Ear piercing at home. Are you thinking about getting your ears pierced at home? Let's look at the main ways to do this. The nature of this procedure

Earrings are one of the most interesting jewelry that can effectively transform your appearance. But in order to wear this jewelry, you need to have your ears pierced, that is, endure the painful sensations of this procedure and its consequences. Today, however, it is performed almost painlessly in beauty salons, but not everyone and not always have the opportunity to have their ears pierced by a specialist. And the procedure itself is not so complicated that it cannot be performed at home.

An earring in the ear is a badge of honor

The tradition of ear piercing originated in ancient times, but initially it was far from aesthetic in nature: ear piercing, as well as piercing any other part of the body, was practiced among the ancient inhabitants of the earth for religious or social purposes. In Kievan Rus, for example, the Slavs pierced the ear of the youngest child to indicate his age in the family - younger children were not sent to the front lines during wars, so as not to risk the last representative of the family. Apparently, there were so many children in families back then that parents were confused about their ages. There was also a tradition among owners to mark their slaves with earrings - the earrings in the latter’s ears showed that they belonged to a specific owner. Such jewelry was called accordingly - “slave earrings.” In the 18th century, an earring in a sailor's ear indicated that he had crossed the equator.

But on Easter Island, for example, only priests had their ears pierced - they wore wooden earrings as a sign of their high position. There are many more such funny ancient traditions, most of them are associated with ear piercings as a ritual marking the status of a person or his deeds. It’s hard to say when earrings turned from a badge of honor into an adornment, but today every second representative of the fairer sex and quite a few men have their ears pierced precisely for the purpose of beautifying their appearance.

To keep your skin always young, do not forget, which can be done at home.

How to pierce your ears yourself (by yourself)

No matter for what reason you decide to pierce your ears yourself, in any case you will need sterility, caution and attentiveness. Firstly, because ear piercing is a small operation, and it affects a very important part of the body: on the earlobes there are points associated with the teeth, eyes, facial muscles, tongue and inner ear, so an incorrect piercing can lead to problems with these organs . And secondly, like any operation, ear piercing has its own postoperative period, when special care for the wound is required in order to prevent it from festering. The earlobes are the most painless place for a piercing, despite its “complexity”.

The next question is what and how to pierce your ears at home. There are two options here:

1. Buy a special piercing gun.

2. Use a needle.

Of course, the first option is preferable because it is relatively safe, sterile, convenient, and also relatively painless.

What you will need:

  1. Medical alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, cotton wool.
  2. Iodine or antiseptic marker.
  3. Piercing gun with earring needles.

To pierce your ears yourself, do the following:

  • Determine the puncture point. To do this, you need to divide your earlobe into 9 equal squares and use the central one for the piercing.
  • Lubricate your earlobe with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
  • Place the gun on your ear so that the markings are in contact with the needle.
  • Press the trigger (the earring will fasten).
  • Carefully remove the gun using a downward motion.
  • Treat the wound with the earring.

The earring needle must be worn until the puncture site heals (usually two to three weeks).

A piercing gun costs money. If you don’t have them or you just don’t want to go shopping, you can pierce your ears at home using a regular sewing needle. But in this case you will have to work harder and be patient. This procedure will require the same set of drugs, and then you will need:

  • Sterilize the needle and earrings by placing them in medical alcohol for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wipe your earlobe with alcohol.
  • Apply ice to it for a few seconds to reduce sensitivity.
  • Pierce the lobe - quickly and carefully.
  • Wipe the puncture site with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide.
  • Put on an earring.

Do the same with the other earlobe.

Note: You need to pierce the earlobe from the back, pointing the needle exactly in the center.

After the puncture

The most important aspect of ear piercing is the subsequent treatment of the wounds. They, as a rule, do not heal immediately, so they need to be wiped two or three times a day with a special antiseptic (for example, chlorhexidine digluconate) until the redness and swelling disappear from the earlobes. Additional treatment should be carried out after showering.

  1. Do not remove earrings in the first two to three weeks (until the wounds are completely healed). Otherwise, the puncture will heal.
  2. Use only silver or gold earrings (when pierced with a regular needle).
  3. Use an earring needle only made of hypoallergenic surgical steel.
  4. Do not swim in bodies of water in the first month after the piercing.
  5. Use your mobile phone as little as possible to avoid infection in the wounds.

If you decide to pierce your or your child’s ears at home, then you should take into account the basic recommendations of experts in this field. After all, one wrong step and you risk introducing an infection into your body, which can cause further serious illnesses. Now we will talk in detail about how to pierce your ear at home, what drugs and devices you will need for this, and what unpleasant incidents may arise in such work.

Briefly about the main thing

The auricle is the area where all the reflex receptors of our body are concentrated. Here are the points that are responsible for the coherence of many internal organs. For this reason, it is important to clearly know not only how to pierce the ear at home, but also which point of the ear can be affected in this way. The least painful area is the lobe, or rather its very center. The displacement from this point can be 0.5 millimeters upward, no more. It is not recommended to move down, because many nerve endings are already concentrated there, and if the piercing process does not entail negative consequences, then it will certainly be painful.

How to “find” that very point

If you are first of all wondering how to pierce your ear without pain, then first you need to find the most painless point on the earlobe. You can feel it by choosing the softest place in this area. A similar technique can also be carried out using a medical probe or a wooden stick, which affects a small part of the surface. Having found the least sensitive area of ​​the earlobe, mark it with a felt-tip pen. We similarly search for the “neutral” zone on the opposite ear. Make sure that these points end up being at least approximately symmetrical, otherwise any earrings, even the smallest ones, may look disordered and ugly in your ears, and long jewelry will even reveal this mistake due to the fact that they will fall unevenly.

Preliminary anesthesia

For particularly sensitive people, before piercing their ear with a needle, they undergo an anesthesia procedure. The simplest method to make the earlobe completely insensitive is the drug Lidocaine. You can buy it at the pharmacy in the form of a spray or gel - this will be most convenient. Don’t forget that this anesthesia is local, so the person whose ear is being pierced will see and understand everything. If he is too impressionable, it is advisable to give him a little sedative before the procedure and try to set him up for a positive wave. We also note that it is advisable to apply the drug “Lidocaine” immediately before piercing your ear at home, unless you dilute it (this will be discussed in more detail below). Its effect is immediate and short-lived, so you need to have time to carry out the piercing and put on the earring during this period.

Anesthesia based on natural products

Take one medium-sized raw potato, peel it and put it in the freezer. After the root vegetable has completely frozen, we take it out and apply it on both sides to the earlobe that you are going to pierce. Now you need to wait until the lobe begins to go numb from the cold. This can be determined by characteristic redness, decreased sensitivity and lack of reactions to standard irritations. However, it is worth noting that this method of pain relief is not long-term. In addition, unlike the method using the drug "Lidocaine", it does not have an effect on the nervous system, because all that is dulled at this moment is only the sensitivity of some nerve endings on the earlobe.

We are preparing an arsenal of remedies and medicines

Before piercing your ear at home, you need to prepare all the drugs and tools that may be useful in this difficult process. This list includes rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. The first is needed to disinfect all instruments, earrings, as well as the hands of the person who is piercing the ear, and other objects. Peroxide is used so that in case of bleeding the process can be stopped quickly. It is also recommended to first hold earrings in it, which will be put on immediately after piercing. Next, prepare cotton wool, a needle, preferably a thick one (but don’t overdo it), and the earrings themselves. It is best if these are studs with an adjustable clasp.

Age doesn't matter

When it comes to piercing the ears with a needle, it doesn’t really matter whether this operation is performed on a man, a woman, or a child. The structure of the earlobe is the same for everyone, so we will proceed according to the standard scheme. The role is played only by the psychological factor, which lies in the fact that it is easier to tune a child to a favorable outcome of the procedure than an adult with his prejudices. This fact can be understood by visually seeing how children's ears are pierced. Videos of this kind clearly demonstrate to us that most babies do not even have time to feel pain. The main thing is that the procedure is performed by a knowledgeable person.

Exact sequence of actions

So, we seat our client (even a very small one) on a chair, tie up his hair so that it does not interfere. Now we treat the ears with alcohol on both sides and then apply the drug “Lidocaine” to them, strictly following the instructions. Next, we mark the puncture point - with a felt-tip pen or toothpick, on which there is iodine. The earrings must be pre-treated with alcohol, then placed in a container with peroxide. We first treat the needle with alcohol, then burn it with fire and rub it again with an alcohol solution. Now we stretch the earlobe and place the needle at the desired point. It is important that it is located exactly perpendicular to the lobe. Before piercing children's ears in this way, first stretch the ear slightly and look where the needle appears on the back side. After this, with a sharp movement the needle is inserted into the ear and completely pierces it. It should be taken out just as quickly, and the earring must be put on immediately. If there is blood, wipe it off with peroxide; if not, wipe the earlobe with alcohol.

What is the best way to pierce a child's ears?

Many young parents these days don't know how their children's ears are pierced. Videos that can now be found on the Internet most often show us the fact that this is done using a special piercing gun. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, this way the operation is done much faster. Secondly, the gun will not make an oblique hole in the lobe. The puncture will be smooth and exactly parallel to the surface of the earth. And thirdly, the sight of a doctor or even a mother with a needle in her hands is very scary for a baby, but a gun creates a more positive impression. You can buy such a tool and keep it at home, or you can go to a beauty salon for this service.

The nature of this procedure

Now we will look at how to pierce ears with a gun, and what you will need for this. You need: a standard medical kit, the same as in the previous case, cotton wool, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, toothpicks and the gun itself. It should come with needle earrings, which you will use to pierce your ears. We insert the earring into the machine, then put this device on the earlobe. Now we set it so that the needle of the earring looks at the intended point. We pull the trigger, after which the earring ends up in the newly made hole. We wipe the wound with alcohol and put on the fastener. The same operation is performed with the second ear. We also do not forget that before the ears are pierced with a gun, they are also wiped with alcohol, and if the patient is too sensitive, then the drug “Lidocaine” is applied to the earlobe.

What to do after the piercing procedure

If you have pierced your own or another person’s ears with an ordinary needle, then you can immediately put on any earrings, the main thing is that they are not massive, heavy or very large. Once you have inserted them into the holes, you cannot remove them for one month, until the wounds have completely healed. If the piercing was carried out with a gun, then it is also not recommended to remove the needle earrings for a month - so that the tissues are reliably tightened. For two weeks, the earlobes should be treated with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol twice a day.


When you know how to properly pierce a child's ears, you can easily do it for anyone else. It doesn’t matter which method you choose - a needle or a gun, it is important how you set up your patient for this procedure. And, of course, do not forget that the result is also influenced by competence in this matter, as well as compliance with all the rules described above.

In order to pierce your ears correctly and without pain, you need to carefully follow the recommendations of professionals. If you follow these simple rules, the punctures will be painless and the wounds will heal quickly. How to pierce your ears at home? What needs to be prepared for manipulation and disinfection?

Attention, reflex zones

The auricle is the concentration of reflex zones. That is, by unknowingly touching an important point, you can disrupt the functioning of one or another organ. Therefore, it is better to choose a place for the puncture exactly in the center of the lobe, or 0.5 mm higher. There is no cartilage here, the puncture is done easily and with virtually no pain. For particularly sensitive people, lidocaine can be prepared for pain relief.

Gel or aerosol is more convenient to use. The product has a local anesthetic effect.

What do you need to prepare for ear piercing?

A pre-prepared “tool” determines the success of the entire “operation.” Therefore, it is better to take care of everything in advance.

  • — For marking, it is better to use a toothpick and iodine,
  • - Sterile cotton wool,
  • — Medical alcohol,
  • — Hydrogen peroxide,
  • — A sharp needle (neither thin nor thick).

Choose your first earrings

It’s not enough to know how to pierce your ears at home. It is important to choose the first earrings correctly so that you can insert them into the hole without any problems. Healing depends on this. In beauty salons, where the puncture is carried out with a special gun, there are special earrings made of medical alloy.

But many people prefer their own jewelry. It is better to choose gold earrings. The bow of the product should be round, smooth, classic. Stud earrings are strictly forbidden. The skin underneath is difficult to process, and the small plug-screw can become completely overgrown in the ear. Earrings with earrings and chains and laces are also inconvenient for an open, unhealed wound.

Everything is according to plan!

  1. - Pull your hair back from your face, preferably in a ponytail.
  2. - Treat the surface of the ear with alcohol.
  3. — When using lidocaine or other painkillers, follow the instructions.
  4. - Mark the puncture sites symmetrically with a toothpick and iodine. In this case, the dots must be placed on both sides of the lobe.
  5. — Treat the earring with soap and water, alcohol and peroxide. Leave it between cotton pads with alcohol.
  6. — First wipe the needle with alcohol, then heat it with fire. Wipe off scale with a cotton swab and alcohol.
  7. — Holding the earlobe with one hand, place the tip of the needle against the point on the outside of the ear. First, you just need to lightly press the needle so that when stretching, the tip is directed towards the second (inner) point.
  8. — The needle should be inserted sharply, with force. There will be less pain if this process is performed without anesthesia. It is important to control the direction of the needle.
  9. - Pierce the lobe; pull the needle out sharply.
  10. — The earring must be inserted into the hole immediately.
  11. - Wipe the ear and earring well with alcohol.

Exactly the same manipulation should be done with the second ear.

How to pierce your ears at home and care for wounds?

If all hygiene rules are followed, healing will proceed quickly. The puncture sites (without removing the earrings) should be regularly treated with alcohol or peroxide. To avoid “ingrowth” into the skin, it is recommended to carefully move the earring. Calendula tincture has proven itself well for healing. It is better to sleep on a comfortable hard pillow with a sterile pillowcase. The preferred position is on your back.

If for some reason suppuration begins, you can apply Levomikol or another antimicrobial agent for purulent wounds to the inflamed area. In this case, the earring must be moved in the hole. To prevent particles of dust or hairspray from falling from your hair onto your earlobes, it is advisable to wear your hair tied up until the wounds in your ears heal.

Piercing is the piercing of the skin and cartilage on the external parts of the body. This is one of the popular methods of body modification. Within this culture, the leading position is occupied by the piercing of the auricle and lobe. Even infant girls can become owners of earrings. Due to the widespread nature of the procedure, many people are not afraid to do it themselves. How to pierce your ear at home correctly and without pain?

Features of puncture at home

To ensure that ear piercing goes without complications and excruciating pain, you need to listen to the advice and valuable recommendations of professionals. Simple rules will help increase the comfort of the procedure and the rapid healing of wounds.

There are many reflex zones concentrated in the auricle. Each point is responsible for the functioning of a specific internal organ, and if it is damaged, problems with health and development of the nervous system are possible. The best place for a puncture is considered to be the middle of the lobe or an area located half a millimeter above it. This area does not contain cartilage and biologically active points, which facilitates the rapid and painless formation of a channel for jewelry.

The best time for the procedure is considered to be the end of spring. In winter, there is a high risk of holes being damaged by warm hats and scarves. In summer, due to the heat and dust, infection can begin. In autumn, cold and winds contribute to the wound becoming cold and inflamed.

Ear piercing is contraindicated:

  • if the child has not reached 3 years of age;
  • in the presence of skin diseases;
  • during viral and infectious diseases;
  • with a tendency to diseases of the auditory organ;
  • with high sensitivity to metals, various alloys and additives;
  • at elevated body temperature.

It is advisable to carry out puncture of the ear cartilage in a beauty salon. A professional knows the location of reflex points and will quickly carry out all manipulations.

Required Tools

To pierce the ears of yourself or your child or someone you know at home, you need to have a set of tools and medications in your arsenal.

  1. Disinfectant. Purchase rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or a chlorhexidine-based solution from a pharmacy.
  2. Sterile cotton wool. Stock up on enough to last the entire procedure for treating the wound, hands and instruments.
  3. Decoration. The earring must be made of hypoallergenic materials - titanium, precious metals of the highest standard, medical steel. Never use silver to heal a fresh hole.
  4. Ammonia. If you are highly sensitive to pain, it is better to have a remedy on hand that can quickly bring you to your senses.
  5. Catheter. Sold in pharmacies. Experts recommend purchasing a catheter with a diameter of 1 mm for piercing. Homemade devices in the form of a sewing needle are not suitable for the procedure due to the presence of an expansion at the end, which contributes to tissue rupture and long-term recovery.
  6. Anesthetics. Buy painkillers to get your ear pierced at home comfortably and without pain.

Rules of procedure

In order for the holes in the ears to look beautiful, heal smoothly and quickly, it is necessary to maintain sterility during the procedure and during the healing period. It is difficult to pierce an ear on your own; professional specialists in a salon will pierce your ears with a pistol, but purchasing one for your own use will be too expensive. Therefore, the main tool is a needle.

  • First step. Sterilization of instruments.
  1. Place the needle in a pair of tongs or other gripping object and hold over an open flame for 10-15 seconds. Next, use a cotton pad soaked in medical alcohol, peroxide or chlorhexidine to wipe the surface of the needle.
  2. Spread a paper towel on a table or other flat surface, place a needle and leave to dry.
  3. Hydrogen (peroxide) or alcohol is used to sterilize earrings. First release the clasp from the lock. Place the decoration in the solution for 3-5 minutes. Then remove and place on a paper towel.

These measures will help protect against bacteria, but do not provide a 100% guarantee. The best option is to purchase a special piercing kit, which contains all the necessary tools and accessories that have been treated with a disinfectant.

  • Second step. How to prepare your ears for piercing at home.
  1. Soak a cotton pad in peroxide solution, vodka, chlorhexidine or medical alcohol.
  2. Wipe the lobe or cartilage with it 2-3 times, regularly changing the cotton wool.
  3. The skin must be thoroughly dry before inserting the needle.
  4. After processing, marking is carried out. The points are marked with a felt-tip pen or ballpoint pen.
  5. To make the puncture of the earlobe or shell painless, apply ice or lubricate it with an anesthetic for a couple of minutes.
  • Third step. Ear puncture with a catheter.
  1. Wash your hands under running water using antibacterial soap and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Treat your hands with alcohol antiseptic. Wipe not only the skin, but also the sterile medical gloves in which you will inject.
  3. Cut a small rectangle of antibacterial soap and place it behind your ear. This will help prevent the tip of the needle from going into your neck.
  4. Place the needle with the catheter strictly perpendicular to the lobe, otherwise the hole will be asymmetrical and ugly.
  5. Insert the needle quickly, with a confident hand movement. To pierce the skin painlessly, take a deep breath.
  6. Keep the instruments inside the hole for 1 minute, rotate it clockwise, and then insert the earring into the catheter and pull it into the canal, fix it. Insert slowly, being careful not to tear the fabric.
  7. Treat the wound with a cotton pad soaked in antiseptic.

The second hole pricks in the same way.

How to make the process less painful

Is it possible to pierce your ear without experiencing pain? Thanks to modern medications, it is now possible to significantly reduce discomfort and carry out the procedure quickly and without complications.

Lidocaine. This product allows you to make the lobe completely insensitive to any influence. It is distributed in the form of a gel or spray. The gel formula is more convenient, it does not flow and acts precisely. Apply immediately before piercing the skin with a needle, as it has a short-lasting effect. It is important to have time not only to make the hole, but also to insert the earring into it.

How can you numb your ear with improvised means? Freeze with ice. Just 2 minutes of exposure to cold significantly reduces sensitivity. Insert the needle immediately after removing the ice, until the lobe begins to warm up.

Puncture care

Carrying out the procedure yourself is dangerous. You need to know how to pierce your ears at home and how to care for the wounds to reduce the risk of infection.

  1. Do not remove jewelry for 1-1.5 months.
  2. Treat with an antiseptic daily.
  3. Do not touch the earring or pull it until it heals. This is an important condition for rapid healing.
  4. Periodically apply a compress with saline or disinfectant solution.

If a little boy or girl asks for an ear piercing, remember that doing it yourself is dangerous. Symptoms of improper puncture include malfunction of internal organs, headache and infection. Similar consequences arise when technology and sanitary standards are violated. Experts recommend having your piercing done by a professional who has knowledge in reflexology.