Severe itching. Why the body itches in different places: causes and treatment

Itching is a specific uncomfortable sensation in the upper layers of the epidermis that occurs in response to irritation of nerve receptors. Itching occurs in response to external or internal irritants and, according to some scientists, is a type of pain. Our article will tell you why itching may occur and what to do in such cases.

There are many criteria for assessing itching: by localization, intensity and nature of occurrence. For correct diagnosis and treatment, it is also very important to determine the accompanying symptoms: rash, peeling, hair loss in this area of ​​the body, as well as the formation of cracks and wounds.

Itching is divided into the following categories:

  • Localized when a certain place itches. This can be the scalp, elbow and groin folds, the anus (anal itching), perineum and other parts of the body.
  • Generalized, in which itching occurs throughout the entire body at once. May indicate the presence of tumors, diseases of internal organs, hormonal imbalance, allergies and mental disorders.

The frequency of occurrence of itching of any location is also important. Usually, with constant itching, other alarming symptoms occur: insomnia, irritability, soreness and hypersensitivity of the skin. If your body itches, there is a high risk of scratching and infection in the wounds.

You should definitely visit a dermatologist, even if the itching occurs without rashes or redness. The doctor can recommend local painkillers, and, if necessary, schedule a consultation with more specialized specialists: an allergist, immunologist or endocrinologist.

Causes of itching without rashes

Most dermatological diseases manifest themselves as rashes of various types. At the same time, there is a certain category of diseases in which there are no skin rashes or they manifest themselves only slightly. Usually the skin on the body itches under the influence of the accumulation of toxins and histamines in the upper layers of the epidermis, and there may be several reasons for such phenomena.

The main factors influencing the appearance of itching:

  • Overdrying of the epidermis due to temperature fluctuations, lack of moisture, or under the influence of external negative factors.
  • Fungal infections of various localizations.
  • Liver and kidney diseases. In this case, the body is susceptible to intoxication by metabolic products.
  • Side effects after taking certain medications.
  • Negative reaction of the body to stress or deterioration of mental health.
  • Hormonal imbalance occurs especially often during pregnancy.
  • An allergic reaction of the body upon contact with plant pollen, chemicals or toxins.

On the mucous membranes, itching most often occurs with fungal infections (a common example is thrush in women), with some sexually transmitted diseases or bactericidal inflammation of the skin. In these cases, additional symptoms are added to the main symptom: mainly a rash, the nature of the itching (usually in the evening and at night), as well as fever, weakness and changes in blood counts. If itching appears without a rash, you should look for other causes.

What diseases does itchy body skin indicate?

Skin itching without the appearance of rashes may indicate a high content of toxic substances in the blood. These may be metabolic products that are not excreted from the body due to liver or kidney dysfunction. This kind of itching is often called toxic, and it will go away only after the main problem is eliminated.

During pregnancy, complaints of itchy skin are also common. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, stretching of the skin due to an enlarged abdomen, as well as purely psychological discomfort.

What diseases can cause severe itching:

After taking certain groups of medications, persistent itching may also occur. Usually, no specific treatment is required in this case; the unpleasant symptom will go away after stopping the drug. Most often, medications based on the hormone estrogen (including contraceptives), erythromycin, opium drugs, anabolic steroids, acetylsalicylic acid and its derivatives can boast of such an effect.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Itching is not the most uncomfortable symptom, but it may indicate more serious problems in the body. For any pathologies, you should consult a doctor, but in some cases this may even become vital.

See a doctor urgently:

  • Against the background of itching, rashes or purulent wounds appeared.
  • The temperature has risen.
  • Itching is accompanied by swelling and star-shaped spots on the body.
  • There is a mental disorder and behavior changes.
  • Breathing is difficult, signs of anaphylactic shock appear.

Only a doctor can determine what this may be and the appropriate treatment. Itching is not a separate disease, but only a symptom, so the patient will not get better with temporary measures. If the problem is dry skin, using moisturizers will eliminate the problem, but most often constant itching is a sign of more serious pathologies.

How to help yourself if your whole body itches but there is no rash

Home methods for eliminating such discomfort can be used in extreme cases when, for some reason, seeing a doctor is temporarily unavailable.

To help relieve severe itching:

  1. A contrast shower will help relieve the itching for a while.
  2. A warm bath with medicinal herbs will also help relieve discomfort.
  3. If the itching area is small, you can apply an ice pack or a wet wipe.
  4. Cooling creams with menthol are also used, but only on areas without wounds or rashes.
  5. Mild sedatives (valerian, motherwort tincture) will help get rid of nighttime itching.
  6. To humidify the air in the room, use steam or a proven method - drying wet clothes on a radiator.
  7. If you experience night itching, you can wear soft gloves on your hands to avoid scratching the skin.

All these measures will help relieve itching if there is no rash. In case of skin reactions, you should definitely go to a dermatologist without self-medicating. For some diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to limit contact with water for a while, so a relaxing bath can only do harm.

Prevention measures

You can protect yourself from itching in advance. It is enough to follow the rules of hygiene, regularly change underwear and bed linen, choosing the most natural and hypoallergenic fabrics. In winter, it is very important to properly care for your skin, preventing it from drying out and chapping. Daily washing with a warm decoction of herbs, which soften and soothe inflamed skin, works well. Detergents should be chosen with the most non-allergenic composition.

It is also very important to follow the principles of a healthy diet, give up smoking and alcohol, as well as “harmful” foods: canned and smoked food, sweets with a chemical composition and carbonated drinks. Timely examination by specialists and control over existing diseases will help prevent the development of serious pathologies. In addition, it is imperative to avoid stressful situations and conflicts.

Itching in different places on the body is an unpleasant symptom. It can occur under the influence of various factors and be a sign of serious diseases. Most often, itching occurs due to irritation of nerve receptors in the skin. If the itching is constant or localized, you should definitely visit a doctor to determine the causes of this discomfort.

It is very difficult to answer the question of why there is itching and itching in the vagina. And first of all, because unpleasant sensations are just one symptom from a whole series of accompanying ones that represent the clinical picture. It is a mistake to think that a problem can arise only if you do not maintain hygiene and lead a rather promiscuous sex life. In fact, this is a nightmare for absolutely every representative of the fair half of humanity. A pubescent woman, a blooming girl, a little girl, an elderly lady - everyone can encounter it, only for different reasons.

Severe itching and itching inside the vagina

Typically, women experience itching and burning in the vaginal area, not only inside, but also on the surface of the skin. Moreover, in some cases it spreads to the labia and. All together this causes discomfort, causes anxiety, and knocks you out of the usual rhythm of life. The person becomes angry, anxious, and loses concentration. Sometimes the problem worsens at night, leading to insomnia.

Of course, the symptom cannot be ignored, but the most important thing is to find out why it appeared.

Advice. If you encounter irritating sensations near or inside the vagina, you need to analyze what could have triggered them. What kind of lifestyle have you led lately, what have you eaten, who have you had intimate relationships with, etc. Such information will help you see a possible connection, and the doctor will quickly make a diagnosis.

It is important for every girl, adult or elderly woman to understand one thing: - one of the signs of a huge variety of diseases and disorders, among which there are both quite harmless and life-threatening.

Advice. We will talk about some medications and offer folk remedies. However, if all else fails and you still have severe itching and itching around your vagina, we strongly recommend that you seek specialized help. Games with health lead to sad consequences, which sometimes even modern medicine cannot cope with.

Well, now let's figure out what can cause this unpleasant symptom.

Itching and burning in the vagina

Often, irritation and burning in such a delicate place is part of a whole range of symptoms. It very rarely arises on its own, in almost every case it speaks of more serious problems. Here are the main reasons why itching and burning occurs in the vagina. Note that all of them are conditionally divided into three groups, within which further division occurs: gynecological in nature, pathological conditions and background diseases of the body, and other irritants. First things first.

Gynecological disorders and diseases

Experts distinguish two large subgroups:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the female organs: ovaries, uterus, appendages and the vagina itself. Typically, such diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. For example, thrush. It occurs when the balance of normal microflora on the vaginal mucosa is disrupted, and harmful fungi thrive. It is accompanied by the release of flakes similar to curdled milk, an unpleasant odor reminiscent of mold, and painful sensations during sexual intercourse. This group also includes various colpitis, vaginitis, vulvitis, endometritis, etc. STDs are also from here. You can encounter such a misfortune during unprotected sexual intercourse. Almost all sexually transmitted infections are quite difficult to treat and are accompanied by a whole range of the most unpleasant symptoms: itching, pain and itching near the entrance to the vagina in women, rash, swelling, wounds, etc. Let's name just a few diseases: chlamydia, genital herpes, condylomas, human papillomavirus (HPV), ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc. These also include such dangerous ones as AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, which are known to have a severe course, and some lead to death.
  2. Muscle atrophy, as well as possible tumor processes. Another large subgroup of causes that cause itching and itching inside the vagina. As a rule, they are unfamiliar to young women, arise with age and are closely related to hormonal disorders. These are atrophy of the mucous membrane, kraurosis of the vagina, urogenital fistulas (formations that occur after surgery on the genital organs). The subgroup also includes various benign and malignant tumor processes.

However, not only gynecological problems can cause irritation. Let's talk about the second group - background diseases and pathological conditions of the body.

Somatic diseases leading to burning sensation

The walls of the vagina are covered with mucous membrane, which also suffers from any disturbances within the body. It begins to dry out, becomes thinner, and is attacked by harmful bacteria, which normally do not bother you. Answering the question why it itches inside the vagina, we can name the following diseases:

If we talk about diseases that cause this symptom, they are limited to the listed two groups. But there are other reasons.

Why does itching and itching inside the vagina?

There are so many risk factors that only a doctor can definitely say why the vagina itches after a personal examination and history, as well as after the necessary laboratory tests.

Diagnosis is further complicated by the fact that a third group is added to the listed two groups - which is in no way related to diseases and pathologies.

Itching in the vagina: causes not related to diseases

Causes of itching in the vagina can be, for example, allergic reactions to any irritant that has entered the body or found itself in the external environment. Many women have individual intolerance to certain foods, but it’s not always just them. Allergies and irritation can be caused by synthetic underwear, incorrectly selected intimate care products, or regular soap that a girl uses to wash herself. Often many people think that they are itching inside, but in fact the problem is concentrated only on the outside.

Another point is special female conditions: a certain period of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding, entering menopause and menopause. It is important to understand one more thing: often unpleasant sensations are caused by incorrectly selected hormonal pills or contraceptive suppositories.

Advice. If you decide to use female contraceptives, in particular pills, injections or suppositories, consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist. Such drugs contain hormones, and it is better to choose them wisely than to experience health problems later.

This group of factors also includes: improper diets that depress the general condition of the body, an unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits (alcohol, as is known, dries out the mucous membranes), non-compliance with or ignorance of the basic rules of intimate hygiene.
We have described a whole range of reasons that influence the appearance of the symptom. How to fight the disease and how to treat it? Again, only a specialist will give a definite answer, but we will consider the question in general.

Itching in the vagina: treatment

Treatment of vaginal itching almost always involves an integrated approach. The doctor will start by identifying the causes of the problem, tell you what tests you will need to take and what is needed for an accurate diagnosis, determine what is happening to you, and only then prescribe the necessary medications. However, everyone understands that people often turn to a doctor when they have already exhausted ways to cure themselves. This is a wrong approach that threatens your health. We strongly advise against prescribing medications or taking courses of pills without authorization. The safest thing you can do to help yourself and alleviate the condition is folk remedies. Take and use all other medications only after prescription by a specialist.

How to treat vaginal itching, and what to do if it itches a lot? Douching with chamomile decoction, carried out daily, will help. Instead of this herb, you can take a mixture of calendula and stinging nettle. You can wash the vagina with a soda solution, and at night insert tampons moistened with melted cocoa and fir oils, cooled to human body temperature. Baths with copper sulfate will be useful. People advise lubricating the affected areas with sea buckthorn oil, and at night using a tampon soaked in this substance.

The safest medications are: Ginocomfort gels, Fluconazole and Pimafucin, drugs with antibiotic action such as Acyclovir or Diflucan. Often, the doctor prescribes a medicine that restores the microflora: Ovestin, Acylact, etc. Do not forget that usually the sexual partner also has to be treated. Now you know everything about the disease: why it can appear and how to get rid of vaginal itching before getting help from a specialist. Well, our portal wishes every woman good health, mutual love and a great mood!
Watch the video for a complete picture of the problem:

Itching of the vulva or vagina can occur in any woman at different periods of life, at any age. Most often, redness and itching in the vagina are combined with the appearance of wounds from scratching, and this is already a provoking factor for possible infection by pathogenic pathogens, leading to inflammation with the formation of ulcers.

A healthy woman who observes intimate hygiene should not have any unpleasant sensations, and in the case where burning and itching appears, in no case should you engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, you should urgently undergo examination by a gynecologist. Because treatment with folk remedies without establishing the true cause that caused the discomfort is unacceptable, stupid and reckless. Only a doctor, based on test results, will make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Itching in the vaginal area is not a disease, but only a symptom of a dozen different pathological conditions of the female body, indicating that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the body, the development of some disease. Only by finding out which of them arose in this case can you take action. Without a clear diagnosis based on test results, you cannot use douching or use medications in suppositories, ointments, creams (see how to do it).

This will change the clinical picture and the results of subsequent tests will be false, which may lead to inadequate treatment and worsening of the condition. If a woman experiences itching, white, cheesy discharge, an increase in quantity, or discharge with a fishy odor that lasts more than 3 days, she should definitely consult a doctor. The causes of discomfort can be different - a sexually transmitted disease, an allergic reaction, or the body’s reaction to constant long-term stress.

How to prepare for a visit to the gynecologist?

  • You should not use any medications in the form of suppositories or sprays 1-2 days before the visit
  • You should abstain from sexual intercourse for 1-2 days
  • You should not use antibacterial products for intimate hygiene 1-2 days before visiting a doctor, especially if you douche.
  • On the eve of visiting a doctor, in the evening it is necessary to toilet the external genitalia with regular, preferably baby soap and warm water.
  • It is better not to urinate 2-3 hours before the visit.

The doctor will conduct an examination, take a bacterial culture for anaerobes, aerobes, and fungi, determine sensitivity to antimicrobial agents, and refer you for PCR diagnostics, RIF and ELISA for sexually transmitted infections. In addition, it is advisable to take a stool test for worm eggs and. This must be done to establish an accurate diagnosis. Only on the basis of complaints of vaginal itching, the causes of which are different, the doctor cannot make a diagnosis without additional research.

The main causes of severe itching in the vagina

All possible reasons can be divided into three groups:

  • Gynecological diseases
  • Other external and internal factors

Gynecological diseases

Burning and itching in the vagina are symptoms of almost any infectious process in the genital area. Diseases caused by opportunistic microorganisms - their presence in the vaginal microflora normally does not cause discomfort, but when provoking factors occur, they multiply, which leads to inflammation, these include:

Candidiasis of the vaginal mucosa

This inflammation is caused by the yeast fungus Candida (Candida albicans or Monilia), it is also called thrush, yeast colpitis. In addition to severe itching and burning, it is characterized by thick, abundant, curdled, white discharge ().

Bacterial vaginitis, colpitis, vulvovaginitis

When there is an active growth of opportunistic bacteria in the vaginal microflora, most often gardnerella, in addition to unpleasant itching, can be bothered by E. coli or coccal infections - these infections often occur as mixed ones, that is, candidiasis, gardnerellosis, and others develop infections. Before menstruation, discomfort usually intensifies.

Allergy to sperm

Sometimes married women who have only a single partner experience vaginal itching after unprotected intercourse due to an allergic reaction to the husband's sperm. This happens quite rarely and is manifested by burning, redness, itching of the external genitalia after sexual intercourse. An allergy to sperm, as well as incompatibility between the microflora of husband and wife, can be a serious problem for a married couple, as it causes discomfort in the woman, suspicion of infidelity, and sexually transmitted diseases in each other. However, the irritating component may be the sperm protein itself, as well as possible food products and medications that the beloved man takes. To clarify this cause of itching, you should take special allergy tests for your husband’s sperm.

Sexual infections

There are also a lot of hidden sexually transmitted infections, which may not show any symptoms for a long time, but when the immune system is weakened, with an exacerbation of concomitant chronic diseases or previous viral infections, they manifest themselves as minor discomfort, burning, itching. This is possible even if questionable sexual contact took place a long time ago, and unpleasant symptoms arose much later. These STIs include:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases— The Russian Ministry of Health identifies 5 main sexually transmitted diseases, many of which are common in some southern resort countries: gonorrhea, syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum, chancroid, donovanosis.
  • , which very often has a chronically recurrent nature.
  • Trichomoniasis, which is also characterized by an unpleasant fishy odor and greenish or yellow-green foamy discharge.
  • Ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, such discomfort is also a characteristic feature for them.
  • Genital herpes, in which, in addition to severe itching around the vagina, painful rashes caused by the herpes virus cause concern.
  • Genital warts or genital warts is a viral disease that occurs in the genital area in the form of skin outgrowths, condylomas, the causative agent of which is the human papilloma virus (see).
  • As a complication of STDs, cervicitis, enometritis, and urethritis can occur. Cervicitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix, either due to an STI or occurring after an injury. Endometritis is an inflammation of the uterus; in these diseases, unpleasant sensations in the external genitalia occur due to the release of exudate, which has an irritating effect on the walls of the vagina. Urethritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra, which in addition to itching occurs.

Diseases in older women

The following list of gynecological pathologies is associated with other diseases that may occur in women of reproductive age, but are most often recorded in women over 45 years of age, during menopause:

Kraurosis of the vulva

This is a progressive chronic atrophic process on the mucous membrane and skin of the vulva, associated with age-related changes. This disease is accompanied by dryness, itching at the entrance to the vagina, sclerotic changes in the clitoris, small and large labia, and vaginal stenosis (see).

Atrophy of the vaginal mucosa

Dryness of the vagina, labia and tingling, burning sensation can occur with atrophic processes that appear with age in women. In menopausal women, the glands already secrete much less lubricant, the vaginal mucosa becomes more sensitive, discomfort, pain and itching appear during and after sex. Most often, mucosal atrophy in women begins during menopause, when the vaginal tissue becomes thinner. ( , ). It can also occur against the background of autoimmune diseases (see).

Urogenital fistulas

They can occur after a cesarean section, after childbirth and other gynecological or urological operations. If urogenital fistulas form, this leads to inflammation of the vagina from exposure to urine during urination.

Benign or malignant tumors of the uterus, cervix or vagina

These are polyps, fibroids, fibroids, Gartner's cyst, oncological pathologies of the uterus, cervix, vagina or ovaries ().

Diseases not related to gynecology

Intoxication, which occurs with almost any infectious disease, can affect all organs and systems of the body, including the vaginal mucosa, as well as:

  • Any allergic disease, allergic skin rash, dermatitis in the genital area can cause itching around the vagina.
  • Itching of the genitals can be a symptom of diabetes (see).

If, after visiting a gynecologist, no pathological inflammatory processes are detected in an older woman, no, diabetes mellitus should be excluded; for this, it is enough to take a sugar test ().

Stress, overwork

One of the reasons may be nervous fatigue, depression, stress, or any prolonged emotional overload in particularly sensitive, anxious women. Mental disorders, serious diseases of the nervous system, such as peripheral or central neuropathy, and any other brain lesions can also provoke itching.

Diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland

Impaired thyroid function, liver disease (hepatitis), kidney or blood disease (leukemia), anemia, can affect the entire body, including causing discomfort in the perineum.

Helminthiasis or pubic lice

Sometimes helminthiasis causes unpleasant itching both in the anus and in the vestibule of the vagina, so a test for helminth eggs should also be taken during a comprehensive examination (,). Pubic lice may also contribute to this symptom.

Digestive diseases

Diseases of the digestive system, intestinal dysbiosis, external and internal hemorrhoids, anal fissures, can cause pain, burning and mild itching near the vagina, since the anus and vulva are nearby ().


Cystitis, which is a common disease in women, often combined with sexually transmitted infections, candidiasis and often with pyelonephritis, can also cause itching of the labia and vagina ().

Blood diseases

In the human body, everything is interconnected, that any disease can affect seemingly unrelated organs; a failure in one system causes disruptions in the functioning of the entire organism. Especially if it is an oncological disease, for example, leukemia, lymphagranulomatosis, as well as cancer of the female genital organs, it may even be in its early stage, which does not yet manifest itself symptomatically, but is already having an effect, causing discomfort in the perineum ().

Other reasons

Listed below are external triggers that contribute to the appearance of itching. If, after eliminating them for 3 days, symptoms of discomfort persist, you should definitely visit a gynecologist:

  • With uncomfortable, tight, synthetic, rough, low-quality underwear, a greenhouse effect is created or permanent injury to the perineum occurs.
  • Due to exposure to too low or high temperatures, that is, hypothermia or overheating.
  • External irritants can be various aggressive chemicals, additives, fragrances found in deodorants, soaps, shower gels, pads, toilet paper, tampons, pads, dyes for clothes, washing powders. There can be an allergic reaction to any aggressive substance.
  • A woman may also have an inadequate reaction to vaginal contraceptive pills (see), creams, suppositories.
  • Individual intolerance occurs in some women to the lubrication of condoms, to the lubricants or spermicides with which they are treated, as well as to the latex itself from which they are made, this is the cause of itching in the vagina after sex.
  • Powerful stress and prolonged nervous tension provoke any malfunction in the body.
  • Violation of the rules of intimate hygiene - a woman should wash her external genitalia without soap at least once a day (preferably in the morning and evening), as well as before and after sexual intercourse.
  • Poor nutrition. Addiction to diets (vitamin deficiencies and lack of microelements weaken the immune system, impair the regenerative properties of the skin and mucous membranes, which leads to microcracks), as well as the consumption of semi-finished products and fast food, which are rich in dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, leads to allergic reactions. And also a passion for sweet, spicy, pickled foods can provoke itching.

How to get rid of discomfort?

To get rid of itching in the vagina, first, you should eliminate all possible provoking factors - shower products, hygiene products, washing powder, contraceptives, change underwear, etc. Listen to your body; being attentive to yourself can help in identifying the external cause. If discomfort persists, you should consult a gynecologist.

It is especially important to be examined by a doctor after questionable sexual contact without using reliable methods of protection against infections - condoms. It should be borne in mind that hidden infections, STDs, are very insidious and can manifest themselves a very long time after infection. In the chronic course of these diseases, it is characteristic that itching intensifies during ovulation and menstruation, and decreases after menstruation. Treatment of STDs is carried out only after a final diagnosis - these are antibiotics, immune stimulants, normalizing the microflora of the vagina and intestines, vitamin therapy, and physiotherapy.

Abundant cheesy discharge, burning, itching, intensifying after sexual intercourse or taking hygiene procedures, can also be a sign of which. In our article you can learn about the disadvantages and advantages of all known suppositories for candidiasis.

In the presence of atrophic changes in the mucosa, which arise as a result of a lack of estrogen and are accompanied by dryness, itching and burning of the vagina, estrogen drugs are usually prescribed.

Many recommend supplementing treatment with douching - this is a very controversial issue, since most gynecologists are categorically against any use of potassium permanganate and other solutions. Read more about douching, its harms and benefits, and whether to do it at all in our article.

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Questions and answers on: itching near the anus

2010-02-20 13:27:11

Igor asks:

Answers Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

Good afternoon Igor, it is incorrect to prescribe anthelmintic therapy to you without confirming the diagnosis in a laboratory. You need to take a stool test for helminths three times with a break of 3-4 days, secondly, the examination needs to be supplemented with FEGDS and a blood test for Helicobacter Pylori, since the complaints you indicated can be identified gastroenterological symptoms. After this examination, it will be possible to determine the diagnosis or at least decide on the further direction of the diagnostic search.

2014-05-30 09:14:45

BB asks:

Good day! I am 33 years old. Six months ago I developed a burning sensation in the perineal area. There is mild redness and itching in the inguinal folds on both sides, the same is observed near the anus. There was and is nothing on the penis. 3 months before this there was (protected) questionable sexual contact. In addition, I regularly run, ride a bike and use the public shower.
I took tests for STDs (HIV, chlamydia, treponema) and a smear for fungus - nothing was found. I used clotrimazole for 10 days - it didn’t help.
After the last visit to the doctor, I received bipanten and a recommendation to wash more often. There are fears that it could be herpes, but doctors say that herpes is always accompanied by rashes and is not localized in both inguinal folds.
What could it be? I don’t know if it’s worth going to the doctor again.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Clotrimazole is of no use if candidiasis (fungus) is not detected. Most likely, you wash regularly, so these recommendations are also somewhat vague. Bepanten won't hurt, but it's hard to say how much it will help. I would advise you to contact a dermatovenerologist, because... It’s difficult to speak virtually. Herpes is indeed usually accompanied by rashes, but not always. Have you donated blood using the ELISA test for herpes? Are there any discharges?

2013-08-30 03:52:59

Yetta asks:

Hello!!! I am 20 years old. I have “skin spurs” near my anus - that’s what I call them because I don’t know what they are. Itching sometimes occurs, but not often. I live in Kazakhstan, in the villages, there are no doctors. I don’t know how I could have become infected and what it even is. There were 3 partners, they used protection during sexual intercourse, the “skin appendages” increase in size, but not quickly. I'm worried about what will happen next, how can I remove them!? I don’t have money for expensive products, I don’t know what to do!? I have a new partner, I’m afraid of infecting him, and will these “shoots” continue to grow!?

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello, Etta. The formations you described can be either enlarged, hypertrophied anal fimbriae or genital warts. To make a correct diagnosis, an in-person examination by a qualified proctologist is necessary. Be sure to visit the specified specialist, since in a virtual consultation mode it is still impossible to make an accurate diagnosis in YOUR case, which means it is impossible to give any correct recommendations for treatment.

2013-03-18 11:55:21

Galina asks:

Good afternoon I'm 29 weeks pregnant. Two nodules appeared near the anus (like two peas under the skin), they don’t hurt, there is a little itching. There is no painful sensation during stool. There is no blood. Is this hemorrhoids?? What to do?? There are very few proctologists in the city who look after pregnant women.

2012-12-16 15:58:35

Evgen asks:

I had stomach problems in childhood (weak intestines, immediately after birth I was treated in an infectious disease hospital, staphylococci) I have been periodically experiencing intestinal disorders, diarrhea, or just pain somewhere for a long time. Then it passes. Sometimes there is pain before defecation. Then they are gone for a long time. Small red pimples appeared all over my body, stomach, legs, they don’t hurt and they don’t become more frequent. but they seem to burst. There are circles under the eyes and weight loss. In the summer I was 63 kg. At the beginning of autumn, after stress (the death of a relative and the illness of other relatives), I gained 60 kg. now 58 kg. bad breath. I lost my appetite, or rather it is there, but it’s not pronounced (it used to be better and sharper or something.) I had tachycardia due to nervousness.. From time to time there is pain on the right and left near the ribs, sometimes it seems to radiate from behind. Swelling of the stomach, gases, belching of air after eating. I went to the doctor. underwent tests: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (nothing wrong was found), stool and urine analysis (everything was normal). blood test (also normal), test for disinfection is also normal. (I can’t post the results from my local doctor.) Sometimes there is itching in the anus near the anus, there is no blood, no vomiting, no nausea. The doctor prescribed Subalin and Lactovit, I finished drinking Subolin. I’m still drinking Lactovit. What could it be, how can it be treated? could there be something dangerously complex?

Answers Ventskovskaya Elena Vladimirovna:

Considering the above data, the reason may be the so-called. irritable bowel syndrome. But, in any case, you need a second examination by a gastroenterologist.

2012-05-21 19:00:24

Zoya asks:

Is it possible to make a diagnosis of UC based on only one examination of rectosigmoidoscopy without a biopsy???
I don’t have any blood in my stool, nor do I have frequent urges to dilute. However, during the examination, such a diagnosis was made and sulfasalazine was prescribed, 2 tablets 4 times a day and a Salofalk suppository at night. Sigmoidoscopy revealed erosive formations from fine to 0.5 cm in the rectum and sigmoid colon, all of different shapes. Hypermia and inflamed mucous membrane. The venous pattern was clearly pronounced. And some kind of raid. An examination was carried out down to the lower intestine.
After taking sulfasalosin, my hands began to shake. Heartburn is severe. And after salofalk there was a terrible itching in the anus. Everything was hot. I took the drug for 10 days, after I felt terrible weakness, I saw the remains of a candle in the stool and the stool became somehow greenish, I stopped taking everything. The temperature also fluctuates constantly, but does not rise above 37.2. Now I feel colic like needles throughout my intestines. Everything seems to be baking inside. Ripples of air. When I press on the intestine near the groin it becomes painful, it radiates to the back.
Previously, I had stools up to 20 times a day. Watery. After accepting the smecta, it stopped. Two months later, I ate a cake and felt nauseous, then I vomited all day, and after eating it, I vomited. Afterwards there was nausea, but after taking Motilak the nausea stopped and diarrhea began up to 20 times a day. Watery with foam even. I flew to Egypt (I already had travel packages) and there I drank eneterofuril for two days, then chloramphenicol twice a day, after which the diarrhea stopped, but wild thrush began, which stopped after taking locally produced suppositories.
Arriving home, I went to see a gastroenterologist. He prescribed enterol. I started drinking it. And a couple of times I had repeats of loose stools. Then everything seemed to get better, but I passed a bunch of tests. FGDS (everything is fine), ultrasound too (except for the gallbladder, they said that there is sediment in it). The doctor found Yersinia in very small quantities. They immediately did a second test, but the doctor prescribed me to take Norbactin, I took it for 10 days. After which my back started to hurt. I thought that these were already kidneys. I drank 5 days for two days. After fasting I had another spasm. My lower abdomen ached terribly and I started having diarrhea. It continued 2-3 times. I drank smecta and everything went away. I came for a consultation with a doctor - she said that all tests were normal. there is no Yersinia.
Now I don’t know what to do. Should I continue taking sulfasalazine, which makes me feel bad? Light candles, which also cause pain, or don’t drink anything. I’ve been taking all sorts of different medications for a total of 2 months now. Help