Fear of a new job: how to believe in yourself. Reasons for fear of a new job and ways to overcome it

Many people are afraid of change: it’s hard to say what good will happen, but all sorts of unpleasant surprises certainly cannot be avoided... Especially if we are talking about a change of job. Where to start your activity? How to cope with difficulties? And most importantly, how to overcome the fear that accompanies almost every beginner?

Soul in your heels
Thoughts about possible changes, uncertainty about the unknown do not allow one to feel comfortable in a new team, and a person is afraid to act, doubts his own abilities, worries about the future, he is literally paralyzed by fear.. Why? Because before the event happened, he had already created in his imagination a “castle in the air” from ideas and ideas, having thought through everything to the smallest detail. Consciousness determines alarming information as dangerous and triggers an absolutely inappropriate and therefore useless alarm reaction, which causes more harm than the cause that caused it. And when the time comes for a real meeting with a new team, it’s scary to even think that in just half an hour the brightest hopes can be completely destroyed in an instant...
The core of fear is psychological experiences caused by physiological and biochemical reactions of the body. At the peak of experiences, when fear covers the entire consciousness, a person loses the ability to think logically and act adequately. Self-control is significantly weakened, which leads to social problems,
The source of anxiety on the eve of a meeting with a new team is a whole complex of phobias. Fear is caused by a threat in a state of uncertainty, so it is necessary to turn to the experience of the past, when tasks that at first seemed impossible were eventually successfully solved - you just had to put in more effort than usual. So it is quite possible to overcome the fear of defeat, the fear of uncertainty, and the fear of the future. And in difficult times, you need to remember your past victories, mentally go through the entire path of overcoming obstacles and achieving your goal, and relive success. Fear will recede, the person will stop panicking, begin to think calmly and very soon find the optimal solution to the problem.

My own therapist
In order to cope with all the negative factors that impede the creation of constructive relationships with new colleagues, you should determine what exactly causes concern and causes fear. You can’t, like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, wait for fear to go away on its own, or try to suppress it, so it’s time to start meditating. You should remember the most unpleasant moments that have ever happened in the process of communication, and then try to imagine the worst thing that could happen on your first working day in a new place. For example, your colleagues laugh at you for trifling mistakes and amid general laughter... they burn you at the stake - just because you behave “wrong” and say “wrong”. You turn into a pile of ash. And then imagine your rebirth. You start living and working again. It’s always like this: you are knocked down, and you get up, destroyed, and you return to life, each time renewing your strength and gaining more and more self-confidence.
Now take two pieces of paper. On one of them, write down everything that can happen to you in a new team, what intrigues to expect from others and what the consequences will be, on the other - what you will gain by getting rid of fear and uncertainty. Place the sheets of paper side by side and compare. What do you think is stronger - fear of others or peace of mind, psychological balance and success in life? Burn the unnecessary piece of paper, hang the other one on the wall (put it under glass) and re-read it regularly. This will be your life choice.

Rescue "anchor"
It happens that the subtle smell of eau de toilette can lift or, conversely, ruin your mood for the whole day if it is associated with some significant events of the past. A new colleague sometimes evokes an inexplicable subconscious feeling of fear or anxiety just because he wears the same cologne as, for example, a dentist. A thing or scent associated with a certain internal mood or emotional state is called an “anchor” in psychology.
Each of us experiences particularly strong positive emotions, such as joy, calmness, confidence, fearlessness, which can subsequently be evoked arbitrarily, at will, with the help of “positive anchors.” All experienced states of the soul are stored in memory and can be quickly activated. It's not difficult to learn. First, try doing an exercise called “resource anchoring,” which allows you to “extract” from the past the emotional resources necessary to successfully solve a problem.
1. Sit comfortably on a chair or armchair in a secluded place (with time, if you practice, you will be able to do the exercise anywhere, even on a bus during rush hour, but at first it is advisable that no one disturbs you). Think about a situation when you were worried, worried, or afraid of something.
2. Try to imagine what the state must have been like at that moment, and then choose the quality (persistence, courage, confidence, determination) necessary in order to get out of a difficult situation with honor when meeting a new team.
3. Refer to past experience and remember the situation in which you showed this quality. Try to make these memories vivid and intense. (If you have not experienced anything like this, imagine a friend or, say, a movie character and mentally put yourself in his place).

Useful tips
The stronger the fear at the sight of new colleagues, the greater the likelihood of aggression. It is difficult to force yourself not to be afraid of new things, but you can use your imagination.
So, when going to a new job for the first time, take with you some small thing, a kind of talisman. Such seemingly trifles have enormous power. For example, in the house of the great physicist Albert Einstein, a horseshoe was nailed above the door. When journalists asked: “You are a great physicist, do you really believe this?” - Einstein replied: “You know, they told me that it helps, even if you don’t believe it!”
Smile at all employees - both acquaintances and strangers.
Read the corporate rules in advance. It is very important for a beginner to know various subtleties: what is possible, what is not, what has become generally accepted and what should be avoided, how corporate events are held, etc. It is better if the “curator” at first is an authoritative employee.
Refrain from making comparisons with previous work. If, for example, you say that everything was wonderful at your last job, then a reasonable question may arise: “What, exactly, are you doing here?”
Talk less, listen more; Do not share any details about your personal life, as your frankness may later be used against you.
Don’t try to immediately redo everything in your own way. If, for example, the secretary doesn’t have an electric kettle in the reception area, then Tom probably has good reasons for it!
Keep it simple and don’t try to play someone else’s role, as any falsehood will be immediately noticeable. Cinderella should not wear the mask of Princess Nesmeyana.
Don’t snitch, don’t rush to report that Petrov constantly leaves work an hour earlier: he may turn out to be a close relative or friend of the boss, who is allowed some liberties. Besides, what goes around comes around: if you sow falsehoods, you will reap mistrust.
But in the end, a new employee is still assessed based on his professional qualities. So the best way to earn the respect of your colleagues is to perform your job duties flawlessly.

How to overcome the fear of work: getting rid of ergophobia

There are many people who came into this world with a disgusting quality - laziness. Their lives are ruled by a moss-covered, age-old dust-covered reluctance to do anything. For such individuals, idleness, parasitism and reluctance to work are integral parts of their essence.
However, there are other people who cannot work not because of laziness, but because they are simply terrified of working. These people have the best intentions and aspirations, and experience a sincere desire and urgent need to work. But they have one very serious problem - a panicky, uncontrollable obsessive fear of work, which in the scientific community is called ergophobia.

An ergophobe with all his heart desires to be a full-fledged member of society and strives to benefit society. He wants to be independent and independent, and not sit on the necks and good relatives. He makes attempts to find a job, but all his endeavors end in failure, because he is pursued on his heels by an evil maniac - the fear of work.
An irrational fear of work is inherently incompatible with life. Ergophobia deprives a person of the opportunity to feel the fullness of life. She does not allow her to reveal her own talents to the world. Fear of work prevents you from realizing your potential. Fear of work prevents the feeling of satisfaction from completed tasks.

Abnormal fear does not allow an individual to feel like he belongs to something larger and more significant: a prestigious profession, a successful team, solving tasks of national importance, scientific research. A person who is afraid to work cannot receive “carrots” in the form of a photograph on the honor board, special privileges, corporate sabantuy, or letters of gratitude.
If work has made a man out of a monkey, then a person overcome by ergophobia simply degrades. Fear of work is an obstacle to moving forward. This phobia does not allow a person to develop, learn something new, or improve the level of his skills. Ergophobia prevents a person from becoming a creator, depriving him of the opportunity to leave a significant mark on his stay on earth.

Fear of work creates obstacles to full contacts in society. A person with ergophobia cannot maintain normal relationships with colleagues, since all his thoughts are focused on how to mask his fear of work. Without working for a sufficiently long period of time, without being in the human community, an individual loses communication skills.
A person gripped by fear of work does not have the opportunity to live better than she currently exists. Very often, ergophobia leads to the fact that the subject is deprived of the opportunity to satisfy his basic needs. Severe cases of the disorder are tantamount to a disaster, because the individual, without working, has no money for food, clothing, or medicine. The result of ergophobia is cold and hunger, gloomy thoughts about the meaninglessness of existence.

Why fear of work occurs: causes of ergophobia
The occurrence of ergophobia is associated with traumatic experiences in personal history and long-term experience of strong negative emotions. It is failures in the professional field, problems in the learning process, conflicts in the previous work team, incorrect parental attitudes instilled in childhood that are the cause of the appearance of an obsessive fear of work. Let us describe several situations that can trigger the onset of the disorder.
A typical culprit of ergophobia is the lack of required knowledge and practical skills. Unfortunately, many higher education institutions do not provide the knowledge and skills that a person needs in his professional activity. Very often, a student who has faithfully sat through lectures for five years and successfully passed state exams has in his head a set of unsystematized and practically useless information.

Moreover, this trend can be seen in different areas of education. A person who thought that he was gnawing on the granite of science in the field of computer programming turns out to be “no” specialist. He gets a job in some provincial office, because with such knowledge they simply don’t hire him to a decent company. And even in this crappy organization, he experiences a complete bummer, not understanding what needs to be done with some programs. Experienced failure and disappointment that five years wasted in vain are firmly imprinted in the memory of the young specialist. Thus, uncertainty arises in one’s own abilities, and as a result, fear of working.

Another reason for ergophobia is a distorted worldview and complexes that arose due to zombies in childhood. Very often, parents constantly tell their child that he is a terrible student. The schoolchild is regularly told that he is incapable and stupid. Parents instill in the student that he cannot grow into a worthwhile and sought-after specialist. As a result, the child stops believing in himself. Having grown up, such a wretched person sincerely believes that someone like him is not needed at work. The result is obvious - panic fear of work.

The culprit of ergophobia is also forcing a child to go to study where his soul does not want to go. Parents methodically put pressure on the young man, choosing instead an activity “to his liking.” Unable to withstand parental pressure, the applicant enters and graduates from the university where his caring mother and father pushed him. However, since you cannot command your heart, such a person does not want to work in a sector that does not interest him. The subconscious carefully protects a person, rewarding him with fear of work.
The cause of ergophobia is also an overly strict upbringing in the family, growing up in Puritan traditions. Very often, parents choose some “prestigious” professions for their daughters, seeing their heirs as lawyers, judges, and employees of secret laboratories. At the same time, they, without particularly choosing the correct expressions, condemn some professions. According to parents who lead an ascetic lifestyle, all secretaries, waitresses, and dancers are prostitutes, whose duties are to satisfy the whims of clients and management. As a result, the matured girl cannot find a “decent” job, since she has well learned her parents’ attitudes. For her, participating in an interview when it is conducted by a man is tantamount to lying in his bed. So she languishes with nothing to do, experiencing a gigantic fear of work.

Ergophobia is often caused by excessive emotions that a person felt when applying for his first job. Impressionable, sensitive, shy people often experience great excitement when they first come into contact with the work atmosphere. They are afraid of the unknown and do not know what awaits them at this enterprise. They are anxious, afraid of meeting with their superiors. They are afraid that they will not be accepted in the new team. They worry that they will not be able to perform their duties efficiently. In such nervous tension, they begin their first working day with fear.
By coincidence, some incident occurs during work, which the employee interprets as a catastrophic event. However, he does not take into account the fact that perhaps the boss’s hysterical scream is the result of his drinking yesterday. A heated debriefing between two colleagues is a consequence of the fact that they both like the same guy. The partners' three-hour delay and disrupted negotiations are the result of the plane's flight delay. However, the newcomer blames himself for all such excesses. And in order not to feel guilty, you need an excuse from work. And the ideal clause is the fear of working.

Very often, ergophobia develops in pedantic, overly responsible, disciplined individuals. Such persistent and assiduous people perform their duties very diligently, carry out all assignments responsibly, and always deliver work on time. Such employees constantly recheck completed tasks. They are very worried that they may not be able to complete their assignments by the due date. They are afraid that they will make some kind of miscalculation. This condition eventually develops into a fear of work.
In some cases, the cause of ergophobia is a work injury. A person who has been injured at work avoids repeating the tragic situation. He tries not to be in conditions where there is a high risk of injury and injury. The fear of being maimed turns into a fear of working.

Very often, ergophobia develops in people who not only do not know how to lie, but are also unable to embellish the truth even a little. They are demanding of themselves and self-critical. They always provide truthful information about themselves, not forgetting to mention the mistakes they have made. These truth-tellers not only give themselves away, but often also slander themselves, thereby driving themselves into a trap.
It is quite natural that many employers, having heard such heartbreaking stories about mistakes that have taken place, turn the wretched applicant down. In addition, such people often have a fear of making some kind of mistake, so they completely refuse to perform actions, postponing a visit to the employer until later. As a result, a person develops a panicky fear of being rejected and its current companion is the fear of work.

How fear of work manifests itself: symptoms of ergophobia
The fact that a person is afraid to work is not always noticeable to others. Quite a lot of people suffering from ergophobia regularly look at existing vacancies, contact recruitment agencies, call employers and go for interviews. However, even after hearing: “You are suitable for us,” such people do not get hired by the company and do not work. They can consider proposals and go through options for years. They find a lot of excuses why they did not take the offered position. They justify their refusal with various arguments:

  • small salary;
  • regular delays in wages;
  • unforeseen premiums;
  • disgusting atmosphere in the team;
  • too old/young colleagues;
  • too many responsibilities;
  • lack of prospects for career growth;
  • an overly demanding and strict boss;
  • an overly pestering womanizing boss;
  • significant distance between home and office;
  • the need to work on weekends.
  • So, they spend hours, days, weeks... However, they never find a vacancy worthy of them.
    Obvious symptoms of ergophobia appear at the moment when a person prepares for a meeting with a potential employer or sits in a chair opposite the HR manager. The upcoming contact causes a panic attack in the sick person. A feeling of a lump in the throat, a trembling voice, shaking hands, a flushed face indicate a person’s fear.

    Even if such an individual is hired by some miracle, very soon colleagues begin to notice that something is wrong with him. This includes strange behavior, avoidance of work contacts, and excessively frequent absences from the workplace.
    A person suffering from ergophobia often resorts to preventive measures, namely, escaping into illness. Such a subject always has pain and dizziness, threatening loss of consciousness. He constantly feels nausea and stomach pain. He regularly has digestive problems.
    The flu epidemic affects him not for a month, but for a year: he has endless pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, otitis. Very often, such an individual quite successfully imitates the symptoms of vascular diseases, which the local therapist cannot refute without conducting research. So the ergophobe is on an undeserved “sick” leave, having complained in time about very high blood pressure, which “dropped sharply” just before the arrival of a gullible (or bribed) doctor because of a self-administered pill.

    The life of an ergophobe is also darkened by the fact that he often does not meet with understanding from his relatives. Close people interpret his behavior as ordinary laziness or another whim. Because of inactivity, such a person is scolded, reproached, accused. Conditions are set for him and demands are made. And in the worst case, he is simply abandoned by his partner, who is tired of keeping an idle slacker around his neck.

    How to overcome fear of work: we begin to act decisively
    How to get rid of fear of work? The best option is to promptly seek advice from a psychotherapist. The doctor will not only develop an individual treatment program, but will also tell you what aspects need to be changed in your worldview. With the help of psychotherapy, a person will be able to understand the reasons for his fear, accept his individuality, and find the best solution to existing problems.
    To overcome your fear of work, you need to change your attitude towards frightening situations. To do this, you need to mentally simulate a frightening situation, feel your emotions and imagine what scenarios there might be for the development of events. You should calculate what could happen in the worst case scenario and honestly tell yourself how tragic such events are. After this, you need to mentally “live” a favorable outcome of the interview, imagine how everyday work will go. Draw in your head the image of a successful, accomplished person.

    To get rid of the fear of work, you need to regularly work on your mistakes. Record mistakes made, record errors in behavior, analyze the facts that caused the failure.
    After reading your notes, you need to develop a step-by-step plan for how to behave when meeting with employers and colleagues. Think about what you will say, what words and intonation to express your thoughts. How will you defend your point of view? Clarify for yourself what concessions and sacrifices you are willing to make for the benefit of the company. Make it clear which terms are binding and unchangeable for you. Write down on paper what qualities and skills are especially important in this field. Think about where you can fill the knowledge gap.

    You should clearly define what goal you plan to achieve: to make a successful career in the field in which you work or to find a job according to your vocation. It is necessary to take into account the psychological “law”: a person feels more comfortable if his work is motivated by his personal goals, rather than by the desire to adapt to external demands. Therefore, you need to understand exactly what is truly your desires and needs, and what conditions are inspired from the outside. We must get rid of indoctrinated attitudes, developing our independence and self-reliance.

    Fear of work is a serious problem that prevents people from planning their lives normally, building a career and earning money. Everyone strives for comfort and better living conditions, but the situation does not always work out the way we would like. Problems that arise in a team, a lack of personal qualities, or a manager’s banal disrespect can leave a negative impression on an overly sensitive person, resulting in ergophobia.


    In order to learn how to properly manage emotions and impressions, thus overcoming the problem, you need to figure out what it is? The name “ergophobia” translated from Greek means “ergo” - work, “phobia” - fear. Thus, the direct purpose of the term is the fear of working. However, psychologists also include aversion to work in this concept.

    Some people, having had a bad job experience or gone through several interviews without success, are ready to give up. They are afraid to go to work, they do not want to overcome difficulties and conquer peaks, believing that they will fail or be humiliated again. Such people choose the lifestyle of a slacker - they spend their days in front of the TV or computer, searching for excuses every day. They are supported by close relatives who are trying to persuade the dependent to resume the search for a suitable job. What is the maintenance of a normal, able-bodied person? This is the product of negativity in the family.

    Psychology experts characterize ergophobia as a condition of social anxiety disorder. The diagnosis is made when a complex of mental problems is observed. The basis is the fear of communicating with people at work, the inability to come to an agreement, ask again, or clarify. During an interview, the patient is afraid to show his best side, to demonstrate confidence, and hardly anyone needs such a candidate as an employee.

    Many people are afraid of highly qualified labor and leadership positions, as they will have to overcome difficulties, bear additional responsibility, control subordinates, be strict, and demanding. Not every person has the necessary qualities, and knowing that career growth is possible in the chosen position, complexes begin to form.

    Ergophobia can become a big problem if its development is not stopped in time. Nobody can not communicate with people or not go to work, only people with disabilities, so you need to work on yourself and your own fears. Every day you go towards achieving your goals - shopping for groceries, doing homework with the children, cleaning, fitness. At the same time, no one panics because of this - you should also prepare yourself for communication. Read more, because interesting people attract attention because they can tell you something that others don’t know about.


    Anyone can develop a fear of work, regardless of age, level of upbringing and education. Even a mega-successful person can face ergophobia at any time. The main causes of pathology are:

    • Schizophrenia - with this mental illness, patients have fear of all social situations. People with this diagnosis usually do not get a job because they are disabled and receive a pension.
    • Afraid of being rejected - Once successful people who hold high positions and are then unexpectedly fired are automatically afraid of experiencing similar emotions again.
    • Medicines - Some medications have side effects that include fatigue and apathy. Such states make one fear the tasks set by management.
    • Stressful state - it occurs under the influence of problems at work or at home. A person begins to take sedatives, falling into a kind of trap, since sedatives can only worsen the situation.
    • Psychological trauma - if during work you have experienced severe stress, for example, hostage-taking in the workplace, robbery, pathological harassment from colleagues or intimidation to force you to perform tasks not included in the job description, a phobia develops.
    • Increased anxiety - if you are afraid to speak in public, communicate with colleagues every day, or give instructions, then sooner or later this can lead to a stressful situation that causes an aversion to work.
    • History of depression - people suffering from this mental disorder are more susceptible to difficulties at work. Accordingly, they are more susceptible to ergophobia.

    How does a phobia manifest itself?

    The symptoms of the disease are different, they are often confused with disgust and dislike of getting up in the morning, putting oneself in order, getting dressed and driving, avoiding traffic jams, to your favorite job. In part, such symptoms can be attributed to a phobia, but the real fear of work manifests itself in a more serious form - one thought about it leads a person to a panic attack, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and even numbness of the limbs.

    Symptoms of ergophobia include nausea and vomiting, sweating, dizziness, “stars in the eyes,” a foggy state, the inability to make the right decisions, not understanding what others are saying, and possible memory lapses.

    With ergophobia, the fear of work manifests itself only internally - from the outside, a person is no different from those around him, he can even pretend that he is working, but in fact a fire is breaking out inside him. Many processes occur in their minds, they may suddenly run to the toilet and start crying, they have a desire to hide from people, from sunlight, and sometimes thoughts of suicide arise.

    The disease may be accompanied by additional pathologies- people often try to drink away their fears and take drugs, thus wanting to escape from their problems. At the same time, they believe that they are beginning to cope, but in reality they are making the situation worse.

    Symptoms of this phobia also include a reluctance to perform certain functions, which leads to reprimands and dismissal. As a result, relationships with loved ones and friends deteriorate, financial debts appear, and a person stops taking care of his health and personal hygiene. All this can lead to dire consequences, including loss of property and real estate.


    How to overcome fear of work? Self-treatment of phobia is recommended only in mild cases. By repeating “I can do it, I can do it,” many people actually get out of a state of isolation and achieve their goals. But in advanced situations, you cannot do without the help of a psychologist - treatment involves hypnosis, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, and counseling. The main problem at this stage arises from the lack of money for an appointment and the same fear of admitting to yourself and the doctor that you have a pathology.

    Treatment is possible in groups - psychologists often conduct trainings that motivate to achieve success. Thanks to such conversations, a person has the opportunity to get rid of imposed fear, understand how not to be led by emotions, and what to do if manifestations of panic persist throughout the day. Treatment with psychotherapists does not bring the first results immediately - many people need lengthy appointments and conversations.

    It is possible to cure the fear of a new job; an experienced specialist will suggest behavioral techniques that will help you not be afraid of novelty, communication and difficulties. If the fear of not being able to cope with work still haunts you, or treatment for a particular person is not an opportunity to get rid of complexes, you can work from home. Many people deliberately do not want to expose themselves to stressful situations from conversations with their superiors, so they become freelancers.


    There are a lot of phobias; people are afraid of heights, closed spaces and other things that accompany them everywhere. But how to overcome the fear of a new job if circumstances will definitely arise ahead due to which the employee will have to look for solutions? It is important to understand yourself in this matter - money and career, of course, are important, but health and the future are more important. Perhaps the height you took turned out to be too difficult to conquer and you should change your job? Or retrain for another qualification, changing profession?

    There are many stories when, for example, an employee was afraid to work with men because of possible sexual harassment (and this is also one of the reasons for ergophobia), she eventually quit and got a job in a women’s team in another position, and found like-minded people and friends. The main thing is not to be afraid of change - if your job brings you discomfort, you should think about changing it. After all, working time takes up half of our life and leaves an indelible impression on its quality.

    People change jobs for many reasons. Due to dissatisfaction with wages, due to negative attitude from superiors or colleagues, due to lack of career prospects…

    There are plenty of options.

    One of the drastic ways to solve these problems is to change jobs. And this is a new team.

    What is the best way to join it with the least losses, and ideally, with profit for yourself?

    What does a person encounter when he comes to a new environment?

    First of all, with your fears: you won’t like it, it won’t work out, it won’t work out, they won’t pay you, they’ll fire you, the people in the team are completely bad, and the team itself isn’t so great…

    Fears of not living up to the hopes of family and friends, regrets that I quit I want to give up everything and run to the ends of the world, hide in a corner and tremble there from attacks of self-pity…

    What you can do:

    1. Believe in yourself.

    The very first thing you need to do is explain to yourself a simple thing - by quitting, you did absolutely the right thing. And go over all the points you didn’t like one more time.

    Talk again about the lack of free time, salary corresponding to your efforts, conflicts with management, in general, you need to remember everything.

    Next, you need to accept the fact that you have made your choice. And they did it consciously and independently! And feel free to show your nose to all kinds of envious people - they still haven’t changed anything in their lives - but you could take this step!

    Anything can happen in life, and you could not have left of your own free will. But nothing prevents us from reconsidering our attitude to the situation and setting our priorities correctly. After all, you were not fired, you were given the opportunity to earn more money, career growth, and the opportunity to gain new knowledge and impressions!

    Thanks to such caring leaders!

    Look for positive moments in everything that will stimulate and motivate you for further development. Stop thinking about the past with its unrealized possibilities.

    2. Develop yourself professionally.

    What prevents us from working with full dedication and enjoying the process?

    For example, a lack of specific knowledge, skills, or certain skills. What can we do?

    Approach colleagues with questions. Don’t be afraid to ask - a person who is interested in the specifics of the job is perceived absolutely adequately by the vast majority of “old-timers”.

    Yes, an experienced specialist does not always have the time and opportunity to explain or explain.

    Specify the time when you can contact again, ask who else can help you, inquire about the availability of instructions for “dummies.”

    Nobody can help? There is also a leader! Come to him with questions. The boss is also a person, and sometimes he even remembers that at one time he also asked his more experienced colleagues…

    Oh yes, as for the specifics of the questions, keep in mind that a large number of them may cause your colleagues to doubt your professional competence. Or maybe they won’t call. Therefore, ask questions, clarify anything that you do not understand. Your career is in your hands!

    3. Be careful with your words.

    By nature, all people want a positive attitude towards themselves, so at a new place of work we subconsciously expect open arms and friendly communication. Sometimes this happens.

    In most cases, we are faced with civil strife, strictly defined social roles for employees, and distrust of us from both our superiors and our colleagues.

    Understanding the fact that we will not be good to everyone will help us cope with this situation. There will always be that person who doesn’t like you personally and that’s it. Therefore, in a new team it is necessary to act diplomatically.

    We respond to “tricky” requests with a polite refusal, citing a small amount of knowledge/skills, or we refuse due to objective reasons that prevent such a request from being realized.

    It is categorically not recommended to enter into a discussion about “the sexual preferences of this middle-aged man, burdened with horns, artiodactyl, perplexedly called our boss.” As in the discussion of “the charming dark crimson tight-fitting jacket size 68 of our beloved chief accountant.”

    Be discreet. Especially given the lack of information about the personalities of the new job.

    In order for the team to begin to perceive you as “one of their own,” some time must pass. On average - from 3 to 9 months. Consider that the team is giving you a unique opportunity to take a closer look at it and decide whether there is a reason to stay in this place.

    Or is it better to step over this step and move on.

    If you come to the conclusion that there is a reason to stay here, then remember these simple tips, be attentive, collected and active. I wish you excellent leadership and good colleagues!

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    2011 No. 100 (682).

    Nothing is a disaster unless you consider it to be one.
    Boethius. "Consolation of Philosophy"

    A person is designed in such a way that when the time comes to change something in his life, he begins to experience fear of the unknown. One of the fears of a modern person is the fear of a new job.
    To ease your fear and give yourself confidence in your own abilities, just follow a few simple tips.

    Probably everyone, when applying for a job, experienced a state close to fear. Sitting in front of an employer, a person very often unwittingly makes some mistakes. This is quite understandable in this situation. But the thoughts haunt me: “What if they don’t like me or can’t cope with this job? Maybe I’m so stupid that I have nothing to do there at all?” This is what happens, fear penetrates deeply into your thoughts and a person who is determined to work suddenly loses his optimistic attitude.
    Conclusion: Don't lose your convictions, otherwise you will fail your job interview.

    The fear is over and you are at a new job. Well, there are a lot of pitfalls here. Now the new team scares you. It's no secret that newcomers in any team are treated with caution. Whether it’s a large company or a small company: in any team there is initially a biased attitude towards the new employee. Most often, this happens because during the time they work in a team, people form their own small “family”, with its own way of life and its own rules. They already have their own formed team, which strives to realize itself. And then you appear and try to infiltrate this very family. Naturally, the team develops distrust of you, since none of those around you knows you, your skills in your professional activities and, accordingly, cannot appreciate your abilities. And you, in turn, begin to fear that you will not come to court. What should be done here? Find out as much as possible about the company you are applying for and observe the work process. You can approach your boss at the appropriate time and ask a pertinent question about your job and whether you are doing a good job.
    Conclusion: Analyze the team’s tasks and correlate them with your completed work. This will help you better understand your work.

    Any team is a relationship between colleagues, and if you do not want to lose your job, then communication with people must be constructive on your part.
    Each person in the team has his own character and upbringing, so he cannot be the same as you. And, of course, a dismissive attitude towards others can cause fights and hostility between colleagues. No one likes to be humiliated, everyone likes to feel respected, to realize that they are appreciated.
    Conclusion: Respect your superiors and colleagues and gain their respect.

    Even if you are a first-class specialist, you should not brag about your deep knowledge on your first day of work. Of course, it will be great if you have rationalization ideas, and at the end of the working day you approach your immediate supervisor and calmly present your ideas, not forgetting to justify the proposal. A good leader will definitely listen to you, and if this is a truly worthwhile proposal, he will listen to your opinion.
    Conclusion: Don't make people think you're just trying to sell yourself on yourself.

    Of course, any team has its own “ringleader”, from whom you can expect all sorts of dirty tricks. Be prepared for the fact that they may make fun of you and try to drive you into a dead end in every possible way.
    Conclusion: behave lightly and calmly, try to laugh it off, but, of course, within reason.

    Too bold jokers in the person of a newcomer are disliked in the team.
    Don't gossip! This is a serious flaw in behavior. There is no need to obtain information about another person in this way. Rumors have a tendency to grow in detail, which can tarnish people's reputations, and often your own suffers because the rumors can turn against you.
    Conclusion: drive away the desire to gossip. If you are unhappy with something, you should not tell everyone about it.

    People who constantly express dissatisfaction are simply unpleasant. Therefore, it is better to go to your boss and tell him exactly why you came, starting with the phrase: “Could you help me...” or “Maybe I made a mistake somewhere, but...”. This will be a better option than rumors reaching your boss that you are talking badly about him.
    It happens that theft occurs in a team - it’s a completely unpleasant thing. There is probably no more unbearable situation when all employees are under suspicion.
    Conclusion: be honest.

    If you suddenly witness any kind of discord, do not try to take sides or interfere in the conflict, even if you feel who is right and who is wrong.
    Conclusion: In the end, the conflict will be resolved, and you will long be considered an omnipresent fighter for justice.

    And vice versa, if you feel that you are being provoked into a conflict, try to ignore the instigator; you don’t need enemies now.
    Very often people lose their jobs for two rather banal reasons: tardiness and absenteeism. If you are very slow, try to get up early in the morning and do what you were asked to do. Most often, management does not stand on ceremony with those who are constantly late and absent.
    Conclusion: don't forget about punctuality.

    And one last piece of advice: be persistent, don’t give up. When you find a job, be diligent so as not to lose it! When you join a new team, try to give the impression of a sociable, open, interested person who has come to do what he loves. The new team is a test of human love.

    Alexander Buryak, “The Art of Survival”:
    - Fear warns people of danger, but they must face it without fear. The harm from inappropriate fear is a decrease in the ability to make effective decisions, trembling of the limbs, and the possibility of ruining one’s reputation.
    You can overcome fear in the following ways:
    - distract yourself: think not about the threat, but about the actions that need to be taken;
    - look for the funny in your situation;
    - focus on the need to make a good impression;
    - get angry at yourself;
    - look at what is happening as an opportunity to prove your outstanding qualities;
    - remember people who showed themselves worthily in similar circumstances.

    To summarize, we can say that your position in the team depends only on you. And remember, treat people the way you would like to be treated. I wish you a job you love!

    Prepared by Natalya Yanina, newspaper "Workplaces".