Ugly dogs. The ugliest dog. Criteria for selecting a freak for the title

The world's most famous purebred dog show took place in New York. Spectators at the Westminster Dog Show in New York were quite surprised when the jury announced the winner of the competition. The best purebred dog in the world was the “ordinary” beagle. In the history of the competition, it has rarely happened that the winner was not a decorative dog, but a breed that is associated more with an ordinary pet.


The material was prepared with the support of the Jack Russell dog breed club. On our website you can get acquainted with the history of the development of the Jack Russell Terrier breed, learn how to properly feed, care for and educate these amazing dogs.

1. This year the winner of the famous exhibition was the beagle. This breed is considered “ordinary”, so its representatives rarely receive awards at purebred dog competitions. The last time a beagle won was in 2008, and before that only in 1907. (Photo: SHANNON STAPLETON/REUTERS).

More than 2,700 dogs of various breeds took part in the Westminster Dog Show. First, the contestants were judged among representatives of their breed, and then among seven groups: terriers, sporting dogs, working dogs, non-sporting dogs, “toy” or miniature dogs, hunting dogs, and herding dogs. The best dog in the show (“Best In Show”) was selected from the winners of seven groups.

2. The pageant winner, Miss P, is four years old and is the cousin of the previous winning beagle, Uno. (Photo: MIKE SEGAR/REUTERS)
3. “The beagle’s victory in the competition is not only a glimmer of hope for all beagles, but also for other normal dogs,” the Christian Monitor commented on the event. (Photo: MARY ALTAFFER/AP)
4. Here is an example of a typical show dog - this is a Shih Tzu named Rocket. Owners of these dogs spend many hours and thousands of dollars preparing their dogs for the show. (Photo: (Photo: MARY ALTAFFER/AP)
5. Manny, a miniature poodle. (Photo: MARY ALTAFFER/AP)
6. Bichon Frize during a competition in a group of non-sporting dogs. (Photo: MIKE SEGAR/REUTERS)
7. Cocker Spaniel Tucker. (Photo: BRENDAN MCDERMID/REUTERS)
8. Participation in a dog show requires a lot of dedication from their owners :-) (Photo: MIKE SEGAR/REUTERS).
9. Bedlington Terriers are waiting for judges' scores. (Photo: BRENDAN MCDERMID/REUTERS)
10. A dog of the Komondor breed (Hungarian Shepherd) during a group competition. (Photo: MARY ALTAFFER/AP)
11. Clumber spaniel. (Photo: BRENDAN MCDERMID/REUTERS)
12. Sussex spaniel. (Photo: FRANK FRANKLIN II/AP)
13. Rosie, a miniature poodle. (Photo: SETH WENIG/AP)
14. A Chinese crested dog named Morgan overcomes obstacles. (Photo: MARY ALTAFFER/AP)
15. Chow-chow Kun Lung came to the exhibition from distant Beijing. (Photo: MARY ALTAFFER/AP)
16. Skye terrier Charlie. (Photo: .FRANK FRANKLIN II/AP).
17. During the exhibition, a special meeting was held for children, where they could get acquainted with different breeds of dogs. (Photo: CARLO ALLEGRI/REUTERS).
18. Boston Terriers are fighting for the title of winner. (Photo: MIKE SEGAR/REUTERS)
19. French bulldog. (Photo: SETH WENIG/AP)
20. Miniature Fox Terrier with short hair. (Photo: MIKE SEGAR/REUTERS)

According to tradition, every year in California a dog receives the title of the ugliest dog in the world. Many of them were taken from the shelter, and the owners, despite the appearance of their four-legged animals, consider them the kindest and most devoted friends.

Animals, winners of the "Ugliest Dog" competitions

Sam. The owner who sheltered Sam was proud of her pet, who for three years in a row retained the title of the ugliest dog and topped the top 10. The representative of the breed at the height of his popularity was in his old age. There was no hair on his wrinkled, spotted body, and the dog was blind and had crooked teeth.

Abby. The Little Princess brought the Chihuahua breed to the pedestal. The competition jury was amazed by her crooked legs and spine. Due to her illness, tiny Abby had difficulty moving and constantly blinked her left eye, but this did not stop her from winning the main prize.

Quasi Modo. The dog is a cross between a Dutch Shepherd. He was taken in from a shelter by a veterinarian who was struck by a congenital defect in the animal’s spine. You may be afraid of his appearance, but nothing compares to his kind soul.

Swee Pee Rambo. Because of its extraordinary appearance, the Chinese Crested breed often becomes the winner of the “Ugliest Dogs” competition. The pet's crooked paws, stomach problems and blindness helped him beat his rivals in the competition.

Peanut. Compared to other winners, the dog is very young. He is only two years old. The energetic character is complemented by protruding teeth, large eyes and unusual fur. The dog has Chihuahua and Shih Tzu blood mixed.

Magli. Eight-year-old Magli amazed the jury with his appearance in 2012. Once again, a Chinese Crested helps a dog breeder win a cash prize. Perhaps the judges were struck by her swollen eyes and the protruding fur on her muzzle. She could not hide her fangs in her mouth, so she constantly showed them to the audience.

Elwood. Elwood's muzzle in 2007 could not leave anyone indifferent. The Chinese Crested, which is not famous for its appearance, and the Chihuahua are also present here. The owner got it for free, and the dog compensated for his natural abilities with a worthy bonus.

It is generally accepted that the most popular dogs are beautiful and cute breeds like Husky or. However, every year ugly dog ​​breeds are gaining more and more popularity. Thanks to their terrible, memorable appearance, they become stars in the World Competitions for the “Ugliest Dog in the World.” Next you can find descriptions and photos of such breeds and the most prominent representatives.


The ugliest breed is the Chinese Crested Sam.

The leader in such a non-standard top is undoubtedly, and she earned such “honor” thanks to a dog of this breed named Sam from America. Looking at him, you immediately want to look away. This is a bald dog with wrinkled and warty skin, where here and there you can find tufts of gray hair.

His white eyes, completely devoid of pupils, are terrifying - like in a horror film. The final chord is a terrible mouth, where only a few teeth have survived, and they look in different directions. Having looked at the photo of the freak, many do not immediately believe in the real existence of the dog, citing computer graphics.

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Despite his terrible appearance, Sam has earned worldwide popularity: the media write about him, publish in magazines, and invite him to photo shoots and competitions.

Sam won the title of the most terrible dog in the world for three years in a row, after which in 2005 he went to another world. He was euthanized for health reasons at the age of 15.

10 years have passed, and Sam’s popularity has not faded; besides, the dog still has an equally “attractive” son, Pippi, on whom the owner also pins her hopes. We talked about the most striking example of an ugly Chinese Crested, although such ugly individuals have been recorded the most among this breed.

Ugly Chihuahua named Princess Abby Francis

In second place among the ugliest breeds in the world was the Chihuahua, namely Princess Abby Francis or simply Abby. This dog became the ugliest dog in 2010, although such rumors about the Chihuahua had circulated before. The jury of the competition was completely blown away by her curved spine and legs, which is why she gets very weak when walking. And an almost closed left eye, which complements the awkward picture. “The Star” lives to this day, and her owner Abby considers her the cutest in the world.

In the next video you will learn about the competition for the “Ugliest Dog in the World”: traditions, participants, winners.

Few people would call them beautiful, even if they are without such obvious defects. Too short height (10 inches) and bulging eyes played a role. The picture is complemented by non-standard huge ears that cover half of the head. However, for lovers of such exotics, the breed will be the most beautiful in the world.

Third place - disgusting American Staghound

This is one of the most feared breeds in the world, reminiscent of the evil hyena from the cartoon “The Lion King”. Staghounds have a long, bony, hunchbacked body and unkempt fur that grows in clumps, which together looks extremely unpleasant. Wild and aggressive in appearance, they can even become very sweet and reliable pets.

Puli mop dog

Puli are not at all attractive looking dogs, which most people associate with an old disheveled mop. The pet's fur grows chaotically, matting into clumps that resemble dirty dreadlocks. This cover completely covers the dog’s body and even its muzzle. Puli dogs are difficult to brush and bathe, so owners of this unusual breed will have to visit the hairdresser frequently. Despite their peculiar appearance, Puli are considered very smart, so they are often used for herding animals and guarding.

Bull Terrier - pig dog

The Bull Terrier is one of the most specific unpleasant dogs that is difficult to forget once you see it. They have short legs and body, dense abdomen and a strange egg-shaped head. The image is complemented by small slanted eyes, which is why the dog resembles a small copy of a pig. Bull Terriers are very aggressive, so they are often used for protection, as well as in competitions where you need to show courage and agility.

The Standard Schnauzer is an ugly breed with a beard

The Standard Schnauzer is not characterized by any special deformities, however, it is one of the ugly breeds due to its unkempt beard, which is often wet or matted due to drool. A beard makes the dog always sullen and dissatisfied. The shaggy eyebrows are also terrifying, and all together turns the animal into a strict uncle who is angry with everyone and everything.

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Video “The most terrible dogs on the planet”

A video compilation of the TOP 12 ugliest dog breeds in the world.

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