Prevention of depression. Memo for parents "prevention of depressive conditions in children and adolescents". Medical treatment for depression

Prevention of depression is very important and everyone needs it, because it is a serious mental illness that affects both the person himself and his loved ones. Depression is characterized by isolation, self-doubt, loss of interest in everything, even thoughts of suicide. Such a disorder is almost impossible to cure on its own. It is important to consult a specialist. However, like any other disease, depression is easier to prevent than to treat. What will help with this?

Causes of depression

In order to understand how to avoid depression, you need to know what it is and what are its causes. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the disease from the usual bad mood. However, there are symptoms that help in this. If 4-5 of them are observed simultaneously for 14 days, then there is a reason to contact a specialist:

  1. Depression throughout the day.
  2. Significant weight gain or loss.
  3. Constant fatigue and lack of energy.
  4. Abrupt changes in the excited state inhibited.
  5. Constant guilt.
  6. Thoughts of suicide.
  7. Indecision.
  8. Loss of interest in life, daily activities.
  9. Drowsiness or insomnia.

It is especially important to know why mental disorders occur in order to avoid critical situations and preserve your emotional health longer. Basic :

  • past abuse - physical, emotional or sexual;
  • conflicts with loved ones;
  • dissatisfaction with their work;
  • inability to set and achieve goals;
  • improper and irregular nutrition;
  • death or loss of a loved one;
  • self-doubt, loss of self-esteem;
  • overreacting to mistakes;
  • life changes, both good and bad: marriage or divorce, job change or loss, graduation or retirement;
  • serious illness;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction;
  • prolonged stress, constant physical and emotional overload;
  • regular sleep deprivation.

It is important to know that the female half of the population is more prone to depression than the male. Recently, this disease has been increasingly diagnosed in children and adolescents, so everyone should know how to avoid spring depression.

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Prevention of depression

Each person is an individual, therefore there are no universal recipes that help everyone and everyone. People differ in how they were brought up, what their profession, lifestyle, habits, living conditions are. Character, personality traits, interests and preferences can be very different. What is useful and pleasant for one may be completely unacceptable for another. Therefore, only a specialist after a diagnostic examination can give advice on the prevention of depressive conditions in each case. However, there is a list of general recommendations that will help maintain physical and mental health and avoid depression:

  1. Positive mindset. The ability to enjoy life and look to the future with hope will help you overcome seemingly serious problems with your head up. Even in the most difficult situation, you can find a share of positive. You just need to try. So, a hard-won divorce makes it possible to avoid constant quarrels and scandals, find time for yourself, and start new relationships. In addition, any situation provides an opportunity to gain invaluable life experience.
  2. Increasing self-esteem. Find and remember your virtues and positive qualities. Rejoice in the little things. Learn to be content with what you have, rather than regret what could have been.
  3. Set realistic goals. They should be achievable and easy to implement. This will make it easier to avoid disappointment and self-doubt.
  4. Proper and regular nutrition. Food greatly affects the state and mood of a person. Both malnutrition and overeating are harmful. As a result, anorexia or obesity, and the result is problems with self-esteem. Therefore, a thoughtful and balanced diet is the key to good physical and mental health.
  5. Rejection of bad habits. Alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction, gambling change a person's values. As a result, addiction and low self-esteem are a direct path to depression.
  6. Regular exercise. Stimulate the production of endorphins - the hormone of happiness, which serves as an antidote to depression. These are not necessarily daily hourly runs before work. Going to the pool, brisk walking, volleyball in the yard or a walk before bed are all great.
often - to disability and even suicide.

I. Etiology of depression (causes of depression)

Depression can be caused by a number of different reasons. So, reactive depression can be provoked by an unfavorable psychological environment, stress, disappointment, for example, the loss of a loved one, loss of social status, loss of a job, failure, etc.

Depression caused by a number of insufficiently obvious causes is called endogenous. It may be associated with a violation of the level of substances - neurotransmitters, similar to hormones, which perform many essential functions in the brain.

Often the causes of depression are hidden at the genetic level: a tendency to depression can be caused by a predisposition due to heredity. In addition, according to a number of some theories, depression can arise as a result of stress, which is based on psychosocial and physiological factors.

Often, depression can be the result of taking a number of medications (neuroleptics, hormonal drugs, antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, analgesics, immunosuppressive agents) or occur as one of the symptoms in diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, hypothyroidism, Parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injury, vascular atherosclerosis brain, damage to internal organs, and even the common flu - the so-called. somatogenic depression.

Also, depression can occur against the background of hormonal changes in the body, for example, during menopause or menopause in women of mature age, during the period of hormonal changes in the body in adolescents.

II. Prevalence of depression

Depression is a fairly common mental disorder. According to statistics, women are more prone to the occurrence and development of depression. According to the data, the risk of developing depression in people older than forty and young people is high. In the first case, depression usually has psychosocial roots: loss of a job upon reaching retirement age, death of close people - friends or relatives, diseases associated with age-related changes in the body. In young people, depression occurs, as a rule, against the background of nervous stress (disappointment from first love, parting with a loved one, etc.)

III. Clinical manifestations of depression (symptoms of depression)

Depression cannot go unnoticed. As a rule, the following symptoms indicate the presence and development of depression:
- loss of interest in previously interesting and enjoyable activities;
- apathy, lethargy, severe fatigue, which is characterized by stability and constancy (for example, for several weeks);

Additional symptoms of depression include:
- pessimism, low self-esteem, anxiety, guilt, worthlessness, nervousness, fussiness;
- lack or loss of the ability to concentrate and make decisions, slow reaction, inhibition in actions;
- emerging thoughts of suicide, reflections on the meaning of life and death;
- loss or instability of appetite, often accompanied by artificial induction of vomiting, insomnia or unreasonably long sleep;
- burning or feeling of heaviness in the chest, pain in the stomach, intestines, joints or back;
- abrupt changes in character, outbursts of anger, aggression, suspicion towards relatives and family members.

A depressed person often begins to abuse alcohol. Adolescents may use drugs.

IV. Diagnosis of depression

It is usually not difficult for a professional to diagnose depression. Based on the above symptoms, complaints of the patient and his family members, a diagnosis is established and the necessary treatment is prescribed.

v. Treatment for depression

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article, we will consider with you such a psycho-pathological condition as depression, as well as its causes, symptoms, classification, treatment and prevention. So…

What is depression?

Depression- a mental disorder characterized by despondency (anhedonia, or loss of joy), impaired thinking and motor retardation.

One of the main, and most common causes of depression is, or a long-term traumatic situation for the nervous system. A secondary factor or reason that leads a person to a depressive state is the inability of a person to solve certain situations, to get out of various difficulties. If the main causes of depression are predominantly a problem that has arisen in the present, then secondary factors are a legacy from childhood, when a person, at an early age, along with upbringing, adopts a model of his behavior for the rest of his life.

It happens that depressive disorders are hidden under the guise of a bad mood or character traits, and if these conditions are not separated and efforts are not directed to the treatment of depression, not only the person himself, but also the people around him can suffer from this.

A depressed person is in such a sensual state that constantly repeats - "there is no way out." But it really isn't! There is always a way out, and even the most severe depression can be treated!

According to statistics, depression is present in every tenth inhabitant of the Earth, over the age of 40, and 2/3 of them are women. Further, the older a person is, the worse the picture is, which is apparently provoked by a deterioration in health, social status, aging of the body, sometimes a feeling of uselessness and loneliness, and lack of work. A depressive state is also observed in 5-40% of children and adolescents under the age of 16, and therefore, this generation has a high percentage of suicides.

Depression - ICD

ICD-10: F32, F33
ICD-9: 296

Depression can affect people of any age and gender. The so-called values ​​of modern society can put constant pressure on a person, which can later cause depression. Among such “values” one can distinguish: the desire for social well-being, fame, career advancement, the desire to be attractive, etc. If something cannot be obtained, or not received immediately, a person may fall into despair, and his experiences against this background may provoke the development of a depressive state.

Fertile ground for the development of depression can also be factors such as: betrayal, dismissal, divorce, serious illness or death of a loved one, contempt or ridicule from others, etc.

In rare cases, depression is possible without any cause. In such a situation, the peculiarities of human neurochemical processes (the exchange of neurotransmitters) can be guilty.

Today, in psychiatry, it is believed that the development of depression requires a complex effect on a person of 3 factors: psychological, biological And social.

Psychological factor:

There are 3 personality types that are more prone to developing depression:

  • statotimic personality (characteristic: exaggerated conscientiousness, excessive accuracy and diligence);
  • melancholic personality (characteristic: pedantry, desire for order, constancy, excessive demands on oneself);
  • hyperthymic personality (characteristic: self-doubt, constant worries, low self-esteem).

Biological factor:

  • heredity;
  • head injuries that led to disruption of brain activity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • seasonality of depressive disorder (rain, cold, heat, etc.);
  • daily fluctuations, shortening of the REM sleep phase;
  • side effects of certain drugs;
  • (lack of vitamins in the body).

Social factor:

  • chronic stress, frequent stressful situations;
  • negative relationships in the family, society (school, work, university, etc.);
  • strict measures of education;
  • lack of love and affection from parents;
  • abuse and harassment;
  • significant changes in life;
  • urbanization, population migration.

The main signs of depression:


  • hopelessness, despondency, constant sadness;
  • nervous tension, irritability;
  • loss of interest in things that used to give pleasure;
  • guilt;
  • slow thinking, difficulty concentrating and inability to make decisions;
  • anxiety, anxiety, fear;
  • unwillingness to communicate with relatives and friends;


    • fatigue and feeling of weakness;
    • longing in the form of a stone in the chest or a coma in the throat;
    • sleep disorders;
    • appetite disorders (as a result of which weight gain or loss occurs);
  • change in taste sensations;
  • distortion of colors and sounds;
  • violations of a sexual nature;
  • dry mouth;
  • increased sweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • pupil dilation.

In severe cases, depression can be accompanied by suicidal thoughts about death.

The presence of several of the above symptoms may indicate the presence of depression. If this is found, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist.

Important! Some symptoms are characteristic of anxiety and other disorders, so do not self-diagnose or self-medicate!!!

Depression must be distinguished from normal grief, which has an adaptive function. The process of experiencing grief normally takes about 1 year, but if the experience is prolonged in a person, reactive depression may develop.

The number of types of depression is very large, and all of them are diverse in their manifestations.

Here are the most common types of depression:

Dysthymia. In simple terms, dysthymia is a chronic depressive mood. It is characterized by bad mood, fatigue, lack of appetite and sleep. This type of depression can be observed in postpartum depression and manic-depressive psychosis.

Affective insanity. The depressive phase of dysthymia, which is also characterized by a bad mood, slowing down of thinking and speech, loss of appetite. Waking up in the morning, a person feels sadness, anxiety, becomes inactive and indifferent.

postpartum depression. This type is found only in women, based on the name, it is clear that the disease develops in the first months after the birth of a child, it may also be after a miscarriage or the birth of a dead fetus. It is characterized by a deep sense of sadness, hopelessness, loss of joy in life. During this period, it is difficult for a woman to take care of a child.

Important! Do not confuse fatigue after childbirth and postpartum depression !!! Many women feel exhausted and weak after childbirth, suffer, but these feelings exist in parallel with the joy of the appearance of a baby. This type of fatigue goes away a couple of weeks after giving birth, while postpartum depression can last for several months.

depressive reactions. They usually appear with changes in life (moving, retiring, changing jobs, etc.). The main criterion causing such a reaction is not so much the traumatic external situation as the experience of the changes themselves and uncertainty in the changed conditions. Often, this type of depression is based on an acute crisis of self-esteem and subconscious resentment.

The reaction of sadness. This type is a complex process of painful restructuring of a person after a bereavement. Acute sadness is manifested by irritability, alienation, impotence, exhaustion, upset stomach and intestines. In the reaction of sadness in people, drugs are often noted.

Melancholia (endogenous depression). The causes of this type of depression can be both real and fictional. A melancholy person sees himself as a bad person who deserves punishment. It happens that such reproaches can be addressed to another significant person.

depressive neurosis(reactive depressive disorder). This type of depression is also called character neurosis and/or personality depressive disorder. There are several forms of depressive neurosis, which are united by the fact that a person's assessment of reality remains intact, and the symptoms of depression are mild or slightly expressed.

masked depression. The peculiarity of this type of depression lies in its latent course. Only one symptom may be present. Diagnosing this type is extremely difficult.

Bipolar disorder. Characterized by severe mood swings. This is a complex condition in which mania leads to insomnia, hallucinations, nervous breakdowns, disorientation and bouts of paranoia can also be observed.

Seasonal depression. This is a mood disorder that occurs every year at the same time. Often, seasonal depression begins in the fall or winter and ends in early summer. One theory says that insufficient sunlight leads to a decrease in the production of serotonin in the brain, which has a calming and pain-relieving effect. As a result, a lack of serotonin leads to a depressed mood and the manifestation of symptoms such as: fatigue, carbohydrate deficiency and weight gain. It is theoretically possible that this type of depression is also associated with insufficient intake of the required amount and microelements into the body.

Larviated form (somatized). The affect of melancholy is manifested, often there is a syndrome of "heart anguish" and pain in the intestines and stomach. Such somatic disorders are clearly manifested in the morning and are well treated with antidepressants.

anesthetic form. In this form of depression, a person suffers from a lack of experiences. The world around us loses colors and sounds, there is even a feeling that time has stopped.

adynamic form. The main symptom of this type is longing, which is experienced indifferently. The will decreases, the person ceases to take care of himself, experiences a feeling of physical impotence and apathy.

Anxiety depressive disorders (agitated). Manifested by longing, which is replaced by anxiety and fears. People with this kind of depression are always on the lookout for possible trouble. Anxious experiences are blurred and may be inspired by external information. It is also accompanied by speech and motor excitement, a person in the literal sense of the word cannot sit in one place. Melancholic raptus can happen to a person: the patient can start rushing about the street with screams, squeals or lamentations, or roll on the ground. At such moments, he becomes very dangerous for himself and for others.

atypical depression. This disorder is distinguished by increased appetite (resulting in weight gain), increased sleepiness, and increased emotional response to positive events.

Childhood mood disorder. This type is invisible in ordinary life, but clearly manifests itself in certain situations and is detected by special tests. This is a chronic depressive state determined by personality traits. Usually this disorder is the result of severe deprivation experienced by the child in early childhood.

Pseudo dementia. Often found in older people, manifestations resemble a decrease in intellectual activity. The problem of concentration of attention develops, the ability to orientate in space is disturbed, and memory is also impaired. Only a specialist can distinguish this type of depression from dementia.

Stages of depression

Like other diseases, depression has several stages. Each period can last from one week to several months.

1. Rejection stage (light). A person becomes restless, writes off everything to a bad mood and well-being. Loss of interest in past activities and hobbies. Symptoms such as apathy, drowsiness, fatigue, lack of appetite gradually accumulate. Alienation from the world begins, the desire to communicate disappears, but these feelings are accompanied by a fear of loneliness. A person at this stage often finds a way out in excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, sitting for many hours in computer games, and watching TV for many hours.

2. Receiving stage (moderate). A person begins to understand what exactly is happening to him, refuses to eat, because of this he is rapidly losing weight. Disorders such as insomnia, a violation of the adequacy of thinking, fast incoherent speech, illogical statements and reasoning, there may even be hallucinations appear. A person can no longer cope with negative thoughts on his own, he has a desire to completely end it, which leads to a high risk of suicide attempts.

3. Corrosive stage (severe). At this stage, external calmness is replaced by aggressive behavior, the person no longer wants to control himself, is able to harm himself or others. There is indifference and detachment. The psyche begins to collapse, due to the long-term influence of depression, a person can even get schizophrenia.

Diagnosis of depression

To make a correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment, the doctor conducts a series of tests:

  • communication with the patient (gathering information);
  • general urine analysis.

There are also special questionnaires and scales for diagnosing depression.

Beck scale. The questionnaire consists of 21 questions with fixed response options. Testing time 20-60 minutes. Invented by an American psychiatrist, bears his name. Used since 1961.

Zung self-reported depression scale. The questionnaire consists of 20 statements, the results of which are determined in 3 scales: depressive experiences, depressive affect, somatic symptoms. Testing time 8-10 minutes. Named after the developer. Used since 1965.

ODS (questionnaire of depressive conditions). The technique is based on the method of pattern recognition, there is also a lie scale. Developed at the Bekhterev Institute.

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Contains 10 statements with 4 possible answers. Used since 1987 thanks to scientists from Edinburgh and Livingston.

How to get rid of depression? Depending on the stage and type of depression, the characteristics of the body, the presence of concomitant diseases, age and other factors, the treatment of depression may include one or another set of procedures and drugs.

As a rule, the treatment of depression is accompanied by individual correction of nutrition and lifestyle, including physical activity.

Depression of the initial stage, a mild form, can be cured without drugs, with the help of psychotherapy, or mental correction of the patient's behavior and way of thinking. Drug treatment is prescribed for moderate and severe disease, but only in combination with psychotherapy.

Non-drug treatments for depression

Psychotherapy. This is a method of verbal interaction between the patient and the specialist, which allows solving current internal problems, analyzing the current mental state and finding the most appropriate ways to resolve problem situations. The program of psychotherapy is selected individually.

Light therapy. A method of exposure to light of a certain length, which contributes to the production of serotonin (the hormone of good mood), and to adjust circadian rhythms (internal biological clock). Light therapy can even relieve pain.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation. The prototype is electroconvulsive brain stimulation. This method allows non-invasively, using short magnetic pulses, to stimulate the cerebral cortex. Transcranial magnetic stimulation has been used in the treatment of severe depression and has had a measurable effect.

Medical treatment for depression

pharmacological treatment. Drug therapy for depression occurs with the help of various types of antidepressants. They reduce symptoms and reduce suicidal rates.

Important! Medications can only be prescribed by a doctor, after diagnosis. This is due to a large variety of antidepressants, which at the chemical level act on a particular part of the brain, and also cause various reactions.

Types of antidepressants

The human brain is made up of neurons (nerve cells). The transmission of information from neuron to neuron occurs through the synaptic cleft (a small space between neurons) with the help of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers).

To date, science knows about 30 different mediators. Belonging and relation to depression have 3 of them: serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.

There is a biological theory that believes that depression develops against the background of a decrease in the concentration of neurotransmitters in synapses. Antidepressants are needed to regulate the concentration of mediators and restore the biochemical background in the brain that has been disturbed.

Tricyclic antidepressants. They were synthesized back in the 50s of the last century. The mechanism of action of this type of antidepressants is based on a decrease in the absorption of norepinephrine and serotonin mediators by brain neurons, as a result of which their concentration in the brain increases. Some drugs in this group have a calming effect, others - stimulating.

The time of onset of the therapeutic effect depends on the specific situation from several days to several months.

Among the side effects most often noted are: lethargy, palpitations, drowsiness, dry mouth, increased sweating, decreased potency, difficult urination, etc.

Among tricyclic antidepressants, one can single out: Azafen, Amitriptyline, Clomipramine, Imipramine, Trimipramine, Doxepin, Dothiepin, Coaxil, Fluoracizine, Nortriptyline, etc.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Antidepressants of this type slow down the action of the enzyme in the nerve endings, thereby preventing the destruction of norepinephrine and serotonin. Often, MAO inhibitors are prescribed to patients who do not have the expected therapeutic effect from taking tricyclic antidepressants, as well as to patients with dysthymia and atypical depression.

The time of onset of the therapeutic effect is several weeks.

Among the side effects most often noted are: sleep disturbances, jumps, weight gain, decreased potency, swelling of the limbs, heart palpitations.

Among the MAO inhibitors can be identified: "Befol", "Melipramine", "Pyrazidol", "Sydnofen", "Tranylcypromine".

Selective serotonin uptake inhibitors. Today, this group of drugs is the most modern class of antidepressants that are used in medicine. Their mechanism of action is associated with blocking the reuptake of serotonin in synapses. As a result, the concentration of the mediator increases. Such drugs act exclusively on serotonin, without affecting other neurotransmitters.

Among the inhibitors of the selective uptake of serotonin, one can single out: Paroxetine, Sertraline, Fluoxetine, Citalopram, Escitalopram.

Compared to other types of antidepressants, serotonin selective uptake inhibitors have fewer side effects that are not pronounced.

other antidepressants. There are also other groups of antidepressants that differ from the above drugs in terms of the mechanism of action and chemical composition: Bupropion, Venlafaxine, Duloxetine, Mianserin, Nefazodone.

Vitamins and minerals for depression:

In the treatment of depression, the following are also actively prescribed:

  • omega 3;

Important! Before using folk remedies for the treatment of depression, be sure to consult your doctor!

Carrot juice. Just drink freshly squeezed carrot juice. You can add an apple to the carrot in the juicer. The combination of apple and carrot is not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Peppermint. 1 st. Pour a spoonful of leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, let stand for 1 hour at room temperature and strain. Take 0.5 cups in the morning and evening. A few mint leaves can also be added to regular tea.

Myrtle. Add myrtle flowers to regular tea. Also, rub the myrtle with your hands and inhale its fragrance. You can also pour dry myrtle into rag bags and place in places where you spend the most time. Taking a bath with myrtle has a very positive effect on the nervous system. Just take a bath with myrtle leaves and flowers, and for the application of myrtle, it can be used both fresh and dry.

St. John's wort. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of dried flowers and herbal parts with 200 ml of boiling water and let them brew for 10 minutes. Drink this tea 2-3 times a day for several months. Before use, brew a fresh decoction for each time. Just keep in mind that St. John's wort can reduce the strength of some drugs, including drugs that are used in the treatment of and.

Chinese lemongrass (schizandra). Grind 10 g of dry schizander berries and boil in 200 ml of water. Strain and drink instead of tea. For taste, you can add sugar to this remedy or.

In a pharmacy, you can buy a ready-made tincture of Chinese magnolia vine. It is recommended to use 20-30 drops 2 times a day. In severe cases, the norm can be exceeded up to 40 drops at a time.

Passion flower (passiflora). Pour 1 teaspoon of passionflower herb with 150 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes, strain and take a glass of infusion shortly before bedtime.

Knotweed (highlander bird). 3 art. Spoons of knotweed grass pour 1 cup of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour in a warm place, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.

Borago (borage). 1 st. pour a spoonful of borage grass with a glass of boiling water, wrap and leave for 2 hours in a warm place. Strain and take 0.5 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Herbal collection. Mix 2 parts of hop cones, 1 part of flowers, root and lemon balm, pour into a coffee grinder and grind. 2 tbsp. Spoons of the resulting collection, brew 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes and strain. Drink sips throughout the day. Leave most of the glass in the evening so that you can sleep better at night. Drink the remedy for 7 days.

Winter swimming. In the treatment of depressive conditions, winter swimming has proven itself very well - bathing and dousing with cold water. Just before using these procedures, be sure to consult your doctor.

God's help

In the modern world, spiritual problems that haunt a person for more than one year can also be the cause of depression, and traditional treatment only leads to relief for a certain period of time. this is especially true if depressive and suicidal issues arose among other family members. In this case, it may be necessary to turn to a priest who can instruct a person, direct him to God. There are many God's calls in the Holy Scriptures, for example, in the Gospel of John (14:27) Jesus told His disciples: "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give you; not as the world gives, I give you. In another place, in Gospel of Matthew (11:28) He said: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Therefore, often when people come in prayer to the Lord and ask Him for help, the Lord answers and helps. however, turning to the Lord excludes the sinful behavior of a person, which could lead to depression and other problems in a person’s life.Read the Holy Scriptures, perhaps you will find something in yourself that led to the negative consequences that you currently have.May the Lord It will help you with this.

Prevention of depression

As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. There are several rules that will help you always be in a positive vitality:

  • observe the regime of work and rest. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, go to bed before midnight, preferably before 22:00;
  • lead an active lifestyle, walk, ride a bike and be sure to do exercises in the morning;
  • take vitamins, especially in the autumn-winter-spring period;
  • eat right, avoid fast food, soda and other things, do not get carried away with flour and confectionery;
  • do not withdraw into yourself, do not say bad words, do not speak negatively about yourself and others, love and do good;
  • get rid of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs);
  • If you have a job with constant nervous tension, think about it, maybe it should be changed? Nerves are more valuable than money!

Which doctor should I consult for depression?

  • Psychotherapist

Video about depression (spiritual point of view)

Memo to the population

1. Avoid stress.

2. To cultivate optimal social forms of behavior in people by choosing the best ways to protect the internal environment of the body from the effects of various adverse environmental factors, intoxications (alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and others).

3. Observe the moral issues of professional activity, recreation, physical activity.

4. Eliminate emotional stress factors in relationships in the workforce.

5. Maintain a high culture of relationships in the family, on the street, in transport and other public places.

6. Feel the influence of positive emotions. They charge the nervous system with energy, mobilize the hidden reserves of the body, increase mental and physical performance, endurance.

7. Eliminate negative emotions (anger, anger, fear, jealousy, sadness, anxiety) Rude conversation, insult, experienced fear, uncertainty about the future is the foundation of depression.

8. Use iodine with food to prevent dementia.

9. Give up loneliness.

10. Fight violence.

11. Conduct early diagnosis of mental ill-being, especially in children's groups.

Prevention of depression promotes mental health throughout life to ensure a healthy start in life for children and prevent mental disorders in adulthood and old age.

Depression is called the plague of the twenty-first century. Comparison with a terrible epidemic did not arise from scratch. According to medical forecasts, by 2020 depression will come out on top among diseases, overtaking even the flu, colds and cardiovascular diseases.

And this despite the fact that a large number of people do not go to the hospital with depressive conditions, but try to cope with the disease on their own. Sometimes - successfully, and sometimes vice versa, aggravating their condition.

A depressive state differs from a simple manifestation of negative emotions in duration. As a rule, doctors diagnose "depression" if depression has been observed for more than 2 weeks. The main manifestation of a depressive state is that a person loses hope and faith in the future. Normally, even if a person is very ill, he believes that this is temporary, and in the future, everything will be fine. But depression says otherwise. Man does not see a bright future. He is sure that his problems are forever.

Depression is not a manifestation of human weakness. This is a disease that requires the intervention of a specialist. Although people have not yet identified the correct attitude to this problem. How many of you will treat yourself for pain in the stomach or heart? So why, when depressed, do we allow ourselves to take advice from incompetent people without making allowances for our own individuality.

It is generally accepted that women's depression is more common than men's. Experts attribute this to the hormonal background of women. But when calculating the percentage of depressive manifestations, it should be remembered that men tend to hide depressive manifestations for aggression or drinking alcohol. This makes it difficult to diagnose the disease. In addition, men can go headlong into work, extreme activities, gambling. Even the desire to find solace in relationships on the side can be considered as a search for a way out of a depressive state.

As a rule, depression begins with denial - Do not want

  1. do the job (even if it was loved)
  2. communicate with people (it's just not interesting)
  3. do daily chores
  4. eat, sleep, relax, walk...

Signs of depression

Main symptoms of depression

  1. Bad mood . Depression, melancholy, feelings of depression and boredom, a gloomy mood are some of the first symptoms of depression.
  2. No desire to act . There is no mood to fulfill your plans and all kinds of things, or you have to tune in for a long time before their implementation. There is a matter that requires special attention, but there is no desire and intention to carry it out. You know that important work needs to be done, but you just can't bring yourself to do it. You are nothing, and no one is interested and nothing pleases. You don't want to see or hear anyone
  3. Fast fatiguability . Even small physical activity can lead to very rapid fatigue. After work, there is nothing to do, no energy. In depressive conditions, there are cases of chronic fatigue throughout the day.

Additional symptoms of depression

  1. Difficulties in concentrating, especially in the presence of extraneous stimuli. For example: the TV interferes or the conversation of strangers in the room while reading. It happens that you read and do not understand what is being said, it is not easy to catch the meaning of what you read and you have to repeatedly re-read many places in the text because of extraneous thoughts in your head. In communication with other people, it became difficult to choose the right words, thoughts get confused and concentration decreases
  2. Unusual indecision during the performance of everyday tasks, both in everyday situations and in the professional sphere, after the decision has been made. Lost some self-confidence
  3. Negative revision of your entire past . Example: “I have not achieved anything in my life, I am not doing what I would like to do, I live with the wrong person, I am not satisfied with my life.” A person feels superfluous and unnecessary both in the family and at work
  4. You may be overcome negative thoughts about his own worthlessness, both in his personal life and in the professional sphere
  5. You may be overcome destructive thoughts aimed at self-destruction and self-blame. They can even encourage suicide. A feeling of hopelessness, hopelessness and meaninglessness of life can roll over you.
  6. Insomnia or sleep disturbances . Manifestations of this symptom may include difficulty falling asleep even when the person is "deadly" tired, frequent awakenings during the night, awakenings in the middle of the night followed by insomnia.
  7. A person easily may greatly decrease or disappear altogether appetite . It happens that there is no appetite to such an extent that the smell of food causes bouts of nausea.

Relationship between depression and physical illness


  • It provokes somatic diseases (CHD, arterial hypertension, diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, etc.)
  • Aggravates the course of a somatic disease (intensification, expansion of somatic, pain, asthenic, vegetative symptom complexes, sleep disturbances, shortness of breath)
  • Complicates the treatment of somatic disease
  • Reduces the level of patient participation in the treatment process and rehabilitation programs
  • Influences the level of performance

Causes of depression

The main cause of depression is stress. Stress is constantly around a person. Small and large - you never know what kind of situation will turn out to be a drop that overflows the cup of patience.

Of course, there are global situations that cause depression due to their hopelessness: the death of a loved one, loneliness, breaking up with a loved one, family breakup, job loss, unfulfilled plans, the detection of a terrible disease. Some of these situations are quite understandable.

But their depth can be so great that situations cannot pass without a trace for the human psyche. In this case, the person needs the help of a doctor. And this is as obvious as the treatment of any serious disease. You can't rely on time. In this case, time will play against a person, because. every day the depression will deepen.

Much can be said about the treatment of depression. Features of treatment depend on many indicators: age, cause, physical condition. Most importantly, you need to remember that the doctor must prescribe the treatment. Depression can and should be dealt with. Victory over depression is guaranteed, provided that a person wants to be a winner.

Prevention of depression

Prevention of depression is important for people of all ages. Simple rules will help to avoid the onset of depression

Proper nutrition!

During the first signs of depression, you need to eat something tasty and healthy, since the body needs warmth, then it needs additional calories. But this does not mean that you need to relax, and you can afford any amount of a wide variety of food. You just need to be able to pamper yourself, something very pleasant and tasty. We must not forget about vegetables and fruits, as well as healthy foods rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. Vitamin A and C are very necessary in such situations. It is useful to use vitamin complexes.


Motor activity causes the release of special substances into the blood: endorphins, which are called hormones of happiness. Just a few minutes of morning exercises will give an explosion of positive for the whole day. Try to move more during the day, walk more, play sports. Physical education and sports are a must. In this case, there are no bad and good species. The main thing is that the movement is desirable and brings satisfaction.


You can support your body with various natural stimulants: herbal teas, balms, rosehip broth, etc. Many people use tea and coffee for this purpose. It can really tone up, but, most importantly, do not abuse such drinks. Chocolate stimulates the production of serotonin. Internal warmth can support ginger.

Great images!

Try to make everything around you perfect: nature, environment, people. There must be order on the desktop. Things should be pleasing to the eye. Go to museums, exhibitions more often, listen to pleasant music. You can use color therapy: In the cold season, use red more often. Yellow and orange will enhance energy. Blue color can bring comfort and calmness. Try to surround yourself with bright beautiful things.


Communicate with relatives, relatives, friends, with those who are pleasant to you.

Make plans!

Let your attitude towards the future be planned. Plan your hobbies, choose your clothes and jewelry. Hiking to the hairdresser, sports, large purchases, trips to visit. May your desires be planned, long-awaited and fulfilled.

Give yourself pleasure and then depression will never defeat you!

Self-diagnosis of depression

The first thing you should pay attention to! If you have at least 3 symptoms, both basic and additional, then depression is the place to be.

1. Mild depressive disorder

If you notice 2 of any major symptoms of depression and at least 2 more non-core symptoms of depression, then you have mild depression. Your condition makes you anxious. You experience some degree of difficulty in the social environment and professional activities.

2. Moderate depressive disorder

If you notice 2 main symptoms of depression and 4 more non-main symptoms of depression, then you have moderate depression. At this stage of the development of the disease, there are tangible difficulties in social life and professional activities.

3. Major depressive disorder

If you notice 3 main symptoms and 4 or more non-main symptoms of depression in yourself, then you have severe depression. In this case, social life and activities are practically reduced to zero.

Watch your mental health. Depression doesn't start overnight! If you have depression, the symptoms of which we have listed above. If you feel its early signs, If it is moderate or severe and lasts long enough, then you need to visit a doctor - a psychiatrist or psychologist.

You can make an appointment in advance

  • to a psychiatrist (room 218, 2nd floor of the polyclinic)
  • tel: 41-5-24 (registration)
  • to a medical psychologist (room 311, 3rd floor of the polyclinic) - tel: 42-0-29

We are located at: from. Bichura, st. Soviet 38

Opening hours of GBUZ "Bichurskaya CRH": from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

24-hour helpline of the psychological and psychotherapeutic service of the Republic of Belarus - 668-311

Federal Foundation for the Support of Children and Adolescents - 8 800 2000 122

Medical psychologist of GBUZ "Bichurskaya CRH": Ekhlakova NA

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