Sharp abdominal pain in attacks what to do. Questions. What are the main causes of abdominal pain?

If your stomach hurts badly, the sensations can be quite unpleasant and create a lot of different inconveniences for the sick person.

It is worth noting that many people have to deal with this problem regularly, and although there are no very effective cures for gas and bloating, there are a sufficient number of home remedies and various treatments that can help relieve a person's condition when he has severe stomach pain. .

There are different types of abdominal pain, which appear in combination with their own specific symptoms.

When abdominal pain appears, what should a person do? Before starting treatment at home, the patient should see a doctor to make sure there are no more serious or significant health problems.

Causes and symptoms

What to do if you have stomach pain? In particular, how to properly treat when your stomach is bothering you? This question is very relevant for most people suffering from a wide variety of ailments in the gastrointestinal tract and periodic colic in the stomach.

First, it is necessary to determine the causative factors that contribute to the occurrence of discomfort in the abdominal cavity.

Severe abdominal colic is a common problem. Usually the cause is not serious, the pain is a symptom of a temporary, minor disorder that will quickly disappear on its own.

There are so many possible causes of GI discomfort that diagnosing it can be overwhelming.

Severe, persistent colic in the stomach, especially with a sudden onset, can be caused by serious diseases and requires urgent diagnosis.

If the abdomen is very bothersome, the discomfort is characterized by progression over time, severity (acute or chronic), nature (dull, sharp, aching, piercing), location (left upper or lower quadrant, right upper or lower quadrant), as well as factors that aggravate or mitigate it (food, drink, heat, movement, stress, exercise, etc.).

Localization of discomfort helps determine the diagnosis, but is usually not enough to provide reliable diagnostic hypotheses.

In addition, it is also important to evaluate other characteristics of discomfort, such as:

  • type of problem affecting the stomach (burning, cramping, stabbing pain, pressure, etc.);
  • duration (how long the stomach bothers you);
  • intensity (how much the stomach bothers you);
  • other symptoms (headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, jaundice);
  • aggravating factors and so on.

In most situations, even severe abdominal colic does not indicate any serious illness. Most cases are associated with intestinal cramps, exposure to fatty foods, or food poisoning.

Mild intestinal colic is often short-lived and disappears after a few hours, and is usually caused by intestinal dilatation by gas.

Gastrointestinal colic of short duration can also be caused by an increase in gas content in the intestines.

Pain in the abdominal area is cause for concern if it continues for several days, is of great intensity, or is combined with other symptoms associated with a feeling of nausea or fever.

Peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) is a serious disease, the symptom of which is severe pain in the gastrointestinal tract, and it hurts constantly and intensely.

The development of this disease means that some infections have entered the abdominal cavity, and the inflammation in it is quite extensive and seriously affects the peritoneum, causing pain in it.

Because the latter is highly innervated, it will be very painful when inflamed, and when vascularized, it facilitates the spread of bacteria from the abdominal area to the rest of the body and can lead to sepsis. In this case, pain will also be present.

Symptoms of peritonitis include severe, diffuse abdominal pain associated with involuntary contraction of the abdominal muscles.

The patient usually appears very weak, has a fever and is vomiting.

A feature of peritonitis is the presence of severe pain, in which a person does not allow his stomach to be touched.

Peritonitis is a common complication of many diseases, such as appendicitis, diverticulitis, perforation of a gastric or intestinal ulcer, calculous cholecystitis and others.

It should be treated surgically to remove the inflamed or infected organ and further debridement of the abdominal cavity.

Appendicitis is a finger-shaped vestigial organ that is located near the large intestine. The term "appendicitis" refers to an inflammatory process in the appendix.

One of the distinctive features of this phenomenon is that pain occurs initially in the upper intestines and in the navel area, and then spreads to the lower right areas of the abdomen.

If this condition is treated, inflammatory processes in the appendix can contribute to its rupture, as a result of which all the contents leak into the abdominal cavity.

Removal of this organ is the only option for treating this condition and relieving abdominal pain.

Kidney stones are specific deposits that are formed due to the crystallization of minerals in the urine. They form in the kidneys or any part of the urinary tract.

Serious pain occurs when the kidney stone is large. In this situation, excruciating pain will be felt as the stone passes through the ureter.

This causes pain in the back, frequent urge to urinate, blood in the urine, etc.

Mesenteric lymphadenitis is characterized by inflammation of the lymph nodes in the double layer of peritoneum, which is attached to the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity. The symptoms of the disease are very similar to those of appendicitis.

The disease causes abdominal tenderness, right-sided severe abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and malaise. However, the disease is not as dangerous as appendicitis, which causes more severe abdominal pain.

Gallstones, which are located in the gallbladder during cholelithiasis, can, if they enter the ducts and obstruct them, cause pain in the abdomen and obstruct the flow of bile.

This often causes an inflammatory process in the gallbladder (calculous cholecystitis).

In this situation, the sick person may experience tenderness in the abdomen, severe pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, which spreads to the back.

Pancreatic cancer is another serious disease characterized by the development of various malignant formations due to an overly active process of cell division.

In addition to severe and intense abdominal pain, cancerous tumors in the pancreas can also cause flatulence, increased gas production, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the intestinal area, jaundice, pale and greasy stool, sudden weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue and etc.

Food allergies, food intolerances and food poisoning are other common causes of severe stomach pain.

Food allergies are caused by an abnormal response of the immune system to a specific food, which can cause certain symptoms such as:

  • spasms and pain in the stomach;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • hives and itching;
  • swelling in the mouth.
  • edema of various localizations (up to Quincke's edema)

Food intolerance is caused by insufficient production of a certain type of chemical or enzyme that is needed to digest that specific food.

Along with severe abdominal pain, this can cause bloating or gas, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Severe cramping affecting the abdomen, fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting may be some of the most well-known signs of food poisoning.

In addition to the above-mentioned conditions, pancreatitis, liver disease, injury, or any disease that affects organs or anatomical structures located in the abdominal cavity can cause severe abdominal pain.

During pregnancy, pain may occur in the lower abdominal region when the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus.

Since abdominal pain can have many causes and certain factors may be cause for serious concern, it is recommended that you visit a medical expert for help if the pain persists.

The most common causes of abdominal pain in children are gastroenteritis, rotaviruses and food allergies, especially milk allergies.

Food intolerance, especially lactose, is another common condition that can cause stomach pain in babies.

Sometimes an upper respiratory infection can also cause severe abdominal discomfort in young children.

Intestinal worm infection is caused by consumption of contaminated food and water, and skin contact with soil containing larvae. Constipation, indigestion and flatulence can also cause abdominal pain in children.


When a patient has severe abdominal pain, what should be done? The usual advice is to use cold or heat to reduce the level of swelling and relieve pain.

Just like placing a hot water bottle on a woman's stomach or back during menstrual cramps, applying heat to the abdomen can also relieve pain due to gas.

If a person has difficulty lying down with a hot water bottle on their stomach or lower back and still has pain, they can take a hot bath.

It is advisable to use soothing scented candles to add an atmosphere of serenity and relaxation.

The pain syndrome should disappear after a certain period of time.

If severe abdominal pain is still present after this procedure, there are a number of natural herbs that are known to provide some assistance in relieving the pain.

One of them is ginger, which can be found in many folk recipes.

You can grate ginger into a mug of boiled hot water and add two teaspoons of honey, this will calm the stomach, relax the abdominal muscles, and save a person from severe abdominal pain.

Chamomile, peppermint, and cinnamon tea may have similar effects on the pain felt during bloating. It is possible to buy most of these types of tea at any supermarket or make your own.

Consuming such teas will reduce pain and, over time, completely get rid of it.

The active cultures in yogurt are also very beneficial, helping to regulate digestion and relieve pain.

While yogurt is the most well-known probiotic in any grocery store, pickles, buttermilk, and sauerkraut can also come in handy here.

With their regular use, the pain goes away after some time.

Finally, if the above natural pain relievers do not help the patient get rid of severe abdominal pain, you can also choose from a number of non-prescription drugs that can combat severe pain.

In this situation, it is better to consult with a qualified specialist in the field of gastroenterology.

An experienced doctor will conduct a thorough examination of the patient, make an accurate diagnosis, and also tell you what to do in a given situation, that is, how to treat a certain disease and what preventive measures to follow in order to avoid relapses of pain and other symptoms (possible repetitions of an existing disease). at this point in the illness).

Useful video

Typically, abdominal pain is a symptom of a temporary and non-threatening disorder, such as cramps, indigestion, or motion sickness. However, despite the fairly harmless cause, abdominal pain can cause severe discomfort. Because of her, you can forget about everything else. Luckily, there are many ways to relieve stomach pain, including simple exercises, homemade drinks, and certain dietary changes. If none of these methods help, it may mean that your abdominal pain is due to something more serious, such as appendicitis. If you experience prolonged severe abdominal pain, seek medical attention immediately.


Simple and fast ways

    Visit the restroom. Often, nausea and pain in the abdominal area are caused by such a simple reason as the need to empty the intestines. Therefore, before resorting to other methods, try sitting on the toilet for a few minutes. At the same time, lean forward and raise your knees to your chest. This pose helps you empty your bowels without much effort.

    • Avoid straining or pushing when trying to have a bowel movement, as this can lead to serious complications such as hemorrhoids.
    • If there is blood in the bowel discharge or stool, you should consult a doctor immediately - these symptoms are called hematochezia.
  1. Apply a warm compress to your stomach. The heat will help relax your muscles and relieve tension and possible cramps. Take a heating pad, microwaved compress, or electric blanket and place it on your stomach for a few minutes.

    • If you don't have any of the above items on hand, put some rice in a pillowcase or sock and microwave it for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Stand up and reach your toes. Often, mild indigestion can be eliminated by simply releasing gases accumulated in the stomach and intestines. Bends forward and other equally simple exercises will help you do this.

    Let yourself vomit. If you feel very nauseous, you may need to vomit. This unpleasant action may seem like the worst option, but vomiting actually helps the body rid itself of ingested bacteria, viruses, and irritating foods. If vomiting continues for several days, you should see a doctor as this may indicate a serious illness.

    • If you feel nauseous but won't vomit, try chewing on soda crackers or using magnetic anti-nausea bracelets to help relieve your symptoms.
    • Vomiting can lead to rapid dehydration, so if you vomit repeatedly, drink sports drinks that restore electrolyte balance. These drinks contain sodium and potassium, which the body needs to fight disease.
  3. Take a hot bath. Warm water improves blood circulation and relaxes muscles. A warm bath will help relieve abdominal pain and reduce tension. Soak in the bath for at least 15-20 minutes. To relieve inflammation, you can add 1-2 cups of Epsom salt (Epsom salt) to the water.

    • If you are unable to take a bath, warm your abdominal muscles with a heating pad or heating pad.
  4. Massage your stomach. Abdominal cramps can be caused by muscle tension. This tension can be relieved with a gentle massage: apply gentle pressure to different areas of the abdomen and then release your hand. Pay special attention to those places where the pain is felt the most, but do not overdo it - do not press or rub too hard.

    • During the massage, focus on breathing: inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Deep breathing will help you relax your muscles and take your mind off the pain.
  5. Take over-the-counter medications. There are many medications that can help with common nausea, indigestion, and abdominal cramps. You should not take such drugs constantly, but you can use them quite effectively from time to time. Be sure to follow the recommended dosage and ask your pharmacist for any additional recommendations or warnings about the drug you are purchasing.

Treatment of chronic indigestion and heartburn

    Watch your diet. If you often experience indigestion and heartburn, you need to find out the cause rather than just try to treat the symptoms. Start by taking a closer look at what you eat and your eating habits. Seemingly minor habits such as eating food quickly, swallowing large pieces, eating too large portions, and overeating can make indigestion worse.

    • If you find yourself with bad eating habits, try to correct them: eat smaller portions and take your time while eating. This will give your stomach more time to digest food, and smaller portions will reduce stress on your stomach.
    • Stomach problems after eating are called non-ulcer dyspepsia, or indigestion.
  1. Drink after meals. Wait about an hour after eating before drinking water or other drinks to relieve indigestion. This may seem strange, but when you wash down your food with water, it dilutes the gastric juice and reduces its effectiveness.

    Avoid fatty and spicy foods. Indigestion is often caused by foods that are difficult to digest, which increases pain and stimulates the secretion of stomach acid. Therefore, one of the easiest ways to deal with indigestion is to identify the foods that trigger it and eliminate them from your diet.

    • Instead, try to eat lighter foods: oatmeal, broth, toast, applesauce, crackers, rice. These foods are easy to digest and do not overload the digestive system.
  2. Wear clothes that are loose at the waist. Although it may seem like a small thing, clothing really does play an important role in indigestion and acid reflux. Pants or a skirt that are too tight at the waist can dig into the stomach and put pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, which interferes with normal digestion and causes stomach acid to rise into the esophagus.

    • This doesn't mean you should completely give up your favorite skinny jeans. Just change into looser clothes before eating a large meal.
  3. Take nutritional supplements to improve digestion. Digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid supplements, and enteric (enteric) peppermint oil capsules are widely used to combat indigestion. For example, gut-dissolving peppermint oil capsules have been shown to help reduce or eliminate indigestion in 75% of cases.

    • Although many cases of indigestion are thought to be due to overactive stomach acids, it can also result from a lack of acid. If you think your indigestion is due to a lack of stomach acid, talk to your doctor and, if recommended, try taking a hydrochloric acid supplement.
    • No matter which dietary supplement you choose, be sure to follow the recommended dosage and contact your doctor if you experience any side effects.
  4. Add probiotics to your diet. These are beneficial bacteria that are present in the digestive tract and help digest food. Studies have shown that taking probiotics helps with chronic digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and infectious diarrhea. Eating yogurt and other dairy products daily increases the levels of probiotics in your digestive system. At the same time, pay attention to the composition of the products and make sure that they contain live cultures.

    • If your body has trouble digesting yogurt, you can take probiotic capsules instead. Try taking probiotic supplements Florastor and Align to promote gastrointestinal health.
  5. Take artichoke leaf extract three times daily. Artichoke promotes the secretion and circulation of bile, which speeds up the passage of food through the digestive system. Recent studies have shown that artichoke extract significantly reduces symptoms of indigestion such as gas accumulation and premature feeling of fullness in the stomach.

    • Although artichoke extract is widely used in Germany, it is more difficult to find in other countries. Look for it in pharmacies, health food stores or online stores.
  6. Pay attention to nitrates and anti-inflammatory drugs. Indigestion and heartburn can be caused by a variety of medications, so review the medications you are taking and know their possible side effects. However, do not stop taking important medications. Before stopping any medication, you should consult your doctor and try to find a replacement for that drug.

    • Nitrates are often used to treat heart disease because they dilate blood vessels. In turn, popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen help relieve pain.
  7. Rest after eating. After eating food, rest is necessary so that it is properly digested. Exercising immediately after eating can disrupt normal digestion, as blood will flow to the active muscles and lungs instead of the digestive tract. This can slow down the digestion of food and cause stomach pain.

When we have a stomach ache, it can be difficult to figure out: whether it’s a minor thing and everything will go away in a couple of minutes, or whether we’ll have to suffer for a couple of days, or whether we urgently need to call an ambulance.

The stomach can prick, squeeze, press, swell, cut. And at the same time, it is not always possible to pinpoint exactly where it hurts, because it just hurts... in the stomach.

Pain can radiate to the stomach not only from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, but also from the kidneys, bladder, and internal genital organs. In general, anything can hurt your stomach.

All these different types of pain require different actions. To understand what is happening and how to treat it, try to focus not on the pain, but on the other symptoms that accompany it.

What symptoms should you pay attention to?

Problems with stool

When you have constipation, then most likely the cause of the pain is precisely this disruption of the intestines. Lifehacker wrote in detail about how to get rid of constipation.

Loose stools most often accompany a variety of intestinal disorders, including infections and poisoning. In any case, loose stools are a reason to go on a gentle diet and drink as much as possible, because diarrhea often causes dehydration.

This is also a reason to take enterosorbents like activated carbon and its modern analogues in order to remove from the body what caused diarrhea.

Nausea and vomiting

Most often they occur due to poisoning and intestinal infections. When vomiting, you need to drink a lot, as with diarrhea. Choose pleasant drinks (not coffee or soda), drink often and in small sips so as not to provoke another attack of vomiting.

There is no need to make any solutions for gastric lavage. It is better to buy a rehydration solution at the pharmacy and drink it. Enterosorbents can also help if they are in liquid form and you are comfortable taking them.

Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area

Maybe you don't feel pain, but rather bloating or nausea. Then, most likely, you have dyspepsia - what is called indigestion. It goes away on its own.

A burning sensation behind the sternum is already heartburn, in which the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus. We described in detail how to cope with this feeling in one of the articles.

It just hurts and nothing else

Wait. Abdominal pain simply cannot be drowned out with painkillers or antispasmodics, because many serious symptoms begin with mild pain. And if the pain intensifies, you need to seek help.

Pills can mask the pain, so you will get to the doctors later than you should.

The exception is pain during menstruation, when you know exactly why and how your stomach hurts.

When to see a doctor

Common, everyday causes of stomach pain like dyspepsia (indigestion) or constipation may not require any medical attention. But see your doctor when:

  1. The pain is very severe or gets worse and does not go away.
  2. You feel pain coursing through you.
  3. There is a sharp pain somewhere on the right (this could also be a problem with the gallbladder).
  4. You are losing weight due to stomach pain.
  5. Symptoms do not disappear in 2–3 days.
  6. You have risen.
  7. You think that your case of pain is not ordinary and you need to consult a doctor.

When to call an ambulance

In some cases, everything is so bad and confusing that a person with abdominal pain urgently needs to be taken to the surgeons’ table so that they can immediately determine what happened and quickly eliminate the cause of the pain. This condition is called acute abdomen. This is a set of symptoms that indicates that in this case only surgery will help, and the sooner the better.

Signs of an acute abdomen:

  1. Severe pain in any area of ​​the abdomen.
  2. Cold sweat.
  3. Forced position: the patient can only be in a certain position.
  4. Vomiting blood or vomit the color of coffee grounds.
  5. Black or bloody stools.

In any case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, list the symptoms, and position the patient so that he does not have to make unnecessary movements. It is advisable to put something cold on your stomach. For example, an ice pack, even an improvised one, made from frozen vegetables.

A sharp pain in the stomach is the first signal that a malfunction has occurred in the body and the digestive system requires attention. If such a sign appears, you should definitely consult a doctor so as not to aggravate the situation and not transfer the problem to the stage of a chronic disease. You need to contact us as soon as your stomach hurts.

Causes of sharp pain

Experts identify the main causes that can provoke unpleasant abdominal pain with quite painful cramps.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers

These are the main causes of severe pain. If such a disease is present, then all pain is localized in the upper abdomen. As a rule, discomfort is felt almost immediately after eating. Doctors explain the discomfort quite simply. To digest food, the motor activity of the stomach must increase, the amount of gastric juice will increase, and this will lead to an increase in acidity, and frequent belching appears. A peptic ulcer is manifested by sharp pain; it can occur not only after eating, but also on an empty stomach. Late-night snacking or even a glass of water can cause the same effects. Regular consumption of rough food also provokes pain.

Pyloric stenosis

Sharp abdominal pain occurs with pyloric stenosis. The disease occurs as a consequence of peptic ulcer; there is a narrowing of the part of the transition from the stomach to the duodenum. To digest food, the motor activity of the upper part of the stomach increases, which leads to cramping sensations and unpleasant belching. A person feels heavy even after eating a small amount of food. Typically, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever may occur. Almost everyone feels relief after vomiting; the feeling of overeating and heaviness goes away. The temperature may also drop after this.

Perforation of the ulcer

This is another reason for sharp pain. The pain may even be girdling, the temperature rises, because with this disease, through the through deformation of the wall of the duodenum, the internal filling of the organs or stomach penetrates into the internal abdominal cavity. Often the pain is so severe that the person loses consciousness. Peritonitis is sometimes possible. Severe, girdle pain may be accompanied by diarrhea and nausea. A sharp tension in some muscles persists almost all the time, and if nothing is done, purulent fistulas may begin to appear in the abdomen.

Acute pancreatitis

The disease in the acute stage causes not only girdling pain in the abdomen and its upper region, but also a state close to loss of consciousness, a high temperature is observed, and painful spasms radiate to the back. Bloating, diarrhea, and belching during an exacerbation are observed in almost everyone who encounters such a disease. The beginning of the exacerbation stage may go unnoticed, but gradually palpation of part of the abdominal muscles becomes painful, strong tension is felt, and spasms can be cramping. A sharp exacerbation can be fatal. It is forbidden to do anything on your own; you need to call a doctor.

Chronic pancreatitis

Accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, most often attacks begin at night. Discomfort also occurs after eating heavy, cold or very hot food, and there may be painful belching. The diet will lead to weight loss, and the causes of the illness will remain in place.

For thrombosis and embolism of intestinal vessels

There is acute pain in the upper abdomen. Many people experience a sharp drop in blood pressure, belching, nausea, bloody diarrhea may begin, and the temperature rises or falls. The abdomen swells sharply, after which a lesion occurs in the anterior abdominal wall.

It is forbidden to remove all these diseases, their causes and painful attacks on your own; this can lead to serious consequences. Doctors advise not only not to take analgesics, but also to call an ambulance as soon as possible and, if possible, to collect vomit and stool, which will be required for detailed tests.

External factors that negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Very often, a combination of chronic or developing diseases and external negative factors lead to serious consequences that can only be cured with medication. Experts have identified a number of main reasons that can provoke a malfunction of the digestive system and the occurrence of abdominal pain.

  • A severe stressful situation quickly affects a person’s well-being. Severe nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, unpleasant belching and high fever can only occur against the background of strong emotions. A person has a feeling of heaviness in the upper part of the stomach, even if he has not eaten anything. Experts advise immediately eliminating stress factors and then carefully examining the pancreas, malfunctions of which can cause this condition. You can take a medicine that helps relieve pain and restore the functioning of the digestive system, change your diet, removing all harmful foods from it. A consultation with a doctor must also be required.
  • The reasons why digestive problems may arise are hidden in the consumption of low-quality, expired products. An inflammatory process begins in the upper mucous membrane of the stomach, which is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and painful spasms that radiate even to the back. The pain can be throughout the entire stomach area, a separate part or in the back area, it all depends on the severity of the poisoning.
  • Long-term adherence to a strict diet or even fasting are reasons that have the most negative impact on the functioning of the digestive system. As soon as a minimum amount of food enters the stomach, it begins to be processed and too much gastric juice is released. There is a girdling pain in the abdomen, mainly in the upper region, and the body temperature rises. Frequent overeating has the same consequences; discomfort is observed in almost every area of ​​the stomach and even the back.
  • Regular excessive loads provoke pain in the abdomen or its upper part, radiating to the back.
  • Various mechanical injuries to internal organs are accompanied by pain in the stomach area, and an increased temperature may be observed.
  • Long-term and excessive use of various medications irritates the gastric mucosa, resulting in unpleasant sensations before or after eating, localized in the upper part.
  • Regular pain in the upper region of the stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, belching are a direct consequence of diseases of the digestive system. Discomfort occurs in almost the entire body; there may be painful attacks that are localized not only in the stomach, but also radiate to the back.

Correct actions for stomach pain

Characteristic symptoms of diseases of the digestive tract are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and sharp girdle pain radiating to different parts of the stomach. Sometimes all this occurs regardless of food intake. Almost every person has experienced this condition, so you should know the rules and sequence of actions to make you feel better.

If malaise occurs frequently and you already have experience with drug treatment, then you can first take an anesthetic or antispasmodic drug, before washing your stomach from food - this will relieve tension and pain. As soon as the desired relief occurs, you can analyze the situation in detail and, if necessary, immediately consult a doctor.

Pain in one area can be the cause of several diseases. Spasms can radiate to the back during ovarian spasms, as well as with renal colic and pancreatitis. If this situation has arisen for the first time, doing something on your own or taking painkillers is prohibited, as this will prevent the doctor from making a correct diagnosis.
Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, which indicate banal poisoning, can actually be an infectious disease, and if you take one antibiotic tablet, the cause of the illness will not go away, and the condition will only improve for a short time.

Doctor's examination

During the first examination, the doctor palpates not only different parts of the abdomen, but also the back to determine exactly where the pain is spreading. After the initial collection of information from the patient, the necessary tests are prescribed that will help complete the clinical picture and make the correct diagnosis. The doctor needs to tell you whether there is diarrhea or constipation, what color the stool is, and what temperature is observed during the period of illness. All this is very important.

First you need to contact a gastroenterologist, he may refer you to a surgeon for examination. The patient must undergo all necessary examinations of the abdominal organs, computed tomography and gastroscopy, and, if necessary, examine the back. Based on the research obtained, a drug treatment regimen is developed.

Prevention measures

Following a strict diet and eating healthy food is mandatory for any disease of the gastrointestinal tract. The doctor will give certain recommendations that you need to follow, this will help relieve pain. You can also independently identify foods that cause pain in different parts of the abdomen after eating them and eliminate them completely.

All junk food, including alcohol and carbonated drinks, is also excluded from the diet. You need to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. Sour fruits and berries are also prohibited from consumption; they irritate the walls of the stomach, provoking inflammatory processes.

It is best to start cooking steamed dishes; meat and fish can be baked with a minimum amount of salt and without seasonings, or simply boiled. You should not drink water or other drinks while eating.

Regular visits to the gym and therapeutic exercises will be beneficial for the whole body. You will be able to strengthen your abdominal muscles, relieve unnecessary tension, and pump up your back. You can also do simple, healthy exercises at home.

Drug treatment must be in accordance with the schedule drawn up by the doctor. If there are the slightest side effects, the temperature rises, you need to go for a consultation. It is prohibited to independently change the dose of the drug or stop taking medications.

Sharp abdominal pain may go away even after taking painkillers, but it can lead to a serious problem. Paying attention to your health is the key to good health and good mood.

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