Articles on management accounting.  Practical recommendations for organizing management accounting in holding companies. Financial structure of the company

01.11.2014 02:29

The definition of management accounting (hereinafter referred to as MA) can be found in any book, on Wikipedia, on various websites, etc. Without saying a lot of words, management is the preparation of information for making management decisions. In some companies, the term “management accounting” refers to certain information that is not reflected in official accounting records, i.e. such parallel and more complete accounting. In this article we will not focus on this specific business; we will consider management in general.

So - for making management decisions. This definition is as multifaceted and vast as accounting itself is limitless. It can include absolutely anything. Any information that in any way helps in decision making is UU. Therefore, we propose to divide this entire vast space into at least two parts:

1) financial management accounting: profit and loss statement (Profit and Loss - PL), cash flow statement (Cash Flow - CF), management balance sheet (Balance Sheet - BS), income statement, expense statement, investment statement, etc. - everything that is expressed in monetary terms. Here we will not be distracted by the features and differences between these reports, we will devote this is one of the following articles.

2) U management report for business(business analytics): production report, number of subscribers, sales, clients, etc. - this is everything that can be expressed in natural indicators, which relates to production, sales, interaction with clients - that same limitless and purely individual component of accounting.

Obviously, these two types of accounting are significantly different. Not only by what they contain, but also by the purpose of use, conclusions, sources of information - very much. Often companies limit themselves only to financial accounting, sometimes vice versa. However, a holistic picture of a business can only be formed by analyzing all the components of the information.

As a result of the differences in these two types of accounting, many companies assign different people responsible for preparing reports. For example, PL and CF are done by financiers, and a report on the sales structure is done by merchants. There is logic in this (yes, specialized departments have better information than others), but in our opinion, it is more expedient to organize it so that the financial unit is responsible for issuing all reports. Let them even do business analytics, using data from specialized services as primary information. This way management will gain additional control and will be able to achieve greater reliability of reporting. In addition, financiers will be able to conduct analysis and draw conclusions more systematically and independently.

An important aspect of organizing a management accounting system is its automation: generation of primary information, storage, processing and calculations, access levels, generation of results. With modern volumes of information, it is simply impossible without automation. There are many specialized software products, but due to their high cost, they are available to only a few companies. The majority, mainly small and medium-sized businesses, build management accounting using publicly available and available tools: 1C, Excel. Self-written programs are also used, individually customized for the business - a useful tool for generating primary business information. But in any case, the use of software for control systems is the next step in implementing the system after, in fact, building the system itself. Those. to automate something, you need to know “what” and first build and describe this “what”. Therefore, in our article we will not delve into a review of automation tools; we noted its importance - let’s move on to a step-by-step plan for organizing management accounting.

It should be noted that the construction of financial management (PL, CF, etc.) is very different from business analytics in terms of labor intensity, the participants and business processes involved, the depth of elaboration and methods of collecting information. But in terms of construction technology, they are approximately the same: you need to perform approximately similar steps. Therefore, in our instructions for organizing management accounting, we will talk about management in general.

  1. Define goals. We need to understand what we want, what management needs to make decisions. Find out conceptually which areas need to be analyzed and what kind of reports need to be prepared. Those. to understand in detail the direction and composition of the future system.
  2. Find out the conceptual composition of the management system. Of course, no one will say in advance what is needed to make any decision in the future. Nevertheless:firstly, reports need to cover as many current issues as possible;secondly, predict future needs;thirdly, to begin to think through the system so that it is adaptable to possible future tasks and challenges.
  3. Determine the level of detail of information. On the one hand, I want to see everything from different perspectives. On the other hand, it should be clear and concise, clearly answering the questions asked. There is no need to allow reports to be “littered” when the main really important points are not visible behind an array of small numbers.
  4. Identify sources of information. First, analyze the primary information that already exists (this is not only accounting data, but also primary production, billing, customer service, etc.), and how it can be used. Secondly, start collecting and preparing data, which is already obvious that is missing, but there is none.
  5. Assign participants and responsibilities. That is: a) who prepares the primary information, b) who processes it, c) who stores it, d) who generates intermediate reports, e) who prepares final reports, f) who is responsible for the entire process and who is responsible for its components.
  6. Having decided on the conceptual stage, we move on to a more detailed development of the system, based on the specified goals and available primary information.
  7. Develop a hierarchy of reports - what follows from what and what follows, where are the primary, intermediate and main reporting. This is an important stage of work, allowing you to understand the integrity of the reporting system and the relationship between them. It also provides the basis for further construction of calculation algorithms. Even if the company decided to limit itself only to the preparation of PL, this does not mean at all that there is no hierarchy and that it is not needed. Each indicator in PL can and should be given its own interpretation in the form of a separate report, which will be auxiliary for PL and the main one when its information is needed.
  8. For each report, especially the final ones, think through and write down their structure. Those. what indicators they consist of and which ones are calculated. At this step, it is necessary to ensure the necessity and sufficiency of information, to prepare the ground for responding to the maximum possible reports.
  9. It is also necessary to remember about such an aspect as the presentation of reports to external users. The owners and management of the company are one thing, for whom preparations are made as fully and openly as possible. The other is external consumers (banks, partners, investors, etc.), they do not have to know all the secrets. Therefore, you need to immediately think through and prepare a set of reports for external needs.
  10. Develop algorithms for calculating indicators and create formulas for their calculation. This is perhaps the most time-consuming and intellectually rich step. Here it is necessary to fill with content the backbone of the system that was thought about and created in the previous steps. For each type of information, whether primary or intermediate, especially final, it is important to carefully calculate all the required indicators - since it is on them that the decision will be made. The cost of an error at this step is high; it is necessary to carefully check and test all the resulting algorithms and formulas.
  11. Creation of Management Accounting Policy. A very important document! The principles of the system, the methods used, the developed algorithms and formulas for calculating indicators are described. Those. the answer to the question “how is it counted” is given. This is a working document that you regularly have to refer to when methodological questions arise or the need to ensure continuity of work.
  12. Develop interaction regulations. They need to reflect the timing, sequence of preparation and transmission of information, the composition of the transmitted data, approval procedures, etc. This is a working document in which “who”, “what” and “how” should be described in detail and clearly. The process is described. So that each participant can open it, find their part and understand their role. When writing regulations, special attention should be paid to information protection - to distribute information flows so that they are accessible only to those who need it.
  13. Testing and adjustments. It is important not only to develop a system, but also to minimize errors in it. Which can be semantic (i.e. something is not well thought out and works poorly in the system) and calculational (incorrect algorithm, error in the formula, etc.). Errors can, and even most likely will, appear during the first periods of operation of the system and will need to be corrected regularly. But these will no longer be obvious and not particularly important errors. The main part of them needs to be eliminated through testing. The correct way to do this is on real data, preparing real reports for the selected test period. And immediately make the necessary adjustments to the system.
  14. Implementation. It is enough to issue an order to put the system into operation and appoint those responsible for its control.
  15. System development. One of the key development steps is automation. It is necessary to select an automation tool, select performers, and necessarily technical specifications for automation. The system part will also be subject to regular changes. The company is growing, new products and new lines of business are appearing - this must be harmoniously integrated into the current system, developing it.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the process of creating a management accounting system has been sufficiently worked out in practice and it is not difficult to find a lot of literature on the construction of accounting. The difficulty lies in implementation - the process is complex and labor-intensive, requiring concentration, involvement of human resources and a lot of time. It’s good if the company has the opportunity to organize management on its own, without compromising the current management of the business. However, this issue often cannot be resolved without external consultants.

Volchanskaya Anastasia Georgievna, master's student of the Volga Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Russian Academy of Economy and State University under the President of the Russian Federation", Saratov [email protected]

Management accounting as a tool for effective management in an enterprise

Annotation. The article is devoted to the importance of introducing management accounting for monitoring the activities of an enterprise, as well as its effective management. Key words: management accounting, accounting, cost accounting.

Managing an enterprise is a complex process. Top managers make many management decisions every day. Managers are always engaged in solving targets to increase sales in a highly competitive environment, as well as reduce costs and increase profits. The achievement of these goals is to a certain extent influenced by the personal qualities of the leader and also his organizational abilities, knowledge, skills and non-standard solutions accumulated over the years. Without reliable and timely information, making the only correct decision is very difficult. In the market, an advantage is given to those who have prompt and reliable information. Obtaining reliable and timely information is associated with significant costs for the implementation of systems for its collection and processing. Not many managers are ready to incur costs that are associated with its acquisition and not all managers in the course of management give it its due place. When we talk about obtaining information, we mean information about the market capacity, competitors, services and goods in the city, region, state. This information is external, as well as internal information directly about the activities of the enterprise in the field of finance and economic management. Sometimes managers focus all their attention on increasing sales, but they forget the need to use internal information. Managers believe that they have all the information about the comprehensive activities of the enterprise, but they do not take into account that external information is formed simultaneously with the problems that have arisen within the enterprise. As a result, while resolving issues related to the prompt elimination of problems within the enterprise, the head of this enterprise is not involved in its management. Currently, “tough competition” in the modern market increases the importance of management accounting in the enterprise. At a high level, management accounting provides the likelihood of a quick response to ongoing changes in the financial, production and economic activities of the enterprise. In operational mode, management accounting makes it possible to make decisions on obtaining maximum profits, as well as on increasing the effectiveness of the use of funds, and on obtaining the opportunity to quickly improve the financial condition of the enterprise. Without management accounting, it is not possible to implement the planning and budgeting process at an enterprise. Based on accounting alone, it is impossible to consider the full picture of the financial condition of the enterprise, because accounting deals with the registration of all actual expenses made. Management accounting provides managers with the following information: about current and planned cash flows; about sales of goods; about the cost of goods; about the financial results of the enterprise; about the financial condition of the enterprise. The scheme of management accounting at the enterprise is presented in Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Scheme of management accounting at the enterprise For the successful organization of management accounting, depending on the industry characteristics of production, as well as the target setting, first of all, it is rational to develop an economically sound classification of costs. With the help of this it will be possible to determine and also form the places where costs are generated; responsibility centers; and cost carriers. Next, you need to choose the most acceptable option according to which management accounting itself will be organized. At enterprises, there may be several options for organizing management accounting:

Management accounting is completely separated from financial accounting by maintaining special reflective and mirror accounts. To account for costs and financial results, synthetic accounts are used, as well as first-order subaccounts and directly analytical accounts;

Management accounting in relation to financial accounting becomes autonomous and 3 classes of accounts are used in this accounting. Management accounting accounts are maintained in parallel with financial accounting accounts, and their relationship is realized using a system of distribution accounts. With this option, cost accounting in terms of elements is carried out in financial accounting, and in terms of costing items in management accounting;

management accounting is not maintained, and cost accounting according to their media for calculating the cost of production is implemented operationally. This option assumes synthetic cost accounting for aggregated items in holistic financial as well as management accounting based on cost accounting in the context of economic elements;

There is no management accounting, and production cost accounting is implemented in the financial accounting system. Management accounting Business process technology Accounting policy Performance standards Cost accounting system Performance indicator system Management reporting system The fourth option for organizing management accounting is based on the complete integration of a somewhat cumbersome production cost accounting system, as well as calculating production costs into general accounting. It should be noted that this option still works in domestic enterprises, although in the most improved form. At enterprises, management accounting is formed in 3 stages: setting up, implementation and automation. At the setting up stage, accounting policies are developed, cost accounting methods are selected, cost centers are established, income centers are formed, and the main forms of financial statements are formed. . At the implementation stage, responsibility is assigned to employees of the accounting department, finance department and the warehouse itself for entering accounting information and they are instructed. During the automation of management accounting, database management systems are formed that allow the aggregation of entered information. When processing information entered into the DBMS, the necessary reports are generated by installed programs. The basis of management accounting is structured information that is collected and analyzed in monitoring mode. The purpose of management accounting is internal monitoring, which implies detailed work on the study of the enterprise. With its help, you can easily create a complete picture of the financial and economic state of the enterprise at any time, as well as find out its margin of safety and potential, development prospects. Management accounting is introduced directly to improve the efficiency of enterprise management, and not for reporting to regulatory authorities, for example, the tax inspectorate, this is the fundamental difference between management accounting and accounting.

In order to effectively manage an enterprise, it is necessary to quickly obtain information on several items, namely: costs, cost of goods, product range and cash flow. These management accounting positions are closely interrelated with each other. There is always an information exchange between them. If accounting is carried out only in one of these areas, then an objective, and especially a holistic picture will not be visible. Assortment management involves solving 2 problems:

The first is strategic planning, since it is important for an enterprise to effectively distribute funds taking into account changes in market opportunities and its capabilities.

The second task is current management. In the process of ongoing management, it is necessary to conduct constant monitoring of the assortment. If necessary, make adjustments to your plans, taking into account the emerging situation and how this situation may change in the very near future. To manage the assortment, you need to develop your own personal classifier of goods. This is especially important for enterprises whose assortment list includes hundreds and even thousands of items. In the classification process itself, it is possible to divide goods into interchangeable and non-interchangeable ones. In any section of the classifier there should not be numerous positions, because then it will be very difficult to analyze the information. In addition, we must not forget that sales volumes for positions in all sections of the classifier must be comparable. Based on the collected and analyzed information, a sales plan is drawn up, as well as a purchase plan for the upcoming period of time. To effectively manage costs, you need to develop a logical scheme for calculating costs, which will take into account all the parts included there. Afterwards, it is necessary to form a “tree” of costs (in different enterprises, depending on the specifics of the industry and the products produced, it will have a different “crown”). Moreover, costs need to be classified so that they can be conveniently compared. After all, if at one level of a given “tree” there are many types of costs, and they differ from each other in absolute values, then accounting will be very ineffective. The main dynamic method for calculating cost, its changes over time, is the classification of the process directly by stages: supply, production and sale of products. The basic cost of goods consists of the cost of raw materials, semi-finished products and possible excise taxes, customs taxes on raw materials and other expenses. During the production process, production costs are added and then the cost increases during the sale of the product. If we imagine the cost formation process in this way, then we will be able to take measures in order to reduce costs at any stage of this cycle. An excellent management accounting system will allow the manager to know at any time exactly how the cost price of a product item is changing, as well as for a group of product names, or for all products. When, using the analysis performed, we have determined what costs make up the cost price of goods at all levels, then we can determine how much invoices are reduced expenses, as well as how the difference between them changes, how the marginal profit changes. As a result of correct management accounting, one can draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of production as a whole, as well as in its individual areas. When introducing management accounting, it is very important to distribute all available funds among the structural divisions that are responsible for their movement. These divisions are centers of financial responsibility, where any such center has a personal budget. This decentralization of financial management increases the efficiency of some departments, as well as the enterprise in general. And in addition, all this helps to achieve greater “transparency” of the business: it becomes much easier for enterprise managers to control certain areas of it, as well as clearly see all sources of income and expenses. For all centers of financial responsibility, their planned budget of income and expenses is established, and then the effectiveness of their work is assessed by comparing planned and actual indicators. Dividing an enterprise into centers of financial responsibility works well in practice because:

firstly, line managers have much more information about the state of affairs in their department and, in fact, that is why they make the most correct “instant” decisions than the head of the enterprise;

secondly, employees are becoming more interested in the results of their own work, employees are showing more initiative, but the most important thing is that top management is freed from the need to resolve small issues every day, it focuses more on strategic tasks. At the same time, decentralization of management also has disadvantages. For example, a divisional manager may make a decision that is consistent with the goals of his financial responsibility centers, but he may not take into account the goals of the entire enterprise. In addition, line managers can be very inattentive to the activities of other departments, as well as slow down their work. At the moment, a huge number of enterprises are at the stage of developing a management accounting system. Practice states that after setting up and reorganizing the management accounting system, manufacturing enterprises that operate on the Russian market mainly receive the following effects: 1. Reliable reports on the real profitability of individual products allow the most correct approach to the formation of the assortment and pricing policy of the enterprise, which is ultimately reflected in increased profits. This can happen by revising the distribution base for general production costs, and thus the enterprise can get a completely opposite picture, i.e. those products that the enterprise considered more profitable may in reality be the least profitable, or even unprofitable.2. Basically, any enterprise values ​​​​larger clients. In practice, sometimes there are situations where several of the largest customers collectively provide more than fifty percent of the enterprise's sales, although if all direct, as well as indirect costs that are associated with any customer, are redistributed more correctly, then it may well turn out that these customers bring much less profit to the enterprise. With the help of reliable reporting profitability Some clients can be treated more carefully when working with them.3. Reducing the production cost of products can also be achieved through budgeting general production and (or) general shop expenses. Planning overhead production costs reveals numerous unproductive costs that are realized “de facto”, but do not form additional value for the enterprise.4. Changes in the structure of inventories of finished products and materials. The result of the coordinated work of commercial and production services is a decrease in illiquid inventories and the likelihood of out-of-stock products in demand. 5. Structural changes in the enterprise. Basically, the processes that implement internal services in the enterprise are treated as free resources, and no thought is given to their effectiveness. For example, as a result of the reorganization of management accounting, management can see the real costs of maintaining any division of the enterprise. It often turns out that it is more profitable for an enterprise to switch to service from a third-party company than to service a given amount of work on its own, so, for example, as a result of reorganizing the transport department, the enterprise can save significant financial resources.6. Optimizing the loan portfolio. Credit lines for many enterprises serve as a scarce resource, which makes the financial service a priority in the constant search for new loans. Both an excess of free cash and a lack of it, constant cash gaps negatively affect the profit of the enterprise, this can be considered a consequence of the absence or suboptimal use of financial budgets. Proper management of the payment position will help the company reduce capital costs through detailed planning for the use of credit resources.7. Opportunities for attracting investment. The lack of prompt and reliable consolidated reporting is one of the most typical problems of enterprises that attract investment. This problem can be solved by creating a reporting package that would include: Budget balance sheet and the balance sheet itself, Budget and Cash Flow Statement, Budget Income and Expense Statement. The presence of consolidated management reporting and enterprise budgets not only indicates a high culture of financial management, but are the best tool for simplifying relationships with financial partners.8. Support in compliance with regulations. Legislative acts of the Russian Federation are changing, which also affects the management accounting system. To strictly comply with a regulatory document, as well as many others, an enterprise requires an established management information system, which is a system of management accounting and analysis. All of the above effects are an important argument when making decisions on the establishment and reorganization of a management accounting system in any enterprise. Many enterprise managers are aware the need to implement management accounting, but at the same time they often have concerns about the success of such large-scale implementations on their own or by hired specialists.

However, it is precisely competent management accounting that enables enterprise managers, from department heads to the general director, to respond in a timely manner to changes in the internal and external environment of the enterprise and, as a result, make the right management decision. It is important not only to receive information on time, but also to process it correctly and use it for one’s own purposes, and most importantly, management accounting must be understandable and transparent for each recipient. Currently, there is an intensive generational change, young people are being attracted to the positions of financial directors, who are already successfully implementing management accounting systems to monitor the activities of the enterprise and effective management.

URL: http:// Voloshin D.A., Loktev A.V. Improving the management accounting system

URL: Breg S. Handbook for the financial director. M.: Alpina, 2013.

What is management accounting and how does it differ from financial accounting? What are the principles of management accounting? What are the features of various methods of organizing management accounting in an enterprise?

Hello, regular readers of the HeatherBober business magazine and everyone who visited our resource for the first time! We have an expert with you - Anna Medvedeva.

Everything related to finance and reporting is always difficult and responsible. Today we will deal with the topic management accounting, and also let’s see how it fundamentally differs from financial accounting.

At the end of the article, I have prepared for you an overview of companies that will help you establish management accounting at a professional level.

1. What is management accounting

The primary task of management accounting- outline this for management a real picture of the state of the enterprise, help distribute reserves and improve efficiency.

Purpose of management accounting- provide the company management and department specialists with planned indicators, actual figures and forecast information regarding the activities of the enterprise.

The extent to which this data is correct, the more effective and reasonable it will become. management decisions.

Let's define the concept.

This is a technique for preparing and assessing information about the work of an organization. It shows the results of the economic activity of the enterprise and is used for management purposes.

What principles is management accounting based on:

  • isolation- both the enterprise as a whole and its departments are considered independently of others;
  • continuity- information for accounting should be received regularly and not randomly;
  • completeness- information should be as complete as possible;
  • timeliness- data must be provided at the time of need;
  • comparability- identical parameters for different time periods should be formed according to the same principles;
  • clarity- data must be presented in a form understandable to the addressee;
  • periodicity- external and internal reporting must be prepared within the prescribed time frame;
  • efficiency- the costs of operating the accounting system must be compensated by the benefits from its use.

For implemented management accounting to justify itself, three conditions are necessary: ​​good specialists, active participation of management and the allocation of special resources.

What does it look like? In small companies, management accounting is set of spreadsheets . For large amounts of information, it is advisable to choose special software product.

Closely related to management accounting budget of income and expenses And cash flow budget ().

2. What methods of management accounting exist - 7 main methods

Because by law there are no clear requirements to maintaining management accounting, it is allowed to vary and select methods and methods that are convenient for a particular institution.

Management Accounting Problem- This is cost estimation and cost control. We have identified the most common approaches to organizing this process.

Method 1. Determining the break-even point

This term, also called critical point, indicates the volume of products produced and their sales at which the organization begins to make a profit from the sale of its goods. That is, income begins to cover expenses.

The break-even point is indicated in units of production or in financial terms.

Method 2. Budgeting

The definition speaks for itself. This method of management accounting helps to allocate enterprise resources as efficiently as possible through careful planning and subsequent monitoring and analysis of deviations from the plan.

Budgeting helps you save and collaborate smoothly

It is based on the use of data on the economics of the enterprise. Therefore, the most important function of a budget management program is to facilitate objective analysis and decision making.

Method 3. Process costing

The so-called process method relevant for serial production of similar products or when the production process cannot be interrupted for economic or safety reasons.

In the process calculation, the ratio of costs to products produced for a specific period is compiled.

Method 4. Project cost calculation

Used in cases where a product is manufactured to special order.

For each project or batch of manufactured products, costs are calculated:

  • for materials;
  • payment to employees;
  • other expenses.

This method is also called custom-made.

Method 5. Transfer cost calculation

Transverse method needed in mass production. Here the defining process is sequential transition of raw materials into the final product.

Groups of production processes form redistributions. Each such processing stage either produces an intermediate product ( semi-finished product), or completes the entire process and produces the final product.

Method 6. Standard cost calculation

This method takes into account deviations of actual costs from planned ones. Calculation of standard cost is carried out for each type of product.

At the end of the period, deviations are recorded:

  • negative - excessive consumption of raw materials;
  • positive - rational consumption of materials.

A separate point is the consideration of conditional deviations. They appear due to discrepancies in the preparation of calculations, therefore they can be both negative and positive.

Method 7. Direct costing

In fact, this is cost control. Main goal direct costing- divide them into constants and variables.

To make it easier to distinguish the essence of these concepts, let's make a table.

Fixed and variable costs:

The most significant feature of direct costing is ability to see relationships between production volumes, costs and profits.

3. How management accounting is established - 5 main stages

Now let's write it down in detail, how to organize management accounting.

For clarity, I have compiled a step-by-step algorithm of actions.

Stage 1. Determination of the main consumers of management accounting data

The main customers and recipients of management accounting information are: company executives And members of the board of directors, managers at different levels, as they make major business decisions.

If you need to convey to decision makers the essence of a problem or a plan of action, then the best way is prepare a presentation to present information clearly and in a structured manner.

Stage 2. Formation of a list of required reporting

Next, it is necessary to create and agree with all interested parties a list of documents - that is, reports directly that are to be drawn up. For each report, it is determined when and with what frequency it will be submitted - a clear and detailed description is made.

Stage 3. Preparing a sketch of the methodology

The preparation of a management accounting system is carried out by specialists, delving into all the details company activities. Otherwise, there is a risk that the management reporting system will not meet its implementation goals and will not bring the desired results.

What needs to be done at this stage:

  • identify reporting blocks and accounting areas;
  • develop interim reporting documents and calculation methods;
  • determine methods for entering and processing information into the system;
  • ensure effective data control;
  • distribute responsibilities among specialists who perform data preparation;
  • prepare a test version of the methodology and make trial calculations;
  • evaluate the feasibility of the developed draft methodology.

Then the prepared model is approved by the company management.

Stage 4. Introduction of management accounting methodology

If all previous activities have been successful, the management accounting system is put into operation.

The implementation of a management accounting project will reveal shortcomings made in the preparation of the methodology. Perhaps this will be a heterogeneous approach of different departments to data processing, or inconsistency of information intersecting in different reports, or imperfect software, etc.

There may also be other overlaps when departments interact.


At the enterprise "ChelyabinskStroyMotazh" There were problems with the reliability of information about the sale of goods.

During the inspection it turned out that accounting department did not timely enter information into the database about the funds received. Because of this, the closure of the institution’s balance sheet was delayed.

Stage 5. Organization of control over the implementation of the management accounting system

A fundamental part of control is to assess how cost effective selected management accounting system. But first you need to make sure that all performers are trained, the goals are clear, and there are no errors in the methodology.

Continuing the topic, we offer some practical advice from an expert.

4. Professional assistance in setting up management accounting - review of the TOP 3 service companies

Below I present a list of companies that professionally organize management accounting in different organizations.

It is worth turning to them for help if you understand the need to take the enterprise management process to a fundamentally new level.

Financial management service offers financial and management accounting for small business. Full automation of the functions of accounting for income and expenses, financial planning and control of all money will help you take your business to a new level of development.

There is no need to install the program; you can work with the service immediately by going to the main page. The site is designed for maximum convenience - by entering data into the system, you will clearly see results and plans and have full control over your business.

Working with the service will significantly save money that you previously spent on correcting deficiencies in the financial service.


This consulting company has developed a unique management accounting business model for various institutions. Thanks to it, you will maximize the productivity of management decisions in your company.

The management accounting system, created by highly qualified GBCS specialists, will give you the opportunity to have a real understanding of assets and collect information regarding the financial situation of the enterprise.

In addition to the management accounting project, you will additionally be provided with other services: preparation of profit and loss statements, cash flow statements and management balance sheet. The relevance of the solutions offered by GBCS is an undoubted advantage of this consulting company.

The company has the largest regional network- 49 cities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, UAE and Canada. They offer modern accounting and management programs and create opportunities for successful business development of any industry and size.

"BitFinance" will help you with treasury and contract management, preparation of financial reports and IFRS reporting.

18 years of experience and professional assistance in achieving results are the greatest strengths of the BitFinance company, which have allowed it to complete more than 2,500 successful projects.

5. What is the difference between management accounting and financial accounting - 5 main differences

In this section I will talk about the differences between management and financial types of accounting.

Difference 1. Management accounting is not required for an enterprise

Financial reporting limited by clear legal requirements. It is drawn up and submitted to the appropriate authorities, regardless of whether the management of the enterprise considers it appropriate.

Compiled at the discretion of the company administration. This is usually done when the benefits of the data available in the report justify the costs of their preparation, processing and execution of the report itself.

Difference 2. Degree of openness of information

Financial statements represent more open information for a number of companies. For example, federal law requires accounting information for public companies to be published so that all interested parties can review it.

Management accounting information, on the contrary, completely closed and for third parties, and even within the company, not everyone has access to it.

Difference 3: Financial accounting should be as accurate as possible.

Financial reporting is serious business. The well-being of the entire company depends on the information contained in financial reports. Therefore, for financial accounting specificity and accuracy are required and vagueness is unacceptable.

Sometimes, in order to quickly make management decisions (if the situation requires it), it is necessary that data be provided quickly, but there is no time for their complete collection, detailing and reconciliation. Therefore, in management accounting Errors are allowed in numbers.

When it comes to speed of decision making, even approximate data is quite enough, since minor deviations still do not change the decision itself.

Difference 4. Frequency and timing of reporting

For change financial reports there are mandatory deadlines. Usually this monthly, quarterly or annual reporting periods. Deviation from deadlines may result in penalties.