Rules for communicating with clients by phone. Communication with clients: secrets of successful communication

Communication with a client is a delicate science; contact personnel leave the client’s most important impression of the company. If communication with your staff brought pleasure to the client, this can eliminate many of the disadvantages in your company or product. Conversely, one wrong word or intonation can deprive you of a client forever. Today we will talk about how to properly conduct a conversation with a client.

How to learn to speak correctly and beautifully

To begin with, I would like to say that there is no more valuable competency in life than the ability to speak correctly with people. Communication skills will help a person in any life situation. Unfortunately, society has now moved very much into online life and because of this, many people communicate little with each other. This prevents them from improving and developing their communication skills. Only true geniuses of their craft, whose work is so perfect that anyone can appreciate it, can achieve heights without this skill. The rest need to be able to build relationships with people, be able to make friends and be able to defend their point of view. History knows many examples when a genius could not gain the favor of society and his works were recognized years after his death. Unfortunately, even the best idea needs to be presented beautifully to the public.

You can learn to speak correctly and beautifully only by constantly communicating with other people. This skill only develops through process. This article outlines tips and recommendations on what you should pay attention to first of all. But just reading the article will not force you to change your behavior; it is you who must do this. If you are a manager or business owner and want to influence the behavior of subordinates. Then only a clearly defined system will help you, it is usually called standards of communication with the client. And most importantly, these standards. The system itself will not force people to change their behavior.

Standards of communication with the client

Any self-respecting company should have a set of rules for communicating with clients. Which clearly states how dialogue can and cannot be conducted. For salespeople and contact personnel who solve the same problems, the easiest way is to write scripts and dialogue scripts. We have already talked about this, so we will discuss the general standards of communication with the client. In fact, using the criteria described below, you can immediately determine whether a person knows how to speak correctly with a client.

Emotional attitude and openness to the client

Often the seller is in a bad mood and shows it to the client with all his appearance. Some employees have such an expression on their face that the client is simply afraid to approach them. There have been cases in my practice that the seller was minding his own business and did not pay attention to the client, and the client did not want to distract the seller, seeing that he was busy. It doesn’t matter who initiates the contact, it is important that the seller demonstrates that he is ready to help the client.

The client doesn't have to wait

Absolutely everyone is annoyed by waiting and the uncertainty associated with it. Often, for good reasons, we cannot promptly answer a client’s question; unfortunately, such situations cannot be avoided. The task of the contact staff is to help the client as quickly as possible. But if the client has to wait for a consultation, then it is important to show concern: say how long he will have to wait, offer options for how the client will spend this time, and apologize in advance about what happened. This applies not only to live communication, but also by phone or email.

Determine the contact initiator

Often companies do not think about who should initiate the contact, from the client or from the employee. Although this is an important criterion when drawing up communication scripts. In addition, these are fundamentally different customer service strategies. You've probably noticed that in some stores sellers actively approach you and immediately offer their help (Euroset, Eldorado, Tekhnosila), and in some, on the contrary, sellers stand and wait for you to call them (mediamarkt, Mvideo). Each strategy is good in its own way and has a right to exist.

Make contact correctly

Addressing the client by name

There is no sound sweeter than your own name. This simple truth should be hammered home to all employees. The ability to call by name should be brought to complete automaticity. This will not happen quickly, but overall it will serve any person well.

Communicate in the same language with the client

If you need to explain something to a deaf-mute person, you will probably use sign language, take a pen and paper, or type on a computer or phone. But it’s unlikely that you will explain in words; I have often encountered deaf-mute people, there are a lot of them, and I know what I’m talking about. But unfortunately, when communicating with a client, an employee often chooses a language of terms and slang words that the client does not understand. This is a big mistake, the only language worth using is . Every organization should have a list of properties and benefits, and how to tell all this to the client.

Don't lie

The worst thing an employee can do to a client is lie. You lose all the client’s trust in one moment and you will never get it back. Many times I have had to communicate with clients who were lied to by employees and the labor costs to return such a client to the company are very large.

Don't burden the client with your difficulties

For one reason or another, an employee may encounter various difficulties that hinder him. Remember that you should not tell the client about all the problems you encountered. At first, the client doesn’t care (if he does, he’ll ask himself), then big difficulties can scare the client away. I have often heard the phrase “well, if everything is so complicated, then I don’t need it.” All you have to do is apologize for the delay and, if possible, somehow compensate for the client’s losses.

Always do a little more than required

If a person receives more than he expected, then he becomes happy. This simple rule should be your motto. I read several articles on this topic. For example, vending machines selling hawthorn tincture have now become popular; for those who are not in the know, this is a cheap substitute for vodka. So, these machines are configured so that sometimes they dispense 2 bottles instead of one, this allows you to create a stir and start word of mouth among the target audience.

The ability to say goodbye

Few people think about how important it is to say goodbye to a person correctly. There are actually two good reasons to do this right:

  1. The effect of not long ago - after breaking up with you, a person thinks about your last phrases, what happened in the middle of the dialogue is remembered less often. If you say goodbye positively, the client can forget the troubles that he encountered during the communication process;
  2. Your psychological attitude for further activities. If the breakup was positive, then it will be easier for you to tune in to the next positive contact. Even if the dialogue was not simple, what was psychologically important was what happened at the end. I emphasized this idea from Wolf and him.

Saying goodbye is not as difficult as it seems. For example, I always wish everyone a good day or evening. If you do this sincerely, then the person is grateful to you and is pleased that you are thinking about his future fate. If there were unpleasant moments in the dialogue, you can apologize again. For example: for the time spent, for the work of another employee, or simply for the current situation. It is important to demonstrate to the client that the client is dear to you personally and is pleasant as an interlocutor.

How to resist arrogance and rudeness

Unfortunately, the culture of our society is not as high as we would like. Working in the service sector, you will often encounter arrogance, rudeness, inappropriate behavior, and sometimes aggression. First you need to learn to take this for granted and stop being surprised by this behavior. This will give you the opportunity to learn to demonstrate to your interlocutor that you are not affected by his behavior. The roots of rudeness and arrogance go back to a person’s childhood and upbringing; it is impossible to change his behavior pattern. The most correct behavior would be to demonstrate that this behavior does not work with you and that the person himself will reorganize the dialogue with you in a constructive manner. How to do this? There are several options that can be used depending on the situation.

  1. If you are approached in a rude manner, you may not notice or ignore the request. In general, a policy of completely ignoring inappropriate behavior can often help;
  2. You can quickly ask a rhetorical question. The goal is to unsettle the manipulator, make him think and thereby seize the initiative;
  3. Laugh it off. Often a boor does not expect you to laugh, he expects your resentment and anger. Hearing laughter, he is lost;
  4. Astonishment. You can show your disappointment in the person as an interlocutor. Try to shame him by saying a general phrase like “yes, I see the language of Chekhov and Dostoevsky died a long time ago.” I’ll say right away that this tactic will only work if you are being rude not out of malice (this also happens), this trick will not work with boors, manipulators and insolent people.

Before reading this article, answer yourself one question: “How often did you enjoy communicating with a salesperson in a store and wanted to return there?” The ability of staff to communicate with customers is one of the tasks of any business. It will help us solve it psychology of communication with customers. No, this does not mean being polite or having good communication skills. We are talking about the ability to establish contact from the first words, correctly identify a person’s needs and, most importantly, satisfy them correctly.

So, in the process of communication with the buyer there are 4 stages:

  1. Contact
  2. Identifying needs
  3. Satisfying needs
  4. After sales service

Scheme of the 4 points described above

Stage 1: contact with the client

First of all, any seller needs to understand that by establishing contact, he is NOT selling anything, but only getting the opportunity for further communication and exchange of information. If the seller remembers this, then the dialogue becomes more productive, because we do not try to say in one first phrase all the advantages of the product or store and do not scare away the buyer.

Many companies have a common requirement to greet every client - but this must be done correctly and sincerely, or it is better not to do it at all. The greeting should show that the sellers are happy, but you should not jump up from your seat and immediately run after the client to the sales floor. It is best when there is eye contact at the entrance and a greeting - maybe just a slight nod of the head. If for some reason you couldn’t say hello, don’t worry.

It is also important to ensure that the buyer is greeted in the store only once (in case there are several sellers). To do this, it is easy to set a rule - the seller who is closest to the entrance says hello.

It is necessary to greet the buyer once. Let the seller closest to the entrance do this.

It is worth remembering an already established fact - the first impression of a person is formed in 7 seconds, and then it is only consolidated. There will be no second chance to make a first impression.

Stage 2: identifying needs

After the first contact, it is important to give the person the opportunity to get comfortable in the space and look around. The time during which you should not approach it at all is usually determined empirically. If the store is no more than 15 sq. m. – then one minute of calm study of the assortment is enough. At the same time, you don’t need to look closely at the buyer; there is always something small to do in the store - you can correct price tags, rearrange boxes, wipe down shelves.

Give the person time to look around and get comfortable in the store.

Let me give you an exampleThe practice of one of the world's largest retailers - the GAP brand - at the entrance of any company store there is always a table with various things, and near it there is staff who are always doing something - sorting, folding, laying out, wiping, cleaning, etc. The staff is there every second of working time - they change, go to lunch, but one of the staff is always there. So this seemingly strange character, who doesn’t sell anything in particular, plays a very important role! It gives anyone entering the opportunity to define themselves in a new space and decide whether to go further and where. And this person, as if by his very appearance, makes it clear that he is always ready to help - to suggest, guide, listen.

When a customer spends the first minutes in your store, he in any case looks at the product that attracts him. And the seller can always track exactly where the buyer is looking in order to make a personal offer.

For example:

The man paused at the display case with sneakers. So the seller hurries to him and the person hears the usual: “Can I tell you something?” This question takes you out of your thoughts: “blue or black?”, and delays a positive purchasing decision.

But if the seller starts talking about the model that the buyer is looking at, “yesterday one boy begged for these exact sneakers from his mother, can you imagine? He begged so nicely - like a kinder, he really liked them.” - then he begins to talk about what the buyer wants to hear. If additional arguments are introduced into this story, then the purchase can be considered completed.

As a rule, a person entering a store experiences an unconscious fear of the seller, that now they will immediately offer him something and force him to buy, or that they will waste time and effort on him, and it will be inconvenient not to buy anything.

To avoid this, be relaxed

Seller's task– be relaxed and sincerely try to help resolve the issue. Intrusive phrases: “How can I help you?”, “Are you interested in something specific?”, “Can I be of help to you?” - they only scare you away, distract you from your thoughts and make you think only about how not to buy too much here.

Knowing this, we find the “right” phrases for the first communication, for example:

  • “shoes with a bow are very popular this season”
  • “a child can wear this model down to -30 degrees”
  • “The latest insole technology is used here”

Phrases must be prepared in advance. If a person reacted to any of them, you need to know how to continue the idea and talk about the amazing properties of what you want to sell. You shouldn’t expect the buyer to respond to the first phrase, so after waiting a little, you need to voice the second and, if necessary, the third.

After a short story about the product, your question should follow again - this way, control of the conversation remains on the seller’s side.

During the conversation, clients need to be questioned, “guided” on the topic of conversation, and asked many alternative questions. At the same time, you need to understand that a person is not always interested in the product to which he initially reacted and the need is completely different. That is why, without fully identifying, including hidden needs, you should not move on to the presentation of the product.

Be on the same page with the client to understand what he wants

What to do if there are several buyers?

Often there is only one salesperson working in a store, and there are several customers, especially during rush hour. In such cases, it is imperative to establish contact with the second buyer, having previously obtained permission from the first. You can ask the first to give you the opportunity to greet the second, and, in turn, let him know that you will be free soon. Thus, verbal contact is established with both of them at once, and both of them are likely to continue communicating with you.

As you can see, this is not an easy task, so sellers must be well prepared to communicate. There is more interesting information on this topic in the article:.

Psychology of communication with customers, stage 3: meeting needs

In fact, at this stage the presentation of the product takes place.

It has long been a known fact that “a good salesman listens as much as he talks.” I'm sure we listen a lot during the needs identification stage. Don't neglect this now. The more the salesperson listens to the client, and not just pretends to listen, the more successful the sale will be.

Know everything about the product and even more! Buyers don’t like it when the seller “floats”, cannot accurately describe the product, or, even worse, reads from the label. All the time while no one is in the store should be spent studying and memorizing the properties of the product. It may also happen that the buyer knows about the qualities of the product no worse than the seller himself - in this case, there is no need to compete with the client in knowledge, but it is worth discussing the advantages and leading him to the right conclusions.

It’s bad when the seller “floats” in knowledge and doesn’t know what to say

Customers often come to children's shoe stores with children. Be sure to say hello to the child, give a compliment, paying attention to the toy in his hands, the stroller, or clothes. It makes sense to please a child no less than his parents, because very often the choice of store is his.

You need to be interested in the client’s opinion, give him the opportunity to evaluate the proposal. During the sales process, in no case should there be a monologue from the seller - in 90% of such cases the sale will not take place.

It is important to understand that you cannot argue with the buyer. Gently and unobtrusively, it is worth discussing all the client’s doubts and objections, and through additional questions and active listening, come to a joint conclusion about the need for a purchase.

As you identify additional or hidden needs, don't forget to cross-sell or sell additional assortment - when else will you be able to do this, if not now!

Stage 4: after the sale!

The cost of attracting a new customer is much higher than retaining an existing one, so after-sales service is very important for any store.

Making a person loyal to your store and keeping him is an important task

Tell the buyer about all the ways to care for shoes, or even better, sell special products along with the main purchase. Offer interesting storage options. This will give you a boost to your store.

Reveal to your client all the advantages of his new status! What do your clients get from the partnership? What privileges await them?

And in conclusion

It is very important to treat the buyer carefully and kindly both after making a purchase and in the case when he has not purchased anything. A polite farewell and a smile on your face should always be there. Remember, the purchase does not end with a receipt.

Shoes for children are bought several times a season, which means that very soon you can meet your buyer again; and how you said goodbye the last time determines how you say hello again.

Today I own a retail store of children's goods - clothes, shoes, toys, transport - and two online stores. Ten years of experience in sales gave me strength when starting my business, but there were also many difficulties that I did not even suspect.

Ivan Kobelev, head of the customer support department of the 1PS.RU Service, spoke about how to improve the conversion of the sales department by 2 times by correcting only 8 errors in telephone conversations of managers.

It will increase the conversion of your website and bring you new customers. But it is very important to understand that the result of whether you close the deal or not very much depends on the managers of your sales department.

Huge efforts and budgets are spent on website promotion and advertising.

And when the transaction is literally just a phone call away, the sale does not happen or occurs only in 15% of cases.
Why is this so? Why is this place in the sales funnel considered the narrowest and most vulnerable in many companies?
Most often the reason is the manager. Especially if this is a young specialist who does not have sufficient experience and knowledge.

Rule 1. “I don’t recognize you in makeup. Who are you?

Often inexperienced specialists begin a telephone conversation with the words:
"Hello. Company “X”, you left a request with us. Tell…"
As a rule, a user submits a request to more than one company and not only on one particular topic. That is why it is so important to correctly say who you are, where you are from and for what specific reason you are calling, so that your potential client understands this immediately.
Otherwise, you start losing time and customer loyalty.
Therefore, make sure that managers are addressed by name and introduce themselves as clearly as possible:
“Hello, Ivan. My name is Peter, the company "Peretyazhka". We do furniture repairs. Today you left a request for reupholstery of a sofa from 1985 on our website divan.rf.”
And they continued to clarify until the client said: “Yes, yes, I remember.”

Rule 2. “Politeness costs nothing, but brings a lot”

It’s right to start any conversation with the phrase:
“Are you comfortable talking now?”
If you don’t ask such a question, then in 3-4 minutes the client may say so himself and ask to call back, then he will have to repeat everything again.
Politeness, respect for the client’s time and saving your own are the key to high sales.
This rule does not always apply to cold calls; this type of conversation needs to be considered individually, depending on the type of business.

Rule 3. “Remember that for a person the sound of his name is the sweetest and most important sound of human speech”

A person’s name is a word that draws attention to the one who calls it.
A person begins to listen and perceive information better. Just call the client by name more often - this will save you from having to repeat the same information several times in a row. And who doesn’t like being addressed by their first name?

Rule 4. “Don’t use foul language”

Rule 5: “Exceed Expectations”

Rule 6. “The customer is always right”

The main rule for asking a question: if the client answers “not this or that,” then the manager asked the question incorrectly.
A competent employee asks questions in detail and as clearly as possible, without using terminology that is incomprehensible to the client.
Don't ask:
“What form of capture should you put on the site?”
Better to ask:
“Alexander, tell me which is more convenient for you: to immediately receive calls from clients or to first receive some information about the client and then call him? If you call yourself, it makes sense to add a form to the site with a “Submit Application” button.

Rule 7. “Understanding is the beginning of agreement”

If there is even the slightest doubt about whether you understand the client correctly, it is better to ask again. To do this, a good manager adds “do I understand correctly?” at the beginning or end of the phrase.
For example:
Client: “The main thing is that I want the apartment to be clean.”
Manager: “Ivan, that is, you need to install windows with increased protection from dust, dirt, noise, which are easy to clean, but not necessarily snow-white, do I understand correctly?”

At the end of the conversation, a competent manager will definitely ask:
“Do you have any questions left?”
Because they may exist, but for some reason the client may not ask them. And with this question we will encourage the client to ask his own.
If you don’t answer the question, several more questions may arise that will prevent the transaction from being completed. Or competitors will answer this question for the client, and the client will go to them.
At first glance, the advice may seem primitive, and everyone may think that it is elementary.
Yes, this is elementary, but, unfortunately, many managers do not pay attention to simple rules. Check that these are not your managers.

A well-constructed conversation during a phone call is the key to a good result. Perhaps the potential client will not agree to buy the product immediately and from your company, but he will remember the friendly attitude and professionalism of the specialist. Therefore, in order to leave the most favorable impression on the client, it is necessary to adhere to rules that seem simple at first glance. Why at first glance - now we will try to explain.

Incoming call response speed

Do not force the caller to listen to the dial tone; answer after the third time at most. This is the best option. It is also not recommended to answer after the first call: the interlocutor may have the mistaken opinion that you have no clients, and all you do is sit by the phone waiting for a miracle.

Voice intonation

A lot depends on the tone in which you communicate with your interlocutor. A person who has no knowledge or experience in the field of your company’s activities can bombard you with a huge number of, in your opinion, elementary questions. In this case, many employees have irritated notes in their voices. Contrary to the general belief that telephone communication can hide this, the interlocutor easily recognizes such intonation, and the desire to communicate with you further, as well as to cooperate with your organization, disappears completely. Be patient, that’s why you’re a professional, to answer all your potential clients’ questions.

Speakerphone and call hold

If you need clarification on a question, ask the other person to wait and turn off the microphone. Every program (if the call is made through a computer) and every telephone has such a function. There is absolutely no need for the client to listen to what is going on with you. Firstly, information constituting a trade secret may reach him, and secondly, he should not hear personal communication between employees who may not mince words. Speakerphone will also not improve the quality of your conversation. Annoying extraneous noise and poor audibility will not have a positive effect on the conversation.

Predicting what the other person might say

It’s good if you have a conversation script in front of your eyes. It’s even better if, in addition to the obligatory remarks from the company employee, it contains possible responses from the potential client to them. Having worked through possible objections several times, subsequently the correct answers will come on an intuitive level, and, sensing doubt in the interlocutor’s voice, you will already know how to dispel it.


Here we are talking about your competence as a specialist. You must have a reasoned and accurate answer ready for any client question.

Open-minded attitude

If your potential client is a legal entity, it is unlikely that you will immediately get to the management on the first call. Most likely, either the secretary or another ordinary employee will answer you. But it is he who will make the first impression of you and convey all the relevant information to the person responsible for making decisions. And how exactly he presents it will determine in the future whether you will have a new client or not.

Ethics of communication

In addition to the basic rules of communication with a potential client, there is such a thing as ethics. This includes no less simple recommendations, as in the previous case.


If you have the opportunity to call a person by name, be sure to use it. The client appreciates individual treatment, this gives him the appearance that he stands out from the general flow of potential buyers. Wishing a person good day (depending on when exactly you are calling) also encourages mutual communication.


The caller needs to know if he got there. Just like when making an outgoing call, you must immediately indicate where exactly you are calling from. It would be optimal to name the organization and introduce yourself by name, so that the interlocutor’s imagination personalizes you, and does not paint him a picture of an incubator.


It would be correct if at the beginning of the conversation you inquire whether it is convenient for your interlocutor to speak. If you do not do this, be prepared for the fact that in the middle of your fiery speech he may interrupt you and say that he is busy. It’s good if you manage to call him again after some time, but even in this case the entire script will have to be repeated again.


Be sure to check before hanging up to see if the other person has any questions. If everything is clear to him, wish him “all the best” or “good day” and feel free to end the conversation.

Stages of communication with the client

The stages of communicating with a client over the phone are standard. Much here depends on the specifics of the service or product offered:

  • Greeting and making the client feel good about you. The more correctly you start a conversation, the more chances you will have to continue it.
  • Specifying the purpose of the call. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an outgoing or incoming call, you need to find out or identify the main issue around which the communication will be built.
  • Presentation of a product or service. Focus your interlocutor's attention on the advantages and unique features of your proposal.
  • Dealing with objections. A stage that can almost never be avoided. To properly handle objections, entire trainings and scripts are compiled and conducted, so it’s good if you have a cheat sheet at hand.
  • Concluding a deal. This stage is the goal of most outbound calls. Leading to him is the best result of your communication with the client.
  • Parting. Intonation during farewell also plays a significant role. If successful, there is no need to show excessive cheerfulness, this way you will let the client know that this is only what was expected of him. His vivid imagination will instantly picture you sitting near the phone and cheerfully rubbing your hands. End the conversation in the same tone in which you started it.

Features of psychology

Before you try to sell a product or offer a service to a client over the phone, put yourself in their shoes. How interesting will your offer be to him? What benefit will he get if he agrees to it? What doubts may the client have during the conversation?

In medium and large organizations, the practice of conducting psychological training is widespread. This helps remove the barrier that many people have when making an outgoing call. Cold calling is an extremely thankless job. Most of them end in refusal, and the employee forms the opinion that this type of activity is not suitable for him. Therefore, most psychological trainings are aimed at employee development. If the operator feels comfortable when making a call, the conversation will go easier and in an atmosphere of greater ease than if he simply reads the script from the sheet, afraid to insert an extra word.

Be that as it may, putting yourself in the client's shoes means understanding his situation. In this case, it will be easier to explain to a potential buyer why your offer is most beneficial for him. Ordinary persuasion will not bring results; you need arguments and the ability to confirm them. Only in this way can you dispel your interlocutor’s doubts about the obligatory future acquisition.

What skills are needed for communication?

First of all, in order to be able to communicate with a client on the phone, communication skills are very important. Following them, an equally important point is stress resistance. It is not always the case that there is an intelligent person on the other end of the line who can politely refuse your offer. Sometimes the interlocutor may rudely say that he does not need your services or goods. You need to be prepared for this from the beginning and under no circumstances take this manner of communication personally.

The ability to quickly assess the situation also plays an important role in the process of telephone communication with a client. If interest slips into your interlocutor’s intonation, you can additionally (or instead) offer him to purchase related products. Sometimes it is the presence of an additional offer that plays a key role in making a positive decision.

Working with clients involves active negotiations - this is the main anchor on which this activity is based.

Therefore, the employee must have communication skills at the highest level. If you are new to working with clients, and may even feel unsure of communication, you should work on yourself. This work should be carried out not only during working hours, but constantly.

To overcome failures in communication and get rid of self-doubt, you need to communicate and communicate again. Psychologists say: the more communication, the less uncertainty. Make sure you follow the chain of dialogue, don’t think about your own affairs and feelings. This way, over time, fear and some internal reactions to what is happening will disappear.

Basic rules for communicating with clients:

— You are an attentive listener: first of all, listen to the client, regardless of whether he asks you questions or makes complaints. By the way, by letting him speak out without interrupting, you will minimize his anger at mercy. At the same time, you can and should listen actively, forming a subsequent answer in your head and inserting relevant remarks during the conversation;

- don’t argue, operate only with facts. There is no need to conflict with the client, but being an ally is just right;

- you should not immediately point out to the client his mistakes, you should not start the answer to his words with the word “no”, this can anger the client more;

- answer clearly, with feeling and balance; if you work in a chat - do not delay in answering, remember that time is money. If a response requires a certain amount of time, inform the client about this and specify when a response can be expected.

- do not be lazy to go into detail, devoting the client to all the subtleties of the issue and paying attention to details; he may hear some concepts for the first time;

- communicate with the client in a friendly tone, use simple, short phrases;

— listen carefully (read letters) from the client to answer all the questions asked;

- if the project is long - communicate with the client, provide reports on the work done every couple of days, so that he feels that he has not been forgotten and the work is progressing.

— you should not introduce the client to the internal problems of your company, this information is of no use to him;

— do not be afraid to offer the client an additional service, especially if it is issued as a bonus to the main order;

— try to anticipate the client’s needs, offering exactly those additional services that may really be useful to him. Thus, try to anticipate the client’s next questions, giving answers to them in advance;

- summarize the conversation in writing and try to make your letter the final one in correspondence. Don’t forget to thank us for your cooperation and wish you success!

So, in order for the client to enjoy communicating with you, so that he has a desire to do it again, give him full attention, be as open and friendly as possible, and do not flatter him in any way. You have maximum readiness to solve the client’s problems, but under no circumstances should you put pressure or demand anything. Offer products or possible cooperation gently and unobtrusively, tell them about the benefits.

By following these simple rules of communication psychology, you will be able to quickly find a common language with the client with all the ensuing positive aspects. If you make a client happy and permanent, then you have achieved the main goal of your routine work, success!