Thuja for adenoids in children. We treat adenoids in a child with thuja oil. Contraindications and harm

Many parents know first-hand what adenoids are. This is explained by the fact that young children often have this pathology. This disease has several degrees of severity; in some cases, conservative treatment methods can be used, and sometimes surgery is simply necessary. It is worth noting that surgical intervention does not always lead to a complete recovery, which is why parents resort to various alternative methods of treating this pathology. Thuja oil helps with adenoids in children quite well, but before resorting to this method of treatment, you need to understand how this remedy acts on the body.

Adenoids - what are they?

Without the use of a special instrument, the peripharyngeal tonsils are very difficult to see. An ENT doctor can assess their condition during examination using a special mirror. A similar disease, which is often diagnosed in young children, would be more logically called adenoid overgrowth. In this case, the tonsils increase significantly in size, which ultimately leads to various complications. Most often, this pathology is diagnosed in children aged 3 to 7 years.

Symptoms of adenoiditis are the following pathological conditions that parents observe in the baby:

  • The child has impaired nasal breathing and often breathes through his mouth, which is especially noticeable during night sleep.
  • Although there is no runny nose at all, breathing through the nose is very difficult.
  • Rhinitis may occur, which does not go away for a long time, even with appropriate treatment.

According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, this disease is dangerous not because of its symptoms, but because of the complications that can arise due to the proliferation of adenoids. The most common complications of adenoiditis include the following pathological conditions:

  • Frequent otitis media, which will inevitably lead to hearing loss.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract will become more frequent.
  • The child will often suffer from respiratory infections.
  • Prolonged tonsillitis often occurs.

When the tonsils grow, the child’s general immunity decreases, he becomes lethargic and gets tired quickly. If this disease develops in a primary school student, then school performance is noticeably reduced.

If adenoiditis is too advanced, then the child may have serious complications such as enuresis or various neurological disorders.

Quite often, doctors recommend that parents undergo surgery to remove inflamed adenoids in children. But this method of treatment is not justified in all cases, in addition, it can lead to quite negative consequences. That is why parents need to make every effort to solve this problem without involving a surgeon.

Surgery does not guarantee that the child’s adenoids will disappear completely and will not provoke painful conditions.

Can thuja oil help?

The guidelines for the use of thuja oil indicate that it can be prescribed for the growth of adenoids in the nasopharynx, as well as to prevent relapses. This homeopathic medicine gives a good effect, thanks to the special components that it contains. Thuja oil for adenoids in children has the following positive effects on the body:

  • Thuja oil has good immunostimulating properties, due to this the child’s body becomes less susceptible to harmful factors that come from the external environment. The proliferation of adenoid tissue is most often a hereditary pathology, but the trigger is most often bacteria or viruses. Thuja oil helps strengthen the immune system, which means the risk of this disease is reduced.
  • The unique homeopathic remedy contains a large number of active components - flavonoids, resins, saponins and some tannins. All of them have a positive effect on metabolic processes that occur in tissues. If you use thuja oil according to the instructions, you can achieve rapid regeneration of epithelial tissues and completely normalize the metabolic processes that occur in the tissues of the nasopharynx.
  • The drug has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. With enlarged adenoids, it is very important to eliminate swelling and inflammation from the nasopharynx, as well as to sanitize the throat.

To understand how effective thuja oil is for treating adenoids in children, you can resort to the results of a medical study. Young patients diagnosed with grade 1-2 overgrowth of adenoids were treated with thuja oil for two weeks, after which time a decrease in the volume of pathological growths, a decrease in inflammation of the nasopharynx, and the absence of any pathogenic flora on the tonsils were noted.

You should not immediately resort to surgery to remove adenoids in a child; first you need to try all conservative treatment methods. But this can only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

How to properly treat yourself with a homeopathic remedy

You need to understand that thuja oil for adenoids for children is not used in its pure form, but in a special homeopathic dilution, which is up to 15%. Such natural preparations can be bought at almost any pharmacy, and the price will be very reasonable. After purchasing the medicine, many parents turn the treasured bottle in their hands and cannot understand how to properly use the oil for adenoids. To effectively treat adenoids with thuja, you must follow a number of recommendations:

  • You need to immediately prepare mentally for the fact that the therapy will be quite long. You can expect a noticeable effect no sooner than after a month and a half of regular use of thuja oil. In this case, the treatment is carried out in courses, the oil is instilled for a month and a half, then they take the same break and repeat the course again.
  • Adenoids are treated with homeopathic thuja oil only after preliminary treatment of the nasal passages. To cleanse the nose, it is recommended to use nasal drops that contain sea water.
  • If the attending physician has not prescribed any other treatment, then follow the standard regimen. The drug is dripped into each nasal passage, 2-3 drops, during the day a similar procedure is carried out up to 3 times;
  • The doctor may choose a rather complex treatment regimen. In this case, an anti-inflammatory agent is instilled into the nose, and after 20 minutes, thuja oil is dripped, 2 drops into each nasal passage. The duration of such treatment is a week, after which an antimicrobial drug is added to the therapy. The duration of such treatment is one and a half months, then a break is taken for about a month and treatment is resumed.
  • According to Dr. Komarovsky, a very effective treatment is in which the nose is first washed with sea water, and then 4 drops of thuja oil are dripped into each nostril. The duration of such treatment is 2 weeks, then you need to take the same break and repeat a similar course.

Instructions for using thuja oil for adenoids may contain information on how to use the drug correctly. But the choice of treatment method always remains with the attending physician. An ENT doctor must regularly examine a sick child to understand whether conservative treatment is effective or not.

Thuja oil should be used with caution to treat children who are allergic to vegetation.

What preparations with thuja can you buy?

To treat adenoiditis in children, you can use homeopathic preparations that contain thuja oil in a small concentration of up to 15%. Such products are produced by different pharmaceutical companies, but the principle of action of all such medications is identical.

  • Thuja Edas 801 – sold in dark glass bottles of 25 ml. This drug promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues and improves mucosal function. The instructions for this medication indicate that it can be prescribed to treat a number of diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. To treat adenoids, the medicine is instilled 3 drops into each nostril, up to 3 times a day.
  • Thuja DN is a natural oil that contains 10% thuja essential oil and 90% purified petroleum jelly. The instructions indicate that when adenoid tissue grows, the drug is dripped into each nostril, 2 drops three times a day. Shake the medicine well beforehand. This drug is mainly used for the effective treatment of chronic rhinitis, but it also gives good results in the treatment of adenoids.
  • Thuja oil GF - this medicine is sold in 25 ml dark glass bottles. The concentration of this homeopathic remedy is 5%. According to the annotation, when adenoid tissue grows, it should be dripped 3-4 drops into each nasal passage, up to 4 times a day. Treatment should continue for two weeks.

It is difficult to say which of these drugs is more effective for adenoiditis. But most parents who have encountered adenoids in their children recommend the drug Tuya Edas 801. According to reviews from parents, noticeable improvements are observed after just a week of treatment with this homeopathic drug.

Before starting treatment with thuja oil, you should carefully study the instructions supplied with the drug.

What are the contraindications

You can start using thuja oil only after consulting a doctor. This drug is considered relatively safe, due to its natural origin. There are not many contraindications to prescribing this medication for treatment, but they must be taken into account. So, thuja oil cannot be used for treatment if:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • severe allergies, which manifests itself as skin rashes;
  • epilepsy of any form.

Before starting treatment, you need to conduct a simple test to determine whether the child is allergic to this homeopathic medicine. To do this, just apply a few drops of oil to the inner bend of the elbow and wait 15 minutes; if during this time there is no redness or irritation of the skin, then the medicine can be used.

If the effect is not noticeable after two weeks of using thuja oil, the doctor may change the treatment regimen.

Very often, when adenoid tissue grows, doctors immediately recommend surgery to remove the adenoids. But this is not always the right decision. If the doctor does not try to treat adenoids with a conservative method, but immediately gives a referral for surgery, then it is advisable to consult with another specialist. In many cases, with adenoids of 1-2 degrees of growth, thuja oil helps.

The longer a pediatric otolaryngologist works in the field of specialization - treatment of adenoiditis, adenoid growth of the nasopharyngeal glands in children, the more convinced he becomes of the effectiveness of, namely, schematic treatment projects. Because, on the basis of an unmistakably diagnosed pathogenesis in the nasal cavities, in the child’s throat , treatment regimen for adenoids demonstrates stable, improving performance.

What is the scheme for treating adenoids in children with popular, well-known nasal drugs, such as Nasonex, Thuja Oil, Protargol, Sofradex. Or new, not so well-known pharmaceutical developments - “Euphorbium Compositum”, “Tobradex”, products of the children’s category of anti-inflammatory homeopathic medicines from the company “Tentorium”.

Let's start in order, and the description of treatment regimens for well-known medications opens.

Super-intensive hormonal drug "Nasonex" in combination with "Sofradex": application regimen

Detailed information about the artificial/synthetic glucocorticosteroid “Mometazon furoat Monohydrat” (anhydrous), also called “Nasonex”. Readers will learn about its chemical and pharmacological composition from the article on our website « Newfangled drug “Nasonex”: “pros” and “cons” for adenoids in children.”

Our main task is to remind you about the rules of safe reception "Nasonex" for adenoids in children. Comprehensive treatment plan, which has been tested by many years of ENT practice.

Scheme : Children should not miss regular exposure to Nasonex. It is advisable to treat the sore nasal cavity twice a day, morning and evening. Before spraying with an aerosol preparation, first rinse the child’s nose with a healing herbal solution (decoction), or carefully clean the nasal passages, one at a time, with cotton swabs (moistening them with sterile Vaseline).

Injections are made 2 times (50 mcg) into each nostril. A continuous course of treatment, after which you can be sure of the positive dynamics of the effect, no earlier than after 7 - 10 days.

Important note! Do not calm down when the pathogenic signs disappear - the cessation of rhinorrhea, rhinitis, nasal congestion (difficult breath). The hormonal composition of Nasonex has a potent, intense vasodilating effect. But this does not mean that after 3-4 days, parents have completely cured adenoid pathogenesis in their child!

A, "Sofradex" V adenoid treatment regimen, is indispensable, namely, in combination with Nasonex. Because “Sofradex” alone cannot cure adenoid vegetation, nor can it in any way alleviate the condition of children’s painful noses. This drug is used directly with Nasonex. For the same dose of treatment, no more than one injection into the baby’s nostril.

Articles on the topic Thuja oil for adenoids for children

Thuja oil, the scheme of its use, should become an indispensable component in the adenoid treatment program

Among homeopathic remedies, and scheme According to which this oil is used, it is difficult to find worthy phyto analogues. The healing properties of the fir family, which includes thuja, demonstrate excellent results.

And, if, in addition, thuja oil formations are combined before or after the use of intranasal medications, synthetic production, we can say with full responsibility that adenoids in children will no longer recur.

The treatment regimen and the peculiarity of its application lies in the following factor. The oil film, which necessarily remains on the surface of the nasal mucosa after use, reliably protects the medicinal dispersion coating of nasal aerosols - Nasonex, Sofradex, Sialor (analogue of Protargol) from drying out.

After each aerosol treatment of the child’s nose with such spray medications, lubricate with thuja oil or Edas 801. This will soothe the irritated, hyperemic nasal mucosa and provide an analgesic effect. Children are much more accepting of soft lubrication than squirting.

Treatment of adenoids with “Protargol” according to the scheme

This medication deserves extreme caution. This is indeed a potent drug containing colloidal silver. requires strict adherence to doctor's instructions, By approved scheme. It is attributed to complex, severe forms of adenoid pathogenesis. When it is urgently necessary to necrotize the putrefactive layer of the nasopharyngeal epidermis (furunculous adenoiditis, purulent rhinitis, sinusitis).

The regimen for using Protargol is approved only by an otolaryngologist. The infected nasal cavity is treated with cotton swabs:

  • in mild cases, no more than once a day;
  • in severe degrees of adenoid-purulent pathosis, 2 (3 times) a day.

Carefully! Do not force the use of Protargol by deciding on your own. This is dangerous in the sense of an overdose of silver elements in the child’s body!

Argyrosis is intoxication of a child’s body with silver elements. A terrible disease that is characterized by the serious condition of young patients, hair loss, and pallor (with a silvery tint) of the skin. And, this is quite possible, only as a consequence of the incorrect, uncontrolled use by parents of the drugs “Protargol”, “Sialor” for self-medication of their children.

Articles on the topic "JOB Baby" for adenoids

"Euphorbium compositum" for adenoids: treatment regimen

The best homeopathic remedy - developed by German pharmaceutical company. by Heel as the strongest antibacterial immunostimulant with adenoids. AND, treatment regimen, designed by German pharmacists for the active effect of 8 names of various herbal components included in this phytotherapeutic product.

The treating otolaryngologists record (upon receiving the results of repeated control laboratory tests) encouraging clinical indicators. The main thing is that microbiological studies confirm:

  • In bio materials (nasal mucus biopsy), the reduction of pathogenic pathogens, adenoviral strains - staphylococci, streptococci, herpes and papilloma viruses is significantly minimized;
  • If the dominant/strain belonged, in the primary analyses, to unstable anaerobic respiratory formations (seasonal, annually changing types of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections), its complete necrosis is recorded, or its minimal fractions are observed;
  • The visceral epidermis is significantly moisturized because the lymph glandular tissue actively regenerates the intercellular fluid (matrix balance).

Due to the fact that the medicine is produced in spray packaging. It is convenient to spray it into the nose of children 2-3 times a day. The period of application is from 10 to 20 days. A week break is taken and microlab checks are carried out. analyses. And, based on the results (positive, not very encouraging, negative), the doctor makes a decision - to continue treatment with this drug or change the medicine.

"Tobradex" for adenoids: treatment regimen

"Garazon" "Tobradex" This is the name of the same nasal drug, which is absolutely impossible to do without. for adenoids. Treatment regimen involves the use of drops, but, unfortunately, medication bottles are not always equipped with convenient pipette caps. Experienced mothers have gotten used to getting out of this situation by pouring medicine (Tobradex) into empty, used bottles of nasal medications that have such caps.

If children are diagnosed with adenoid enlargements, which are accompanied by copious green snot (adenoids are infected with pathoviral microflora), Tobradex will be a salvation. Pathoinfestation of any degree is surprisingly quickly and effectively removed!

Drip into your nose without fear! Press the pipette up to 4-5 times in a row. The only and important “But”! ENT pediatricians do not view the use of this medicine very positively in young children under 5-6 years of age.

API preparations "Tentorium": adenoids, treatment regimen

The homeopathic phyto company specializes in the production of medicines based on active API ingredients (beekeeping products). Among the numerous diverse selection of drugs, a special place is occupied by nasal complex drugs for children suffering from adenoid pathogenesis.

Articles on the topic Mumiyo in the treatment of adenoids in children: positive/negative reviews

The most successful treatment regimen is manifested in the alternate use of:

  1. Aqueous solution of propolis “A P V” (ay-pee-wee). Instill two to three drops, 3 times a day, for 2 weeks;
  2. "API BALZAMUS" (apibalm). An excellent second in line propolis component of Tentorium. The healing base is liquid propolis combined with vegetable oil (or peach, or eucalyptus, or tea tree). Over the next 2 weeks, 3 drops. X 3 r/day;
  3. The API treatment complex is completed by flower pollen, in combination with a collection of dried medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, linden, white acacia, oregano). Children are given half a teaspoon of syrup before meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner). After a month of regular use, the doctor checks the result of the treatment.

Carefully! Don't forget to check your child's bee component compatibility test!

Adenoids: homeopathy, treatment regimen

What additional homeopathic remedies are effectively synthesized in a complex treatment option? After all, thanks to such a combinatorial program, adenoids are exposed to destructive onslaught much faster. After all, pharmacological preparations and, simultaneously with them, purely phytoformations begin to act with a powerful onslaught.

What does it offer? homeopathy, in the general project “joint treatment plan"? When using nasal sprays with vasodilating clinical characteristics, such as Nasonex, Sofradex, Aqua-spray. The same above-mentioned “Euphorbium compositum” should be used as products from the company “Tentorium”.

Actively use herbal solutions, both home-made and those ordered at the pharmacy (in the finished product preparation department). Aloe oil, tea tree oil, black cumin oil, tea tree oil are rare herbal homeopathics. But in combination with purely synthetic hormonal, antibacterial, antihistamine medications, the chemical harmful effects on the child’s body are significantly neutralized.

Thuja essential oil for adenoids for children is a popular homeopathic remedy that is also suitable for adults. It is prescribed for the treatment of various formations that can be localized not only on the skin, but also on mucous membranes.


Where to buy a little thuja?

You can buy thuja oil at pharmacies, regular and homeopathic. It is freely available and is not a scarce product, but is produced by different companies.

Thuja DN

The product is produced in Russia and is prescribed for adenoids and purulent rhinitis. It is effective to use oil for congestive forms of diseases when treatment with standard drugs does not help.

The drug contains homeopathic substances:

  • hydrastis;
  • hemlock;
  • hepar sulfur;
  • Phytolacca desandra;
  • barium carbonate.

The course of treatment involves two to three instillations per day, two drops into each nostril. If you have a runny nose in its acute form, as well as a tendency to allergies, Thuja DN should not be used.

Thuja DN from 200 rubles

Thuja oil Edas-801

This product is also produced in Russia.

Edas-801 is indicated for:

  • adenoids;
  • rhinitis;
  • polyposis of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • arthrosis;
  • stomatitis;
  • acne;
  • warts;
  • green snot;
  • periodontal disease.

The main purpose of the medicine is to optimize the functioning of the mucous membranes. The product is made based on thuja oil and olive oil. The daily course of treatment involves instilling two drops three or four times into each nasal passage. No side effects were recorded during treatment with the drug.

Edas-801 from 130 rubles


The drug Thuja-GF is produced in St. Petersburg. The medicine is prescribed for adenoids (in a complex therapeutic setting), chronic runny nose, which is accompanied by thick mucus and purulent discharge. The basis of the product is thuja oil, as well as petroleum jelly. You can carry out no more than four procedures per day by instilling 3-5 drops into each nostril. Do not use oil only in situations of individual intolerance. No side effects were noted with the drug.

Thuja-GF about 300 rubles

Useful properties of oil and composition

Thuja oil is a natural product and contains a sufficient amount of useful elements:

  • pinin;
  • resins;
  • flavonoids;
  • cedrol;
  • pillen;
  • fidren;
  • thujone;
  • toxofoline;
  • tannins;
  • cardiophyllene;
  • pinipicrin;
  • sesquiterpene alcohol.

Thanks to this significant composition, the oil has a number of useful properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • wound healing;
  • pain reliever;
  • immunostimulating;
  • tonic;
  • antitumor.

Expected effect in the treatment of adenoids

Since the drug is a homeopathic remedy, it is used for complex therapeutic purposes in the treatment of many diseases.

Thuja oil allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • reduces inflammation in the tonsils;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • increases the local immunity of the body and strengthens (insignificantly) the general one;
  • accelerates regeneration processes;
  • relieves tissue swelling;
  • has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora, destroying it as much as possible;
  • helps reduce the size of adenoids.

The following video from the “Live Healthy” channel talks about the features of treating adenoids.

Reviews from many parents indicate the effectiveness of the medicine. But it is impossible to say that the drug is effective in each individual case, since any treatment requires consultation with a specialist.

Indications and contraindications

In pediatric practice, thuja oil is used for:

  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • adenoids of the first and second degrees;
  • otitis;
  • polyps that are localized in the nasopharynx;
  • rhinitis;
  • skin lesions;
  • sinusitis;
  • coughs of different origins.

Regarding contraindications, there are no special instructions. Do not use the product only in relation to patients who have allergic manifestations. It is also worth using the oil with extreme caution when treating children under three years of age (due to the same allergic manifestations).

Before using thuja oil, you need to check your child’s body for allergic reactions. To do this, simply apply a drop of the product to a small area of ​​skin and wait about ten minutes.

Directions for use and doses

For adenoids, thuja oil should be instilled into the nasal passages. It is recommended to first clean them using pharmaceutical saline solutions or drops. When treating with thuja oil, it is better to use an already diluted 15% homeopathic remedy, rather than pure 100% essential oil.

Use the medicine correctly as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to clean the baby’s nose with saline solutions (for example, Aqualor, Marimer, Aquamaris). For this it is better to use a pipette. After which the child should blow his nose well.
  2. For children under six years old, one drop of oil in each nasal passage twice a day is enough, for older children 2-3 drops three times a day. You need to drip with the baby's head tilted back a little.
  3. After the procedure, the child should lie in a horizontal position for at least ten minutes.

Aqua Maris (246 RUR) Marimer (364 RUR)

In addition to standard procedures, you can also:

  1. Do inhalations with thuja oil. Add five drops of oil to 500 ml of 45 degree water and let the child breathe for 5 minutes. Or add 7 drops of thuja oil to 500 ml of decoction (calendula, chamomile) and breathe in steam for 7 minutes.
  2. Perform aromatherapy. To do this, place an aromatic lamp with thuja oil in the child’s room at night. Calculation for 15 square meters of room - 5 drops per 10 ml of water.

It is worth noting that such treatment requires a long time, the minimum course is a month. If improvement does not occur, then after a break the child continues to be treated.

Treatment regimen

The attending physician may prescribe various treatment regimens:

  1. To clean the nasal passages and relieve inflammation, drop 2 drops of Protargol into each nostril. After 15 minutes, drip 2 drops of thuja oil and continue the treatment regimen for 7 days. Then, to provide an antimicrobial effect, we drip 2 drops of Argolife into the nose 3 times a day. We stick to the course for 6 weeks. After this, there is a week-long break and all you have to do is drip 2 drops of thuja oil into your nose 3 times a day.
  2. For 14 days, rinse your nose with sea water and drop 4 drops of thuja oil into each nostril 3 times a day. We take a week break and repeat the course.

Sialor (110 rub.) Argolife ((212 rub.)

Side effects

The instructions for the drug indicate that if the course of treatment and dosage is followed, there are no side effects. Therefore, you should adhere to the doctor’s prescriptions and then there will be no risk of using the product.

Combination with other oils

Concentrated thuja oil should not be mixed with any other products. In diluted variations, it is possible to combine the drug with olive, vaseline, sea buckthorn and almond oils.

Let's get acquainted with a wonderful remedy - thuja oil, which has been used for many years for adenoids and can be used for children from the age of three.

Not all parents clearly understand the seriousness of such a pathology as adenoids. Well, the child’s nose is stuffy, his mouth is slightly open, it will go away sooner or later anyway. Just think, many had a snotty childhood and nothing. Let's not put everyone under the same brush, but help our children live and breathe fully.

Adenoids in children are not just snot, but an inflammatory process occurring against the background of hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil. A bacterial infection “sits” in the nasopharynx, due to which the adenoids (adenoid vegetations) increase in size and can have three degrees of growth.

The child begins to complain of difficulty breathing, snoring, mucus in the nose and throat, and headache. Parents note frequent colds in their children.

Adenoids provide a permanent chronic source of infection, which can spread to the paranasal sinuses, middle ear, and bronchi. Therefore, first of all, the otolaryngologist prescribes procedures for the sanitation of the nasopharynx, and only then moves on to homeopathic, physiotherapeutic or surgical methods of treatment.

Foci of infection can be sanitized using antiseptic solutions, drops and inhalers. In each individual case, an individual drug is selected. Before sanitation, it is recommended to do a nasopharyngeal culture with an antibiogram.

Grade 1 adenoids are treated conservatively, and for grades 2 and 3, doctors advise surgical intervention. But no one can guarantee that after a year or earlier the pharyngeal tonsil will not increase in size again. Therefore, a competent specialist will make every effort to help a child with grades 1 and 2 adenoids, and solve this problem with more delicate methods, for example, homeopathy.

Thuja oil for adenoid vegetations (adenoids) in children - detailed instructions

Homeopathic preparations based on thuja relieve adults and children from various growths not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes.

Homeopathic peas and thuja oil are used to treat adenoids, warts, growths, warts and other neoplasms. The most interesting thing is that only in homeopathic dilutions does thuja act as a medicine.

In wildlife, long-term contact with this poisonous tree, on the contrary, leads to the appearance of all of the above pathologies. Ancient people knew this secret and knew how to use thuja only as a remedy.

Composition and benefits of thuja oil

Oil from pine needles and thuja cones has a unique composition consisting of a number of useful substances:

  • flavonoids;
  • pillena;
  • cedrol;
  • pinina;
  • resins;
  • fidrena;
  • toxifolin;
  • pinipicrin;
  • tannins;
  • thujone;
  • sesquiterpene alcohol;
  • cardiophyllene.

The combination of the presented substances exhibits the following healing properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating;
  • tonic;
  • antiviral;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • immunostimulating.

Thuja oil has a powerful effect on the immune system, normalizes chemical processes in the nasopharynx, and eliminates the proliferation of pathological tissues. Homeopathic thuja affects not only the lesion, but also “forces” the entire body to restart, as it were, i.e. restore normal cell function. Therefore, homeopaths, in addition to the oil, advise taking homeopathic thuja granules.

The vasoconstrictor effect of the oil normalizes nasal breathing and relieves swelling in the nasopharynx. At the first stages of treatment, the condition of the adenoids stabilizes (growth stops), and then there is a tendency for the adenoid vegetations to resolve.

Indications for the use of thuja oil in children

In children's practice, thuja oil is used in the following cases:

  • adenoids grade 1 and 2;
  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • cough of various etiologies;
  • polyps in the nasopharynx;
  • skin lesions.

For all these pathologies, the doctor will definitely offer an individual treatment regimen. Not only oil instillation is used, but also other techniques, which will be discussed a little later.


Important! Overdose of any thuja-based drugs is unacceptable. It should be remembered that only homeopathic doses are considered safe; all other dosages turn into poison.

The healing properties of thuja oil

How to instill thuja oil for adenoids - treatment regimen

Dosages for each child are individual and depend on age. Children under 6 years old It is recommended to drop 1 drop of oil into each nasal passage, but not more often than twice a day. To everyone else Thuja oil is recommended to be used 2 drops up to three times a day. Treatment is continued for 45 days, then a week-long break, and again the course of treatment is resumed.

Only 15% oil (homeopathic) is suitable for instillation, and essential oil, even diluted with water, is not recommended for children.

In order for the oil to fulfill all its medicinal properties, first clean the child’s nose with a saline solution that you prepare yourself (a teaspoon of salt per 200 ml of water). Pharmacy saline solutions, such as aqua maris, physiomer, salin and others, are also suitable.

Thuja oil for adenoids should always be dripped warmed to room temperature; just hold the bottle in your clasped palm and the oil composition will heat up.

In addition to instillations, other methods of treatment with thuja oil are used, they are as follows:

  • inhalation - take 5 drops of oil per 500 ml of water (45 degrees), inhale the vapor for 5 minutes;
  • inhalations with herbs and oil - take 7 drops of oil per 500 ml of chamomile or calendula decoction, breathe over the vapor for 7 minutes;
  • aromatherapy - oil is dosed at the rate of 5 drops + 10 ml of water per 15 square meters of room.

Parents should always follow the instructions for using thuja oil, because... When treating adenoids, different dosages are used for effective therapy in children and adults.

Where to buy thuja oil?

The finished oil is sold both in a regular pharmacy and in a homeopathic pharmacy. If there are no homeopathic centers or pharmacies in your city, then in a regular pharmacy chain buy one of the remedies that will be useful for adenoids:

  • thuja DN,
  • thuja oil edas 801;
  • Thuja GF.

Let's take a quick look at the proposed drugs.

Thuja DN

The drug is produced in Russia, a 20 ml bottle of oil costs about 250 rubles. The product contains such homeopathic components as: thuja, hepar sulfur, hydrastis, barium carbonate, phytolacca desandra, hemlock (conium). The composition of the oil is indicated for purulent rhinitis with a chronic course, adenoid vegetations.

The drug is effective for congestion in the nasopharynx, when the inflammatory process cannot be treated with standard means.

Thuja Dn is not used for acute runny nose and a tendency to allergies, although the latter is practically not observed. The drug is dosed as follows: 2-3 drops of oil are instilled into each nostril 2-3 times a day. The period of use of the drug should not exceed 24 months.

The drug belongs to homeopathic remedies and is produced in Russia. The price for a 25 ml bottle is 130 rubles. The effect of the oil is mild and does not cause any adverse reactions. The main substance is Thuja Occidentalis, supplemented with olive oil.

Edas-801 is used for adenoids, otitis, polyposis of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, rhinitis, green snot, stomatitis, warts and other pathologies. The oil has a pronounced epithelializing effect, and also perfectly normalizes the normal functioning of the mucous membranes.

For adenoid vegetations, instillation into the nose is carried out three times a day, 3-4 drops. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor; on average, the instillation cycle lasts at least 12 days.

Homeopathic oil Thuja GF is produced on the basis of the active component - thuja, and an auxiliary substance - vaseline oil. The drug is produced in St. Petersburg. A 25 ml bottle of oil costs 300 rubles.

The main indications for use are all types of chronic runny nose, accompanied by purulent discharge and thick mucus. For adenoid vegetations, otolaryngologists also include Thuja GF in complex therapy.

The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance. Side effects are the exception to the rule. The course of treatment with oil is usually 14 days. Thuja GF is instilled up to four times a day, 3-5 drops into each nostril.

Store the oil in the refrigerator for up to 24 months.

At an appointment with an ENT doctor, the baby’s parents heard an unpleasant diagnosis - “adenoiditis”. What to do, how to help the child? Wise nature has given our body many protective functions and even organs, one of them is the nasopharyngeal tonsil (adenoid).

This is a protective barrier against various microbes penetrating through the oral cavity into the respiratory system.

If the child’s condition allows, the process has not started, the doctor adheres to a conservative treatment method. These are usually medications and physical therapy. Often, an ENT doctor suggests additionally using a homeopathic remedy such as thuja oil Edas 801 to treat inflamed adenoids.

Is homeopathy effective for children?

The question of the benefits or harms of homeopathy has been agitating society for several decades. The debate between supporters and opponents of homeopathy continues to this day; both sides have certain arguments.

But having carefully understood the technology of preparing homeopathic medicines, common sense and physics suggest that there can be no benefit here. The simplest mathematical calculations prove that when the active substance is repeatedly dissolved, practically no substance remains in the solution. By purchasing such drugs, which are often quite expensive, a person is purchasing a placebo, a pacifier.

Official medicine, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the US Department of Health Food and Drug Administration (FDA) do not consider homeopathic medicines to be medicines. The global scientific community openly calls this quackery and fraud.

And adherents of homeopathy propose to believe that the spirit of the active substance, its energy, remains in the solution. Is it possible to treat a person by believing in the occult? When there is no real evidence, it is better to turn to otherworldly forces.

Perhaps this is not even the main reason for the widespread use of such funds. The huge industry of homeopathic medicines with gigantic profits is making incredible efforts to develop their industry by any means. And gullible people who are ready to believe in anything to save a child are excellent victims of this octopus.

Review of reviews on the use of Edas 801

  • reasonable price;
  • natural components of the drug;
  • does not sting, without a pungent odor;
  • reduces anxiety and snoring at night;
  • softens dry nasal mucosa.

There are also critical reviews about Edas 801, they note:

  • lack of effect when taken for one to two weeks;
  • allergic reaction;
  • low information content of the instructions, for example, lack of information about side effects.

Summarizing the review of various reviews about Edas 801, the following recommendations for the use of thuja oil for adenoids for children are relevant:

  • use as an additional remedy to the main treatment;
  • it is useful to combine Edas 801 with an immunomodulator, first rinsing the nasal passages;
  • the use of thuja oil Edas 801 together with medications and Lymphomyosot prescribed by a doctor contributes to a noticeable relief of symptoms;
  • A mandatory consultation with an immunologist is recommended to clarify the diagnosis and select the best treatment regimen.

ENT specialists give mostly skeptical reviews on the use of homeopathy in general. But some doctors consider it possible to combine the drug thuja Edas 801 with the main regimen of drugs and physiotherapy for grade 1 or 2 adenoiditis.

Homeopathy preparations must be purchased only from pharmacies and reliable pharmaceutical companies; safety comes first.

Instructions for use

The most accurate information on how to properly instill thuja oil for adenoids for children is provided by the official instructions. Let us note the main provisions:

  • the active component of thuja occidentalis (lat. Thuja occidentalis) is 5%, the remaining 95% is olive oil;
  • externally it is a viscous liquid of yellow-green color, practically odorless;
  • indications for the use of thuja Edas 801 are rhinitis of the atrophic type in chronic form, overgrown adenoid tissue (first and second stages of the disease).

How to drip?

Here are detailed instructions for using Edas 801:

  • clean the nostrils of purulent secretions and dried crusts using saline or a slightly salted aqueous solution;
  • for cleaning, products with sea water salt are recommended, for example, Morenasal, Marimer, and others;
  • as prescribed by a specialist (if necessary), instill an antimicrobial drug with the active component silver, for example, Argolife, Protargol;
  • 10-20 minutes after these events, you can drip Edas 801 thuja oil.


The instructions indicate that two or three drops in each nostril in two or three doses throughout the day is enough; an alternative method is to lubricate the nasal mucosa with a gauze swab. The course duration is recommended to be at least 2 – 4 weeks.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of thuja oil Edas 801; there is a possibility of an allergic reaction in some patients, since the drug consists of 100% natural plant materials.

Important Notes

Special instructions noted in the instructions:

  • the possibility of combining it with other prescribed medications;
  • there is no addiction to the drug;
  • There may be some deterioration in the symptoms of the disease (temporarily), in which case it is recommended to consult an ENT specialist.

Homeopathy does not work, and a sick child needs real help “here and now.” Therefore, reliable treatment methods that promptly relieve adenoiditis are required.

What does modern official medicine offer for the treatment of adenoids:

  • conservative (non-surgical) direction, with the help of pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy;
  • surgical direction, in which the enlarged ones are removed (excised) in one way or another.
The choice is up to the specialist. Only an ENT doctor, after conducting a thorough diagnosis, can choose the most effective technique.


If the patient’s condition allows, they try to avoid surgery and use conservative therapy.

Conservative treatment regimens solve several problems - it is necessary not only to stop the growth of adenoids, but also to eliminate other symptoms of the disease and complications that have arisen.

Therefore, conservative therapy is always complex and includes several groups of drugs. Let's consider possible groups:

  • means for rinsing the nasal passages;
  • general strengthening agents that increase immunity;
  • nasal drops with antiseptic;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • nasal drops with hormones (corticosteroids, corticosteroids);
  • vasoconstrictor drops.

As part of a complex of conservative therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures often help effectively, for example:

  • ultraviolet irradiation (UVR) and short-wave irradiation (SWI);
  • electrophoresis - the introduction of medicine into the nasal passages under the influence of an electric field;
  • UHF – affects the nasal area with a high-frequency electromagnetic field;
  • Magnetic therapy is the use of a magnetic field for treatment.

All procedures reduce inflammation, have an antiviral and bactericidal effect, which ultimately improves immunity.

The modern level of medicine and innovative technologies have significantly expanded the list of methods used to remove adenoids; we note the main ones:

  • classical excision by a surgeon using a special adenotome instrument;
  • removal under endoscope control;
  • laser cauterization;
  • radio wave method of removal.

What should you do if you followed all the doctor’s instructions and, at the same time, conservative treatment did not give the required effect, and the disease proceeds with severe complications? There is only one option left - the doctor will offer to remove the inflamed enlarged adenoids through a free surgical operation (adenotomy).

The operation is not an emergency, it is performed as planned after a thorough examination, under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation itself is less than half an hour, then the child is under the supervision of a doctor for some time.

Often parents, having learned that the adenoids can later return to normal, decide to simply wait. This is risky; refusal of surgery or ineffective conservative treatment may result in a worsening of the condition. What consequences are likely:

  • complications associated with the ears, hearing loss;
  • infections caused by microbes accumulated in the adenoids;
  • frequent colds;
  • improper formation of nasal bones;
  • headache and poor sleep;
  • irritability associated with poor breathing.

In recent years, new technologies for excision of adenoids have appeared, which are more gentle, the most common of which is laser therapy. Laser cauterization of adenoid tissue is used only for the first or second degree of adenoiditis.

The main advantages of excision of adenoids by laser cauterization:

  • precise impact strictly on the adenoids;
  • minimal risk of bleeding;
  • procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis and without general anesthesia;
  • there are no postoperative scars;
  • the child is not afraid, there are no unpleasant sensations;
  • used to treat children of any age;
  • there are no relapses, the adenoid tissue does not grow again;
  • quick recovery after the procedure.

The disadvantages of the method include the high cost and the search for a good specialist of this particular profile.

Useful video

You can learn about the treatment of adenoids using aromatherapy from this video:


  1. If a child is sick with adenoiditis, you should not engage in useless manipulations, for example, drip thuja oil Edas 801.
  2. Homeopathy does not cure diseases. In the hope of a positive result from its use, precious time will be lost and the process of adenoid growth will only intensify.
  3. Parents are only required to conscientiously follow the ENT doctor’s orders and create a comfortable psychological climate for the baby.