Dietary rules for those who have had their gallbladder removed. Removal of the gallbladder: consequences of removal. Treatment after gallbladder removal


Gallbladder 08/07/2016

Dear readers, today I want to return to the very current topic of nutrition after removal of the gallbladder, despite the fact that there is quite a lot of material on the blog dedicated to this very issue. The fact is that they still write to me and ask questions, because this is very important for people who have undergone surgery, since nutrition and diet are the most important factor in the recovery period after removal of the gallbladder.

In the comments to articles on the topic of gallbladder removal, people ask their questions, which Evgeniy answers competently and clearly. And I decided to cover the main aspects of nutrition after removal of the gallbladder, as well as collect the doctor’s answers to your questions in one article. Thus, each of you, dear readers, will be able to obtain the most complete information on all issues related to diet and behavior after surgery to remove the gallbladder.

Is it necessary to remove the gallbladder?

First, let's talk a little about whether the gallbladder needs to be removed. This question, I am sure, worries everyone who, based on the results of the examination, was diagnosed with cholelithiasis. The upcoming operation cannot but frighten, this is a normal reaction of any person, and of course, many begin to look for alternative methods of treatment, such as crushing stones or dissolving them with the help of medications.

Crushing stones is not a safe procedure, therefore it is indicated for a very limited number of patients, and is not used often. An article is devoted to this method, which you can read if you wish.

Not all stones can be dissolved with drugs, only cholesterol stones. In addition, the effectiveness of this method is determined by many factors, such as the size of the stones, their location, the absence of an inflammatory process, etc. Evgeny Snegir wrote about all this in detail in one of his articles

Therefore, you need to trust your doctor and understand that stones pose a constant threat of inflammation of the gallbladder and the development of obstructive jaundice, when a stone gets stuck in the bile duct, and this is already a threat to life.

Therefore, it is more correct to perform the operation as planned, when there is no pain, without waiting for serious complications.

Moreover, instead of abdominal surgery, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is now most often performed; this operation can reduce the length of stay in the hospital, minimize possible complications and, what is also important, is less traumatic.

Why do you need a diet after gallbladder removal?

But you finally made up your mind, and your gallbladder was removed, giving fairly general recommendations to stick to a diet for the rest of your life. Is this true?

First of all, you need to understand that everything in the body functions the same as before the operation and liver cells produce bile necessary for normal digestion and cleansing the body of toxins. But if you have a gallbladder, bile accumulates in it and periodically passes into the intestine, and after cholecystectomy, bile constantly flows into the intestine through the bile ducts. Therefore, a certain diet is required that protects the intestines and does not provoke stagnation and increased secretion of bile.

A strict diet is only needed for a certain period after surgery. Over time, the functions of the gallbladder are taken over by the intrahepatic ducts and the common bile duct, and during the normal course of the postoperative period, bile stagnation does not occur, which allows a person to abandon a strict diet and switch to a normal diet with minor restrictions. This usually occurs one year after the gallbladder is removed.

Now let's talk about dietary nutrition, which allows the body to adapt to living conditions without a gallbladder and which is the basis for maintaining good health. What can you eat immediately after surgery and during the first month to one and a half months after removal of the gallbladder?

Diet and nutrition in the first days after surgery to remove the gallbladder up to 1.5 months

From three days to a week After the operation, a person spends in a hospital under the supervision of medical staff and his nutrition is organized according to all the rules of the necessary diet, but after discharge from the hospital, many questions regarding nutrition usually arise, which we will try to answer today.

The main task in the postoperative period is to prevent stagnation of bile, diluting it with plenty of divided drinks and eating small portions 6 - 7 times a day. It is important to establish a diet by eating at the same time, chewing food thoroughly, and drinking at least 1.5 liters per day in small portions.

For 3 – 5 days You are allowed to drink unsweetened natural juices (apple, beetroot), fruit jelly, mashed potatoes, and slightly sweetened tea. You can already eat a little vegetable soup pureed through a sieve and a vegetable omelette.

On day 5 It is already allowed to add dried white bread to your diet, but not more than 100 grams per day.

On 6 – 7 days You can eat pureed liquid porridge, pureed vegetable soups, unsweetened and low-fat cottage cheese, fermented milk products, lean boiled minced meat, boiled fish, mashed potatoes, egg whites. It is already allowed to add dried white bread to your diet, but not more than 100 grams per day. Do not forget that nutrition and fluid intake are fractional and in small portions, this is very important.

You can drink rosehip decoction, still mineral water, which is recommended by your doctor, dried fruit jelly, sweetened tea, and natural fruit and vegetable juices. The volume of liquid can be increased to 2 liters.

From 8–10 days to 1.5 months you need to continue to follow a gentle diet, all dishes should be boiled or steamed. These can be steamed cutlets, boiled meat and fish, meatballs, meatballs, souffles, milk soups and vegetable broth soups, cottage cheese puddings, casseroles, viscous milk porridges, pureed boiled vegetables, jelly, non-acidic juices. Don’t forget about fermented milk products, which are simply necessary for the intestines. And be sure to drink water, maybe mineral water, I repeat, in consultation with your doctor.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are strictly prohibited, as they promote bile secretion. Rye bread is also excluded; you can only eat white bread and it must be dried or yesterday’s baked bread. Dishes should be neither cold nor hot.

You can read more about nutrition in the first days after surgery and in the first month after surgery in the article

Diet No. 5, nutrition after removal of the gallbladder from 1.5 months to a year. Recipes. Menu

In the postoperative period, when 1.5 months have passed after removal of the gallbladder, the main task is to take food that does not irritate the digestive tract and helps to dilute the bile. Diet No. 5 fully meets these criteria, which you should adhere to.

The main restrictions during this period are everything spicy, fatty and fried.

And if the recovery period goes well, there is no pain or other unpleasant sensations, then the diet can be gradually expanded, but within the recommended diet, still avoiding foods that are strictly prohibited.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • fatty meats (pork, goose, duck),
  • fatty fish,
  • meat broths,
  • salo,
  • sausages,
  • smoked meats,
  • canned foods,
  • salted fish,
  • offal,
  • caviar,
  • mushrooms,
  • onion, garlic,
  • legumes,
  • radish, radish, sorrel, spinach,
  • mustard, horseradish, pepper and other hot seasonings,
  • fresh bread, pastries with cream and pastries,
  • fatty dairy products,
  • chocolate,
  • ice cream,
  • cold drinks,
  • strong coffee, cocoa,
  • alcohol.

The basis of the diet should be milk and vegetable soups with the addition of various cereals, crumbly porridges, boiled or steamed lean fish and meat (beef, chicken, turkey), chicken eggs, but not more than one per day. Include dairy products in your diet every day, prepare cottage cheese casseroles, drink kefir, fermented baked milk and fermented milk products enriched with bifidobacteria. As a side dish you can cook boiled potatoes, pasta, vegetable stews, cereals with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.

You can already afford desserts in the form of marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, and maybe a little honey, jam or homemade preserves for tea. You can eat dried apricots and prunes, but in small quantities.

Fresh vegetables and fruits after gallbladder removal

1.5 months after the operation, you can already diversify your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, gradually accustoming your digestive tract to them. At first, introduce fresh vegetables into the diet in chopped form, no more than 100 - 150 grams before meals. This could be carrots, zucchini, celery, small quantities of sauerkraut, tomatoes. At first, first remove the skin from the tomatoes. You can add any non-acidic fruits; peel the apples.

Avoid sour varieties of apples, citrus fruits, and currants; give preference to sweet fruits and berries with delicate pulp. Watermelons are very useful, but it is better not to eat melon during the first year after surgery, it is a rather difficult product to digest.

So, let’s summarize: we exclude forbidden foods from the diet, everything fatty, fried, spicy, we take food warm, in no case hot or cold. We take food 4–5 times a day in small portions, the daily amount of liquid consumed is from 1.5 to 2 liters.

And one more very important condition: introduce new foods into your diet gradually, in small portions, carefully listening to your body’s reaction. And if some product causes you pain or discomfort in the form of bloating, belching, heartburn, it is better to give it up for now or reduce the portion. Even healthy people tolerate different foods differently, and after removal of the gallbladder you need to be very careful about your body.

What menu should you create for this time? The blog has two very detailed articles with recipes and recommended menus for this time. All recipes are described in great detail, there are quite a lot of them, you will be convinced that even dietary food can be tasty and varied. These are the articles:

Alcohol after gallbladder removal

Very often people wonder if they can afford some alcoholic drinks on holiday. If you do not want to harm yourself, then listen to the advice of nutritionists and give up alcohol for one year after surgery. Only as an exception, 1.5 months after surgery, you can occasionally drink no more than one glass of dry or semi-dry wine on a holiday. Strong drinks are strictly prohibited.

What can you eat on holidays?

It is much more difficult when you are invited to visit, then you will have to choose, avoiding prohibited foods if possible. You shouldn’t risk your health, especially since in a year you will be able to eat nutritiously without any special restrictions. Just give your body time to learn how to function without your gallbladder.

Diet and nutrition after gallbladder removal in questions and answers

Dear readers, there are so many questions from readers on the blog, so many comments. And the doctor Evgeniy Snegir, author of the blog Medicine for the Soul, is always in touch with us. Evgeniy, I want to thank you again for such work. No comment goes unanswered.

And the questions usually start like this: “Is it possible after surgery after removing the gallbladder”..., and then comes the question - who cares? I tried to collect in one place the main questions and answers of doctor Evgeniy. I would like to hope that the structure of the answers and questions will be clear to you.

Meat, fish products, eggs

Is it possible to eat meat broth soups after being discharged from the hospital?

In the first 1.5 months after the operation, it is better to eat vegetarian soups, but if you occasionally cook soups with weak meat broth, then there will not be much crime.

Is fish and meat baked in foil over an open fire fried and prohibited? And when can all this be introduced into the diet?

Fish and meat baked over an open fire in foil are still considered more like kebabs than dietary dishes. Therefore, it is better to postpone such goodies for a year. As an exception, 1.5 months after the operation you can pamper yourself with them on holidays, but very, very carefully.

Please tell me, is it possible to bake chicken and turkey with vegetables in the oven if only 9 days have passed since the operation? Is it even possible to cook permitted foods in pots or is it too early?

It is already possible to bake chicken with vegetables during your postoperative period, just do not add fats, add only water so that the food does not burn and there is no crust.

2. You can already make pots in the oven with approved products, again only with water.

Please tell me when it will be possible to eat red caviar, fatty fish and crab sticks?

It is better to postpone fatty fish and red caviar for a year. Occasionally, on holidays, 1.5 months after the operation you can treat yourself to a small piece of lightly salted red fish, but nothing more. Crab sticks with a proven reputation can be eaten 1.5 months after surgery.

When can you eat sushi and rolls?

How long after surgery can I eat whole eggs?

After 1.5 months from the date of surgery, you can only add egg whites to your food; after that, you can eat whole eggs for a year, but no more than one per day.

Is it possible to use meat baby food in jars as a snack during the postoperative period?

Baby food still refers to canned foods that are not recommended during the first year after surgery. Fermented milk products with white bread are quite suitable as a snack.

Fats and dairy products

How long after surgery can vegetable oil be added to food?

Vegetable oil is acceptable 1.5 months after surgery and no more than two tablespoons per day.

When can you add butter to food?

It is advisable to completely exclude butter from the diet during the first year of the postoperative period.

Is it possible to gradually add sour cream to food a month and a half after surgery?

You can already try adding sour cream to food, but not fatty, focus on how you feel.

A week has passed since the operation, please tell me what fat content of fermented milk products can be consumed and is it possible to drink acidophilus?

In the first 1.5 months after surgery, the lower the fat content of fermented milk products, the better. Acidophilus is allowed to be taken.

A week ago, my gallbladder was removed via laparoscopy. Can I now eat Tema and Agusha children's curds (they have 4-5% fat content) and drink 3.2% kefir? I suffer with bowel movements, there is no urge at all.

You can now eat baby curds and drink kefir too.

Vegetables and fruits

It's been 2 weeks since the surgery, can I eat cauliflower?

Boiled cauliflower can be eaten fresh only 1.5 months after the operation.

When can you start eating sauerkraut and homemade lecho?

Theoretically, you can start eating sauerkraut and lecho 1.5 months after the operation, but these homemade preparations can cause severe bloating (flatulence), so here you will need to focus on your own well-being. If you tolerate it well, then you eat, if it’s bad, we wait a year.


Is it possible to drink rosehip decoction a week after surgery?

You can drink rosehip decoction and even really need it.

Is it possible to drink dried fruit compote immediately after being discharged from the hospital?

You can now drink compote and dried fruit in peace. Everything will be fine.

What mineral waters can you drink after gallbladder removal?

You can drink mineral waters; after removal of the gallbladder, Essentuki No. 4, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, Mashuk No. 19 are suitable.

1.5 months have passed since the operation, I feel good, I am on a diet. Can I take lemon water now?

Yes, you can. Just focus on your own well-being; an exacerbation of chronic gastritis or duodenitis is possible. Therefore, if you experience abdominal pain, it is better to stop taking lemon water.

Nuts, sauces

4 months have passed since the operation, can nuts and seeds be added to the diet?

You can eat a little bit of nuts and seeds, just reduce the amount of fat in your daily diet.

How long will it take to season food with soy sauce?


A month has passed since the operation, can I eat marmalade?

Considering the great importance of marmalade, you can eat it, but in the first 1.5 months after the operation - a couple of slices and no more than twice a week.

Three weeks have passed since the operation, can I eat jam, marshmallows, and chocolate?

During your postoperative period, it will be safe to periodically consume two tablespoons of delicious jam per day. Marshmallows can be eaten 1.5 months after surgery. Chocolate is not officially recommended during the first year of the postoperative period. But if you really want it, then you can easily allow yourself two chocolates twice a week. They won't do much harm, but will significantly improve your mood.

Cereals, bran, flour dishes

Is it possible to eat store-bought cookies and cookies with tea?

You can start eating store-bought dried biscuits no earlier than 1.5 months after surgery, but carefully and not every day. A year after the operation, within the framework of reasonable use, there will be no restrictions.

Is it possible to eat pizza during the first year after surgery?

Is it possible to eat soups and porridges made from rice and peas on the 8-9th day after removal of the gallbladder?

Soups and porridges made from rice are already possible. During the first year after surgery, legumes should be excluded from the diet.

38 days have passed since the operation, I read that bran is useful, can I use it now?

Bran can be added to food 1.5 months after surgery, i.e. in your case already in a week. Theoretically, you can take any according to your taste, but according to the experience of patients, wheat ones are best suited.

When can you eat pancakes? Or will we have to forget about them now?

You can start eating pancakes 1.5 months after surgery, but be careful; it is advisable not to use a large amount of oil in the recipe. Pancakes made with fermented milk products are very good. Pancakes can be eaten no more than twice a week.

Is it possible to cook “Extra” oatmeal 1.5 months after surgery?

If there is no tendency to constipation in the postoperative period, then you can eat “Extra” oatmeal. If you are worried about constipation, then it is better to cook yourself a full-fledged oatmeal porridge.

I hope that the doctor’s answers will help you resolve your doubts and organize your diet correctly. In addition to nutrition itself, many people have questions about how to cope with nausea, how to get rid of constipation or loose stools after surgery, what to do if skin rashes appear.

Nausea after surgery

17 days have passed since the operation to remove the gallbladder. I stick to the diet, but for the last 2 days I have started to feel a little nauseous during the day. What to do about this and what could it be from?

As a rule, nausea is associated with the reflux of bile into the stomach from the duodenum. Frequent small meals and distraction therapy (a slice of lemon in tea) help in the fight against nausea. The drug “Motilium” has proven itself well, but the prescription of any drug must be agreed with a doctor after a direct examination.

I have aversions to food, nausea, a sour or metallic taste in my mouth, and problems with bowel movements. Maybe you can recommend something to increase your appetite?

Within a year, the body must adapt to new operating conditions after removal of the gallbladder and everything should return to normal.

Try to eat small portions, but often. This will allow the constantly formed bile to bind, which will normalize the stool situation. Rice, buckwheat porridge, and fermented milk products aged more than three days are good in this situation. Bananas and apples also help. Unsweetened apple juice is a good appetite stimulant.

If you don’t want to eat anything at all, then cook yourself at least a light summer vegetable soup, add grated cheese, the white of a boiled egg to taste and a spoonful of vegetable oil. Delicious, easy, nutritious!

You can buy special nutritional mixtures “Nutridrink” at the pharmacy. They have different tastes, there's definitely something you'll like!

Proven recipes from me.

(recipe chamomile with flax seed).

Normalization of stool after gallbladder removal

After removal of the gallbladder, I was tormented by constipation, help! And how long can you take laxatives?

Laxatives cannot be taken constantly, otherwise they can completely unlearn the intestines to work independently.

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water at room temperature, then breakfast and go to the toilet.
  2. Digestion requires fiber. Therefore, cook compotes from dried fruits (preferably including prunes). You can already eat vegetables and fruits after heat treatment: baked apples, boiled beets and carrots are good.
  3. Once every five days you can perform a cleansing enema, but not more often, otherwise you can wean your intestines from working on their own. Counter enemas also help: insert 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature with a rubber bulb into the rectum before going to the toilet; you can add one tablespoon of vegetable oil to the water.
  4. Movement is necessary for normal bowel function. Therefore, physical activity is required: regular morning exercises, walking.

A recipe from me, tested in practice - prunes. It should be soaked overnight in warm water, covered with a saucer and left at room temperature. In the morning, drink water and eat prunes. Accept in the system. It is enough to soak 6-8 prunes in about a glass or a little more water. Prunes can be eaten in two servings.

After the operation, despite following the diet, frequent loose stools bother me. Tell me how to deal with this?

  1. Frequent meals are necessary (4 to 5 times a day) in order to bind the bile that constantly enters the intestines.
  2. Fermented milk products aged more than three days help (fresh ones, on the contrary, have a laxative effect).
  3. Eat rice, rice and buckwheat porridge.
  4. Fiber is essential, baked apples are very good.
  5. In the postoperative period, you can undergo a course of treatment with drugs containing normal intestinal microflora (Linex).

Skin problems after surgery

After the operation, my mother developed acne on her face, although she never had any skin problems before the operation. Help please

Over time, everything will return to normal; you must follow the diet and recommended drinking regimen. Courses of multivitamin preparations, for example “Vitrum” or “Alphabet”, also help. Ointments with complex effects (“Zinerit”, “Dalacin-T”) help locally. They contain antibacterial agents and are used in a course. Skinoren gel is suitable for long-term use. But I still advise you to visit a dermatologist and coordinate the use of ointments and gels with him.

Behavior after gallbladder removal in questions and answers

In addition to nutrition, a lot of questions are related to behavior in everyday life after gall bladder surgery, the answers to which I have collected for you, dear readers, in the comments to the articles. Perhaps they will help many of you overcome the difficult period of adaptation and live a normal and fulfilling life. How to live after gallbladder removal?

When can you start swimming in open water after surgery? Is it possible to sunbathe? Does water temperature matter?

It will be possible to swim in the sea and other open waters in a month, but it is necessary to avoid stress on the abs. You can actively swim no earlier than 6 months after surgery. The water temperature should be comfortable so as not to cause spastic contractions of the intestines.

It is not recommended to sunbathe on purpose for the first 6 months; in addition, you should wear a closed swimsuit in the sun (persistent pigmentation may appear at the site of postoperative sutures under the influence of the sun). You can only sunbathe for 6 months after surgery.

Tell me, how long after the operation can I go to the pool for swimming?

You can engage in active swimming in the pool six months after the operation. You can simply splash around in the pool without putting much strain on your abdominal muscles within a month after surgery.

Can I ride a bike or rollerblade after gallbladder removal surgery?

In a relaxed tourist mode, you can start riding a bicycle within a month after the operation. But active roller skating and cycling in sports mode can only be done 6 months after surgery, as the risk of developing postoperative ventral hernias is high.

Is it possible to exercise after removal of the gallbladder and what physical activity is acceptable?

You can and should do physical exercise after gallbladder removal. In the first 6 months after surgery, it is advisable to avoid intense stress on the abs. As for loads, after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the first month of the postoperative period, the permissible load is to lift no more than two kilograms of weights. After abdominal surgery in the first month - two kilograms, the second month - four kilograms. In both cases, intense stress on the abs should be avoided in the first six months.

6 months after surgery there are no longer any special restrictions on reasonable physical activity. The only thing worth emphasizing is that professional sports are not always good for health. Therefore, a very balanced approach is needed here.

When can I start ballroom and sports dancing?

It will be possible to practice ballroom dancing within a month after the operation, and sports dancing - after six months.

4 months have passed since my gallbladder was removed, is it still possible to do yoga?

During the first year of the postoperative period, you need to choose the mildest option. In the first 6 months, it is advisable to avoid intense stress on the abs.

Is it possible to be sexually active after surgery?

Within reasonable limits, you can begin to be sexually active within a week after surgery. For the first 1.5 months, it is advisable to avoid intense sexual intercourse.

When after surgery is it permissible to undergo sanatorium-resort treatment and is it possible to fly by plane?

Sanatorium-resort treatment is possible three months after surgery. You can fly by plane.

Is it possible to take weight loss medications 4 months after gallbladder removal?

Special weight loss techniques can be practiced one year after surgery. It will be safe this way. In addition, it should be noted that strict adherence to diet No. 5, which is recommended for those who have had their gallbladder removed, usually leads to weight loss, and if you follow it, your weight problem will gradually go away.

3 months have passed since the operation. Can I do anti-cellulite massage and vacuum in the abdominal area?

You will have to wait another three months, when six months have passed since the operation.

2 months have passed since the operation, I feel good, can I go to the sauna?

Yes, you can, just be careful, don’t sit too long, focus on your own well-being.

These are the recommendations from Evgeniy Snegir and me for everyone who has undergone surgery to remove the gallbladder. And remember, the most important thing is your positive thoughts, the attitude that everything will be fine. And, of course, it’s worth sticking to a diet, at least in the first year and a half after surgery. And such food can be tasty and varied. Health to everyone and joys of life.

And for the soul we will listen today F. Schubert. Impromptu. Op. 90 No 3 . Performed by David Frey. I really love this pianist.

See also

Gallbladder diseases. Signs, symptoms, treatment, diet 775 comments

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Today, laparoscopic operations have become widespread and are widely used in the practice of surgeons. They have many advantages. Surgeons indicate the high effectiveness of this method, emphasizing the relative safety and low level of trauma. The method is ideally suited for surgery in the abdomen and pelvis and allows for quick manipulation. Laparoscopy is used in approximately 70-90% of cases and has become a routine part of daily practice.

Gallbladder removal: laparoscopy or abdominal surgery?

Sometimes it is possible to get rid of cholelithiasis only through surgery. Traditionally, abdominal operations were used, but now preference is given to laparoscopy.

To begin with, let us give a definition of the concept of “laparoscopy”: an operation aimed at removing the gallbladder or its separate part. To carry it out, laparoscopic access is used.

The question of which method is better to resort to can be answered by considering the essence of each of the operations.

Conventional abdominal surgery involves making an incision into the abdominal cavity. This creates a hole through which access to the internal organs opens. The doctor uses his hands to push apart all the muscles and fibers, pushes the organs aside, and gets to the diseased organ. Using surgical instruments, the doctor carries out the necessary actions.

That is, the doctor cuts the abdominal wall, cuts out the bladder, or removes stones, and sews up the wound hole. Naturally, after such an operation, scars cannot be avoided. The main scar runs along the incision line.

When using the laparoscopic method to remove the gallbladder, a full incision is not made. Modern high-tech equipment is used. Access to the operated organ occurs through a small incision. A laparoscope helps with this, which can be imagined as an instrument at the end of which there is a mini-video camera and lighting devices. This equipment is inserted through an incision and displays an image on a computer screen. Then small diameter tubes are inserted through the remaining holes. Manipulators (trocars) with instruments are passed through them, with the help of which the main actions are carried out. The doctor operates these instruments from the outside without penetrating the wound with his hands.

The puncture usually does not exceed 2 cm in diameter, so the scar from it is small. This is important from both an aesthetic and medical point of view: the wound surface heals faster and the likelihood of infection is lower.

Thus, the meaning of both methods is the same, but the result is different. Most doctors are inclined to use laparoscopy instead of abdominal surgery. Its advantages can be judged by the following facts:

  • the area of ​​damage is insignificant due to the fact that the surface is pierced rather than cut;
  • pain is significantly reduced;
  • the pain subsides faster: after about a day;
  • short recovery period: minimal movements, any gentle movements are possible 6 hours after the intervention;
  • short period of inpatient observation;
  • the person is quickly rehabilitated and is able to regain full working capacity in a short time;
  • the likelihood of complications, postoperative hernias, and infection is significantly lower;
  • scars dissolve easily.


The essence of preparation for surgery is a preliminary consultation with a surgeon, anesthesiologist, and preliminary laboratory and instrumental studies.

Preparation should begin 2 weeks before the planned operation. It will be necessary to determine the concentration of bilirubin, glucose level, total blood protein, and alkaline phosphatase.

You can't do without a coagulogram. For women, you will additionally need a vaginal smear for microflora. An electrocardiogram will also be required. The patient is allowed to undergo surgery if the tests meet the normal parameters.

If the tests are not within the normal range, additional therapy is carried out aimed at eliminating this shift and stabilizing the studied parameters. Then the tests are repeated.

Also, preliminary preparation implies control of existing chronic diseases. Maintenance drug therapy may be required.

Preparations are carried out especially carefully several days before the operation. The recommended nutritional, drinking regimen, and slag-free diet are followed. Around the evening you can no longer eat food. You can drink water no later than 22-00. You should also not eat or drink on the day of surgery. The day before surgery (in the evening) and in the morning, it is recommended to give an enema.

This is a standard training scheme that is almost universal. It can vary somewhat within small limits. Everything depends on the characteristics of the body’s condition, on physiological indicators, and the characteristics of the course of the disease. The doctor will warn you about this in advance.

Removing stones from the gallbladder using laparoscopic method

Sometimes laparoscopy refers to the need for laparoscopic operating techniques to remove stones that have formed. However, this technique is almost never used due to its inexpediency. It would be more rational to completely remove the gallbladder, which will prevent further permanent inflammation. For stones of small size and in small quantities, it is advisable to use other, non-surgical methods of removing them. For example, drug therapy is used.

Anesthesia for removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy

The operation is most justified using the general endotracheal method, with the connection of an artificial lung ventilation device. This is the only method of anesthesia used during such an operation. This is gas anesthesia, used in the form of a special tube. The gas mixture is supplied through this tube.

Sometimes the use of this method is impossible, for example, it can be extremely dangerous for asthmatics. Then it is possible to administer anesthesia through a vein. General anesthesia is used. This provides the required level of pain relief, tissues become less sensitive, muscles become more relaxed.

Technique for gallbladder removal

First, the person is put under anesthesia. After the anesthesia has begun to take effect, it is necessary to remove any remaining fluid and gas from the stomach. To do this, they resort to the introduction of a gastric tube, which makes it possible to exclude the accidental occurrence of vomiting. Also, using a tube, you can avoid accidental entry of stomach contents into the respiratory tract. This can be dangerous as it can cause airway obstruction and result in suffocation and death. The probe should not be removed from the esophagus until the operation is completely completed.

After installing the probe, they resort to closing the oral and nasal cavities using a special mask. Then they are connected to a ventilator. This gives a person the opportunity to breathe. This procedure cannot be avoided, since a special gas is used, which is injected into the operated cavity. It puts pressure on the diaphragm, compresses the lungs, as a result they lose the ability to fully expand and ensure the respiratory process.

At this point, the preliminary preparation for the operation is completed, the surgeon proceeds directly to the operation. An incision is made in the navel area. Sterile gas is then pumped into the resulting cavity. In most cases, carbon dioxide is used to help open, straighten the abdominal cavity, and increase its volume. A trocar is inserted and a camera and flashlight are located at its end. Thanks to the action of the gas, which expands the abdominal cavity, it is convenient to operate instruments, and the risk of damage to the walls and neighboring organs is significantly reduced.

The doctor then carefully examines the organs. Pay attention to the location and appearance. If adhesions are found that indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, they are dissected.

The bubble is palpable. If it is tense, an incision is immediately made in the walls, and excess fluid is sucked out. Then a clamp is applied. The doctor looks for the common bile duct, which acts as a connecting factor between the bladder and the duodenum. Then it is cut, and they move on to searching for the cystic artery. After the artery is found, a clamp is also applied to it, and an incision is made in the artery between the two clamps. The resulting lumen of the artery is immediately sutured.

After the gallbladder has been separated from the duct and cystic artery, it begins to be separated from the hepatic bed. The bubble is separated slowly and carefully. In this case, you need to try not to touch or damage the surrounding tissue. If the vessels begin to bleed, they are immediately cauterized using electric current. After the doctor is convinced that the bubble is completely separated from the surrounding tissues, it begins to be removed. It is removed using manipulators through an incision in the navel area.

It is too early to consider the operation completed. It is necessary to carefully check the cavity for the presence of bleeding vessels, bile, excess fluid, and any noticeable pathologies. The vessels are subjected to coagulation, tissues that have undergone changes are detected and removed. After this, the entire affected area is treated with an antiseptic solution and washed thoroughly. Excess liquid is sucked off.

Only now can we say that the operation is completed. The trocars are removed from the wound hole, and the puncture site is sutured. In simple cases, if no bleeding is observed, it can simply be sealed. A tube is inserted into the cavity to provide drainage. Through it, the outflow of liquids, washing solutions, and secreted bile occurs. If there was no severe inflammation, and bile was released in small quantities or not at all, then drainage may not be installed.

There is always a possibility that any operation can turn into extensive abdominal surgery. If something goes wrong, any complication or unforeseen situation arises, the abdominal cavity is cut, the trocars are removed and the necessary measures are taken. This can also occur when the bladder is severely inflamed, when it cannot be removed through a trocar, or when bleeding or other damage occurs.

How long does gallbladder removal surgery take?

The duration of the operation depends on how complex the operation is and whether the surgeon has such experience. Most operations are completed on average within an hour. There is a known minimum operation that was performed in 40 minutes, and a maximum in 90 minutes.

Contraindications for carrying out

Laparoscopy is not suitable for all patients. Contraindications include:

  • severe decompensated diseases;
  • pregnancy starting from 27 weeks;
  • organs in the abdominal cavity that have an unclear and abnormal position;
  • location of the gallbladder inside the liver, pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • jaundice, as a result of blockage of the bile ducts;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;

Removing the bladder is prohibited for abscesses and various types of cholecystitis. It is unsafe to perform surgery if a person has reduced blood clotting or has a pacemaker. If there are fistulas, adhesions, or pathological changes in scars, it is better to refrain from surgery if possible. It is also impossible to perform a second operation if one operation has already been performed using the laparoscopic method.

Consequences after the procedure

The main consequence can be considered the release of bile, which occurs directly into the duodenum. These sensations cause severe discomfort. This phenomenon is called postcholecystectomy syndrome. With this syndrome, a person may experience nausea and vomiting and other unpleasant sensations such as diarrhea and heartburn for a long time.

A person may belch with bitterness and may experience jaundice. All this may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. It is very difficult, and even impossible, to get rid of these consequences. For many people, these consequences accompany them throughout their lives.

Pain after gallbladder removal by laparoscopy

Severe pain is rare. In most cases, they are moderate or mild in nature and can be easily relieved with painkillers. It is recommended to use non-narcotic drugs: Ketonal, Ketanov, Ketorol. Use according to how you feel. If the pain has decreased or disappeared, you no longer need to take painkillers. If the pain does not decrease, but intensifies, you should consult a doctor, as this may indicate the presence of a pathology.

After the stitches are removed, there is usually no pain. However, pain may periodically appear with sudden movements or tension. Usually, if pain continues to bother you in the long-term postoperative period, this indicates pathology.

Complications after the procedure

Complications do not occur often. But sometimes you have to deal with them. In general terms, all complications can be classified into 2 categories: those that arise immediately at the time of the operation, and those that arise some time after the operation. The course of the operation may be complicated by perforation of the stomach, intestines, or gallbladder, which is accompanied by bleeding and leakage of lymph into the lumen of surrounding organs. If such damage occurs, laparoscopy urgently switches to open abdominal surgery.

In practice, there are cases in which the operation itself is successful, but after some time various pathologies arise, such as fever, peritonitis, hernia. In most cases, this becomes a consequence of tissue damage, removal of organs, in which bile flows out of a poorly sutured canal, the liver bed. The cause may be inflammation, low level of regeneration processes, infection.

High temperature

Temperature can appear during inflammatory processes and the spread of infection. Temperature may also indicate stagnation of bile. In such cases, the temperature rises within 14 days. As a rule, it stays within the range of 37.2-37.5°C. An increase in temperature may indicate recovery processes. In exceptional cases, the temperature can reach 38°C or higher. This may indicate infection, purulent and inflammatory processes. You should immediately visit a doctor to determine the cause of this pathology. An ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and postoperative scar is performed.

Umbilical hernia

The risk of developing an umbilical hernia persists for a long time. The occurrence of hernias is promoted by a high level of physical activity. Restoration of the aponeurosis, which holds the entire abdominal wall, occurs within 9 months. At this time, there is still a risk of developing an umbilical hernia. Hernias develop mainly in the navel area, since it is in this area that the puncture is made.


After laparoscopy, adhesions appear in the abdominal cavity, in the area of ​​sutures. They dramatically increase the risk of developing hernias. It is precisely because of the formation of adhesions that intense physical activity is not recommended.

Gases, flatulence

After the operation, intense gas formation is observed. The primary cause of such disorders is irritation of the intestinal walls by mucus, pathological changes in the ducts, and general digestive disorders.


Belching after laparoscopy is quite common. It is associated with the formation of gases and digestive disorders. Dietary nutrition is required.

Loose stool

After laparoscopy, diarrhea (diarrhea) is quite often observed, as a consequence of disturbances in the digestive processes. This is also due to the peculiarities of the release of bile. To prevent it, you must follow a diet.

Post-procedure care

As soon as the operation is completed, the doctor gradually brings the person to consciousness: they simply stop giving anesthesia. A patient in the intensive care unit regains consciousness. Its condition is monitored using connected equipment. For monitoring, the following are used: tonometer (blood pressure monitoring), electrocardiograph (heart rate monitoring), hematology analyzer (monitoring basic blood parameters). A catheter is also connected to the person, which makes it possible to monitor the outflow of urine, its condition, and indicators.

Rehabilitation is simple. First, there is a need for bed rest (6 hours). After this time has passed, you can make simple movements, for example, turn over in bed, sit down, get up. After this, you can gradually begin to get up, try to walk, and take care of yourself.

In some exceptional cases, a person is discharged on the first day. However, basically, it is necessary to observe the recovery phase, which lasts 3 days.

Recommendations and restrictions after removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy

The recovery process is quite fast. Complications are rare. We can say that a person has been fully rehabilitated only if he has recovered both physically and mentally. Complete rehabilitation involves not only the physical aspects of recovery, but also the psychological ones. This takes approximately 6 months. But you should not think that during this entire period of time a person is limited, and his life will cease to be full.

Full rehabilitation implies that a person has recovered both physically and mentally, and has also accumulated the necessary reserve that will allow a person to adapt to the conditions of ordinary life, stress, stress without complications or the occurrence of concomitant diseases.

The patient is usually discharged from the hospital on the 6th day.

Normal well-being and usual ability to work returns in about 10-15 days. For more successful rehabilitation, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of rehabilitation.

Observe sexual rest for approximately 14-30 days, adhere to proper nutrition, and ensure the prevention of constipation. You can engage in sports after a month. Hard work should also be postponed for about a month.

For approximately 30 days, the maximum weight that can be lifted should not exceed 3 kg. After about six months, this limit should not exceed 5 kg.

After laparoscopy, restorative therapy will be required, which will contribute to accelerated recovery and healing processes. The rehabilitation course may include physical therapy, medication, and vitamin supplements.

What to do if you have constipation after laparoscopy of the gallbladder?

Constipation is common after surgery. They are a consequence of surgery and may be a consequence of taking restorative medications. The reason is difficulty digesting food and the spread of bile. It is recommended to take laxatives. Unfortunately, this problem does not go away over time.

Rehabilitation after laparoscopy of the gallbladder in the postoperative period

Nutrition starts on the second day. Eat simple food for the postoperative period. On this day you will have to limit yourself to low-fat light broth, fruits, light cottage cheese, yogurt.

After three days, you can start eating everyday foods. Rough foods, fatty, fried foods, spices, and sauces are excluded. It is not recommended to consume products made from rye flour, or anything that promotes the secretion of bile or gas formation.

Completely postoperative pain disappears after 24-96 hours. If during this period the pain does not go away, but on the contrary, intensifies, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. Underwear should be soft, should not press or rub the puncture site.


In most cases, drainage is required. Its main purpose is to ensure reliable outflow of bile and fluid. Drainage prevents stagnation. If the formation of fluid has decreased and restoration processes have begun, the drainage can be removed.


The sutures, unlike abdominal surgery, are small and compact. They do not exceed 1.5-2 cm in diameter. The sutures are removed as the incisions heal. If healing is good, the sutures are removed on the second day; if the speed of recovery processes is low, removal is carried out approximately on the 7-10th day. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.


The scars after laparoscopy are insignificant, not exceeding 2 cm in size. Four scars remain after the operation. They heal quickly.

How long do you have to lie down after gallbladder removal surgery?

The patient should lie down for a 4-6 hour period. Then you can rise and make slow movements. Quite often they are discharged from the hospital even on the day of surgery.

Medications after gallbladder laparoscopy

Sometimes a course of antibiotic therapy may be necessary (if there is an increased risk of infection, during inflammatory processes). Fluoroquinolones, common antibiotics, are often used. When microflora is disturbed, probiotics and prebiotics are used. Such drugs as Linex, Bifidum, Bifidobacterin have proven themselves well.

In the presence of concomitant diseases or complications, etiological or symptomatic therapy is used. So, for pancreatitis, enzyme preparations are used, such as Creon, Pancreatin, Micrazim.

For increased gas formation, drugs such as meteospasmil and espumizan may be useful.

To normalize the functioning of the sphincter and duodenum, motilium, debridate, and cerucal are used.

When using medications, you must always consult your doctor, as self-medication can be dangerous.

How to take Ursosan after laparoscopy of the gallbladder?

Ursosan is a hepatoprotector that protects the liver from adverse effects. They are taken for a long time, from 1 to 6 months. The active ingredient of this drug is ursodeoxycholic acid, which protects the mucous membranes from the toxic effects of bile acids. Use the drug 300-500 mg at night. The drug becomes vitally necessary, since the liver requires even greater protection from bile, which is released directly into the intestine.


Shilajit is a fairly effective remedy that is used for various diseases. This is an ancient folk medicine that stimulates the digestive organs well. Mumiyo is harmless to the body. After surgery, the dosage of the drug is reduced by 3 times compared to the standard dosage. You should drink mumiyo for 21 days. A repeat course can be taken after 60 days. The course includes 20 g of mumiyo, which is dissolved in 600 ml of water. Apply three times a day. The first week use 1 tsp, the second - 2 tsp, the third week - 3 tsp.

Sick leave after gallbladder removal by laparoscopy

The entire period that the patient spends in the hospital is included in the sick leave. An additional 10-12 days are given for rehabilitation. Typically, the patient is discharged from the hospital approximately 3-7 days later. The total sick leave is 13-19 days. If complications arise, this period is extended.

Diet after gallbladder removal surgery

After the operation, it is important to follow a diet, adhere to the postoperative diet, and after this period they switch to dietary nutrition according to diet No. 5. Portions should be small, crushed and warm, and should be eaten at least five times a day. Fried, fatty, spicy, smoked, pickled and salty foods are excluded. Seasonings, offal, baked goods and confectionery products, alcohol, cocoa, coffee are contraindicated. The diet should include semi-liquid and liquid porridges and cereal soups. Main products can be topped with low-fat meat and fish products. You can add cereals, pasta, low-fat dairy products, non-acidic berries and fruits, compotes, mousses, jellies. You can eat steamed and stewed vegetables.

Life after gallbladder laparoscopy

The only thing that can be said is life goes on. As a rule, a person ceases to be bothered by pain, the need for constant maintenance treatment for gallstone disease and other pathologies. Postoperative pain and scars do not bother a person.

However, at the same time, the operation imposes some restrictions and responsibility on the person. It is necessary to understand that the gallbladder is now absent. Bile goes directly to the intestines. Under normal conditions, the liver produces approximately 0.6-0.8 liters. bile. After laparoscopy, bile is produced only as needed and is regulated by food entering it. This can cause certain difficulties and discomfort and you will have to come to terms with it. Sometimes these consequences cannot be avoided, and they will always accompany a person.

In most cases, with rare exceptions, a diet aimed at ensuring normal liver function is important. In rare cases, following a diet twice a year is sufficient: in autumn and spring. Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited. It is recommended to follow therapeutic diet No. 5.

Sports and physical activity

Any type of physical activity is prohibited for at least 4 weeks. If there are no complications and the condition returns to normal, you can gradually move on to simple physical exercises. To begin with, special physical therapy is recommended. Then you can move on to yoga, swimming, and breathing exercises. These types of activities are most suitable for people after laparoscopy and contribute to full recovery. You can forget about playing professional sports, participating in competitions, heavy and extreme sports. Physical activity should be moderate. Many professional athletes were forced to move into the ranks of coaches. In general, only general developmental, strengthening loads are recommended. If a person is involved in any sports, he will definitely need to consult with a sports doctor.

Gymnastics after laparoscopy of the gallbladder

After laparoscopy, gymnastics is not contraindicated. You should start training at least after a period of 1 month. The load should be moderate, it must be constantly monitored, and the pace must be increased gradually. More restorative breathing exercises should be included. Intense exercise should be avoided.

Intimate life

After the operation, you must abstain from sexual intercourse for approximately 1 month. In the absence of complications, normal health, sexual activity can be safely resumed.


After any operation, you must wear a bandage. It is required for a period of approximately 60-90 days. When wearing a bandage, the likelihood of a hernia that may occur after surgery is reduced.


The operation is not a contraindication to pregnancy. You can stop using protection as soon as you feel better and your body begins to recover.

Bath after gallbladder laparoscopy

After surgery, a bath is not contraindicated. It is recommended to start visiting the bathhouse after the recovery period has passed, approximately 30 days later. Naturally, drinking alcoholic beverages in the bathhouse is prohibited. The bathhouse should be purely recreational in nature.

Gallstone disease (GSD) often brings patients to the operating table to see the surgeon. After surgery to remove gallbladder with stones (cholecystectomy), patients often have many questions about lifestyle, nutrition, and medical care. In this article we tried to cover all possible aspects of this problem.

Does surgery solve the problem of stone formation?

First of all, it is necessary to address the common misconception that surgery is one of the treatment options for cholelithiasis. In reality, The essence of the disease is a change in the physicochemical properties of bile produced by the liver. Bile becomes thicker, more viscous, and cloudy. So-called “flakes” are formed that settle in the gallbladder, eventually turning into stones, which, in turn, can damage the inner surface of the gallbladder or clog the bile ducts, which is an indication for urgent surgical intervention.

Since the problem of cholelithiasis is initially a change in the composition of bile, surgery to remove the bladder does not solve the problem of stone formation.

About 30% of operated patients experience symptoms such as:

  • nagging girdle pain
  • heaviness in the right and left side
  • nausea
  • bitterness in the mouth
  • change in the color of urine and feces.

The recurrence of symptoms may indicate the development of a complication after surgery -. This syndrome is corrected by diet therapy and medication prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

In case of serious manifestations, such as fever, vomiting, acute pain, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, because These are likely signs that further surgery will be required.

The remaining 70% may think that they are freed from the need to control their health, and this is the main and most dangerous misconception.

In new anatomical conditions (without a gallbladder), it is necessary to regularly monitor the condition of the bile ducts using ultrasound and observation by a gastroenterologist. If you don't do this, the risk is high:

  • formation of a stone in the duct with all the accompanying symptoms of cholelithiasis
  • repeated surgery to remove the stone from the duct
  • formation of scars at the surgical site, aggravating disturbances in the flow of bile.

Patients who ignore the disease may become regular visitors to operating rooms. In the future it may even be necessary repeat surgery in the form of installation of a stent, drainage, external drainage (percutaneous removal of bile using a tube).

Medical observation after surgery

After surgery to remove the gallbladder, the surgeon often does not give any long-term recommendations. However, to avoid repeated operations, complications and resumption of symptoms of gallstone disease, it is necessary:

  • 1-2 times a year - visit a gastroenterologist to assess the condition of the hepatobiliary zone
  • 1-2 times a year - ultrasound of the abdominal organs, in particular ultrasound of the common bile duct (common bile duct)
  • continuous or course use of drugs to thin bile (ursodeoxycholic acid - UDCA) and antispasmodics according to the recommendations of the attending gastroenterologist.

After removal of the gallbladder, be sure to regularly visit a gastroenterologist, and agree with him on the list of approved drugs for digestion, such as allochol, mezim, Creon, festal, etc. Also, in the future, discuss the possibility of taking antibiotics and vitamins. It is not recommended to take any medications on your own - consult your doctor.

Function of other organs after gallbladder removal

Observation by a gastroenterologist is also required for another reason. In new anatomical conditions in which the gallbladder is absent, changes often occur in the functioning of the remaining organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The liver, pancreas, intestines, stomach, and bile ducts themselves work differently after removal of the gallbladder.

When removing the gallbladder:

  • There is a relative deficiency of special hormones of the enterohormonal system, which regulate the tone of the muscle ring (sphincter of Oddi) surrounding the common bile and pancreatic (Wirsung) ducts. In this situation, it may develop persistent spasm of the sphincter, which can lead to pain in the right and left hypochondrium, as well as girdle pain simulating pancreatitis.
  • Bile can no longer accumulate in the “sac” that is the gallbladder, so it flows out unconcentrated. This interferes with the normal activation of pancreatic enzymes in the duodenum, disrupting the important intestinal phase of digestion. As a consequence, Diarrhea or constipation, disturbances of intestinal microflora may occur.
  • If the sphincter of Oddi is in a relaxed state, then the microflora of the duodenum can colonize the unprotected bile ducts. It shapes inflammatory processes in the walls of the ducts- cholangitis.
  • There is an opinion in the medical community that removing the gallbladder is additional risk for developing fatty liver due to disruption of the production of gastrointestinal hormones and poor nutrition, but at the moment this has not been definitively confirmed by research.

Some patients are concerned about whether the liver needs additional support after gallbladder removal. The answer depends on whether there is established liver disease, damage to its tissue (fibrosis or cirrhosis), changes in biochemical blood tests, etc. The exact answer will be given by a gastroenterologist-hepatologist based on an examination, analysis of complaints and medical history. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe special treatment for the liver and hepatoprotectors. Self-prescribing medications is dangerous.

Lifestyle and nutrition after gallbladder removal

Among the factors leading to cholelithiasis and removal of the gallbladder, poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle occupy an important place. After removal, both of these aspects, of course, require control by the patient.


The most important rule to follow is This is regular meals in small portions every 2-4 hours (fractional meals).

You should adhere to a therapeutic diet (Table No. 5), which excludes heavy and harmful foods: fried, fatty, salty, smoked. The exception also includes alcoholic beverages, pastries, fatty meats and fish, and other products.

Lifestyle and physical activity

Exercising and leading an active lifestyle is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system. If the operation was successful and you no longer feel pain, heaviness, nausea and other symptoms, then after 3-6 months you can gradually increase physical activity.

Can I exercise after gallbladder removal?

Cholecystectomy, like any other operation, requires recovery period, during which you should not actively engage in any sports. Return to standard sports training possible 6 weeks after surgery. However, the least traumatic activities, such as walking, can be recommended by the attending physician already in the first week of the postoperative period. Sports that do not involve heavy lifting or intense exercise are usually relatively well tolerated by people who have successfully recovered from cholecystectomy. The best thing to do is to gradually and carefully return to the sports you were involved in before surgery.

Sports involving lifting significant weights (weightlifting, powerlifting, etc.), as well as various areas of martial arts do not belong to the types of sports activities recommended by doctors after cholecystectomy. After all, these sports sometimes cause problems even for strong and resilient people. In rare cases, exceptions may be made subject to good health and constant monitoring by the attending physician.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is disability granted after gallbladder removal?

According to the criteria established by the medical community, the absence of a gallbladder in itself is not an indication for disability, because it does not interfere with work and mental activity. If the patient’s work involves heavy physical labor or high mental and emotional stress, he may be recommended easier working conditions.

Disability after cholecystectomy can be assigned if complications arise during or after the operation.

To obtain a disability group, you must apply for a medical and social examination (MSE).

Can the liver hurt after gallbladder removal?

The liver itself does not hurt - it does not have nerve endings responsible for the feeling of pain. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort in the right hypochondrium, this is likely the effects of gallbladder surgery, which should subside within a week.

If the symptoms do not go away, this may indicate the development of postcholecystectomy syndrome (PCES), for which it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist.

Is it acceptable to have sex?

Sexual activity, like sports, is characterized by a wide range of possible physical and physiological stress. After successful completion of postoperative recovery, patients can return to normal sexual activity. However, it should be remembered that certain positions during sexual intercourse that involve lifting the partner or squeezing the abdominal area should be used carefully and within reasonable limits.

Is it possible to carry a pregnancy to term after gallbladder removal?

Pregnancy should be planned no earlier than 3-6 months after a successful operation. During this period, the body will regain strength and it will become clear whether there are negative consequences after the intervention.

In any case, pregnancy, childbirth, and hormonal changes are risk factors for the formation of new stones. During and after pregnancy, it is necessary to pay special attention to the nutrition of the expectant mother; it is advisable to be under the supervision of a gastroenterologist and nutritionist, and to do preventive ultrasound of the bile ducts.

Is it acceptable to lift weights?

This depends primarily on the type of operation performed. With less invasive laparoscopic gallbladder removal, restrictions on lifting heavy objects in the postoperative period are less significant: do not lift more than 9-10 kg in the first 4-6 weeks. For open surgery to remove the gallbladder, the weight limit is 5-6 kg.

After completing the recovery period, you can try to lift heavier weights, but you need to listen to how you feel. If you feel discomfort in the abdominal area, you should stop lifting weights and consult a doctor.

Is it dangerous to catch a cold immediately after surgery?

The common cold, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections can affect any person, and the patient’s body after removal of the gallbladder is especially vulnerable, since his immunity is reduced in the first weeks after surgery and general anesthesia. That is why, to prevent colds, it is important to avoid hypothermia, drafts and follow the regimen prescribed by your doctor.

The danger is that some people may develop post-operative pneumonia after surgery. The symptoms of this disease in the initial stages resemble a common cold. If symptoms similar to a cold occur after surgery, but then the temperature rises significantly (above 38 °C), you should immediately consult your doctor.

The same should be done in cases where the temperature of 37.1-38 °C lasts for several days or cold symptoms gradually intensify.

Is it possible to take hot baths or visit a sauna and when?

Increasing body temperature in a hot bath or sauna increases blood flow and the inflammatory process, if any. You can wash in warm and hot water 3-4 weeks after the stitches are removed - with caution, without being exposed to high temperatures longer than necessary.

You need to be careful:

  • warm up only until the first sweat
  • control your well-being
  • prefer a wet sauna to a dry sauna.

Is it possible to smoke and drink alcohol after gallbladder removal?

Try to give up cigarettes or at least reduce their number as much as possible. Nicotine is one of the factors in the formation of new stones in the bile ducts. In addition, the immune system is weakened after any operation, and the risk of complications becomes higher. To avoid post-operative pneumonia, smokers are advised to stop using nicotine products, including gum and nicotine patches, at least two weeks before surgery.

The same applies to drinking alcoholic beverages. Drinking alcohol during the postoperative recovery period may lead to an increased risk of complications such as diarrhea, elevated liver enzymes in the blood, and slower recovery.

How does your lifestyle change after gallbladder removal?

Lifestyle does not change dramatically after the recovery period, so after 1 month, as well as after 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 months, after a year or two, the main thing is to adhere to the general recommendations.

The main changes after cholecystectomy are focused. They should be gentle and introduced gradually and carefully. In case of alarming manifestations, you should immediately consult your doctor. A good idea would be to keep a diary, in which you can track your body's reaction to specific innovations.

It is important not to push the body, but to gradually and carefully introduce new elements into your routine that will heal and strengthen the body in new realities. It is useful to actively practice the most gentle and harmonious sports that improve metabolism and reduce stress (yoga, Nordic walking, swimming). The digestive system is sensitive to the level of stress, so it is important to avoid extreme emotional stress, master various methods of protecting against overwork (autogenic training, breathing techniques) or seek help from a psychotherapist.

Let's sum it up

Removing the gallbladder does not solve the problem of bile thickening and stone formation. In addition, surgery can lead to poor digestion and even the reappearance of pain and other symptoms of PCES.

Therefore, each patient after removal of the gallbladder requires observation, including:

  • visiting a qualified gastroenterologist 1-2 times a year, which can help maintain your newfound health and prevent re-formation of stones and repeated surgery
  • periodic (once every 6 months) ultrasound of the bile ducts, and, if necessary, to assess the condition of the sphincter of Oddi - dynamic ultrasound examination of the ducts
  • drug support(if necessary)
  • dietary therapy
  • caution during physical activity and sports
  • quitting smoking and alcohol or at least a significant reduction in consumption.

If after gall bladder surgery you are left without medical support, the doctors of the EXPERT gastro-hepatocenter will be able to help you maintain your health at a high level.

Who can you contact for follow-up after cholecystectomy?

Make an appointment with a gastroenterologist

The administrator will call you back within 15 minutes and help you choose the right doctor and a convenient time for your appointment.

Liver cells, called hepatocytes, produce bile, which accumulates in a special depot - the gallbladder, and from it enters the duodenum. It promotes complete digestion and absorption of fats into the blood. But sometimes this organ stops functioning normally. Therefore, many are faced with the question of “whether to remove the gallbladder.” This must be done if there are stones in it that interfere with the normal flow of bile, or if cholecystitis has been diagnosed.

Physiological features

Gallstone disease is quite common these days. It was found that almost 80% of women and about 30% of men face this problem. Many of them are advised to agree to the operation, and only then think about whether there is life after removal of the gallbladder. After all, stones cause constant painful spasms, they can lead to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and even cause perforation of the wall of this organ, which can be fatal.

But everyone needs to know that the gallbladder is a repository of bile. He delivers it into the duodenum in certain portions to improve the digestion of food. In addition, this liquid has a bactericidal effect.

After surgery to remove the gallbladder, a number of changes occur at the biochemical level. Disruptions begin in the process of production and flow of bile. It becomes more liquid, because after surgery there is no longer an organ in which it accumulated and concentrated to the desired state.

It begins to enter the duodenum not in portions, at the time when food enters it, but continuously. At the same time, it does not reach the required concentration, which means its pathogenic effect on microbes is reduced.

Changes in the body

After surgery to remove the gallbladder, changes begin. Liver cells continue to produce bactericidal fluid in the same volume, but there is nowhere to store it. The body is forced to adapt to functioning without this organ. At the same time, the following changes are observed:

1. The usual balance of microflora is upset: all the bacteria that died under the influence of concentrated bile in the duodenum now survive and even begin to multiply.

2. The pressure on the walls of the corresponding ducts increases noticeably. The entire volume of produced bile passes through them without accumulating in a specially designated depot.

3. The mechanism for using this liquid changes. With a functioning bladder, bile could move from the liver to the intestines and back up to 6 times a day. After surgery, it is more difficult to absorb, so most of it is excreted.

Of course, life without a gallbladder changes. An entire organ is removed from the digestive system. But you can adapt to changes, although recovery is a complex and rather lengthy process. It is important to listen to all the recommendations of your doctor, because failure to comply with them can lead to the onset of other diseases. Improper nutrition can become an impetus for the development of colitis, enteritis, esophagitis and other pathologies.

Possible problems

In most cases, patients' lives improve markedly after surgery. Of course, recovery occurs provided that all recommendations are followed. In practice, figuring out how to live without a gallbladder is not at all difficult. But before you decide on surgical intervention, it is important to understand that cholecystectomy only gets rid of the problem organ. But it does not cure other concomitant diseases. Therefore, a number of symptoms that accompanied the patient before surgery may even intensify.

Thus, some note that after surgery, severe abdominal pain begins, bloating bothers them, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and nausea appear. But, fortunately, this only happens in a few patients who have had their gallbladder removed. Functions in the body are redistributed from the moment of the operation. If you previously had problems with the liver, duodenum or pancreas, then the increased load on these organs leads to a deterioration in well-being. If you follow a diet and take prescribed medications, the condition will stabilize over time and gradually improve. But this takes time, so it is important to follow a strict diet in the first few days. You can return to a normal diet approximately one year after surgery.

Problems also arise in cases where errors were made during cholecystectomy. The condition will noticeably worsen in the following situations:

- the organ was not completely removed;

— stones remain in the bile ducts or their natural state has changed;

— during the operation, a foreign body will enter the abdominal cavity.

It is important that after the operation the patient remains in the hospital and is under the supervision of medical personnel.

The first days after the intervention

As soon as the patient leaves the operating table and comes to his senses after anesthesia, he is faced with the necessary restrictions. On the first day, only water is allowed. But its quantity is strictly regulated. Even with severe thirst, you can drink no more than 1.5 liters per day. Later, you can start drinking mineral water, weak tea (it should not be hot), low-fat kefir, unsweetened compotes, and eating mashed potatoes with water. It is also important to limit your salt intake. This diet must be followed for a week.

You can find out what you can eat after gallbladder removal right at the hospital. In hospitals, information stands are often placed on which an approximate menu is written for the weeks after cholecystectomy.

But it is important not only to remember the permitted products. It is also necessary to follow a diet, otherwise it may lead to the formation of stones. The fact is that bile is removed from the ducts during meals. Therefore, you need to eat at least 5 times a day. If this is not done with such frequency, bile will accumulate. Because of this, stones may form in the ducts or the process of inflammation in the abdominal cavity may begin.

Diet No. 5a

If you don't think about fatty and fried foods, you will realize that your life has only improved after gallbladder removal. Of course, gastronomic preferences will have to change. In the first days, patients must adhere to special diet No. 5a.

Selected gentle nutrition helps to restore the liver in the shortest possible time and reduce the inflammatory process that occurs in the pancreas and bile ducts. The diet after removal of the gallbladder is designed so that the patient must improve the functioning of the digestive organs in a short time.

For 1-2 months you can eat only boiled or steamed foods. The calorie content of food at this time is quite high - you need to consume about 2300 kcal. Proteins - fats - carbohydrates in the diet should be distributed as follows: 100 - 50 - 280 g, respectively. The amount of liquid consumed is limited to 1.5 liters; rosehip decoction is considered useful. No more than 8 g of salt per day.

When figuring out what you can eat after removal of the gallbladder, you should pay attention to the fact that soups must be present in the diet. They are prepared in water with the addition of pureed vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower. To increase satiety, cereals are added to soups - rice, semolina or oatmeal. Vermicelli is also allowed.

When preparing for surgery, you need to find out in advance what the menu should be after removal of the gallbladder. Recipes for every day dishes will be useful to every patient.

Thus, among meat and fish dishes, quenelles, steamed cutlets, soufflés, meatballs, and rolls are allowed. For cooking, you need to use only chicken, beef, hake, cod, pike, pike perch. Meat or fish can also be eaten simply in pieces; you just need to remove the skin. To diversify the menu, you can prepare a noodle casserole with lean minced meat.

Also, with diet No. 5a, you can eat 1 egg per day or make yourself an omelette from steamed proteins. Cottage cheese can be consumed in the form of puddings or soufflés. It is desirable that it be fresh and low-fat.

The emphasis can be on vegetables. But the diet in the first days after removal of the gallbladder is quite strict. During this period, they should not be consumed raw. Zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes must be boiled or stewed. You can mix them with cottage cheese.

Don't forget about fruits and berries. But at first, the emphasis should be placed only on compotes, jellies, and mousses. You can give preference to baked apples. Grape lovers should remember that after removing the gall bladder, it is better to eat them without the skin. All juices must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

But you need to give up sugar and products containing it (for example, jam or preserves). For sweets you can use honey. Day-old wheat bread, crackers and cookies made from soft dough are also allowed.

Diet No. 5

After two months of strict restrictions, doctors recommend starting to gradually expand your diet. This must be done carefully to prevent overload of the liver, pancreas and bile ducts. A gradual change in nutrition stimulates the digestive organs, triggers compensatory mechanisms, and has a positive effect on healthy organs and systems.

Diet menu No. 5 after removal of the gallbladder allows you to significantly increase the caloric content of your diet. It increases by 700-900 kcal. This happens by increasing the amount of fat (up to 100 g per day) and carbohydrates - up to 400 g. From this time on, you can safely start drinking 2 liters of liquid.

The diet includes rye bread, however, it must be yesterday's bread or dried. You can also start eating soups prepared with the second broth, but not more often than every other day. The diet includes borscht, rassolnik, and beetroot soup.

During this period, even food lovers begin to say that life without a gallbladder is quite possible. Reviews indicate that the majority of people are happy that they got rid of the problem organ. Of course, it’s difficult for many people to survive the first 2 months. But when you remember the pain that you experienced due to malfunctions of the gallbladder, the restrictions no longer seem so strict.

Two months after the operation, you can eat pilaf made from boiled meat, make potato casserole, cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers, stew, meatballs, beef stroganoff. This is by no means a complete list of permitted dishes. During this period, you are even allowed to eat meat pies, macaroni and cheese in tomato, dumplings and cheesecakes with cottage cheese, and cottage cheese.

You can diversify the menu with low-fat and mild varieties of cheese, sour cream and cream (in reasonable quantities), honey, jam, curd soufflé with apples. You can also start eating raspberries, currants, plums, grapes, citrus fruits, strawberries and wild strawberries. Juices no longer need to be diluted with water; tea with lemon is also allowed.

It is clear that life will change after removal of the gallbladder, but, as can be seen from the acceptable diet, patients will not have to infringe on themselves. Of course, you will have to give up fatty and fried foods, but everything else remains available. It is allowed to add sunflower, olive and even butter to dishes. But only fresh.

Such nutrition throughout the year allows you to improve the functioning of all remaining digestive organs and teach the body to function normally without the gallbladder.

Possible complications

In some cases, it happens that the operation does not bring the long-awaited relief. Even with strict adherence to the diet, the condition may worsen in some patients. The patient may have a fever and vomit with bile. The stool also changes - it becomes light, greasy, and sticks to the walls of the toilet. Vomiting brings long-awaited relief to the patient - nausea disappears, and the feeling of pain in the right hypochondrium area noticeably decreases. It is important to know that these symptoms require consultation with a doctor. They may indicate a violation of the outflow of bile into the duodenum and stagnation of this fluid there.

You can correct the situation with nutrition. In this case, the doctor can explain to you how to live without a gallbladder and what consequences await you if you do not listen to the recommendations. In such a situation, it is important to normalize the process of excretion of this fluid and improve intestinal motor function. This requires a diet with an increased amount of fat. It is necessary to limit simple carbohydrates and refractory fats. The emphasis should be on vegetables and fruits with a high fiber content. This helps to enhance the choleretic effect of food. The amount of fat increases to 120 g (vegetable and animal fats should be equal), and carbohydrates and proteins remain at the same level as with regular diet No. 5.

For snacks, you can indulge in small quantities of doctor's sausage, homemade meat pate, lean ham and soaked herring.

The diet changes in the indicated manner for 2, sometimes 3 weeks. When the condition improves and the signs of bile stagnation are eliminated, you can return to the regular menu, adhering to the principles of diet No. 5.

Important nuances

If you want your life to improve as quickly as possible after removal of the gallbladder, then you need to follow all the recommendations given. You can also help the biliary tract. To do this, the so-called tubage is done in the morning on an empty stomach. This is the use of warm alkaline water, which helps relieve spasms, stimulates the flow of bile and has the necessary anti-inflammatory effect. It is done as follows: in the morning, while lying in bed, you need to drink 1 glass of mineral water heated to 45 0 C and then lie down for at least another 10 minutes. This can be done once every 5 days, provided that you tolerate the procedure well, and after it the feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium goes away.

Relieving the condition using alternative medicine methods

In order not to wonder about how to live without a gallbladder, and not to be afraid of feeling unwell, you need to find out in advance what folk choleretic remedies are available. For these purposes, special herbs are used. Healers choose those plants that stimulate the biliary function of the liver. Many people recommend drinking tea brewed from sandy immortelle, common tansy, peppermint, and rose hips.

You can also buy a collection of special herbs called “Cholagogue tea” at any pharmacy. It is recommended to drink it twice a day in small quantities: 1/3 cup is enough for one dose. The course lasts from 7 to 10 days, after its completion a break is required. You can repeat it regularly for preventive purposes or in cases when you begin to feel a deterioration in your health.

Required load

When figuring out how to live without a gallbladder, and what consequences await you, you should not concentrate only on the negative aspects. We must evaluate the operation as an impetus for positive changes. Proper fractional nutrition will not only improve the functioning of the digestive system, but can also significantly improve your well-being.

In addition to changing your diet and diet, you need to remember about the necessary physical activity. There are special exercises that stimulate the outflow of bile and the general blood supply to liver cells. They can be performed by almost all patients. For example, walking faster can help improve your life without a gallbladder. Reviews indicate that even 20-30 minutes a day is enough. Fast walking stimulates increased breathing. This causes the diaphragm to put pressure on the liver and squeeze out clots of bile and blood that has stagnated. Over time, walking can be replaced by slow running.

If it is difficult for the patient to walk at a fast pace, then you can simply do breathing exercises. They are done on an empty stomach about 3 times a day in cycles of 3-4 approaches. First, you need to inhale through your stomach so that your chest remains motionless and hold your breath for 3 seconds. After this, you need to suddenly release all the air and suck in your stomach, bringing it as close as possible to the spine. This causes the liver to be squeezed between the back and abdominal muscles. By the way, these exercises can be done not only after surgery, but also in cases where there is simply stagnation in the gallbladder. If possible, over time breathing exercises can be replaced by walking.

For a person who has undergone cholecystectomy, life is divided into two stages. The first refers to the preoperative period, the second - after it. An operation is not prescribed out of nowhere; therefore, the final stage of the first period of life represented a certain kind of physical and psychological suffering associated with periodic pain, regular visits to the attending physician, doubts and worries about the upcoming surgical intervention. The postoperative period begins with the fact that “everything is already behind us,” and ahead is a rehabilitation period filled with some uncertainties. However, life continues after gallbladder removal. The main task at this stage that worries the patient is the question of changes in the digestive process.

Removal of the gallbladder. Postoperative syndrome

Gallbladder removal surgery

The gallbladder, as an organ, is endowed with certain functions. In it, like in a reservoir, bile accumulates and concentrates. It tends to maintain optimal pressure in the bile ducts. But with the diagnosis of calculous cholecystitis, or cholelithiasis, the functions of the gallbladder are already limited, and it practically does not take part in the digestive process.

Throughout the course of the disease, the body independently removes the gallbladder from the digestive processes. Using compensatory mechanisms, it fully adapts to new conditions under which the function of the gallbladder is already disabled. The function of secreting bile is performed by other organs. Therefore, removing an organ that has already been removed from its life cycle does not cause a serious blow to the body, since adaptation has already occurred. Through the operation, the organ that promotes the spread of infection and generates the inflammatory process is removed. In this case, the patient can only experience relief.

Prompt decision-making on the part of the patient about the upcoming operation largely contributes to the successful outcome of the surgical intervention and a short period of rehabilitation. By making a timely decision, the patient protects himself from complications that may occur as a result of delaying the timing of surgical intervention, calling into question the satisfactory condition of the patient in the postoperative period.

When discharged from the hospital, the former patient, and now a person undergoing rehabilitation, is protected from constant visits to manipulation rooms and the constant care of the attending physician. Duodenal intubation and dubage remained in the life that was before the operation.

True, there are exceptions when the patient does not agree to undergo surgery for a long time, allowing the disease to affect the body for a long time. The inflammatory process spreading from the walls of the gallbladder can affect neighboring organs, causing complications that develop into concomitant diseases. As a rule, against the background of calculous cholecystitis, problems arise in the form of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the head of the pancreas, gastritis or colitis.

Patients with complications after gallbladder removal surgery require additional treatment after discharge from the hospital. The nature of the treatment and the duration of the procedures are prescribed by the patient’s doctor. The main issue facing both the group of operated patients without obvious signs of complications and the patients with complications is the nutrition process. The diet during the postoperative period is not strict, but excludes animal fats, which are difficult to digest by the body:

  • lard
  • fried lamb
  • brisket.

Subject to a strict diet in the preoperative period, patients are allowed to gradually introduce new foods into the diet, excluding spicy canned food, strong tea, coffee, and the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

Occurrence of relapse


Surgery does not affect the composition of bile produced by the body. The production of hepatocytes by stone-forming bile may continue. This phenomenon in medicine is called “Biliary insufficiency”. It consists of a violation of physiological norms in an increase in the amount of bile produced by the body and its increasing pressure in the bile ducts. Under the influence of excess pressure, the toxic liquid changes the structure of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

With a negative prognosis, up to the formation of a low-quality tumor. Therefore, the main task in the postoperative period is a biochemical study of the composition of bile, carried out at regular intervals. As a rule, a duodenal examination of the duodenum is performed. It cannot be replaced by ultrasound, since ultrasound is unable to provide the appropriate result.

A clear indicator of the occurrence of relapse, or secondary formation of stones, is the placement in the refrigerator of 5 ml of liquid selected for analysis for a 12-hour period. If sedimentation occurs in the fluid within the allotted time, the bile is capable of forming new stones. In this case, drug treatment is prescribed with drugs containing bile acids and bile, which are stimulants of bile production:

  1. lyobil
  2. holenzyme
  3. Allahol
  4. cyclovalone
  5. osalmid.

All of them are used as replacement therapy for biliary insufficiency after removal of the gallbladder. A mandatory prescription in such cases is ursodeoxycholic acid, which does not cause intoxication and is harmless to the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach. It is taken, depending on the prescription, from 250 to 500 mg, once a day, preferably at night. Preparations containing ursodeoxycholic acid:

  • Ursosan
  • Hepatosan
  • Enterosan
  • Ursofalk.

Stones can be formed again, but not in the gallbladder, but in the bile ducts. A reducing factor for relapse can be the exclusion of foods containing large amounts of cholesterol from the diet:

  1. fried and spicy foods
  2. concentrated broths
  3. egg yolks
  4. brain
  5. fatty fish and meats
  6. alcohol
  7. beer.

All of the above products pose a significant complication for the functioning of the pancreas and liver.

Dietary nutrition during the postoperative period

Proper nutrition is the key to health after cholecystectomy

Special attention is paid to nutrition during the rehabilitation period after gallbladder removal. The main point is its regularity. The volume of food should be small, and the frequency of meals should be from 4 to 6 times a day. Food, as a stimulator of the bile-forming process, in this case is an irritant for the digestive organs, thus preventing the stagnation of bile. As a natural irritant, food contributes not only to the formation, but also to the removal of bile from the bile ducts into the intestines.

The most powerful product that helps expel bile is olive oil. In general, all vegetable fats have a strong choleretic effect. For patients prone to obesity, it is advisable to limit or minimize the consumption of foods high in carbohydrates:

  • sugar
  • potato
  • confectionery and pasta
  • baking

Spa treatment is not recommended for patients who have undergone surgery to remove the gallbladder, with the exception of patients with complicated cholecystitis or other concomitant diseases. Depending on the severity of the surgery, patients are not recommended to perform heavy physical activity or physical work that puts stress on the abdominal muscles for 6 to 12 months after the surgery. Heavy physical activity can lead to the formation of postoperative hernias. Overweight, and especially obese patients, are recommended to wear a bandage during this period.

After a patient is discharged from the hospital, medical specialists attach great importance to physical therapy. Specially designed exercises stimulate the abdominal organs to produce and remove bile. This “massage” with the help of physical exercises allows you to speed up the process of restoring the functions of damaged tissues of the abdominal area.

Possible consequences of surgery

As a rule, patients do not experience any negative consequences in life after gallbladder removal. This is ideal, but in the real world, a person who has undergone surgery is subject to a whole range of symptoms, in particular psychological ones, called “Postcholecystectomy syndrome”.
The sensations accumulated over the years of illness do not let go of the patient even after such a fait accompli as surgery to remove the gallbladder. The former patient is still tormented by dryness and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, pain in the right hypochondrium is bothering him, and the sight of fatty foods also causes intolerance and nausea.

All these symptoms relate to the psychological state of the patient and have little to do with the internal processes occurring inside the patient, like a bad tooth that has already been removed, but it continues to give a painful sensation. But if such symptoms continue for a long time, and the operation was not performed in a timely manner, therefore, the reasons may be hidden in the development of concomitant diseases. The main reasons leading to negative consequences after removal of the gallbladder:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Reflux
  • Pathological changes in the bile ducts
  • Poorly performed operation
  • Aggravated diseases of the pancreas and liver
  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.

To prevent postcholecystectomy syndrome, a thorough examination of the patient is carried out, both before surgery and in the postoperative period. Great importance is paid to the general condition of the patient and the presence of concomitant or chronic diseases. A direct contraindication to surgery to remove the gallbladder may be the presence of pathologies in the patient’s body.

Basic diet in the postoperative period

Gallstone removal is not a death sentence!

The possibility of certain nutritional problems associated with gallbladder removal can be resolved through an individualized diet for the patient, avoiding drug methods on the body. This approach to the patient can completely neutralize the postcholecystectomy syndrome that occurs after surgery.

The main point is not the products allowed for consumption during the rehabilitation period after surgery, but the diet of the nutritional process. Food should be divided into small portions and taken frequently at regular intervals. If the patient before the operation ate food 2-3 times a day, then in the period after the operation he needs to receive from 5 to 6 servings per day. This type of nutrition is called fractional and is designed specifically for patients of this profile.

The diet excludes foods high in animal fats, fried and spicy foods. The main focus is on the temperature of the cooked food. It is not recommended for patients to eat very chilled or very heated food. The consumption of carbonated drinks is strictly not recommended. Such recommendations are related solely to the absence of a gallbladder. Special recommendations include frequent drinking of drinking water. Before each meal, the patient is required to drink a glass of water, or 30 ml per kilogram of body weight. Water relieves the aggression of bile acids produced by the ducts and is the main source of protection for the mucous membranes of the duodenum and gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, water stops the passage of bile that occurs at the initial moment after surgery, when a change in duodenal motility may occur and bile may return to the stomach. At such moments, the patient may experience heartburn or bitterness in the mouth. Water resists this process, being a natural neutralizer. Dyspeptic disorders - flatulence, bloating, rumbling, constipation, diarrhea, can also be stopped by drinking a glass of drinking still water. Visiting swimming pools and open water bodies is very useful, since water is a source of soft natural massage for the muscles and internal organs of the abdominal cavity. Water procedures are indicated 1-1.5 months after surgery.

In addition to swimming, walking is very beneficial for patients who have undergone gallbladder removal. A daily walk for 30-40 minutes helps remove bile from the body and prevents its stagnation. Morning light exercise in the form of exercises is also recommended. Abdominal exercises that can be started only a year after surgery are unacceptable.

  • Bread. Yesterday's baked goods, coarsely ground, gray or rye. It is not recommended to eat baked goods, pancakes, pancakes, and puff pastries.
  • Cereals. Buckwheat, oatmeal. Cereals should be well boiled.
  • Meat, fish, poultry. Low-fat varieties. Cooking process: boiled, steamed or stewed.
  • The fish is baked. The use of broths is excluded. Soups are prepared using vegetable broths.
  • Spices, seasonings, seasonings and sauces are not recommended.
  • Eggs. Only in the form of a white omelet. The yolk must be omitted.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products with the exception of whole milk. Sour cream – no more than 15% fat content.
  • Fats. Fats used in food must not be of animal origin.
  • Vegetables. Fresh, boiled or baked. Particular preference is given to pumpkin and carrots. Legumes, garlic, onions, radishes, and sorrel are not recommended for consumption.
  • Berries and fruits. Preference is given to sweet varieties. Cranberries and Antonovka apples are not recommended for use.
  • Sweets. Honey, molasses, natural marmalade on agar-agar, preserves, jams. It is completely necessary to give up cocoa products, confectionery, and ice cream.
  • Drinks The diet should not include carbonated, hot or cold drinks. Rosehip decoction, sweet juices, and dried fruit compote are recommended.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the prevention of gallstone disease after surgery to remove the gallbladder consists of complex physiotherapy, which includes ozone therapy. Ozone, being a natural antibiotic, helps strengthen the immune system and destroys colonies of bacteria, viruses and fungal diseases. Ozone helps correct the functioning of hepatocytes, which are responsible for the formation of bile.

Thematic video material will tell you how people live after removal of the gallbladder:

The micro-operation for resection of the gallbladder, which ceases to perform its functions, has been completed. The operated patient faces the task of living without the lost organ. Special instructions are intended to help the patient understand further actions.

Negative consequences

Modern methods of performing laparoscopy allow doctors to perform operations, after which patients recover faster than after laparotomy. But even minimal surgical intervention does not occur without consequences. After all, stones are not removed separately from the gall storage system, but also the organ itself.

Possible difficulties at an early stage

Upon completion of the operation, the doctor can diagnose complications:

  • Bleeding. The condition occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Penetration of bile into the abdominal cavity. The patient experiences pain in the internal organs in the subcostal space and an increase in temperature.
  • Infection of the puncture site. Accidentally introduced bacterial infections cause severe pain and lead to redness and swelling of the wound area.
  • Damage to the intestinal walls. Increased pain syndrome, high body temperature are diagnosed, and in advanced stages, peritonitis is possible.
  • Poorly performed drainage leads to additional complications.

The above complications occur extremely rarely and are eliminated promptly.

Deterioration of the condition in the late period

In the postoperative period, postcholecystectomy syndrome develops in 10-30% of patients. This is what experts call the complex of symptoms observed after cholecystectomy. The disease is characterized by signs:

  • Abnormal stool;
  • Nausea;
  • Increased (37-38C) temperature;
  • Excessive gas formation;
  • Yellowness of the skin;
  • Painful spasms of the right side with a shooting in the collarbone or shoulder;
  • Weakness.

According to statistics, postcholecystectomy syndrome is detected in women at least twice as often as in men. It can occur immediately after laparoscopic cholecystectomy or over time.

Postcholecystectomy syndrome is a violation of the normal functioning of the bile ducts, subject to appropriate etiological therapy. Timely medical intervention will relieve serious consequences. The person undergoing surgery needs to remember: if painful symptoms appear, immediately consult a doctor. The doctor's opinion is law.

After the bile storage device is removed, life continues, but changes occur in the functioning of the body. A person must understand: restrictions in the food intake are inevitable, and in a certain way they heal the body. So, the intervention has occurred, let's consider the consequences.

Recovery period

Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body. It is impossible to predict the time it takes for the human body to recover. Let's discard the options when serious complications appear after the operation, let's name a certain period for recovery.

First days

Laparoscopic surgery does not cause such harm to the body as abdominal cholecystectomy. The rehabilitation stage is inevitable. After medical intervention, the patient remains in a medical facility under the supervision of doctors for at least 2 days. 24-hour care and bed rest are recommended. At this moment the patient experiences the following sensations:

  • Increased gas formation, diarrhea. If you follow the recommended diet, symptoms last for two weeks.
  • Pain in the area of ​​surgical cuts. Painful sensations are relieved by taking painkillers.
  • Nausea. The symptom occurs mainly in allergy sufferers and is caused by the use of anesthetics and painkillers.
  • Pain in the abdominal cavity resulting from the introduction of air into the abdominal space. This condition becomes a kind of payment for minimal surgical intervention; it disappears in two weeks. At the moment of pain, it is advisable to stroke the stomach in a circular motion in a clockwise direction.
  • Strong nervous excitement. Irritability goes away during rehabilitation.

After completion of the procedure, the patient requires strict bed rest. It is allowed to sit down and roll over 5 hours after the end of the operation. If your health does not cause concern, you are allowed to get out of bed and stand on your feet.

After removal of the gallbladder using the laparoscopic method, sutures remain in the abdominal cavity, which it is advisable not to wet. After two days, it is possible to wash, provided that the wound openings are protected with special bandages that are resistant to moisture penetration and make sure that they do not get lost. The sling is removed after swimming. Naturally, sanitary procedures begin after the permission of the attending physician, when the drainage is removed.

You should not eat food on the first day after the procedure. Only after 5 hours is it permissible to drink some water. The diet of the second day consists of low-fat cottage cheese or weak broth. The frequency of eating portions is at least 6 times a day, in small quantities. Mandatory daily fluid intake is 2 liters.

To make recovery happen faster, pay attention to physical activity. Even leisurely walking helps speed up regenerative processes; it should be taken into account that physical activity immediately after surgery is contraindicated.

Patients with an uncomplicated postoperative stage are usually discharged on days 1-7, and the recovery stage begins.

Actions after discharge

After discharge from the medical institution, you need to register with the medical center. The local doctor will prescribe a further course of medications and monitor the progress of recovery. Timely consultation with a doctor will help you avoid negative consequences and not die.

But the health worker will not be able to prevent complications if the patient violates the prescribed regimen. Successful rehabilitation after gallbladder removal directly depends on following the rules:

  • wear a bandage;
  • take food regularly, in small quantities, but often;
  • regularly treat wounds;
  • take medications prescribed by your local doctor;
  • hard physical labor is unacceptable;
  • to prevent the occurrence of pneumonia, you need to regularly do breathing exercises;
  • sexual intercourse is contraindicated for the first month after cholecystectomy;
  • morning exercises promote rapid recovery;
  • For women, a sign to see a doctor is the following sign: menstruation did not come on time;
  • drinking alcohol-containing drinks is prohibited;
  • Compliance with the prescribed diet is mandatory.

When issuing a certificate of incapacity for work, the deadline is usually 10-30 calendar days. Each postoperative stage depends on the individual characteristics of a person’s metabolism. After the sick leave is closed, you cannot immediately return to normal life; a new stage begins, the body’s adaptation to the altered metabolism.

Adaptation stage

It is worth remembering that there are no unnecessary organs in the human body. The gallbladder served as a reservoir in which concentrated bile was stored. Malfunctions of the organ bring severe pain; removal is inevitable. After resection of the sac, the liver does not cease to perform its natural function. The body needs a year to recover, during which the work performed by the gallbladder will be taken over by the ducts inside the liver and the large bile duct. The specified interval must be taken into account.

Instructions for eating

After the procedure for removing the bile drive, patients, about a month later, are prescribed diet No. 5, which is mandatory for cholecystectomy. It involves following a number of rules:

  • It is advisable to take meals on a schedule;
  • before eating you need to drink a glass of water;
  • Take food only when heated; temporarily avoid hot and cold foods;
  • frequency of eating - at least 5 times a day;
  • the volume of portions taken is small;
  • eat stewed, boiled or steamed dishes;
  • After eating, it is recommended not to bend over or lie down for 2 hours.

Permitted products include:

  • dried fruits;
  • milk and vegetable soups;
  • fish dishes;
  • chicken and beef dishes;
  • bran;
  • fermented milk products;
  • fresh herbs;
  • milk porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat and millet);
  • dried wheat and rye bread;
  • stewed vegetables.

It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of products. Failure to comply with this diet leads to indigestion and serious illnesses - stomach ulcers. In this case, on the recommendation of a medical specialist, you need to take Omeprazole.

Treatment in rehabilitation places

To return the patient to a full life, after micro-surgery to remove the bile reservoir, sanatorium-resort treatment with the opportunity to swim in the pool, sunbathe, and swim in the open air is recommended. In specialized institutions, patients are offered:

  • electrophoresis using succinic acid;
  • diet therapy;
  • balneotherapy – baths with the addition of pine needle extract, carbon dioxide, radon;
  • taking Mildronate, Riboxin.

After a set period of time, the body adapts to the absence of bile storage and people return to a full life. They name important restrictions that should not be forgotten.

The influence of the operation on the established way of life

The surgical intervention was successfully carried out, the recovery stage is completed, but how to lead a typical human lifestyle? There are limitations that cholecystectomy will introduce into a person’s daily life.

Playing sports

Only at the recovery stage there are restrictions on physical exercise. Although you should not give up sports, gymnastics with light loads will help you quickly restore normal performance. After a full month after resection of the bile duct, the following exercises are recommended:

  • breathing exercises;
  • cycling;
  • walking;
  • physical therapy.

After a year, in the absence of contraindications, you can quickly return to all types of sports, even if you practice professionally and the sport involves lifting weights.

Birth of a child

Removal of a gastrointestinal tract is not a reason to give up the idea of ​​having a child. Any woman after cholecystectomy can give birth to a healthy child. The only condition is constant monitoring by a doctor throughout pregnancy. While expecting offspring, a woman’s metabolism works at an increased rate. You must go to your doctor’s appointment according to the established schedule. Many patients complain about the return of postoperative symptoms: “like a stone inside, I lie down and it presses.”

Features of pregnancy after cholecystectomy:

  • skin itching often occurs and the level of bile acids in the blood increases;
  • regular intake of choleretic drugs, multivitamins, antihistamines;
  • Digestive disorders occur: diarrhea, constipation; increased gas formation; heartburn; nausea;
  • pregnancy often provokes the reappearance of stones;
  • pain appears in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, with increasing pregnancy it intensifies;
  • Compliance with a diet is a prerequisite for an uncomplicated pregnancy.

The procedure performed is not a prerequisite for cesarean delivery. In the absence of contraindications established by doctors, natural childbirth is permissible.

The gallbladder is not a vital organ. Its absence will not affect a person’s life expectancy and will not make significant adjustments to daily life. Without life support, you can engage in any kind of sports, even powerlifting, and women can give birth to children. Many people live with limited consumption of smoked and fried foods and feel great.

Very often, the only way to cope with exacerbation of cholelithiasis and, as a result, inflammation of the gallbladder is cholecystectomy, which is indicated in case of unsuccessful fight against the disease using ultrasound methods and all kinds of diets. Of course, in the postoperative period, patients may complain of pain after removal of the gallbladder, but, nevertheless, this procedure remains today the main method of treating cholecystitis (despite the modern development of various non-surgical methods of therapy).

At the same time, many believe that if the bubble is removed, then all other problems are automatically removed. But this opinion is wrong, since, most likely, they are just beginning. Indeed, in addition to the fact that the operated person’s right side hurts after removal of the gallbladder, there is also an exacerbation of many “old” diseases that have not reminded of themselves until this time.

Bladder resection methods

Cholecystectomy is performed in two surgical ways:

  • Laparoscopic. 90% of all operations are performed using this method, which is characterized by low surgical trauma and a low probability of further serious complications, as well as high efficiency. The operation is performed using a highly specialized medical instrument called a laparoscope. Using a similar method, it is possible to resect concretions (that is, stones) or the entire bladder without opening the abdominal cavity. They make only a few miniature punctures in the peritoneum and remove what needs to be removed (stones or the entire diseased organ).
  • Traditional (or open). This method is used if there are large stones or serious inflammatory processes in the gallbladder cavity. In this case, the surgeon performs an extensive opening of the peritoneum (an incision of about 15 centimeters); displaces tissue, muscles and liver; then removes the gallbladder; checks the duct through which bile is drained into the small intestine for the presence of stones; then sutures the incision, leaving a small hole for drainage (in case of infection or inflammation).

Important! Both operations are performed only under general anesthesia. The duration of each of them is 2-3 hours.

Basic principle of laparoscopic surgery

The essence of the method is that 4 small punctures are made in the abdominal cavity using a stylet (that is, a device resembling a thin dagger with a vertical hole), into which hollow tubes with valves (the so-called trocars) are inserted. It is through them that a special surgical instrument is inserted to perform the necessary manipulations. In addition to them, the surgeon uses a laparoscope (it has two optical channels) connected to a monitor. That is, a specialist has the opportunity to keep the entire process under control. Through one channel, cold light is supplied to the peritoneum, and through the second, a “picture” of what is happening inside is transmitted (first to a television camera, and then to a monitor). This is what technical progress means!

Important! The examination that is carried out before the operation is carried out under local anesthesia, but the surgical intervention itself is performed using general anesthesia (that is, the person being operated on does not experience absolutely any pain) and a special-purpose device that provides artificial ventilation.

To create the space in the abdominal cavity necessary for visual examination (on a screen, of course) and surgical manipulations, a sterile gas (usually carbon monoxide) is injected into it. Next, the surgeon cuts off the adhesions located around the gallbladder; pumps out excess liquid from it (if necessary); compresses the bladder duct and artery using clips; separates the diseased organ from the liver; removes it through a cosmetic puncture located in the navel area? and sews up (or seals) punctures in the fabric.

Note! One of the punctures is not stitched up. Leave the drainage tube in it for a day. This is done in order to completely remove the antiseptic liquid (it is with this that the peritoneum is washed at the last stage of the operation in order to avoid the development of the inflammatory process). If the pathology is uncomplicated (that is, without bile entering the peritoneum), drainage is not installed.

After surgery

After the above-described open-type measures, discharge is carried out approximately 7 days later, when severe pain after removal of the gallbladder will pass, and the operated person will be able to eat without pain, as well as move without assistance.

Even with a successfully performed open operation, for a short time the patient may experience such unpleasant symptoms as loose stools (for 7-8 weeks), vomiting, redness around the wound and hematoma, as well as sore throat (due to breathing tube) and in the abdomen (that is, at the incision site).

Important! After open surgery, which took place without any complications, surgical sutures are removed on an outpatient basis approximately 1.5-2 weeks after the manipulations. Pain after surgery to remove the gallbladder in the incision area may be felt for another 3-4 weeks, gradually decreasing. This is fine.

After resection of the gallbladder using a laparoscope, the patient is discharged after approximately 2-4 days. Of course, this happens if his health is satisfactory, the scar healing process is normal, and the patient has a good psychological mood (by the way, this is extremely important). In the evening after cholecystectomy (or, to be more precise, after the anesthesia has worn off), it is recommended to get up and start walking (of course, with the help of one of your relatives or roommates).

Important! You need to stay in the hospital exactly as long as your attending physician requires. To avoid quite serious complications in the future, you should not rush to be discharged.

By the way, during laparoscopy the surgical threads are not removed, and the suture is almost invisible. To alleviate the patient's condition, he is prescribed painkillers and non-narcotic analgesics.

What can be said about the postoperative diet:

  • On the 1st day after cholecystectomy, eating is contraindicated. You can drink, but not very much.
  • On the 2nd day, light food is allowed (only in moderate quantities). This can be lean boiled meat, cottage cheese, fruits, yoghurts, broth and more. You can and even need to drink without any restrictions.

  • On the 3rd day, the diet can be close to normal, taking into account the wishes of the operated person.

Advantages of surgery using a laparoscope

The advantages of this method include the following:

  • During the operation, only 4 incisions (relatively small) are made, which cause minimal trauma to the abdominal tissues.
  • Pain after surgery to remove the gallbladder is observed exclusively in the first days after the procedure. Moreover, they are not very strong.
  • The risk of injury to organs located in close proximity to the bladder is minimized.
  • The patient is already 4-5 hours after the operation able to care for himself independently, as well as move around without assistance.
  • The formation of a small number of postoperative hernias, that is, the likelihood of serious postoperative complications, is minimal.
  • The rehabilitation period is shortened, and a person’s ability to work is restored faster.
  • The duration of hospital stay is only 2-4 days.
  • Rapid scarring of punctures. After a couple of months they become almost invisible.

The nature of the changes occurring in the body after surgery

Why do patients worry about pain after gallbladder removal? The fact is that after the operation the human body must adapt to the new realities of its existence. Before surgery, bile accumulated in the bladder strictly between meals. And its outflow into the digestive tract to participate in the digestion process occurred after the meal. But it was like that before, but what now? After the bladder is removed, bile constantly flows into the intestines, irritating its walls and causing some discomfort to the operated person.

Important! Medications, diet and exercise prescribed by your doctor will help you quickly adapt your body to the new realities of life.

Causes of pain

There can be many causes of pain in the abdominal area:

  • As a consequence of chronic diseases aggravated as a result of surgical intervention or new ones that have arisen.
  • Part of the pain in the side after removal of the gallbladder may be due to the fact that during the operation a sterile gas is injected into the peritoneum, which evaporates after a short time, and this discomfort goes away without a trace.

  • Inflammatory processes due to infection introduced either by poorly sterilized instruments or with air.

Important! In order to quickly stop an infectious disease, body temperature should be constantly monitored. If it increases to 38 degrees or more, the onset of the inflammatory process can be diagnosed.

  • The presence of postoperative complications, for example, a significant reduction in the bile ducts or the formation of adhesions.
  • Due to residual stones that came out into the ducts before the operation and made themselves felt after the surgical intervention was performed.
  • Also, causes of pain after removal of the gallbladder may include physical activity not permitted by a doctor and a diet that differs from that recommended by a specialist.

Note! If cholecystectomy was performed using a scalpel (that is, in an open manner), then the pain syndrome may be due to a relatively large-scale (compared to laparoscopy) dissection of the abdominal tissue.

What else may bother you besides pain in the side?

If the patient complains that the right side hurts after removal of the gallbladder, what other manifestations may bother you? Among them are the following:

  • chills;
  • gagging;
  • nausea (especially in the morning);
  • hyperthermia (that is, increased body temperature);
  • unpleasant bitterness in the mouth;
  • the development of a disease such as jaundice;
  • frequent and prolonged delays in defecation;
  • interruptions in the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • flatulence;
  • weakness;
  • itching of the skin;
  • changes (for the worse) in the quality of urine and blood, which can be detected during a clinical examination.

At a consultation with a doctor

If you complain that your side hurts after removal of the gallbladder, specialists usually prescribe the following tests:

  • Collecting the patient’s medical history, that is, complete information about the disease from the words of the patient himself or people who know him well.
  • Clinical analysis of urine and plasma.
  • Blood test to determine the amount of bilirubin contained.
  • Performing ERCP.

Therapy in the fight against illness

Treatment of pain after removal of the gallbladder is carried out comprehensively, and is mainly aimed at eliminating disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract. The following groups of drugs are prescribed from medications:

  • Enzyme-containing. They help improve the functioning of the digestive tract (for example, “Pancreatin” or “Festal”); facilitate the process of bile removal, intestinal function, and prevent the development of food fermentation (“Mezim” or “Espumizan”).
  • Anesthetics. They are best administered intravenously. The tablet form is the worst option.
  • Painkillers. In order to cope with pain after removal of the gallbladder, medications such as Mebeverine, Ketanov, Drotaverine or Ketorol are suitable.
  • Probiotics. They contribute to the creation of new and healthy microflora (“Bifidumbacterin”, “Linex”).
  • Hepatoprotectors. For those who complain that the right side hurts after removal of the gallbladder, remedies such as Ursosan or milk thistle extract, which are designed to protect, restore and maintain the liver in normal condition, are suitable.
  • Antispasmodics. They are needed to cope with spasms in the bile ducts (for example, Buscopan or No-Shpa).
  • Antipyretics (in case of high body temperature).

Important! You should not self-medicate for pain after gallbladder removal. You may make your health situation worse.

Sometimes it happens that drug therapy does not give the desired positive results. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe a second diagnosis and another operation.

In addition to taking medications, the specialist prescribes a course of physical therapy and diet.

Physical stress after bladder removal

In terms of physical activity, the operated person must strictly adhere to the following simple instructions:

  • During the first 5-8 days after surgery, you need to rest more. Any physical activity can significantly worsen your health. Therefore, there is no need to rush to start living as usual. Otherwise, do not complain that your stitches hurt after removal of the gallbladder and other unpleasant phenomena are observed.
  • After 14-17 days, you can gradually expose the body to minor physical activity, which is monitored by a physical therapy specialist. You need to start with a half-hour walk (preferably in the fresh air).


The quality and quantity of food plays a dominant role in the recovery process of all functions of the body of the operated person. Therefore, it is so important to strictly follow all nutritional recommendations:

  • Cold food and liquids are contraindicated, as this can cause stomach cramps, which is not good in this case.
  • Your diet should not include spicy, smoked, fried or fatty foods. They are also contraindicated for you. However, as well as products such as sweets, wine, vinegar, lard, concentrated broths and all kinds of syrups. The use of any of them, even in small quantities, can provoke pain (after removal of the gallbladder, such a symptom must be treated with extreme caution).
  • The most suitable diet in this case is table No. 5.

Important! During the day you need to take about five to six meals of the recommended food. Moreover, each of them should be small in volume, since a significant amount of food entering the stomach is poorly digested.

If you continue to eat incorrectly, then do not ask your doctor a question about why your side hurts after removal of your gallbladder.

Is the threat of intensification of chronic diseases real?

Of course, this is entirely possible. For approximately 12-18 months after cholecystectomy, “old” diseases may worsen. In addition, new ailments that you didn’t even suspect about may make themselves felt. What diseases may remind you of yourself:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • inflammatory process in the pancreas (i.e. pancreatitis);
  • disorders in the functioning of the organs of the biliary system;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis, which manifests itself in the presence of residual stones in the bile duct;
  • duodenitis;
  • adhesions in the biliary tract.

If a patient complains that he has a stomach ache after removal of the gallbladder, the following factors may trigger this:

  • Impaired flow of bile.
  • Problems with the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Significant reduction in quantitative indicators of beneficial intestinal microflora.

If the stomach hurts after removal of the gallbladder, and this is due specifically to cholecystectomy, then the following clinical manifestations will be observed:

  • enlargement of the bile duct;
  • pain in the side and stomach area;
  • activation of liver enzymes.

As a rule, the pain comes in attacks and lasts for thirty to forty minutes. Usually it begins immediately after a meal or exhausts a person at night. In addition to the symptoms described above, the patient may experience nausea and vomiting.

Prevention of the disease

During laparoscopy, pain after removal of the gallbladder does not differ in strength or frequency. Despite this, you should adhere to certain rules that will help you quickly recover and keep your body normal:

  • Strictly follow all recommendations received from your doctor about taking medications.
  • Eliminate bad habits such as drinking alcohol, drugs, and smoking.

  • Follow dietary recommendations.
  • Visit a medical facility on a regular basis for examinations.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible or, as a last resort, try to abstract yourself from them in order to avoid nervous strain.
  • Do not exhaust yourself with physical activity. They are of no use to you.

Important! If you notice any unpleasant symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. Don't wait until your condition worsens to critical levels.

Any operation involving the removal of an organ usually raises a lot of questions. The most exciting: how will life change after removal of the gallbladder? Patients are also interested in how long they live after such an operation.

To understand this, you need to familiarize yourself with information about the role and significance of this human organ.

Functional Features

The worries and concerns of patients are not unfounded, because the gallbladder is largely responsible for the entire digestive process. Its function is the ability to accumulate bile, which comes from the liver. In it, it is concentrated to the required state and, if necessary, is excreted through the bile ducts into the intestines, where it participates in the processing of food components.

The outflow of bile from the bladder into the stomach begins immediately after the bolus of food enters it, where with its help the breakdown of fats and the absorption of useful elements occurs.

A feature of the process of bile production is its continuity, regardless of food intake. The unclaimed part of it accumulates in the bladder, where it remains until the next digestive act.

It seems that without this small but quite important organ, further human life is impossible, since in its absence the activity of the digestive system is disrupted. But situations arise when the need to remove it is caused by a real threat to the patient’s life.

Reasons for deletion

The most common reason for surgery is gallstone disease. Stones can form not only in the storage organ itself, but also in its ducts.

The danger of their presence is that they interfere with the free passage of bile and thereby provoke inflammatory processes, deformation of the bladder, and its blockage.

This ultimately leads to organ rupture, peritonitis and, in especially severe cases, becomes the cause of death. Therefore, with such a diagnosis, laparoscopic surgery is recommended to remove the bladder along with the formed stones.

Advantages and disadvantages of the operation

In addition to surgical intervention, there are also conservative treatment methods, the leading ones being the dissolution and crushing of stones. Their disadvantage is the duration of the course and the high probability of recurrence of stone formation.

At the same time, laparoscopy, provided by modern techniques, is carried out in a short time, painlessly and does not require long-term postoperative rehabilitation.

After the operation, the patient is discharged home 3-5 days later. This is explained by the absence of the need to heal a large suture. To perform a laparoscopic operation, only 3-4 punctures are made, and the patient can already get out of bed 5-6 hours after the operation.

Changes occurring in the body

Excision of the bladder necessitates restructuring of the biliary system. The storage function is transferred to the ducts, which can hold much less. To avoid stagnation of bile in them, the patient will follow a diet for a long time.

But there is no need to panic. After some time, with the right approach to nutrition, which promotes the regular outflow of bile, the ducts will expand and nothing will remind you of the surgery.

To return to your previous lifestyle, you must strictly follow the main requirement of the diet. It consists of frequent and small meals, which makes it possible to realize the bile produced by the liver.

It should be borne in mind that its constant entry into the duodenum, caused by the lack of bile, provokes irritation and can cause digestive disorders. This condition is called “postcholecystectomy syndrome.”

After surgery

Often, those who have undergone surgery become depressed thinking about how to live with a disabled gallbladder. To eliminate the state of confusion, you should familiarize yourself with the tips that suggest following certain rules.

There is no need to be discouraged, because compared to the painful attacks and the threat to life that they posed, these rules do not bring any trouble.

How to behave in the first days

Forced bed rest after anesthesia is no more than 6-7 hours. It should not be left in place longer to avoid the formation of postoperative adhesions.

Movements should be simple and not involve heavy physical activity. This is a calm movement within the ward.

About nutrition

Despite the patient's good condition, food intake instructions should be strictly followed. They are as follows:

Portions should be small, you should eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. This will help the digestive system gradually get used to the new situation. During this period, bile does not have sufficient concentration and flows involuntarily.

After the hospital

There is no need to worry if there is slight discomfort in the pierced area for a while. It will disappear when the damaged tissues heal. But if you have intense pain, you need to see a doctor.

To avoid infection and irritation on the skin in the area of ​​punctures, use soft, delicate underwear. Until the sutures are removed, physical activity is contraindicated, as the formation of a postoperative hernia is possible.

Behavior during the recovery period

Life without a gallbladder continues. Rehabilitation after elective laparoscopic surgery is not difficult. The patient’s main task is to help the body cope with a complex problem.

It consists in the formation of the replacement function of the bile ducts. They have to take on the regulation of the flow of bile into the stomach.

Following the gastroenterologist's dietary instructions will be fundamental in this process.

During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to pay attention to important requirements that contribute to the rapid and complete restoration of vitality:

  1. It is necessary to use table No. 5 as the main diet, excluding fatty, fried, spicy foods.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the stool. Defecation should be regular and the consistency of stool should be soft.
  3. For two months after surgery, sports activities and physical activity associated with high stress are not recommended. For example, it is strictly forbidden to lift or carry weights weighing more than 3 kg. Therapeutic exercises, walks in the fresh air, and short light running will be good helpers in normalizing the biliary process.
  4. In the sphere of intimate life, sexual intercourse is excluded for a month.
  5. It is not advisable to plan a pregnancy within one year, since restrictions in certain types of food can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Taking vitamin complexes, agreed upon with your doctor, will speed up the final recovery and significantly improve the quality of life. The most effective vitamins are Supradin, Centrum, Vitrum.

Possible complications

Surgical removal of an organ has its pros and cons. While saving the patient from painful attacks, it leads in some cases to undesirable consequences, including:

These signs are temporary. They pass within one to two months, subject to strict adherence to the diet and other doctor’s recommendations.

More serious complications may occur during surgery. This is an injury to blood vessels or nearby internal organs. Adverse events are eliminated directly during the procedure or with repeated intervention.

Nutritional Features

This will be facilitated by a proper diet, including 5-6 meals a day at the same time. As well as excluding from the diet foods that provoke an increase in the outflow of bile.

The use of diet No. 5 requires the following rules:

  1. For cooking, food can be stewed, boiled, baked, or steamed.
  2. The amount of food consumed at one time should be small.
  3. The break between meals is no more than 3 hours.

The rules are simple to apply, but ensure normal bile secretion and the functioning of the digestive system.

Contraindicated foods

In order not to provoke stagnant processes or, conversely, not to cause excessive secretion of bile, you should avoid the following types of food:

  • fatty meats and fish;
  • semi-finished meat products;
  • sausages and products made from it;
  • heavy cream, cottage cheese;
  • raw vegetables;
  • fresh bakery and confectionery products;
  • coffee, chocolate, alcoholic drinks.

It is necessary to completely exclude marinades, smoked meats, spicy seasonings, and fried foods from the menu.

Allowed food

The following healthy foods saturate the body with useful microelements and vitamins:

  • chicken, rabbit, turkey meat;
  • low-fat fish dishes;
  • vegetable soups;
  • cereal dishes;
  • milk and fermented milk products with low fat content;
  • fruits and berries, but not sour;
  • jam, honey;
  • butter, no more than 20 g per day;
  • vegetable oil – 30 g.

The dietary table can be diversified by preparing steamed omelets, meatballs, meatballs, beetroot, pumpkin or carrot puree, fruit mousses, and casseroles.

A similar diet is followed for a year. But to maintain the digestive system in proper order, it is advisable to continue it further with the gradual introduction of new dishes to the menu that do not cause discomfort.

About the most important thing

Naturally, everyone is concerned about how organ removal affects life expectancy. Statistics show that a person can live without this organ for quite a long time. Unless, of course, there are other serious diseases.

The conclusion is clear: surgery to remove the bladder does not cause a shortening of life. But such bad habits contribute to it as:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • overweight.

The listed factors shorten a person’s eyelid even without the presence of any pathologies. This is why it is so important to lead a healthy lifestyle.

It is not possible to name the exact timing of the end of the recovery processes in the body. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, his desire for recovery and compliance with all recommendations according to the requirements of specialists.