For painful teething in children. How to help your child when their first teeth are cutting. Symptoms of teething in a child

Parents have no time to sleep. The teething stage can be a long and painful process for a child (and the entire family). The process of transforming a toothless mouth into a Hollywood and white-toothed smile can take up to three years.

When babies' first teeth appear, how to relieve teething pain in children, how to care for a baby's first teeth - answers to the most common questions about teething will help you learn more about this difficult period.

When do babies' first teeth appear?

1. If your child is already teething, wean him off the habit of eating from a bottle at night. Milk remaining in a child's mouth can contribute to tooth decay.

2. Talk to your dentist about giving your child fluoride supplements, which help maintain dental health. But here it is important to know the dosage, since an excess of fluoride can damage your teeth. In some areas of Britain, for example, fluoride is added to drinking water, but this is not widespread. Therefore, children may need additional fluoride, so your local water supplier should advise you on the amount of fluoride in drinking water and whether more is needed for your child.Your doctor may also prescribe fluoride drops for you if he feels they are necessary, but they can only be given starting at 6 months of age.

3. Try to make brushing your teeth at night a fun activity for your child. Use a soft, special children's toothbrush and toothpaste with sufficient fluoride. Move the brush in slow, circular motions to remove food debris from your teeth and along the gum line. If your child doesn't like the taste of pasta, buy another one.

4. If your child has been to a birthday party and indulges in candy, ask him to drink a glass of water or eat a piece of cheese, which reduces acidity. An hour after eating, make your child brush his teeth.

5. As soon as a child has teeth, he becomes a patient of the dentist. Getting into the habit of regular dental checkups can help you avoid future visits.

Should I worry if my baby is almost a year old and still has no signs of teething?

Often teething in children occurs after a year, so don't worry if you're still seeing smiling gums. If teeth are not cutting after a year, consult a doctor. Early children sometimes develop late teething.

If your child constantly cries and the pain does not subside, consult a doctor. The process of teething, of course, is not pleasant, but it should not become torture for the child.

How long will a child have baby teeth?

Years! Baby teeth won't start falling out until the permanent teeth are ready to come out. This will begin around age 6.

If you still have questions about when babies' first teeth appear, how to relieve teething pain in children, how to care for a baby's first teeth, and how to survive this difficult period when a baby is teething, ask them on our forum.

The main danger of teething in babies is the appearance of high fever. There are cases in which parents during this period cannot accurately determine the cause of the fever, since in addition to tooth growth, its presence can be a consequence of infectious infection. Therefore, it is very important when teething to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of the process and study the basic steps to alleviate the baby’s condition.

During the period when they are cut in infants, making their way first into the bone tissue, only after that they break through the gums. This condition is quite tiring and brings discomfort to the child.

The inflammatory process in the gum area causes the immune system to work in excess. It is for this reason that a temperature of 38 or 39 degrees is common in such a situation.

To make sure that your baby's first baby teeth are appearing, you can check for the following symptoms:

  1. Irritation in the mouth and chin area. The result of the appearance of a large amount of saliva, which must be constantly wiped with blotting movements from the face and lower part of the chin.
  2. Swollen gums. The entire period while teeth are coming in, the gums are in a swollen state. Their increase can be so great that it can only be detected by ticking after lightly tapping it with a metal spoon.
  3. Increased salivation. The most characteristic sign that teeth are cutting begins around the tenth week of a baby’s life and continues until 3–5 months.
  4. Loss of appetite. The child refuses the usual portions of daily food, with the exception of the mother’s breast or solid food (dry bread, crust of bread), on which itchy gums can be scratched.
  5. Constant desire to chew and suck a finger. When teething, infants need maximum supervision; all objects in their hands must be clean, without sharp edges.
  6. Wet cough. Its cause also lies in excess saliva. This symptom appears quite rarely, most often in a lying position.

In addition to the above symptoms, often mothers, while feeding their baby, notice that he begins to bite their nipple or rub his gums on it.

Temperatures of 39 and 38 degrees are the reason for an urgent call to the doctor.

What to do!? Firstly, this condition in infants, in addition to sprouting fangs, can be the cause of an infectious disease. During this period, a weakened body is especially susceptible to disease. Secondly, prolonged high temperature is dangerous for the child. The doctor should prescribe an antipyretic drug.

What to do when teething is accompanied by strong salivation. To normalize water balance, the baby needs frequent, abundant warm drinks.

The ideal option is fresh dried fruit compote. When teeth are erupting, the child often loses his appetite, so he should be given exactly as much to eat as he wants, without persuading him to eat an extra spoonful of porridge.

When a high temperature appears, all the body’s forces are aimed at fighting the heat and there is simply not enough of it to digest food. The baby's room should be well-humidified, with an air temperature of at least 18°C ​​and no more than 25°C.

Dr. Komarovsky often reminds us that their teething in infants is not a disease, but a completely natural, normal process. It can begin six months earlier or later, and almost always occurs with the wrong sequence of growth.

According to Komarovsky, at this time the baby’s tooth does not hurt, its passage through the gums also does not cause pain, the maximum is a strong, annoying itching.

  • During this period, the child should go without medication, except when he has a dangerously high temperature;
  • to distract your baby from feeling unwell, you need to take him for walks often; it is best to take a special backpack for a walk: the baby will feel constant contact with his mother;
  • fun, not too tiring games are important;
  • if a baby's gums itch, you can give him a carrot or an apple, but when he has already developed a tip, this should not be done, the child may accidentally bite off a piece.

A special teether will be a faithful assistant during teething, thanks to which the baby will instantly calm down and will not put foreign objects in his mouth.

Komarovsky also says that today there are no ways to accelerate the growth of baby teeth and influence the correct sequence of their germination. Accordingly, this period must be waited out with maximum care and patience towards the child.

How to relieve pain and alleviate the general condition of a child during teething without the use of medications?

The most common massage among people is considered to be gum massage; it doesn’t require much. Just a washed mother’s finger, which with light pressure on the child’s inflamed gums, at least for a short time, dulls the pain and reduces suffering. Specialized silicone toothbrushes are also used for this “massage”.

Cold will also help relieve pain. Chilled teethers and food help relieve swelling from inflamed gums and reduce their soreness. As an option, you can use a cotton towel soaked in chamomile infusion. The dampened cloth must be placed in a plastic bag and cooled in the refrigerator. After which you can give the child to chew.

Many parents ignore folk remedies and resort to local anesthetics - gels and ointments. They are very easy to use, just apply them to the sore gums. Such medications are available in all pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

The most effective medications that will help relieve pain in the gums during the period when the child is cutting teeth.

  • Dantinorm;
  • Dentokind;
  • Nurofen;
  • Panadol;
  • Dentinox;
  • Viburcol;
  • Baby Doctor "First Teeth";
  • Pansoral “First teeth”;
  • Kalgel;
  • Holisal.

All drugs that are used to relieve painful teething are divided into:

  • homeopathic;
  • cooling;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect help relieve pain and relieve inflammation:

  • Baby Doctor "First Teeth" includes extracts of calendula, echinacea, chamomile, plantain and marshmallow root;
  • Pansoral “First teeth” includes Roman chamomile and marshmallow.

The advantage of such products is that the number of uses is not limited. The disadvantage is a weaker therapeutic effect.

They have antimicrobial and analgesic effects.

This group includes:

  • Kalgel;
  • Kamistad;
  • Dentinox-gel;
  • Dentol baby.


  • possibility of use from an early age, starting from six months;
  • Frequent use is allowed - every half hour;
  • act instantly.


  • numbness of the mouth;
  • the action is short-term;
  • discomfort may occur during swallowing, breathing and swallowing;
  • allergic reactions should not be excluded;
  • too many side effects;
  • increased salivation.

The use of such products does not cause numbness and relieves pain for a longer period of time.

The most famous remedy is Cholisal, its advantages:

  • Can be used before eating;
  • high efficiency.

Disadvantage: increased salivation.

You can relieve pain and inflammation during painful cutting using other means:

  1. Viburkol- These are rectal homeopathic suppositories that have a soothing and mild antipyretic effect. Suppositories can be used from the first days of life, there are no contraindications.
  2. Panadol(the main active ingredient is paracetamol) has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. But when used, nausea and swelling are possible.
  3. Nurofen has the same effect as Panadol, but the main active ingredient is ibuprofen.
  4. Dantinorm- homeopathic drops that are very convenient to use. Advantages: strong analgesic effect;
    easy to use; the medication has no side effects.
  5. Dentokind- a homeopathic remedy available in tablet form. Can eliminate pain. The use of the drug is approved for babies from the first days of life. However, do not forget that it is advisable to dissolve the tablet, which not every child can do. The main effect is pain relief during teething. The downside is that it cannot be used by the smallest infants who are unable to dissolve the tablet.

Dr. Komarovsky knows everything about how teeth are cut, in particular how to relieve inflammation and numb gums:

Along with unbearable pain during teething, there are other possible unpleasant symptoms that you need to be able to relieve:

  1. Increased salivation- one of the main signs that indicates that a child is teething. There's nothing you can do about it - all you have to do is get a handkerchief and napkins. It is recommended to use bibs.
  2. For fever and pain Children's Nimulid, Nurofen, Viburkol, menthol patches, Panadol Calpol, Efferalgan suppositories will help.
  3. From diarrhea Bifiform and lactobacilli will help.
  4. Sore gums can be lubricated with Kamistad, Kalgel, Cholisal, Pansoral, Dentinox.
  5. slight runny nose with watery, colorless discharge can be stopped with the help of drugs Nazivin and children's Xymelin for edema.
  6. Bad breath. There are toothpastes for children from 0. You can also wipe the gums with a weak soda solution.
  7. During rashes on the baby's skin it is necessary to bathe in brewed herbs - chamomile, string, celandine. After bathing, the rash should be lubricated with regular baby cream or Fenistil.
  8. At stomatitis Sea buckthorn oil, aloe and propolis help very well. You can also wipe the mouth with a bandage soaked in Chlorhexidine.
  9. Refusal to eat. To relieve pain, try to feed your baby with a cold spoon, give him chilled juices and purees. It is more advisable to feed more liquid or pureed food.

It's no secret that chamomile is the best antipyretic. Most homeopathic medicines are made using chamomile extract.

You can relieve pain in a child at the moment when his teeth are being cut by giving the baby chamomile tea. If this tea is prepared correctly, the child will drink it with pleasure. Do not give your baby very hot tea.

Applying a chamomile compress to the cheek can also quickly relieve inflammation. You can rub chamomile oil into your gums with your finger.

In addition to chamomile, lavender and lemon balm have a calming effect. Tea made from these herbs is not only healthy, but also very aromatic. It is also impossible not to note that you can take such drinks in unlimited quantities.

You can relieve pain from your gums with a mixture of almond and clove oils. You can let your child chew strawberry or chicory root.

Mothers often hear stories about the period of life in the development of the baby when the first teeth are cut. The main characters of these stories are restless sleep, loss of appetite, crying at night. It’s no wonder that you look forward to the time when your baby’s teeth begin to cut with special trepidation.

Of course, I really want the child to give his parents the opportunity to tap his gum with a spoon and hear the treasured sound.

Forewarned is forearmed

In fact, there are happy parents whose babies acquired their first and subsequent teeth completely asymptomatically. Troubles such as diarrhea, fever, restless behavior and snot passed them by. It is quite possible that your baby will fall into the category of lucky ones whose teeth erupted without any ailments, or he will get away with a slight evening fever, delighting his family with his first tooth the next day.

It is unknown what awaits your baby, so you should arm yourself with knowledge and patience. The baby will need the mother's peace of mind. Set yourself up for a positive attitude towards this difficult but obligatory stage in life. Teething is a physiological process in infants; it just needs to be experienced.

How to tell if your baby is teething

Excessive salivation, bad mood and the desire to put everything in the mouth are the very first symptoms of teething.

They appear most often between 4 and 6 months. It is believed that by 6 months the first tooth, the lower incisor, should come out, followed by the second pair from below. Next, the upper central incisors erupt. By 9 months - the lateral incisors above and below, and by 14-15 months the turn of the first molars will come.

For all experienced mothers and experienced grandmothers, increased salivation in the baby is the first sign of a future tooth. But it may take several days or even weeks from the first signs to the appearance of the tooth. And in some cases, not even one month.

And the first tooth will not necessarily appear strictly according to schedule in the months determined by statistics. Each baby is individual due to the genes that he inherited. They carry certain generic information and influence the timing of teeth appearance. If, for example, a father or mother’s first tooth came out by 11 months, then one can hardly expect that the child will have one at 4 months. However, it may happen that despite all the signs, genetics and statistics, you will have to experience all the delights of the approaching miracle much earlier. There are cases where children were born with one incisor.

Early appearance of teeth

After the first two months, while the baby adapts to life and his gastrointestinal tract to food, the mother will have to learn how to deal with constipation, soothe colic and relieve tummy pain. But it seems that everything is behind us, you can just rejoice at the baby’s toothless smiles, but then comes the attack! Your usually cheerful and calm baby has become capricious for no reason. His mouth began to water profusely, and his favorite game “taste it” or “fists taste best” appeared. Your baby is most likely teething at 3 months. This has been happening quite often lately. To relieve painful symptoms for such a baby, it is worth purchasing a silicone brush that fits on your finger. When the teeth erupt, it can be used for its intended purpose - as a baby’s first toothbrush.

It is also worth paying special attention to the cleanliness of things that the baby comes into contact with. After all, the baby puts almost everything into his mouth when his gums itch so unbearably. It is important to keep the house clean, do daily wet cleaning, and wash toys regularly and thoroughly. These steps will help you avoid intestinal infections and disorders in your baby.

Drugs that make teething easier

Discomfort from swollen gums and incomprehensible painful sensations frighten the baby. They make him experience not only a certain pain, but also fear from the unknown of what is happening. The baby may lose appetite and sleep, because the tooth is being cut almost around the clock, so the gum tissue causes discomfort 24 hours a day.

Use the gel when teething: the anesthetic will locally soften the pain, cool the gums, prevent inflammation, and the baby will feel better. But don't overdo it: each gel has its own time limits. Please read the instructions carefully.

When choosing a gel, first listen to the advice of your pediatrician or pharmacist.

Here is a list of the most popular teething gels:


A lidocaine-based gel has a local anesthetic effect and inhibits the growth of bacteria that enter the baby’s mouth in large quantities during teething. Suitable for babies over 5 months. May cause allergic reactions.


The gel has anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating properties. The main active ingredients are chamomile extract and lidocaine. Not recommended for children under three months of age.


Gel can relieve pain and relieve irritation. Fights pathogenic bacteria thanks to the antiseptic included in the composition. Side effects include a short-term burning sensation. The main thing in using the drug is not to exceed the dosage.

If gels don't help and you don't know how to relieve teething pain, try Viburkol suppositories. Homeopathic suppositories based on chamomile will help calm the baby, alleviate his condition, and lower the temperature, but only if it is not higher than 38°C.

How to choose teethers

When a child is teething, it is not necessary to immediately give him medication. In addition to medicines, you can purchase teething massagers. They come in several types: pacifiers-teethers, cooling teethers and nibblers. While diverting attention from painful sensations, they also massage the baby’s gums, making it easier for teeth to erupt.

Cooling teethers

They are made of a special material and filled inside with gel or water. Keep the massager in the refrigerator for a while, the liquid will harden and then the teether will cool the gums, bringing peace to the baby for a while. It is better to choose a cooling teether with a handle that the baby will hold the toy without freezing the hands.

Teether pacifiers

Very convenient teethers, since the baby does not have to hold them in his hands. They, like a nipple, have a limiter, and instead of a nipple there is a silicone or latex embossed insert.


Nibblers are devices for introducing the first complementary foods of fruits, vegetables and berries. Suitable for babies from 6 months. The nibbler consists of a tightly closed mesh or silicone container with holes and a handle. You can put, for example, an apple inside and give it to your baby. The baby will chew the mesh, the gums will be massaged, and at the same time the pleasant taste will distract him from painful sensations.

How to help your child when teething

Runny nose

A common occurrence during teething is a runny nose. It appears not because of the teeth themselves, but due to the abundance of saliva flowing into the nasopharynx. When a runny nose appears, regularly rinse your nose and use a nasal aspirator (nozzle suction). If the nasal discharge stops being clear, you should not self-medicate, but immediately contact your pediatrician. He will examine the child and prescribe the necessary treatment. You should definitely consult a doctor if, in addition to a runny nose during teething, you have a fever or diarrhea.


A low temperature may rise once before the tooth appears. However, if the temperature above 38°C lasts for several days, and diarrhea also appears, then the problem is clearly not in the teeth. A timely visit to a doctor will help avoid the development of an infectious disease and quickly restore the child’s health.

Digestive disorder

It also often happens that due to sore gums during teething, appetite disappears. The baby refuses food and breastfeeding. The mother, of course, is worried about the baby and tries to feed him. And then, she may get another unpleasant manifestation of teething - vomiting. But it would be more correct to associate vomiting not with the process of teeth appearing, but with the fact that the baby has a high temperature and does not feel like eating at all. Therefore, the wise body got rid of excess food, instead of wasting energy on processing it. If your baby refuses to breastfeed, do not try to force-feed him. Also, vomiting can happen due to the fact that the child is capricious, cries, during hysterics, chokes on tears and swallows a lot of air. To avoid vomiting and frequent spitting up, do not feed your baby when he cries, but first calm him down. And if vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea and fever, then it may turn out that these are the consequences of an intestinal infection. In this case, you must urgently call a doctor.

Decreased immunity

During teething, the baby's immunity decreases. Therefore, during this period, exclude activities associated with large crowds of people from your baby’s life. Even the arrival of guests to your home should be temporarily limited. After all, adults are often carriers of infections without even knowing it. They have a developed immune system; their own body easily copes with illnesses. And your baby, especially during this period, can quickly catch any infection. Limit communication, take care of the child’s health.

Procedures before a night's rest

A difficult day turning into an equally restless night tires both the family and the baby himself. He would be happy to sleep, but swollen gums cause such discomfort that several times a night the child can wake up screaming and crying. Therefore, the question of how to help and what to do when the baby does not sleep well due to teething becomes very relevant.

To ensure a restful night, help your baby relax before bed. Soft stroking, a light massage after water treatments and a lullaby before bed will help the baby fall asleep. Don't forget to use a gel, suppository or special drops to relieve pain. It is likely that in the most difficult moments it is worth giving the child Nurofen. The instructions say that the medicine can be used to relieve teething pain in children over 3 months old, but first coordinate the appointment with your pediatrician.

If these remedies do not help the child, then additional recommendations from a pediatrician or even a dentist are needed.

But don't let these tips be of any use to you. And your baby, waking up after a good night, will smile charmingly and show you a thin white stripe of a pearl tooth!

Teething, along with some other ailments of newborn children, is perhaps one of the most popular and widely discussed topics among mothers who share their experiences and worries on various forums dedicated to raising children. According to statistics, a child’s first teeth appear no earlier than six months.

There are many myths associated with the process of baby teeth emerging, for example, that girls cut their teeth faster than boys. This statement, firstly, is not supported by medical research. And secondly, infant development, which includes the growth of teeth, is a purely individual process.

This means that one child will experience early tooth development, while the second may develop their first incisors within a year or even later. It is important that in both cases we are not talking about a lag or deviation, this is just a variant of the norm.

Since the process of the appearance of baby teeth is most often associated with many inconveniences and worries for both parents and children, it is best to find out in advance how to determine that a baby’s teeth are growing, and most importantly, how to make this process easier for the child . After all, as they say, being aware means being armed.

How can you tell if your child is teething? This question worries all parents without exception. It often happens that mothers, having noticed a deterioration in their children’s health, do not associate this with the appearance of the first teeth, but think that their child has caught a cold or caught a virus. This is due to the fact that the first signs of teething in a child are very similar to development at the initial stage or acute respiratory infections .

In order not to waste your nerves, time and money, and not to stuff your baby with unnecessary and, in addition, ineffective medications, parents simply must know what symptoms of teething in infants occur and how to help the baby in such a situation. Let's first talk about how a baby behaves when teething.

It is noteworthy that although teething is an absolutely normal and natural physiological process for the human body, unfortunately, in most cases it brings a lot of inconvenience to the child, from which there is no escape.

When a child teethes, he changes before our eyes, becomes capricious and more irritable.

The baby really suffers and experiences discomfort, because this is the first time he has encountered such pain.

Therefore, during this difficult period, parents are simply obliged to support their child and do everything to alleviate his condition.

Children's doctors (for example, the famous Dr. Komarovsky) recommend showing as much care and affection as possible to the baby during this difficult period of time, hugging and kissing the child more often.

After all, the best medicine is parental love and the warmth of mother’s hands. And even though you may not be able to completely eliminate pain, your baby will feel your support and compassion. As mentioned above, the first teeth usually appear at six months. However, this does not mean at all that a child cannot have his first tooth, for example, at 3 months.

By the way, this age is considered the earliest, according to doctors, when babies can begin the process of cutting their first teeth. Modern pediatricians are increasingly saying that each child is unique, and it is not entirely correct to apply the same norms and rules to all children. An individual approach to diagnosis and treatment is the future of medicine.

It is important to understand that the presence and severity of certain symptoms of teething in children under one year of age depends solely on the health status of the particular baby. There are cases, and there are many of them, when a child endures this process almost painlessly and does not experience even half of the ailments associated with the appearance of his first teeth.

When a child is teething, the symptoms can be so unnoticeable to others that parents, upon discovering their baby’s first incisor, may not only be delighted, but truly surprised.

So, if a child is teething, the symptoms may be:

  • gums and swelling at the site of eruption is perhaps the surest sign that the baby will soon have his first tooth. You can see this symptom with the naked eye, you just have to look into the child’s mouth or feel the “bump” on the gum with your finger. In some cases, a small cluster may form at the site where the tooth erupts, and then it will turn blue. This is considered a variant of the norm, provided that the child is generally feeling normal. As a rule, the hematoma goes away on its own immediately after the tooth erupts. When hit infections on gum may be present abscess or , they also go away on their own over time. If this does not happen, and the baby’s condition worsens (usually rises temperature , this is how the body reacts to inflammatory processes ), then you should immediately consult a dentist;
  • increased salivation can also be considered a sure sign of teething. A lot of saliva is actually released, both when the first incisors appear in order and further, when the development of the molars and canines begins;
  • The baby’s desire to chew everything is due to a strong itchy gums , another sure sign that the teething process is gaining momentum;
  • decrease, change in taste preferences or complete refusal of the child to eat;
  • Changes in the behavior of newborn children (increased irritability, causeless capriciousness) are caused, first of all, by the fact that the child experiences painful sensations at the moment when the teeth are actively “storming” the surface of the gums. In addition, due to increased salivation, irritation or rashes appear on the skin, which cause a lot of anxiety to the baby;
    sleep disturbance.

Cough during teething in children

Quite often, mothers ask pediatricians the question of whether cough due to teething, or this symptom indicates the development of other ailments. The child's body begins to prepare in advance for the appearance of the first teeth. Within a few weeks, and sometimes months salivary glands begin to produce many times more secret .

However, the child has not yet learned to swallow saliva, as we adults do without thinking and reflexively.

As a result, saliva accumulates in the throat, especially when the child is in a lying position.

The baby begins to cough to release respiratory tract from the secret accumulated there.

In addition, due to the large amount of saliva entering the nasopharynx, you can hear wheezing. When saliva enters the middle ear, the child develops runny nose .

Diarrhea (diarrhea) during teething

Not many parents know that diarrhea in a baby - this is not only a symptom poisoning . The reasons may be teeth, or more precisely, increased salivation. The thing is that an overly susceptible and not fully formed child’s stomach can react painfully to saliva entering with food.

Large quantity secret liquefies chair , and the bacteria it contains provoke indigestion . In addition, when baby teeth grow, the entire child’s body experiences enormous stress, which affects work. Gastrointestinal tract . As a result, the child suffers from diarrhea or, which can also be caused by an excess of saliva.

It is worth remembering that diarrhea lasting no more than 72 hours is considered normal when teething. If you notice any of the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for treatment:

  • change in the color of stool or the presence of foreign inclusions in it, namely the appearance of a black or greenish tint of stool and blood (blood streaks);
  • too frequent bowel movements (more than five times a day);
  • The duration of diarrhea is more than three days, and the number of bowel movements does not decrease, but rather increases.

Vomiting during teething

Could it be if teeth are being cut? In rare cases, children may experience vomiting during the teething period. However, this is a rather rare phenomenon, also caused by strong salivation, in which part of the secretion gets into the child’s stomach with food. It is important to emphasize that if vomiting is associated with diarrhea and these ailments often recur; in addition, the child’s body temperature has increased, this indicates the development of a viral infection.

In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for advice. Because without timely treatment rotaviruses, adenoviruses, astroviruses, caliciviruses, noroviruses , combined under one name, stomach or intestinal flu, causing severe gastrointestinal disorders, can cause irreparable harm to the child’s health.

Elevated body temperature is a signal immune system human, indicating those processes occurring in the body that can be caused by the harmful effects of various microorganisms, for example, bacteria or viruses . However, even when the first teeth erupt, the child may experience high temperature .

True, as a rule, it will not exceed 38-38.5 C. This reaction of the body is due to the presence of inflammation mucous membranes of the oral cavity , because the teeth go through the gum tissue, i.e. actually damage their integrity. In addition, during this period of time the baby begins to grab and gnaw everything that comes to hand and can introduce infection into the wounds.

It is important to understand that the reaction to teeth may be a slight increase in temperature. Moreover, this condition usually lasts several days.

If a child has a fever for a long period of time, it is not related to the teeth.

In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that not always when the child’s incisors, molars or fangs erupt, the body temperature rises.

This means that it would be incorrect to classify temperature as the main sign of teething. Rather, it is a possible symptom that may or may not exist.

Timing of teething

Most parents wonder what time their children’s first teeth appear. After all, on the one hand, everyone is looking forward to this exciting moment when the first beautiful tooth “settles” in the baby’s mouth. On the other hand, mothers understand that this period of time can be difficult due to possible ailments.

How babies teeth erupt, photo

When do babies' first teeth start to grow? Several decades ago, in the medical literature and reference books, the question of when a child’s first teeth appear was given an unequivocal answer - from 6 months of life.

Modern pediatricians are no longer so categorical, since there are increasingly cases where a baby’s first teeth come out much earlier than this time.

Therefore, there is no definite answer to the question of when the first teeth appear in babies; in all children, this process begins only when their body is ready for it.

However, parents should worry if their beloved child does not teethe at 6, 8 or 10 months, since the delay in teething is directly related to the delay in growth and development of the entire organism as a whole, which can be caused by such pathologies as:

  • edentulous , i.e. absence of the rudiments of future teeth themselves. Not many people know that the basis of baby teeth is formed in children in the womb, at about 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, which is why it is so important for women to receive all the necessary nutrients for the correct and harmonious development of all vital systems of the fetus’s body. This disease can only be diagnosed with an x-ray;
  • , a disease that develops in infants due to a lack in their body of , which plays an important role in the absorption calcium , necessary for the development and growth of teeth.

The time at which infants start teething is influenced by factors such as:

  • heredity;
  • nutrition;
  • climatic conditions;
  • water quality and its composition;
  • the presence of certain diseases, for example, ailments associated with the endocrine system;
  • child care.

The order of teething in children

We talked about what time teeth come in, now we’ll figure out the order in which they erupt. So when they cut canines, molars (molars) and incisors ?

Let us consider the above table of dental growth in children in more detail. The table contains information not only about the timing, but also about the sequence of teething in children. It is important to emphasize that this information about the teething order is for reference only.

This means that parents should not panic or worry if their baby's teething order does not match the information presented in the table. The appearance of teeth, like other moments in childhood development, for example, the basic parameters of height and weight, are purely individual.

Therefore, there is no point in comparing the order in which your baby’s teeth or the neighbor’s toddler’s teeth grew. So, what is the order in which baby teeth erupt? And also which teeth erupt first and at what age? The diagram proposed above will help answer these questions and tell you how teeth grow in children.

However, first, let's understand the terminology. The table provides information about how baby teeth grow and which first appear. Milk teeth called the original “dentition” in humans and, interestingly, in other mammals too.

Yes, we are not mistaken, our pets, cats and dogs, and many other animals also lose their milk teeth, and in their place second, permanent teeth grow. Based on the pattern of the appearance of the first teeth, it is clearly visible that the teeth on each half of the jaw, having the same name, for example, upper and lower incisors or canines, emerge simultaneously, i.e. in pairs.

As a rule, the first two to cut through central incisors lower jaw. We can consider these to be the first teeth that appear in babies at 3 months or later. Then, based on the schedule of teething in children proposed above and taking into account the principle of pairing, the central incisors in the upper part of the jaw emerge.

After them comes the time for the second incisors, only the lateral ones. They can appear either from above or from below, this is individual. It is considered normal for children under one year of age to have a full set of incisors, i.e. Both upper and lower teeth come out.

The order of eruption of molars in children

Logically for incisors must follow fangs or "eye" teeth. However, the process of eruption of fangs in children begins only after the appearance of molars . In the meantime, so-called “tooth spaces” form in place of the fangs.

So, after all four incisors, molars appear - the first upper molars and the second lower molars. And only after all the molars take their places, the fangs emerge, which, by the way, are the strongest and most durable teeth.

How long does it take for upper and lower baby teeth to erupt?

It is considered normal that by the age of three a child will have a number canines and molars are compared, and their total number reaches 20 pieces. However, let us repeat once again, these are averaged data and in each specific case the process of eruption occurs at its own individual speed.

You shouldn’t even try to speed it up, since the body itself “controls” the situation, which means teeth will appear when needed.

Teething of upper teeth, photo

The central incisors (lower, upper) appear first in the interval from 3-6 months to 10-12 months. Lateral upper and lower incisors - from 7-9 months to 16-13 months.

The first upper molars are cut from 12-13 months to 18-19 months, the second lower and upper molars - from 20-25 months to 31-33 months. And the last lower and upper canines - from 16 months to 22-23 months.

Changing teeth, i.e. The loss of milk and the appearance of permanent ones in their place also occurs on a purely individual basis.

However, on average, the first teeth begin to fall out at the age of 6-7 years, and permanent teeth are fully formed by 10-12 years. The incisors are the first to change, and the canines and molars appear last.

How to help your baby teething? And what remedies for teething in babies will help effectively relieve pain and alleviate the child’s condition? We will try to answer these questions further. As mentioned above, it is impossible to predict in advance the reaction of the child’s body to the birth process.

However, even if your baby can withstand all the hardships of this period of time relatively easily, and his health remains good, it is still worth knowing how to help your child if any ailments associated with the eruption of baby teeth occur.

The main goal of parents is to make the process of teething as painless as possible for their child.

This can be achieved with the help of all kinds of medications that have an analgesic effect and also prevent the development of infections and inflammatory processes at the teething site.

So, what effective medications for pain relief exist:

  • gels, for example Baby Doctor "First Teeth" , Holisan, and others;
  • drops, for example, this drug is also available in the form of an anesthetic gel;
  • ointment for gums, for example.

In addition to the above remedies, it can help to eliminate painful symptoms of teething: homeopathy . True, you need to be extremely careful with medicinal herbs and plants, as well as with drugs made from them. Of course, natural plant components for the child’s body are the best alternative to synthetic drugs.

But if the child has, homeopathic remedies can significantly worsen the baby’s health. Therefore, before starting to use them, you should definitely seek medical advice from a pediatrician. Let's talk about the most popular and well-proven drugs.

Gels for teething gums

Currently, in a pharmacy in any locality you will be offered a variety of various products designed to alleviate the child’s condition when teething. Most often, these drugs are produced in the form of ointments, gels or creams. This dosage form is the easiest to use and much more effective. The drugs penetrate deeper into the affected tissue areas faster and, as a result, the effect of their use occurs sooner.

So, which teething gel is best for your baby? One of the first and, to some extent, main symptoms of the appearance of baby teeth is considered to be swelling of the gums in infants. When you look into your child's mouth, you will immediately notice swollen areas. mucous tissues .

It is in these places that teeth will soon appear. You may not even know in advance what your gums look like when teething. Believe me, you will be able to determine this by touch with your eyes closed, because a characteristic bump will appear on the gum, and the child will constantly try to somehow scratch this area.

Photo of gums when the first teeth erupt

The best gel for teething in infants will be one that can effectively cope with unpleasant sensations in the gum area, i.e. reduce their sensitivity with cooling and analgesic properties. How gels, ointments and creams work:

  • completely eliminate or help significantly reduce pain;
  • fight inflammation at the site where teeth appear;
  • reduce or completely eliminate itching;
  • have a healing effect;
  • reduce redness and disinfect the mucous membranes of the gums;
  • strengthen gums.
Drug name Kamistad Baby Baby Doctor "First Teeth" Holisal
Compound lidocaine hydrochloride, infusion of chamomile inflorescences marshmallow root extracts, calendula, chamomile, echinacea, plantain extracts, water, methylparaben and methylcellulose Choline salicylate, cetalkonium chloride

The drug belongs to combination drugs that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial effects.

The gel reduces the manifestation of pain due to the presence of lidocaine in its chemical composition. Moreover, the analgesic effect of using the drug lasts quite a long time.

Pharmaceutical chamomile fights inflammatory processes and also promotes healing of the mucous membranes of the gums in areas of teething.

Homeopathic medicine.

Dental gel with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties.

Choline salicylate has a local anesthetic effect, and cetalkonium chloride has antiseptic properties.

Indications for use
  • erythema of the lips;
  • cheilitis;
  • injured oral mucosa due to wearing braces or using dentures;
  • teething .
Elimination of pain syndrome, as well as relief of inflammatory processes during teething in children of the first year of life.
  • periodontal disease;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • cheilitis;
  • damage to mucous membranes when using prostheses;
  • eruption of first and permanent teeth in children;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes after surgery;
  • lichen planus of the mucous membrane;
Possible allergic reactions to ointment components in infants
  • allergic reactions;
  • tingling and burning in the area where the drug was applied.
Instructions for use The gel is applied in a layer no more than 5 mm thick to the inflamed areas of the gums three times a day.

The gel is applied locally, i.e. Apply with massaging movements directly to the inflamed areas of the mucous membranes of the gums.

You can smear the medicine on your gums every time there is a need.

The gel is applied to the inflamed areas with light massaging movements about fifteen minutes before meals or after hygiene procedures after meals.

The drug can be used no more than three times a day.

Average price 150 rubles per package with a nominal volume of 10 g. 150 rubles per package, volume 15 ml. 220 rubles per tube of 10 g.
Drug name Dentinox Dantinorm Baby Kalgel
Compound chamomile extract, polidocanol, lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate extract of chamomile, rhubarb, Indian ivy cetylpyridinium chloride, lidocaine
Properties Local anesthetic with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. A homeopathic medicine in the form of drops that has analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The gel, intended exclusively for topical use, has antifungal, antibacterial and analgesic properties.
Indications for use The gel is used to eliminate pain, as well as inflammation and irritation of the gums during teething. Teething in children from three months. Painful teething in children aged five months and older.
Contraindications for use Presence of damage in the oral cavity, individual intolerance medicines. Individual drug intolerance .
  • bradycardia;
  • liver failure;
  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • hypotension;
  • individual intolerance;
  • violation of intraventricular conduction.
Side effects not identified not identified
  • swallowing dysfunction;
  • allergic reactions.
Instructions for use A small amount of gel is applied to the gums with light massaging movements no more than three times a day. Take drops in one container (volume 1 ml) orally in between meals no more than three times a day.

Using gentle massaging movements, a small amount of the drug is applied to the inflamed areas of the gums no more than six times a day.

The gel can only be reapplied after twenty minutes have passed after the previous use.

Average price 200 rubles per package with a nominal volume of 10 g. 300 rubles for drops of 10 ml. 230 rubles for 10 g of gel.

Before using any type of gel, ointment or drops, you should always consult your doctor. In addition to medicine, you can alleviate the baby’s condition during teething with the help of:

  • teethers - this special device can come in different shapes and sizes. Teethers are made from materials such as rubber and plastic, which are safe in their composition. They can be filled with water or a special gel so that they can be cooled in a regular household refrigerator. As you know, cold can dull pain for some time. This device can be safely chewed by the baby and thus scratch the gums;
  • gum massage, for which special devices are also used, for example, a finger brush or gauze swabs. A finger brush and gauze swabs are not only excellent massagers, but also hygiene products intended for oral care in children. They carefully cleanse the mucous membranes and teeth of dirt.

Many parents are concerned about whether it is possible to do vaccinations during the period of teething. Before vaccination in accordance with the vaccination calendar, the child undergoes a series of procedures, which include tests (urine, blood) , as well as examination by a pediatrician.

The process of the appearance of the first teeth in itself is not a pathology that prohibits vaccination.

However, as a general rule, in order to avoid unwanted side reactions and complications, vaccinations are given only when the child feels well and his tests are normal.

As we determined earlier, when teething, the baby’s well-being may worsen. Of course, in such a state there can be no talk of any vaccinations. Remember, the recommended vaccination dates are mandatory and not strict. Therefore, you can skip the next vaccination without feeling guilty and wait until your child gets better.

Some children experience teething very painfully, and teething also occurs with anxiety when fours and fives appear. The teeth, coming out with their sharp edges, cut through the baby’s gum tissue, and therefore the child begins to be capricious and experiences discomfort when the gums begin to swell. The teething itself in a child occurs depending on his genetic parameters and biological age.

It is worth knowing that when the gums swell, a child may experience pain not only in the exact place where the tooth is, but in the entire mouth. The tooth may appear within a month, or maybe after two months it will not even appear on the surface of the gum. These are all individual characteristics of your baby, and you should not be upset if, with constantly inflamed gums and ongoing increased salivation, teeth do not appear.

A child under three years old should have 20 teeth, and their eruption can occur in different ways, so you should not find out which teeth erupted painfully in other children.

Help with teething

There is only a small group of children who experience teething completely painlessly, but many children still suffer to varying degrees from the pain that accompanies teething. About two months before the appearance of the first tooth, the child becomes whiny, capricious, his salivation increases, his appetite disappears, and sleep appears. This happens because the teeth are already inside the gums, and in the child's mouth you may notice a slight swelling where the eruption occurs.

At this time, the baby begins to feel pain or severe itching.

Suffering from pain, a child begins to behave restlessly and cry if he cannot be distracted and calmed by games, in which case special pain-relieving gels can help you; they contain anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components. But this gel can be used no more than three times a day, so try to use it in very extreme cases. When itching appears, the child will try to chew everything that can be put in his mouth, so do not scold your child for this behavior, but rather give him special teething toys. The surfaces of such toys have different irregularities, and this helps the child relieve the itching that appears.