Dental clinic Verno. Dental clinic Verno Clinic Verno on the 8th Soviet

Full range of dental services.
CT, Cephalomatria, Orthopantomogram, Sight images

How to get there:

metro station Ploshchad Vosstaniya, Mayakovskaya

Dentistry could also be searched under the following names:

true, vernodent, verno-dent, verno dent, oooh true, verno, “True”

Additional information provided by the clinic:

Chief physician of the clinic

Dental clinic Verno has been specializing in such services as dentistry, orthodontics, periodontics, microprosthetics, implantology, orthopedics, surgery, as well as aesthetic restoration of any complexity for several years now.

High professionalism and prompt assistance to the patient are the main rules of the doctors of our clinic. Dental treatment and elimination of problems associated with them is carried out only on the latest medical equipment using high-quality materials, the best implants and proven medications. During treatment, if necessary, general anesthesia is possible.

You can safely bring your children to us, because the main principles of pediatric dentistry at the Verno clinic are painlessness, safety and high professionalism.

All children, without exception, experience enormous stress when visiting the dentist. So, the pediatric dentists of our clinic will find an individual approach to each child and effectively eliminate the cause of pain, turning the dental treatment process into an interesting and exciting game. Your children will remember with pleasure their visit to the “good doctor” of the Verno clinic.

If you cannot pay for the medical care provided immediately, we will meet you halfway and offer to use an installment plan. Our clinic provides an individual approach to each client and we offer dental services on credit to everyone.
Verno Clinic specialists regularly undergo internships abroad, and the number of professional certificates of our institution staggers even our competitors.

Our dental clinic tries to keep up with the times, and therefore, when we learn about the release of new equipment, we are one of the first to purchase it in Russia. By expanding the range of clinic services and taking care of improving the quality of their provision, we, first of all, think about the health and comfort of our clients.

The Verno Clinic brings together outstanding highly specialized specialists who previously worked in prestigious medical centers in Russia and have extensive experience and experience.

The Verno dental clinic offers the highest quality of service at reasonable prices, and comprehensive treatment of oral problems includes not only surgical treatment, but also competent diagnostics, which you can undergo without leaving the walls of our establishment.

Prevention of oral diseases is no less important than the treatment itself. An experienced periodontist will teach you and your child how to properly perform hygiene procedures and take care of your own health. And such clinic services as enamel restoration, teeth whitening, professional oral cleaning have long won the trust of our regular customers, while unique dental services (for example, installation of a temporary tooth - a non-removable structure in just an hour) have become the calling card of our clinic.
The Verno dental clinic is open seven days a week, so you can make an appointment with us on any day and at a time convenient for you.

Since ancient times, healthy snow-white teeth have been considered one of the main signs of beauty.

Perfect teeth are the dream of each of us. You need to constantly remember the beauty of your teeth.

If you want to please yourself and others with a radiant smile, contact the specialists of the Verno clinic.

We sincerely wish you health, radiant and sincere smiles!

Dental clinic Verno has been specializing in such services as dentistry, orthodontics, periodontics, microprosthetics, implantology, orthopedics, surgery, as well as aesthetic restoration of any complexity for several years now.

High professionalism and prompt assistance to the patient are the main rules of the doctors of our clinic. Dental treatment and elimination of problems associated with them is carried out only on the latest medical equipment using high-quality materials, the best implants and proven medications. During treatment, if necessary, general anesthesia is possible.

You can safely bring your children to us, because the main principles of pediatric dentistry at the Verno clinic are painlessness, safety and high professionalism.

All children, without exception, experience enormous stress when visiting the dentist. So, the pediatric dentists of our clinic will find an individual approach to each child and effectively eliminate the cause of pain, turning the dental treatment process into an interesting and exciting game. Your children will remember with pleasure their visit to the “good doctor” of the Verno clinic.

If you cannot pay for the medical care provided immediately, we will meet you halfway and offer to use an installment plan. Our clinic provides an individual approach to each client and we offer dental services on credit to everyone.

Verno Clinic specialists regularly undergo internships abroad, and the number of professional certificates of our institution staggers even our competitors.

Our dental clinic tries to keep up with the times, and therefore, when we learn about the release of new equipment, we are one of the first to purchase it in Russia. By expanding the range of clinic services and taking care of improving the quality of their provision, we, first of all, think about the health and comfort of our clients.

The Verno Clinic brings together outstanding highly specialized specialists who previously worked in prestigious medical centers in Russia and have extensive experience and experience.

The Verno dental clinic offers the highest quality of service at reasonable prices, and comprehensive treatment of oral problems includes not only surgical treatment, but also competent diagnostics, which you can undergo without leaving the walls of our establishment.

Prevention of oral diseases is no less important than the treatment itself. An experienced periodontist will teach you and your child how to properly perform hygiene procedures and take care of your own health. And such clinic services as enamel restoration, teeth whitening, professional oral cleaning have long won the trust of our regular customers, while unique dental services (for example, installation of a temporary tooth - a non-removable structure in just an hour) have become the calling card of our clinic.

The Verno dental clinic is open seven days a week, so you can make an appointment with us on any day and at a time convenient for you.

Since ancient times, healthy snow-white teeth have been considered one of the main signs of beauty.

Perfect teeth are the dream of each of us. You need to constantly remember the beauty of your teeth.

If you want to please yourself and others with a radiant smile, contact the specialists of the Verno clinic.

We sincerely wish you health, radiant and sincere smiles!


Chief physician of the Verno dental clinic,

Mezheritskaya Nina Abramovna

I had my teeth treated in the spring of 2011 by the doctor Nina Abramovna Mezheritskaya... I came to her on the recommendation of a person whose opinion I really trust. Well, she got herself into trouble. Apparently, Nina Abramovna can treat teeth well, but... either to good friends, or to patients who are attractive to her personally, or in some other cases known only to her.
I came to treat a tooth from which a filling had just fallen out (it was placed about 15 years ago). Freezing, the doctor drills, drills, drills... And I find out that instead of one filling I get 3 (!) at once. No, these are not bonuses or free gifts from this clinic - this is the way this doctor works: without any warning, without questions about the patient’s wishes and the availability of cash, the doctor, at her own discretion, treats those teeth that she considers necessary to treat, and in the amount the doctor considers necessary. At home I examine the tooth and see that the filling was polished along with the surface of the tooth itself! (and the second tooth from the front) That is. Along with the filling, the doctor went over the tooth enamel at the same time. Then I was told that tooth enamel has the ability to recover, so there is nothing to worry about. The filling itself turned out to be painful when pressed on it, the doctor could not explain this in any way, I was offered to reinstall the filling for free. I refused, hoping for something Russian, maybe, and because dental treatment doesn’t give me any pleasure. Now, after almost 2 years, the filling still had to be changed with the removal of the nerve (of course, from a different doctor, in a different clinic), because... the tooth began to “whine” in response to the heat. And in another tooth out of 3 treated by N.A. a piece of the tooth broke off, I already “finished” the filling at full cost.
But that spring I managed to come to N.A. for treatment several more times. It’s a pity that once again I didn’t believe my own feelings, but trusted my reason, which said that the doctor is a professional, he knows better how to do it. N.A. I undertook to change the filling in a tooth, about which I had been told several years earlier that the tooth had very thin walls, and there was no need to touch it (the tooth) unnecessarily. But... At the Verno clinic, “professionals” work! Six months after treatment, this tooth with a new filling breaks the wall near the gum... And also N.A. restored the shape of this tooth by building it up with a filling. And so that the teeth fit together normally and do not interfere with each other, another healthy tooth was filed down! And all my questions were perceived by the doctor as if I had asked the greatest stupidity! Now almost everything has to be redone.
Well, someone actually manages to have their teeth treated in this clinic. The flag is in their hands.