Market of information services. Information services are

Information services in the modern world are becoming increasingly popular. It is difficult to imagine an organization that did not resort to the help of specialists in providing various types of information: checking employee resumes, information about suppliers, partners, and products. In addition, information products are also used in everyday life. About how draw up an agreement for the provision of information services This article will tell you.

Design features

In everyday life, every citizen uses information services, for example, when applying for a job. You need to find a vacancy, the address of the organization’s office location, and in some cases, read reviews from previous employees. Modern society does not stand still. In the age of innovative technologies, there is a special need for information of various kinds.

Information is divided into 3 types:

Sample contract

The rules for drawing up an agreement for the provision of information services are regulated by law, namely Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The document assumes civil legal relations based on mutually beneficial conditions. The customer pays the specified amount of money, and the contractor provides the service within a strictly specified period, in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The agreement is drawn up in simple written form and in two copies. Notarization is not required. Supporters of the transaction can be both individuals and legal entities.

Subject of the agreement — information that is defined as data about persons, facts, objects, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation.

The result of the transactionski is an information product - processed and documented information that was found at the request of the customer, for example, a certificate or report.

Payment for the provision of services is charged in accordance with the agreement. At the same time, both the customer and the contractor have the right to demand compensation if one of the parties violated the terms of the transaction or caused intentional harm. According to the terms of the agreement, if the service was not provided on time, due to the fault of the contractor, you will need to pay the amount of the penalty specified in the contract.

  • name of the document;
  • passport details of responsible persons, as well as details of enterprises (for legal entities);
  • subject of the contract (provision of information services);
  • type of service;
  • description of information;
  • price;
  • deadline;
  • payment procedure (transfer of the full amount or in installments);
  • advance amount;
  • additional terms and conditions of the transaction;
  • rights and obligations of the parties;
  • responsibility of the customer and the contractor;
  • the amount of the penalty;
  • possibility of extending the term of the agreement;
  • termination of the contract;
  • date, signatures, seals.

Download sample agreements for the provision of information services

Rights and obligations of the parties

Individual entrepreneurs or managers of large companies often resort to specialists in the provision of information products. Mainly to the list of popular ones information services applies:

  • personnel verification of employees upon hiring;
  • search for debtors, debtors;
  • checking the reliability of partners;
  • information about clients, suppliers;
  • preparation of material for business conferences, etc.

Depending on the type of service, it is determined nRava and O responsibilities of the contractor and the customer.

The performer has the right:

  • postpone work until payment is transferred;
  • suspend activities if maintenance work is carried out on the data server (or in the archive);
  • refuse to search for information if the customer’s requirements contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • provide additional available information if the required data is not available.

The responsibilities of the information officer under the agreement are as follows:

  • provide detailed information in accordance with the contract;
  • promptly notify the customer about the progress of the work done;
  • extend the validity period of the transaction if the customer requests it.

The list of responsibilities is not limited by the contract. More details about the rights of the parties under an agreement for the provision of information services are described in

The customer has the right:

  • require redoing work that does not meet the requirements;
  • provide access to the information server to your employees or third parties at the stage of the transaction;
  • terminate the agreement unilaterally if this condition is specified in the agreement.

The customer is obliged:

  • check the progress of work before the transaction is completed;
  • pay for the service in full and on time, in accordance with a written agreement.

Responsibility of the parties

Signed agreement for the provision of information services is a legal document and implies liability of the parties for non-compliance with the terms of the transaction. Statistical data must be provided confidentially, personally to the customer. Accordingly, violation of this rule entails termination of the contract.

Responsibility of the contractor and the customer:

  • In case of late payment, the contractor is released from liability for the work done, just like the customer. In case of violation, the injured party will need to pay compensation in the amount established in the contract;
  • If, when searching for the requested information, claims are made against the contractor (lawsuit, administrative fine), the customer is obliged to resolve the conflict or compensate for the money spent. In this case, the contract is canceled, and the performer’s work is paid in accordance with the requirement;
  • If it is impossible to carry out a transaction due to the fault of one of the parties, the victim is paid compensation commensurate with the losses incurred. In addition, the counterparty has the right to demand compensation for the amount of lost profits.

In some cases, the parties are released from liability in whole or in part. Basically, such situations arise due to the occurrence of circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties.

The list of force majeure situations includes:

  • natural disasters, cataclysms, industrial accidents;
  • terrorist or military actions, civil unrest;
  • resolution of a ban on the provision of information services by government agencies.

If circumstances arise that prevent the completion of a transaction, the period for providing information services is postponed for the necessary time. According to the law, the suspension of obligations should not exceed 60 days. Otherwise, the contract is considered invalid and cancelled.


An agreement for the provision of information services, like any other contract concluded on a reimbursable basis, can be terminated:

  • by agreement between the customer and the contractor;
  • unilaterally;
  • in court.

The parties have the right to cancel the contract for the provision of information services by mutual consent. In this case, you will need to draw up a document confirming the absence of claims.

The termination agreement must indicate:

  • passport details of the parties;
  • serial number of the contract;
  • reason for termination of the transaction;
  • obligations of the parties;
  • claims of the customer and the contractor;
  • payment of compensation (if required);
  • signatures.

View a sample agreement on termination of a contract for the provision of information services

Grounds for unilateral termination of the contract:

  • non-compliance with the terms of the agreement;
  • refusal to perform;
  • valid reasons or force majeure circumstances that require termination of business relations;
  • there is no further need to carry out the transaction.

In these cases, the interested party is required to notify the counterparty of its intention to terminate the transaction. A registered letter is sent, which details the reason for termination of the contract, as well as the requirements. You must wait for a response within 30 calendar days. If a letter of agreement to terminate the contract is received, the parties must sign a contract to complete the transaction.

Download a sample notice of termination of a contract for the provision of information services

Procedure for canceling a contract for the provision of information services in case of refusal:

  1. After sending the letter, you will need to notify about the refusal to provide the information service;
  2. The requirement to return the money or pay compensation must be stated in writing, referring to the contract;
  3. Next, copies of all correspondence with the counterparty must be attached to the statement of claim and applied to the court at the place of residence.

The transaction is invalid if:

  • the terms for the provision of services or payment for them were repeatedly violated;
  • the quality of information does not meet the terms of the agreement;
  • systematic violations of the agreement;
  • making changes to the contract unilaterally.

In these cases, the obligations of the parties terminate immediately.

g. _____________ "___"________ ___ g.

We refer to___ hereinafter as the “Customer”, represented by ___________________, acting__ on the basis of ___________________, on the one hand, and ___________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, represented by ___________________, acting___ on the basis of ___________________, on the other hand, entered into an Agreement on the following:


1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor undertakes, the obligation to provide the Customer with information about clients (according to the list of services specified in Appendix No. 1) based on the data entered into the automated systems, and the Customer undertakes to pay for these services.

1.2. The Customer and the Contractor exchange information using electronic mail, e-mail, telephone, fax, and other ____________. Email addresses are specified additionally.


2.1. For the services provided, which are specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement, the Customer makes payments to the Contractor in accordance with the protocol for agreeing on the contract price (Appendix No. 2).

2.2. When concluding an agreement for the first time, the Customer must make an advance payment in the amount of 100% of the planned volume of work under clause 1.1 of this Agreement.

2.3. The customer undertakes to ensure the constant availability of prepayment for the planned monthly volume of information, but not less than 50% of the average monthly cost of information for the previous ____ months.

2.4. Payment for the services provided is carried out by the Customer on a monthly basis in accordance with the established form of the act on the work performed specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement. The Customer makes the payment within ___ banking days after the act is signed by both parties.

Payment for services is made by transferring funds to the Contractor's bank account.

2.5. In case of changes in regulations regarding pricing and tax policy, the contract price (Appendix No. 2) may be changed. The Contractor notifies the Customer of changes in the contract price one month before the new price begins.

2.6. Within ___________ from the date the Customer receives notice of a change in the contract price, the parties enter into an Additional Agreement on a change in the contract price, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

2.7. Contract prices agreed upon for a month are considered valid until the end of the calendar month.

2.8. In case of impossibility of performance due to the fault of the Customer, services are subject to payment in full.

2.9. In the event that the impossibility of performance arose due to circumstances for which neither party is responsible, the Customer shall reimburse the Contractor for the actual expenses incurred.


3.1. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Customer and the Contractor are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. For late payment of bills, the Customer pays the Contractor a penalty in the amount of ___% of the amount of services provided for each day of delay.

3.3. The Contractor is not responsible for failures in the functioning of e-mail (otherwise) that arose through no fault of the Contractor.

3.4. The Contractor is not responsible for distortion of information about clients when entering data into automated systems.

3.5. The Contractor is not responsible for violation of the integrity or part of the information that is provided to the Customer via open communication channels in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

3.6. The Customer and the Contractor undertake to implement anti-virus information protection measures and protection against the spread of aggressive software.

3.7. The Customer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract, subject to payment to the Contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him.

3.8. The Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill obligations under the contract only if the Customer is fully compensated for losses.


4.1. The parties will strive to resolve all disputes that may arise from this Agreement through negotiations. If these measures do not have an effect, the case is subject to referral to the arbitration court.


5.1. The Parties are released from liability for complete or partial failure to fulfill any of the obligations under the Agreement if this failure was a consequence of force majeure circumstances, namely: flood, fire, earthquake, war, revolution, epidemic, embargo - or prohibitions of competent government bodies and changes in the current legislation that arose after the signing of this Agreement and which the parties could not foresee or prevent by reasonable measures. In this case, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under the Agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances and their consequences existed.

5.2. The party for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement is obliged to immediately notify the other party of the occurrence and termination of the above circumstances. Untimely notification of force majeure circumstances deprives the relevant party of the right to refer to them in the future.

5.3. Proper evidence of the existence of the above circumstances and their duration will be _____________________________________.

(acts of competent authorities)

5.4. If the circumstances and their consequences last more than ___ months, then each of the parties will have the right to cancel the Agreement in whole or in part, and in that case, neither party will have the right to demand compensation from the other party for possible losses.


6.1. The validity period of this Agreement is set from "___"________ ___ to "___"________ ___. The Agreement is automatically extended for the next year unless either party declares termination of the Agreement at least one month before the expiration of the Agreement.

6.2. The parties have the right to terminate the Agreement in case of violation of its terms in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In this case, the parties undertake to inform in writing of their intention, indicating the reasons for termination of the Agreement. Such a message must be sent to the other Party no later than one month before the date of termination of the Agreement.

6.3. Additions and changes to this Agreement are considered valid if they are made in writing and signed by both parties.


7.1. The parties are obliged to immediately notify each other of changes in address or bank account.

7.2. All annexes to this agreement are an integral part of it.

7.3. In all other respects that are not provided for in this agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.4. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.

7.5. Applications:

1. List of information services provided (Appendix No. 1).

2. Protocol of agreement on the contract price (Appendix No. 2).


8.1. PERFORMER: __________________________________________

CUSTOMER: _________________________________________________


CONTRACTOR: CUSTOMER: _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ M.P. M.P.

Free samples of claims, complaints, contracts, etc. website


provision of information services in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as " Executor", on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of, hereinafter referred to as " Customer", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter " Agreement”, about the following:


1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with access to the following databases (DB): on the Internet resource at the address: on-line (hereinafter referred to as “services”), and the Customer to pay for these services.

1.2. To provide the services provided for in clause 1.1 of this agreement, the Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with a login and password to access the database (hereinafter referred to as “credentials”).

1.3. The Contractor provides services to the Customer from the date of receipt of the Customer's funds to the Contractor's bank account.


2.1. Rights and obligations of the Contractor:

2.1.1. The Contractor undertakes, no later than business days, to complete the work of registering the Customer to work with the database and provide the Customer with credentials for access to the database specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement.

2.1.2. The Contractor sends notification of the possibility of working with the database and credentials to the Customer by email to the email address specified by the Customer in the Agreement.

2.1.3. The Contractor is obliged to provide the Customer with online access for at least 96 hours a week.

2.1.4. The Contractor undertakes to eliminate disruptions in the operation of the server associated with changes in technical operating conditions and other reasons depending on the Contractor as soon as possible.

2.1.5. The Contractor has the right to exclude the Customer from the list of database users, stop providing services to him and terminate the contract unilaterally without compensation for losses to the Customer if the Customer has violated the terms of clauses 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3 of the contract. In this case, the agreement will be considered terminated from the date the Contractor sends a notice of termination of the Agreement by email or letter.

2.2. Rights and obligations of the Customer:

2.2.1. The Customer undertakes not to reproduce information materials received under this agreement without the written permission of the Contractor.

2.2.2. The Customer undertakes not to transfer to third parties the received password for the right to work with the database without the written consent of the Contractor.

2.2.3. The Customer undertakes to pay the Contractor's invoice within business days from the date of invoice.

2.2.4. If the legal and email addresses change, the Customer undertakes to immediately notify the Contractor about this, otherwise messages will be sent to the previous address.

2.2.5. The Customer has the right to a free password replacement in case of its loss and/or use by third parties against the Customer’s will.


3.1. The cost of services under this agreement is rubles, including VAT 18% in the amount of rubles.

3.2. The Customer makes an advance payment in the amount of 100% of the cost of the service based on the invoice issued by the Contractor no later than business days from the date of receipt of the invoice.

3.3. The date of payment for the service by the Customer is the date of receipt of funds to the Contractor's bank account.

3.4. The Contractor guarantees that the payment amount will remain unchanged throughout the entire term of the contract.


4.1. The period for the provision of services under the Agreement is the period starting from the date of receipt of funds to the Contractor's current account and ending in 2016.

4.2. At the end of the service provision period, the Contractor, within working days, sends the Customer an acceptance certificate and an invoice, issued in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

4.2. The Customer, within working days from the date of receipt of the acceptance certificate, is obliged to provide the Contractor with a signed certificate or a reasoned refusal to sign it. If the Customer does not fulfill this condition, the Contractor's obligations to the Customer under this Agreement are considered fulfilled in full, and the acceptance certificate is considered to be properly executed.


5.1. The parties undertake to ensure the confidentiality of the Customer's credentials for accessing the database.

5.2. Each Party undertakes the obligation not to disclose by any means (make available to any third parties, except in cases where third parties have the appropriate authority by virtue of direct instructions of the law) confidential information of the other Party to which it gained access when concluding this Agreement and during the execution obligations arising from the Agreement. This condition of the contract continues to apply after the expiration of the contract.


6.1. The Contractor is not responsible for damage of any kind incurred by the Customer due to the latter’s disclosure of his credentials. The Contractor is not responsible for violation of the confidentiality of the Customer's credentials caused by unrestricted access to the Customer's communications.

6.2. The Contractor is not responsible for the quality of the Customer's communication lines, as well as for interruptions in the provision of services caused by the action or inaction of third parties and/or inoperability of transport and information channels located outside the Contractor's own resources, as well as necessary repairs and/or replacement of equipment and the Contractor's software, including in emergency circumstances.

6.3. The Contractor is not responsible for violations by the Customer of the rights of third parties.

6.4. The Contractor is not responsible for lost profits and lost profits, as well as for any indirect losses incurred by the Customer from using or not using the Contractor’s services under this agreement.


7.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose in the territory of execution of this Agreement after its conclusion, or if the failure to fulfill obligations by the Parties under the Agreement was a consequence of events of an extraordinary nature that the Parties did not could neither have been foreseen nor prevented by reasonable measures.

7.2. Force majeure circumstances include events that the Party cannot influence and for the occurrence of which it is not responsible, such as: war, uprising, earthquake, flood, fire or similar phenomena, strike, government regulations, orders (decrees) of government bodies (President of the Russian Federation), laws and other documents of the competent authorities adopted after the signing of this Agreement and making it impossible to fulfill the obligations established by this Agreement, as well as actions of state or municipal bodies and their representatives that impede the fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement, and other unforeseen circumstances, including including a problem with the city power grid.

7.3. The Party citing force majeure circumstances is obliged to inform the other Party about the occurrence of such circumstances in writing, attaching copies of the relevant documents. The information must contain data on the nature of the circumstances, as well as an assessment of their impact on the Party’s fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement and on the period for fulfilling the obligations.

7.4. In the event of force majeure circumstances, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under this Agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances and their consequences apply.

7.5. If force majeure circumstances persist for more than 3 months, this Agreement is considered terminated without any mutual obligations.


8.1. In the event of a conflict between the terms or provisions of this agreement and the appendices and/or additional agreements, the terms and conditions contained in the appendices and/or additional agreements to this agreement will prevail.

8.2. On all issues not regulated by this agreement, the Parties will be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.3. All disputes that may arise from this agreement or in connection with it, the Parties will try to resolve through negotiations. If the Parties do not come to an agreement on the controversial issue, they apply to the Arbitration Court of the city after following the claim procedure. The period for consideration of claims is days.


9.1. This agreement comes into force from the date of its signing and is valid until it is fully executed by the Parties.

9.2. This agreement can be terminated either by mutual agreement of the Parties or unilaterally in accordance with clause 2.1.5 of the agreement.

9.3. This agreement may be terminated by the Contractor unilaterally if the Customer delays the payment deadlines established by clause 3.2 of the agreement by more than calendar days. In this case, the contract is considered terminated upon expiration of the specified period.

9.4. Neither Party has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under this agreement to a third party without the written consent of the other Party.

9.5. Any changes and additions to this agreement are valid, provided that they are made in writing and signed by the Parties, are integral parts of it and are subject to all provisions applicable to the agreement.

9.6. The Parties shall notify each other in writing within one day of changes in address and bank details.

9.7. Any notification that, in accordance with this agreement, one Party sends to the other, is sent in the form of a registered letter or telegram to the address of the other Party specified in section 10 of this agreement, with mandatory confirmation of receipt of the notification by the other Party. Urgent notifications may be sent in another way that provides confirmation of the fact and date of receipt (by fax, email).

9.8. This agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.



Customer Legal address: Postal address: INN: KPP: Bank: Cash/account: Correspondent/account: BIC:


Performer _________________


The page shows, current in 2019, Form of an agreement for the provision of information services concluded between legal entities. You can download it at any time in .doc, .rtf or .pdf format; the document file size is 20.4 kb.

  1. Subject of the agreement
  2. Rights and obligations of the parties
  3. Cost of services and payment procedure
  4. Delivery and acceptance procedure
  5. Conditions of confidentiality of the agreement
  6. Responsibility of the parties
  7. Force majeure
  8. Dispute resolution procedure
  9. Final provisions
  10. Legal addresses and bank details of the parties
  11. Signatures of the parties

AGREEMENT for the provision of information services

G. _______________

"_____" _______________ 2016

______________________________ represented by ______________________________, acting on the basis of ______________________________, hereinafter referred to as “ Executor", on the one hand, and ______________________________ represented by ______________________________, acting on the basis of ______________________________, hereinafter referred to as " Customer", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter the "Agreement", as follows:


1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with access to the following databases (DB): ______________________________ on the Internet resource at the address: ____________________ on-line (hereinafter referred to as “services”), and the Customer to pay for these services.

1.2. To provide the services provided for in clause 1.1 of this agreement, the Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with a login and password to access the database (hereinafter referred to as “credentials”).

1.3. The Contractor provides services to the Customer from the date of receipt of the Customer's funds to the Contractor's bank account.


2.1. Rights and obligations of the Contractor:

2.1.1. The Contractor undertakes, no later than __________ business days, to complete the work of registering the Customer to work with the database and provide the Customer with credentials for access to the database specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement.

2.1.2. The Contractor sends notification of the possibility of working with the database and credentials to the Customer by email to the email address specified by the Customer in the Agreement.

2.1.3. The Contractor is obliged to provide the Customer with online access for at least 96 hours a week.

2.1.4. The Contractor undertakes to eliminate disruptions in the operation of the server associated with changes in technical operating conditions and other reasons depending on the Contractor as soon as possible.

2.1.5. The Contractor has the right to exclude the Customer from the list of database users, stop providing services to him and terminate the contract unilaterally without compensation for losses to the Customer if the Customer has violated the terms of clauses 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3 of the contract. In this case, the agreement will be considered terminated from the date the Contractor sends a notice of termination of the Agreement by email or letter.

2.2. Rights and obligations of the Customer:

2.2.1. The Customer undertakes not to reproduce information materials received under this agreement without the written permission of the Contractor.

2.2.2. The Customer undertakes not to transfer to third parties the received password for the right to work with the database without the written consent of the Contractor.

2.2.3. The Customer undertakes to pay the Contractor's invoice within __________ business days from the date of invoice.

2.2.4. If the legal and email addresses change, the Customer undertakes to immediately notify the Contractor about this, otherwise messages will be sent to the previous address.

2.2.5. The Customer has the right to a free password replacement in case of its loss and/or use by third parties against the Customer’s will.


3.1. The cost of services under this agreement is __________ rubles, including 18% VAT in the amount of __________ rubles.

3.2. The Customer makes an advance payment in the amount of 100% of the cost of the service based on the invoice issued by the Contractor no later than __________ business days from the date of receipt of the invoice.

3.3. The date of payment for the service by the Customer is the date of receipt of funds to the Contractor's bank account.

3.4. The Contractor guarantees that the payment amount will remain unchanged throughout the entire term of the contract.


4.1. The period for the provision of services under the Agreement is the period starting from the date of receipt of funds to the Contractor’s current account and ending on “_____” _______________2016.

4.2. At the end of the service provision period, the Contractor, within __________ working days, sends the Customer an acceptance certificate and an invoice, issued in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

4.2. The Customer, within __________ working days from the date of receipt of the acceptance certificate, is obliged to provide the Contractor with a signed certificate or a reasoned refusal to sign it. If the Customer does not fulfill this condition, the Contractor’s obligations to the Customer under this Agreement are considered fulfilled in full, and the acceptance certificate is considered to be properly executed.


5.1. The parties undertake to ensure the confidentiality of the Customer's credentials for accessing the database.

5.2. Each Party undertakes the obligation not to disclose by any means (make available to any third parties, except in cases where third parties have the appropriate authority by virtue of direct instructions of the law) confidential information of the other Party to which it gained access when concluding this Agreement and during the execution obligations arising from the Agreement. This condition of the contract continues to apply after the expiration of the contract.


6.1. The Contractor is not responsible for damage of any kind incurred by the Customer due to the latter’s disclosure of his credentials. The Contractor is not responsible for violation of the confidentiality of the Customer's credentials caused by unrestricted access to the Customer's communications.

6.2. The Contractor is not responsible for the quality of the Customer's communication lines, as well as for interruptions in the provision of services caused by the action or inaction of third parties and/or inoperability of transport and information channels located outside the Contractor's own resources, as well as necessary repairs and/or replacement of equipment and the Contractor's software, including in emergency circumstances.

6.3. The Contractor is not responsible for violations by the Customer of the rights of third parties.

6.4. The Contractor is not responsible for lost profits and lost profits, as well as for any indirect losses incurred by the Customer from using or not using the Contractor’s services under this agreement.


7.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose in the territory of execution of this Agreement after its conclusion, or if the failure to fulfill obligations by the Parties under the Agreement was a consequence of events of an extraordinary nature that the Parties did not could neither have been foreseen nor prevented by reasonable measures.

7.2. Force majeure circumstances include events that the Party cannot influence and for the occurrence of which it is not responsible, such as: war, uprising, earthquake, flood, fire or similar phenomena, strike, government regulations, orders (decrees) of government bodies (President of the Russian Federation), laws and other documents of the competent authorities adopted after the signing of this Agreement and making it impossible to fulfill the obligations established by this Agreement, as well as actions of state or municipal bodies and their representatives that impede the fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement, and other unforeseen circumstances, including including a problem with the city power grid.

7.3. The Party citing force majeure circumstances is obliged to inform the other Party about the occurrence of such circumstances in writing, attaching copies of the relevant documents. The information must contain data on the nature of the circumstances, as well as an assessment of their impact on the Party’s fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement and on the period for fulfilling the obligations.

7.4. In the event of force majeure circumstances, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under this Agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances and their consequences apply.

7.5. If force majeure circumstances persist for more than 3 months, this Agreement is considered terminated without any mutual obligations.


8.1. In the event of a conflict between the terms or provisions of this agreement and the appendices and/or additional agreements, the terms and conditions contained in the appendices and/or additional agreements to this agreement will prevail.

8.2. On all issues not regulated by this agreement, the Parties will be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.3. All disputes that may arise from this agreement or in connection with it, the Parties will try to resolve through negotiations. If the Parties do not come to an agreement on the controversial issue, they apply to the Arbitration Court of the city ____________________ after following the claim procedure. The period for consideration of claims is __________ days.


9.1. This agreement comes into force from the date of its signing and is valid until it is fully executed by the Parties.

9.2. This agreement can be terminated either by mutual agreement of the Parties or unilaterally in accordance with clause 2.1.5 of the agreement.

9.3. This agreement may be terminated by the Contractor unilaterally if the Customer delays the payment deadlines established by clause 3.2 of the agreement by more than __________ calendar days. In this case, the contract is considered terminated upon expiration of the specified period.

9.4. Neither Party has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under this agreement to a third party without the written consent of the other Party.

9.5. Any changes and additions to this agreement are valid, provided that they are made in writing and signed by the Parties, are integral parts of it and are subject to all provisions applicable to the agreement.

9.6. The Parties shall notify each other in writing of changes in address and bank details within __________ days.

9.7. Any notification that, in accordance with this agreement, one Party sends to the other, is sent in the form of a registered letter or telegram to the address of the other Party specified in section 10 of this agreement, with mandatory confirmation of receipt of the notification by the other Party. Urgent notifications may be sent in another way that provides confirmation of the fact and date of receipt (by fax, email).

9.8. This agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.


Executor Legal address:________________________________________ Postal address:________________________________________ INN/KPP:______________________________ Telephone/fax:____________________ Current account:______________________________ Bank name:______________________________ Correspondent account:______________________________ BIC:____________________

Moscow "__" ___________ 201__

Open Joint Stock Company "__________________________" (short name - JSC "_________________"), hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by General Director _____________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and __________________ (short name - "________________"), referred to hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, represented by the director _____________________, acting on the basis of __________________, on the other hand, together hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, separately as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement for the provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) as follows:

1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with information services in the form of methodological and information materials, technical documentation (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”), in accordance with the terms of reference, which is an integral part of this Agreement (Appendix No. 1), and the Customer undertakes to accept the Services and pay for them in accordance with the Service Agreement.

2.1. The provision of Services to the Customer is carried out on paper in one copy.
2.2. The Contractor provides the Customer with methodological and information materials, technical documentation (Services) on paper, as well as two copies of the acceptance certificate for the Services provided (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) "__" ___________ 201_.
2.3. The Customer, within 10 (Ten) working days from the date of receipt of the Certificate, is obliged to send to the Contractor one copy of the Certificate or a reasoned refusal to accept the Services provided.
2.4. In the event of a reasoned refusal by the Customer, the Parties draw up a bilateral act with a list of necessary improvements and deadlines for their implementation.
2.5. In case of early completion of the Services, the Customer has the right to accept and pay for them ahead of schedule.

3.1. The Service Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the Parties and is valid until " " _ 201_.

4.1. For the Services provided, the Customer pays the Contractor a price in the amount of _______ (_____________________) rubles, including VAT 18% -
___________ rubles.
4.2. Payment for the Services is made within 20 (twenty) business days after signing the Act by both parties, by transferring funds to the Contractor's bank account.
4.3. During the validity period of this service agreement, the Parties have the right to revise the amount of funds payable to the Contractor specified in clause 4.1 of the service agreement, about which the Parties enter into an additional agreement to the Agreement.

5.1. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of other obligations under the Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.1. None of the Parties to this service agreement will be liable for complete or partial failure to fulfill any of its obligations under the Agreement if such failure is a consequence of circumstances completely beyond the control of the Parties and arising in the contract territory.
6.2. The Party for which the fulfillment of obligations has become impossible must notify the other Party in writing of the beginning, expected duration and termination of the above-mentioned circumstances immediately, but no later than 10 (Ten) days from the time they began.
6.3. Failure to notify or untimely notification deprives the Party of the right to attribute cases to the above-mentioned circumstance as a basis for exemption from liability for failure to fulfill obligations.
6.4. If the impossibility of full or partial fulfillment of obligations continues for more than 15 (fifteen) days, the Parties have the right to terminate the Agreement in whole or in part without the obligation to compensate for possible losses, including costs (expenses) of the other Party.