Uterine cancer occurs with age. Uterine cancer: the first signs and symptoms, treatment at an early stage. Additional research in uterine cancer


Uterine cancer is one of the most common cancers. According to various data, in terms of prevalence, it is in second place after a malignant tumor localized in the mammary gland.

Uterine cancer often affects older patients. However, like other oncological pathologies, uterine cancer is rapidly getting younger. In modern gynecology, the first symptoms and signs of cancer of the uterine body can be diagnosed in young women. According to statistics, signs of uterine cancer are found in women before menopause in 40% of cases.

Usually, in the later stages, uterine cancer is detected in age-related representatives. Early stages of detection are more typical for women of reproductive age. However, in order to identify the disease at an early stage, it is necessary to consult a specialist in time and undergo an examination. The gynecologist determines the first symptoms and signs, prescribes the appropriate treatment.

As you know, the uterine wall is not uniform. In the structure of the uterine body, three interconnected layers can be distinguished.

  1. The parametrium, or serosa, is the outer layer of the uterus.
  2. Myometrium is a muscular layer, which is considered the middle uterine layer.
  3. The endometrium, or mucous membrane, is called the inner layer of the uterus.

Myometrium in the structure of the uterine body performs several important functions. Due to the muscular layer, the uterus increases in size during pregnancy, shrinks during menstruation and childbirth.

The first signs of cervical cancer affect the lining of the uterus. The endometrium includes a functional and basal layer. The superficial functional layer during each cycle grows under the influence of sex hormones, thus preparing for a possible conception. If pregnancy does not occur, the overgrown layer is rejected, which is accompanied by the onset of critical days. The reserves of the basal layer allow you to restore the mucous membrane.

With the progression of cervical cancer at an early stage, all layers are gradually involved in the malignant process. Then the tumor moves to the cervix and surrounding tissues. Over time, distant organs can be affected due to the occurrence of metastases.


Cervical cancer can have many causes and predisposing factors. Often, the occurrence of signs and symptoms of pathology becomes a complex of various causes and the lifestyle that a woman leads.

A variety of factors can predispose to the development of uterine cancer. Uterine cancer can be both hormone-dependent and autonomous. Gynecologists note that in most cases, the onset of the first signs and symptoms of cancer is associated with hormonal imbalance and the causes that lead to it.

The entire reproductive system of a woman is dependent on the normal ratio of sex hormones. Due to the optimal ratio of sex steroids, a woman has a regular two-phase cycle with the presence of ovulation, which allows conception to occur. The endometrium also grows and is rejected under the influence of the necessary sex hormones.

However, under the influence of some unfavorable factors, this balance is disturbed. There are functional, and then structural disorders. The endometrium may overgrow. Over time, the first signs and symptoms of atypia often occur.

For adequate functioning of the reproductive system The correct ratio of progesterone and estrogen is important. In many pathologies, an excess amount of estrogen is observed with a consistently low progesterone.

Gynecologists distinguish the following factors that lead to hormonal disorders and the appearance of early stages of the oncological process:

  • early onset of the first menstruation and puberty in general;
  • the appearance of signs of menopause after 55 years;
  • prolonged absence of ovulation;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • PCOS;
  • excess body weight, contributing to excessive production of estrogens;
  • diabetes;
  • the use of estrogen-containing drugs for a long time;
  • treatment with breast cancer drugs, such as Tamoxifen;
  • irregular nature of sexual life;
  • absence of pregnancies and subsequent childbirth;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • pathology of the liver, which utilizes estrogens;
  • hypertension.

Hormone-dependent uterine cancer is often detected with signs of a malignant tumor of the intestine, breast. Usually such a neoplasm progresses slowly and is sensitive to progestogens. If the tumor is detected at an early stage, the course can be considered favorable.

There are the following signs that increase the risk of symptoms of uterine cancer:

  • infertility;
  • anovulatory bleeding;
  • late onset of menopause;
  • follicular cysts on the ovaries and tecomatosis;
  • excess body weight;
  • incorrect estrogen therapy;
  • adrenal adenoma;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Autonomous uterine cancer is often diagnosed in older women and develops against the background of pathologies such as ovarian or endometrial atrophy. Such a tumor is rarely detected in the early stages, as it progresses rapidly and has a poor prognosis.

Some scholars are of the view that according to which the transformation of cells is embedded in DNA. This is the so-called genetic theory of the development of uterine cancer.

The development of uterine cancer occurs in accordance with the following stages.

  1. Anovulation and estrogen rise.
  2. The occurrence of background pathological processes, for example, polyposis and endometrial hyperplasia.
  3. The appearance of precancerous conditions, in particular, hyperplasia with signs of atypia.
  4. The development of preinvasive cancer, which is an early stage of uterine cancer.
  5. The first signs of a slight penetration of malignant cells into the myometrium.
  6. Expressed cancer of the uterine body.

Women who are at risk should systematically visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

Stages and types

Specialists classify the severity of the course of uterine body carcinoma by determining the stage. In general, the stages show the size of the neoplasm, the depth of penetration into the myometrium and the nature of the spread of the oncological process to the surrounding tissues, the presence of metastases.

Early stage uterine cancer is called preinvasive cancer. In another way, such a pathology is defined as cancer of the zero stage. As a rule, there are no signs and symptoms at this early stage of the cancer process. It is possible to identify the disease through the use of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods.

Gynecologists distinguish four stages of uterine cancer.

  • Stage 1 is characterized by damage to the endometrium (A). As part of the early first stage, the myometrium may be affected up to half of the layer (B) or the entire muscular layer (C).
  • Stage 2 is characterized by involvement in the pathological process of the cervix. If the tumor is present exclusively in the glandular layer - A, with the penetration of the neoplasm into the deep layers - B.
  • Stage 3 includes the penetration of malignant cells into the serosa and appendages (A). Sometimes there is a lesion of the vagina (B). In the most severe cases, metastasis occurs to surrounding lymph nodes (C).
  • Stage 4 means the appearance of metastases. If metastases develop only in the bladder and intestine - A. If metastases occur in the lungs, liver and bones - B.

It is known that in the early stages, for example, pre-invasive and first, the prognosis is more favorable. However, the first symptoms and signs often appear in the third and fourth stages.

The prognosis of the disease depends not only on the stage. Early appearance of the first signs and symptoms depends on the degree of cellular differentiation:

  • high;
  • average;
  • low.

The neoplasm grows more slowly with a highly differentiated neoplasm of the uterine body. The likelihood of a cure with such cancer is much higher. Poorly differentiated tumors have the first signs and symptoms already at an early stage. It is quite difficult to cure such a pathology.

There are the following morphological varieties of uterine cancer:

  • squamous;
  • adenocarcinoma;
  • clear cell;
  • glandular squamous;
  • musical;
  • serous;
  • undifferentiated.

The most common tumor is adenocarcinoma. Education can be localized in the fundus of the uterus, as well as in its lower segment.

Symptoms and signs

Often, women go to the doctor about the first signs of pathology. This may be acyclic bleeding or an increase in menstrual flow. After examination, in some cases, uterine cancer is detected.

Many of the first signs and symptoms of uterine body cancer, especially in the early stages, coincide with other gynecological pathologies:

  • profuse leucorrhoea associated with damage to the lymphatic capillaries;
  • increased bleeding during menstruation;
  • bleeding;
  • highlighting the color of meat slops due to the decay of tumor tissue;
  • pain in the lower back and abdomen;
  • frequent painful urination;
  • constipation;
  • bleeding during bowel movements, which may be accompanied by pain;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • an increase in the circumference of the abdomen.

Early first signs usually include abnormal discharge, which can be observed in the second or third stage. Early stages, such as pre-invasive and first, are usually asymptomatic. The appearance of the first signs is associated with the spread of cancer and tumor growth.

In advanced stages, the first signs are:

  • pain of varying intensity;
  • puffiness;
  • deterioration in general well-being, which can be manifested by weakness, dizziness, subfebrile temperature.

Usually the first signs of a deterioration in the general well-being of a woman associated with poisoning of the body by the waste products of the tumor. One of the early symptoms is also anemia.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of uterine cancer in the early stages is somewhat difficult. In order to identify the first signs of a malignant process, the following studies are carried out.

  1. Aspiration biopsy in the early stages is not informative enough, however, with the progression of the neoplasm, its symptoms can be detected in 90% of cases. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis.
  2. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is a simple and reliable way to identify various gynecological diseases. In the early stages, such a sign as endometrial hyperplasia in patients should alert. As a rule, in such cases, additional research is carried out.
  3. Hysteroscopy is a method of instrumental diagnostics that allows you to diagnose and treat certain formations. The hysteroscope is inserted into the uterus through the cervical canal. The method allows for curettage and biopsy for further histological analysis.

To detect metastases, it is necessary to perform MRI, CT and X-ray of the lungs. Evaluation of the functions of the bladder and intestines, which are often affected in uterine cancer, is carried out through cystoscopy and rectoscopy.

Treatment involves a combination of several methods:

  • surgical intervention;
  • radiotherapy;
  • chemotherapy.

The main method of treatment, which is used at any stage of the disease, is the removal of the uterus and appendages. The amount of intervention depends on the degree of spread of the oncological process. Organ-preserving operations can be performed at an early stage - preinvasive cancer.

Irradiation is more often performed after surgery to remove the remaining malignant cells. As an independent method, it is practically not used.

Chemotherapy is used to treat the signs and symptoms of a tumor. As the main method of treatment, this tactic is not recommended. In hormone-dependent forms of the malignant process, doctors also prescribe hormone therapy.

Many women, noticing unpleasant symptoms in themselves, often assume the worst and begin to look for signs of a particular disease. For example, if violations of the genital organs are noticed, then many begin to think, and not whether it is oncology. But this disease is asymptomatic for a long time.

Uterine cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. In terms of prevalence, it takes 2nd place, in the first place is breast cancer.

According to statistics, women of two age categories are at increased risk:

  • 35 to 40 years old;
  • From 60 to 65 years old.

On average, oncological diseases of the genital organs occur in 2-3% of the female population, at the rate of 10 diseases per 100 thousand people.

Oncologists divide uterine endometrial cancer into two types: autonomous and hormonal.
Autonomous - occurs in a third of all cases of this oncology. Occurs without special prerequisites, often for no reason. It is believed that this type depends on heredity or occurs due to injuries.

Hormonal - occurs due to hormonal disruption in the female body. Two-thirds of all cases of this oncology. Characterized by a violation of the endocrine metabolism.

According to histological definitions, the following types of pathology are distinguished:

  • sarcoma;
  • adenocarcinoma;
  • leukomyosarkinoma;
  • squamous;
  • glandular.

There is a classification of tumors by differentiation:

  1. High differentiation.
  2. moderate differentiation.
  3. Missing differentiation.

Stages and stages of uterine cancer:

  1. healthy epithelium.
  2. The tumor is located directly in the uterine body, the probability of complete recovery is more than 90%.
  3. Penetration beyond the boundaries of the uterine body, the defeat of most of it and the neck, recover about 75%.
  4. Metastases to the appendages, to the vagina and to the perimeter tissue, approximately 40% survive.
  5. The tumor penetrates beyond the vagina, ending up in the bladder and rectum, less than 15% of patients cope.

Risk factors and causes of this disease include:

  • infertility;
  • smoking;
  • late menopause;
  • hypertension;
  • adenoma of the adrenal cortex;
  • no pregnancy with natural delivery;
  • taking contraceptives, treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • diabetes;
  • ovarian tumors producing hormones;
  • obesity;
  • severe hepatic pathology;
  • negative heredity, the presence in the pedigree of such oncologies as lesions of the mammary gland, intestines, uterine body;
  • susceptibility to radiation of organs in the small pelvis.

Symptoms in the early stages of cancer

Symptoms of uterine cancer are very diverse, but for a long time the first signs of cancer are asymptomatic. Usually they are detected long before the symptomatic manifestation during an examination by a gynecologist, when a special Pap smear is taken. If the pathology is detected at an early stage, then it is effectively treated.

The first sign of uterine cancer at an early stage, which should alarm you, is uterine bleeding not during menstruation, they stand out in different ways:

  • plentiful or scarce;
  • repeatedly, breakthrough or one-time;
  • intermittently;
  • after sexual contact;
  • gynecological examination;
  • douching;
  • lifting weights and more.

In addition, the following symptoms are also common:

  • mucous discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • general malaise (fatigue, pain in the lower extremities, increased frequency of mood swings);
  • backache;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • prolonged bloody-purulent discharge.

Girls and women who are in premenopausal age, the presence of uterine discharge with blood is considered normal or may indicate other diseases such as fibromyoma, endometrial dysplasia, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, endometriosis, endometrium and others.

In women during menopause, any sudden onset of bleeding is a sign of cancer of the genital organs.

Note! Pain is already a late symptom, indicating that the lymph nodes and pelvic tissue are involved in the oncological process, in which the resulting infiltrate compresses the nerve trunks and plexuses. These manifestations are rare and only in the last stages, so that women who have this oncology look quite healthy.

Diagnosis of uterine cancer

In the early stages, pathology is determined using a special Pap smear, which is taken during a routine examination by a gynecologist.

The doctor can determine the later stages by the following signs:

  • the genitals are enlarged, heterogeneous, inactive;
  • absence of pain or other manifestations of inflammation;
  • the presence of exclusions.

To confirm the diagnosis, additional research methods are prescribed:

  • general clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  • blood test for oncocameras;
  • Ultrasound and MRI of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, which can also determine the pathology of the genital organs;
  • colposcopy;
  • histological examination of materials obtained from;
  • examination of other organs for the presence of metastases.

You should see a doctor immediately if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • bleeding;
  • pelvic pain and abnormal bleeding;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • problems with urination, pain;
  • bleeding after intercourse;
  • foul-smelling discharge during menstruation.


Without timely and adequate treatment, uterine cancer is fatal. This is a very dangerous disease. Very often, it is required to be removed along with the appendages, vagina and cervix.

It metastasizes through the lymph nodes and the circulatory system (terminal stage), both in the uterine body and beyond, to the vagina, kidneys, liver and bones.

A similar disease is called differently - endometrial cancer, cancer of the uterine body, cancer of the uterine mucosa, etc. All these oncoprocesses are uterine cancer.

The concept of the disease and statistics

Uterine cancer is a malignant tumor process that develops from the inner epithelial layer - the endometrium.

According to statistics. recent years have been characterized by a steady increase in cases of uterine oncology. Judging by all oncological pathologies in women, uterine cancer is the second most popular, immediately following breast cancer.

On average, this disease is found in 2-3% of the female population. Endometrial cancer can occur in every woman, however, women over 45 are most susceptible to such oncology.


Oncologists classify uterine cancer into two types: autonomous and hormonal.

Autonomous cancer accounts for 1/3 of all cases of uterine oncology. This form of the disease occurs suddenly without any prerequisites and causes.

Experts believe that such oncology has a hereditary etiology or occurs under the influence of traumatic injuries.

The picture shows a uterine cancer cell under a microscope.

Hormonal type of uterine cancer develops due to hormonal changes in the female body. The share of such oncology accounts for 2/3 of all cases of endometrial cancer. It is characterized by pronounced disorders of endocrine-metabolic origin.

According to histological data, cancer of the uterine body can be:

Depending on the degree of differentiation of cellular structures, cancer can be highly differentiated, poorly differentiated, or moderately differentiated.


As mentioned above, endometrial cancer can be hormone-dependent or autonomous. Based on this, several characteristic reasons can be distinguished from which cancer of the uterine body occurs:

  • Increased stimulation of the epithelial uterine layer by estrogen hormones;
  • Metabolic disorders like obesity, diabetes, hypertension;
  • Hormone-producing ovarian tumors;
  • Adenoma of the adrenal cortex;
  • Treatment with hormone-containing drugs;
  • The presence of severe hepatic pathologies, accompanied by violations of metabolic sex-hormonal processes (cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.);
  • Negative heredity, such as the presence of oncoformations in the blood relatives in the intestines, mammary gland, ovaries, or in the body of the uterus;
  • Late onset of the menopausal period;
  • Absence of pregnancies with natural delivery;
  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives like Dimethisterone;
  • Irradiation of pelvic organs, etc.

Symptoms of uterine cancer in women

Signs of oncoformation of the uterine body are very diverse, however, in the early stages of the development of the cancer process, there are usually no symptoms.

First signs

Among the first alarming symptoms of uterine cancer, uterine bleeding that is not associated with menstruation is especially prominent.

A similar sign, according to oncologists, is observed in almost 7-9 patients out of a dozen.

Such bleeding can be of a different nature:

Very typical for uterine cancer is bleeding of a contact nature, arising from sexual intercourse, gynecological examination, lifting heavy objects, douching, etc.

In addition to discharge, when the cancer of the uterine body reaches the advanced stages of development, it can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. Nausea-vomiting syndrome;
  2. Hyperthermia with subfebrile indicators;
  3. Pulling soreness in the lumbar region, perineum, abdomen;
  4. A noticeable reduction in efficiency, excessive and rapid fatigue, up to exhaustion;
  5. Sexual contacts are accompanied by pain, which can also appear after them;
  6. Refusal to eat;
  7. Bowel problems such as constipation or diarrhea
  8. Strong weight loss.

How to identify uterine cancer by symptoms before menopause?

In women who are in premenopausal age, the presence of uterine bleeding is considered quite normal, which gradually become scarce and less and less disturbing.

If an oncological process begins to develop in the uterine body, then a typical decrease in symptoms does not occur, and it often happens that the uterine discharge, on the contrary, becomes more abundant and frequent.

What manifestations can be observed in postmenopause?

In menopausal women, as a rule, menstruation is absent. Therefore, in the event of sudden discharge from the vagina, it is always worth suspecting the presence of a uterine cancerous process.

Moreover, the frequency of such bleeding, their duration, intensity and profusion at a similar age no longer matter.

Stages and their lifespan

  • At the first stage oncoformation is located directly in the uterine body. The probability of recovery is about 80-90%;
  • At the second stage of the oncological process, the tumor formation penetrates the boundaries of the body of the uterus, affects the cervical canal (cervix), however, nearby organs are not affected. Recovery occurs in about ¾ of cases;
  • At the third stage of cancer, the oncoprocess spreads to the appendages and the vagina. Survival is about 40% of patients;
  • At the fourth stage of cancer of the uterine body, tumor processes spread beyond the pelvic region, the formation grows into the intestinal and bladder tissues. Survival - no more than 15%.


Cancer of the uterine body is a very dangerous pathological condition. If there is no adequate therapy, then uterine cancer will certainly lead to the death of the patient.

Often, oncology of the uterus requires its removal along with appendages, part of the vagina and cervix. However, this factor usually does not play a significant role, because cancer is found mainly in women aged 45-60 with adult children.

Ways of metastasis

With cancer in the body of the uterus, the main ways of metastasis are the lymphatic vessels and nodes, and at the terminal stage, the circulatory system also participates in the spread.

First, the lesion spreads to the lymph node structures in the iliac region and the hypogastric zone. Much less often, the lesion captures other groups of small pelvic lymph nodes.

Metastasis extends to the cervical canal and beyond the uterine body. In a hematogenous way, metastases penetrate from the upper uterine region into the appendages, in addition, the vagina is also affected, and sometimes even the kidney or liver or bone tissues.


The diagnostic process for uterine cancer begins with a gynecological examination using mirrors. Then the patient is sent for an ultrasound examination, which allows to reveal the true size and structure of the uterus, as well as the structure and thickness of the endometrium.

The photo shows what uterine cancer looks like on ultrasound diagnostics

Often, scraping and histological examination of the obtained biomaterial is carried out. A similar procedure is performed using general anesthesia in a hospital setting.

When analyzing for the detection of oncomarkers of uterine cancer, markers are used:

  • SA 72-4;
  • SA 125;
  • Cancer-embryonic antigen;
  • hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin.

Thanks to the introduction of tests for tumor markers into oncogynecological practice, it was possible to save the lives of many patients.

How fast does the disease develop?

The rate of development of the oncoprocess in the uterine body is determined by the histological type of formation, concomitant pathologies, the strength and intensity of the body's anticancer resistance, the adequacy of therapy, the age of the patient, and other similar factors.

Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure how long the final development of the cancerous process in the uterine body will take place.

The difference between pathology and fibroids

Myoma is the process of hyperplastic enlargement of uterine tissues resulting from traumatic factors, frequent abortions, curettage, a large number of sexual partners, urogenital inflammation, lack of orgasms in a woman, etc.

Cancer of the uterine body and fibroids have absolutely nothing to do with each other. These are completely different pathologies, so fibroids never degenerate into cancer.

Benign uterine hyperplasia is formed in the muscular layer of the organ, and oncology - in the epithelial. When a fibroid is detected, a follow-up tactic is usually chosen to determine if the fibroid is growing or not.

For this, the patient undergoes a gynecological examination every six months. As for direct scientific evidence of the relationship between cancer and fibroids, they are lacking.

Treatment and prevention

  1. The basis of treatment is an operation involving the removal of the uterine body along with the ovaries.
  2. Sometimes radio irradiation is performed before and after surgery, which reduces the risk of oncology relapses, but such treatment has absolutely no effect on survival rates;
  3. In addition to radiotherapy and surgery, chemotherapy is used. Such an approach to treatment is justified in the case of a widespread tumor process, as well as in the autonomous nature of the formation, the presence of active metastasis, and relapses. Platinum preparations such as Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Adriamycin, as well as Doxorubicin, Taxol, Epirubicin, etc. are used. With hormone-dependent oncology of the uterine body, chemotherapy treatment is ineffective;
  4. Hormone therapy gives good therapeutic results. For such treatment, progestogen preparations are usually used: Megeys, Depostat, Provera, 17-OPK, Farlugal, Depo-Provera, etc. These drugs can be combined with Tamoxifen or prescribed without it. If there is active metastasis, and treatment with progestogens is ineffective, then Zoladec is prescribed. Sometimes I combine hormonal treatment with chemotherapy.

When determining the appropriate therapeutic method, the oncologist takes into account several decisive factors, such as the physiological state of the patient, the presence of endocrine disorders, histological parameters, the size and spread of the tumor, etc.

Preventive measures are the most effective anticancer measure. Primary preventive actions involve avoiding factors that provoke such oncology, such as obesity, diabetes, and infertility.

In other words, it is necessary to strictly control weight, treat reproductive functions and diabetes.

There are also secondary preventive measures that involve the timely detection and treatment of inflammatory pathologies, precancerous conditions.

Women over 40 are recommended to undergo an annual screening examination through transvaginal echography. Such a procedure makes it possible to detect cancer of the uterine body even in its infancy, which significantly increases the chances of recovery and a long life.

If a patient has a precancerous disease, then it must be treated.

Patient Survival Prediction

Every year the number of cancer patients with cancer of the uterine body increases, annually this pathology is found in half a million patients. But timely diagnosis and an adequate approach to the treatment process make it possible to achieve a high and favorable prognosis of survival.

In general, the prognosis of the survival of cancer patients is determined by the stage of initiation of therapy, the degree of cell differentiation, etc.

For example, with a highly differentiated formation with a first degree of development, the survival rate will be 96%, and with a low degree of cell differentiation and a 4th degree of development, the survival rate does not exceed 18%.

Cancer of the female reproductive system in modern oncology is far from a common malignant disease. In the first place is noted, in the second - a tumor of the ovaries and in the third place - a malignant neoplasm of the body of the uterus.

The causes of the occurrence and spread of cancer in the internal genital organs of women are varied, but rather they can be called predisposing factors. More often, postmenopausal women suffer from cancer of the ovaries, cervix and body of the uterus, but the manifestation of this pathology is also observed in the reproductive age of the fair sex.

Etiology and risk factors of oncological diseases of the internal female genitalia

Cancer of the uterine body is especially evident in postmenopausal women, that is, during the period when hypothalamic dysfunction is determined and ovarian function completely fades. Postmenopause occurs from sixty to seventy years of a woman's life, while menstruation is not observed for more than a year. If symptoms of bloody discharge from the genital tract appear during the postmenopausal period, then such a woman is in the background with suspected uterine cancer.

The main precancerous conditions of the body of the uterus, which can be more or less pronounced, are:

  1. Focal adenomatosis of the endometrium;
  2. Adenomatous polyp of the inner layer of the uterus;
  3. Atypical endometrial hyperplasia.

Symptoms of precancer, both in postmenopausal women and in the reproductive period of a woman, are bleeding from the vagina, which can occur without cyclicity.

The occurrence of cancer of the body of the uterus is often observed in the area of ​​​​its corners and bottom. The endometrium in these departments is reborn in the form of a polyp. Such a tumor of the uterus is called limited. In the case of damage to the entire endometrial layer by a malignant process, they speak of a diffuse form of cancer of the uterine body. Proliferation of the neoplasm occurs from the cells of the glandular-coelendric epithelium of the surface layer of the endometrium. According to the histological structure of atypical cells, three degrees of uterine cancer are determined:

  1. Mature glandular cancer;
  2. Glandular - solid tumor;
  3. Poorly differentiated cancer (solid).

Clinical signs in uterine cancer

The specific symptoms of oncology of the uterus and ovaries are mild, therefore, women may not go to the gynecologist for years, which leads to the neglect of the malignant process. According to patient reviews, an early symptom of uterine and ovarian cancer is a liquid whitish discharge from the genital tract. With the development of the tumor, bloody streaks are added to the whites, and if an infection joins the process, the discharge becomes yellow or green with an unpleasant odor and causes itching in the area of ​​the perineum and large lips.

In almost all patients with uterine cancer, the main symptom is uterine bleeding. If a woman is of childbearing age, then this can manifest itself in the form of prolonged uterine bleeding (metrorrhagia). During menopause - bleeding occurs as a daub with an acyclic course. In postmenopause, the discharge becomes the color of meat slops with a putrid odor.

The symptom of pain is not present in all cancer patients with uterine and ovarian cancer. With infiltrative tumor growth, the affected endometrium fills the uterine cavity, and it begins to contract. This process is accompanied by a symptom of cramping pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the sacrum and perineum. Pain relief occurs after emptying the uterus. Dull and constant pain in the lower abdomen appears when the tumor or metastatic lymph nodes squeeze the nerve trunks, as well as when the oncology of the uterine walls grows.

As a rule, with cancer in the uterus, the tubes and ovaries are affected, which greatly increase in size. Metastases during infiltration of the tumor into the uterus, spread by the method of implantation, through the blood and lymphatic channels. In invasive mature uterine cancer, metastases are more likely to progress through the lymphogenous route. When the tumor is localized in the lower segment of the uterine organ, then metastatic lymph nodes are noted in the iliac region, and metastases of the para-aortic nodes of the lymphatic system are observed in cancer of the upper sections of the meters. The bloodstream of metastases can be directed to the bone, lung and liver tissue.

Since the female genitalia are considered visual organs, the diagnosis of possible pathologies is not particularly difficult. Gynecological examination of the genital organs consists in examination, palpation of the reproductive organs, as well as in the use of hardware and surgical research. Diagnosis of the inner layer of the uterus can be carried out using hysterography, ultrasound and curettage of the uterine cavity, followed by cytology. If we consider the morphological structure of the endometrium with a uterine tumor at different phases of the menstrual cycle, the following changes can be noted:

In the first phase - a thin and even, without visible blood vessels, endometrium is determined;

In the second phase - the inner layer of the uterus becomes red, edematous and thickened with folds (endometrial hyperplasia).

A histological examination of the contents of the uterine cavity during curettage or after a biopsy of a section of the endometrium, a polyp, for example, in 90% of cases determines the cause of the pathological symptoms that have arisen.

The uterine organ consists in introducing a hardware instrument into the uterus, which performs the role of diagnostics and biopsy of the internal cavity of the organ.

When malignant cells are detected in a histological analysis, the diagnosis of a woman is supplemented by an X-ray of the lungs and an ultrasound examination of the liver to track metastases of uterine cancer.

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Stages of development and treatment of endometrial tumors

Classify a malignant tumor of the uterus according to its shape, invasion and metastasis. There are international systems for determining the stage of endometrial carcinoma:

  • Stage 1 - a pronounced solid cancer or poorly differentiated carcinoma, limited to the endometrium or capturing half of the myometrial layer, an increase in the uterus of more than eight centimeters;
  • stage 2 - damage to the body and cervix with invasion of the endocervical glands and cervical stroma;
  • Stage 3 - the malignant process is transferred to the tubes and ovaries, to the parametric fiber of the small pelvis. Determination of metastases in the para-aortic nodes of the lymphatic system and in the vagina;
  • Stage 4 - tumor germination in nearby organs and tissues: intestines, bladder, and also outside the small pelvis. The presence of affected lymph nodes in the groin and peritoneum.

The tactics of treating endometrial carcinoma depends on the age of the patient, the stage of pathology and the sensitivity of the organism to therapy.

In most cases, the treatment of uterine cancer is carried out surgically and in combination therapy. Radical intervention is expressed by complete amputation of the reproductive organ. According to diagnostic and prognostic data, choose the appropriate methods for removing the tumor:

  • Removal of the uterine organ without a neck (subtotal amputation);
  • Removal of the uterus with the cervix (total amputation);
  • Amputation of the uterus along with tubes, ovaries (radical extirpation);
  • Removal of the uterus along with the tubes, ovaries, lymph nodes and the upper part of the vagina (hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy).

Radiation therapy is almost always given after surgery, and sometimes radiation is given before surgery to stop and reduce the proliferation of cancer cells. Ray treatment is also used by the intracavitary method when tracking the spread of cancer from the uterus to the cervix. In the presence of contraindications and inoperability of the tumor, irradiation is carried out as an independent treatment.

Exposure to rays is improved by hormonal drugs, namely progestins, which are taken in long-term regimens.

Rehabilitation measures for uterine cancer are carried out in stages. First, a woman is checked for the presence of complex endocrine, nervous and other pathologies, which can serve as both an obstacle in the treatment process and a complication in the postoperative period. Therefore, such states of the body need to be controlled in postoperative life. Depending on the stage and histological structure of uterine carcinoma, after treatment, a further prognosis for the life and professional activities of a woman is determined, which should be registered at the oncology center, with a check every six months.

Preventive measures for the occurrence of a malignant process in the reproductive organs should be aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially postmenopausal women with annual preventive medical examinations and timely referral to specialists in case of pathological conditions. Modern diagnostics allows you to quickly and informatively identify a possible pathology, the main thing is to do it on time.

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Oncological diseases are quite an urgent problem today. A lot of cases of citizens turning to the oncology center for help and diagnosis of such a disease have been recorded.

Oncology, unfortunately, can spread to any organs in the human body. Tumors arise in various places and can start growing anywhere.

Uterine cancer occurs in women quite often today, and according to statistics, this type of cancer is one of the most common.

What is uterine cancer?

This type of tumor is a neoplasm. As you know, neoplasms are malignant and benign.

A tumor such as uterine cancer can be classified as a malignant tumor.

The formation of such a neoplasm arises, first of all, from the tissues located in the uterus, which can spread to all parts of the body.

Cancer is one of the most common diseases and ranks fourth after cancers of the breast, skin and gastrointestinal tract.

Incidence statistics

In order to talk about any oncological disease, of course, one cannot fail to note the statistical data on the basis of which appropriate conclusions can be drawn.

As mentioned earlier, uterine cancer is one of the ten most common cancers and ranks fifth among them.

Of course, it should be noted that the occurrence of this disease, as well as mortality due to this pathology, has significantly decreased in recent years.

Statistics show that this pathology is observed more often in the development of women whose age category is more than 50 years. However, according to doctors, young girls are also susceptible to this disease.

Previously, it was believed that uterine cancer is one of the main causes of death from a malignant type of tumor. The incidence of such pathology has been reduced to 70%.

Types of uterine cancer

There are several morphological varieties of uterine cancer:

  1. adenocarcinoma;
  2. Squamous neoplasm;
  3. Cancer of the glandular squamous type;
  4. Adenocarcinoma of the clear cell type;
  5. Serous type cancer;
  6. Mucinous cancer;
  7. Cancer of undifferentiated type.

Causes of uterine cancer

Of course, certain causes and factors that can aggravate the degree of this serious disease contribute to the formation of uterine cancer.

As such, the exact reason why the development and growth of a neoplasm on the uterus begins in the modern world has not been established or studied.

Studies have made it clear that the factors contributing to the growth of cancer formation are the following number of reasons:

One of the most basic and, perhaps, dangerous factors contributing to the formation of cancer is increased body weight.

If a female patient's body weight exceeds the usual established norm by more than 10-25 kilograms, then the risk of developing a tumor will be tripled.

Some facts also play a very important role in the occurrence of a malignant tumor:

  • ulcerative processes
  • uterus
  • cicatricial formations after childbirth;
  • inflammatory processes.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

Diagnostics- a very important stage in any type of cancer. It is very important to diagnose the disease and this process must be organized correctly.

Diagnostics includes:

Symptoms of uterine cancer in women

Of course, the symptomatology plays an important role in determining this disease.

A symptom is something to which the utmost attention should be paid if the patient feels that something is wrong. It is extremely important to pay special attention to the health of a woman who is over forty years old.

Unfortunately, cancer is one of the diseases whose symptoms appear in the last stages.

Conditionally, the symptoms can be divided into several types:

Based on the age category and period of menopause, the following symptoms may appear in the form of symptoms:

  • opening of bleeding;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
  • fatigue and rapid weight loss.

If you have one of the symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor to eliminate this problem.

Definition of uterine cancer before menopause

As noted earlier, there are symptoms that make it clear that there is a neoplasm before the menopause period.

Most often, during such a period, vaginal discharge is already irregular and every month they appear less frequently.

It is during such a period that all the discharge with blood from the vagina can be symptoms of uterine cancer.

It is possible to suspect uterine cancer only if the menstrual cycle gradually stopped, and then the discharge began again in a large volume.

Manifestation during menopause

At a time when a woman has already begun, namely menopause, symptoms may also occur that need special attention.

As a rule, a woman has not had her period for several months already, symptoms of cancer can be discharge with blood, regardless of how often they appear, for how long and in what volume.

Description of the stages of uterine cancer and life expectancy

There are only four stages of uterine cancer:

  1. The first is a tumor that affects only the body of the uterus. The tumor is able to penetrate in the primary stages to the endometrium, myometrium up to half the depth and to more than half the depth of the myometrium.
  2. The second type is malignant cells, which are found directly in the cervix. This type of neoplasm can penetrate the body of the uterus and penetrate into the deep layers of the cervix.
  3. The third tumor is capable of moving to the vagina and appendages, as well as to the lymph nodes. This type of tumor can infect the serous layer of the uterus of the external type or nearby appendages, begin to grow into the vagina, and with metastases go to the pelvic lymph nodes.
  4. The fourth type of uterine cancer with the spread of metastases manifests itself in the bladder or in the area of ​​the rectum, and also begins to spread to the lungs, liver, bones and distant lymph nodes.

In addition, the degree of cell differentiation in the neoplasm differs.

There is a fairly high degree of cell existence, as well as a low-differentiated degree. The whole point is that the more differentiation is expressed, the slower the growth process of the neoplasm.

Accordingly, the likelihood of metastases is reduced. If the cancer is poorly differentiated, then the prognosis in such a situation becomes worse.

Patient life expectancy:

  • At the primary stage when the neoplasm is just being formed and begins to settle in the uterine body, the probability of the patient's recovery is about 80 - 90%.
  • At the second stage, cancer begins its penetration beyond the boundaries of the body of the uterus itself and then contributes to affecting the cervix. In such a situation, nearby organs are not affected. Recovery is noted in 3 out of 4 of all cases.
  • At the third stage When the oncology process begins to spread to the appendages and directly to the vagina, about 40% can get out of this situation.
  • At the fourth stage when the tumor grows beyond the pelvic region, the formation begins to penetrate the intestines and the cystic tissues located in the uterus. The percentage of survival is not more than 15%.

The development of uterine cancer by stages (photo)


Metastases begin to grow and usually they penetrate into the lymphatic vessels and nodes.

Being at the terminal stage, the impact is also on the human venous system.

Initially, the lesion begins to grow in the region of the lymph nodes and its structure. As a rule, it happens in the iliac and hypogastric regions.

It is extremely rare that lesions cover other organs.

Also, metastases grow into the cervical canal and, as mentioned earlier, beyond the aisles of the uterine body.

With the method of the hematogenous type, from which metastases usually begin to penetrate into the area directly into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe appendage.

In addition, the vaginal area is also affected, and in some cases, the kidneys and liver, bone tissues.

The rate of development of the disease

The rate of growth and development is primarily due to the histological type of occurrence. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the pathology, the ability of the organism to fight, competent treatment and the age category of the patient, the psychological and spiritual mood of the patient.

As such, it will not be possible to obtain an exact answer and find out for what period of time the cancer will develop to the end.

Treatment of uterine cancer

Of course, the basis of competent treatment lies in surgical intervention, namely surgery.

The operation involves the removal of the uterine body in combination with the ovaries.

Very often, doctors prescribe such a methodology of treatment and after surgery, radiation exposure.

Radiation exposure or radiation therapy can reduce the risk of recurrence. However, this method of treatment does not affect the recovery rates.

Chemotherapy is also used. This method is in demand in oncology therapy.

In addition, good results have been noted with hormone therapy.

It is necessary to determine the appropriate method of therapy, taking into account certain factors. Prevention is the most effective measure to prevent a disease such as uterine cancer.

Methods and methods of treatment

As noted earlier, treatment is possible comprehensive and complex.

Very often, doctors are forced to agree to the surgical method of removing the tumor, to radiation exposure, chemotherapy and hormone therapy.


Intervention with surgery is a common type of cancer treatment.

This type of treatment involves an operation that involves the removal of the uterine body and ovaries.


Radio irradiation is also a popular method of getting rid of cancer. However, this method allows you to get rid of only the recurrence of oncology.

This type of exposure, unfortunately, does not affect the survival rates of patients.

hormone therapy

As already known, hormones are a pretty strong component that helps cure many diseases and can also prolong people's lives.

Drugs used for this treatment Depot, Farlugal and others.

If metastases are active, then treatment with progestogen is ineffective.

In this situation, appoint Zoladec.

Very often, hormonal treatment combines chemotherapy to achieve the best effect.


Chemotherapy is a fairly common technique that allows you to get rid of cancer in certain cases.

Quite often, such a treatment methodology is used with extensive spread of tumor growth.

Also, with the autonomous nature of the neoplasm, if the metastases are in an active position and have begun to spread, chemistry is used.

Consequences of uterine cancer

It should immediately be noted that uterine cancer is the most dangerous pathological conditions. If there is no therapy as such, which is necessary during the period of cancer treatment, then the consequences of the growth of education are likely to be fatal.

Often, oncologists offer together with appendages, with some part of the vagina and cervix.

As a rule, uterine cancer is found in women whose age reaches 45 to 60 years.

Differences between uterine cancer and fibroids

- this is a process that is an increase and growth of uterine tissues, which are formed after some traumatic factors.

This can be facilitated by frequent abortions, curettage, inflammation of the genitourinary system, and much more.

It is worth noting that uterine cancer and fibroids have nothing to do with each other. These two pathologies are completely different and fibroids, in no case can develop into cancer.

It is also worth noting that oncology is formed in the epithelial layer, benign finds itself in the muscle layer.

That is why, any patient should visit a gynecologist for examination.

Prevention of uterine cancer

To prevent such a disease, it is necessary to avoid such diagnoses as diabetes, obesity and infertility.

In other words, you need to control your body weight, treat reproductive functions, if necessary, and get rid of diabetes, if any.

In modern medicine, there is another measure for the prevention of cervical cancer - this is vaccination.

Vaccination against cervical cancer is a vaccine that prevents infection with the dangerous human papillomavirus. The emergence of a malignant tumor is provoked by approximately 15 types of HPV, of which the 16th and 18th types are the most oncogenic.

By itself, it cannot cause the development of the disease or provoke its exacerbation, however, it forms a stable immunity to all oncogenic types of HPV.

It should be noted the importance of such a means of prevention, because often even the use of the most innovative methods of treating a malignant tumor does not give the desired result, which leads to death.

Therefore, it is better to prevent the disease with the vaccination that prevents infection, which doctors recommend for girls over the age of 12 years.

There are also secondary prevention, offering women over 40 years of age to be examined using echography every year. This type of procedure helps to detect cancer at an early stage and increase the chances of successful treatment.

Patient Survival Prediction

As noted earlier, how much the survival rate primarily depends on the factor at which stage the cancer was found.

The sooner there is a reason and the patient visits a doctor and can diagnose cancer, the more chances to live long and beat cancer.

This suggests, first of all, that it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist and take the required tests and examinations.