Soluble chicory - beneficial properties and contraindications for health and weight loss. The benefits and harms of chicory - a fragrant plant with blue flowers

Doctors strongly recommend that everyone give up excessive addiction to coffee. For coffee lovers this is not at all easy. But an undeservedly forgotten chicory. If we compare the properties of chicory in terms of benefits and harm with the characteristics of coffee beans, the advantage will clearly be on the side of the former. Moreover, coffee will never be able to compete with chicory in terms of variability of use in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology.

Pay attention! Chicory is not only a coffee substitute, but also an excellent dietary supplement and seasoning.

Let's see if this statement is so true.

Chicory is a healthy coffee substitute

What is chicory made from?

Chicory- a drink made from the roasted, powdered root of a plant with the same name. It contains the astringency and characteristic bitterness inherent in coffee. The aroma is not so intense, but pronounced, invigorating, and very pleasant. Stores sell soluble chicory extract in powder or liquid form.

It is made by extracting the roasted and crushed root of the plant into a concentrated infusion. For instant chicory, the substrate is dried to produce a freeze-dried powdered product.

When making liquid chicory, the infusion is enriched with additional useful components: stevia (a natural sweetener), extracts of medicinal herbs, berries, root vegetables, etc.

How to make a drink from chicory

Making a coffee drink from instant chicory is simple and easy. It is enough to dilute the powder with warm milk or add a spoonful of liquid sweetened concentrate to a cup of hot water. A good mood and energy boost for the whole day are guaranteed, and without the usual dose of caffeine!

The medicinal properties of chicory are unconditional, especially for those who cannot refuse a tonic morning drink, but for one reason or another cannot afford to drink coffee.

The absence of caffeine while maintaining the tonic qualities of the drink is only a small part of the advantages of this amazing plant. In fact, the beneficial properties of chicory are described in a much wider spectrum. First of all, the product is considered as a healing product for the body.

Can pregnant women drink chicory?

Carrying a child requires special attention from a woman. She must strictly monitor her lifestyle and especially her diet. Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy? Doctors recommend abstaining. This drink should be excluded from the diet or replaced with chicory. The taste of this product is very similar to a regular cup of coffee, but the amount of vitamins in it is much greater.

Chicory during pregnancy is not only possible, but also necessary to be consumed.

Experts have conducted many studies and have proven that the elements contained in chicory replenish the reserves of those vitamins that a pregnant woman loses during the first trimester.

Chicory contains divalent iron, which has a beneficial effect on hemoglobin levels. The root of this plant includes many vitamins: vitamin C, ascorbic acid, pectins.

During pregnancy, women often suffer from constipation. Chicory can eliminate the problem because... the elements included in it restore digestion and remove toxic substances.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman can gain extra pounds. Chicory, in turn, improves metabolism and relieves the expectant mother of unwanted extra pounds.

The heart of pregnant women works at an increased rate. A chicory drink also helps maintain heart function.

Chicory is able to isolate a pregnant woman from feelings of nausea and heartburn.

You can improve the taste with milk or cream. Lovers of sweet drinks can add honey or sugar to chicory.

But even this number of advantages does not allow you to consume chicory more than 3 cups per day. Due to its diuretic effect, larger amounts of the drink can lead to dehydration. Also, if a woman has a good appetite, chicory should be reduced in use. Because it increases appetite.

Important! Having many positive qualities, chicory also has contraindications. Therefore, women carrying a child should consult a specialist before consuming it.

Chicory for the heart and blood vessels

The mere fact that instant chicory does not contain caffeine speaks in its favor for the cardiovascular system. Plus, the root of the plant after heat treatment contains such important components as potassium and magnesium. This is due to the medicinal properties of chicory, which are manifested by the effect of normalizing the functions of the cardiovascular system, stabilizing heart rhythms, and increasing the amplitude of contractions of the heart muscle.

The product has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. In this case, the benefit of chicory lies in the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, causing the development of various pathologies.

This effect of chicory on the body is especially important for middle-aged men and women, who are at risk for the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. Tachycardia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemia, and many other diseases recede when you give up coffee in favor of a drink made from soluble chicory.

Let's say a few words about how chicory is useful for the nervous system. The product contains many vitamins, in particular B vitamins. Thanks to them, the body is filled with energy and receives a powerful charge of vigor.

Moreover, liquid chicory extract and its powder analogue, unlike other tonic drinks, do not produce an arousal effect. On the contrary, chicory has a moderate calming effect on the nervous system, which is extremely important for people exposed to constant stress.

Chicory is a natural supplier of inulin

Inulin, as an extremely necessary polymeric organic compound for the human body, has recently been talked about. It turns out that this substance plays an important role in the digestion process and general metabolism. Inulin is involved in regulating blood sugar levels and improves immunity.

In chicory, the concentration of inulin is high (up to 50%), therefore, in the form of an instant coffee drink, herbal infusion, or juice, it is recommended to use it as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for the following conditions:

Diabetes mellitus;
reduced immunity;
problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits of chicory for diabetes mellitus manifest itself in improving the patient's condition by lowering blood sugar levels. Vitamins and chicory acid play a role in increasing the body's defenses.

Regularly drinking infusions of chicory flowers and herbs, as well as a coffee drink made from liquid extract or soluble powder, is useful during periods of seasonal pandemics for the prevention of viral and colds.

The same inulin helps to normalize metabolic processes, remove toxins and waste from the gastrointestinal tract, improve intestinal microflora, which generally has a beneficial effect on digestion. The healing properties of chicory have been proven in the fight against dysbiosis and accompanying intestinal disorders, ulcers, and gastritis.

The benefits of instant chicory for weight loss

The benefits and harms of chicory are discussed very actively in matters of weight loss, which are always relevant for women. Is chicory really useful and why for those who want to normalize weight?

For weight loss, the benefits of chicory are due to the following substances included in the product:

  1. Inulin lowers blood glucose levels, thereby neutralizing the harmful effects of sugar on the body. Drinking an instant drink made from chicory is recommended for those with a sweet tooth who cannot give up their favorite treats.
  2. Thiamine converts carbohydrates, fats and proteins into usable energy.
  3. Riboflavin helps quickly break down fats, thereby helping to lose excess weight.
  4. Triterpenes increase the metabolic rate, making the process of losing weight easier and faster.
  5. Pectin reduces appetite, suppresses hunger, and prolongs the feeling of fullness.

Just one cup of instant chicory in the morning instead of the usual coffee already promotes weight loss. Additionally, to lose weight, it is recommended to drink 100 ml of decoction from the root of the plant three times a day, half an hour before meals (boil 1 tsp per 0.5 liter of boiling water for 10 minutes).

In the evening, it is advisable to take anti-cellulite medicinal baths from an infusion of chicory herb. The weight loss effect of such procedures will increase many times over. In addition, your well-being and mood will improve.

Chicory - a cure for anemia

In terms of iron content, the product is not inferior to apples, pears, and liver. However, iron is absorbed from chicory much better and in larger quantities. That is why it is recommended to drink an instant drink from this amazing plant as a prevention and treatment of anemia. This especially applies to children, people who do not receive adequate nutrition, and women during pregnancy.

Important! It is not advisable to “whiten” chicory with cow’s milk!

When combined with milk, instant chicory can harm the digestive system, causing intestinal upset. In addition, when interacting with milk, the medicinal properties of chicory for anemia are reduced due to a decrease in the degree of iron absorption.

As an alternative, doctors recommend using the plant equivalent of animal milk. The best options are rice, soy, coconut, and nut milk, which you can buy at a health food store or prepare yourself.

Cleansing the body with chicory

The range of medicinal properties of the plant includes, among other things, diuretic and choleretic. The product has the property of dissolving sand and small stones in the bile ducts, cleanses the liver well, and helps remove toxins and waste from the kidneys.

Special recommendations for the use of chicory apply to men who like to drink. This unique plant quickly neutralizes alcohol toxins, helping to return to normal after a heavy libation. Thanks to it, the functioning of the heart improves, blood pressure normalizes, and the kidneys and liver are cleansed of harmful substances.

When is chicory harmful?

We looked at the benefits of chicory. However, one cannot fail to mention the harm that can be caused to the body if this product is used incorrectly.

From a medical point of view, the main contraindications of chicory are:

Varicose veins, some other vascular diseases.
Chronic bronchitis.
Gastric ulcers.
Some chronic heart pathologies.
Individual intolerance to product components.
Age up to 3 years.

Conclusion: Failure to comply with the regimen and dosage of the product can cause undesirable effects: irritation, insomnia, increased appetite, impaired liver function, etc. In a word, despite the enormous benefits, chicory has quite serious contraindications. Therefore, consultation with a specialist regarding the rules for using chicory as a preventive and, even more so, therapeutic agent is required!

Video: Chicory benefits and harm

Chicory is a widely known product, but an infrequent guest on our table. Chicory is a plant with oblong leaves that has a long, dense root that goes deep underground. On sale most often we find crushed dry chicory root, which is brewed as a drink, as an analogue of coffee, or as an addition to it. To ensure the full taste of the chicory drink, the benefits and harms are taken into account in full; the root is roasted. The leaves are less in demand, but they can also be found on store shelves in the greens departments and are used to make salads.

Chicory can be called a dual product, because its use can affect the body both beneficially and with negative consequences. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of chicory, what beneficial properties this product has, which categories of people can include chicory in their food, and consider the benefits and harms of soluble chicory - how to prepare a drink from chicory and how it is useful.

Useful properties of chicory, its composition and use in food.

1. Although chicory is considered a “weed” plant, this is completely undeserved - it is simply a storehouse of useful substances and vitamins. Thus, chicory contains inulin polysaccharide (9-11%), which is used in the food industry as a sweetener. For diabetics, a drink made from chicory is a real salvation. It is naturally sweetened and does not increase blood glucose levels. The benefits and harms of soluble chicory are immediately revealed - of course, chicory has many more advantages than contraindications, which we will discuss below.

2. The high content of protein substances in chicory will give the body vigor and strength, a good charge of energy. A great addition to any athlete or traveler's snack.

3. Chicory contains the following vitamins:

  • thiamine (ensures the normal functioning of the heart, digestive and nervous systems);
  • riboflavin or vitamin B2 (necessary for human reproductive function, maintains healthy nails, hair, skin, and even plays an important role in the functioning of the thyroid gland);
  • ascorbic acid (stimulating the body’s immune system, strengthening blood vessels, maintaining normal muscle tone);
  • carotene (a powerful antioxidant that prevents skin aging and a decrease in its elasticity, and also has an immunomodulatory effect).

4. Chicory juice strengthens and nourishes the muscular system of the eyes. But since it is quite difficult to obtain chicory juice even in the amount of one glass, it is allowed to mix it with other freshly squeezed vegetable juices, for example, carrot juice. Remember that in juice, which contains several components, for better absorption by the body you need to add a couple of tablespoons of cream, milk or any vegetable oil (for example, sunflower oil) in an amount of 1 tsp.

5. Chicory improves appetite well, so it is recommended for people with weakened stomach function, underweight, or simply a weak appetite. It is enough to drink chicory coffee before eating, the benefits and harms of which are described in our article, or add chicory leaves or seeds to your favorite dish.

Speaking about chicory, the benefits and harms here are simply obvious: doctors often prescribe chicory to pregnant and lactating women to restore strength and vitality. Since coffee, due to caffeine, is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, a drink made from chicory powder brightens up the daily diet and helps diversify the diet of young and expectant mothers.

Making a drink from chicory.

Fortunately, ready-made soluble chicory powders are available on the market. You can buy chicory with numerous additives. The brewing principle is the same as for instant coffee. Pour a couple of teaspoons of soluble chicory into 150-200 ml of hot water and stir. You can add milk and cream to taste. Do not overdo it with sugar - the drink is sweetened with chicory itself. When drinking chicory coffee, the benefits and harms are compensated by pleasure and that very note in the taste of the drink that you will love.

If you want to make a drink from chicory yourself, you will need several roots of this plant - 5-6 pieces. They need to be thoroughly washed and cleaned. Then the chicory roots need to be dried. This can be done in the oven at 100 degrees Celsius for 4-6 hours with the door ajar. Before doing this, it is advisable to lay parchment or foil on a baking sheet. If you have the opportunity to dry the roots outdoors in the sun, this is the best option. It will take more time - up to a whole week, but the result will please you. Dried roots must be cut into small plates. Fry them in a dry frying pan until brown. And then grind the resulting “raw materials” in a coffee grinder, using a blender, or with a hand mill, as you prefer. Store in a tightly closed jar in a dark place. The shelf life of ground chicory prepared at home is no more than six months.

You can purchase ready-made soluble chicory root powder in almost any supermarket in the tea/coffee section. It is also widely distributed in pharmacies and specialized phyto-oriented stores.

The product is clearly visible in a glass jar. In tin cans there is a danger of acquiring chicory ground into “dust” - in this case it is difficult to understand whether the manufacturer has diluted the chicory powder with something cheaper.

The chicory powder must be absolutely uniform and dry. There should be no lumps or balls - their presence indicates that the product was stored incorrectly, most likely in conditions of high air humidity.

It is very convenient to use chicory in small “sticks”, bags in which a portion has already been measured. In this form, chicory is convenient to take on trips, to work, anywhere - pour the contents of the stick into a mug, fill it with hot water and enjoy the excellent taste of the miraculous drink.

Contraindications to the use of chicory drink.

Unfortunately, chicory is not equally beneficial for everyone. For some categories of people with chronic diseases or impaired body functions, it can do a bad job. Instant chicory drink should not be consumed for the following diseases:

- bronchitis;

- vascular diseases;

- varicose veins;

- disruption of the functioning of the heart, cardiac muscle;

- disruption of the gallbladder.

If you notice that after drinking chicory your heartbeat quickens, you feel weak, dizzy or nauseous, consult a doctor and exclude this drink from your diet; perhaps you have contraindications to its use. Speaking about the benefits and harms of a chicory drink, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion. But I would like to note that there are practically no known cases of negative effects of chicory drink on the human body. All discussions about the benefits and harms of chicory come down to one thing - chicory is good for everyone. So drink to your health and have fun!

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24.09.2017 3 196

Soluble chicory, beneficial properties and contraindications - how to drink for health benefits

The drink has soluble chicory, its beneficial properties and contraindications can take up more than one page. It is called natural salvation from a dozen ailments. However, you need to know for what diseases it can be taken, how to prepare it correctly, when it is better to drink it, in the morning or in the evening, to choose a soluble or insoluble variety. From the article you will learn how often and to whom the healing drink can be consumed, look at the visual photos.


Useful properties and composition

The popularity of a healthy coffee substitute is growing every day. The point here is not at all in its availability, but in the therapeutic effect that it has when consumed. For example, it is used for many women’s diseases, oncology, obesity, etc. However, you need to know how much powder you can consume per day, and what you should consider first. It contains:

  • inulin is an organic polysaccharide that absorbs toxins, cholesterol, and fats in the intestines;
  • tannins that stop inflammatory processes and restore digestion;
  • organic acids that stimulate the synthesis of enzymes and restore metabolic processes in the body;
  • proteins that are used by the body to restore cells and tissues;
  • thiamine, riboflavin, folic, ascorbic acid and other essential vitamins that are needed for the normal functioning of the liver, kidneys, brain, and nervous system;
  • minerals, trace elements that take part in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes, and are also the main material for the reconstruction of all tissues of the body.

Even if there are no health problems, the benefits of an instant coffee analogue for the body will not be superfluous. Its use is justified for such ailments that plague adults and children.

What diseases can you drink for?

The properties of the instant drink help with many diseases. This list can be continued indefinitely, so let’s note the most common health problems that are diagnosed in children and adults.

Most often, freeze-dried chicory powder is used to increase tone and eliminate drowsiness instead of coffee. Unlike the classic drink, chicory has no contraindications for hypertension. On the contrary, it stabilizes blood pressure; it is recommended to drink it in the morning even for children of primary school age. Also, soluble chicory stimulates memory and attention.

Due to its ability to absorb harmful fats in the intestines, it is used in the treatment of hypocholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. The ability to neutralize toxins is widely used in the treatment of various infections, and the immunostimulating properties allow it to be used for bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infections and pathologies of the ENT organs. It is also recommended to drink it regularly for diabetes, since inulin (the main active compound of chicory root) is a natural analogue of insulin, which helps stabilize the functions of the pancreas, neutralizes excess sugars and protects organs from the aggressive effects of glucose. Another instant drink made from chicory root promotes weight loss.

A soluble analogue of coffee is useful for gout, as it cleanses the blood, joints, and tissues of excess salts, saturates them with substances that promote the absorption of collagen. The latter property allows the use of soluble chicory to restore elasticity to the skin. It has been proven that daily consumption of chicory helps reduce fine wrinkles and get rid of dry skin.


Before consuming instant chicory, the beneficial properties and contraindications should be studied especially carefully, because this drink can cause harm to the body. Firstly, intolerance to this product can occur at any age. Allergies are most often diagnosed in infants and children under five years of age. They should not be given a drink. Breastfeeding women should drink it with caution. Secondly, there are a number of diseases in which chicory root cannot be included in the diet completely.

It is contraindicated for gastritis with high acidity, with exacerbation of a chronic gastric ulcer. If a person suffers from heartburn, the root should not be consumed either. It has contraindications for use in diseases of the gallbladder. The fact is that the drink stimulates the production of bile, which can lead to the movement of stones and blockage of the ducts.

Despite the fact that instant chicory does not contain caffeine, people with increased excitability should not drink it. It is not recommended to use it before bedtime, as in this case there is a risk of insomnia. The root does not have a very beneficial effect on uterine tone in pregnant women, and gynecologists do not advise women with this problem to drink the remedy.

Most popular recipes

In order for the product to reveal its beneficial properties and not have side effects, it is important to know how to prepare it correctly.

If, in the absence of gastrointestinal diseases, your stomach hurts from soluble chicory, you should drink the drink with milk and honey. These products make it softer and reduce its aggressive properties. To prepare a serving, pour 1 teaspoon of powder into 150 ml of hot water and add 50 ml of boiled milk to the drink. This chicory with milk is perfect for breakfast and afternoon snack for schoolchildren, as well as for those who want to lose weight.

For diabetes mellitus, powder from the root is used to prepare an infusion - 3 tablespoons of the raw material are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Boil at minimum heat for 10 minutes, then filter. Drink a tablespoon before each meal.

Before brewing a drink from chicory and making it a permanent substitute for coffee and tea, you should consult with your doctor. This advice is especially useful for those who have stomach problems. Love yourself, drink chicory correctly and be healthy!

Coffee, like tea, in large quantities causes adverse effects: the removal of iron, vitamins, microelements, which leads to anemia, deterioration of the health of hair and nails.

How can you replace tea and coffee, drinks that are so familiar in everyday life? Such a substitute includes chicory. Chicory is a plant of the Asteraceae family. Especially common in Altai and Western Siberia.

Chicory root powder, which can be up to 15 meters long, is used as an alternative to coffee. A drink made from chicory root resembles natural coffee in taste; however, unlike it, it does not contain caffeine and is very healthy.

Beneficial properties of soluble chicory

Rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, pectin, carotene, organic acids, micro- and macroelements, tannins and protein substances, essential oils, mineral salts. It has a wide range of therapeutic effects on the body.

What are the benefits of chicory for the body:

When used rationally, it is useful for adults. Pregnant women and children - at the discretion of the doctor.

Chicory inulin - what is it?

Chicory contains inulin (up to 60%)– a polymer of fructose, an organic substance, a natural antagonist of sugar. Reduces blood glucose. The properties of inulin (fructosan) contribute to the use of chicory in the treatment of diabetes mellitus as an adjuvant.

What is the benefit of inulin in chicory, besides its effect on sugar? Inulin is a type of fiber that serves as food for bifidobacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. This normalizes the intestinal microflora, eliminating problems associated with stool disorders (treatment of constipation).

Inulin stimulates the absorption of minerals and vitamins, improving metabolism.

To prepare a drink from instant chicory, add hot water to it and let it brew (200 ml of water per a couple of teaspoons of powder). Do not overdo it with sugar, since the drink that replaces coffee itself has a sweet taste.

Chicory drink as a coffee substitute

How much instant chicory can you drink per day?

There are no official recommendations regarding frequency or duration of use. Individual characteristics are taken into account here. Some say no more than 100 grams and no more than 2 cups per day. It is better to drink in the first half of the day.

Milk makes it difficult to absorb iron. Instead of cow's milk, vegetable milk is added. If, after all, “coffee lovers” cannot do without caffeine, then you can add a fifth of natural coffee to the instant drink. This measure will allow you to gradually get rid of addiction.

Varieties of chicory: ground (for making a drink, made from roasted root) and liquid chicory (concentrated extract).

Ground instant chicory

Instant chicory should not contain lumps. Must have a bitter taste and come in sealed packaging. Flavorings are not allowed in the composition, as they reduce the beneficial properties. Natural plant extracts (for example, ginger or rose hips) are allowed as additives. You can improve the taste by adding lemon or honey, however, this will affect the calorie content.

Liquid chicory extract is the highest concentration of beneficial substances. It is more difficult to counterfeit and easy to store. It is drunk diluted in cases of increased excitability, to combat anxiety, and is also added to confectionery products as a flavoring agent.

In terms of beneficial properties, soluble chicory is not inferior to decoction.

Who shouldn't drink chicory?

Despite the content of a lot of useful substances, the question arises: can chicory be harmful? Excessive consumption can be harmful to health. Consultation with your attending physician is necessary.

Contraindications for chicory:

  • Vascular diseases, varicose veins,... Contraindications also include gastritis and peptic ulcers. It is worth taking into account individual intolerance to components, especially vitamin C.
  • Too large amounts harm the liver. Sometimes it can increase appetite and lead to overstimulation. Not recommended for people prone to agitation.
  • Chicory should not be drunk if you have asthma, bronchitis, or cough, as it may make it worse. Avoid drinking if your blood pressure is low.
  • Large quantities are not allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Given the choleretic effect, use caution in the presence of gallstones.

How much instant chicory you can drink per day without harm depends on your initial state of health, individual characteristics and the presence of contraindications. Once considered a weed, chicory has now gained great popularity as a dietary supplement due to its numerous medicinal properties.