Find out if you have sinusitis. Discharge of large amounts of mucus from the nose. Definition of sinusitis in a child

Sinusitis is a consequence of an inflammatory reaction in the maxillary sinuses. It can appear in either form. It all depends on how quickly you can recognize sinusitis.

How does sinusitis manifest?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses. The provocateur of this disease is infection. It is possible that sinusitis may occur due to allergies or a deviated septum. To prevent the spread of pathological processes, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner.

With sinusitis, nasal congestion is noted. In this case, purulent contents may be released from the maxillary sinuses. In addition, discharge from the nasal cavity can fall into the nasopharynx. This leads to discomfort in the throat and causes coughing attacks. Often this condition is reinforced by an increase in body temperature. A characteristic symptom of sinusitis is pain in the frontal region, which intensifies when the head is tilted. To clarify the diagnosis, you should contact an ENT doctor and undergo a body diagnosis.

In this case, you will have to resort to radiography. This will allow you to accurately determine the location of the inflammatory process. Darkening of the sinuses in the image indicates inflammation. This means that you will need to undergo a special course of treatment to avoid complications.

Computed tomography can provide a more accurate picture of the disease. True, this examination is not affordable for everyone. But if you care about your own health, be sure to get a tomography.

If it is not possible to conduct an X-ray examination, the doctor can perform a puncture of the maxillary sinuses. It’s worth saying right away that the procedure is not pleasant. But at the same time, it is quite informative. The doctor punctures the sinus with a special needle, and then, using a syringe, pumps out its contents. During this procedure, the doctor can rinse the sinuses with a disinfectant solution, which will definitely be beneficial.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the specialist will develop a treatment plan. This may be antibacterial therapy or taking antihistamines. The nose will also need to be washed with antiseptic solutions. To speed up recovery, physical therapy may be prescribed.

Causes of sinusitis

  • Enlarged adenoids
  • Tendency to allergies
  • Deviated nasal septum
  • Anatomical features of the congenital nasal cavity
  • Delayed treatment of a runny nose
  • Weakened immunity

Only a specialist can tell you how to determine sinusitis. But doing it yourself is also possible. To prevent the spread of the inflammatory process to nearby tissues, it is necessary to pay attention to strengthening the immune system. Carrying out general strengthening procedures will not interfere. You can also use homeopathic drops for sinusitis. They have a complex effect. Such drugs have a decongestant, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect. You should not neglect vitamin complexes, since a weakened body really needs them.

When should you sound the alarm?

  • There was a pressing sensation in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses
  • Nasal breathing is impaired
  • There is photophobia and pain in the cheekbones, forehead and temples
  • Lost sense of smell
  • There was a chill in the body
  • Increased body temperature
  • There is swelling on the face

There are also different types of sinusitis. Read more in the “” section (will open in a new window.

How to recognize sinusitis in a child?

As a rule, the disease occurs due to an advanced runny nose. The cause of sinusitis may be improper treatment of the child. It will not be difficult to aggravate the situation if you experiment on a child’s body, testing traditional medicine on it and independently determine drugs for treatment. You can recognize sinusitis in a child by the following signs:

  • soreness of the frontal part;
  • restless sleep;
  • unpleasant smell of pus;
  • lack of nasal breathing;
  • nasal discharge;
  • loss of smell;
  • swelling of the eyelids and face.

You should be attentive to the health of your child, and at the first suspicion of illness, seek medical help. This is the only way to avoid complications that can seriously harm your child.

How to determine sinusitis?

The cause of sinusitis is usually an infection. A deviated nasal septum can also provoke the development of the disease. If you do not pay attention to the obvious ones in time, then you can later get a serious complication. But there is a way to avoid such problems. To do this, it is enough to have an idea of how to recognize sinusitis. First of all, the presence of fever and loss of smell should already alert you. Sinusitis is often accompanied by severe headaches, which are mainly localized in the frontal region. They are especially acute when moving or tilting the head. If you notice some of the ones presented, then things are bad:

  • chills;
  • elevated temperature;
  • nasal congestion;
  • loss of smell;
  • excruciating pain in the forehead and at the base of the nose;
  • swelling of the eyelids

Normal hypothermia can provoke the development of this disease. Sinusitis often occurs against the background of colds. As soon as the infection settles in the maxillary sinuses, the inflammatory process leads to the fact that pus begins to be released from the nose. The patient feels a loss of strength, apathy and increased fatigue appear.

Symptoms indicating a cold are rarely noticed. If a runny nose starts, it is unlikely that a person will immediately go to the doctor. People usually think that a runny nose will go away on its own. It seems that there is nothing complicated here. However, what can happen is not simple rhinitis, but quite dangerous sinusitis. He will definitely require consultation with a professional and further serious treatment. At the same time, you need to know how to recognize sinusitis so that you can do it yourself and seek medical help in time.

Sinusitis is an infectious inflammation of the upper nasal sinuses. It can also occur as a consequence of a deviated nasal septum. The disease cannot be ruled out due to an allergic reaction.


There are many factors influencing the onset of the disease. Most often it appears as a result of untreated acute rhinitis. Another equally common reason is the use of medications without consulting a doctor.

Other causes of the disease are:

  • recurrent inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract;
  • pathologies in the maxillary sinuses;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • nasal cavity injuries;
  • chronic inflammatory phenomena;
  • anatomical disorders of the nose.

Despite such a variety of causes, the disease most often appears in people with a weakened immune system.

When sinusitis begins, the science of psychosomatics usually notes the following reasons:

  • constant weakness;
  • depression;
  • dissatisfaction with the surrounding life;
  • low self-esteem;
  • state of anxiety.

Thus, psychosomatic signs indicate that the disease is provoked by a lack of care and attention to the person.

Main symptoms

To determine the disease, you need to know how sinusitis manifests itself. The main symptoms are:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • pressure is felt from above the bridge of the nose;
  • increase in temperature;
  • loss of smell;
  • discomfort when being in the light;
  • pain in the temples and forehead;
  • swelling of the face;
  • pus in nasal discharge.

Here we can note one feature of the disease, which will tell you how to distinguish sinusitis from a runny nose: this is pus in the snot. With ordinary rhinitis, the nose is no less stuffy, but the discharge is different.

How to determine sinusitis yourself

The initial stage of sinusitis is very similar to ordinary rhinitis. It's difficult to notice anything unusual. To understand how to identify sinusitis, you need to pay attention to some signs.

After some time, the patient begins to feel pain when turning his head or bending over. Pain symptoms are also present near the temples and in the frontal sinus. It is characteristic that they become especially strong in the evening. In the morning they are not so depressing.

You should also pay attention to headaches. The disease is often accompanied by migraine. Pain may also be felt in the upper jaw area.

Among other signs by which one can identify a common runny nose or sinusitis are poor appetite and loss of performance. The voice also becomes slightly nasal. With the further development of the disease, the nasal discharge becomes dark brown in color and contains pus. There may also be bloody discharge.

How else can you tell if you have sinusitis? This is indicated by a constant headache, and when blowing your nose, a sensation of shooting pain appears.

Determining the type of sinusitis

There are two types of sinusitis: acute and chronic.

The acute stage is characterized by headaches, a feeling of pressure in the forehead and upper jaw, and purulent nasal discharge. Also for this type of disease, a symptom is high temperature (above 38 degrees). There is general weakness.

As sinusitis develops, the pain increases, the pain is no longer localized, but radiates to the entire facial part. Often the patient cannot even determine where exactly it hurts.

Chronic sinusitis does not have such severe symptoms as acute sinusitis. The pain is not so acute, it is periodic. In the morning, the patient's eyelids become swollen. The nose is constantly stuffy. an increase in temperature is recorded, but it is below 38. The general condition of the body worsens: performance decreases, memory problems are possible.

Clinical diagnosis of sinusitis

To determine whether you have sinusitis, just a certain set of symptoms is not enough. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to go to a clinic, where the doctor will prescribe a series of diagnostic procedures.

First of all, the doctor will conduct an individual examination using special instruments. If the mucous membrane in the maxillary sinuses is swollen and red, then this is one of the signs of sinusitis.

An important diagnostic step is x-ray. Sinusitis is clearly visible in such photographs. Darkened areas in the sinuses are clearly visible, the level of filling with pus is visible. If there is any doubt about the exact diagnosis, they also resort to computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

It is possible to determine sinusitis by puncturing the sinuses. Sometimes this is a therapeutic procedure. But in addition to this purpose, the puncture helps with diagnosis: it is possible to take material for analysis.

Diagnosis of sinusitis in children

The peculiarity of the child’s body is that the maxillary sinuses are not yet fully developed. The child’s immune system successfully copes with this disease. However, at school age the risk of the disease increases. Sinusitis can be a consequence of incompletely treated viral diseases, colds, stomatitis, scarlet fever. Polyps may also be the cause.

Symptoms in children are similar to those of the disease in adults. These could be:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • regular runny nose;
  • enlarged adenoids;
  • regular cough at night;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • purulent discharge;
  • odor from the mouth.


Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme.

At the first stage, the main sign of the disease is removed - reporting. The procedures are also aimed at normalizing the process of removing fluid from the sinuses. Next, efforts are directed towards eliminating the cause. Most are viruses, so a course of antibiotics is recommended.

Administration of medications through a puncture is indicated. This is done at the first stage of treatment. When the resorption stage begins, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy and massage. It is possible to use UHF currents, inhalations, and acupuncture.

To understand that sinusitis has been cured, you can take a repeat x-ray. It will clearly show the dynamics of the disease. If necessary, a second course of treatment is prescribed or the current one is adjusted.

How do you know if sinusitis is going away? Symptoms gradually disappear: temperatures normalize, pus disappears in the discharge, pain disappears, and the general condition of the body improves. However, you should not rejoice ahead of time. It is important to complete treatment even if it seems that everything is over.


Sinusitis is a serious ENT disease. Therefore, you definitely need to know how to avoid sinusitis.

You need to start taking measures against this disease already when a runny nose first appears. Under no circumstances should you run it. You need to understand that untreated rhinitis is the greatest risk of further complications. And excuses like “I treated you” won’t help here. After a course of therapy prescribed by a doctor, you need to check the result of the treatment.

You can give a number of tips to prevent the disease:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • strengthen your immune system;
  • Treat ENT diseases in a timely manner.


Sinusitis is a viral disease accompanied by inflammation of the upper sinuses. At first glance, it looks like a regular runny nose. But later painful sensations appear, the temperature rises, and pus appears in the discharge. In this case, you should immediately go to the hospital. After conducting a series of studies, the doctor will be able to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. You can understand that sinusitis has gone away by the absence of symptoms of the disease, as well as by taking a repeat x-ray.


Natalya Astafieva

In acute sinusitis, the main symptoms are the following: a feeling of heaviness or pain in the area of ​​the inflamed maxillary sinus - these sensations intensify when the head is tilted forward, as well as when pressing on the projection area of ​​the maxillary sinus; in some cases, the patient perceives the pain of sinusitis as a toothache; purulent discharge appears from the nose (due to inflammation); if the outflow of pus from the sinus is difficult, pain in the sinus area quickly increases; at this time the body temperature rises; Even without special instruments, you can sometimes see pus in the patient’s nasal cavity, which is not blown out.

The doctor examines the nasal cavity and sometimes prescribes x-rays or other modern research methods to confirm the diagnosis. More accurate information about the condition of the maxillary sinus can be obtained using a test puncture of the sinus.

Chronic sinusitis develops due to insufficient treatment or no treatment at all for acute sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis most often affects people who have conditions in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx for the constant presence of infection (for example, with a deviated nasal septum; in children, with enlarged adenoids). Weakness of the body also matters.

Chronic inflammation in the maxillary sinuses can occur for many years and develop according to the catarrhal type with damage to the mucous and submucosal layers, or with deeper lesions, with purulent discharge, with the formation of polyps - both in the maxillary sinus and in the nasal cavity.

With chronic sinusitis, the patient complains of general weakness and fatigue, frequent headaches, prolonged runny nose, impaired sense of smell; nasal breathing is often difficult, but may be completely absent (for example, with polyps in the nasal cavity). Nasal discharge can be either mucous or mixed with pus. Sometimes these discharges are distinguished by an unpleasant odor, which is felt by others, but the patient himself may not notice.

Alexandra Matveeva

stuffy nose, swollen sinuses (pimples along the edges of the nose), inflammation above the eyebrows, headaches in the frontal part of the head, migraines, for which medications do not help...

Adam Nalgiev

Go to the doctor!

Just Marina

take a photo and that's it


It hurts from the bridge of the nose to the temple, the temperature especially in the evening. stuffy nose. severe headaches.

How to find out if you have sinusitis or not?



press on the sinuses, if there is pain and it’s noticeable, then maybe there is, but it’s better to visit an ENT specialist

Marina Olekhnovich

Why do you need it...You don’t have sinusitis...and thank God...

Also part of the Universe

If there is no runny nose, nasal congestion, or heaviness in the sinuses, it is not him.

Tatyana Ushakova

Goes to ENT))))))))

Victor Misik

go to the ENT. first signs: an endless runny nose that does not stop even the strongest nasal drops. pain in the lower forehead and near the nose. constant headaches


Go to the lore. If there is any suspicion of sinusitis, he will prescribe an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses.
In acute sinusitis, there is an increase in temperature, severe pain in the face, below the eye, and nasal congestion (possibly one-sided). Also, sinusitis is characterized by the discharge of copious greenish mucus from the nose.
With chronic sinusitis, there may be a runny nose, nasal congestion, persistent keratitis and conjunctivitis.


Sinusitis. Four sinuses, two on the forehead, two on the edges of the nose on the left and right. If the temperature to the touch in these zones is different, then sinusitis is possible. Then see a doctor


You can find out the symptoms of sinusitis from your doctor, you don’t have it, most likely you are stressed about studying (write illiterately) and that’s why your head hurts, because at home everything goes away, talk to a psychologist, I think there are psychological problems here, try this option

Andrey Simonov

During adolescence, exacerbations can be of any kind. Diagnosis of sinusitis is an x-ray examination. The heart grows and gets stronger, but if the overall development of the body is ahead of the heart - diagnosis = VEGETO-VASCULAR DYSTONIA. Everything will go away with age. I had to play sports. :-)

How to determine sinusitis at home: how to understand that you have sinusitis

When you have a cold with a lingering runny nose, every person asks the question - how to recognize sinusitis? What symptoms will help you independently identify the development of this not just unpleasant, but also quite dangerous disease?

Signs of sinusitis can easily be confused with manifestations of other inflammatory diseases of the ear, nose and throat.

It is not necessary that a cold or flu will certainly end in sinusitis. But these are not the only reasons why it can develop. Untreated caries, facial injuries in the nasal area, surgical interventions, weakened immunity - all these factors can also provoke sinusitis.

How can I tell if I have sinusitis, do I need a doctor to diagnose it, and what are the typical symptoms that indicate it?

Characteristic symptoms of sinusitis

In most cases, sinusitis begins and passes acutely; at the initial stage, the disease has symptoms similar to signs of acute respiratory infections or flu, which answer the question of how to determine sinusitis:

  • General malaise – lethargy, loss of appetite, decreased performance;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Nasal discharge that is clear or greenish-yellow;
  • Swelling of the nasal mucosa.

A sign that will help you find out if I have sinusitis is a headache. First, you can determine exactly where it is located. This is the area of ​​the nose, bridge of the nose, eye sockets, forehead. Later, as sinusitis progresses, the pain covers the entire head, and it is no longer possible to determine where exactly it hurts. The pain becomes stronger when turning and tilting the head and decreases when lying down.

But this does not mean one hundred percent that sinusitis has begun. Pain of the same nature occurs with migraines, but then they are accompanied by symptoms such as photophobia and an acute reaction to any noise. Headache due to meningitis. But in this case, the pain syndrome is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Those who are trying to figure out how to recognize a disease without a doctor are often interested in the question - is temperature necessary for sinusitis? And if I don’t have it, does that mean I don’t have sinusitis?

Sinusitis in most cases is caused by bacterial microflora. These microorganisms cause an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx and sinuses, so elevated body temperature and fever are very common symptoms of sinusitis. They may be absent if the disease has become chronic.

How high the temperature will be depends on numerous factors:

  1. The type of sinusitis and its severity.
  2. Age and general condition of the patient.
  3. What methods does the patient treat for sinusitis and whether it is treated at all.
  4. The patient's immunity.

What to do if you have a fever

If the temperature rises above 38, this indicates that acute purulent sinusitis is developing. The patient also observes general symptoms of intoxication: headache, fever, severe weakness.

Body temperature from 37 to 38 degrees is a sign of catarrhal sinusitis. With fungal sinusitis, the temperature in very rare cases is above 37 degrees. Allergic sinusitis is also distinguished. In this case, the body temperature also does not increase.

If the doctor has correctly selected the medications for the treatment of sinusitis, then the high temperature rarely lasts for a long time, and after 2-3 days it goes away, gradually returning to normal, the main thing is that it is treated correctly by a specialist.

This indicates that the patient is treating the disease successfully, and the inflammatory process stops. If the fever does not subside for more than one week, there is cause for concern.

Most likely, the doctor prescribed ineffective medications, or the patient is treating sinusitis in bad faith, without following all the instructions. In this case, sinusitis can become chronic.

What to do if I have a high temperature at home is also one of the frequently asked questions. It is important to know how to take antipyretic medications correctly.

Temperature is a sign that the body is fighting an infection, so if it does not exceed 38.5-39 degrees, you should not bring it down.

If this process is suppressed, the infection can spread to other organs, bacteria will begin to multiply with renewed vigor, and treatment of the disease will be delayed. Taking antipyretic drugs if the temperature does not exceed 38 should only be taken if the patient has a hard time with hyperthermia - with nausea, vomiting and severe weakness.

Exactly what, how much and when you can take fever-reducing medications is determined only by your doctor. At home, many people do nasal warming with improvised means - boiled eggs, potatoes, hot salt in a bag. It is strictly forbidden to do this at high temperatures. Any thermal procedures will only increase the heat.

So, nasal congestion, runny nose, fever, headaches, weakness - all these symptoms may indicate sinusitis. But only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Sinusitis is treated by an otolaryngologist, and you should contact him if you have suspicious symptoms.

At the initial consultation, the doctor will definitely ask the following questions:

  • Does the patient suffer from allergies and how is it treated?
  • Have you ever had sinusitis before?
  • Have you recently undergone surgery or trauma to your face?
  • Do you often suffer from acute respiratory infections?

An important role is played by what time of day headaches occur. The patient must prepare answers to all these questions in advance, then the doctor will easily make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

How to diagnose sinusitis in children

Children can also get sinusitis; the most common cause is frequent colds and nasal polyps. But the problem is that they still cannot clearly formulate where, what and how they hurt. Parents notice that the child is unwell, begin to actively treat the viral or bacterial infection, and developing sinusitis remains unnoticed and untreated.

Under no circumstances should sinusitis be caused, especially in children. After all, their immune system is weaker than that of adults, and complications can develop very quickly, and the consequences of sinusitis are extremely dangerous. It is impossible to diagnose sinusitis in a child at home. If you have a persistent runny nose, difficulty breathing, or night snoring, you should definitely visit an otolaryngologist.

The doctor will first examine the child's sinuses using special instruments to determine if there is swelling or accumulation of pus. If in doubt, an ultrasound examination of the nasal cavity is performed. This diagnostic method allows not only to determine whether there is sinusitis, but also to determine its form and stage. This disease can affect either one or two maxillary sinuses at once, and can be acute or chronic.

You will also need to take a blood test, urine test and nasopharyngeal swabs. All this is necessary in order to find out exactly whether there is inflammation, what bacteria or viruses cause it, and what treatment will be optimal.

Many parents are in no hurry to show their child to the doctor, even if the runny nose does not go away for months. Some believe that this is a normal phenomenon for all young children and will go away on its own with age, others are afraid that they will have to do a puncture - when purulent contents are pumped out from the maxillary sinuses through punctures in the nose.

This behavior is extremely unreasonable. Sinusitis is a dangerous disease that gives multiple complications if the doctor does not diagnose it in time and does not treat it.

The maxillary sinuses are located in close proximity to the organs of vision, hearing and the brain. If left untreated, the infection can go deeper and spread to them.

Otitis media and conjunctivitis are very common complications of sinusitis in both children and adults. If a runny nose is not treated, and it gets to the point where not only your head hurts, but also your ear, profuse lacrimation or purulent discharge from the corners of the eyes appears, there is no doubt - this is advanced purulent sinusitis.

But these are not the most dangerous complications. If bacteria penetrate through the thin plates of bone to the brain, meningitis will develop, a very serious and difficult to treat disease. In children it rarely goes away without a trace. Cellulitis is an inflammation of the bone, a pathology that leads to death.

Therefore, even minor colds and a runny nose should be treated immediately and completely, after examination by a doctor. Self-diagnosis and self-medication are inappropriate in this case.

The video in this article with Elena Malysheva will help you identify sinusitis at home.

How do you know if you have sinusitis? The first signs of illness. What are they?



Severe headaches in the forehead, especially with noise and bending.

Ivanova Yulia

It can also hurt between the eye and the tooth. There are Sinupret and Sinuforte tablets. Wonderful. Sinupret helps with incipient sinusitis. and forte with an existing one. just don't agree to get pierced. It's painful and unnecessary.


they manifest themselves in different ways General: headache, frontal pain, pain in the maxillary sinuses, runny nose may or may not be present, nasal congestion in the depths, with complications, pain in the ears


the best medicine for the onset of sinusitis is an ENT doctor + x-ray of the maxillary sinuses without this you can run it.

Little Mermaid Rusalovna

Usually, with sinusitis, the head hurts and the nose does not breathe. To find out for sure whether you have sinusitis or not, you need to take a picture of your sinuses, everything will become clear from it.

How can you cure sinusitis? just starting



Treatment of sinusitis is complex: lowering the temperature, eliminating swelling of the nasal mucosa (vasoconstrictors), suppressing infection (antibiotic therapy and local antimicrobial agents).
If you have an acute form of sinusitis, which is always accompanied by a sharp deterioration of the condition and high body temperature, then you should spend most of the time lying in bed. You should also drink more fluids to flush out toxins produced by germs from your body. You may not want to eat at all, but you should still eat food, preferably liquid and semi-liquid. At temperatures below thirty-eight degrees, you should not take antipyretics.

If the pathogenic microflora in the sinuses has already developed sufficiently, then antibiotics will be necessary. Sometimes, if sinusitis is not yet too advanced, just using antibiotics alone may be enough. But the maxillary sinuses must be cleared of accumulated pus and stagnant mucus. Therefore, to treat sinusitis, swelling of the mucous membrane should be removed so that mucus flows out of the sinuses. For this, drops are most often prescribed that help narrow blood vessels. Each of us has known the name of such drops since childhood: they are sanorin, galazolin, and naphthyzin. A very important point is how to instill the drops. It is for the treatment of sinusitis that it is necessary for the drops to enter the sinus. To do this, you should lie on your side and drip into the nostril that is below. After dropping the medicine into one nostril, you need to lie down for a few minutes so that the medicine reaches the sinus. Then turn over to the other side and repeat the procedure with the other nostril. Wait about ten minutes and blow out your nose. Following the vasoconstrictors, medicinal agents are instilled, which kill microbes and relieve inflammation.

In addition to antibiotics, you can use antihistamines, which will reduce mucus production. One of the most humane ways to treat sinusitis is physiotherapy. Warming up the nose and irradiating the mucous membrane with ultraviolet light. Traditional recipes for the treatment of sinusitis

Yulia Levanova

This recipe will help get rid of sinusitis. In a glass of warm water you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. l. (incomplete) salt, 20 drops of iodine and rinse your nose with this mixture - close one nostril and draw in the other, and vice versa. After just a few procedures you will feel relief, and after a week you will get rid of sinusitis.
You can alleviate the condition of sinusitis with the help of red beets. Squeeze 30 g of beet juice, add 1 tsp. honey, 3 tsp. water and bury this mixture in your nose. Horse sorrel will also help cope with this disease. 1 dec. l. Pour boiling water over the crushed roots of the plant and leave for 2 hours. Rinse your nose with warm infusion. To alleviate the disease, it is good to use turunda with sea buckthorn oil. They are inserted into the nose at night, alternately into each nostril.

Elena Gracheva

Go to the sea immediately. Or DOLPHIN washing is sold in pharmacies.

elena m

"Apibalsam I": instill into the nose.
Cream "Rhino-factor": apply the volume of a match head to the mucous membrane of each nasal passage 2-3 times a day. Do not use meringue cream for more than 5 days.
vitamins Tentoriu-plus


1. First of all, we strengthen antimicrobial immunity by daily rubbing the legs (foot, shin) to the knee, arms (back of the hand, forearm) to the elbow. .
2. Massage painful areas in the area of ​​the zygomatic bone (cheek) 3-5 times a day or more, day after day, with increasing force until the pain completely disappears.
3. We massage the painful parts of the periosteum of the nasal bones every day until the pain is completely eliminated.
4. To get rid of rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, it is necessary to strengthen antiviral immunity - tap the head 2-3 times a day for 2-3 minutes, stimulate a sneeze. The number of sneezes can be increased from 10 to 20 times a day. When sneezing, it is advisable to direct the air flow through the nose. It is convenient to irritate the nasal mucosa with ear sticks or instill 4-5 drops of fresh aloe or Kalanchoe juice into the nose 3-4 times a day; the juices of these plants irritate the nasal mucosa and cause repeated sneezing. Some may experience nasal irritation from pepper or snuff. If you have any questions, please contact us. Good luck everyone.

Zaitsev Artem Valerievich



I can only save myself with antibiotics! Nothing else helps me. Augmentin+Bioparox.
If you are a beginner, then just Bioparox.

Anna Protova

At the initial stage it is easiest to cure. Cinnabsin helped me. Even without an antibiotic. After these tablets, the mucus came out well, the swelling went away and the nose began to breathe normally.

How to find out that you have sinusitis??


Motherwort cat

the sense of smell disappears, there is pressure on the upper teeth and even aching pain occurs, one nostril may be constantly blocked, discharge from the nose is greenish-yellow in color


chronic runny nose

Lena Bulekova

symptoms of acute sinusitis - nasal congestion, nasal discharge, elevated temperature, headache, pain in the maxillary sinus area, heaviness in the same area when tilting the head. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the maxillary sinuses.

Denis Gulevich

yellow discharge from the nose, pain is detected when the sinuses are shaken

Marina Knyazkina

The runny nose does not go away for a long time, and thick yellow mucus comes out. . it's impossible to breathe. piercing drops last a maximum of 2-3 hours

Alexandra Balandovich

An x-ray will tell you for sure.

Karina Ivanova

Visit an ENT doctor and take a picture of the frontal sinuses.

Masha in

thick nasal discharge, headache or sinus pain, and may have a high fever
And anyway, X-ray

The inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses is a fairly common ENT disease, but how to determine it? Only with timely treatment can you recover quickly and prevent various complications. With the right approach, a mild stage of pathology can be cured even at home.

Manifestations of inflammation in the sinuses

The nasal passage is affected by an infection, causing swelling of the mucous membrane and a stuffy nose. Next, a transparent mucus forms, later it becomes thick and green. This disrupts ventilation and cleansing of the paranasal sinuses. Often it is this process that provokes the progression of sinusitis.

Sinusitis is sinusitis, inflammation in the upper paranasal sinuses. The disease is registered in 10% of patients with ARVI, in 15% of patients the pathology becomes chronic.

How do you know if you have sinusitis?

  • The first and common sign of a pathological process for any form of the disease is a stuffy nose, difficult nasal breathing. The man begins to nasal. Alternate congestion of the halves of the nose may occur;
  • there is pain under the eyes;
  • the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses swells, causing headaches;
  • a feeling of “heavy face” appears, worsening when changing body position;
  • If mucus from the nose enters the nasopharynx, a cough forms and discomfort appears in the throat.

Signs of the disease directly depend on the form and progression of the pathological process; they are very diverse. The danger is that some symptoms do not always suggest sinusitis.

How to determine sinusitis at home? This is not always easy to do. The pathology can progress against the background of a cold pathological process. Therefore, the initial symptoms of malaise are a signal to go to a specialist who will take an image to diagnose the presence of sinusitis.

Before prescribing a treatment regimen, the doctor must determine the cause of the pathology. This disease belongs to the catarrhal and purulent category.

The catarrhal form is the initial and mildest stage of the pathology. How do you know if you have the early stages of sinusitis? Nasal discharge and swelling of the mucous membrane can be eliminated quickly and without pain. It is enough to rinse your nose regularly to clear the sinuses of mucus. The catarrhal form is accompanied by the following symptoms: a painful bridge of the nose, sometimes nasal congestion, tearfulness, swelling of the face, and a slight rise in temperature.

Incorrectly selected or late therapy for the early form of sinusitis can contribute to transformation into a purulent chronic stage. At this stage, the temperature rises, headaches worsen, yellow-green purulent discharge appears, which has a foul odor.

How to diagnose sinusitis at the acute stage? The pathological process is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • tension and pressure appear in the area of ​​the affected nasal sinuses. Sometimes the feeling of pain is quite strong; teeth may hurt, especially when chewing;
  • When pus accumulates, headaches intensify. Due to internal pressure, the feeling of discomfort in the maxillary sinuses increases. Painful feelings intensify in the evening. After some time, this pain subsides a little, but the headaches intensify;
  • felt on the forehead and around the eyes. Painful sensations intensify when the eyelids are lifted or the infraorbital area is pressed. In a lying position, a person feels much better, since pus comes out of the affected sinuses;
  • runny nose, predominantly mucous or purulent type. If the congestion is too severe, this symptom may not exist at all;
  • elevated body temperature – above 38 degrees. If the form of the pathology is chronic, then it almost never increases;
  • feeling of malaise, weakness, sleep disturbance, fatigue, loss of appetite. Sometimes patients have a decreased sense of smell, lacrimation, and a fear of light. Possible swelling of the lower eyelid or cheeks.

The acute form of sinusitis lasts on average two to three weeks, and therapy should end with complete recovery.

How to check if you have chronic sinusitis? Symptoms at this stage are often erased and mild. Because of this, diagnosis is delayed, and therefore the therapy itself is delayed. The patient may feel headaches, pain in the eye sockets, which decreases when lying down. At the acute stage, the runny nose intensifies and does not respond to the standard treatment regimen. Some patients experience conjunctivitis and swelling of the eyelids in the morning - the inflammatory process has spread to the eye sockets. The key symptom is a chronic cough, which occurs due to pus running down the throat.

How can you tell if your child has sinusitis? This question worries many mothers. Pathology can progress “under the guise” of ordinary snot. Babies often develop bilateral inflammation, which is the most dangerous.

Every responsible parent should know the main signs of sinusitis. This will allow you to quickly diagnose the pathology and prevent serious complications. The baby cannot accurately describe his feelings. Therefore, parents need to monitor the health status of their child.

The child may exhibit the following symptoms: moodiness, feeling lethargic and weak, trouble sleeping, excessive fluid coming from the nose, poor sense of smell, difficulty breathing through the nose, swelling of the face, especially in the eyelid area.

What are the reasons for the development of sinusitis in the sinuses?

Knowing how to tell if you have sinusitis is not enough. Determining the cause of progression of the pathological process is also very important.

  • the immune system is greatly weakened;
  • viruses and harmful bacteria enter the nasopharynx;
  • long stay in a building with dry air and high temperatures;
  • staying in a drafty room;
  • the mucous membrane in the maxillary region is injured;
  • the runny nose was not treated;
  • cold pathologies have not been cured or “healed”;
  • against the background of influenza or ARVI;
  • external factors negatively affect the mucous membrane;
  • the person was severely hypothermic;
  • teeth are in poor condition and oral hygiene is not maintained;
  • the functioning of the secret glands is disrupted;
  • when inhaling air, chemical vapors enter (when working in hazardous industries);
  • abnormal shape of the respiratory system organs;
  • physical impact or mechanical damage, trauma to the nasal septum;
  • polyps and adenoids sprout;
  • the presence of dangerous pathological processes such as tuberculosis, tumors.

Due to the frequent use of drops in the treatment of rhinitis, a large amount of fluid accumulates. Such accumulations progress, and sinusitis occurs. Medications can cause nosebleeds, since irritation of the mucous membranes sometimes causes blood vessels to burst.

How to find out about the presence of pathology?

In addition to the usual symptoms of the disease, there may be other signs that a person should pay attention to. So, how to check for sinusitis at home?

  • the sense of smell is partially or completely lost;
  • swelling appears in the area of ​​the eye sockets and cheeks;
  • the tone of voice changes (nasality appears due to a stuffy nose);
  • lacrimation increases;
  • a foul odor appears from the mouth and nose;
  • after eating there is an unpleasant aftertaste;
  • sweating increases.

Severe inflammation in the nose provokes the accumulation of a large amount of snot, which later becomes mixed with pus or blood clots. How to check for sinusitis? The color of the discharge changes depending on the stage of the pathological process. During diagnosis, the form and specificity of the inflammation that progresses in the nasal sinuses is determined.

If you know how to understand that you have sinusitis based on the signs, you can contact a specialist in time. This will allow timely treatment with medication and physiotherapy, as well as avoid complex consequences and complications from the progression of the inflammatory process.

When we have a runny nose due to a cold, we often do not attach any importance to it, and this can be fraught with a serious complication in the form of sinusitis. In this article we will talk in detail about this disease, and also talk about the most effective ways to treat sinusitis.

Sinusitis is a disease in which the inflammatory process begins in the paranasal sinuses due to the fact that stagnation of mucus forms in them - it can no longer be released naturally. According to ENT doctors, sinusitis ranks first in frequency of occurrence compared to other diseases of the nasopharynx.

More often sinusitis in adults people occurs due to infections (mainly staphylococci) that enter the nasal mucosa through the blood or during breathing.

In addition to the virus, the following reasons can provoke the development of sinusitis:

  • Injured mucous membrane of the nose or sinuses
  • Not fully cured runny nose and colds, which most often cause sinusitis in children
  • Dry air in the room where you spend most of your time
  • Draft
  • The air that a person inhales is spoiled by chemical poisons.
  • Sick teeth
  • Prolonged exposure to the cold, as a result of which a person may freeze
  • Weakened immunity - for this reason most often occurs sinusitis during pregnancy
  • Congenital anatomical pathologies of the nasopharynx
  • Fracture or bruise of the nose
  • Polyps
  • Adenoids
  • Allergy
  • Cancerous tumors in the sinuses
  • Regular use of the same drug for the common cold (it clogs the maxillary sinuses, resulting in sinusitis)

It is extremely undesirable to allow stagnation in the maxillary sinuses. After all, these air cavities perform many functions important for the full functioning of a person:

  • They equalize the pressure generated in the cavities of the skull with atmospheric
  • Thanks to them the voice is formed
  • The maxillary sinuses condition the air

Sinusitis: symptoms

Congestion in the maxillary sinuses is a very complex disease that cannot go unnoticed in a person who is faced with this problem. Sinusitis makes itself felt in two forms. The patient may have:

  1. Acute sinusitis, which is characterized by the following symptoms:
  • The temperature rises, which immediately indicates an inflammatory process. Temperature with sinusitis can reach 39 degrees.
  • Yellow snot comes out of the nose, more like purulent mucus. In the most difficult cases, streaks of blood still appear in them.
  • The face, especially around the nose and eyes, swells greatly and may even change color (darken).
  • It becomes very difficult for the patient to breathe, it becomes almost impossible to do so. Because of this, he can't even sleep.
  • The most important sign of sinusitis acute form - severe pain in the maxillary sinuses, which a person feels mainly upon palpation.

  1. Chronic sinusitis- This is a complication of an untreated acute form of sinusitis. Its complexity lies in the fact that it will periodically disturb a person throughout his life and torment him with its unpleasant symptoms.

Types of sinusitis

Sinusitis has a very complex classification. Doctors can make a diagnosis based on:

  1. Localization of mucus stagnation. There are these types of diseases:
  • Unilateral sinusitis - when mucus accumulates in either the left or right maxillary sinus
  • Bilateral sinusitis– when mucus stagnation occurs simultaneously in both the right and left maxillary sinuses
  1. The reasons that led to the occurrence of sinusitis. These include the following types of illness:
  • Catarrhal sinusitis, in which the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses becomes inflamed. Most often occurs in school-age children.
  • Polypous sinusitis, in which mucus cannot come out of the nose due to the fact that a polyp formed in the maxillary sinus prevents this. This type of sinusitis is treated exclusively surgically.

  • Allergic sinusitis, which mainly occurs in spring and autumn, when a person’s allergies worsen. With them, tears and mucus usually begin to be actively released in the nasal sinuses, which stagnates and provokes the occurrence of sinusitis.
  • Purulent sinusitis, which occurs as a consequence of an advanced infectious disease. Pus is gradually deposited in the maxillary sinuses. The person begins to experience unbearable sinusitis pain of this kind, because pus affects bone tissue.
  • Odontogenic sinusitis, arising due to the impact of infection on the maxillary sinuses. Most often, this type of sinusitis develops due to diseased teeth.

Diagnosis of sinusitis

It is possible to establish exactly whether a person has sinusitis or not, only with the help of the qualified assistance of a highly specialized doctor - an ENT specialist. After the initial examination of the patient, he will direct him:

  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses. It will show whether there is darkening in the sinus area. If there are any, then we can talk about sinusitis. Children, as a rule, do not undergo x-rays.
  • Donating blood to determine the number of leukocytes in the blood and other indicators that may indicate the cause of sinusitis.
  • In some cases, a puncture from the maxillary sinuses may be necessary, when the doctor pierces the abdominal tissue with a special needle and draws out the pus that has accumulated in it with a syringe. But it should be noted that puncture for sinusitis Today, this is an extremely rare procedure, which is performed only if other diagnostic methods turn out to be uninformative.

In accordance with the results of clinical studies, the doctor selects the most optimal course treatment of sinusitis.

How to treat sinusitis with medication?

When an ENT specialist selects a treatment method for a patient with sinusitis, he is guided not only by test results, the doctor also takes into account a number of factors:

  • What condition is the patient in?
  • How bad is the situation?
  • Anatomical features of the maxillary sinuses

These are very important components of the treatment process, since they determine what it should be like. The following methods exist:

  1. Puncture– used when the patient is diagnosed with acute purulent sinusitis. This is a very painful method, which negatively affects the patient’s quality of life - the puncture site and the head hurt very much, ichor and even blood are released from the nose and the punctured area. How the procedure itself is carried out:
  • the doctor makes a puncture under local anesthesia
  • draws out all the pus from the sinuses
  • rinses the maxillary sinus with a solution of chloride and sodium
  • enters antibiotics indicated for sinusitis

  1. "Cuckoo" - method nasal rinsing for sinusitis. It can be used only in mild stages of the disease, since in severe stages it is not at all effective. It must be said that this method quickly cures sinusitis - 5-7 procedures are enough to clear the maxillary sinuses of mucus.
  2. "Yamik" - a fairly common method of treatment sinusitis without puncture. It is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about 20 minutes. However, for a complete recovery, such procedures need to be done 7 or 10. What “Yamik” is:
  • The doctor inserts air balloons into the nose
  • These balloons inflate in the sinuses
  • Pressure is created, with the help of which purulent mucus is pumped out of the sinuses with a regular syringe, and then the medicine is administered
  1. Antibacterial therapy – when an ENT specialist injects antibiotics into the sinuses with a syringe in the form a drop for sinusitis:
  • Bioparox
  • Isofra
  • Polydexa
  1. Anti-inflammatory method, including:
  • Ultrasound procedures

  1. Taking antihistamine tablets for sinusitis, which relieve swelling from the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses (some of the following drugs can also be used in the form of nasal sprays):
  • Clarotadine
  • Erius
  • Tsetrin
  • Rinofluimucil
  • Fluimucil
  • Sinuforte
  • Erespal
  • Fluditek
  1. Operation. There are two options for surgical treatment of sinusitis:
  • Endonasal, when the operation is done through the nose
  • Extranasal, when the operation is done through the mouth

Traditional methods of treating sinusitis at home

Non-traditional medicines can be used to treat sinusitis only if the form of the disease is not acute and not life-threatening. The most effective folk remedies for sinusitis are considered :

  1. Special diet:
  • You need to add as many hot spices to your food as possible, which provoke mucus discharge from the sinuses.
  • Eat a spoonful of horseradish mixed with lemon juice
  • Eat wasabi - Japanese mustard - every day (although it can be replaced with regular mustard)
  • You can’t eat eggs, chocolate, sugar and various sweets

  1. Apply drops prepared with herbs to your nose:
  • Mix wild rosemary, knotweed, sweet clover, nettle, burdock root, mint, horsetail, celandine and eucalyptus in a thermos. Pour half a liter of boiling water over it all and let it steep overnight. The next morning, the tincture can be used - during the day (preferably 4 times a day), drop 2 drops into each nostril. The course of treatment must be continued for 4 weeks, after which a week's break should be taken.
  • Drip cyclamen juice or grapefruit seed extract into your nose.
  • Mix aloe juice with onion juice, and then apply the resulting product to your nose.
  1. Rinse your nose with lemon balm decoction.
  2. Rub garlic mixed with felt burdock root juice and birch charcoal into the skin where the maxillary sinuses are located.
  3. Apply heated clay to the maxillary sinuses for 20 minutes.
  4. Do inhalation for sinusitis not acute. To do this, you need to boil the potatoes in their jackets and breathe over their vapors, covered with a blanket, for 15 minutes. You can also use a nebulizer. By the way, there are other ways to warm the nose with sinusitis:
  • Heat the salt, place it in a sock and apply it to your sinuses
  • Boil two eggs, wrap them in a towel and apply to your sinuses

Important! You can warm up for sinusitis nasal sinuses only if the patient was diagnosed with a non-acute form of the disease.

Complications and consequences of sinusitis

If you neglect the qualified help of an ENT specialist and treat yourself without knowing what caused the disease, the following complications will arise:

  • An inflammatory process will begin in the lungs and other organs of the respiratory system
  • Otitis will develop
  • Diseases of the kidneys, heart, bones, brain and eyes will worsen (pus from the maxillary sinuses can get into these organs)

Prevention of sinusitis

It is very important for every person to do everything possible to ensure that they never encounter sinusitis in their life.

  • Wear seasonally appropriate clothing to avoid overheating or getting cold.
  • Strengthen yourself to strengthen your immunity
  • Exercise
  • Take regular walks outdoors
  • Breathe through your nose
  • Treat colds

Sinusitis is a serious, unpleasant and life-threatening disease. Never delay his treatment if the need arises. Contact your ENT specialist in a timely manner, follow all his recommendations and follow the instructions. Only in this case can you protect yourself from the complications that sinusitis can lead to.

Video: “Treatment of sinusitis without puncture”