Educational games in preschool education

Preschool children spend most of their time playing. Sometimes it seems to adults that when playing, children waste time on useless activities, because play is perceived as an idle pastime and self-indulgence. In fact, play is the leading activity for preschoolers. This means that play is essential for the development of children of this age.

The developmental impact of play on a child is impossible without the participation of an adult. The younger the child, the more involvement in the game process is required from parents. When a baby just starts playing, mom and dad are his favorite play partners. Parents can initiate games themselves or support the child’s initiative. At an older age, parents can act as outside observers, assistants and consultants. In any case, an adult acts as a guide to the world of the game.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

The influence of play on child development

During the game, the child develops physically, mentally and personally. Let's take a closer look at how games influence a child's development.

  • Development of the cognitive sphere. During the game, the child actively learns about the world around him, gets acquainted with the properties of objects and their purpose. This aspect of the influence of play on development manifests itself at a very early age, when the child does not yet play, but only manipulates objects: placing cubes on top of one another, putting balls in a basket, trying out toys. Along with the assimilation of new knowledge about the world around us, during the game the development of cognitive processes occurs: attention, memory, thinking. The skills to concentrate attention, analyze, and remember information developed at an early age will be very useful for a child in school;
  • Physical development. During the game, the child masters different movements and improves his motor skills. All children love outdoor games: they enjoy running, jumping, tumbling, and kicking the ball. In such games, the child learns to master his body, gains dexterity and good muscle tone, which is very important for a growing organism;
  • Development of imaginative thinking and imagination. During the game, the child endows objects with new properties and models his own imaginary space. At this moment, the child himself understands that everything is happening for fun, but while playing, he actually sees money in the leaves, potatoes for soup in the pebbles, and dough for fragrant pies in the raw sand. The development of imagination and imaginative thinking is the most important aspect of the influence of the game, because the child has to make non-standard decisions in order to realize the plot of his game. True, recently this property of the game has been destroyed by manufacturers of children's toys, creating a wide variety of play sets for all occasions. Maximally realistic children's kitchens, laundries, and sets for playing shop deprive children's play of the element of fantasy;
  • Development of speech and communication skills. During a role-playing game, the child constantly has to pronounce his actions and act out dialogues between the characters in the game. Games in the company of other children contribute not only to the development of speech, but also to the development of communication skills: children need to assign roles, agree on the rules of the game, and maintain contact directly during the game. The child learns not only to negotiate, but also to follow accepted rules;
  • Development of the motivational sphere. Role-playing games are based on the fact that a child imitates an adult. During the game, the child seems to try on the role of an adult, and at the game level tries to perform his functions. Such a game creates motivation in a child to become a truly adult, that is, to get a profession, earn money, and start a family. Of course, in order for the “correct” motivation to be formed during the game, the child must have a positive example of adults before his eyes;
  • Development of moral qualities. Although the plots of children's games are fictitious, the conclusions that a child draws from game situations are very real. The game is a kind of training ground where a child learns to be honest, courageous, decisive, and friendly. Of course, to develop moral qualities, you need not only a child’s game, but also an adult nearby who will help you see the game situation more deeply and draw the right conclusions;
  • Development and correction of the emotional sphere. During the game, the child learns to sympathize, support, regret, and express sympathy. Sometimes it happens that a child’s emotional problems “break through” through games: fear, anxiety, aggression. In a playful way, you can give vent to these emotions and live through difficult situations with your child.

Unfortunately, recently real spontaneous children's play has been replaced by play-based learning or computer games. You need to understand, but neither one nor the other activity is, in essence, the kind of play that gives so much to the development of the child. Of course, real and “high-quality” children’s games are not always convenient for adults, because they are huts made of pillows and blankets, construction cities throughout the apartment and chaos. However, you should not limit a child in his imagination and games, because they correctly say that everything has its time, and childhood is a time of play. A child who has been given plenty of play will be better prepared to move to a new stage of his development.


Concept of the game

Play is the most important, universal sphere of a child’s “self”, in which powerful “self” processes take place: self-animation, self-testing, self-determination, self-expression and, most importantly, self-rehabilitation.

Game is a multifaceted concept. It means occupation, relaxation, entertainment, amusement, amusement, pleasure, competition, exercise, training, in the process of which the educational requirements of adults for children become their requirements for themselves, which means an active means of education and self-education. The game is an independent type of developmental activity for children of different ages, a principle and method of their life, a method of child cognition and a method of organizing life and non-game activities.

Children's games are the freest, most natural form of manifestation of their activity, in which they realize and study the world around them, opening up wide scope for the manifestation of their “I”, personal creativity, activity, self-knowledge, and self-expression.

Play, having a synthetic property, absorbs many aspects of other types of activities and acts as a multifaceted phenomenon in a child’s life. Play is the first stage of activity of a preschool child, the initial school of his behavior, the normative and equal activity of primary schoolchildren, adolescents and youth. Changing her goals as she gets older.

Play is a need of a growing child: his psyche, intellect, biological foundation. The game is a specific, purely childish world of a child’s life. Play is a practice of development. Children play because they develop, and they develop because they play. Play is a child’s way of finding himself in groups of comrades, in society as a whole, in humanity, in the Universe, access to social experience, the culture of the past, present and future, repetition of social practices that are understandable.

The game is the freedom of self-discovery, self-development based on the subconscious, mind and creativity. The product of the game is the enjoyment of its process, the end result is the development of the abilities realized in it.

Play is the main sphere of communication for children; it solves problems of interpersonal relationships, compatibility, partnership, friendship, camaraderie. In the game, social experience of relationships between people is learned and acquired. The game is social by its nature and immediate saturation, being a reflected model of behavior, manifestation and development of complex self-organizing systems and the “free” practice of creative decisions, preferences, choices of free behavior of the child, a sphere of unique human activity.

Game as a means of shaping the personality of a preschooler

The main activity of preschool children is play, during which the child’s spiritual and physical strengths develop: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, and dexterity. In addition, play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age. N.K. Krupskaya said: “Amateur imitative play, which helps to master the impressions received, is of enormous importance, much more than anything else.”

Play is an emotional activity: a child playing is in a good mood, active and friendly. The effectiveness of introducing children to nature largely depends on their emotional attitude towards the teacher who teaches, gives knowledge, organizes observations and practical interaction with plants and animals. Therefore, the first point, which combines two aspects of pedagogy (play and familiarization with nature), is to “immerse” children in their favorite activity and create a favorable emotional background for “natural” content. The second significant point is related to the development of children’s attitude towards nature, which, within the framework of environmental education, is the end result; everything that children like, everything that impresses them, is transformed into the practice of some kind of game. Therefore, if preschoolers play at the zoo, farm, circus, etc., this means that the resulting performances turned out to be vivid, memorable, and evoked an emotional response. In turn, mastering knowledge about nature through play cannot but influence the formation in children of a careful and attentive attitude towards objects of the animal and plant world. And environmental knowledge, which evokes an emotional reaction in children, will be included in their independent play and become its content.

Based on the age characteristics of children, games are selected for each age group that ensure the development of each child’s personality, elements of his environmental consciousness, as well as deepening, clarifying and consolidating knowledge about living and inanimate nature. The games include didactic toys, a variety of natural materials, ready-made board-printed games “What Grows Where” (Appendix 1), various Zoological Lotto (Appendix 2), and cut-out pictures are used. It is also appropriate to turn to games that activate movements, combined with solving mental problems.

However, we must keep in mind that not every game is environmental in its goals and content. In the practice of preschool environmental education, the selection of games is often not well thought out and, often, random. To implement the objectives of environmental education through games, careful pedagogical selection and analysis of game material is necessary. When selecting games for environmental education of preschoolers, the following requirements must be observed:

a) Games must be selected taking into account the patterns of children’s development and the tasks of environmental education that are solved at a given age stage;

b) The game should give the child the opportunity to put into practice already acquired environmental knowledge and stimulate him to learn new ones;

d) Game actions must be carried out in accordance with the rules and norms of behavior in nature;

e) Preference is given to those games that allow solving not only the problems of environmental education, but also provide a solution to the general problems of forming the personality of a preschool child;

f) In order for the game to be an effective means of environmental education for preschoolers, it is necessary to trace the internal connection of each game with the previous and subsequent games. This will make it possible to predict what existing experience the child will rely on and what new step will take place in his development.

Play is the way for children to understand the world. The use of play-based learning situations and organized activities helps children develop the basics of environmental skills, consolidate basic scientific ideas about nature and the relationships in it, and cultivate an emotional and moral attitude towards all living things. Environmental learning and education through play is the most effective and natural. Children receive environmental knowledge and form a holistic view of nature and man’s place in it from the very first years of life through creative play.

Almost all parents are widely aware of the opinion of psychologists and teachers that the best form of teaching and raising children is play. How to stimulate children's development? How to harmoniously develop it intellectually and physically? Read in our article a review of the most effective educational games for children of different genders and ages, which activate children’s attention, perception and imagination, memory and fine motor skills, logic and much more.

Educational games: their meaning

Modern children are developing rapidly. They can no longer be reduced to just ordinary skills - counting, writing or reading. In order to successfully learn and comprehend the world, when preparing for school, a child needs to have a certain set of harmoniously developed qualities. When assessing whether a child is ready for school or not, the following indicators are considered:

  • basic experience
  • development of cognition
  • emotional and language development
  • physical training
  • communication skills
  • visual perception, discrimination and memory
  • hearing abilities
  • relationship with books
  • general and psychological readiness.

From this it becomes clear that the search for ways to comprehensively develop children is very relevant today. New technologies for conducting the educational process, increased rates of learning, and huge amounts of information that a small schoolchild must process, place different demands on his abilities than before.
Educational games- the simplest and most natural way to develop a child and prepare him for school. Educational games are based on such principles:

  • principle of combining play and learning
  • the principle of transition from play to active cognitive activity
  • the principle of gradually increasing the complexity of games and tasks
  • the principle of activating the mental development of a child.

These principles contain the importance of educational games, since they create the conditions in which the child will develop effectively and comprehensively.
Each age period of a child’s development is intended for learning new things. Educational games contribute to the formation of skills and abilities necessary for life, for example, to grasp and hold an object, maintain attention, be assiduous and much more. During the game, the child forms his emotional sphere and improves fine motor skills. That is why it is important to select games and toys according to the child’s age.

Types of educational games

For kids

  • coloring pages with large images and stickers
  • large soft puzzles
  • games about colors and shapes (“sorters”, “transformers”, pyramids)
  • (length, height, quantity, size, weight of objects).

These simple games will have a positive effect on the development of the baby’s attention and memory, color perception, logical thinking and, of course, contribute to the formation of children’s creativity. Don’t forget that kids play these games together with their parents.

Cognitive (didactic)

Such games (thematic sets of cards and pictures, cubes with pictures and numbers) expand the child’s understanding of the world around him: the animal world, flora and fauna, nature, professions, clothing, dishes, etc.

To develop attention and memory

  • "Looking for a couple"
  • "Differences"
  • "In Search of an Object"
  • "What's wrong?"
  • "Labyrinth"

Such games also have a positive effect on the development of a child’s attention and memory. The baby learns to concentrate, because he has to find a hidden object or differences between almost identical drawings, select objects in pairs or highlight the extra ones (identical). As a result, the baby will become more observant and attentive, resourceful and decisive.

Games for developing thinking and logic

We develop logical thinking from childhood with the help of special games. “Complete the picture”, “Connect the dots”, “Make a mosaic”, “Make beads”, “Associations” and other games are designed to teach the child to compare, analyze and systematize information, find connections between objects and generalize, determine the main thing and draw conclusions, and therefore think independently. Such skills will be useful later in mathematics lessons.

Coloring pages

Coloring books are designed to develop the child’s creative abilities, the ability to hold a pencil and make precise movements, distinguish and remember colors.


Puzzles are a game where you need to assemble a picture from parts - it's exciting and useful. For the little ones, use large puzzles made of soft material, and for older children, use sets of small pieces from which you can assemble colorful pictures.

Riddles and puzzles

Games in which you have to guess and decipher something are very popular with both small and large children. Riddles broaden your horizons, stimulate mental processes, teach you to think logically and intuitively. Thanks to riddles, the baby learns more about the world around him. Puzzles and charades are a kind of gymnastics for the mind. Thanks to such tasks, the child expands his vocabulary, trains to think and write independently.

Math games

Teach children simple number manipulations from an early age. Colorful cards, cubes and books with numbers and funny pictures will help you with this, which will help you easily, in a fun way, introduce your child to the world of numbers and figures, concepts of quantity, counting and arithmetic.

Puzzles, construction sets, lacing

Combines the development of logic and fine motor skills. The child can play this type of game independently.

Review of the educational games market

What games for child development are available to parents today?

  • : they “talk” to the baby, “sing songs.” They influence the development of a child’s musical ear, contribute to the development of his emotionality and communication skills. They can also help the baby begin to speak.
  • sorters (inserts): Excellent helpers for learning colors, shapes, and numbers. Volumetric figures must be inserted into the appropriate holes. You can come up with many variations of games with such toys.
  • puzzles: Collecting pictures from individual elements can be interesting for both children and adults.
  • cubes: We learn to build houses by studying shapes, numbers and colors. We train logic and hand for writing.
  • constructors: we assemble according to a sample or come up with our own project. Wooden, block, plastic, paper or metal - now there is a large choice.
  • board games: dominoes, checkers, chess, lotto, table basketball, football, hockey - develop logical thinking and reaction speed.
  • role-playing toys: small and large dolls, cartoon characters, plush toys - with their help, the child simulates situations and learns to play role-playing games, which are a good trainer for the child’s social adaptation.
  • sensory-motor(rattles, carousel mobiles, toy musical instruments) - introduce the child to the world of sounds, movement, and shapes.
  • pyramids: cone-shaped and spherical, wooden and plastic, multi-colored and others - train the baby’s first logical thinking skills.
  • counting tables (abacus): Sticks with stringed objects of different shapes and colors are good for teaching a child counting, grouping and sorting objects, and sensory perception.
  • lacing: preparing the baby's hand for writing.
  • toys for active games: sports equipment and everyday items - physically develop the baby, help to understand how to operate with objects.
  • children's art kits: plasticine, modeling clays, appliques - develop children's creativity.

"Advice. When choosing educational games for your child, it is better to consult with the seller of a children’s store about what age this or that game/toy is for, what purpose it is used for, and what qualities it develops in the child.”

Do not forget that all games are developed by specialists to develop certain abilities of children. If you do not take these rules into account, you will not achieve the intended result and will waste your money.

Games for children from 0 to 3 years old

Let the preschooler color more and learn to draw.

For schoolchildren

Games for children who have reached school age change their character. Board games that are interesting to schoolchildren also develop a variety of abilities. Younger schoolchildren become interested in playing team board games, as well as business games for children, which contribute to their successful socialization and develop communication skills and thinking. Children at this age strive to express themselves creatively. Younger schoolgirls enjoy learning to embroider, sew, create crafts and jewelry with their own hands. The boys happily scratch out engravings, cut them out with a jigsaw, and most often ask for construction kits: they really want to make something!
Computer games, which can also be educational, become relevant in this age period.

Computer and online games

Currently, a large number of specialized electronic resources have appeared that offer educational computer and online games for children. Such games are an absolutely logical continuation of all subject and oral games and activities with children in order to develop their abilities. There are also positive aspects here - for example, the child gradually learns computer literacy. There is nothing complicated here: the child simply plays the game he likes, thereby training his memory or attention or speed of thinking and the like. He can learn to think logically, generalize, make wise choices, practice math, or learn languages. And everything happens in an accessible playful form.

When studying on a computer, there are rules:

  1. Pay attention to the position in which the child sits at the computer. You need to sit without slouching, without leaning to any side, without leaning to one side.
  2. Monitor the distance of the monitor from the child's face. The distance between them should be no less than the diagonal of your monitor.
  3. Learn to use the mouse. This useful skill will come in handy in educational computer games.

Children's computer games appeared not so long ago - just a few years ago, but this area has become very popular among children and their parents.


Dear parents, remember that each child is individual, and his development occurs at his own pace. Try to select games that will develop your child in accordance with his level of general development and age. Don’t be upset if your child can’t cope with the task: put the game aside and offer another one. The child’s mood and interest will tell you what he wants to do. Be there during the game, give hints and explain how to play. Get your child interested in the game and you will soon see what success he will achieve.

Give educational games enough time, but do not overload your child. After all, the use of educational games helps to develop the individual qualities of a child, and not to raise a genius. By overloading your child with endless difficult tasks, you can discourage him from learning. Let games be a source of benefit and pleasure.

Educational games have a unique structure, in which most researchers identify such structural elements as:

  • 1) learning task;
  • 2) game action or game element;
  • 3) rules;
  • 4) conclusion or end of the game.

The learning task determines the content, rules of the game and guides the game actions. The volume and content of learning tasks correspond to the training program for children of this age in kindergarten or school.

The implementation of learning tasks occurs through game actions. The more interesting the game actions, the more imperceptibly and efficiently the child completes the game task. The presence of a game action or a game element is the main difference between a developmental game and a developmental exercise. Introducing a game element into an exercise can turn the exercise into a game, and vice versa, if you exclude the game element from the game, the game will turn into an exercise.

Game actions or game elements are carried out in the form of game manipulations with toys, objects or pictures (picking, folding, unfolding, etc.), in the form of searching for an object and finding it; riddles and guessing; fulfilling roles; competitions; special game movements (clapping hands, etc.); a starting word or phrase can be used as a game element. Sometimes there are several game elements in one game.

Children strive to introduce an element of competition into any game. This accustoms them to a higher pace of mental activity, but games should be used for educational purposes, directing the interests of the players to achieve a collective result in order to prevent rivalry between the players.

The developmental game is regulated by rules, the implementation of which contributes to the development of the content of the game and the implementation of developmental tasks. The rules indicate the way to solve the problem, determine the methods of upcoming mental activity, and regulate the relationships between the players.

A difficult issue in the theory of educational games is the question of their classification. To date, a unified classification has not been adopted. This is how games are classified: by content, by the presence or absence of gaming material, by the degree of activity of children, etc.

Based on the use of gaming material, games with toys and pictures, board-printed, and verbal games are distinguished.

Based on the level of activity of children and the teacher, educational games are divided into three groups: games-activities, games-exercises, and auto-educational games.

To successfully teach mathematics through game exercises, it is necessary to use both objects surrounding the child and educational games. It is known that a child’s assimilation of knowledge begins with material action with objects or their drawings, models, diagrams. Practical actions turn into verbal descriptions. As a result, a connection is made between the material and speech forms of actions. Gradually, the reliance on actions with objects or their models is reduced. Pronunciation of game actions is transferred to the internal plane (actions in the mind).

The basis for organizing work on teaching mathematics to preschool children using educational games is the following system of didactic principles:

  • · the principle of psychological comfort (an educational environment is created that ensures the removal of all stress-forming factors);
  • · the principle of a holistic view of the world (with the introduction of new knowledge, its relationship with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is revealed);
  • · principle of activity (new knowledge is not introduced in ready-made form, but through the independent “discovery” of it by children);
  • · the principle of creativity (the learning process is focused on children acquiring their own experience of creative activity).

Game activities should be of an integrated nature, in which mathematical tasks would be combined with other types of children's activities: cognitive-research, constructive, productive, etc. Teaching children should include both direct and mediocre methods that contribute not only to the acquisition of mathematical knowledge, but and general intellectual development of preschool children. It is advisable to use conventional symbols quite widely, allowing children to move from learning with elements of visualization to solving problems in a mental way. And also include physical education minutes, logical tasks, which are game exercises aimed at developing motor skills, visual-motor coordination, and the development of logical forms of thinking. Riddles, proverbs, sayings, folk signs, poems that will allow you to connect gaming mathematical activities with lexical topics. E.I. recommends using “verbal clarity - a figurative description of an object, a phenomenon of the surrounding world, works of art, oral folk art” in mathematics classes. Shcherbakova in the book “Methods of teaching mathematics in kindergarten” (M., 2000. P.81)

During such play activities, mathematical leisure, quizzes, KVN, construction and role-playing games with mathematical content, children do not see that they are being taught something, but think that they are just playing. But unbeknownst to themselves, during the game, preschoolers count, add, subtract, and solve various kinds of logical problems. This is interesting for children because they love to play. The role of the adult in this process is to maintain the children's interest.

Educational games are divided into so-called traditional and original ones.

Traditional educational games.

There are many different options in shape, color, size, etc.

It is needed to form ideas about size (large, small, medium, more or less, same - not the same), shape, color (it’s good if there are paired parts of the same color). Sort by these criteria. Putting the rings on the rod itself is an excellent training for eye-hand coordination and the development of fine motor skills.

1. Seguin boards

Flat boards with slotted frames of various shapes. It is necessary to select a figurine of exactly the same shape and insert it into the slot. Trains fine motor skills, eye, learns to correlate shape and size, develops hand coordination.

2. Earbuds

Volumetric toys with slits made in the walls. The baby must pick up the figurine to the slot and insert it into the hole.

Inserts one into the other. This is a nesting doll and many other similar toys.

All inserts, as well as Seguin boards, improve visual and tactile perception of the shape and size of objects, and also train fine motor skills and coordination of movements.

3. Laces

They prepare their hands for writing from an early age. They help improve the coordination of movements of both hands, develop hand mobility, train the hand-eye system, teach the child’s fingers to make precise movements - “pinch” grip (three fingers), “tweezer” grip (two fingers).

4. Building blocks and constructors.

Teaching a child how to design various structures and structures. For older people - construction according to a drawn plan or the embodiment of your own ideas. Development of spatial imagination.

  • 5. Board games.
  • -Loto with cut cards.
  • -Mosaic.

They learn to classify objects according to various criteria - shape, color, size.

  • -Puzzle games consisting of 2 and then more parts. First skills in planar design. Isolating a part from a whole and vice versa.
  • -Domino. The ability to find among several objects two identical in their distinctive features.
  • -Games “Walkers” with cubes and chips. Teaches playing according to the rules and taking turns.

Let's look at some of the most common and widely used copyright games.

Logical blocks were invented by the Hungarian mathematician and psychologist Z. Dienes; they are a set of 48 geometric figures:

  • - four shapes (circles, rectangles, circles, triangles);
  • - three colors (red, blue, yellow);
  • - two sizes (large and small);
  • - two types of thickness (thick and thin).

There is not a single identical figure in the set. Each geometric figure is characterized by four characteristics: shape, color, size, thickness. Games with blocks clearly and visually introduce children to the shape, color, size and thickness of objects, mathematical concepts and basic knowledge of computer science. Children develop mental operations (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization), logical thinking, creative abilities and cognitive processes (perception, memory, attention and imagination). While playing with Dienesh blocks, the child performs a variety of objective actions (breaking, laying out according to certain rules, rebuilding, and others).

Cuisenaire rods were developed by the Belgian mathematician H. Cuisenaire.

The set of colored number sticks consists of plastic prisms of 10 different colors and sizes. Each stick is a rectangular prism with a cross section equal to 1 square meter. centimeter Each stick is a number expressed in color and size, that is, length in centimeters. The selection of colors is not arbitrary; colors are distributed according to conditional classes.

For example: class of red numbers - numbers that are multiples of two (2, 4, 6, 8); class of blue numbers - numbers equal to three (3, 6, 9); class of yellow numbers - numbers that are multiples of five (5, 10).

Cuisenaire sticks will help the child not only understand the world of numbers, but also navigate it freely, simultaneously mastering such concepts as “more is less,” “how much more is less,” “longer is shorter.” With the help of sticks, you can build stairs, model geometric shapes, make various patterns, “weave multi-colored rugs” by getting acquainted with the composition of a number from two smaller numbers.

The math tablet is a square field with 25 pins for drawing with rubber bands. These are tasks for familiarization with geometric shapes, orientation in space, symmetry, and laying out numbers. Using a tablet, you can introduce your child to the coordinate system. Didactic tools: Dienesh blocks, Cuisenaire sticks, and a mathematical tablet can also be used for composing educational fairy tales, as well as in children’s independent activities. Thus, this method of teaching mathematics is based on play, the leading activity of a preschooler. Children under 7 years of age are not capable of conscious and purposeful activity. The peculiarity of the method is that the child willingly enters into the game and with interest, based on detailed practical actions with objects, visual material and conventional symbols, acquires the necessary knowledge and skills.

Nikitin's cubes “Fold the pattern.” The game consists of 16 cubes, each of the six faces of which is painted in one of 4 colors, there are also two-color faces, painted diagonally. This allows you to create a wide variety of patterns: one-color, two-color, three-color, and even four-color. These patterns can resemble the contours of various objects or reproduce geometric patterns. At first, you can fold patterns according to ready-made patterns that are included in the “Fold the Pattern” game, and when the child gets the hang of it, invite him to come up with patterns for folding pictures and ornaments on his own.

Voskobovich's most popular games

“Geokont” - it is also called a “plate with nails” or “multi-colored cobwebs” - is a plywood board with a coordinate film applied to it. Plastic nails are attached to the playing field, onto which multi-colored “dynamic” elastic bands are pulled. As a result of this design, object silhouettes, geometric shapes, patterns, numbers, and letters are obtained.

The game set is accompanied by the methodological fairy tale “Little Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava” (the word “geometry” is encrypted in the title of the fairy tale).

“Voskobovich Square” or “Game Square” can be 2-color (for children 2-5 years old) and 4-color (for 3-7 year old children)

The game consists of 32 rigid triangles, glued on both sides at a distance of 3-5 ml from each other on a flexible fabric base. On one side, the “Square” is green and yellow, on the other, blue and red. The “square” is easily transformed: it can be folded along fold lines in different directions according to the “origami” principle to obtain three-dimensional and planar shapes. That is why this game is also called “Eternal Origami” or “Square - Transformer”.

The game is accompanied by a methodological tale “The Mystery of the Raven Meter, or the tale of the amazing transformations and adventures of a square.” In it, “Square” comes to life and turns into various images: a house, a mouse, a hedgehog, a kitten, a boat, a shoe, an airplane, candy, etc. The child collects figures from pictures in a book that shows how to fold a square and gives an artistic depiction of the same object.

This square puzzle allows you not only to play, develop spatial imagination and fine motor skills, but also is a material that introduces the basics of geometry, stereometry, counting material, the basis for modeling, creativity, which has no age restrictions.

"Miracle Crosses" is a game with inserts. The inserts are made of circles and crosses. The crosses are cut into pieces in the form of geometric shapes. At the initial stage, children learn to assemble cut shapes into a single whole. Further, the task becomes more complicated: according to the diagrams in the “Album of Figures” (attached), the child first collects paths, towers, and then dragons, men, soldiers, insects and much more.

The game develops attention, memory, imagination, creativity, “sensory” (distinguishing the colors of the rainbow, geometric shapes, their size), the ability to “read” diagrams, compare and make a whole from parts.

“The “Splash - Splash” ship is a playing field made of carpet in the form of a ship with a glued plywood hull and printed numbers from 1 to 7. To the mast on the hull you need to attach velcro flags - sails - in the colors of the rainbow and according to the required number.

The game develops fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, gives an idea of ​​mathematical concepts, color, height, spatial arrangement of objects, conventional measurement, number of objects, their serial number and digital series.

“Math Baskets” - this manual will help your child to literally “touch” counting, understand the composition of numbers, and also understand the meaning of addition and subtraction. The baby needs to put a certain number of mushroom inserts into baskets with different numbers of recesses.

According to the fairy tale, a child, together with the “digital animals”: ​​Hedgehog-One, Bunny-Two, Mouse-Three and others, collects mushrooms in baskets, counts them, distributes an equal number of mushrooms to the animals and checks who’s baskets are full and who’s not. The animals collect mushrooms, and the baby finds out who has collected more and who has collected less.

Nikitin’s creative educational games for children are based on a general idea and have characteristic features:

  • 1. Each Nikitin game is a set of problems that the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares made of wood or plastic, parts of a mechanical designer, etc.
  • 2. Tasks are given to the child in various forms: in the form of a model, a flat drawing, an isometric drawing, a drawing, written or oral instructions, etc., and thus introduce him to different ways of transmitting information.
  • 3. The tasks are arranged approximately in order of increasing difficulty, i.e. they use the principle of folk games: from simple to complex.
  • 4. The tasks have a very wide range of difficulties: from those that are sometimes accessible to a 2-3 year old child to those that are beyond the capabilities of the average adult. Therefore, Nikitin's games can arouse interest for many years (until adulthood).
  • 5. A gradual increase in the difficulty of tasks in Nikitin’s games allows the child to move forward and improve independently, i.e. develop your creative abilities, in contrast to education, where everything is explained and where only performing traits are formed in the child.
  • 6. Therefore, it is impossible to explain to a child the method and procedure for solving problems and cannot be suggested either by word, gesture, or look. By building a model and implementing a solution practically, the child learns to take everything himself from reality.
  • 7. You cannot demand and ensure that the child solves the problem on the first try. It may not have matured or matured yet, and you need to wait a day, a week, a month or even more.
  • 8. The solution to the problem appears before the child not in the abstract form of the answer to a mathematical problem, but in the form of a drawing, pattern or structure made of cubes, bricks, construction set parts, i.e. in the form of visible and tangible things. This allows you to visually compare the “task” with the “solution” and check the accuracy of the task yourself.
  • 9. Most of Nikitin’s creative educational games are not limited to the proposed tasks, but allow children and parents to create new versions of tasks and even come up with new educational games, i.e. engage in higher-order creative activities
  • 10. Nikitin’s games allow everyone to rise to the “ceiling” of their capabilities, where development is most successful.

Independent activity is of great importance for the implementation of the program of mathematical development of children. In games, especially collective games, children’s personality traits are formed. They learn to take into account the interests of their comrades, restrain their desires, they develop a sense of responsibility, and develop will and character.

The game is a school of morality, but not morality in performance, but morality in action.
D.B. Elkonin

The relevance of this problem of preschool education at the present stage of development of our society determines the need to place new emphasis in the implementation of a modernized pedagogical approach to the organization of the educational process of preschoolers. Research by L.S. Vygotsky, N.V. Maslova showed that the child’s cognitive sphere has a rather complex structure and requires serious study not only by psychologists, but also by practicing teachers. The experience of modern research in the field of teaching and raising children in the system of preschool institutions indicates that already in preschool age such important qualities as spontaneity, curiosity, observation, independence in judgment and determining their ideas about something are dulled in children. This suggests that in preschool education the problem of “returning childhood to children”, updating the content and methods of teaching and raising children in general, has arisen. Preschool age is a unique period of human life. Its originality lies in its special sensitivity, sensitivity to the assimilation of the surrounding reality; in the activity of a preschooler - examination, subject-observation, subject-manipulative, cognitive. Knowledge given in an entertaining form of play is absorbed by children faster, more firmly and easier than that which is associated with long “soulless” exercises. A simple and seemingly clear idea to everyone, but, as often happens, it is easy to say, but difficult to do. That is why the problem of children's play is one of the most pressing problems of child psychology and pedagogy. More relevant than ever. Therefore, this is precisely the topic I consider in my work.

Target: Show the role of play as an important means of education.


  1. To develop a child’s cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things.
  2. Develop imagination, memory, creative thinking.
  3. Form basic ideas (about the surrounding world, mathematics), and speech skills.
  4. Teach children to follow the rules while playing.
  5. To develop the ability to feel oneself in the space of the surrounding world and people.
  6. Teach your child to play.
  7. Foster a sense of goodwill and mutual assistance.

The game is a kind of school in which the child actively and creatively masters the rules and norms of behavior of Soviet people, their attitude towards work, public property, and their relationships. It is a form of activity in which the social behavior of children themselves, their attitude to life and to each other is largely formed.

Purposeful, systematic guidance of the play activities of preschoolers can significantly expand the range of information and ideas of children about the world of objects and relationships between people around them, enrich the sensory experience of children, and activate their speech development and thinking.

Education in the system of preschool institutions is most often carried out in the process of a “monologue” between the teacher and educator on the one hand and the child on the other. Most preschool education programs are aimed at preparing a child for school, during which the main attention is paid to the development of literacy, mathematical concepts, writing skills, and numerous tests are carried out. All this entails an ever-increasing volume of educational material to be mastered. Hence, the child’s cognitive activity proceeds as a mechanical repetition and consolidation of a certain pattern in memory without interest in the content of this activity. The games used in the classroom are aimed at the narrative development of the plot, and the didactic task of the artistic and aesthetic development of the preschooler is not realized. The teacher-educator, replacing play with educational exercises, does not allow the child to open up creatively. Such educational activities create a low level of motivation to acquire knowledge, poor concentration, lead to emotional overload, monoschematization of the information received, and reduce children’s interest in learning.

A child’s spontaneously accumulative sensory and intellectual experience can be voluminous, but disordered; directing it in the right direction is what is necessary in the process of learning cognitive communication, so that both become developmental. The development of logical thinking involves familiarity with educational games. Teaching practice has shown that success is influenced not only by the content of the proposed material, but also by the form of presentation, which can arouse the interest and cognitive activity of children.

Play, the most important activity, plays a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities. The most famous teacher in our country A.S. Makarenko characterized the role of children's games this way; “Play is of great importance in a child’s life; it has the same importance as an adult’s activity, work, service. What a child is like in play, so in many ways he will be in work. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs, first of all, in play... “The need for play is sometimes explained as the need to give vent to excessive vitality. "Child's play is not fun." P.F. Lesgaft liked to repeat this expression, since he saw children’s play as a unique form of activity, through which they prepare for life, acquire certain skills and habits, acquire social experience, and form future character traits. Children's play is not a useless pastime, but “a smart pedagogical technique for educating a young person.” Play is the work of children. The most favorite and natural activity for children is play. A child begins to play practically from the first days of his life. First he examines objects, then he tries them in motion, then he changes places. By the age of three, a child begins to simulate complex play situations. A child playing is concentrated, his eyes show interest in the objects of his game. And the most important thing is that no one teaches young children to play. They themselves move the cubes along the floor, making machine sounds, and they themselves bring the toys together, depicting their communication. Children simply imitate the world around them and try to bring this world closer to themselves, embodying it in objects available to them.

During the game, children are seriously engaged in mastering new sensory and motor skills. Play expands a child’s knowledge of himself and the world, giving him a sense of mastery over what surrounds him. While playing, a child accumulates knowledge, masters language, communicates and develops imagination. Play is the work of children, but it should be understood that play itself, which is not controlled by the teacher, does not bring the expected results. One of the main meanings of the game is the development of the child’s physical qualities. As noted above, play is the only non-violent way to interest a child in performing any actions aimed at developing physical qualities, such as speed, agility, strength, endurance and flexibility. The game can also be considered as a form of activity in conditional situations, aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, fixed in socially fixed ways of carrying out objective actions, in cultural and scientific objects. The game reproduces the norms of human life and activity, submission to which ensures knowledge and assimilation of objective and social reality, intellectual, emotional and moral development of the individual. The game develops and improves behavior control, since a distinctive feature of the game’s unfolding is the rapidly changing situations in which the object finds itself after actions with it, and the equally rapid adaptation of actions to a new situation. In the game, the child’s voluntary behavior is formed, his socialization occurs, new relationships to reality arise, and there is a new aspect in the development of speech. Play is the first foundation of professional activity. It gives you the opportunity to learn how to live. Both the mental and physical skills of the child, and his special abilities, and his usual mental reaction - all this is determined by the nature of the game. Already in the animal world, it destroys the boundaries of physical existence. “Animals can play, which means that they are already somewhere more than just mechanisms. We play, and we know that we are playing, which means we are more than just smart creatures, because game is a very smart activity. In the game, as in the future activity of a preschooler, those actions are carried out that he will be capable of in real behavior only after some time. The child gains experience in his own activities, learns a lot from adults. A variety of knowledge and impressions enrich him. the spiritual world and everything is reflected in the game. By the beginning of preschool age, the child already has a certain life experience, which is not yet sufficiently realized and represents more potential abilities than an established ability to implement skills in his activities. First of all, educational games are joint activities between children and adults. It is the adult who brings these games into children’s lives and introduces them to the content.

The game is a school of voluntary behavior. (D.B. Elkonin). Try to force the child to stand still - he will not stand even for two seconds. But if this action is included in the game context, the goal will be successfully achieved. In the game “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried three. Freeze! after all, even the most restless boys and girls freeze and stand, even on one leg. The game is a school of morality in action (A.N. Leontyev). You can explain to a child for as long as you like “what is good and what is bad,” but only play can, through emotional empathy, through putting oneself in the place of another, teach one to act and act in accordance with moral requirements.

Psychological research has shown that if “enemies” are included in a game interaction in which they are forced to work together, taking care of each other, mutual hostility will soon disappear. Play is the leading activity in preschool age, an activity that determines the development of the child’s intellectual, physical and moral strength. According to the Russian historian and philosopher Vasily Zenkovsky, “game is free creativity, the most important manifestation of the aesthetic principle in a person.” K. D. Ushinsky also noted how important it is to observe children’s play to determine the general and intellectual health of children. If a child does not express interest in games, is passive, or plays stereotypically and primitively for his age, this is a serious signal for an adult: such a child requires special attention, this is a “special” child - maybe a genius, or maybe dysfunctional. With the help of games, a child’s learning is more effective and parenting is more enjoyable. Play is a means of diagnosing a child’s mental state and his personal development, but it is an excellent method for correcting certain defects, shortcomings, and developmental delays. Knowledge gained through play allows the child to understand that the world is not chaos, that it can be understandable, and this gives the child a sense of self-confidence and develops their cognitive independence.

Working in kindergarten, I always set myself the following pedagogical goals: to develop children’s memory, attention, thinking, and imagination, since without these qualities the development of the child as a whole is unthinkable. The children of the second youngest group who came to me rarely answered questions, doubted their answers, attention and memory were poorly developed. As a teacher, this alarmed me very much, and I decided to conduct a cross-section of knowledge with the help of which I could identify the abilities of children who especially need my help. Studying new literature, I came to the conclusion that by using various didactic games and entertaining exercises in my work, I could correct the knowledge gaps in children. For many years I have been working in depth on the topic: “Learning by playing.” When working with children, I pay great attention to didactic and developmental games, but I try not to overuse them. Because a game that drags on over time and lacks emotional intensity can even be harmful, as it reduces the child’s interest in games. As the program content became more complex, I modified the games, and the use of visual material made it possible not only to diversify the game, but also made it attractive to children. Entertaining games arouse great interest in children, especially the game “Travelers”.

The task includes cognitive tasks, problem situations, riddles, game exercises that give children the ability to perceive, remember, obtain results, understand and use symbols and signs. In addition, I use not only board games, but also verbal ones: “On the contrary”, “It flies - it doesn’t fly”, “It happens - it doesn’t happen”, “What is far, what is close”, etc. with the use of these games, intelligence develops to a much greater extent , ingenuity, logical thinking, concise and precise speech is developed.

In my work I use a lot of didactic games and exercises of varying degrees of difficulty, depending on the individual abilities of the children. A special place among mathematical entertainments is occupied by games for composing a whole from parts: “Tangram”, “Columbus Egg”, “Vietnamese Game”, “Mongolian Game”, “Leaf”, “Magic Square”, “Pythagorean Puzzle”, “Pentamino”. They are interesting to adults and children: children are captivated by what they see or what they plan. They are involved in active practical activities in selecting a way to arrange figures in order to create a silhouette. For example, games such as FIND THE SAME PATTERN, FOLD A SQUARE, EACH FIGURE IN ITS PLACE, SELECT BY SHAPE, WONDERFUL BAG, WHO CAN NAME THE BEST. I use the didactic game GEOMETRIC MOSAIC in classes and in my free time, in order to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, in order to develop attention and imagination in children. For each lesson I try to make a new interesting table. And if I used some tables several times, then I gave more complex tasks, different in color, shape and size. In my work, I use Dienish blocks, at first with one hoop, where I introduced one sign, and when the children learned, I moved on to two, three hoops, for example, in the game “help the bugs find their home,” two hoops are used to classify objects - I reinforce two characteristics (color and shape), where children learn to classify objects according to these characteristics, learn to think and reason. Game exercise “Magic dots” - sequential connection of dots helps to consolidate counting, teaches orientation on a sheet of paper in a checkered pattern, and the resulting drawing makes children very happy. “Logical chains” or, in other words, “Name your neighbors” requires great observation from children. Gradually I moved from the game “mathematical beads” to the game “Computer”. This game provides an excellent opportunity to show children the structure of an algorithm. The game "smart train" (number line) allows you to solve examples with two-digit numbers. Game exercise “Magic dots” - sequential connection of dots helps to consolidate counting, teaches orientation on a sheet of paper in a checkered pattern, and the resulting drawing makes children very happy. The game "smart train" (number line) allows you to solve examples with two-digit numbers.

Usage didactic games in classes and in free time helps to consolidate children's memory, attention, and thinking. Therefore, in the future I will continue to use various didactic games and exercises in my work. Children are very interested in various labyrinths (“Help Alyonushka get out of the swamp”, “Help Ivanushka get home”, “which penguin will get to the hole with fish faster”), where first they complete the task, following the lines of the maze with a pointer, then I suggest Find the way with your eyes; throughout the game I teach children to talk about their actions, analyze and correct mistakes.

If the children cope successfully, then I make the next task more difficult and speed up the pace, completing a task for example: “Help the hare find the magic carrot”, “Help the penguins catch the fish”.

Using games, I teach children to transform equality into inequality and vice versa - inequality into equality. By playing such didactic games as WHAT NUMBER IS MISSING?, HOW MUCH?, CONFUSION?, CORRECT THE ERROR, REMOVE THE NUMBERS, NAME THE NEIGHBORS, children learned to freely operate with numbers within 20 and accompany their actions with words. Didactic games such as THINK OF A NUMBER, NUMBER WHAT IS YOUR NAME?, MAKE A TABLE, MAKE A NUMBER, WHO WILL BE FIRST TO NAME WHICH TOY IS MISSING? And I use many others in my free time in order to develop children’s attention, memory, and thinking. The game COUNT NOT WRONG!, helps to master the order of numbers in the natural series, exercises in forward and backward counting.

To consolidate the knowledge gained in class, I give children homework in the form of didactic games and exercises. For example: COLLECT BEADS, FIND AN ERROR, WHICH NUMBERS ARE LOST? etc. Children try to complete their task correctly, without making mistakes, in order to receive cheerful sunshine for this, and not a gloomy cloud with rain. Parents also take homework with their children very seriously. In the corner for parents I display a folder with educational games, explaining the purpose and course of the game. The game “What is Hidden” - this game develops visual memory, causes long-term, sustainable interest, activity, and positive emotions.

Challenges of ingenuity, puzzles, and entertaining games arouse great interest among the children. Children, without being distracted, spend a long time practicing transforming figures, rearranging sticks in a given pattern. For example: six sticks. There is a house on the seashore (the children are building a house) Masha and Vitya live in it. Every morning, children went to the seashore and greeted passing ships with a flag. But one day the flag disappeared. How to help children? The task “You need to rearrange two sticks so that you get a flag” (“Turn the cow’s head”, “Turn the house over to the other side.”) In such activities, important qualities of the child’s personality are formed: independence, observation, resourcefulness, quick wits, perseverance is developed, and constructive skills are developed. skill.