"Prodevit" for domestic and farm animals. Prodevit: instructions for use Possible contraindications and precautions

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Prodevit oral bird (10 ml) Product


Transparent oily liquid from light yellow to light brown color with a specific odor of its constituent components.


1 ml of the drug contains:
retinol acetate 10000 IU,
cholecalciferol 15000 IU,
tocopherol acetate 20 mg.

Pharmacological properties:

To increase the body's resistance and enhance the protective functions of the epithelium. Regulation of mineral, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, stimulation of the reproductive function of the body. Increasing the level of albumin in the blood and regulating the level of cholesterol in the liver during lipid metabolism in the body.


For hypo- and avitaminosis in different species of animals, for the prevention and treatment of xerophthalmia, rickets, encephalomalacia, toxic liver dystrophy, dermatitis, wounds, ulcers, inflammation of the mucous membranes, to increase the reproductive function of the adult organism and the viability of newborn young animals.


Animal speciesProdevit injection IM, PC, ml
Cattle 7 6-7
Calves 6 4-5
Horses 6 5-6
Foals 5 3-4
Sheep, goats 3 2-3
Lambs 2 2
Pigs 6 5-6
Piglets 3 2
Fur animals (chinchillas) 2 0.4
Cats 1 0.5-1
Dogs 3 2
Small rodents (mice, hamsters) 1 (per week) 0.2
Geese, chickens, ducks 1 (for 3 heads) 0.3
Turkeys 1 (for 3 birds) 0.4
Goslings, chickens 1 (for 3 heads)
Pigeons 7 ml per 50 heads.
Ornamental birds 1 (per week)
For prophylactic purposes (intramuscular or subcutaneous) - once every 2-3 weeks, for therapeutic purposes - once a week. For pregnant sows, the drugs are administered 1.5-2 months before farrowing, for cows - once 3-4 months before calving.
The drug is fed orally in a mixture with food daily for 2-3 months.
The bird is given with food: for prophylaxis in the doses indicated in the table, for therapeutic purposes the dose is increased 3-5 times and fed for 2-6 weeks.


Not installed.

Animal type:

For the birds.


Doesn't have it.

Release form:

Glass bottles of 10 ml and 100 ml are sealed with rubber stoppers, rolled with aluminum caps, polymer bottles of 1000 ml.


Dry, dark place at temperatures from 0°C to + 15°C.
Shelf life – 2 years from the date of manufacture

Prodevit - Tetra injection solution is used for the prevention and treatment of dogs, cats and horses and other farm animals and birds with A -, D - and E - hypovitaminosis, nutritional and secondary osteodystrophy, postpartum hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia.

A highly effective oil vitamin preparation for the health of animals and poultry. A complex of essential vitamins for the full development and healthy life of your pets.
Compensates for dietary deficiencies, increases vitality, improves adaptation to unfavorable environmental conditions.
The product contains highly purified vegetable oils.
High concentrations of vitamins predetermine a small dose volume and increase the cost-effectiveness of the drug.
Indicated for preventive use and for the treatment of most diseases.

Description: transparent oily liquid from light yellow to light brown with a specific smell of vitamins.
1 ml of the drug contains active ingredients:

  • Vitamin A - 50,000 IU;
  • Vitamin D 3 - 25,000 IU;
  • Vitamin E - 20.0 mg;
  • Vitamin F - 5.0 mg.

Excipients: sunflower oil.
Pharmacological properties:
The effect of the drug is due to the properties of the vitamins included in its composition.
Vitamin A stimulates growth and non-specific resistance of the body, differentiation of epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory and urinary tract and digestive tract, ensures optimal functioning of the visual organs. Vitamin A deficiency disrupts metabolic processes, vision, reproductive function, increases keratinization of the mucous membranes, which is accompanied by the development of bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, enterocolitis, endometritis, and stunts the growth of young animals.
Vitamin D regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism, stimulates the absorption of both macroelements in the intestine, the synthesis of the organic matrix of bone tissue and their mineralization, the synthesis of proteins, lipids, hormones, enzymes, increases resistance, affects the formation of the fetus. With a lack of vitamin D, rickets, osteodystrophy, pre- and postpartum retention, hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia, retention of the placenta, and subinvolution of the uterus develop.
Vitamin E prevents the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, infertility of females and males, stimulates spermiogenesis and fetal development, ensures the structural and functional stability of cell membranes. With its deficiency, young birds develop encephalomalacia, exudative diathesis, muscular dystrophy, and white muscle disease; in lambs, piglets, calves - damage to muscles, liver, heart.

Vitamin F reduces cholesterol and coagulation properties of blood, promotes fat metabolism in the body, and increases albumin levels. With a lack of vitamin F in the body of animals, there is an increase in cholesterol and beta globulins in the blood, a decrease in albumin levels, and in chronic cases, dermatitis develops in animals.
The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of animals and poultry with A -, D - and E - hypovitaminosis, nutritional and secondary osteodystrophy, postpartum hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia, rickets, white muscle disease, bone fractures, joint dysplasia, in the complex therapy of bronchitis, pneumonia, gastroenteritis , endometritis, dermatitis, diseases of the liver, kidneys, myocardium, urinary tract, as well as to accelerate the growth rate and viability of young animals, improve the reproductive function of adult livestock.
The drug is used intramuscularly or subcutaneously:

  • for preventive purposes - once every 10 days;
  • with treatment - once a week until recovery (5 - 8 injections);
  • in the future (if necessary) the drug is administered in prophylactic doses.

Animal diets must be balanced with calcium, phosphorus and trace elements.

Doses are calculated based on vitamin D3.

Not installed.
Do not use simultaneously with corticosteroids (vitamin D3 antagonists).
Release form: glass bottles of 10 and 100 ml, tightly closed with a rubber stopper for aluminum rolling.
Storage: dry dark place at a temperature of 0 to 15 ° C.
Best before date- 2 years.

A complex of essential vitamins for the full development and healthy life of farm animals and birds.

Compensates for nutritional deficiencies, increases vitality, improves adaptation to unfavorable environmental conditions. Used for all types of farm animals and poultry.

Dosage (in drops):

Geese, chickens, ducks 1 (for 3 heads)

Turkeys 1 (for 3 heads) Goslings, chickens 1 (for 3 heads)

Pigeons 7 ml per 50 heads.

Ornamental birds 1 (per week)

The composition of the drug includes highly filtered vegetable oils. Carefully selected concentrations of vitamins, proven by many years of practice.

Quality assurance: expert conclusion of the State Research Institute of Veterinary Drugs and Feed Additives and a quality certificate from the manufacturer - the PRODUCT company.


Description: a transparent oily liquid from light yellow to light brown in color with a specific odor of its constituent components.


1 ml of the drug contains: retinol acetate 10,000 IU-cholecalciferol 15,000 IU-tocopherol acetate 20 mg.

Pharmacological properties. To increase the body's resistance and enhance the protective functions of the epithelium. Regulation of mineral, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, stimulation of the reproductive function of the body. Increasing the level of albumin in the blood and regulating cholesterol levels in the liver during lipid metabolism in the body.

Use for hypo- and avitaminosis in different species of animals, for the prevention and treatment of xerophthalmia, rickets, encephalomalacia, toxic liver dystrophy, dermatitis, wounds, ulcers, inflammation of the mucous membranes, to increase the reproductive function of the adult organism and the viability of newborn young animals. The drug is fed orally in a mixture with food daily for 2-3 months.

The bird is given with food: for prophylaxis in the doses indicated in the table; for therapeutic purposes, the dose is increased 3-5 times and fed for 2-6 weeks.

Contraindication Not installed.

Cautions Doesn't have it.

Release form Glass bottles of 10 ml and 100 ml, sealed with rubber stoppers, rolled with aluminum caps, polymer bottles of 1000 ml.

Storage: Dry, dark place at temperatures from 0°C to + 15°C.

Instructions for use of the drug Prodevit tetra (100 ml)

A highly effective oil vitamin preparation for the health of animals and birds. A complex of essential vitamins for the full development and healthy life of farm animals and poultry.
Compensates for dietary deficiencies, increases vitality, improves adaptation to unfavorable environmental conditions.
Used for all types of domestic and farm animals and poultry.
The product contains highly purified vegetable oils.
High concentrations of vitamins predetermine a small dose volume and increase the cost-effectiveness of the drug.
Injection and oral forms of application.
Indicated for preventive use and for the treatment of most diseases.
Quality guarantee: expert conclusion of the State Research Institute of Veterinary Drugs and Feed Additives and a quality certificate from the manufacturer - the PRODUCT company.

Transparent oily liquid from light yellow to light brown color with a specific smell of vitamins.
1 ml of the drug contains active ingredients:
vitamin A 50,000 IU;
vitamin D 3 25,000 IU;
vitamin E 20.0 mg;
vitamin F 5.0 mg.
Excipients: sunflower oil.
Pharmacological properties
The effect of the drug is due to the properties of the vitamins included in its composition.
Vitamin A stimulates growth and nonspecific resistance of the body, differentiation of epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory and urinary tract and digestive tract, and ensures optimal functioning of the visual organs. Vitamin A deficiency disrupts metabolic processes, vision, reproductive function, increases keratinization of the mucous membranes, which is accompanied by the development of bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, enterocolitis, endometritis, and stunts the growth of young animals.
Vitamin D regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism, stimulates the absorption of both macroelements in the intestine, the synthesis of the organic matrix of bone tissue and their mineralization, the synthesis of proteins, lipids, hormones, enzymes, enhances resistance, and affects the formation of the fetus. With a lack of vitamin D, rickets, osteodystrophy, pre- and postpartum retention, hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia, retention of the placenta, and subinvolution of the uterus develop.
Vitamin E prevents the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, infertility of females and males, stimulates spermiogenesis and fetal development, and ensures the structural and functional stability of cell membranes. With its deficiency, young birds develop encephalomalacia, exudative diathesis, muscular dystrophy, and white muscle disease; in lambs, piglets, calves - damage to muscles, liver, heart.

Vitamin F reduces cholesterol and blood coagulation properties, promotes fat metabolism in the body, and increases albumin levels. With a lack of vitamin F in the body of animals, there is an increase in cholesterol and beta globulins in the blood, a decrease in albumin levels, and in chronic cases, dermatitis develops in animals.
The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of animals and poultry with A-, D- and E-hypovitaminosis, nutritional and secondary osteodystrophy, postpartum hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia, rickets, white muscle disease, bone fractures, joint dysplasia, in the complex therapy of bronchitis, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, endometritis, dermatitis, diseases of the liver, kidneys, myocardium, urinary tract, as well as to accelerate the growth rate and viability of young animals, improve the reproductive function of adult livestock.
The drug is used intramuscularly or subcutaneously, for prophylactic purposes - once every 10 days, for therapeutic purposes - once a week until recovery (5-8 injections), then (if necessary) the drug is administered in prophylactic doses. Animal diets must be balanced with calcium, phosphorus and trace elements.

Animal type

Treatment dose, ml,

1 time per week

Prophylactic dose, ml,

1 time every 10 days

Dry cows

Dairy cows (productivity 6-10 thousand kg)

Young cattle (per 100 kg body weight)

Mares in foal

Lactating mares

Foals 6-12 months.

Sows, 1st half litter

Sows, 2nd half litter

Lactating sows

Piglets weighing 40-50 kg

Cat ewes

Lactating ewes

Dogs (body weight 40 kg)

Laying hens

Ducks, geese, turkeys

Not installed.
Do not use simultaneously with corticosteroids (vitamin D3 antagonists).
Release form
Glass bottles of 10 and 100 ml, tightly closed with a rubber stopper for aluminum rolling.
Dry dark place at a temperature of 0 to 15 ° C.
Best before date- 2 years.

Package: bottle 100 ml

Product issue unit: 1 bottle 100 ml

Manufacturer: Product, Ukraine

Complex Prodevit- a necessary vitamin complex for the full development and prevention of diseases in domestic, farm animals and birds. The drug contains vegetable oils that compensate for nutritional deficiencies of animals, improving their vitality and adaptation to the environment. Carefully selected concentrations of vitamins have been tested in practice and are absolutely safe for animals.

Why you should buy Prodevit:

Affordable price

High efficiency

Domestic manufacturer

No side effects


transparent oily liquid from light yellow to light brown with a specific odor of vitamins


1 ml of the drug contains active ingredients:

vitamin A 10,000 IU

vitamin D3 15,000 IU

vitamin E 20.0 m.

excipients: sunflower oil

Pharmacological properties:

the effect of the drug is due to the properties of the vitamins included in its composition

Vitamin A stimulates growth and nonspecific resistance of the body, differentiation of epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory and urinary tract and digestive tract, and ensures optimal functioning of the visual organs. Vitamin A deficiency disrupts metabolic processes, vision, reproductive function, increases keratinization of the mucous membranes, which is accompanied by the development of bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, enterocolitis, endometritis, and stunts the growth of young animals

Vitamin D regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism, stimulates the absorption of both macroelements in the intestine, the synthesis of the organic matrix of bone tissue and their mineralization, the synthesis of proteins, lipids, hormones, enzymes, enhances resistance, and affects the formation of the fetus. With a lack of vitamin D, rickets, osteodystrophy, pre- and postpartum retention, hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia, retention of placenta, and subinvolution of the uterus develop.

Vitamin E prevents the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, infertility of females and males, stimulates spermiogenesis and fetal development, and ensures the structural and functional stability of cell membranes. With its deficiency, young birds develop encephalomalacia, exudative diathesis, muscular dystrophy, and white muscle disease; in lambs, piglets, calves - damage to muscles, liver, heart

The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of animals and poultry with hypovitaminosis, nutritional and secondary osteodystrophy, postpartum hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia, rickets, bone fractures and joint dysplasia.

The drug is administered orally (given with food) for 3-4 weeks in doses (based on vitamin D3 content)

Animal species


Prophylactic dose

Drops per day

Treatment dose

Young cattle (per 100 kg body weight)

Pig sows

Lactating sows

Piglets weighing up to 20 kg

Lactating mares

Sports horses

Foals 6-12 months

Adult dogs, 20 g body weight

Young dogs, 10 kg body weight

Laying hens, per 1 kg of feed

Young animals, per 1 kg of feed

Orally, drops for 3-4 days


Small rodents

Decorative birds

Contraindications: not installed

Cautions: do not use simultaneously with corticosteroids (vitamin D3 antagonists)

Storage: dry dark place at a temperature from 0 ° C to 15 ° C

Best before date: 2 years

Manufacturer: Product

Product code: PROD101

Release form:

glass bottles: 10 ml

polymer bottles: 1000 ml

Prodevit – complex of vitamins, veterinary drug, oral, 10ml, (birds) buy in Kyiv in Kharkov and Ukraine

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