Examples of writing social projects. An example of a social project. Social projects for youth: examples

website- Suseeva Didana, a graduate of the FLEX program (student exchange program in the USA), spoke about World Youth Activism Day, when countries almost all over the world organize social projects and events in mid-April. For the third year in a row, Kyrgyzstan ranks 1st (not counting the United States) in the number of completed projects. And graduates of the FLEX program aged 16-28 this year implemented 20 projects throughout Kyrgyzstan.

World Youth Action Day is the world's largest charity event, and every year millions of young people contribute to the betterment of their communities. Starting in mid-April, young leaders of Kyrgyzstan began implementing social projects. All countries register projects on the website gysd.org, and for the third year in a row, Kyrgyzstan (not counting the USA) ranks first in the world in the number of implemented projects. Graduates of the FLEX program, together with the youth of the Kyrgyz Republic, organize social projects in all regions of the country.

"Clean and healthy village." Biyaly kyzy Bermet, NGO FRENDAZIA in the village of Ivanovka - coordinator for children’s education

From March 23 to April 17, 2016, a number of events were held in the village of Ivanovka as part of the Biyaly kyzy Bermet “Clean and Healthy Village” project, the main goal of which was to attract the attention of residents to the problems of environmental pollution and a healthy lifestyle. Currently, housing and communal services workers do not have time to remove garbage from the streets; due to the large volume of solid waste, residents throw out garbage in public places.

During the implementation of the project, students from schools in the village of Ivanovka and volunteers from the Korean Center “FriendAsia” and FLEX from April 11 to 17 organized trainings, cleanup days and video screenings about the role of humans in environmental pollution in 6 schools and 3 kindergartens. Project participants installed not only 16 garbage cans in the village, but also special boxes for collecting plastic. At the end of the project, on April 17, the children organized a friendly football tournament to draw attention to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The youth of the village of Ivanovka assured that this project is just the beginning, and in the future they plan to implement other initiatives to maintain the cleanliness of the village and teach fellow villagers how to properly sort waste and lead a healthy lifestyle.

"Pay it forward." Aizhan Zhumagulova, 3rd year, KSUSTA

The fourth annual GYSD project takes place in Balykchy on April 22-24. Ten students from ten schools received training in health, mental and physical health, yoga and self-defense techniques, and learned more about the benefits of volunteering. Also of great importance to this project is the desire to teach students to appreciate Kyrgyz traditions, Kyrgyz culture and our native language. After the end of the project, each school will have small missions based on the themes of the project.

"UPGRADE". Didana Suseeva, 1st year, KRSU

From April 11 to 17, within the framework of the global volunteer project, the “Upgrade” project was organized, which took place in the cities of Karakol, Tokmok, Naryn and village. Besh-Koruk (Sokuluk district).

On April 11 in Karakol, the target audience was young people in grades 8-11 and students of local universities. The main idea of ​​the project is to convey to the younger generation of the country the importance of preserving and caring for the environment. Statistics, educational videos, games and discussions were presented. The organizers also held a number of games in Karakol Victory Park. The tasks of the games were related to the study of the history of the Great Patriotic War. After the games, a cleanup was held in the park and maintenance and cleaning of monuments and landmarks took place. The same action took place in Naryn. The name of the project “Upgrade” implies self-development, self-awareness and self-education, and pushes the younger generation to become better than their former selves.

"HELP". Alenova Malika, 1st year, KRSU

From April 15 to 17, 2016, the “HELP” (Health Education and Lifestyle Partnership) project was held in the city of Jalal-Abad as part of the World Youth Activity Day. The organizer was FLEX program graduate Malika Alenova.

Based on completed questionnaires, the organizers selected 20 students from grades 8 to 10. This project was designed for three days; in the first two days there was training on the topics of health and lifestyle of modern youth. One of the trainers was a Peace Corps volunteer who taught a first aid session. All participants were very active and also admitted that they would really like to see more projects like this, where they can learn something new and develop their leadership skills. Various fun games were also played during the training. The third day was very useful not only for the participants, but also for the city. The organizers carried out a major cleanup of the resort's road. The guys walked almost 5 km and collected about 50 bags of garbage.

"Just start with yourself." Eldiyar Amankulov, 1st year, ATA-TURK

The charity run “Just start with yourself” was held on April 17 at 10:00 am in the botanical garden. The race was free. The purpose of this race is to promote a healthy lifestyle, as well as raise funds for children with autism.

"Monopoly Simulation". Azat Toroev, 2nd year, IUCA

The Monopoly Simulation project took place on April 24th. The participants were 40 schoolchildren who were taught the basics of economics. Participants took part in an educational game.

"Realize yourself in business." Sanira-Begim Mamatova, AUCA

On April 16, a training “Realize yourself in business” was held for the initiative youth of Bishkek, where young successful entrepreneurs shared their experience on the path to business and gave useful advice. Participants also listened to a lecture on business modeling and learned about investment opportunities.

"Start locally, change globally." Aida Oktombekova and Sanira-Begim Mamatova, AUCA

Aida Oktombekova and Sanira-Begim Mamatova, as part of the Annual Youth Week of Goodness, organized an educational training “Start locally, change globally” for schoolchildren in the cities of Osh and Jalal-Abad to introduce them to universities of the Kyrgyz Republic and foreign ones as well. Participants also learned about SAT/IELTS/TOEFL exams and the FLEX program.

"Book is life". Klimova Altynay, 2nd year, KEU

The "Book is life" project is aimed at popularizing the reading of books and libraries in the country. This project takes place in several stages. The first stage is collecting books from universities.

The donated books will replenish the library's fund. Bayalinov, and will also be sent to regional libraries of the country. The other part will go to open a “new” type of library at the Kyrgyz Economic University. Musa Ryskulbekov. This university is launching a new project “Read, Share with Others”, where every student and teaching staff can exchange books for free. The project goes hand in hand with the "Book is life" project. The next stage of the project is the “Open Day” at the Bayalinov library. This event will take place at 10 a.m. in the library building. The program will include a mini show concert in honor of the opening, various master classes, free lessons in English and a program for our young children will also be held. Also, pupils with disabilities will present a charity fair of things made by them. All money received will go to Azhara’s treatment, as well as to the children’s cancer center.

"Cup of Mercy" Akbermet Azizova, 1st year, KTU "Manas"

Akbermet Azizova implemented the “Cup of Mercy” project to spread knowledge about mercy and change the indifference of young people towards those in need. To do this, she created a platform for discussion using debate. As a result, 18 teams debated topics related to mercy, and only two reached the finals. The goal of the project was to spread the benefits of volunteering and motivate young people to engage in social activities.

"Eco Caravan". Valentina Khomenko, AUCA

Graduates of the FLEX program and volunteers of the Move Green Public Foundation visited the Uchkun and Svetly Put orphanages, as well as the Kelechek children's assistance center. The main goals of the trip were to conduct conversations with the children on the topic of the environment and the importance of taking care of it. The next stage of the project will be the production of eco-bags, the proceeds from the sale of which will be used to hold a six-day camp “Eco Caravan” on the southern shore of Issyk-Kul for children from orphanages in the summer of 2016.

“Culture is our common wealth.” Aida Oktombekova and Tolgonai Turgazieva

From April 16 to 17, the girls organized the project “Culture is our common wealth” for children from the Kara-Balta orphanage. The aim of the project was to enrich children's understanding of culture and history. The project is dedicated to the year of history and culture of the Kyrgyz Republic.

"Fun Recycling" Nadezhda Pak, FLEX 2010 graduate

Bishkek secondary school is attended by 1400-2800 students. At least 40-45% of children buy drinks and use paper and when used, they generate huge amounts of paper waste every day. It's sad to think that all this waste ends up in one trash can, usually placed outside the school. According to our review, in several Bishkek schools, none of them recycled waste. We have chosen 4 schools where we will conduct our project. We strive to make recycling an everyday thing for students and turn it into a habit so that students pass it on to future generations. Our “Fun Recycling” project aims to meet this goal. Four teams of volunteers visited 4 schools with a presentation on the importance of recycling plastic bottles and paper. During the presentation, we provided training on the importance of recycling.

"The budget of a family country." Zhamilya Klycheva, 2013 FLEX graduate

Another large project was held on April 16 at vocational lyceum No. 10. “The Budget of the Country-Family” presents training and introduces the main aspect of the budget of the Kyrgyz Republic, provides useful tips on managing personal finances.

"Green Leaf" Kanat Osmonov, AUCA

Kanat Osmonov, Elvira Zhumasheva and Azat Ismagilov implemented a large project “Green Leaf”, which brought together about 80 students. Zelenstroy provided seedlings and shovels for the implementation of this project. In addition, there were professional instructors to guide people through the entire process.

“Our strength is in unity.” Nurgulya Irisova, KSMA

The main goal was to unite people, regardless of their nationality and religious views and beliefs, in order to strengthen their friendship and teach them to be tolerant of each other and unite to work together for the development and prosperity of our society.

"Let's rekindle the love of books."

The team visited the Bright Path orphanage and gave the children unusual books, the authors of which were the children themselves. The idea is to create a book with a story, the author of which will be a child, and when it is completed, the children will exchange with friends and read! The project is aimed at developing children's thinking in order to instill a love of reading and respect for others!

Debate. Aidai Amankulova

Aidai Amankulova organized a project in Talas. Students from various universities in the city took part in the debates and learned about various extra-curricular activities.

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Municipal state educational institution

"Secondary school No. 5"

Kazgulak village, Turkmen district, Stavropol Territory


"A Forgotten Page of History"

10th grade student

MKOU secondary school No. 5, Kazgulak village

Bondareva Irina Ivanovna.

Project managers–

Deputy Director for Educational Work,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MKOU secondary school No. 5, Kazgulak village

Litvinova Marina Ivanovna;

computer science teacher MKOU secondary school No. 5, Kazgulak village

Gladina Olga Vasilievna.

2013-2014 academic year

Relevance of the project

In recent years, there has been a rethinking of the essence of patriotic education: the idea of ​​cultivating patriotism and citizenship, acquiring increasing social significance, is becoming a task of national importance. Only on the basis of towering feelings of patriotism and national shrines does love for the motherland become stronger, a sense of responsibility for its power, honor and independence, the preservation of the material and spiritual values ​​of society appears, and personal dignity develops. Today, when at the state level civic-patriotic education is highlighted as a priority, we consider our project, which is aimed at preserving the memory of generations and forming a system of life values ​​and an active civic position, to be especially relevant.

Motherland, Fatherland... In the roots of these words there are images close to everyone: mother and father, parents, those who give life to a new being. Instilling a sense of patriotism in schoolchildren is a complex and lengthy process. Love for one’s native country and native land play a huge role in the development of a child’s personality. Without love for the Motherland it is impossible to build a strong Russia. Without respect for one's own history, the deeds and traditions of the older generation, it is impossible to raise worthy citizens. These qualities must be cultivated from early childhood. The authors of the project “Forgotten Pages of History” are confident that its implementation will instill in children the beginning of an understanding of high civic and patriotic feelings: love for the Fatherland, pride in their people, their history, traditions, love for their small Motherland, respect for the historical past his village.

But a sense of patriotism cannot be forcibly instilled. In modern conditions of the development of society, it is difficult to force people to love their Fatherland, to teach them to sincerely worry about the fate of the people and the country, to evoke in a child in the soul those qualities that define him as an individual, as a citizen. We must help the younger generation develop all these qualities, involving them in joint socially significant activities, and show by our own example the importance of such events.

Justification of the relevance of the project

The need to restore historical memory, respect for the historical past of the native village, and the development of civic and patriotic feelings.

Lack of necessary life experience in preserving historical memory

The problem I stated– an opportunity to restore forgotten pages of the historical past of the village of Kazgulak, maintain connections between generations of fellow villagers, and gain valuable life experience through communication with people who survived the hard times of war. And also - this is an opportunity to save from oblivion the names of people who, not with weapons in their hands, not in front-line trenches, not on the front line, but in everyday life, on collective farm fields, in hospitals, in school classrooms, won their battles every day at the limit of human capabilities and battles with devastation, hunger, disease, being an example of fortitude and moral fortitude.

This project is relevant specifically for our school also because none of the students surveyed during the survey and the overwhelming majority of teachers and village residents knew practically nothing about the history of the school during the Second World War. All this is clearly displayed in the survey results (see appendix).

Where did the need for this study come from?

The project began with the collection of material about school teachers from different years in preparation for the Evening of School Friends. The memories of the pioneer leader of the 1960 graduates and the study of the archives of the rural museum plunged us into the distant forties, telling the story of the fate of the wonderful teacher and leader Vera Fominichna Gavrilova, who selflessly led the school during the war, performing her pedagogical and human feat every day. By organizing not only the educational process at school, but also hot meals, Vera Fominichna saved the souls and lives of the children, since many of them were able to eat hot soup only at school. Despite the hardships of wartime, the young director, always combed, strictly but tastefully dressed, also kept the school in order and severity. She was an example of perseverance, dedication, and discipline at work, at home and in public life for many fellow villagers, which won their respect and love. But this attitude towards the profession was not in vain. In 1960, Vera Fominichna passed away.

Years have passed. There was no one to take care of the burial: there were no relatives, Vera Fominichna’s students were getting old. The modest grave of the former director was lost among the granite slabs, lopsided, and dilapidated. And human memory has also decayed.

The implementation of this project will partially help overcome the above problems.

Life shows that global changes in the world around us can begin with a small act: with a planted tree, a cleaned stream, helping a neighbor... An act entails not only a specific action, but also a positive example.

Project goal

Development of students' civic and patriotic qualities as a citizen of Russia, familiarization with the traditions and rich culture of the country, preservation of the continuity of generations based on historical memory, examples of the heroic past of the people.

Project objectives:

  1. Collect information about the life and activities of the school director V.F. Gavrilova.
  2. Find the burial place of V.F. Gavrilova and carry out its reconstruction.
  3. Restore historical memory that unites different generations of village residents.
  4. Involve as many students as possible in conscious volunteering.
  5. Form active civic and social responsibility through a positive system of moral values.
  6. To form a feeling of respect and gratitude for the older generation, the historical past of Russia, and one’s small homeland.
  7. Develop children's initiative through various activities.
  8. Involve students in socially significant activities aimed at mercy, charity, and develop their social activity.
  9. Foster the need for conscious volunteerism for the benefit of society.

The project is a complex of five modules aimed at developing and nurturing the civic and patriotic qualities of schoolchildren.

Main target groups for which the project is aimed

The project is aimed at children and adolescents and other social groups of the village of Kazgulak.

Project mission

Updating the best moral qualities of project participants - kindness, responsiveness, active assistance, patriotism, respect for the historical past of their homeland.

Project initiative group

Sergienko Karina

Shkaburda Evgeniya

Shkaburda Alina

Tarasenko Daria

Bondareva Irina

Pirozhkova Alina

Project coordinator/idea mastermind

Gladina O.V., computer science teacher, MKOU Secondary School No. 5.

Project partners

1) Partners of pedagogical support:

Litvinova M.I., Deputy Director for VR, teacher of Russian language and literature of MKOU Secondary School No. 5.

2) Partners for regulatory and resource support

Bondar E.I. - head teacher;

Medvedev Yu.I. –Head of Administration of Kazgulak village

Kazhanov V.V. - Director of the Center for Culture and Culture of Kazgulak village

Stepko S.I. – individual entrepreneur in the village of Kazgulak

Geography of the project

This project was implemented in the village of Kazgulak, all age categories of school students were involved in it.

The project was carried out in four stages: preparatory design, social testing (main) and final.

Design stage– includes determining the topic and relevance of the project, developing the idea; determining the circle of social partners and obtaining their consent to assistance, resourcepotential, project mission, legal support, drawing up a rough plan - a list of socially significant things that can be implemented,presentation of the project to potential partners; fundraising, adjusting cost estimates, lists of project participants, purchasing materials necessary for the reconstruction of the monument; concluding agreements with project partners.

Cooperation with partners will, first of all, ensure the acquisition of necessary materials and transportation costs, since in this project this is the most expensive part of the estimate; secondly, it will allow the use of the school’s material and technical resources to conduct surveys and create a presentation on the results of the project.

- consists of activitiesincluding surveying, collecting information, drawing up project estimates.

Actually herself Social testincludes the reconstruction of the monument.

Final stage –analysis of the results obtained and coverage of significant stages in the media.

Project implementation timeframe

Project Implementation Plan



Carrying out

Types of work


Design stage

The main activity is social design.

1.1. Determining the topic and relevance of the project, developing the idea.

1.2. Determining the circle of social partners and obtaining their consent.

1.3. Definition of resource


1.4. Defining the project mission.

1.5. Regulatory


1.6. Drawing up a rough plan - a list of socially significant things that can be implemented.

1.7. Presentation project to potential partners.

1.9. Adjustment of cost estimates for project implementation.

Preparatory stage for social test

Drawing up documentation accompanying the project.

Coordination on the preparation and approval of related documentation by the school administration, village administration, and partners.

Design of a removable information stand about the activities of the initiative group for the implementation of the project.

Creation of information materials about the progress of the project

Collection and clarification of information about the life and work of V.F. Gavrilova.

During the entire main stage.

Carrying out search and research work during the collection of biographical information.

Clarification of the burial place of V.F. Gavrilova and its preparation for reconstruction.

Carrying out search work, dismantling the monument, carrying out cleaning work in the area of ​​the burial site

Selecting and agreeing on a sketch of the monument with project partners, updating the photographic image.

Discussion of the project and ordering a sketch of the monument, actions to update the photographic image.

300 rubles

Main stage Social test

Providing transportation costs (delivery by the manufacturer).

600 rubles

Manufacturing and installation of a new monument (by the manufacturer)

During the entire stage

Carrying out installation work.

8300 rubles



Final stage

Analysis of project implementation stages.

Analyzing the stages of project implementation and bringing the results to the attention of the school administration, village, partners, school students, and fellow villagers. Drawing up reporting information reflecting the effectiveness and significance of the project.

Coverage of significant stages in the media.

Based on the results

Writing an article for the regional newspaper “Rassvet”




The total funding requirement was 11200.00

rubles We implemented the main, materially costly part of the project (production, delivery and installation of a new monument) at the expense of the project partners.

Project performance assessment

Quantitative indicators

  • undoubtedly, the project is in demand, since the relevance of the problem is obvious;
  • large scope of participants - the project is designed for different categories of school students and village residents;
  • Within the framework of the project, several independent events were carried out, united by one idea.

Indicator of social development of personality

  • The dynamics of personal development are evident - students are imbued with the idea of ​​co-creation, love for their homeland, and clearly move towards solving the assigned tasks; the children are active, desire to benefit society, show mercy, respect for the older generation of fellow villagers, increasing the level of social success.

Public opinion indicators

  • social impact effect;
  • interest of social partners – all partners are guaranteed to place information about them on the project’s information stand;
  • response in the media (district newspaper “Rassvet”) - key moments of the action are covered in the media.

Technological indicators

  • the level of organization in general and individual events is very high, because experience has been accumulated and there is practice in carrying them out;
  • clear and efficient management;
  • organizational culture of participants.

Economic indicators

  • 100% effectiveness and significance of the project;
  • attraction of additional material and technical resources;
  • realistic budget and reasonableness of project costs;

Upon completion of activities within the framework of the project in the 2013-2014 academic year, it is expected that the project participants will take the initiative to partially continue it in the form of volunteer activities. We predict an increase in the level of conscious behavior and compliance with social rules of behavior in society; respectful attitude of the younger generation to people of the older generation, to the history of the village, the Motherland, increasing the social responsibility of students of MKOU Secondary School No. 5.

We believe that the implementation of such projects will in itself be an educational factor, which should have a positive impact on the moral character of every full-fledged citizen of our country.

Preparatory work within the framework of the project made it possible to raise the level of members of school self-government and allow project participants to go through all stages of social hardening.

We predict that the participants in this project will not doubt the importance of preserving the memory of the historical past of their small homeland.

Social risks

  • lack of initiative and proper interest on the part of the members of the youth organization “Druzhba”;
  • lack of support from social partners.

Project viability

Involving school students in activities such as social design contributes to the civic development of individuals and allows them to engage in socially significant activities. In addition to specific activities, the project allows schoolchildren to develop social initiative and creates conditions for independent inclusion in the life of society. This project is a good way to socialize children and adolescents and involve them in socially useful activities.

We believe that this project has been fully implemented. In the future It is only planned to regularly maintain the burial site by school volunteers with support from social partners.




1) 10-18 2) 19-30 3) 31-55 4) 56 and older

2. Social status:

1) student 2) teacher 3) village resident

3. Did you know that during the Second World War the school continued to operate in the village?

1) yes 2) no

4. Do you know who Vera Fominichna Gavrilova is?

1) yes 2) no

December 31, 2015

To solve some social problems, social projects are created within the framework of which various issues are resolved. But before considering social projects, it is necessary to decide what they are. What features do those aimed at young people have? What are you interested in? Social projects at school, examples of their implementation? Or senior-oriented projects? Let's say, social projects for young people, examples of their implementation?

What is a social project?

A social project is understood as a clearly formulated idea regarding a specific social problem or aimed at improving some aspect of social life. But besides the idea, he must also propose ways of its implementation, answering questions about when it will be implemented, where, on what scale, and who will be the main target group of the project. An example of a social project that will be published below will help you understand what it is. Also, in addition to these issues, it is necessary to resolve the issue of financing (you can do without it, but it will be difficult). Usually there are 2 ways of financing: when it is financed by project participants from their own funds or sponsorship from an entity with large financial capabilities.

Social projects include proposals for reforming the social security system, social protection, healthcare, and overcoming the consequences of social and natural shocks. Goals in such projects are outlined immediately and can be edited only when intermediate results are achieved in order to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of activities. If we talk about social projects for young people, examples of their implementation, they are not very different in general, but there are some features (although we can say that they are common to one degree or another for all projects).

What features do projects aimed at youth have?

The most important feature is that they are aimed exclusively at young people and aspects of their lives. When creating a youth social project, it is necessary to take into account popular trends, needs, and the potential audience of the project. Each specific situation that needs to be improved should be described in detail, as well as all specific methods and their application. Examples of school social projects are not fundamentally different.

Video on the topic

What should the project comply with?

The project must meet the following conditions:

  1. There should be no contradictions in the ideas put forward and methods of implementation.
  2. It must be possible to implement it under the given conditions.
  3. Must be created on a scientific basis using the scientific method during the development of each stage. We can say about social projects for schoolchildren, their examples should be able to interest these restless children.
  4. It must provide a response to the social order that has arisen in society.
  5. The implementation plan must be effective and such that it will achieve the goal.
  6. This should be a socio-cultural project, an example of which, even at the development stage, can interest young people.

How should a social project be formalized?

What should be in the project? First you need to choose a direction. The area of ​​work may be health, creativity, demographic issues, wellness, scientific or cultural awareness, the promotion of sports or better attitudes towards other people. After choosing a direction, you should decide on the goal: for example, if science was chosen, then the specific goal could be the popularization of radio electronics, engineering, physics, the scientific method of study, the creation of a logical thought club or an astronomical circle.

After determining your goals, you need to think about tasks - the most concentrated goals. An example of tasks could be: instilling qualities that will allow difficult teenagers at risk to settle in life as a normal citizen, or helping in determining a place to study/work after leaving school. When the direction, goals and objectives have been determined, then the action plan and implementation deadlines should be discussed, as well as the place where all the developments will come to life. The action plan should contain as detailed a list of actions as possible, which will indicate what should be done to achieve the goals. To give you a better idea of ​​what is required of you, here are four social projects for young people.

Examples will follow. But although they say what they are aimed at (youth, orphans), they can be considered as social projects at school. The examples, although not very large-scale, will allow you to get acquainted with the nominal component. It is advisable to involve a school psychologist in the work.

Example of a social project for youth No. 1

Direction: marital relationships of young people.

Target. Reduce the number of people who divorce after being married by preparing and explaining the responsibilities and rights of future spouses.

  1. Explain what marriage is, what responsibilities and rights each spouse will have.
  2. Help distribute future responsibilities now so that there is no friction later.
  3. Help find reasons why young people want to get married and determine whether they understand what it means.

We need a step-by-step plan that describes all the actions and their sequence.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Place of implementation: city such and such.

Example for youth No. 2

Direction: support of motherhood and prevention of orphanhood.

Goal: providing charitable assistance to refuseniks and minor orphans who are being treated in the hospital.

  1. Attracting public attention to this problem due to the fact that most people are not informed about its existence.
  2. Collection of funds, material assistance, toys and medicines, for transfer to the hospital with subsequent use to restore health to refuseniks and minor orphans.
  3. Raising funds from the state budget or from charitable foundations for the improvement of refuseniks or orphans who stay in medical institutions.
  4. Drawing attention to the problem of children without parents in order to convince people to adopt children.

A detailed plan that describes the details of finding funds and transferring them.

Place of implementation: Children's Regional Hospital of Samara.

Example for youth No. 3

An example of a social project suitable for a school or youth group.

Direction: social adaptation of youth with congenital defects and disabilities at universities.

Goal: achieving socialization of physically distinct students.

  1. Promoting the full socialization of project participants.
  2. Interaction with organizations that provide social protection for such people.
  3. Help in social and cultural life.
  4. Help aimed at overcoming spiritual and physical loneliness.
  5. Influencing the formation of an adequate attitude in society towards youth with special needs.
  6. Creating conditions where young people with special needs can safely engage in creative activities.
  7. Implementation of creative rehabilitation.
  8. Search, testing and implementation of new rehabilitation methods.

Detailed plan.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Place: university in such and such a city.

Social projects for schoolchildren, examples of their implementation may differ - for them you can choose to help disabled children who study in regular schools.

Social project “Bridge of Kindness”

Krutenkova Alena Dmitrievna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DO "House of Children's Creativity" p. Molchanovo Tomsk region
The social project “Bridge of Kindness” is intended for all people with a kind heart, class teachers, additional education teachers, students aged 7 years and above.
Target: creating conditions for the formation of a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities.
- introduce the structure of a social project;
- learn to distribute responsibilities in a project;
- teach how to conduct sociological research;
- learn to collect, process and classify information;
- learn to draw conclusions from the information received;
- create a culture of communication.
For the first time, when my guys “Magicians” came to the Tungusovsky orphanage in 2006, something incredible happened to them. They automatically recited the text of the play, and their gaze was riveted on the extraordinary spectators. I would like to say right away that the most “difficult” children from the entire region end up in the Tungusovsky orphanage.
After the performance, the boys grabbed the decorations and rushed onto the bus, and the girls began to watch and examine the children with caution and curiosity, then the more courageous male representatives returned and even took photographs as a souvenir.
Thus began the first acquaintance of my students “Kudesnikov” with the children from the Tungusovsky orphanage. Naturally, my magic kids started asking a bunch of questions, why children are born this way, what happened to them.
And these “Wizards” of mine, plunging headlong into the problem, created a life-long project - “Bridge of Kindness”, which our puppet theater is implementing to this day. I won’t describe all the children’s actions, it’s long and long, but I’ll only introduce you to the open defense of the “Bridge of Kindness” project. In principle, in the project the children were looking for answers to their own questions, and the most important question, I believe, for them was: why are children born with disabilities.

The open defense of the project won the hearts of the jury at the district, intermunicipal and regional stages of the IX and X All-Russian action “I am a citizen of Russia”, held within the framework of the youth Forum of civil initiatives “Russia is us”. The project group was awarded a Diploma for 1st place at the regional competition of social projects, Molchanovo, 2009, Diploma for 1st place at the Intermunicipal Project Conference, Novokolomino, 2009; Diploma of Finalist of the regional stage, Tomsk, 2009 and 2010.
So that you don’t have any questions, I’ll tell you right away: until 2010, our theater operated on the basis of Molchanovskaya School No. 2, and now it operates on the basis of the House of Children’s Creativity.
Open defense of the “Bridge of Kindness” project
Hello. You are welcomed by the project group “Bridge of Kindness” of Molchanovskaya Secondary School No. 2 Nadya, Katya, Kolya, Marina, Nastya, Ksyusha, Artyom, Ellina and Alena.

Before working on the project, we lived and did not think that we were surrounded by many sick children. In our area there is a specialized orphanage for disabled children.

The “heaviest” children from all over the Tomsk region live there: with severe mental retardation, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, with severe physical disabilities, and most of them are bedridden.

In our naivety, we thought that such children are born only into families of alcoholics and drug addicts. After many hours of conversation with Elena Vladimirovna Bondarchuk, the director of the orphanage, a doctor by training, and Nadezhda Nikolaevna Saltynskaya, a biology teacher, who told us about the causes and consequences of why sick children can be born, we changed our minds.

In our area there are a lot of problems in organizing leisure time for children and teenagers. A social survey conducted in our school revealed three main ones:
1. the absence of a concert hall with good acoustics in the area;
2. lack of a place for children and adolescents to relax;
3. lack of organization of leisure time for children with disabilities.
By majority vote, we identified a problem that we can solve: organizing leisure activities for children with disabilities.
Relevance of the problem:
1. children with disabilities, abbreviated as disabilities, have been born, are being born, and will be born in the world;
2. no one is insured against unforeseen circumstances;
3. children with disabilities are the most vulnerable category of citizens;
4. Children with disabilities have problems communicating with peers;
5. Among our peers there is a problem of a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities.
Our goal: formation of a tolerant attitude of others towards children with disabilities through the organization of leisure.

The study of the problem included:
- study of the regulatory framework;
- conducting sociological research;
- study of media materials about the life activities of children with disabilities.
Having studied documents at the international, federal and regional levels:
Convention on the Rights of the Child, UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Constitution of the Russian Federation, Law of the Tomsk Region “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Territory of the Tomsk Region”,
We realized that we have the right:
- freely express our views on issues of interest to us;
- to seek the receipt and transmission of information, to participate in a survey of citizens;
- to develop a respectful attitude towards the rights of people with disabilities;
- coverage of work in the media and the Internet.
Having studied: the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the UN General Assembly Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, we learned that children with disabilities:
- have the same rights as us, regardless of the degree of disability;
- have the right to rest and leisure, participation in games and entertainment activities;
Conclusion: our actions to develop and implement the “Bridge of Kindness” project are legal, as they are based on legal acts.
We studied information in the media about the lives of disabled children, analyzed materials from the magazine “Russian Federation”, regional newspapers “Znamya” and “Molchanovskie Vesti”. Over the past five years, we have found 16 articles about the lives of people with disabilities. Having studied the materials, we were convinced that little information had been written about them, and practically no one was involved in organizing their leisure time.
Sociological research has confirmed the relevance of the problem.

We developed a questionnaire with which we decided to find out whether the village residents knew about the life of disabled children and whether they were ready to help us.
Based on the results of the survey, we found out that few people know about the life of disabled children, so the problem is relevant both for village residents and for the authorities. 98.4% of respondents agreed to find out and help. Feeling such support, we realized that we would be able to draw attention to the problem.
We have developed a “Program of Action”.

To implement the project, we have outlined two possible ways to solve the problem:
1. find professionals who are ready to organize entertainment and leisure programs for the children of the orphanage;
2. take part in organizing leisure activities for children with disabilities.
Having really weighed our strengths and capabilities, we decided to take the second path.
We found 9 organizations that became our social partners.
We carefully planned and decided:
1. create an initiative group to work on the project;
2. conduct research to study public opinion;
3. establish relationships and hold meetings with the district lawyer;
4. schedule and conduct meetings with competent people;
5. attract the attention of village residents to the problem through the publication of an article in the district newspaper;
6. involve the children of our school in the problems of disabled children;
7. develop entertainment and gaming programs for the children of the Tungusovsky orphanage;
8. hold charity events at school to collect toys, books, clothes for the children of the orphanage;
9. hold an action at school “Let’s sew a doll ourselves, with our own hands” - to create a puppet theater in an orphanage;
10. hold an essay competition “What are goodness and mercy?”;
11. establish relationships with social partners and conclude cooperation agreements with them;
12. to instill in the children of our school a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities;
13. at the end of the project implementation period, reflect on your activities.
Meetings with competent people helped us investigate our problem and find ways to solve problems:

1. We turned to the deputy chief physician of the Molchanovskaya Central District Hospital, Yuri Romanovich Bugrov, with a question about the number of disabled people living in our area, and received a written response.
2. For support for the implementation of our project, we turned to the director of our school, Galina Pavlovna Maykova. She approved our project and suggested which areas we should work in.
3. Irina Viktorovna Zakharenko, director of the Social Support Center, introduced us to the benefits of disabled children.
4. Viktor Danilbekovich Irazov introduced us to the activities of the disabled people’s society.
5. We learned about the legality of our actions from the deputy. Prosecutor Dmitry Valerievich Yukov

6. We turned to the director of the Tungusovsky orphanage, Elena Vladimirovna Bondarchuk, who also believes that society needs to know about the lives of children with disabilities.

7. We met with the correspondent of the Znamya newspaper, Ruzhena Samoilovna Devyanina, and established contact with the press.
8. Our partner in creating a puppet theater for an orphanage is the Svema studio.
9. We turned to the biology teacher of our school, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Saltynskaya, to find out the reasons for the birth of a huge number of children with disabilities.
When we created an initiative group to work on the project, we immediately identified a circle of social partners for ourselves. You can see them on the stand.

We concluded "Cooperation Agreement" with the director of the Tungusovsky orphanage E.V. Bondarchuk about providing us with transport, and with the director of the Central Children's Home A.I. Sherkunov about providing a place for holding holidays.

We held 3 charity events, as a result of which more than 500 toys were collected, but books and clothes were not counted.

Conducted promotions “Let’s sew the doll ourselves, with our own hands,” and the children of the orphanage received 26 theatrical dolls, and 13 mitten dolls for bedridden children, 67 students were involved.

With the help of the students of our school, we held 2 holidays for the regional society for the disabled, staged 8 puppet shows, held 2 holidays for the children of the Tungusovsky orphanage and 3 holidays for the older generation of the Narginsky nursing home.

For example, participation in a congratulatory concert dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the society for disabled people of the Molchanovsky district.
We published the article “Bridge of Kindness” in the newspaper “Znamya”.

Conducted an essay campaign “What are goodness and mercy?”[/i]
We present to your attention excerpts from the essays

Igor, 6 "A":
The words “mercy” and “generosity” opened up a lot of new things for me. At school, for example, we sewed toys and gave them to the children. For my neighbor, grandmother Vera, I sometimes go to the store, and my dad and I brought her firewood. I realized that generosity is the willingness to selflessly sacrifice one’s time...
Some people are waiting for help, and I will try to help them, because I want to become a real person!”
Christina 4, “A”:
“...Recently we had an action at school - we had to donate things, books, toys to the children in an orphanage. And I brought my things - let them wear them. I'm glad that I helped someone..."
Nadezhda, 6 "A":
“I, like many of my classmates, participated in the Help Your Neighbor charity event.” For the children from the orphanage, I brought my things, toys... For these children, our help is just a drop of kindness and attention. But they don’t have the most important thing - mom and dad. That’s why such children need to be treated with special love and attention.”
Ira, 6 "A":
“...We must help all people in need, the sick, the elderly, the disabled... we must be sensitive and attentive to those who are in trouble. You need to be able to provide help and support others in difficult times. Mercy and generosity should be in each of us. Kindness and love are the main qualities for a person...”
Nastya, 6 "A":
“...I want to be human! I won’t do harm to people, I won’t offend anyone and I don’t want to hurt my parents. And yet we live on Earth, on a big planet. We are united by warmth and comfort. And I want our country to be friendly and clean towards others..."
Dasha, 6 "A"
“...There are not many generous and merciful people left in our world, but they still exist. Such people help the older generation clear snow, dig up beds, plant flowers... And they don’t take money for this. Just like everyone else, I want to be human. That's why I help older people. I'm glad I can help someone..."
Anna, 6 "A"
“... Our age is the age of profit and enrichment, but still mercy and generosity are alive! People help each other, animals, children who have no parents. Since I can’t help anyone financially, I help children: I give them my small things or toys. I encourage every person to help children and animals, because they all need our help!!!”

Pershin Vlad 4 "A" class
...What are goodness and mercy?
From the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov, I learned that “kindness is everything positive, good, useful,” and “mercy is the willingness to help someone.”
People are always pleased when someone does good to them, and you don’t have to go far to get it. Everyone can help their parents and loved ones. For example, I help my mother around the house: I wash the dishes, I can vacuum and clean up my room. And I help my dad clear the snow outside in the winter, and in the spring and summer, clean up the yard and water the beds.
I also like to give my loved ones some gifts for every holiday. Mom and dad will always smile and say “how smart you are!”, And grandma will cry, and that makes me feel good.
Helping the elderly can be considered a good deed. After all, you can simply help the old lady next door clear the snow, stack firewood, bring water, go to the store, or just sit and talk with her.
You can also give some kid from an orphanage your toys and things you grew out of, just like we do with the kids in our class.
You can, like Alena Dmitrievna Krutenkova and I, go to the Tungusovsky Orphanage and the Narginsky boarding school for the elderly with a concert.
So goodness is always near us, we just need to not forget about it and learn to deliver it to others...”

We are often asked “Why do you need this?”
There is a stereotype in society that children with disabilities are not people, as if there is no need to work with them. But children with disabilities are just as sociable, responsive to kindness and affection.
Try to lock yourself in four walls and sit for at least a week, then you will feel what it is like for these children to see the same faces, the same walls in front of them every day.
When the children of the orphanage see us in bright costumes with beautiful dolls, hear funny songs, in response they begin to “hoot”, “hoot”, wave their arms and even call us “moms”. But in a group of non-speaking children, only five can pronounce this word.
We are very pleased when talking children solve our riddles, answer simple questions, and participate in joint games. And for those who cannot walk, we sit in a circle and play with them.
We are very far from the sponsors of Tomsk and Severovsk residents who organize charity events, bring things, diapers, paints, toys by car, but we are very happy about our small contribution to the lives of these children.

During the implementation of the project, we had our own favorites among the children at the orphanage. This is Dimulka, who is already seven years old, but he looks like a normal six-month-old child because he lacks growth hormone. He's cute and doesn't leave our hands. He knows how to clap his hands and laugh, and play “magpie-white-sided”. We listened carefully to the funny story about Dimochka. He cannot walk or talk, but only crawls a little. All the children were seated for lunch, but Dima was nowhere to be found. The teachers and nannies began to look for Dima in confusion, then other workers, and now the entire orphanage was looking for the baby in a panic. We checked everything: toilets, bathrooms, and went outside. But the baby is gone and gone. Everyone was confused, where could a small child who couldn’t even walk go? And little Dima was snoring peacefully in his toy crib. Now he has grown up, he is given growth vitamins.
Another Dima, thirteen years old, he is a wheelchair user, he can easily hold a conversation, but he still hasn’t learned to read.
We felt very sorry for Misha Tibeyakov when we found out that he died, because at the right time the necessary expensive medicine was not available. He always met us at the bus with a wide, trusting smile, helped unload the decorations, and accompanied us to the gate when we left.
We prepare “beginner actors” for the trip to the orphanage in advance: we show photographs of the children, videos, talk about them, but still many cannot cope with their emotions, they cry, they get upset. And on the next trip they become bolder, they begin to communicate with the children, because they see that they are just like us, kind and trusting.
Communication with the children of the orphanage gave us a lot of useful things: we began to understand and appreciate how good it is to live at home when your family and people who love you are nearby.
Our project is finished, any student at our school will tell you about the children of the Tungusovsky orphanage, but we know that it has no time frame and will continue for more than one year.
I would like to end my speech with the words of academician Dmitry Likhachev: “Helping others is important for the person helping himself, this is the only way we can calm our conscience, which should still be restless.”

The concept of “social projects” is of Latin origin. Translated, this term means the creation of an object, a specific activity during which a certain phenomenon or process is studied. Let's analyze the main points regarding social design.

Design Basis

It is social projects that help model certain situations. There is a certain order of work that should be discussed in more detail. First of all, the topics of social projects are determined. When choosing a direction of work, various points are taken into account: the psychological characteristics of the participants, the direction of interests, the technical capabilities for implementing the plans.

Social project structure

There is a special base, without which the implementation of a social project is impossible:

  • planning;
  • projection;
  • foresight;
  • anticipation;
  • predicting results;
  • design;
  • modeling;
  • analysis of results.

All social projects created in educational institutions must be clearly planned. They are always aimed at the development of learning children, the formation of useful skills and abilities in schoolchildren.

Planning Features

Planning involves putting forward scientific and practically sound research goals. At this stage, the deadlines for completing the assigned tasks and the work algorithm are determined. In addition, during planning, the essence of the social project is indicated, its uniqueness and individuality are revealed.

Hypothesis setting

Foresight involves predicting the results of a study. In essence, we are talking about the hypothesis contained in a social project at school, created and implemented with the participation of students. The hypothesis must contain the main idea that will be considered during the implementation of the project. After the project is completed, the hypothesis can be fully or partially confirmed or refuted. It is difficult for schoolchildren to independently put forward the correct hypothesis, so this stage of creating a social project is impossible without the active participation of a mentor. Both teachers and employees of specialized departments who have knowledge of the theoretical and practical material considered in the project can act as a project consultant.

Literature review

Any social project at school or at work is impossible without a full preliminary analysis of the problem that will be discussed in the study. There is no need to “reinvent the wheel”; first you need to study the literature, select key points related to the topic of research. Only after obtaining theoretical knowledge can you proceed to developing your own social project.

Development of a project action plan

Next, you can move on to thinking through all the details. If the goal of a social project is clearly stated, there will be no problems with identifying stages. It is advisable to indicate a time frame in the action plan in order to ultimately obtain a clear list.

Implementation of assigned tasks

This stage will be the longest, most labor-intensive, but the most interesting and productive. It is during the implementation of the intended goals that a feeling of satisfaction appears from the results of the work done. After completing the project, it is important to conduct a full analysis of it, draw conclusions, and think through recommendations.

Examples of social school projects

If we consider the topics of social projects, we can distinguish two directions: scientific and technical, and humanitarian and aesthetic. Among common school studies, a special place belongs to environmental topics. For example, various social projects related to the improvement of school grounds and personal plots have a practical orientation. Participants in such studies not only create beauty and comfort, but also gain theoretical knowledge about plants, flowers, and conditions for caring for green spaces. Of course, the experience gained while working on such projects is useful for children.

Also, giving examples of social projects that are created and implemented with the participation of schoolchildren, we can highlight the care for the elderly. The guys are happy to help war veterans clean rooms, stack firewood, and weed out garden beds. The participation of “difficult teenagers” in such events helps them understand the importance and significance of a kind attitude towards adults. Guys who help lonely elderly people change their outlook on life, become kinder, and do not commit illegal acts.

Project "Accessible Environment"

There are also social projects that are aimed at helping children themselves. There is a project in our country that helps children with problems in physical development receive a full-fledged education. The “Accessible Environment” project involves the creation in ordinary state educational institutions of normal conditions for the movement of children in wheelchairs. According to this social project, disabled children study together with their peers, that is, they are not deprived of full communication with their peers. If, for medical reasons, this type of training is not possible, there are examples of social projects that help sick children.

Inclusive learning

The National Project “Education” contains a special section dedicated to individual and home education of children with developmental disabilities. A distance teacher not only helps the child gain certain knowledge, but also becomes his friend and full-fledged interlocutor. Before starting to implement this project, both children and teachers undergo special course training. Access to education guarantees sick children not only theoretical knowledge in various academic disciplines, but also contributes to the harmonious development of the child’s personality. The project involves equipping both students and teachers with computer equipment. Education within the framework of this social project is free for children.

Analysis of project results

Each social project requires a certain time frame. After all the stages provided for by the study are completed, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of them. For example, if a project was implemented aimed at helping difficult teenagers adapt, a statistical review is carried out. The survey reveals the actual number of project participants and their satisfaction with the results of the study. Next, a diagram or graph is drawn up and the effectiveness of the project is assessed.


Recently, interest in social projects has increased. If in the last century such a direction practically did not exist in school, then at the moment, for each parallel, its own areas of research are being developed and implemented. Social projects carried out by schoolchildren themselves are also gaining popularity. With the results obtained, the children can perform at conferences and competitions at various levels: school, district, municipal, Russian. In addition, there are special programs to support talented social projects. Winners and prize-winners of those competitions that are included in a special list determined by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation are entitled to material grants in the amount of 30 and 60 thousand rubles.

Of course, such attention to this activity, which exists in the modern education system, contributes to positive dynamics and increased interest among schoolchildren in scientific and practical work. Children who take part in at least one social project gain invaluable experience that they can use in their future lives. Often, it is social projects that help schoolchildren decide on the choice of a future profession and designate the direction of individual research.

In order for the first experience of social design acquired by children while studying at school to be positive, they must meet a teacher who is interested in such activities. It is the mentor who explains to the child all the main points of social design, develops a plan of joint action, and evaluates the results.