Solarium helps with acne. Will solarium and sunbathing help get rid of acne: reviews. How to avoid adverse consequences

Going to the solarium is a fashionable trend for our women and even men, especially in winter. The solar miracle camera is credited with a lot of useful properties. Indeed, the sun's rays have many beneficial effects on our body. In particular, we notice this clearly on our skin. It becomes smoother in the summer, acquiring a healthier appearance. Considering this, many have decided to try a tanning bed for acne. Moreover, nowadays you can buy a home solarium and sunbathe without leaving your home.

When talking about products that have some effect on the skin, it is impossible to give only positive or only negative feedback in favor or against solariums. It all depends on your individual characteristics. Its active force is UV rays. The same rays that many people protect themselves from in the summer by applying special creams. The properties of ultraviolet radiation are close to the properties of antibacterial agents. They disinfect, that is, kill pathogenic bacteria. It is the pathogenic bacteria that multiply that cause skin inflammation and, as a result, the appearance of pimples and acne.

This is why our skin becomes better in the summer. And it must be said that For many, after going to the solarium, pimples and blackheads, if not completely disappeared, then became smaller in size and less inflamed, that is, less noticeable. Positive results were also noticed after his visit by those who had acne on their face (post-acne). In most cases, such scars smoothed out.

In what cases is it better to refuse a solarium?

Before you run to the solarium, you need to remember that there are conditions under which you cannot use the “artificial sun”.

  1. Excessive UV rays lead to the growth of tumors and various formations. Therefore, if in your family have a predisposition to cancer, better not take risks. For the same reason, you should not expose skin covered with abundant moles and birthmarks to ultraviolet rays, so as not to provoke the transformation of these formations into malignant ones.
  2. Ultraviolet irradiation is contraindicated for people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. Contraindications also include diseases of the kidneys (failure), thyroid gland, hematopoietic and nervous systems.
  3. If your skin is covered hyperpigmented spots or purulent rash, and also, if you have dermatitis or Vitiligo disease, characterized by white spots on the face and body, going to the solarium is extremely contraindicated for you. Dry areas of skin under the influence of ultraviolet light become even more dehydrated, so it can become inflamed and the condition worsens.
  4. Women who are breastfeeding or during menstruation should not visit the solarium.
  5. It is also contraindicated for people with the first skin type: very light, prone to burning and very sensitive to sunlight.
  6. You should definitely consult your doctor if you are taking any medications or using medicinal ointments or creams. Taking antidepressants, hormonal contraceptives, and some painkillers is also a contraindication to visiting a solarium.
  7. It is not recommended to combine artificial and natural tanning on the same day..

It must be remembered that the maximum number of tanning sessions in a solarium should not exceed 15 per month and 50 per year.

Acne after solarium - it happens

If you take into account all the contraindications, you can get the maximum benefit from the solar camera. However, you need to remember that some kind of exacerbation may occur some time after the procedures. Many people have noticed new acne after tanning. What is this connected with? When ultraviolet radiation affects our skin, it becomes rougher and its top layer dies. Dead cells, in turn, clog the pores. This is the reason for the appearance of some new pimples and blackheads. To prevent clogged pores, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of your skin and use cleansing and anti-inflammatory masks regularly.

Let the sun's rays bring only health to your skin!

Many people suffering from acne and pimples will confirm that in the summer they manage to stop the inflammatory process on the skin much faster thanks to a light tan.

What to do if summer is over and the sun rarely pleases with its cloudless shine?

As an alternative, artificial sunlight has long been used, a dosed portion of which can be obtained in a solarium.

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  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

But will this procedure help get rid of acne and how effective is it in combating skin problems?

What effect does the sun have on the skin?

In general, the effect of sunlight on skin condition can be called favorable.

Ultraviolet light has several specific properties that are indispensable in the fight against acne:

  • antibacterial– pathogenic microorganisms die under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, in this sense it is considered as a natural antimicrobial and disinfectant;
  • anti-inflammatory– any inflammatory processes stop faster under the influence of sunlight;
  • drying– inflamed elements dry out faster, and the sebaceous glands reduce the production of their secretions, as a result the oily sheen goes away and the number of reappearing pimples decreases.

The positive properties include a purely visual effect - the skin acquires a pleasant golden hue, which naturally hides spots and small acne scars.

But this effect of sunlight on the skin occurs only at low intensity of its exposure.

Excess ultraviolet radiation can have the exact opposite effect, worsening breakouts.

What is a solarium

Solarium is artificial sunlight.

That is, the same ultraviolet radiation, which can be accurately dosed and received regardless of the time of year and even time of day.

This happens in a special apparatus, which is equipped with many lamps that emit light similar in structure and basic properties to solar light.

Such devices are available for professional and home use.

The power of each is determined by the number and power of lamps.

Professional solariums are produced in three types:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • turbo solariums.

The first two types are determined by the location of the human body inside the device.

The turbo solarium has a special cooling system, which reduces the risk of burns and makes the procedure the safest and most comfortable.

As a cosmetic procedure, solarium is very popular.

It is used not only in pursuit of an even tan, but also for medicinal purposes, for example, as a remedy for acne.

Is it good for acne?

Solariums are often used for acne.

Its benefits are obvious, and everyone who has been helped by this device will agree with this:

  • the rashes dry out quickly;
  • inflammation is relieved;
  • skin becomes less oily;
  • the number of new elements is sharply reduced;
  • can be used for acne on different parts of the body (face, back, butt);
  • helps get rid of acne marks.

Does solarium help with any acne?

Photo: visiting a solarium cannot completely get rid of acne

Unfortunately no. It only dries out small rashes.

  • If the skin condition is more serious, then this procedure may even be harmful. Also, it will not get rid of comedones and will be ineffective against subcutaneous acne.
  • In addition, acne on the face and back often occurs due to internal causes, diseases or hormonal imbalances. Without affecting the source of the rash, the procedure is also unlikely to help. But it can be considered as an addition to the main treatment if the doctor does not find contraindications to its use.

How does it affect acne?

The principle of action of a solarium on acne is the same as that of sunlight, because similar ultraviolet radiation is used.

Its peculiarity is that it penetrates several millimeters deep into the skin. This means that it has not only a superficial effect, which is very important in the case. After all, the infection is located deep in the skin pores.

  • Ultraviolet rays have a bactericidal property, pathogenic microorganisms die, acne goes away. The solarium quickly removes inflamed tubercles; even one or two procedures are enough.
  • With the help of a solarium, you can also remove traces of acne in the form of small scars. The top layer of skin becomes rougher under the influence of UV rays. You just need to choose the right exfoliating products, and soon your skin texture will become noticeably smoother.

But the solarium is powerless against bluish spots after acne.

A tan, of course, will hide them for a while, but they will disappear completely only with the help of means that locally enhance metabolic processes. Ultraviolet light does not have this effect.

Video: “Rules for visiting a solarium”

Safety rules when visiting

Generally, reviews of the use of tanning beds for acne are positive, if people followed the rules for taking the procedures.

This is more important than it might seem at first glance, because the intensity of radiation in the device is much higher than in the open air under the rays of the sun.

So, when visiting a solarium, take into account the following points:

  • before the procedures, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist and identify possible contraindications;
  • hormonal drugs and antibiotics increase skin sensitivity, so it is better not to visit the solarium while taking them;
  • for people with very fair skin, it is better not to take such procedures or reduce their duration by 2-3 times from usual;
  • before visiting the solarium, you should not clean your face or use other aggressive means;
  • on the day of the procedure, refuse any cosmetics, including decorative cosmetics;
  • Before the procedure, take a shower to cleanse the skin of any impurities, including sebum;
  • eyes, hair and mammary glands must be protected during the procedure; the salon staff will tell you how best to do this;
  • After the procedure, apply nourishing cream to the skin;
  • procedures are carried out in small courses (from 5 procedures), the first visit should not last longer than 5 minutes (ideally 2-3 minutes);
  • It is not advisable to take more than 2 procedures per week.

Is it possible for pregnant and breastfeeding women to go to the solarium?

Doctors recommend refraining from procedures during these periods of life.

Questions and answers

Why rashes may appear after the procedure

Sometimes, some time after visiting the solarium, you may notice the appearance of new rashes on the face, back, and chest.

This occurs due to the drying out of the top layer of skin. It becomes rough, and dead cells mix with sebum and clog the pores.

  • To prevent this from happening, you should strengthen control over the cleanliness of your skin and regularly use soft exfoliating masks.
  • It may be better to reduce the time of treatments in the solarium by a few minutes or increase the interval between them (for example, once a week or every 10 days).

Are there any contraindications

Undoubtedly, a solarium is not suitable for every person.

There are several serious restrictions to undergoing these procedures.

Among them:

  • the presence of tumors or neoplasms of unspecified origin;
  • cases of cancer among close relatives (especially skin cancer);
  • the presence of many moles and birthmarks on the skin;
  • bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, as well as a number of diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, and urinary systems (for all existing diseases, you must first consult a doctor);
  • purulent rashes on the skin, as well as skin diseases accompanied by increased dryness of some areas;
  • menstruation period;
  • very light skin that is prone to burning;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • taking certain medications (hormonal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory - consult a doctor).

It is also unacceptable to combine treatments in a solarium with natural sunbathing on the same day.

Neglecting these points can have the most adverse consequences for health, so you should take solarium very seriously.

Why is sunbathing harmful?

Ultraviolet radiation heals only in small doses.

Photo: staying in a solarium for a long time is dangerous to your health

Excess of it can be harmful to health, cause:

  • cataracts and burns of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • severe redness of the skin (erythema);
  • disruptions in the immune system, which in turn lead to the development of cancer, especially their most aggressive form - melanoma (skin cancer).

Therefore, sunbathing is not harmful at all, but staying under ultraviolet rays for a long time is unsafe.

To protect yourself, it is always better to use special products that prevent UV rays from reaching your skin.


So, taking into account the above, we can call a solarium one of the ways to combat acne, if the problem is not severe.

But even in this case, the rules of procedure must be followed.

Solarium can be used as an addition to the main therapy if the doctor believes that it will have a positive effect in your case.

But the procedures should be carried out outside the period of exacerbation.

Before visiting a solarium, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination, since ultraviolet radiation is not indicated for all body conditions and diseases.

Caring for problem skin takes a lot of time and effort. Any means are used: medicines, cosmetics, traditional medicine recipes. In recent years, tanning beds for acne have become especially popular, which, according to advertising, performs a healing function and eliminates cosmetic problems without damaging the skin.

Solarium services are always in demand; people visit it to have an even, beautiful tan at any time of the year. Moreover, many fans of “artificial sun” claim that ultraviolet rays can improve the condition of problem skin and get rid of rashes. Is this really true and does solarium help with acne? There are many points of view on this matter, sometimes completely opposite. Let's try to understand this issue and find out how solarium affects the condition of the skin.

It is no secret that moderate exposure to sunlight has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the epidermis. This is easy to notice in the summer, when even a light tan makes the skin smoother and gives it a beautiful, bronze tint. This effect is provided by ultraviolet radiation. But it is precisely from this that people so diligently protect themselves in the summer, using various creams, lotions and other cosmetics with varying degrees of protection, fearing a destructive effect on the skin. Why does a solarium help?

When visiting a solarium, the light exposure is especially intense. Special lamps that generate alpha and beta rays create powerful radiation that promotes the production of melanin in the superficial layers of the skin. Treatments usually do not take long, and the duration of sessions is strictly controlled, which avoids the risk of burns.

One of the main properties of ultraviolet light is its ability to have an antibacterial effect on human skin. UV rays get rid of some pathogenic bacteria and reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process. In addition, thanks to artificial tanning, sebum production is reduced, acne dries out and becomes less noticeable. As a result, the skin condition improves significantly, minor redness and inflammation disappear and the number of rashes is reduced.

Best of all, a solarium for acne on the face helps to hide skin defects and signs of post-acne. An even tan masks such imperfections, and the skin takes on a healthy appearance that does not require the use of additional cosmetics (foundation, powder).

Benefits and harms

To understand whether it is worth using artificial tanning to treat problem skin, let's consider all the pros and cons.

PHOTO: Benefits of solarium in treating acne

  • The procedure provides a beautiful and even tan and improves the appearance of problem skin;
  • Just a few sessions in the solarium helps the skin adapt to intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation in the summer and serves as a prevention of sunburn;
  • Staying in a solarium ensures the production of vitamin D, which strengthens the skeletal and muscular system;
  • Properly performed procedures help improve immunity and significantly reduce the number of skin rashes;
  • The procedure enhances the production of endorphins (hormones of joy), which helps cope with stress.


Thus, the method has not only positive, but also negative sides and they must be taken into account before starting to fight acne in this way.

In order to achieve the desired effect, you need to properly prepare for the procedure. Before starting a solarium session, you should take a shower and thoroughly cleanse your skin. At the same time, it is not recommended to use face and body scrubs and other traumatic agents. It is enough to remove makeup and wipe your face with a mild toner or lotion that does not contain alcohol. At the salon you will be given a special hair cap and stickers that protect the most vulnerable parts of your body from intense exposure to ultraviolet rays.

The duration of the session directly depends on the skin type, its condition and the number of rashes. On average, it lasts about 10 minutes. The main thing is not to overdo it, so you don’t need to go to artificial tanning treatments more than twice a week.

There is no need to consider a solarium as a panacea for acne. In order for a positive effect to appear, problems with skin condition must be approached comprehensively. It will be useful to review your diet, give up fatty, spicy foods and bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle and follow all the recommendations of your dermatologist.

  1. You cannot treat acne with a solarium if there is a certain predisposition to cancer. In this case, the risk is unjustified.
  2. In addition, the procedure is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, kidney failure, and asthma.
  3. Experts advise those who have many age spots and moles to avoid artificial tanning. Purulent rashes are also a good reason for refusing the procedure. Much depends on the person’s skin type. Those with sensitive or very fair skin do not need to resort to this method of getting rid of acne.
  4. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and girls during menstruation are strictly prohibited from visiting the solarium.
  5. It is recommended to postpone going to the solarium during treatment with antibiotics and antidepressants.
  6. If you are taking contraceptives or painkillers, you should consult a specialist before the procedures. It is necessary to take into account possible restrictions, this will avoid unwanted complications.

Sometimes girls complain that after several sessions of artificial tanning, they have new skin rashes, and old ones have worsened. In some cases, pimples may reappear after a few days or weeks.

This happens because after intense exposure to artificial rays, the skin becomes rougher, and the cells of its upper layer die off. As a result, the pores become clogged, and insidious pimples appear again. In order to minimize unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to take a hot shower or steam in a sauna immediately after tanning.

The appearance of rashes after the procedure can be caused by improper skin care. Cosmetologists recommend going through a facial cleansing procedure a month before going to the solarium. This will help get rid of clogged pores.

On the day of the session, you should refrain from using any cosmetics, since particles of cosmetics have a negative effect on the skin, which provoke inflammatory reactions under the intense influence of UV rays. There is no need to skimp on special tanning products. Properly selected creams or lotions will help in the fight against hated acne.

The question of the positive effect of solarium on problem skin remains controversial. Inflammations on the skin can be caused by a variety of reasons, both internal and external. Therefore, a solarium can only partially help in the fight against skin rashes. Artificial tanning will improve the condition of the skin, but this effect is not permanent. However, a solarium may be recommended as an addition to the main treatment. You need to increase the duration of tanning sessions gradually. Beauty salon consultants will help you in this matter.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that solarium is a fairly effective accompanying remedy in the fight against acne. It will be most effective against small formations or post-acne marks. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each person, existing contraindications and side effects.

Artificial tanning sessions in moderate quantities, with proper preparation and procedure, will help make the skin more even and beautiful, and hide minor imperfections. However, you should not hope to get rid of serious problems with just one solarium. The treatment of any disease must be approached comprehensively and all possible consequences taken into account.

The outstanding ancient healer Paracelsus said that every effect on the body can be poison and medicine. The dose makes it one way or the other. So does a solarium for acne: in moderate amounts, ultraviolet radiation provides a beautiful, even tan, but in excess it harms the skin. Dosed irradiation from UV lamps, unlike the sun, does not contain the dangerous short-wave part of the spectrum. But is this pleasant way to get rid of acne suitable for everyone?

Solarium - a safe replacement for natural tanning

Proponents of a healthy lifestyle have proclaimed the sun, air and water to be their best friends. In addition, the famous Frenchwoman Coco Chanel introduced the fashion for tanning in Europe about 100 years ago. In recent decades, a beautiful chocolate body color and bronze complexion have become signs of success in life and good material well-being.

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, melanin is synthesized in the skin; the more of it, the darker the shade. UV rays stimulate the proliferation of melanocytes, which then migrate to the outer layers of the skin. With low lamp power, for example in a home tanning salon, it will take longer to tan. Professional solariums are more powerful; in addition, specialists select a combination of lamps to achieve a certain effect.

A significant difference between a solarium and natural sunlight is the use of only the safe part of the entire wave spectrum. Irradiation is strictly dosed, which means it does not harm the skin.

General information about the solarium:

  • Powerful lamps emit ultraviolet light in the long and medium wave range (UVA and UVB).
  • Blue, pink-white and greenish-blue lamp colors are determined by the predominant type of radiation.
  • Long-wave rays are considered the safest and have a gentler effect on the skin (they make up 90% of the solar spectrum reaching the Earth’s surface).
  • Mid-wave radiation is more “hard” and forms a tan faster, but it does not last long.
  • The combination of UVA and UVB reflects the coefficient; the closer it is to 1, the greater the proportion of “soft” rays.
  • Solariums are produced horizontal and vertical. Turbo solariums are equipped with a cooling system.

Ultraviolet radiation and problem skin - harm or benefit?

The positive effect of tanning is easy to explain, because even a layman knows about the harmful effects of UV rays on pathogenic microbes. The answer to the question of whether solarium helps with acne is data on the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the causes of the appearance of these same acne.

Many people remember the expression: “If the sun is in the room more often, then the doctor comes in less often.”

A solarium really helps solve some skin problems, namely, it reduces the activity of microflora. Antibacterial ointments and benzoyl peroxide have a similar effect. The benefit of a solarium for acne on the face is getting rid of pathogenic microbes. But this is not the only beneficial effect of ultraviolet radiation on problem skin.

Under the influence of UV rays, sebum production decreases. Together with the antibacterial effect of the solarium, this effect turns out to be a decisive factor in the fight against acne.

A solarium will not help get rid of acne if it appears as a result of hormonal disorders, internal diseases, or allergies. The effect will be temporary, at first the elements of the rash will be less noticeable, then the skin will return to its original state. If acne appears after a solarium, this is not necessarily a consequence of the procedure. Although the adverse effects of UV rays on the skin cannot be ruled out.

Important to know! Irradiation activates oxidative processes in the skin, which leads to early aging and malignant degeneration of cells.

The cause of acne after tanning or relaxing on the beach is often the skin's reaction to insolation. After visiting a tropical resort, sun acne sometimes appears due to an unfavorable combination of sunlight and other climatic factors.

You shouldn’t completely give up beach holidays and solariums. Tanning is fashionable, prestigious, beautiful. In addition, the production of vitamin D is stimulated, and the skin better performs its protective functions. Prolonged exposure to radiation and burns that occur under the influence of an excessive dose of ultraviolet radiation should be avoided. We must always remember the statement of Paracelsus given at the beginning of this article. You can visit the solarium twice a week, but do not succumb to addiction to ultraviolet radiation - tanorexia.

How to use a solarium correctly - 5 useful tips

  1. Remove makeup, take a shower, thoroughly cleanse your face and body of dirt and excess sebum.
  2. In a solarium booth, eyes, hair and mammary glands should be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist about the effect of the procedure on moles and other skin growths.
  4. Dose insolation according to your skin type and sensations (no more than 10–14 minutes).
  5. After completing the procedure, use a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Pimples and acne are the most common cosmetic problem that does not in any way affect health and well-being, but can greatly undermine self-esteem and disrupt an individual’s social interaction with others.

How to deal with it

A great variety of ways to combat them have been proposed. But it just so happens that most of these methods are either traumatic for the skin (for example, cleansing) or can cause side effects (the use of local antibiotic-based drugs). And here you should also remember that in place of healed acne, dark spots remain that need to be masked with decorative cosmetics.

One of the options for treating acne is visiting a solarium, which can successfully replace solar radiation in winter, which is so necessary for our entire body. Let's figure out how to sunbathe in a solarium to get rid of acne, and what needs to be done to prevent acne from appearing in larger quantities after a solarium than before.

Video: Rules for tanning in a solarium

How does ultraviolet work?

Its effect on the skin is multifaceted. The changes that occur after several visits to the solarium can lead to a significant improvement in the appearance of the skin, but can, on the contrary, aggravate the course of acne. Let's see how it works.

Ultraviolet rays, on the one hand, are destructive to bacteria, and on the other hand, stimulate the body's defenses. Therefore, the number of microorganisms that lead to the appearance of blackheads and acne on the skin and in the ducts of the sebaceous glands decreases, and the body’s ability to cope with them without developing local inflammation increases. In this way you can get rid of acne on the face, back and other parts of the body. But you can get this effect only in cases where the sessions in the solarium are short.

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays has two adverse effects:

  • the skin becomes dry, and this often leads to activation of the sebaceous glands and more active formation of comedones;
  • the skin thickens, which on the one hand makes the body less susceptible to sunlight, and on the other hand leads to a narrowing of the mouths of the sebaceous glands and, again, the appearance of comedones.

From all of the above, we can conclude: it helps to get rid of acne if you do not chase the “darkest tan.” You can consult with the administrator of the tanning studio for advice on how many minutes you can spend in the solarium in order to remove acne. Or you can start visiting with 3-minute sessions 1-2 times a week, which can then gradually be increased to 5 minutes 2-3 times a week.

Aesthetic effect

Thanks to the solarium, you can not only get rid of acne. A light tan will also allow you to:

  • hide acne marks;
  • even out skin tone so much that you can do without foundation;
  • rid the skin of the face of a bluish or greenish tint, which usually occurs in very pale people;
  • give your skin a healthy look.

How to avoid adverse consequences

Video: Psychological addiction to solarium

Photos before and after