gets into them, drip anti-inflammatory drops and rest a little.

To get rid of discomfort, you need to understand why your eyes itch

To answer the question as accurately as possible “Why do my eyes itch?” It is enough to carefully study the main reasons causing such discomfort. These include:

  • Eye contact with dust, smoke, chemicals;
  • Inflammatory or infectious diseases;
  • Chronic eye fatigue, frequent lack of sleep;
  • Wearing incorrectly selected or low-quality glasses;
  • Liver pathologies, diabetes and other serious diseases;
  • Eye mite.

Only a doctor can accurately determine why your eyes itch and the causes of discomfort. If the itching does not disappear within a few days, you should definitely undergo a medical examination. Only by understanding why your eyes itch can you choose the optimal effective treatment.

Itchy eyes due to allergies

Itching in the eyes is the main symptom of the body's allergic reaction to an irritant. Allergy sufferers also experience the following symptoms:

  • The eyelids and skin around the eyes become very swollen;
  • Increased lacrimation;
  • A runny or stuffy nose appears;
  • The eyes become red and inflamed.

Allergies can be caused by different products - food, cosmetics, medications, pollen. If you experience any of the above symptoms, consult an allergist. He will be able to conduct diagnostics, accurately identify the allergen, and prescribe appropriate antihistamines.

Itching in the eyes with demodicosis

  • Severe itching occurs in the eye area;
  • Sticky secretions appear that dry on the eyelashes, sticking them together;
  • The eyes react negatively to bright sunlight.

Recently, more and more people are turning to ophthalmologists with obvious symptoms of a pathology called “Dry Eye Syndrome”. In patients with this diagnosis, fat secretion is reduced, which leads to accelerated evaporation of the protective tear film and insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane. If dry eye syndrome is left untreated, you risk damaging your vision.

The main causes of this pathology can be considered:

  • Long work at the computer or with texts. The eyes are constantly tense, the person rarely blinks, and this leads to drying out of the mucous membrane.
  • Wearing low-quality contact lenses, violating the rules for using these products.
  • Too hot, dry climate.
  • Smoking. Tobacco smoke negatively affects the health of the entire body, including the organs of vision.

Itchy eyes - what to do? Try to rest more, don’t strain your eyes, give up bad habits. Doctors also recommend regularly performing therapeutic exercises for the eyes, which will relieve fatigue and protect you from developing.

How to quickly get rid of itching?

So, you have already found the answer to the question “Why does my eye itch?” Now all that remains is to find the most suitable treatment method that will quickly get rid of the discomfort. What to do if your eye itches? First of all, neutralize the cause of the unpleasant sensations. If you cannot do this yourself, seek the help of a professional ophthalmologist.

Itchy eyes caused by allergies can be relieved by eliminating the irritant and taking an antihistamine tablet. You can also use medicated eye drops at home:

  • Antibacterial – Levomycetin, albucid;
  • Antiallergic – Cromohexal;
  • Antimodicosis – Blepharogel.

Be sure to consult a doctor first, as self-treatment may not only be ineffective, but also lead to vision deterioration.

If pregnant women have itchy eyes

Pregnant women should be especially wary of using any medications. If a woman in this position is bothered by itching in the eyes, this indicates stagnation of bile, since the liver cannot cope with increased loads. Also, such discomfort may signal the development of conjunctivitis.

During pregnancy, most medications are prohibited, as their toxic effects can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Treatment should be prescribed only by an experienced ophthalmologist, after a preliminary examination and consultation with a gynecologist.

The best drops for itchy eyes

If your eyes are very itchy, use eye drops that will help quickly eliminate this unpleasant symptom. You can buy such medications at any pharmacy; they are not expensive at all. However, each drop has its own composition and principle of action, so you need to choose them very carefully.

  • For the treatment of dry eye syndrome, it is recommended to use Oftalmoferon. These drops also help well in eliminating viral inflammation. Pregnant and lactating women can use the drug only after consulting a doctor.
  • If itching in the eyes occurs due to injury or an infectious disease, use Tsipromed drops. They quickly relieve inflammation and relieve discomfort.
  • To improve blood microcirculation in the eyes, use Emoxipin.
  • For the treatment of conjunctivitis, Triotriazolin drops are usually prescribed.

Any medications must be used according to the instructions. Drops may have contraindications, so it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist first.

We use folk recipes

There are several simple but effective folk recipes that will allow you to quickly get rid of annoying itchy eyes. Such remedies can be used for home treatment if for some reason you cannot be examined by an ophthalmologist.

  • . The recipe is extremely simple. Place a used warm green tea bag on your closed eyes and wait for 15-20 minutes. It is best to use green tea, but if you don't have it on hand, you can use any other type of this product.
  • Compresses made from thinly sliced ​​fresh cucumber. You need to stay with this mask on your face for 20-30 minutes. Cucumber juice relieves redness, inflammation, and reduces swelling.
  • Compresses made from fresh cow's milk quickly reduce itching. Cotton pads soaked in milk should be pressed to the eyes and wait 20 minutes.
  • Peel and wash the potatoes, grate them on a fine grater to obtain a thick, homogeneous paste. Apply the product to closed eyelids and wash off after 15 minutes. Potatoes are excellent at combating itchy eyes, relieving fatigue and swelling.

To prevent eye discomfort, regularly eat foods high in vitamins A and B. These include carrots, apricots, spinach, beans, walnuts and whole grain cereals. Additionally, you can take a complex of vitamins in capsules. If your eyes itch for a long time, be sure to get examined. A responsible attitude towards your health will prevent the development of very serious and dangerous pathologies of the visual organs.

Every person, probably, at least once in his life has encountered such a problem as itchy eyes. The causes of this pathology can be completely different, but one thing is clear: urgent measures need to be taken. Every doctor will say that before that, you should establish why your eyes itch, because only after eliminating the cause will it be possible to relieve the symptoms.

It should be noted that there are quite a few reasons why this unpleasant sensation occurs and many of them are accompanied by additional symptoms.

Itching in the eyes: causes, treatment

Quite often, the eyes become very itchy, not due to a particular disease, but due to various influences.

  1. Foreign body entering the eye. It could be a grain of sand, a speck of dust, or something else. In any case, this speck causes discomfort, profuse tearing and unpleasant sensations. Symptoms may worsen if a person frequently rubs the area to try to get rid of the discomfort.
  2. Microtraumas. Various cracks and other injuries, when appearing or healing, cause redness and itching around the eyes or the cornea itself.
  3. Incorrect wearing of contact lenses. A lens that is not installed or selected correctly may rub or interfere. Once the situation is corrected, the symptoms disappear.
  4. Reaction to any substance (household chemicals, dust). Women's eyes often become itchy and red from using inappropriate cosmetics. This is the same reason why your eyes itch after eyelash extensions.
  5. Side effects from certain medications. Canceling medications quickly restores well-being.
  6. Sitting at the computer for a long time. Straining and staring at a monitor for a long time can cause your eyes to itch, as if sand had been poured into your eyes. In this case, good rest will help.

Diseases in which the eyes constantly itch

In addition to all of the above reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant feeling of itching, burning and a foreign object in the eye, there are a number of diseases that cause similar symptoms. In such cases, careful diagnosis and proper treatment are required.

  1. Glaucoma. This disease has a chronic course and indicates difficulty in the outflow of fluid from the eyeball. As a result, fluid accumulates, causing increased eye pressure and vision problems. Signs of the disease are blurry outlines of objects and the appearance of rainbow spots. Associated symptoms often include redness of the white of the eye and itching.
  2. Cataract. Another serious disease associated with visual impairment. This diagnosis in a patient indicates clouding of the lens.

    Important! If your eyes are very itchy and there is a decrease in the quality of vision, you should go to the doctor immediately, as there is a serious risk of losing your vision completely.

  3. Conjunctivitis. This disease is infectious in nature and appears as a result of exposure to dust, dirt and other negative effects on the mucous membrane of the eye and cornea. As a result, a focus of inflammation appears, which entails numerous symptoms. Among them: itching in the eye (in the corner of the eye or everywhere), severe redness, swelling of the eyelids, and the appearance of purulent discharge. In this case, you should wash your eyes with a weak solution of furatsilin or chamomile decoction, and use eye drops (they will be prescribed by a doctor).
  4. Barley. A disease represented by purulent inflammation of the sebaceous glands located at the roots of the eyelashes. In this case, first the eyelid itches and peels, and later pain occurs. To relieve symptoms, it is recommended to apply a dry, warm compress to the site of inflammation.
  5. Allergic reaction. For many people, allergies to dust, food, pollen and other things are caused by itchy eyes. Very often, symptoms are accompanied by redness, peeling, swelling and increased tearing.
  6. Disorders of the lacrimal gland. Quite often, older people complain that their eyes itch. The reason may be a malfunction of the lacrimal gland. There is not enough lubrication for the eye, the mucous membrane and cornea begin to dry, which is where this sensation comes from.
  7. Blepharitis. Ulcerative, scaly, angular and other types of blepharitis are characterized by inflammation of the ciliary margin. A doctor can accurately identify this disease, since the symptoms of blepharitis are quite similar to the manifestations of other eye diseases.
  8. Demodecosis. This is a rather unpleasant disease that is caused by a special type of demodex mite. Such mites live on the skin of every person, however, due to unfavorable changes in the body, these mites begin to multiply rapidly, which causes severe redness of the eyelids, peeling of the skin in this area, itching, discomfort and an unaesthetic crust on the eyelashes.
  9. Skin diseases. If a person has a skin disease, then the skin of the eyelids will suffer first (since it is the most sensitive and delicate). In such cases, patients complain that the eyelids are itchy and flaky - these causes are eliminated by treating the skin disease.

Localization of itching: how to determine the cause

The characteristic features of each disease are the places where discomfort occurs.

Why do my eyes itch in the corners of my nose? This manifestation is characteristic of conjunctivitis. If the list of symptoms includes the appearance of discharge, then there can be no doubt.
Why do my eyelids itch? How to treat this manifestation will become clear only after the cause has been established. Most often, eyelids can itch and burn due to the use of low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics, incorrect selection of contact lenses, or skin disease.
Why does the lower eyelid itch? In this case, we are most likely talking about allergies.

Whatever the true reason for the appearance of all these symptoms, it is better not to try to eliminate it on your own. The fact is that many diseases (including quite serious ones) have very similar manifestations. Incorrect selection of medications may not only not alleviate the patient’s condition, but, on the contrary, may greatly worsen it. Moreover, it is strictly necessary to comply with the prescribed therapy.