The appearance of proctitis and methods for its elimination. Proctitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. The main forms of proctitis are erosive, catarrhal, ulcerative. Chronic proctitis symptoms

Proctitis is a disease of the rectum caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane of this organ. The disease may be accompanied by inflammation of the sigmoid colon mucosa (proctosigmoiditis) or inflammation of the inner lining of the colon (colitis). All this together and individually brings a lot of negative, painful sensations to patients and reduces the quality of life. In addition, proctitis is dangerous due to its complications, including the development of various tumors.

That is why treatment of this disease should be carried out by a doctor using antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, healing drugs. In addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor, it is useful to use traditional medicine, some of which are very effective. In addition, treatment of proctitis involves mandatory dietary nutrition.

What is the diet for proctitis, treatment of proctitis at home, how is it done? We will talk about all this with you today.

Forms, symptoms of proctitis

To begin with, let us remember that proctitis can have acute and chronic forms. The acute course of the disease is characterized by damage to the rectal mucosa. Develops quickly. Symptoms of the disease appear within a few days or even hours.

The chronic form usually takes a long time to develop - months or even years. Usually occurs due to untreated acute proctitis. Characterized by extensive, deep damage to the intestinal mucosa.

The main symptoms include purulent or bloody discharge from the intestines and pain during bowel movements. Patients report pain in the perineal area, radiating to the lower back and genitals. Fecal masses contain mucous inclusions. With an exacerbation of a chronic disease, pain is felt in the anus, directly in the rectum, or in the ileal region.

Home treatment for proctitis

Pour 2 tbsp into a saucepan. l. dried calendula flowers. Pour boiling water over the flowers and place in a water bath. Keep for about 15 minutes. Then remove from the stove, cover warmly, wait until it cools down. Take the strained broth in a small sip three times a day. In addition, do microenemas: 1 tbsp. decoction in a quarter glass of boiled water.

It is very useful to carry out sitz baths with horsetail infusion. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour boiling water (1 liter) into half a glass of chopped herbs. The infusion will be ready in 10 minutes. The strained product is filtered and used for a sitz bath. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

You can prepare a very good remedy yourself, at home: combine an equal amount of oak bark, fresh toadflax flowers and water pepper herb in a cup. Grind the resulting mixture thoroughly to a uniform paste. Place in a 200 gram glass jar, filling exactly halfway. Pour melted lard over everything and stir. Leave in a warm place for 12 hours. Warm the finished product slightly in a water bath. Give it a sip. Moisten a gauze pad with the mixture, insert it into the rectum, and leave it overnight. Treatment - three weeks.

Special diet for proctitis

Diet is an essential component of the treatment of this intestinal disease. Without following certain nutritional principles, no treatment will be effective. Let's look at what you can eat with proctitis and what you can't:

What not to do:

During treatment, during exacerbation of the disease, spicy, pickled, sour, as well as sweet and fatty foods are excluded from the diet. It is not recommended to frequently consume cereals, fresh vegetables, and fruits. These foods are rich in fiber, which can damage inflamed rectal walls. Salty foods are greatly limited, as salt interferes with the elimination of inflammation. Alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited.

What you can do:

The most useful thing for proctitis is to eat more fermented milk products. A must-have dish should be cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, homemade yoghurts, and low-fat sour cream. These products effectively soften stools, facilitate bowel movements, and do not irritate the intestinal mucosa.

It is also useful to include steamed and boiled lean meat in your diet: veal, beef, poultry, rabbit. Light vegetable soups are healthy. Vegetables and fruits - only stewed or steamed. It is useful to eat baked apples.

Sample menu

Breakfast: omelette made from egg whites, a portion of semolina porridge cooked in water with 1 tsp. butter. Or a cup of kefir with a portion of cottage cheese.

Dinner: light meat broth or vegetable puree soup. Steam cutlets or a piece of boiled (stewed) fish. You can wash it down with berry jelly.

Dinner: liquid, well-cooked rice porridge in water with 1 tsp. butter, a piece of boiled chicken, a small plate of cottage cheese, yogurt or a glass of fermented baked milk.

If the disease is accompanied by constipation, do not take laxatives at your own discretion. Many of them irritate the intestinal mucosa, again provoking inflammation. To enhance intestinal motility, take flaxseed decoctions on an empty stomach or prepare a decoction of plantain seeds.

Remember that effective treatment of proctitis is impossible without the use of medications, in particular special antibiotics that suppress the growth and development of the infection that caused the disease. Therefore, at the first symptoms, negative sensations in the rectum, seek help from a doctor. Be healthy!

It is very important to adhere to a diet when suffering from proctitis. Therefore, a diet for proctitis is a particularly important stage in the treatment of this disease. Without it, it is difficult to achieve the desired result. Diet greatly alleviates the course of the disease. It should be as gentle as possible, because in such patients the mucous membranes of the digestive tract (stomach and rectum) are damaged.

A dietary diet for proctitis is the only condition for restoring normal intestinal function.

When a person is hospitalized in a hospital, because the disease requires treatment with daily medical procedures, and special nutrition is prescribed. If the patient has inflamed mucous membranes of the rectum, it can be treated at home with the help of diet and prescribed medications. For post-radiation proctitis, treatment is comprehensive, including medication, procedures and diet. In all three cases, nutrition has general recommendations.

It is important to get rid of bad habits - smoking, alcohol. Meals for proctitis should be fractional, limited to small portions, but frequent, at least 5-6 times a day. Due to this, the load on the stomach will decrease, and the food will not rot there. In case of difficult stools, laxatives are chosen carefully, since the principle of laxatives is to irritate the intestines. It is best to use traditional methods, use decoctions of seeds of different plants (flax or plantain). The seeds produce a mucous liquid that moves food through the intestines.

What is allowed to eat with proctitis?

It is allowed to consume all foods that are easily digestible and not retained in the body, as well as foods containing large amounts of vitamins and minerals. All food should be well-boiled, fresh, and low-fat. The following products are allowed:

  • baked apples;
  • fermented milk products that create normal intestinal microflora and normalize stool;
  • protein foods;
  • water-based porridge with the addition of a small amount of butter;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • figs, bananas, tangerines, dried apricots;
  • diluted juices;
  • boiled, stewed vegetables, low-fat broths;
  • boiled veal or beef, poultry or steamed rabbit.

Eating dietary foods should improve the passage of contents through the intestines, preventing irritation.

Forbidden foods

If you have proctitis, you should not eat flour, legumes, fried and fatty foods, smoked foods, sweets, sauces, and some types of cereals.

It is recommended to eat less fiber-rich foods: cereals, plant products. Products that enhance the functionality of the secretory glands, which take a long time to digest and lead to rotting or fermentation, are excluded. Salty foods interfere with getting rid of inflammation. Prohibited products.

It is worth noting that the presence of proctitis indicates that the patient had errors and disturbances in nutrition, which led to the creation of conditions for the development of the disease. In this regard, a thorough review of nutrition is necessary.

First of all, you need to exclude from your diet the consumption of alcoholic beverages, which have a very aggressive effect on the mucous membrane. It is worth noting that alcohol has a negative effect even on healthy mucous membranes, leaving traces of an acute inflammatory process on it, and damaging it at the point of contact.

Smoking is another factor that negatively affects the mucous membranes, including the rectum. Tobacco smoke is carcinogenic and leads not only to the development of this disease, but also to cancerous tumors.

Prohibited and permitted products for proctitis

Quite often, with proctitis, the mucous membrane is damaged in the higher parts of the digestive tract. We are talking about the stomach. In this regard, you need to create a diet that is as gentle as possible. And so, from the patient’s diet it is necessary to exclude or minimize the use of:

  • fried and spicy foods;
  • spices and hot sauces;
  • fiber-rich foods (cereals, fruits and vegetables). Nutritionists recommend eating only apples as fruits, and consuming vegetables in small quantities and pureed;
  • salty dishes, since it is salt that delays inflammatory processes;
  • sweets and chocolate.

To treat inflammation of the rectum, special attention must be paid to the consumption of fermented milk products that help normalize stool. In addition, this group of products helps to normalize the intestinal microflora, improves motor function and at the same time does not irritate the mucous membrane. Thanks to the wide range of fermented milk products in retail chains, it is absolutely not difficult to fulfill this recommendation.

It is worth noting that diet is no less important for proctitis. It should be fractional, in other words, you need to eat in small portions five to six times a day. Thus, the load on the intestines will be reduced, which acts as a kind of gentle regimen.

If proctitis is accompanied by constipation, it is necessary to carefully select laxatives. The reason for this is their action, which is based on irritation of the rectal mucosa, which thereby enhances intestinal motility.

In this case, it is recommended to resort to traditional medicine and use a decoction of flax seeds or plantain seeds. This laxative produces mucus, which helps move stool through the intestines.

Menu for proctitis

Lunch should consist of meat broth or vegetable soup (well pureed), boiled meat minced through a meat grinder. Steamed fish or cutlets. Cranberry jelly is allowed.

Dinner may contain rice porridge cooked in water with the addition of a small amount of butter, a steamed cutlet and cottage cheese.

Diet for proctitis is an integral part of complex treatment. All products in digested form reach the inflamed rectum. The healing process depends on the strength of the irritating effect. Violation of a balanced diet, abuse of spicy seasonings, fried and smoked fatty meats, and alcohol are one of the causes of proctitis. Constipation and diarrhea, bloating largely depend on the foods consumed. Proctologists claim that if the restrictions and eating regimen are observed, after 2 weeks the patient’s condition improves significantly.

Dietary requirements for damage to the large intestine are based on the characteristics of functional disorders (constipation or diarrhea), the depth and extent of inflammation. The more pronounced the changes in the mucous membrane of the rectal canal detected during sigmoidoscopy, the more strictly the diet will have to be selected and the longer the diet period.

There are fewer restrictions with the mild superficial (catarrhal) form of proctitis. Long-term adherence and gradual expansion of permitted dishes will be required in case of erosive and ulcerative disease. Sluggish inflammation in patients with malignant tumors in the post-radiation period is caused by suppression of the immune system, so it is important that the products that stimulate the defense forces, vitamins are always present in the composition, and that the level of proteins and sweets that degenerate cells “love” is maintained at a reduced level.

The correct approach to choosing products for proctitis will ensure the maximum gentle effect on the mucous membrane. For this it is recommended:

  • eat in small portions (no more than a glass) 5-6 times a day, control the possibility of overeating;
  • to eliminate mechanical and chemical irritants, prepare dishes without seasonings, avoid hot sauces, pickles, pickled vegetables and fruits, canned food, replace frying with steam cooking, and boiling;
  • compare the set of products for the menu with the functional state of the intestines;
  • during an exacerbation and in case of acute proctitis, it is preferable to eat semi-liquid meals, use rubbing and crushing components to improve absorption.

In order not to disrupt your metabolism with food, the rules require:

  • intake of sufficient quantities of components from food to support biochemical reactions in the body;
  • When calculating your diet, stick to a sufficient amount of calories, proteins and fats; carbohydrates should not limit your energy intake;
  • Avoid suppressing the growth of beneficial bacteria with excess protein foods.

Important! During the treatment of acute proctitis, you need to gradually switch to a normal diet; in the chronic form, you need to stick to the diet all your life.

Diet features

When developing an individual menu, nutritionists are guided by Pevzner’s classification. For proctitis, table No. 3 (for constipation), table No. 4 (with options “a”, “b”, “c” for diarrhea) are suitable.

The purpose of diet No. 3 is to eliminate fermentation, which causes intestinal distension, and to enhance peristalsis. In addition to proctitis, it is used for constipation caused by enterocolitis and changes in hemorrhoids. Against the background of inflammation of the rectum, quickly digestible foods cannot be completely excluded. They are necessary in the acute period for radiation, erosive and ulcerative forms of the disease, so patients will require correction of the classic table.

No. 4a - the table is recommended for pronounced fermentation processes. It sharply limits bread (up to 100 g per day) and sugar (20 g), but it is allowed to increase the amount of protein food through boiled meat and fish products, calcined cottage cheese.

Pevzner M.I. offers dietary combinations for people with various diseases. Each of the presented diets is tailored to alleviate the patient’s condition with a specific pathology.

No. 4b - used to relieve acute symptoms. The diet includes milk porridge, kefir, mild cheeses, coffee with milk, and dry biscuits. No more than 10 g of salt per day is recommended. Vitamins are added to dishes.

No. 4c - called “transitional” or “preventive”. It is prescribed before the introduction of normal nutrition after acute proctitis, enterocolitis, or to prevent exacerbation in chronic cases. No crushing of products is used. Calorie content is brought to normal (2500 kcal). The content of carbohydrates and proteins is 2 times higher than in table No. 4a, the amount of fat reaches 100 g/day.

Allowed foods and dishes

The products and recipes discussed apply only to adult patients. Proctitis in children most often occurs in the first year of life. The child's nutrition is provided with dry formula, breast milk, purees and cereals, depending on the nature of the stool.

Among the permitted dishes during an exacerbation are:

  • dried wheat bread, crackers;
  • low-fat soups, chicken broths, fish with cereals (buckwheat, rice), seasoned with eggs;
  • steam cutlets, dumplings, lean meat soufflé, meatballs, boiled meat in pieces;
  • soft-boiled eggs, steamed omelet;
  • butter (add to the finished dish);
  • porridges, first cooked in water (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat), during the transition period with the addition of milk;
  • cottage cheese casseroles, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • baked apples, in puree, in compote (raw only without exacerbation);
  • vegetables in stews, casseroles (without cabbage, mushrooms).

Important! You are allowed to drink green tea, rosehip decoction, cocoa, compote and jelly made from fruits and berries.

Prohibited and partially restricted dishes and products

If proctitis is in the acute stage, then the following should not be used in the diet:

  • fresh bread, pastries, culinary products;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • bran bread containing seeds;
  • rich soups and broths;
  • products from fatty pork, beef, lard, smoked meats, sausages;
  • mushrooms, cabbage, radishes, turnips;
  • animal fat supplement;
  • pickles, canned food and marinades;
  • semi-finished products, instant noodles and cereals, fast food;
  • raw vegetables (salads, vinaigrette);
  • porridge from wheat, barley, pearl barley;
  • rough pasta;
  • legumes;
  • sweets (sweets, chocolate, jam, honey) and nuts;
  • kvass, carbonated drinks, black coffee, whole milk;
  • eggs, hard-boiled, fried.

Secondary proctitis is combined with other diseases of the digestive system. The choice of diet in such cases becomes the most stringent, determined by the underlying pathology.


In isolated form, proctitis is rare. To reduce the load on the digestive tract, doctors prescribe more frequent meals (4-5 times a day) with a smaller portion size. The patient should not feel hungry.

For diarrhea, the frequency of meals is increased to 6 times a day. The minimum volume is better absorbed and has time to be digested.

Nuances of proctitis with diarrhea

The purpose of nutrition for diarrhea is to suppress increased intestinal motility and fermentation processes, eliminate flatulence, therefore, all of the above foods that cause chemical and mechanical irritation of the intestines are excluded from the diet for proctitis. Dishes are prepared in semi-liquid and crushed form. Foods that increase the secretion of gastric juice are not allowed.

Avoidance of raw fruits and vegetables and sweets is strictly controlled.

Yogurt and kefir, juices and compotes from apricots, prunes, dried apricots, and grapes are prohibited.

The diet includes dishes with an enveloping effect (slimy soups, boiled porridges made from rolled oats, rice, jelly without milk), soft-boiled eggs.

Dietary restrictions for proctitis with constipation

The diet includes laxative products:

  • bread with bran, a little rye;
  • when symptoms decrease - raw vegetables (lettuce, pumpkin, zucchini), sauerkraut;
  • fresh parsley and dill are added to the broths;
  • a fruit decoction is prepared from figs, prunes, dried apricots, bananas are allowed;
  • kefir and yogurt are no more than two days old, the best drinks with bifidobacteria;
  • Among sweets, marmalade, honey, and marshmallows are allowed.

Important! It is necessary to ensure softening of stool by drinking enough water (1.5 liters or more), mineral drinks without carbon.


Ethanol is strictly contraindicated for proctitis. Its action eliminates the beneficial effect of the diet. Alcohol-containing drinks stimulate secretion, disrupt the process of food digestion, and increase swelling in the area of ​​inflammation. Patients should even avoid medicinal tinctures containing alcohol.

Sample menu for the week

You can independently create a weekly menu, choosing from the recommended dishes the one that suits your taste the most. Here is a list of a healthy diet with five meals a day for patients with proctitis in the recovery stage and a tendency to constipation.

Day of the week First breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday semolina porridge without milk

soft-boiled egg

green tea with crackers

cottage cheese casserole

prune jelly

chicken broth with dried loaf croutons

boiled beef in a piece with vegetable puree

dried apricot compote

stewed apple

rosehip decoction

dry biscuits

boiled fish

mashed potatoes

Tuesday cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream

glass of cocoa with milk


apricot compote

noodle soup with spider web vermicelli

steamed cutlets with boiled potatoes

rosehip decoction

baked apple

green tea

stewed vegetables in meat broth with meatballs
Wednesday Rice porridge on water

oatmeal jelly with croutons

muesli with berries on kefir fish soup

dumplings with cottage cheese

berry compote

pear with cottage cheese lazy cabbage rolls

green tea

Thursday hard boiled egg

buckwheat porridge on water

rosehip decoction with breadcrumbs

cottage cheese with raisins and a spoon of sour cream

yesterday's bun

chicken soup with a piece of meat and carrots

vegetable puree with quenelles

dried fruit compote

banana beef and rice meatballs
Friday oatmeal porridge without milk

green tea with honey

toasted white bread

decoction of prunes and figs with steamed fruits meatball soup

cottage cheese casserole

rosehip decoction

decoction of dried apricots with honey

white bread

oatmeal porridge sweetened with honey
Saturday piece of boiled chicken

rosehip decoction

semolina porridge

green tea

milk soup (diluted in half with water) with noodles

meatballs with rice porridge

prune decoction

oatmeal jelly with croutons steamed fish with vegetable stew
Sunday buckwheat with stewed carrots

prune decoction

steamed omelette

dried fruit compote

vegetable soup

chicken with buckwheat

berry jelly

cocoa with dryings boiled chicken with potatoes

berry jelly

Proctitis + significant dietary restrictions contribute to weight loss. With an asthenic physique and the absence of excess body weight during the recovery period, patients feel weakness and increased fatigue. To gain weight, you don’t need to overeat, pounce on cakes and fatty foods. You cannot create conditions for aggravation. Regular meals five times a day continue. But you need to choose high-calorie options from foods.

Complex carbohydrates differ in their absorption time. They are found in buckwheat, pasta made from high-quality flour, and rice. There are many varieties of rice on store shelves. The brown option is most suitable in a particular case. It is not polished during processing, so it retains nutrients.

Important! Among animal products, the best qualities are eggs, poultry, veal, fish caviar, sour cream, butter, and cheeses. By including them in the diet every day, a person will receive a maximum of amino acids for tissue restoration, muscle tone, and strength.

It is impossible to quickly increase the motor mode. A minimum of walking and exercise in the morning is enough. The number of calories consumed should be less than those received from food.

Proctitis is treated not only with diet, but also with medications, baths, and enemas. The attitude towards healing is important, then changes in nutrition are easier to tolerate. The products can be used to prepare delicious and nutritious dishes. Strict restrictions for proctitis are canceled if the patient’s condition improves.


  1. Collection. Medicinal properties of products. Amphora Publishing House, 2011
  2. Gogulan M. Laws of adequate nutrition. Encyclopedia of health. Publishing house AST Moscow, 2009, pp. 127-141.
  3. Gurvich M.M. Dietetics + dietary tables. M., Eksmo, 2015
  4. Guba N.I., Smolyansky B.L. Dietary nutrition and cooking at home. Dnepropetrovsk Sich Publishing House, 1992

Proctitis is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory-dystrophic process of the rectal mucosa. Often becomes a concomitant disease. Rarely found as an independent unit. The disease can be diagnosed based on examination and patient complaints.


There are acute and chronic stages of the disease. Acute symptoms last for two to three days. Symptoms appear almost immediately. The surface of the mucous membrane is affected. Chronic proctitis is expressed in:

  • catarrhal-hemorrhagic form;
  • erosive form;
  • catarrhal-purulent form;
  • polyposis.

The reasons are differentiated as follows:

Inflammation of the rectal mucosa develops quickly. The symptom is the presence of bloody discharge from the intestines. Purulent inclusions or streaks are possible. The person describes a sharp pain when defecating.

Possible exacerbation of hemorrhoids. The appearance of mucus in the stool. Aching pain from the lumbar region can radiate to the perineum. The course of the acute form of proctitis can affect a person’s daily activities.


At home, herbal decoctions are used to treat proctitis. The patient takes baths while sitting in the prepared composition. Folk remedies have proven to be an effective method of combating the manifestations of the disease. It is prohibited to independently prescribe any traditional medicine to loosen the intestines. You can do more harm than good. The correct choice of collection or combination of herbs should be recommended by your attending physician. You should not change the dosage yourself.

The main condition for the treatment of proctitis is nutritional correction. Diet for proctitis is the main and irreplaceable stage of therapy. To achieve maximum effect in treatment, it is necessary to have a comprehensive effect on the disease. Correctly prescribed nutrition becomes fundamental. The diet for proctitis becomes gentle, food is served pureed. There should be no additional irritating factors acting on the mucous membrane. Drug therapy is focused on the form of proctitis. The prescription of laxative or fastening medications depends on it.

Ulcerative proctitis requires daily medical supervision. The patient is hospitalized for the duration of therapy. The therapy complex consists of taking medications and dietary nutrition. The temperature at which ready meals are served must be acceptable to the patient. Properly selected nutrition for proctitis helps restore the function of the excretory system.

This has a positive impact on the patient's overall condition. The duration of the diet is at least five weeks. With chronic ulcerative proctitis, food restriction can last much longer. Small portions will help restore the digestive system. Doctors do not recommend eating after 21:00. can be treated on an outpatient basis.

Post-radiation proctitis is subject to a complex of influences and consists of medications, dietary nutrition and prescribed procedures. Nutrition corrects the discomfort that arises.

For the treatment of any type of proctitis, there are a number of general recommendations that the patient must follow:

  1. Quitting bad habits. Alcohol and smoking negatively affect the functioning of the body's digestive system.
  2. Divided nutrition becomes a priority. Food portions become smaller, and food intake becomes more frequent. Products do not accumulate in the stomach. The process of rotting does not occur.
  3. Medicines aimed at correcting the situation with going to the toilet should be selected strictly individually. The danger of laxatives is that they irritate the intestinal mucosa. At the same time, inflammation progresses. In such cases, traditional methods come to the rescue. An effective remedy is a decoction of plantain seeds. Due to the formation of a composition close in consistency to mucus, a bolus of food moves more easily through the intestines.

Proper nutrition

Recommended for consumption are dishes that can be easily absorbed by the body. The high content of vitamins and minerals in foods has a positive effect on organ function. The products are thoroughly cooked at the time of cooking, have a bland taste, and the amount of fat is minimized. Allowed for consumption are baked apples, products containing lactic acid bacteria, containing a large amount of protein, and porridges based on water.

Among flour products, it is allowed to eat wholemeal bread products and figs. Fruits allowed for consumption: figs, bananas, tangerines. Juices must be diluted. It is recommended to boil or steam the meat. It is allowed to eat vegetables that have been stewed.

Dietary food creates conditions for the movement of a bolus of food along the tract, causing minimal irritation.

To restore the functions of the digestive organ it is recommended:

  1. Minimize the consumption of foods containing large amounts of fiber.
  2. Eliminate from the diet those foods that enhance the functionality of the secretion glands. Food should not accumulate. Otherwise, rotting and fermentation occurs.
  3. Reduce your intake of salt and pickles in food. The substance prevents relief from the inflammatory process.

Proctitis is a disease that limits the consumption of flour, legumes, fried and fatty foods. Smoked products, all types of sauces, sweets and some cereals are prohibited. It is prohibited to consume products of plant origin that contain essential oils.

The component irritates the mucous membrane, exacerbating the disease. You cannot eat fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain substances that cause irritation to the inflamed mucosa, as well as fiber.

When drawing up an approximate menu, you need to remember about the granularity of meals. It is appropriate to include cottage cheese, boiled chicken, and vegetable broth in your diet. Soups can be made from low-fat broth. It is recommended to eat butter in minimal doses, flavoring porridge from certain types of cereals with it. Fluid intake should be increased to prevent constipation.

Dietary nutrition in the treatment of proctitis involves taking medications. These may be antibiotics. Prevents the spread of infection to nearby organs and the entire body. The first signs of pain in the intestines prompt the need to consult a doctor.

Proctitis is an unpleasant disease. Relief of its manifestations is quite possible without acute medical intervention. The main thing is to notice the manifestations in a timely manner and contact a tedious specialist without hesitation. Independent elimination of only symptoms contributes to the progression of the disease into a chronic form.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.