Reasons for men to sweat a lot. Causes and treatment of severe sweating in men. The origin of the disease plays a role

Sweating is a natural physiological process that helps the body regulate body temperature and metabolic processes. Every day a person produces about half a liter of sweat, depending on the conditions in which he is, but sometimes severe sweating is observed in men, the causes of which can be very diverse.

Since sweating is associated with the functioning of the body as a whole, excessive sweating in men can be triggered by natural factors, such as:

  • regular consumption of alcohol in large quantities;
  • overeating;
  • eating spicy and high-spice foods;
  • being constantly at high temperatures;
  • taking certain medications and herbal infusions;
  • psychological or physical stress.

In such situations, sweating in quantities greater than normal is understandable and can be resolved by eliminating these factors.

Excessive sweat production is called hyperhidrosis. This medical term is used to refer to a condition where a person “breaks into sweat” for no apparent reason, and the man sweats from little or no physical exertion. Hyperhidrosis can be of two types:

  • diffuse, when profuse sweating in men occurs throughout the body;
  • local, associated with severe sweating in certain areas: palms, under the arms, on the soles of the feet.

This phenomenon brings a lot of inconvenience and difficulties, especially in terms of communication. Indeed, in addition to the damp spots that regularly appear on clothes, a specific smell appears, sometimes very strong. In addition, wet clothes and shoes contribute to the appearance of irritation on the skin and the development of dermatitis, fungi and other diseases that only worsen the situation.

Hyperhidrosis can be triggered by:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • weight gain;
  • illiterate selection of clothes and shoes;
  • emotional overload and other factors.

Each specific cause of excessive sweating in men must be considered separately.

Infection or metabolic failure

Among the causes of heavy sweating in men, especially at night, are bacterial or viral infections that actively manifest themselves in the evening and at night. In this case, sweating is accompanied by chills or fever. This is typical for diseases such as:

  • syphilis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • angina;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • endocarditis;

If you suspect one of these infections, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and begin treatment, since diseases that cause chills and severe sweating have a negative impact on the functioning of internal organs. As a result, there may be complications in the heart, kidneys, nervous system, etc.

Excessive sweating in men can be caused by a malfunction of internal organs. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of additional signs. Thus, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland is accompanied by trembling hands, rapid heartbeat, severe weight loss, and nervousness. Hypoglycemia is characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood, which can also manifest itself in hand tremors from weakness, lethargy and constant fatigue.

Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by thirst, weakness, and vascular dysfunction.

Neurological diseases such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, autonomic dysreflexia, as one of the symptoms, are characterized by excessive sweating, which also affects the face.

In case of kidney disease, the excretion of water from the body is impaired, which it tries to compensate for by sweat glands. Most often, the greatest sweating occurs at night.

Neoplasms often provoke the development of hyperhidrosis in men, which is associated with impaired cell function. This symptom should be paid attention to when it is accompanied by weakness, fatigue, and a tendency to bleeding and infections. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor, who, after examination, can make a diagnosis or rule out a serious pathology.

Sex hormones play an important role in the fact that a man sweats a lot. This problem arises especially often after the age of 50, when the secretion of testosterone decreases and the function of the gonads gradually fades. Other signs are also observed:

  • erectile dysfunction and decreased libido;
  • decreased intensity of hair growth, including on the face;
  • deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue, primarily in the abdominal area;
  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands and the appearance of pain;
  • reduction in testicular size;
  • decreased muscle strength and decreased bone density, which characterizes greater susceptibility to fractures;
  • the appearance of “hot flashes” accompanied by heat and sweating.

This process may be accompanied by psychological changes:

  • the appearance of irritability and decreased self-confidence;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decreased concentration and memory.

This process is irreversible, as it is associated with the restructuring of the body. In this case, the symptoms can be weakened, but not eliminated.

A similar situation arises in adolescence, when a guy experiences discomfort due to the active work of the gonads, as a result of which his body changes. This process may be accompanied by impaired sweat secretion functions, including excessive sweating.

Legs, arms, armpits

With local hyperhidrosis, a man does not sweat profusely throughout his body. It is concentrated in certain areas, appearing only there and is accompanied by the release of a strong odor.

The most active area in this regard is the legs. This can be caused by shoes made of artificial materials, fungal foot disease or hormones. In the latter case, it is almost impossible to get rid of the problem, but you can only weaken its manifestation.

A factor explaining why armpits sweat a lot is the presence of a large number of sweat glands in this area. They actively work, performing the function of heat exchange. Their activity can only be limited surgically, however, this can have negative consequences for the entire body. The use of deodorants helps control this process, but do not forget about the rules of hygiene.

Sweaty palms are more common among people who are nervous before an important event or meeting. The cause is often psychological, but can sometimes be a symptom of a disease characterized by metabolic disorders.

Diagnosis and treatment

What action should be the first when answering the question: what to do? First of all, an examination is needed to help identify the reason why a man sweats a lot. Having found out the cause, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment that will eliminate the source of the problem.

If excessive sweating is caused by lifestyle or work environment, the process of eliminating it will be determined by these factors. First of all, this is compliance with hygiene rules:

  • regular rinsing in the shower;
  • change of clothes;
  • wearing clothes and shoes made from natural materials;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • rational nutrition;
  • getting rid of excess weight and others.

Using deodorants and other products can also help reduce the symptoms of hyperhidrosis and control sweating. Today, the range offered is so wide that every major company has its own men's line. This is due to the fact that the physiological processes in men are somewhat different from women’s, therefore the composition of the products is also different. The most effective in the fight against hyperhidrosis are deodorants containing aluminum salts.

For hyperhidrosis of a psychological nature, a good remedy is contrast douches, which stabilize the functioning of the nervous system and blood vessels. Sedatives may be added to them.

If a man suffers from hereditary hyperhidrosis, he may seek treatment. Today it can be as follows: the use of medications, the use of physical therapy, for example, iontophoresis, Botox injections, surgery.

Thermoregulation is carried out in the human body through the function of sweating. Depending on various factors, the process may have different intensity. Many people have a problem - excessive sweating, sometimes with an unpleasant odor. This interferes with normal life, reduces self-confidence, and makes it difficult to communicate with others. Finding out the cause and treating excessive sweating in men is of particular importance for restoring a comfortable life and increasing self-esteem.


Like most pathological processes, excessive sweating has its reasons. In a professional environment, doctors use the term hyperhidrosis for this phenomenon. The prerequisites for its occurrence can be divided into several groups. The first of these is the presence of diseases. Heavy sweating can accompany the following diseases:

  • infectious, viral lesions;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • kidney pathologies, in which it is difficult to remove urine from the body;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • neurological diseases;
  • imbalance of hormones;
  • tumor processes;
  • poisoning and intoxication;
  • obesity.

In men, sweating may increase when in stressful situations. Panic, sudden fear, increased nervousness, strong emotional excitement and anxiety provoke profuse and frequent sweating.

Domestic reasons can lead to a similar result:

  • high, uncomfortable temperature indoors or outdoors;
  • clothing made of synthetic or dense fabrics that prevent free access of air;
  • unhealthy diet, when the diet is dominated by fatty foods, with an excess of spices, confectionery, alcohol, sweet drinks with gas, coffee;
  • neglect of hygiene procedures.

Excessive physical activity and stress (sports training, hard work, moving heavy objects) provoke increased sweat production.

Often men's feet sweat - this process causes particular discomfort. The cause may be shoes or socks made of synthetic materials. If the phenomenon is accompanied by itching, this may indicate a fungal infection.

Sweat can be produced intensely if there is a hereditary predisposition. Close male relatives may have similar problems. This is usually severe sweating that occurs in a specific area of ​​the body.

Features of excessive sweating in men

The process of increased sweat secretion in representatives of the stronger sex has several features.

  1. May be sudden. Sweat is produced profusely both during the day and at night.
  2. Depending on the location of distribution on the body, it can be local (in certain places) or generalized (fluid appears abundantly simultaneously in several parts of the body). Local sweating in men is observed in the armpits, groin area, palms, feet, head, back, neck, face.

Types of male hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating in men comes in two types. Experts define it as primary and secondary. The first of these is associated with a hereditary factor. It involves conducting diagnostic studies, analyzing the causes and characteristics of a similar problem in close male relatives.

The secondary type of hyperhidrosis is associated with the development of diseases. If high-quality treatment is carried out, the patient’s unpleasant symptom disappears, sweating returns to normal.

Situations when sweat begins to be produced intensely in men develop as a consequence of diseases in most patients.

Hyperhidrosis as an independent pathology is rarely diagnosed; it requires diagnosis of all organs and systems of the body to determine its true causes.

Which doctor should I contact?

Men suffering from severe sweating often cannot determine which specialist doctor should be contacted if an unpleasant symptom occurs. An initial consultation and diagnostic procedures can be carried out by a general practitioner or dermatologist.

It is logical to contact a specialist in skin diseases if you have additional manifestations:

  • itching;
  • redness;
  • peeling and other changes in the skin.

The therapist, after examining the patient and interviewing him, can refer him for consultation to colleagues with narrow specializations:

  • endocrinologist;
  • nephrologist;
  • neurologist;
  • pulmonologist.

An additional appointment with an infectious disease specialist is possible.


For effective and quick treatment of excessive male sweating, it is necessary to accurately determine which factor became the prerequisite for the onset of the pathological process.

In the clinical laboratory, the patient leaves biological fluids for examination, the doctor will prescribe the following tests:

  • general urinalysis, 24-hour if necessary;
  • blood - general, sugar, biochemistry, hormones, RV;
  • sputum - for the presence of the causative agent of tuberculosis.

The symptoms of diseases that cause hyperhidrosis in men can be determined using diagnostic methods. Their choice and combination depends on the presence of other signs of the disease.

The patient will be advised to undergo:

  • fluorographic examination;
  • radiography;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs;
  • computed tomography.

In some cases, the patient may be prescribed other instrumental diagnostic methods.


The choice of therapy method that will be most effective for a particular patient depends on the results of the diagnosis and confirmed pathologies. Excessive sweating stops when the disease that caused this unpleasant process is cured. For each man, the doctor can prescribe special treatment methods - each remedy is selected individually, its effect is evaluated, and if necessary, the prescriptions are adjusted.

Drug therapy

When it is confirmed that excessive sweating is a consequence of physiological processes, botulinum toxin injections may be recommended. This modern medicine allows you to get rid of the problem in a short time. Its therapeutic effect is based on the ability to temporarily prevent the production of acetylcholine in nerve endings. This substance “starts” the active process of activity of the sweat glands.

A man may be prescribed medications that can regulate the state of his nervous system containing atropine (Atromed, Atropine Nova), sedatives (Corvalol, Validol).


Much attention in treatment is paid to switching to the diet recommended by the doctor. Food should not be hot or overly spicy. Fatty foods should be avoided.

Favorite “male” spices and foods (black and red pepper, onion and garlic, mustard) are prohibited. Any alcohol, coffee, soda, and sweets are also prohibited. It is also recommended to get rid of the smoking habit.


To regulate the activity of the sweat glands, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • galvanization;
  • iontophoresis;
  • electrosleep;
  • therapeutic baths (pine-salt);
  • contrast shower.

Surgical intervention

When medication and physiotherapeutic treatment for the cause of excessive sweating is ineffective, the patient may be recommended surgery.

Local interventions are the safest; they involve a direct reduction in the volume of sweat glands.

For these purposes the following is carried out:

  • excision of skin in the armpit area;
  • removal of adipose tissue from the axillary area;
  • closed armpit curettage;
  • sympathectomy.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can combat excessive sweating with the help of traditional medicine recipes. The use of each product should be agreed with your doctor. The following are recommended effective methods:

  • Infusions and decoctions of herbs for internal use, the recipe may contain natural raw materials with a calming effect - valerian, motherwort, peony, nettle, sage, which are brewed like regular tea and drunk 2 cups a day.
  • Baths and infusions for external use from rose hips, horsetail, elderberry and birch leaves, oak bark.

To prepare the bath, you need to steam 50 g of any of the listed components in 1 liter of boiling water for half an hour. The resulting product is poured into a warm bath, which is taken for 15-20 minutes.

Treatment prognosis and prevention

The effect of therapy is noticeable when its methods are combined with prevention:

  • frequent hygiene procedures;
  • using antiperspirants;
  • wearing comfortable clothes and shoes made from natural materials;
  • avoiding stress and excessive physical activity.

Treatment will be effective when the patient and doctor jointly identified the causes of the pathology and began complex therapeutic actions.

Increased sweating in men is often observed, causing discomfort and unpleasant sensations. Severe sweating throughout a man's body can be caused by stressful situations, overheating of the body, or more serious disorders in the body. It is especially worth paying attention to excessive sweating during sleep, which often signals disorders of certain body systems. Therefore, excessive sweating in men requires timely consultation with a doctor.

Men are prone to increased sweating, but this phenomenon should also be eliminated, because... it brings discomfort to everyday life.

Causes and factors that provoke increased sweating in men

Excessive sweating in men is medically referred to as hyperhidrosis, which occurs for various reasons. All sources of excessive sweating are divided into several groups. The main ones are given by T. Bateneva in his work “Maintenance of the active man’s body”:

  • Household:
    • disturbed temperature in the room - more than 23 degrees;
    • incorrectly selected or unnatural clothing;
    • ignoring hygiene rules;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • impaired dietary nutrition with a predominance of fatty and fried foods.
  • Physiological:
    • excessive body weight, leading to endocrine pathologies;
    • andropause, characterized by a decrease in testosterone production;
    • profuse sweating during exercise;
    • stress and emotional overload, which provoke increased sweat production;
    • predisposition to the development of hyperhidrosis.
  • Diseases of various systems:
    • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
    • diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2;
    • pheochromocytoma and other neoplasms of a malignant and benign nature;
    • Cushing's syndrome;
    • Parkinson's disease;
    • neurosyphilis;
    • tuberculosis;
    • HIV infection;
    • malarial lesion;
    • mycosis of different localization.

If the causes of heavy sweating in men lie in diseases, then the patient will also experience other symptoms.

Types of hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating in men appears at different ages and varies symptomatically. Hyperhidrosis can occur during the day or bother you during sleep. Some men sweat a lot in their armpits, while others sweat in their head, legs, chest or other parts of the body. Taking into account several criteria, hyperhidrosis in men is divided into several types, shown in the table.

Classification View Peculiarities
According to distribution on the skin Generalized Most of the body becomes wet and cold
Blue discoloration of the lower and upper extremities
Secondary infection by fungi and bacteria
Unpleasant odor of sweat caused by decomposition products
Local Axillary Man suffers from sweat under his arms
Palmar Excessive sweating of the palms
Plantar Increased sweat production in the feet
Craniofacial Sweating of the head, face and neck
Perineal Unreasonable sweating of the groin area
Due to the occurrence Primary Adolescent boys and young men suffer from sweating due to genetic predisposition
Secondary Associated with various pathological conditions, more often observed in adult men

What to do if you sweat?

Before treating male hyperhidrosis, the root cause of the disease should be found out.

After determining the cause of increased sweating in men, it is necessary to undergo comprehensive treatment. Dermatocosmetologists recommend reducing bouts of sweating with the help of medications or folk remedies. The guy must follow the rules of hygiene and use high-quality hygiene products throughout the course of treatment and after it.


In men, excessive sweating is eliminated using pharmaceutical products that the doctor prescribes for each patient individually. If the head or other parts of the body sweat a lot, then medications are prescribed, including formaldehyde, belladonna and sedatives. The medication prescribed depends on the severity of the problem and its cause. Medicines used in the treatment of excessive sweating in men are available in the form of ointments, gels, tablets or capsules and are accompanied by detailed instructions for use. The following ointments help with excessive sweating:

  • "Formidron";
  • Teymurova pasta;
  • "Formagel".

Tablet medications for excessive sweating include:

  • "Bellaspon";
  • "Belloid".

A drug with a sedative effect will reduce a man’s mental stress and eliminate sweating. They are prescribed by a doctor if sweating is caused by constant stress, depression, or an unstable emotional state. It is not recommended to prescribe medications on your own, since such treatment will not help get rid of the problem, but can also aggravate it.

Skin care

To eliminate odor and excess moisture due to hyperhidrosis, use talc, pads, antiperspirants or deodorants.

To avoid excessive sweating in men, it is important to follow general skin care rules. A man should use cosmetics that do not irritate the skin and not only eliminate the smell of sweat, but also reduce its amount. Among such products, cosmetologists highlight:

  • Antiperspirants. These drugs are more often used for sweating in the armpit. They contain triclosan and farnesol, which fight secretions.
  • Deodorants. Therapeutic deodorants eliminate frequent sweating and fight bacteria.
  • Cosmetic talc. Similar in effect to antiperspirant. Such powders are also used if there is severe sweating of the feet in men.
  • Special linings. They are glued to the inside of clothes and absorb moisture.

Men sweat more than women. This is due to the structure of their body. Indeed, due to the fact that representatives of the stronger sex have long been entrusted with the function of hunters and protectors, there are a larger number of sweat glands on their bodies. Because of this, on average a man’s body secretes about one liter of sweat per day. And this is under absolutely comfortable conditions and a calm state. With increased physical activity in the hot season, this amount can be four or more times greater. However, if excessive sweating constantly haunts a person, then such a pathological phenomenon may indicate the presence of serious diseases. Therefore, it is important to promptly determine the cause of heavy sweating in men.

Types of excessive sweating

Sweating in reasonable amounts is completely normal. This process performs several important functions. Among them are the removal of toxins, thermoregulation, prevention of infectious skin invasion, as well as participation in acid-base metabolism. But if sweat is produced in excessively large quantities, then this is a serious reason to think about the state of your health.

Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. It is characterized by overly active work of the glands in a calm state and at normal temperature.

Hyperhidrosis is divided into types according to several parameters. One of them is the cause of sweating.

Types of hyperhidrosis:

  1. Hyperhidrosis of the primary type is a congenital disease. It is inherited. It is completely impossible to cure it. However, with the help of modern techniques, it is possible to minimize the symptoms of this problem;
  2. Secondary hyperhidrosis is a symptom of various types of diseases. When the underlying disease is cured, sweating disappears.

Sweating also varies depending on location. There is general and local hyperhidrosis. In the first case, all parts of the body sweat, and in the second, only certain areas.

With local hyperhidrosis, the following areas usually sweat: armpits, head, palms, feet, face and neck. That is, those places where there is an increased accumulation of sweat glands.

What inconveniences does hyperhidrosis bring?

Hyperhidrosis of any type is a very unpleasant condition. It causes discomfort to the patient and brings certain inconveniences. Therefore, it is imperative to fight it. Why sweating is unpleasant:

  • When you sweat excessively, sweat drips down. It gets absorbed into clothes. Because of this, stains appear on things. A person’s appearance suffers from this;
  • Sweat can irritate your skin. This may cause rashes, redness and itching;
  • Men's sweat smells stronger than women's. Therefore, with hyperhidrosis, the unpleasant odor sometimes cannot be hidden even with deodorant.

Sweating makes a man feel insecure. This can cause a drop in self-esteem.

Causes of excessive sweating

Excessive sweating in men can occur for various reasons. However, some of them can be hazardous to health. Therefore, it is important to promptly determine why hyperhidrosis occurs. Hormonal imbalances are one of the common causes of this unpleasant condition. They can be caused by both natural processes and various pathologies. Hyperhidrosis may also occur due to the presence of various diseases. At the same time, there are very dangerous diseases expressed in sweating.

There are also external causes of profuse sweating in men. It is not difficult to deal with such a problem. It is enough to simply eliminate the negative factor that causes it. Determining the cause of hyperhidrosis in men is very important. After all, the way to combat this problem depends on this. At the same time, for a number of diseases that can cause sweating, the speed of diagnosis is very important. Treatment of such pathologies has the most positive prognosis in the early stages.

Primary hyperhidrosis

Primary hyperhidrosis is a disease that has no known cause. It occurs at the genetic level and is inherited. It is worth noting that this pathology is not particularly common.

Hyperhidrosis, of course, causes serious discomfort to its owner. However, this type of sweating is not life-threatening. It is not easy to distinguish from the secondary type of this problem. However, there are several symptoms that will allow you to do this.

Symptoms of congenital hyperhidrosis:

  1. The main sign is the fact that sweating in this case does not occur suddenly. It manifests itself already in childhood or adolescence;
  2. There is no excessive sweating during sleep. That is, compared to a healthy person, of course, sweating is stronger, but compared to daytime symptoms it is weaker;
  3. During the daytime, sweating increases. A person sweats noticeably even in a calm state;
  4. As physical activity increases, sweating also increases. Also, more fluid is released in a state of psycho-emotional stress.

Primary hyperhidrosis occurs due to two factors. However, this difference does not affect either treatment or classification of the disease. Causes of increased sweat production in primary hyperhidrosis:

  • The number of sweat glands is significantly increased. However, these elements operate normally;
  • Also, the number of sweat glands may not increase. In this case, excessive sweating is caused by excess sweat production by these centers.

A similar pathology is observed in approximately one person out of a hundred. It can have different severity.

The main difference between primary and secondary hyperhidrosis is that in the second case, sweating increases at night. This property is characteristic of a fairly wide range of diseases.

Is sweating related to testosterone?

Testosterone is the main male hormone. With its insufficient production, increased sweating is observed. This condition can be caused by various factors. One of them is male menopause.

Male menopause is also called andropause. This phenomenon is usually caused by the natural aging of the male body, during which the activity of the hypothalamus is disrupted. This leads to inhibition of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of hormones, including testosterone. As a result of the fact that the main male hormone begins to be produced in smaller quantities, a hormonal imbalance occurs, which affects most organs.

Physiological menopause is observed in only 60% of men. Unlike female menopause, andropause develops quite slowly. That is, testosterone production decreases gradually.

Such physiological processes can occur at different ages. There are early, normal and late menopause. In the first case, symptoms appear at the age of 45, in the second before 60, and in the third after 60 years. You need to understand that impotence is not observed during physiological menopause. Rather, the desire to have an active sex life decreases.

There is also a pathological menopause. In this case, the decrease in testosterone levels does not occur gradually and evenly, but sharply. This leads to a lot of unpleasant symptoms. Often in this case, signs characteristic of female menopause appear. Pathological sweating is characteristic of the second type of andropause. This condition occurs quite rarely. Also, a drop in testosterone can be caused by various diseases. In this case, increased sweating will also be observed.

Signs of decreased testosterone:

  1. In this state, a man's libido decreases. Sexual activity decreases and erections become weaker;
  2. It is also possible to experience pain in the chest area;
  3. The amount of hair on the body decreases. This also applies to the head;
  4. The testicles “shrink” - they decrease in size;
  5. Muscle strength decreases. Bones become less strong. Fractures occur more often;
  6. Also, often when testosterone levels drop, deposits of adipose tissue appear in the abdominal area;
  7. Sometimes symptoms of hot flashes may occur. That is, increased sweating and a feeling of heat appear;
  8. Symptoms from the psycho-emotional side may also occur. Sleep disturbances occur, irritability appears, attention and concentration drop, energy and self-confidence decrease.

Hangovers and sweating

Sweating often occurs due to a hangover. This is due to the fact that ethyl alcohol negatively affects the central nervous system. This problem can also arise due to the body's removal of toxins. This cause of severe sweating throughout the body is quite common in men.

In addition, alcohol intoxication has other characteristic symptoms:

  • General broken condition. A person experiences severe malaise that reduces his ability to work;
  • The reaction to various types of stimuli increases. For example, lights, sounds, smells, etc.;
  • There is irritability. In some cases, outbursts of aggression appear;
  • Decreased brain activity. Concentration is impaired, the person cannot think fruitfully. Problems may arise with solving even the simplest problems;
  • Increased sweating. Feeling hot or cold. Increased body temperature may occur;
  • There is a strong feeling of nausea. In some cases it turns into vomiting;
  • Dizziness or headache may also be present;
  • No appetite;
  • Hand tremors are also characteristic of a hangover. In some cases, trembling may occur in other parts of the body;
  • There is usually a feeling of dehydration.

This condition is harmful to the body. Against this background, hormonal imbalances may also occur. This is typical for alcoholics. Sweating is also common among people who use drugs. In this case, the symptoms are more pronounced.

Diseases that cause sweating

The reasons that a person sweats a lot may also lie in serious pathological processes occurring in the body. Secondary hyperhidrosis is characteristic of a fairly large list of diseases. Therefore, this symptom must be treated extremely carefully.

Why does a person sweat a lot?

  1. This condition is typical for disruptions in the endocrine system. This problem can occur against the background of diabetes, malfunction of the pancreas and other hormonal diseases;
  2. Various pathologies in the central nervous system can also manifest themselves with this symptom. Moreover, these diseases are characterized by asymmetrical sweating. That is, only one side of the body can sweat;
  3. Obesity is another common cause of sweating. In this state, the body spends more energy on any physical activity. Also, excess weight leads to disruption of thermoregulation;
  4. A man suffering from heart disease will also sweat. A symptom of a pre-infarction condition is increased sweating on the left side of the body;
  5. Excessive sweating also occurs with various viral diseases. This symptom is characteristic of both influenza and HIV infection;
  6. Hyperhidrosis also occurs in diseases of bacterial etiology. For example, profuse sweats are one of the main symptoms of tuberculosis;
  7. Sleep apnea also causes increased sweating. This disease is a respiratory arrest during sleep;
  8. Diseases like allergic rhinitis and asthma also lead to excessive sweating;
  9. Tumors of benign and malignant types are another cause of sweating;
  10. Poisoning is also expressed by hyperhidrosis. With the help of increased sweating, the body removes toxins;
  11. Sweating can also occur due to kidney disease. This organ removes most of the excess fluid from the body. If he cannot cope with this, then his functions are partially taken over by the sweat glands;
  12. A diseased liver also causes hyperhidrosis. This is due to the fact that in this state, toxins are less readily removed from the body.

These are the most common conditions that cause signs of hyperhidrosis. It is worth noting that as the temperature rises, sweating will always be present.

External causes of sweating

Sweating can also be caused by external factors. This happens when a person does not follow basic rules. Unfavorable factors that cause sweating:

  • Stress can cause temporary hyperhidrosis. Moreover, the more nervous a person is, the more pronounced this manifestation;
  • Severe sweating can occur due to improper nutrition. This can be facilitated by the consumption of unhealthy foods, incorrect meal times, and overeating;
  • Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules also causes increased sweating. This happens especially often if a man does not wash regularly or wears dirty clothes;
  • Also, this problem can arise due to taking medications that cause sweating, as well as reduce and increase temperature. To check this, you just need to look in the instructions for the action of these drugs and their side effects;
  • Clothing and shoes made from synthetic materials can also contribute to this problem. They interfere with normal air circulation, which causes sweating;
  • Excessively high temperatures outdoors and indoors can cause sweating. In this case, such a phenomenon is a sign of normal thermoregulation of the body;
  • People also sweat a lot during physical activity. For example, very heavy sweating can be noticed among athletes in the gym.

Is it possible to determine its cause by smell?

An unpleasant odor of sweat can also occur in the normal state of the body. However, this does not happen immediately, but after a significant period of time has passed after the secretion is released. After all, the sweat of a healthy person smells practically nothing.

If some pathologies occur in the body, then sweat may have a specific odor even when excreted. Some specialists can even determine from this sign what pathology a person has.

What different smells of sweat indicate:

  1. Smells of rotten fruit or acetone in sweat may indicate the presence of diabetes. This symptom occurs because too much glucose not processed by insulin enters the blood. Because of this, various decomposition products are formed, including acetone.
  2. The sour smell of sweat can occur due to pathological processes in the nervous system, as well as due to the fact that the body lacks vitamins and other useful microelements. This problem is a consequence of poor nutrition, excessive physical and emotional stress, and insufficient rest.
  3. The smell of urine is a characteristic sign of kidney disease. This pathology is also accompanied by unhealthy skin color, lethargy and dry mucous membranes.
  4. In some cases, a liver odor may appear. He says that the patient has liver problems. In this case, yellowing of the skin, belching, sour smell in the mouth, etc. are observed.
  5. The smell of spoiled beer indicates the presence of tuberculosis. This disease is also accompanied by cough, loss of appetite, irritability and sudden weight loss.
  6. A very characteristic symptom of typhoid fever is the smell of fresh bread. This pathology is very dangerous and requires immediate medical intervention.

Treatment of sweating

Treatment of excessive sweating in men largely depends on its causes. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine the factor that caused hyperhidrosis.

To diagnose the disease, the patient must contact his physician. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations, and, if necessary, refer you to a specialist.

Depending on the disease that caused hyperhidrosis, treatment is prescribed. Drug therapy is usually used. However, in some cases, physical therapy and surgery are used. There are also methods to eliminate primary hyperhidrosis. Among them, Botox, iontophoresis and surgery are especially popular.

Rules to help reduce sweating

To get rid of sweating caused by external factors, you need to follow a few simple rules. They will be useful in the presence of secondary and primary hyperhidrosis. Rules to follow to cope with sweating:

  • Create optimal temperature and humidity in the room. The room should not be warmer than 22 degrees. The best humidity parameters are considered to be 50%;
  • Dress for the season. Wear things made from natural fabrics;
  • Take care of your personal hygiene. You should shower at least once a day. You also need to change your underwear daily and wash your clothes frequently;
  • Eat right. Avoid spicy, hot and smoked foods, as well as sweets, coffee and alcohol;
  • Don't pass it on. Eat no later than three hours before bedtime;
  • Normalize your sleep. Adequate rest and proper daily routine are the key to health;
  • Avoid stressful situations. People with an overly temperamental character should take up yoga.

Folk remedies for sweating

If the causes of sweating in men are such that it is not possible to completely eliminate this symptom, then their treatment will be based on eliminating the symptoms. To do this, you can use various folk methods. For example, you can take a bath with a decoction of oak bark or string. You can also use homemade anti-sweating remedies made from cornstarch and essential oils. If sweating is caused by stress, then herbs with a sedative effect will help get rid of it. It could be lemon balm, motherwort, valerian or mint.

Excessive sweating in men can be a symptom of a variety of diseases. Therefore, if such a problem occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Listen to your body and be healthy!

Most men suffer from sweat, but there are some who suffer from sweat the most, so it is very important to know why excessive sweating occurs in men - causes, treatment. Sweating is one of many natural physiological processes that occur in the body; its main function is to protect the body from possible overheating, as well as to maintain normal body temperature.

Excessive sweating in men may occur against the background of physical activity, with strong excitement, or in hot weather. Pathological excessive sweating in men is called hyperhidrosis. With this disease, excessive sweating is possible with minimal excitement, and sometimes it appears for no apparent reason.

It is worth noting that hyperhidrosis causes great moral and physical discomfort to a person; in some cases, this disease can lead to major social problems. There are several types of excessive sweating:

Primary sweating it is implied in the case when its causes cannot be discovered;
Secondary sweating acts as the main symptom of a certain disease, and with the treatment of this disease, the disappearance of this symptom is possible.

Causes of heavy sweating

Sweating is one of the symptoms of infectious diseases, which include pneumonia, malaria, tuberculosis, as well as endocrine diseases (thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus), and nervous diseases.
Obesity also contributes to excessive sweating, usually on hot days.
Excessive sweating in men is caused by an increased level of nervous excitability.
Kidney diseases, as a result of which the processes of formation and filtration of urine are disrupted due to which the body is forced to secrete excess water through its sweat glands.
Excessive sweating is influenced by hereditary predisposition.
Hyperhidrosis can be caused by taking medications (this includes those medications that contain insulin, pilocarpine, acetylsalicylic acid).

How to get rid of excessive sweating?

Initially, it is worth figuring out whether sweating is a pathology. During a long stay in a hot room or climate where humidity and temperature are high, sweating is normal, especially if a man is engaged in physical labor. In the case when increased sweating is accompanied by other symptoms, such as headache, fever, abdominal pain, cough, you should immediately consult a doctor to help get rid of excessive sweating.

Recommendations for men suffering from excessive sweating

Everyone can try to cope with hyperhidrosis on their own, or at least reduce the unpleasant manifestation.

Everyone, without exception, needs to maintain hygiene, and in case of excessive sweating, special attention must be paid to it. Be sure to take a shower several times a day. It is recommended to use antibacterial, deodorizing soaps when washing; it is also useful to use body scrubs. Problem areas should be washed with tar soap.

It is necessary to apply antiperspirants containing substances that block sweating, but deodorants will only help get rid of excessive sweating if applied to clean skin. Contrast showers are useful for men who experience increased sweating due to nervous excitability.

Clothing, and in particular underwear, must be selected from natural materials; the use of synthetic tight underwear is not allowed. Shoes must be made of genuine leather and of the appropriate size.

Excessive sweating in men– treatment using folk remedies, as a rule, involves the use of lotions, baths, compresses with decoctions of medicinal herbs, which have an astringent, tannic effect.