Auto-training exercises to calm the nervous system. How to deal with depression on your own: a step-by-step action plan Methods and training techniques

Depression is a vision of the world in gray tones, but the world itself is neither good nor bad. We must decorate it. Auto-training helps to decorate the world in bright, cheerful colors through self-hypnosis of positive life attitudes.

Considering that during times of nervous exhaustion, loss of spirit, and stress, the only way out is to change your vision of the world, auto-training is considered one of the best remedies for depression, and besides, a person can master this technique himself and practice it, improving, throughout his life.

There is a very good comparison of your consciousness under the influence of auto-training and emotion management. Imagine that asphalt is being laid in the yard. Asphalt is inherently hard, but now it is hot and soft. You can leave a mark from the sole in it, or you can lay out a pattern with pebbles. The same thing happens to your consciousness during the two phases of training:

  1. The first phase is auto-training for relaxation. Your consciousness becomes soft and receptive to change.
  2. The second phase is self-hypnosis. You lay out a pattern on the asphalt, which will subsequently harden. In practice, this looks like pronouncing special auto-training formulas, which your brain perceives as instructions

Carrying out auto-training

Auto-training can be useful not only during depression and various mental disorders, it is also applicable in the everyday life of each of us to raise morale, cheerfulness, and optimism. For example, the most useful auto-training for women is complimenting yourself every day. Such things increase self-esteem, attractiveness, and sexuality. Also, auto-training can be used for rejuvenation, or getting rid of bad habits.

An integral part of auto-training is positive attitudes. They should be short and extremely unambiguous, without “not” particles. For example: instead of saying “I am not sick,” you should say “I am healthy.”

But, above all, auto-training affects calm and balance. For example, if you find yourself in a stressful situation where you just want to rip your interlocutor’s throat out of rage, you can tell yourself “Dissolve!” or “All clear!”

Auto-training is carried out in a relaxed state of mind and body. The training begins with you saying to yourself: “I am relaxed,” then from your toes to the very top of your head you relax one part of the body at a time - “my toes are relaxed” (and you feel instant relaxation), “my feet are relaxed,” “my calves are relaxed.” "etc.

Autotraining - self-therapy for depression

Autotraining is a psychotherapeutic technique that you can practice on your own. This method of treatment is effective for various forms of depression, in which there is a decrease in emotional background, depression, sadness, and a tendency to suicidal thinking. Auto-training for depression, in combination with other treatment methods, can significantly reduce the manifestations of a psychosomatic disorder and instill in a person a positive attitude. Before starting auto-training exercises, you should consult a specialist who will familiarize you with the main nuances of the method and, after an examination, will be able to assess the feasibility of using such therapy.

Specifics of treatment

With the development of depression, neurochemical reactions occur in the human body caused by a loss of mental balance. The main task of autotraining is to normalize the mental state, as a result of which it will be possible not only to stop the processes of destabilization, but also to reverse them.

Autotraining for depression has an effect on the brain, similar to hypnosis. The only difference is that hypnosis requires the help of a qualified specialist, and auto-training is carried out by the patient himself and with his active participation.

The principle of such hypnotic treatment is based on the repeated pronunciation of certain phrases - a psychological attitude to which the formed thought processes will subsequently obey.

Rules for conducting auto-training

An effective treatment result is possible only under the condition of complete immersion in a trance, in which verbal constructions take on the form of an order for the individual. If auto-training exercises are performed correctly, the patient experiences personal changes, gains positive emotions and begins to perceive life positively.

Classic Schultz technique

Autotraining according to the Schultz method includes 2 stages:

To achieve relaxation, a person suffering from depression needs to relax all the muscles, feel the heaviness of the body and the spreading warmth, and establish control over the rhythm of the heartbeat and breathing. To achieve complete relaxation, you should take a comfortable position, sitting or lying down.

At the first stage, you need to pronounce mental formulas that promote complete relaxation. After the heaviness in the body and spreading warmth begin to be felt, you need to begin voicing mental commands aimed at eliminating depressive manifestations of thinking. All spoken phrases must carry a firm conviction of complete well-being. You can choose the words yourself, the main thing is that they have a positive meaning and they help increase self-confidence.

Auto-training for depression helps everyone, without exception, get rid of the signs of the disorder. Everyone is able to choose for themselves an effective option for self-hypnosis. Success depends primarily on the patient’s persistence and regularity of exercises. It is recommended to conduct auto-training daily, in the evening or lunchtime.

Auto-training for depression

The world itself is neutral. Each person chooses colors to color it. How can you learn to choose the colors of the sun, joy, and life? How to repaint an already established picture of the world in dark colors? The latter is called depression.


Auto-training comes to the rescue - the process of drawing your own picture of life through self-hypnosis.

Autotraining in scientific circles is called mental self-regulation - personality psychocoding. The process of autotraining or autogenic training occurs through immersion in a special state, close to trance, due to which a change in the state of consciousness occurs. Against the background of mental changes in consciousness, the necessary settings are introduced. The process of autogenic training is comparable to this everyday picture: fresh asphalt has been laid in your yard. It, in essence, should be solid (the usual state of consciousness), but for now it is in a mushy state, since it is put in hot form, that is, changed (an altered state of consciousness). At this moment, you can leave traces on the asphalt, lay out a pattern of pebbles (the process of entering the necessary psychological formulas), when the asphalt hardens, it will preserve both the trace and the pattern in an unchanged state (the result of autotraining). Thanks to this analogy, you can better understand the process of auto-training.

Two stages of self-hypnosis.

In auto-training for depression, two stages can be distinguished: muscle relaxation and entering the necessary settings.

First stage:

Muscle relaxation should begin by relaxing the toes, moving up to the head. Pay special attention to the neck and facial muscles. It is in these parts that the clamping occurs. Suggest to yourself that your body is getting heavier and warmer. For example: “My right arm is getting heavy. My left hand is getting heavy. My arms are heavy and relaxed. I feel warmth in my right hand..."etc. It is clear that the first time you will not be able to relax as much as possible, but with constant training you will achieve significant results.

Second stage:

After achieving muscle relaxation, you can begin suggestions. When pronouncing verbal formulas, use words without the particle “not” (replace “I’m not sick” with “I’m healthy”). Speak positive messages slowly, in a calm, confident voice. For depression, use the following formulas: “I tune myself into cheerful, creative energy,” “I am filled with joy and self-confidence,” “I have the desire and ability to achieve my goals.”

Auto-training for depression, as many doctors believe, can significantly improve the condition.

Auto-training for depression


The life of a modern person is unusually busy. It resembles the ocean during a storm. Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid stress when crossing this ocean, and every person experiences it sooner or later. Since stress is associated with any activity, only those who do nothing, or rather, do not live, can avoid it. Is there life without daring, without successes and failures, without mistakes?

There's a lot of talk these days about stress. This condition may be associated with failures or overload at work, with retirement, family problems, or the death of someone close to you.

If stressful situations are layered on top of each other, the human body suffers a serious blow. First of all, the nervous system is injured, and disturbances in its functioning lead to diseases of a variety of systems and organs.

Moreover, a person ceases to experience pleasure from life. He rejoices less and less and perceives failures more and more acutely.

Today there are medications that can strengthen the nervous system and calm in case of irritation or overexcitation.

But we must not forget that there are so many factors influencing the occurrence of stress that if you rely only on medications, you will have to take them several times a day.

This is unacceptable. Not only will you not be a winner in this situation, but you will also shorten the duration of your existence. Moreover, funds aimed directly at eliminating the stressful state have not yet been found.

The optimal way out is auto-training. This is an ambulance for yourself, the simplest and most reliable remedy.

But here you should know in what cases you really need to deal with stress. The fact is that stress can be caused by both negative events and quite pleasant ones - a gambling game of chess or passionate hugs, for example.

In the latter case, absolutely no harm will be caused to you, so there is simply nothing to worry about in this situation (although, if positive emotions prevent you from falling asleep or doing serious work, you can still use auto-training).

Since one remedy for overcoming stress is not enough, there is a system of ways to combat this illness.

Stand straight, stretch your arms up and alternately raise your legs to the sides. This exercise helps to get rid of all unpleasant thoughts and feelings.

Slowly extend your arms forward, then up, to the sides, down. Then alternately raise and lower one or the other leg, bent at the knee.

Bend over and touch your fingertips to the floor. Breathe deeply and slowly. Stay in this position for 1 minute. Then slowly straighten up.

Kneel, raise your arms above your head and punch the pillow loosely with your clenched fists. This will help relieve aggression. Lying on your back, bend your knees and spread your feet 50 cm apart. Place your palms on your stomach. Breathe deeply. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Then “drop” your knees to the sides and bring them together again.

After releasing stressful energy, go directly to self-hypnosis.

Thus, the stress of failures and dashed hopes is especially harmful. But if in such a situation you use auto-training, you will reduce your vulnerability to a minimum. Just tell yourself:

“Perfection is impossible, but every kind of achievement has its own peak. I will strive for it and be content with it. Collapses and falls cannot lead me astray, my step will not lose its firmness because of them. All my falls will be so soft, like a successful landing by a professional skydiver.

The troubles rushing towards me will come back like a boomerang. They will bounce off me as easily and naturally as a ball bounces off a wall. I will bear them as painlessly as the touch of a light spring breeze on my cheek."

This exercise can be performed every morning, at the beginning of any day that promises to be stormy. After all, it is easier for any of us to repel a blow when we are ready for it and are able to give a worthy rebuff.

It’s not for nothing that they say that dogs bite those who are afraid of them, who pass by cautiously. And if you do not fall into a state of horror and panic, stress will not “bite” you. Be calm, and stress will go looking for another victim.

After another failure, tell yourself:

– No, experiences are not for me.

– Suffering is not my destiny.

- Torment is not my fate.

You can conduct a visualization session. Imagine yourself as a sheet of paper to which someone is trying to stick an applique, but nothing helps. By application we mean all those factors that can cause stress. Imagine in detail all the torment of the one who is trying to glue it, laugh at him and even gloat.

If you suddenly feel that you have become very irritable and overly nervous, that everything around you is starting to depress you, then stress is just around the corner. In this case, this setup will suit you.

“Now I will strengthen my nervous system. This process will continue day and night. Day after day, every minute, my entire body directs all its strength to increasing the stability of the nervous system. My thoughts are becoming healthier. My will and character are strengthened. My self-confidence becomes strong as metal. My nervous system is resting and gaining strength. From tomorrow she will be completely different - strong and stable. Life's troubles will no longer negatively affect my nervous system and life in general. Every particle of my body strives to strengthen the nervous system. By tomorrow morning my nervous system will be like a powerful oak tree, it will be just as strong and unbending.”

If stress has taken hold of you, the content of the visualization exercise should be exactly the opposite.

Imagine yourself walking through a field overgrown with weeds. You cross it and find on your clothes a lot of burrs, thorns, just dry blades of grass caught on the fabric. You sit down on the mound and painstakingly begin to remove the accumulated debris from yourself. You try not to miss anything because you feel discomfort from the tingling sensation.

By weeds we mean anything that bothers you.

Imagine how carefully you separate each thorn from yourself. With each burr you throw away, you feel more and more relief. Applaud your every little success, applaud not only mentally, but also in reality. Immerse yourself completely in this state of gradually increasing relief.

Let the faint smile on your face begin to turn into a wide smile, a smile of happiness and complete contentment from what has been accomplished.

When you reach the point in your imagination that not a single speck remains on your clothes, imagine that you are taking off your clothes and shaking them vigorously. Everything, even specks of dust, easily disappears.

And now you get up absolutely free and happy. Nothing oppresses you anymore, nothing prevents you from moving on. Take a deep breath and say, “I won’t walk here again!”

The last phrase is of great importance because no matter what life situation you face, think first whether it is worth fighting. After all, battle is inevitable stress.

When dealing with stress or to cope with it, constantly focus on the bright side of your life and on actions that can improve your situation. Here is a typical example of such auto-training techniques:

– What nice words my husband said to me today! How he loves me, how affectionate and gentle he is!

– How flattered I am by the look of this unfamiliar man. I can still be liked.

– It’s good that the authorities noticed my efforts. I am capable and conscientious.

– How my son made me happy today, what a blessing that I have him!

– It’s great that soon I’ll buy myself a blouse that I’ve been dreaming about for a long time!

– How nice it is to remember your first love. First confession, kisses, hugs.

– I had such a great time on my vacation! Sea, sand, sun.

– Yesterday we had wonderful fun!

– How sweet it is to remember the moment of my baby’s birth! His first smile, his first word.

Try to forget about the hopelessly disgusting and painful. Voluntary distraction is the best way to reduce or prevent stress. A wise German proverb says: “Take example from the sundial - count only the joyful days.”

Nothing is more disappointing than failure, nothing is more encouraging than success. Even after the biggest fiasco, the best way to combat the depressing thought of failure is to remember past successes.

Remember a moment in your biography that is a source of pride for you. Immerse yourself again in the state that you once experienced. Say out loud the thoughts that arise in your imagination:

“How easily I did it! How delighted those around were! How they rejoiced at my victory! How wonderful I felt! There is nothing better than the feeling of happiness received from the success achieved!”

This intentional remembrance of triumphs is an effective means of restoring the self-confidence necessary for future victories. Even the humblest career has something to look back on with pride. You will be surprised how much this helps when everything seems hopeless.

If you have to do some work that is unpleasant for you, have a soul-stirring conversation, etc., do not delay. The faster you rid yourself of oppressive feelings, the more likely you are to avoid stress. Tormenting expectations and assumptions that give rise to negative thoughts are a favorable basis for creating stress. The only caveat is to prepare yourself with auto-training:

“I will overcome this barrier easily. Yes, the situation, of course, is not pleasant, but this is not a reason for despair. It's just dust that can be easily swept away. When it's all over, I'll be so relieved. In my thoughts I will not return to what happened, because nothing will excite me anymore, I will get rid of the painful burden. I will go towards success, happiness, I will enjoy life!”

If you are an extremely receptive and emotional person, if you cannot always control yourself, which subsequently causes you a lot of worries and ultimately stress, prepare yourself for an unpleasant conversation with the help of this exercise:

"I am a stone. Big. You can even say huge. You can even say a rock. Yes, exactly! I am a rock in the sea. In a huge sea. Just in the most huge! In a sea where there is a storm almost every day. People are afraid of the storm and they hide in different places. But I have been standing for many years. I am a smooth rock. There is not a single crack or hole in me, because the blow of even the strongest wave is just a gentle touch for me. With every blow I become only. harder and more indestructible.

Here the wind begins. At first he only gently plays with the waves, and then his strength grows. The waves begin to flee. They overlap one another in order to hide. They rush at me with fury because I stand in their way. But this only makes me laugh, I laugh in their faces, I laugh with a calm laugh, because for me it’s just fun, a game. I am a rock. Strong, unapproachable, indestructible. I am a rock. "

The gradual selection of the desired image is not accidental here. This helps you get used to it better. You seem to be looking for something that will really help you gain invulnerability.

While doing this exercise, you can help yourself by turning on an audio recording of the sound of the sea surf. Even after you finish, repeat to yourself repeatedly: “I am a rock. I am a stone."

Of course, not everyone will be able to get into different characters the first time. This requires training. Therefore, try from time to time to imagine yourself as one or the other. For example, a lonely tree on the lawn, swaying in the wind, a soft pillow, some kind of fairy-tale hero, etc. And this will also distract you from extraneous, possibly painful thoughts.

If you are good at imagining yourself as a fairy-tale hero, make friends with the image of Kai from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”. Imagine yourself as Kai in the state when he fell into the power of the Snow Queen and became completely beyond the control of emotions.

So you are cold, unfeeling. Someone has come to scold you, but you don't care. You look at one point and do not respond to the words of the one who scolds you. Someone came to insult you, but you just became covered with frost and didn’t move, didn’t even blink your eyes. And even when poor Gerda cries in front of you, you are invulnerable.

However, you can enter into the image of the Snow Queen herself. Enjoy your icy calm.

Arrange a game with your child. He will be delighted, and you will achieve your desired goal - protect yourself from the influence of unwanted emotions.

In general, a person must anticipate stressful situations and find ways to control stress. Learn to appreciate when you are at your limit. Be able to recognize, see, and feel signals that indicate the need to deal with stress.

If you feel that you are in a stressful state, that fatigue does not leave you, that you are aggressive towards people or melancholic, do auto-training, and your condition will change.

Don't overload your body, love it. Set some boundaries that you should not cross in the future.

If you are panicking from an overabundance of unfulfilled tasks, if there are more and more of them every day, hang up a poster with a plan of your actions for the day. Consider your real capabilities. The poster should begin with the phrase: “Today I only need to do. ” and end with the phrase: “Just something!” This is also a kind of auto-training. If necessary, hang these mini-posters throughout your apartment and even in your workplace.

Many people experience stress before going on stage or simply when they need to speak in front of an audience (remember the state of a child who needs to recite a poem by heart, going to the blackboard and looking into the eyes of the whole class).

To avoid stress, try the following exercise:

– My appearance is in perfect order: both my face and my clothes.

– I can look my listeners in the eyes.

– I have correct posture, I am free and can relax.

– My facial expression and my gestures express friendliness.

“I can’t wait to give my speech to the audience.”

– I know my speech well; I know what I want to say.

– My listeners are well disposed towards me.

– I know how to relax during a performance.

– I look very confident.

– I know that when my speech is over, I will be pleased with myself.

A lot of stressful situations await us at work. You need to be prepared for them. Therefore, before leaving home, convince yourself:

– My colleagues respect me.

– My earnings are quite decent.

– I have good relationships with my colleagues, I work in a friendly atmosphere.

- They love me at work.

– I succeed in my work, I like any task.

– My workplace is a model of comfort and coziness.

– The view from the window is beautiful, it allows me to escape and relax at the right moment.

– I am a creative person.

– Dedication makes me happy.

“I will certainly achieve success and make a career.”

– I truly enjoy my work. I'm absolutely happy.

Conjure only thoughts in your imagination that bring you into a state of harmony with yourself and the world around you. You will be unhappy if you think and speak negatively about your daily work. And the need to perform it will cause stress.

Humor is an excellent way to combat stress. Laugh at life, at the situations you find yourself in, at yourself, and nothing will irritate you.

When you go to bed, try to see everything that happened during the day in a different light. Look for something to laugh at or smile at. Mentally imagine yourself again in this situation and have fun. You shouldn’t be horrified because your boss scolded you today, even if he shouted furiously. It’s better to laugh out loud at how funny he was at that moment - disheveled, with a look of rage in his eyes, with splashes of saliva on his lips, etc.

Laughter generally provides emotional release. Imagine the effect you will achieve if you suddenly have fun with something that recently depressed you.

Our peace of mind or anxiety, a sense of security or threat, accomplishment or failure, are determined by different feelings. Naturally, positive stress generates positive feelings, and stress that is detrimental to health generates negative feelings, such as self-criticism, envy, hatred, contempt, resentment, thirst for revenge, jealousy, guilt, and the like.

Therefore, if the cause of depression is the oppression of one of these feelings, it is necessary to direct auto-training specifically to eliminate it.

If any successes of strangers or loved ones make you envious - material successes, career advancement, family happiness, etc., you must fight this feeling, since the accumulation of such energy provokes stress. Besides, being jealous of others will never make you happy with yourself. In situations like this, tell yourself:

“I’m so glad that they succeeded. I'm just happy. I love my neighbors. Since they succeeded, it means that I will soon succeed too. Now their lives will change for the better, and that makes me happy. The world is truly beautiful. I love this life. The successes of others only increase my admiration for life. I love people. Everyone without exception."

And when your existence is overshadowed by a feeling of resentment towards someone, also engage in auto-training to prevent stress:

“Everything is fine with me. I'm happy with everything. Everything is going like clockwork. Everyone treats me the best they can. Everything turns out exactly the way I want and as I expected. Goodness and justice reign in the world!”

You should also definitely get rid of the feeling of guilt that haunts you. Autotraining is the best way to do this:

“I am not to blame for anything. I do and say everything as needed. I don't make any mistakes. I'm good. I'm correct. I'm smart. I love myself. Those around me also love me, because I do only good.”

If you cannot overcome your hatred for someone, try a visualization session. Mentally imagine yourself as the person who causes you negative emotions. Enter his image and try to understand why he behaves this way and not differently towards you.

In general, if you have problems in relationships with people, use the following affirmations:

- I'm a wonderful person. In my heart there is only kindness and love for people.

– My heart is open to relationships based on love.

“There are only good thoughts in my head.”

– I live in harmony with everyone.

– People love to communicate with me because I bring fun and joy with me.

You can do the following. Ask yourself the question several times: “What should I give up in order for my relationship with this person to be good?” List everything that causes discord between you. After this, tell yourself: “I want and can get rid of this.” Remember that enmity, hostility, hatred are good baits for stress.

The most disgusting situations that arise in our minds are just thoughts. And thoughts can be changed, one can be pushed aside and another can be preferred. Let them become your friends. Prefer pleasant, friendly, calming, cheerful.

If you are delighted with your wardrobe or some individual items, fight stress with their help. This is also an auto-training technique.

Lay out or hang your favorite clothes in front of you and enjoy them. Say mentally or out loud:

- Oh, how lovely!

The positive emotions you experience will cure you of stress.

Auto-training is simply necessary for women after the birth of a child, since this period is associated with enormous stress, both physical and spiritual. Moreover, the stress of this period is very significant in severity. Added to the physical stress endured during childbirth and continuing while caring for the baby, stress often develops into depression.

Therefore, relaxation products are extremely necessary. First of all, instill in yourself love for your own self. If you succeed, you will have a simpler attitude towards everything that happens around you: do not rush headlong to the baby’s first call, do not wash dirty diapers until midnight (easily and calmly, without remorse, put off this work for the next day).

In a word, calm down and tell yourself: “I’m alone here! I need to take care of myself. I need to love myself. I'm just a treasure. I am a fragile and delicate treasure. You need to be careful with me."

You can make posters with phrases similar in meaning to these. Let them remind you as often as possible that you are worthy of love and care.

If you want, “distribute” leaflets throughout the apartment with calls: “You can’t change all the things! Rest!"

The use of audio recordings is also effective. Do them when you are in a great mood. They will come in handy precisely at the moment when, in terms of the degree of irritation, you are approaching a stressful state. Imagine: you are about to explode, and then suddenly your own voice begins to sound, soothing, loving and reassuring.

The system of exercises for relieving and overcoming stress also includes breathing training. The fact is that proper breathing helps maintain body balance and calm. It supplies oxygen to the blood, which nourishes the brain and body. The body must constantly receive oxygen in sufficient quantity.

So, in order to fill your lungs well, lift your chest high. Fill your lungs from bottom to top - inhale so that your stomach inflates. Then fill the chest area under the ribs, then up to the armpits. Continue inhaling air until you feel that you are filled with it up to your collarbones. Fill all respiratory organs with air, including the larynx and nose. Imagine your chest as a ball, inflated to its maximum.

You feel good - the oxygen in your blood will give you this feeling. It will relieve body tension. Do not hold the air for a long time so that the exhalation does not sound like an explosion.

All this basically goes back to the practice of yoga used for relaxation. Yoga breathing exercises also help to find inner balance - six inhalations and exhalations per minute.

A very sure and simple way to deal with stress is meditation. This is a good way to get rid of the hustle and bustle in your thoughts and their pressure.

Find time every day for solitude, communication with your inner self and listen to what your inner voice tells you. It can even help to just sit in silence for a while with your eyes closed.

If you are just learning to meditate, use this exercise.

Sit quietly. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, relax and focus on your breathing. Watch how you breathe. Don't look for any special ways. Just listen to yourself. After some time, your breathing rate will become moderate and calm because you will relax.

You can use the breath counting method. As you inhale, mentally say: “One,” and as you exhale, say: “Two.” Continue this until ten. If suddenly some thought distracts you, start counting again. Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary. Do it calmly, don’t worry if your thoughts run around too often.

The more often you meditate, the better results you will get. Even while doing normal activities, you will feel much calmer than before. And you will also be able to cope with difficult situations.

The effect of exercise will become more noticeable if you begin to exercise at the same time every day, for example in the morning and in the evening.

Start with five-minute sessions. Stick to this time frame for the first month of meditation. The most suitable period is a twenty-minute period.

Mantras are great for relieving stress. You can say the word “good” as you inhale, and the word “love” as you exhale. There are no strict limits here. Use any words that feel good to you (peace, grace, calm, etc.).

A mantra can consist of two or three words. Try using the following phrases: “Everything is fine,” “I love everyone.”

Look for the method that is most effective for you personally.

The most important thing in meditation is not the words or the method, but a still posture and calm breathing.

The problems of our lives and extreme situations negatively affect not only the health of adults, but also the psycho-emotional state of children. Widespread media coverage of military operations, terrorist attacks and deaths contributes to severe stress.

The greatest harm in this regard is caused to children - sensitive, emotional and those who already had problems of an emotional nature.

Children who have experienced stress develop sleep problems, fears, various phobias, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc. The consequences of all this can be very serious: depression, apathy, aggressive behavior, etc. Teenagers, for example, may become addicted to alcohol or drugs at these moments.

Children can also learn to manage their emotional state with the help of auto-training.

First of all, instill self-respect in your child. To do this, he must pronounce approximately the following phrases:

– I am loved – and I am needed.

– My parents are simply delighted with me.

– My parents are proud of me. All my loved ones are proud of me.

– I always give my parents a reason to praise me.

- I'm smart and quick-witted.

– I am a gifted person.

– I make people like me, that’s why I have many friends.

– I am kind, sensitive and sympathetic.

- I'm fine.

– I am a person. I am a unique individual. I value myself.

If a child is horrified after watching a movie, if he is shocked by some incident he witnessed, help him get rid of stress. You can put up posters in his room with information like the following:

“The world is beautiful. There is enough good in the world to make me happy. The world is arranged reasonably and fairly. The world is full of harmony. My imagination is able to filter out all negative information. She doesn’t scare me, I’m absolutely indifferent to her, because I know that good prevails over evil.”

This method is also very effective. Place little notes in all the pockets of your child’s clothes with something like this:

- Nothing bothers me.

– I feel great.

- I'm not afraid of anything.

– Everything makes me happy.

Tell your child how he should use these cheat sheets. Let him, in moments that threaten his peace and good mood, take the treasured piece of paper out of his pocket and say out loud to himself what is written in it.

Gradually, the child will learn to use auto-training himself. Then you can rest assured that he is protected from stress.

So, auto-training is truly your faithful and kind assistant in the fight against stress. Try to make self-regulation exercises an integral part of your life. Love yourself and take care of your health.

And think about what is easier for you to do - go to the pharmacy, buy a bunch of medicines and, curing one disease, acquire a lot of others, or master auto-training methods that will help you quickly, reliably, without first wasting time and - most importantly - without spending money, always feel feeling great.


“We have forgotten how to enjoy life,” Ippolit exclaimed sadly in his favorite New Year’s comedy, standing in the shower in his outerwear, and the warm water washed away the soapy streaks mixed with tears from his solid black coat.

Life in a big city is beautiful and amazing, it is in full swing. If not a session, then contracts or shares, or a report, or an emergency, or just running around. Whatever this fuss is called, it sucks in almost everyone. For some, the cabbage soup is a bit runny, for others, the pearls are too small – and both of them live under conditions of constant stress.

And only in the evening, after a full day of work, a completely exhausted person falls into a chair in front of the TV.

What does he expect from this “magic lantern”, what does he want most? News? Blood and horror? Or maybe "Swan Lake"?

Yes, maybe he doesn’t know it himself. But he feels: neither this nor that, everything is boring, everything is annoying. Just listen to music.

Ah, these clips! Oh, this is a continuous flashing of frames where the predatory smiles of pop divas alternate with a whirlwind of well-groomed muscles of well-fed dance groups under the invariably cheerful “thump-touch, gop-tsatsa!”

Oh, these incredible fireworks and languid shimmering of multi-colored liquid across the screen!

Are you feeling better? No? In general, nothing surprising. And this is all called depression. This means that urgent measures need to be taken. But first, let's figure out what it is.

The most severe consequence of stress is perhaps depression. Many people are now susceptible to it.

Unsettled personal life, troubles at work, and lack of money - all this causes a person to feel some kind of heaviness. Irritability, fatigue, dissatisfaction arise, and illness begins. But you can get out of depression.

Many psychologists argue that it is close people who create the greatest number of problems and inconveniences for each other, causing pain, causing conflicts and quarrels.

People living under the same roof intertwine their destinies so much that when one of them has a mental crisis, a mood swing or psychosis begins, all this automatically passes on to loved ones.

And a chain reaction begins, which sometimes leads to disastrous results. After all, a family is a small world in which unique characters, habits, and desires live.

And how difficult it can sometimes be to adapt to each other, so as not to hurt your own self-esteem and pride. One way or another, one fine day clouds roll in and thunderclaps are heard.

How to deal with this?

Of course, you can take special tests for psychological compatibility, but, alas, they, as a rule, do not give a complete answer to your questions, and therefore peace of mind does not come.

And how I would like to fit each other one hundred percent!

But such compatibility is only one chance in a thousand, and even the most perfect test will not be able to determine how long you will be suitable for each other.

Life is so motley and varied: circumstances change - and changes happen to us. Yesterday you were an ardent fan of heavy metal, and today you enjoy expensive wine, which you savor from a crystal glass.

And a lot of questions begin to arise between you and those with whom you share your life: with parents, relatives and even with children.

We must never forget that the consequences of stress in 50% of cases do not appear immediately, but can make themselves felt in a month, a year, and even a decade. It's all individual.

Someone will smile at the words that you can get stress of the same intensity both at the moment of a fall and at the moment of a kiss. But this is really so, and therefore you should be very careful about your state of mind, and not wave your hand and say something like: “I am resilient,” “I will survive,” etc.

The result of such indifference, as a rule, results in depression, which is much more difficult to get rid of than stress. And yet it is possible.

To avoid depression, as well as to eliminate it, DO NOT FORGET TO LOVE YOURSELF!

Many psychologists believe that women are most susceptible to depression. Why is this happening? The biggest mistake that 80 or even 90% of women make is that from the first day of marriage they shoulder everything related to housekeeping, alienating their loved one from these responsibilities and forgetting about themselves.

And when at one fine moment a woman realizes that she can no longer physically or mentally withstand such a marathon race with obstacles, she suddenly realizes that her better half is not even thinking about helping her with anything.

And resentment, tears, and problems begin, which the woman essentially created for herself.

Of course, you can decide to re-educate in one day someone who hasn’t lifted a finger for ten years, but, as a rule, this no longer helps. And no matter how much you tell your dearest that your friends’ husbands and neighbors do everything around the house, and you live as a guest, this will not bring the desired result.

Therefore, a woman should never forget that “you need to love yourself.”

You should definitely have free time that you could spend having a cup of tea with friends.

You should never forget about your appearance, otherwise after a while only memories will remain from it, and you will begin to realize that you have changed a lot compared to your unmarried friends, strangers have stopped paying attention to you.

The easiest way in this case to get rid of depression is to get up early in the morning in front of the mirror with the firm intention of starting a new life. Smile and say to your reflection: “I am the most charming and attractive, and those who do not understand this are to blame. It will be worse for him.”

And dedicate this day only to yourself: go to a beauty salon, get a new hairstyle and manicure, take care of your skin using exclusive salon technologies. And at the end, go to a cafe with your friends. You will immediately feel better and several years younger.

Don’t forget to repeat these words to yourself often while standing in front of the mirror. In just a few days, not only you, but everyone around you will believe it.

Women often become depressed because of cheating. Every woman by nature has an instinct that suggests that her husband has someone on his side.

If this happens, first of all, calm down, remember that a woman’s imagination can draw pictures in her head of one another “better”. And you can cheat yourself in literally a matter of minutes. Done - you are deeply depressed.

Use common sense. Firstly, no one is immune from betrayal.

Secondly, before sorting things out, don’t forget: “not caught, not a thief.” Only when you catch him in the act of crime can you stage scenes of jealousy. But, as a rule, this does not end well, and the result is the same depression.

You sit at home all day and cook for a whole regiment, and then have a “belly” celebration. Or watch TV series all day long about how bad life is for the rich and they cry too, and you are at the same time with them.

This is no good.

First of all, calm down. Look for the reason within yourself. Since he is interested in someone else, it means she does something better than you: speaks, dresses, looks. This means you made a mistake somewhere.

Don't forget that monotony gets boring, and tastes change over time. And if you remain the same as you were five, ten, fifteen years ago, it’s a disaster. And it’s even worse if you stop taking care of yourself. This is a gross tactical mistake. A woman should always remain a woman.

Remember: in love, as in war, all means are fair. A wise woman knows everything she can about her rival and then makes sure her man becomes attracted to her again.

Now let's get down to business - we need to get rid of depression as soon as possible. Psychologists offer such an interesting technique.

The Mowgli system for getting out of depression.

In a sitting or lying position (whichever is more comfortable for you), to the sounds of non-irritating music or in complete silence, close your eyes and imagine yourself under streams of water.

Then imagine yourself as some kind of bird or animal and try to make a movement or a series of movements that resemble the character you have chosen in its plasticity.

If you want to make sounds, make them; if you want to wriggle on the floor like a snake, do it.

Liberate yourself completely, merge with the air and your feelings.

Through these movements and sounds, accumulated irritability will go away, unsettledness will be perceived differently, depression will recede, melancholy will be forgotten.

After a while you will feel extraordinary freedom and lightness.

This is a great way to get rid of long-standing depression.

SECOND COMMANDMENT. DO NOT Wash your dirty laundry in public!

This is folk wisdom that we so often forget.

You should never be led by momentary weakness, resentment, irritability and immediately tell your neighbors, friends and relatives about all your conflicts and troubles.

Remember that you will present what happened only from a point of view that is beneficial to you.

After a certain time, you will forget your grievances, but those to whom you told have a much longer memory, and behind your back they will gossip and wash your bones for a long time.

But you can’t accumulate everything in yourself either. There will come a time when you simply withdraw into yourself, but this will not solve your problems.

That's when depression begins.

Here the system for getting out of depression - “Through the Looking Glass-1” - will help you.

If you are angry with someone and really want to complain to someone about the offender, look at your reflection in the mirror and tell him everything that is boiling up in you.

And after a few hours or days, you yourself will forget about what happened, and what happened will be perceived in a completely different way.

You can use the following techniques to get out of depression.

The system for getting out of depression is “Hollywood”.

If it becomes completely unbearable, you need to smile and imagine that everything that happens to you is just a movie, and you are a spectator sitting in a cinema and observing your own life as if from the outside.

And according to the laws of entertaining cinema, every such film has a happy ending; therefore, you must believe that a moment will come when happiness will certainly smile on you, and everything will be fine.

As soon as you give yourself this command - the mindset of happiness - believe me, you will immediately begin to feel better.

Divorce is another way to become depressed.

Fear of loneliness is a bad advisor. In your case there are no losers or winners. Everyone has made a mistake that is difficult to correct. It's okay, next time you'll be smarter and try to do it right.

Gather your strength, squeeze your emotions into a fist and direct your actions according to the next scenario.

Thank your ex-half (at a meeting or in writing) for the fact that he (or she) once shared life with you, its difficulties and joys.

Be sure to note that you will always respect him as a person (even if you don't think so right now), and then apply the following method for getting rid of depression.

The system for getting out of depression and eliminating its consequences is “Through the Looking Glass-2”.

Stand in front of the mirror and, looking at your reflection, smile and tell him: “Well, the time will come when he (she) will regret leaving me. I’m still good-looking, I’m a person, I’ll succeed in everything, and I’ll go through life calmly.”

You can say any words, but only those that will give you confidence in yourself and your abilities. Do this exercise every day.

In just two weeks you will see that there is no trace left of the feeling of loneliness.

There is another very effective technique for relieving stress and getting out of depression. It's called "Diary".

It can be used in all occasions of life. Its meaning is to write down all your thoughts on paper, while speaking them out loud several times.

You don't have to do this every day. Once, twice or three times a week is enough.

Any person should be allowed to speak, but what if there is no one to say? Or can't this be done?

That's why there is a paper that will take the blow of your emotional stress, and you will feel better.

If you don’t want to write or you don’t like talking to your reflection in the mirror, choose some toy or object to which you will tell everything. Never keep accumulated emotions inside yourself. And it doesn’t matter whether they are negative or positive.

Technique for getting out of depression - “If you are unable to change the situation.”

None of us is immune from troubles and misfortunes, and a person, having fallen into a “dark streak,” paints both his present and future in appropriate shades.

It turns out to be a vicious circle: in a state of sadness, your entire future life seems joyless, and this makes you fall into even greater despondency.

If you cannot change a traumatic situation (sometimes, unfortunately, this is not in our power), try to look at it differently.

For example, some time ago you experienced a great misfortune - you lost someone close to you. Grief seems unbearable - you still feel everything as if it happened just yesterday. And after a month, a dull pain remains in your soul, which does not go away, despite all your efforts to have fun.

Find the strength in yourself for the last push on the path to a new life, because for you life has not ended - it continues. Realize how much you loved each other, and that this love remains with you and in you forever.

Tell yourself: “I realized that that part of life that we managed to live together was full of love and warmth, and therefore even now I should be glad that I have already received my piece of happiness - to me lucky!”

Your depression will seem to melt away, and you will remember only the good things. Your soul will become much lighter: in the morning you will begin to wake up with the desire to live. Rest assured that a moment will come when you will recover psychologically and will again be able to fully perceive your surroundings.

There is another type of depression that affects women - postpartum depression.

It usually appears in the second or third week after birth and is expressed in the mother’s aggressiveness and extreme irritability towards her child.

You are depressed by his constant crying, angry that you have to change diapers every five minutes, and in general you are tired of sleepless nights. Sometimes it even seems to you that you don’t love your baby at all and, under such circumstances, you will never love.

In addition, her appearance is not encouraging: pigment spots have appeared on her face, and there are clear signs of cellulite on her thighs. All the signs of postpartum depression are present.

The birth of a new life is always a huge stress for both mother and child. And its consequences can be unpredictable. For some, it turns into illness, for others - prolonged depression.

The opinion “let the mother deal more with her child - and then soon she will truly love him” is wrong. Such actions can only aggravate the situation. Mom can’t cope alone; she needs help from relatives and the child’s father.

The best option for everyone would be to isolate the baby from the mother for several days. This is not scary for the child, but for the mother, on the contrary, it is very useful. This time will give mom the opportunity to take care of her appearance, as well as come to harmony in her soul. She just needs to be alone for at least a day. Psychologists at this time offer the “Rest in one day” system.

So, you sent the child to grandma. Rest assured that she will take care of him as well as you, and you should not call her every half hour. You are left alone, and now this day belongs only to you.

Set aside all household chores: shopping, cleaning the apartment, washing, ironing, washing windows. Remember: this day belongs only to you!

Close the door, turn off the phone. Fill your bath with fragrant foam. Turn on some nice quiet music and enjoy your solitude. While lying in the bath, remember all the pleasant moments that were associated with the expectation and birth of a child:

– the first moment when you found out that you were going to become a mother;

– buying all these tiny blouses and rompers;

– choosing a crib and stroller, because you wanted your baby to have all the best from the day he was born;

– baby’s first cry;

- your joy at the moment when you first held him in your arms.

Having remembered and “scrolled” these moments in your head several times, you will be imbued with some special tenderness that is characteristic only of mothers.

So, you remembered everything - and you wanted to hug and caress your baby as soon as possible. But don’t rush, you are not yet ready to become his real mother, who forgives all his minor and major offenses.

You need to take care of yourself, because the baby needs a beautiful mother. Start with facial care: make a cleansing or nourishing mask, experiment with cosmetics - create your new look.

Take care of your body: do a couple of anti-cellulite wraps, call a masseuse - a massage will help you relax. Get a manicure and pedicure (yourself!). The effect will not take long to appear; in one day you will turn from an exhausted creature into a blooming young mother.

There is another way to instantly get rid of depression that has been tormenting you for several weeks.

Go to the tree, place your palms on its cool, rough bark and stand there for a few minutes. Chronic fatigue of body and spirit will gradually go away, nervous tension will go away, and the life-giving power of nature will flow into you through your open palms.

Man has long felt the healing properties of trees. The interaction of human and tree biofields is increasingly beginning to attract scientists. It turned out that the trees of our forests have different effects on human well-being.

You can get bioenergy from oak, birch, pine and maple.

But aspen, poplar, spruce and bird cherry, on the contrary, are taken away.

To relieve a headache, you need to stand near an aspen or poplar tree, which draws away negative energy. Then, to avoid loss of strength and dizziness, you need to “communicate” with an oak or birch tree to restore your energy balance.

Not only trees have the ability to heal people, taking away negative energy from them and feeding them positive energy.

The nourishing effects of felled trees were often used by our ancestors in everyday life. And therefore, it is no coincidence that in peasant huts the floors were made of birch or oak. Sleeping on them was sound and helped to quickly restore lost mental and physical strength.

Try connecting tree therapy to the ways you know to combat depression.

By cultivating positive emotions, a positive perception of the world, we transform our life, and it turns to us with its bright side: good attracts only good.

The world itself is neutral. Each person chooses colors to color it. How can you learn to choose the colors of the sun, joy, and life? How to repaint an already established picture of the world in dark colors? The latter is called depression.


Auto-training comes to the rescue - the process of drawing your own picture of life through self-hypnosis.

Autotraining in scientific circles is called mental self-regulation - personality psychocoding. The process of autotraining or autogenic training occurs through immersion in a special state, close to trance, due to which a change in the state of consciousness occurs. Against the background of mental changes in consciousness, the necessary settings are introduced. The process of autogenic training is comparable to this everyday picture: fresh asphalt has been laid in your yard. It, in essence, should be solid (the usual state of consciousness), but for now it is in a mushy state, since it is put in hot form, that is, changed (an altered state of consciousness). At this moment, you can leave traces on the asphalt, lay out a pattern of pebbles (the process of entering the necessary psychological formulas), when the asphalt hardens, it will preserve both the trace and the pattern in an unchanged state (the result of autotraining). Thanks to this analogy, you can better understand the process of auto-training.

Two stages of self-hypnosis.

In auto-training for depression, two stages can be distinguished: muscle relaxation and entering the necessary settings.

First stage:

Muscle relaxation should begin by relaxing the toes, moving up to the head. Pay special attention to the neck and facial muscles. It is in these parts that the clamping occurs. Suggest to yourself that your body is getting heavier and warmer. For example: “My right arm is getting heavy. My left hand is getting heavy. My arms are heavy and relaxed. I feel warmth in my right hand..."etc. It is clear that the first time you will not be able to relax as much as possible, but with constant training you will achieve significant results.

Second stage:

After achieving muscle relaxation, you can begin suggestions. When pronouncing verbal formulas, use words without the particle “not” (replace “I’m not sick” with “I’m healthy”). Speak positive messages slowly, in a calm, confident voice. For depression, use the following formulas: “I tune myself into cheerful, creative energy,” “I am filled with joy and self-confidence,” “I have the desire and ability to achieve my goals.”

Auto-training for depression, as many doctors believe, can significantly improve the condition.

The world itself is neutral. Each person chooses colors to color it. How can you learn to choose the colors of the sun, joy, and life? How to repaint an already established picture of the world in dark colors? The latter is called depression.


Auto-training comes to the rescue - the process of drawing your own picture of life through self-hypnosis.

Autotraining in scientific circles is called mental self-regulation - personality psychocoding. The process of autotraining or autogenic training occurs through immersion in a special state, close to trance, due to which a change in the state of consciousness occurs. Against the background of mental changes in consciousness, the necessary settings are introduced. The process of autogenic training is comparable to this everyday picture: fresh asphalt has been laid in your yard. It, in essence, should be solid (the usual state of consciousness), but for now it is in a mushy state, since it is put in hot form, that is, changed (an altered state of consciousness). At this moment, you can leave traces on the asphalt, lay out a pattern of pebbles (the process of entering the necessary psychological formulas), when the asphalt hardens, it will preserve both the trace and the pattern in an unchanged state (the result of autotraining). Thanks to this analogy, you can better understand the process of auto-training.

Two stages of self-hypnosis.

In auto-training for depression, two stages can be distinguished: muscle relaxation and entering the necessary settings.

First stage:

Muscle relaxation should begin by relaxing the toes, moving up to the head. Pay special attention to the neck and facial muscles. It is in these parts that the clamping occurs. Suggest to yourself that your body is getting heavier and warmer. For example: “My right arm is getting heavy. My left hand is getting heavy. My arms are heavy and relaxed. I feel warmth in my right hand..."etc. It is clear that the first time you will not be able to relax as much as possible, but with constant training you will achieve significant results.

Second stage:

After achieving muscle relaxation, you can begin suggestions. When pronouncing verbal formulas, use words without the particle “not” (replace “I’m not sick” with “I’m healthy”). Speak positive messages slowly, in a calm, confident voice. For depression, use the following formulas: “I tune myself into cheerful, creative energy,” “I am filled with joy and self-confidence,” “I have the desire and ability to achieve my goals.”

Auto-training for depression, as many doctors believe, can significantly improve the condition.

Autotraining is a psychotherapeutic technique that you can practice on your own. This method of treatment is effective for various forms of depression, in which there is a decrease in emotional background, depression, sadness, and a tendency to suicidal thinking. Auto-training for depression, in combination with other treatment methods, can significantly reduce the manifestations of a psychosomatic disorder and instill in a person a positive attitude. Before starting auto-training exercises, you should consult a specialist who will familiarize you with the main nuances of the method and, after an examination, will be able to assess the feasibility of using such therapy.

Specifics of treatment

With the development of depression, neurochemical reactions occur in the human body caused by a loss of mental balance. The main task of autotraining is to normalize the mental state, as a result of which it will be possible not only to stop the processes of destabilization, but also to reverse them.

Autotraining for depression has an effect on the brain, similar to hypnosis. The only difference is that hypnosis requires the help of a qualified specialist, and auto-training is carried out by the patient himself and with his active participation.

The principle of such hypnotic treatment is based on the repeated pronunciation of certain phrases - a psychological attitude to which the formed thought processes will subsequently obey.

Rules for conducting auto-training

An effective treatment result is possible only under the condition of complete immersion in a trance, in which verbal constructions take on the form of an order for the individual. If auto-training exercises are performed correctly, the patient experiences personal changes, gains positive emotions and begins to perceive life positively.

Classic Schultz technique

Autotraining according to the Schultz method includes 2 stages:

  1. Relaxation.
  2. Going into a trance state.

To achieve relaxation, a person suffering from depression needs to relax all the muscles, feel the heaviness of the body and the spreading warmth, and establish control over the rhythm of the heartbeat and breathing. To achieve complete relaxation, you should take a comfortable position, sitting or lying down.

At the first stage, you need to pronounce mental formulas that promote complete relaxation. After the heaviness in the body and spreading warmth begin to be felt, you need to begin voicing mental commands aimed at eliminating depressive manifestations of thinking. All spoken phrases must carry a firm conviction of complete well-being. You can choose the words yourself, the main thing is that they have a positive meaning and they help increase self-confidence.

Auto-training for depression helps everyone, without exception, get rid of the signs of the disorder. Everyone is able to choose for themselves an effective option for self-hypnosis. Success depends primarily on the patient’s persistence and regularity of exercises. It is recommended to conduct auto-training daily, in the evening or lunchtime.

According to statistics, almost ¼ of the world's population suffers from various forms of depression. Constantly bad mood, inability to feel joy and happiness, causeless anxiety - these are just the most harmless symptoms of this disease. Few people think that it can ultimately result in serious problems in their personal and professional lives, the emergence of phobias, decreased mental abilities, weakened libido, suicidal tendencies, and deterioration in physical health (from asthenic syndrome to thrombosis).

Hoping that everything will go away on its own, people rarely turn to professionals for help. This only aggravates the situation and leads to irreversible consequences. Although, as practice shows, psychotherapy is a fairly effective method of treatment.


Psychotherapy for depression involves influencing the patient’s psyche using all sorts of techniques and techniques within various schools, directions and trends. Main tasks:

  • identify and eliminate deconstructive elements of the psyche;
  • relieve the main symptoms;
  • teach the patient to independently cope with depression and control emotions.

The problem is that the mechanism of depression is complex and can affect several levels simultaneously:

  • vegetative (disturbances of the complex of central and peripheral structures that regulate the functionality of the body);
  • neurological (diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system);
  • mental (mental state);
  • somatoorgan (disturbances in the functioning of individual organs);
  • somatosystemic (disturbances in the functioning of entire body systems).

In addition, the degree of manifestation of depression at each of these levels is individual. Therefore, the psychotherapy program is selected in accordance with the specific case.


Depending on the individual characteristics of the course of depression, the specialist chooses one of the areas of psychotherapy that most successfully cope with them.

Cognitive-behavioral approach

Psychodynamic approach

Psychodynamic psychotherapy sees depression as a result of internal unconscious conflict. For example, a kind and gentle person in the position of boss must constantly show strictness. Or a melancholic person - in the position of a teacher or social worker. The main goal is to identify and eliminate this contradiction. Priority methods are free associations, dream analysis.


Psychotherapy has a huge number of techniques and methods that can lead a person suffering from depression to recovery. Selection is carried out depending on:

  • the direction in which treatment is being carried out;
  • individual characteristics of the patient;
  • degree of neglect and type of depression;
  • professionalism of a psychotherapist.

You need to understand that a specialist can choose only one direction and conduct the course of treatment until the very end in accordance with it (for example, only art therapy). But most often, a variety of methods and techniques are used, borrowed from several movements (hypnosis and NLP, operant conditioning and flood technique, etc.).

Autotraining (according to Schultz)

The goal is to teach a person to control his own thoughts and emotions, eliminating destructive and traumatic ones. At the initial stage of the disease, this is one of the most effective treatment methods. However, in advanced forms, an increase in depression may be observed when using it. It involves volitional potential and self-focus, so with a high level of anxiety and too low self-esteem, a reverse reaction may occur. Having failed to complete the next task, a person closes down, blames himself and suffers even more. In this regard, the technique is prohibited for use in the treatment of adolescents.

Art therapy

It is used in the psychotherapy of depressive states as an independent direction and as an additional technique within the framework of other trends. Particularly effective when working with children. Has no contraindications. A person opens up, demonstrating exciting moments and conflicts through creativity.


Used in two forms. Non-specific - when reading books is aimed at obtaining pleasure, positive emotions and detachment from problems. Specific - selection of literary works that reflect the essence of a person’s main internal conflict. The goal is to show him, firstly, that he is not alone in his experiences; secondly, to demonstrate possible ways out of the current situation.


The most effective and popular techniques: autogenic training, meditation, relaxation, yoga. Often becomes homework for those suffering from depression. The technique is carried out according to a single scheme: persuasion - suggestion - instruction - reinforcement. Addresses not the problem as such, but the resources and capabilities of a person. Used in child psychotherapy.

Gaming techniques

They are most often used in psychotherapy for childhood depression. They allow you to bring out the child’s fears and experiences that he does not talk about (he does not yet know how to put thoughts into words, he is shy, afraid). Each school offers its own methods:

  • Freud's psychoanalytic play psychotherapy - can cope with the most advanced forms of depression;
  • non-directive child-centered play therapy, Axline and Landreth - focused on relationships between children and adults;
  • freeing, structured play psychotherapy of Levy's response - immersion in a psychotraumatic situation;
  • building relationships between Allen and Tufts - treatment of depression based on the “here and now” principle;
  • Containing anxiety Di Cagno, Gandione and Massaglia - working with parents.


Can be used in the treatment of depression, but does not always give positive results. This is due to the fact that the main goal in such a situation is to identify and strengthen positive memories, to create from them new models for assessing oneself and behavior. However, the problem arises at the very first stage: patients cannot find pleasant moments in their memory. An example of dialogue during a hypnotic trance demonstrating this turn of events:

- Remember a moment in life when you felt pleasant, easy, good.
- I can’t remember (as an option: This has never happened).

This is where hypnosis can end, since the main goal has been failed. But this can happen at other stages as well. Suppose the patient still remembered happy moments in his life, but perceived them as a symbol of the futility of efforts, which deepens the painful experience. He compares the joyful and carefree self with today's anxious loser, which can worsen the course of depression.

Therefore, not all specialists undertake to use hypnosis in the psychotherapy of such a disease.

Course of treatment

Many people are interested in the question of how psychotherapists treat depression. Any course can be divided into 4 stages.

  • Stage 1 - establishing contact

An introduction is made between the psychotherapist and the patient (possibly relatives). The main problem is identified.

  • Stage 2 - conclusion of the contract

Both parties clearly state the goals and objectives of joint work. An approximate lesson program, an action plan, a session schedule are drawn up, the issue of confidentiality of meetings is raised, and personal boundaries are established.

  • Stage 3 - psychotherapy sessions

They can be carried out on an outpatient basis, in a hospital setting or in a home environment (if the patient needs to create a favorable atmosphere). Forms - to choose from: individual, family, group. Psychotherapy sessions for childhood depression last no more than half an hour; for adults, they can last for an indefinite period of time, but on average they last about an hour. The frequency depends on many factors (the neglect of the case and the method used, for example). So classes can be held either daily or once a week. Minor problems with the right approach and professionalism of the psychotherapist are eliminated in 3-4 sessions. Advanced forms require more thorough and lengthy treatment, which can take months or even years.

Sessions conducted directly by a psychotherapist can be directive, when he actively intervenes in what is happening, and non-directive - everything is done by the patient himself (drawing, acting out roles, pouring out his soul). Often a video or audio session is used with inspiring affirmations that awaken the desire to live. They can also be organized at home.

  • Stage 4 - summing up

In a joint conversation, it is analyzed whether the goal has been achieved, whether the tasks have been solved, preliminary results are summed up, how effective the psychotherapist’s help was. The plan for further action is discussed: is there a need for supportive psychotherapy or psychological counseling.

From the world of stars. With the help of psychotherapy, celebrities such as model Cara Delevingne (diagnosed at age 15), actress Winona Ryder (suffered from the age of 12), singer Lady Gaga (survived psychotrauma as a teenager), actress Halle Berry (who suffered a difficult divorce) have recovered from depression. ) and even everyone’s favorite Rock - actor Dwayne Johnson (after failure in his football career).

Advice from a psychotherapist to help cope with bad mood and anxiety in non-advanced forms of depression:

  1. Keep a diary. At the end or during the day, write down exciting thoughts, feelings, experiences, and events that happened.
  2. Analyze the past day, find positive moments even in bad ones, draw conclusions, learn lessons.
  3. Just before going to bed, say 10 “thank yous” to people, events, places for today.
  4. In the evening, create a schedule for the next day with real goals and objectives. Try to follow it strictly.
  5. Every day include in your routine activities that bring joy, happiness, positive emotions (date, get-togethers with friends, going out into nature).
  6. Exercise.
  7. Set aside time every day for creativity, hobbies, to create something with your own hands.
  8. Control emotions and thoughts.
  9. Surround yourself with positive people and bright colors (force yourself to wear an orange sweater, not a black one).

Successful treatment of depression with psychotherapy largely depends on the type and severity of the disease. But one of the most important factors for a successful outcome is the patient’s personal desire to get rid of bad thoughts and an ever-depressing mood. If he was literally dragged by the hand to the appointment by relatives or friends, but he himself does not intend to make any efforts, you should not pin your hopes on a specialist, because he is not a magician. The interaction process must be two-way.