Conducting personnel work. Conducting personnel records from A to Z

If the employer refuses to register a foreign worker who has not registered at the place of actual residence, the company violates 109-FZ “On migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation”.
Amount of fine: for an official – up to 50,000 rubles; for a company – up to 500,000 rubles; for individual entrepreneurs - up to 500,000 rubles. (Part 4 of Article 18.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Example 2

If the employment contract with an employee is not properly drawn up (for example, the contract with a foreign worker does not contain the details of the VHI policy or the details of the document on the basis of which he has the right to work in the territory of the Russian Federation - a patent / work permit), the company violates the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article . 327.2 part 2).
Amount of fine: for an official – up to 20,000 rubles; for a company – up to 100,000 rubles; for individual entrepreneurs – up to 10,000 rubles. (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Example 3

If, when hiring, you ask an employee for copies of documents (on education, personal, etc.), and then store them, but do not sign an agreement with him to process personal data, such actions are regarded as a violation of 152-FZ “ On the protection of personal data".
Amount of fine: for the head of the company - up to 20,000 rubles; for a company – up to 75,000 rubles; for individual entrepreneurs – up to 75,000 rubles. (Article 13.11, Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Example 4

If the type of accrual for employees is not defined in the Bonus Regulations, but is regularly paid to employees, the payments cannot be accepted as company expenses. Accordingly, the company systematically overpays or underpays income tax.

Example 1

The foreigner was hired under a fixed-term contract for the period of validity of the work permit. There is no such basis for concluding a fixed-term rather than an open-ended contract. If a foreign citizen is fired after the expiration of the contract, the employee will be reinstated at work through the court, and the company will have to reimburse legal costs, average earnings for each day of forced absence, working days will be included in the length of service for calculating annual paid leave, and, perhaps, the employee will require also compensate for moral damage.

Example 2

Dismissal of employees due to staff reduction is a process in which the correct execution of personnel documents plays an important role. In particular, if the staffing table is not maintained properly, the laid-off employee can challenge the layoff in court and be reinstated by proving that he was not offered all possible vacancies. The company will reimburse the average earnings for all days of forced absence, vacation pay, and legal costs.

Example 3

The employer tries to provide for all possible risks and accepts as a standard employment contract downloaded from the Consultant/Guarantor and supplemented with individual clauses. A multi-page document looks impressive and serious! But if a labor dispute arises, an overly detailed employment contract could harm the company in the event of a lawsuit. Only an experienced practicing lawyer is able to determine which points are unnecessary, which ones can work in favor of the employee, and which ones are necessary and will protect the employer’s side.

Example 1

If company employees understand in practice that personnel records are carried out in the company “every once in a while,” the employer’s reputation suffers and employee loyalty decreases. Being confident that for the most part personnel documents are signed late, and some are not signed at all, an employee may enter into conflict when leaving and attempt blackmail.

Example 2

Until 2002, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allowed the staffing table to indicate salary ranges for positions. For example, salaries for sales managers could range from X to XX. Now this practice is illegal; in the staffing table it is necessary to indicate only the exact salary amount, equal for all employees working in the same positions. If the company still has an old-style local regulatory act, where salary ranges are indicated, and employees know the size of their colleagues’ salaries, this will cause unnecessary behind-the-scenes conversations.

Example 3

Vacation for employees working on a rotational basis should not fall during inter-shift rest. If the company does not have a vacation calendar that takes into account this aspect of scheduling, or the calendar is not respected, this will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among employees who are well aware of their rights.

Organizing and maintaining personnel records is the direct responsibility of personnel service employees. In situations of creating a new organization, transforming an old one or other reorganization options, management and the personnel department need to know the main aspects of the work: training and search for employees, hiring, transfer and dismissal of personnel, as well as the rules for both archival and operational storage of documents.

Competent organization of personnel records as the basis for the stability of the company

Any organization, regardless of its form of ownership, has personnel. It differs in size and composition, functions performed and level of qualifications. The task of the HR department is to ensure that all issues and problems related to the employees of the enterprise are resolved as quickly and competently as possible.

The stable operation of an organization directly depends on its employees. The primary task of the personnel service is the competent and timely selection of employees, maintaining personnel records in accordance with the law and timely submission of documents to the archive. This is the basis for the stable operation of any enterprise.

Training of personnel to work with human resources

The instructions for personnel records management clearly indicate the need for professional training for personnel specialists. However, in practice, problems often arise with training workers of the required profile.

Higher and secondary specialized educational institutions do not graduate specialists with such a narrow qualification as “personnel records management.” Training usually takes place on site or at specialized courses. It is also possible to train an employee directly on the job through mentoring.

Personnel records management involves training specialists in the following ways:

  • retraining on the basis of a second higher education;
  • obtaining higher education in a related field, for example, “document management”, “law”, “personnel management”, “information security”;
  • training in specialized long-term courses (at least three months), followed by passing an exam;
  • practical work followed by regular professional development.

Regulatory documents regulating the work of personnel services

The activities of the personnel department and the general organization of personnel records management are very much dependent on the current legislation and internal regulatory documents. This feature is associated with the nuances of working with a large number of personal documents, which are often confidential.

Record keeping in the personnel service is regulated by the following acts:

  • Constitution, Civil and Labor Codes, as well as partially Criminal and Family Codes;
  • legislative acts on the profile of the organization in matters related to work with personnel;
  • local regulations;
  • various classifiers, rules and instructions at the federal level;
  • internal regulatory documents, for example, instructions on personnel records management;
  • orders and instructions from management.

Personnel service employees are obliged to strictly comply with the requirements of regulations and, above all, the Labor Code.

Search and documentation of employees

Conducting personnel records begins with the search and registration of personnel. First of all, you need to decide on options for finding new employees. Among them, the following stand out:

  • employment agencies and bureaus;
  • employment;
  • job fairs;
  • educational institutions;
  • job boards and resumes on various resources;
  • other organizations;
  • acquaintances and friends.

All employee search options have their advantages and disadvantages; an HR employee must make the most of all opportunities to fill a vacancy.

When an applicant is found, he is interviewed. It is advisable that its progress be documented: this makes it easier to make an informed decision about hiring or refusing. In the latter case, the person is notified in writing of the reason within five working days. If the applicant is suitable for the vacant position, he should be enrolled. This is where registration for a specific employee begins.

  • conclusion of an employment contract;
  • issuance of an admission order;
  • a new employee or her establishment;
  • registration of a personal card;
  • if it is accepted in the organization - opening a personal file;
  • familiarization and signing by the employee of internal regulations and instructions.

Personnel records (personal cards, staffing table)

Conducting personnel records requires the mandatory preparation of accounting documentation, in particular, staffing schedules and personal cards. These documents are mandatory for organizations of all forms of ownership.

Staffing and numbers must be current and meet the needs of the organization. It contains the names of all positions, the number of rates indicating vacancies for a given period.

Personal cards are unified documents containing brief information about the employee’s work activities and personal information. They are subject to strict accounting and special storage conditions, in places that prevent their damage and theft.

Orders for personnel, differences and design features

General office work in personnel work is mainly expressed in orders and instructions from management. These documents may concern both individual employees and all personnel as a whole. They differ in design and implementation features.

Most orders and instructions relating to specific actions with an employee have a unified form. They are subject to mandatory agreement with all interested parties and familiarization by the employee against signature. Copies of personnel orders are stored in the personal file, and the originals in separate folders.

Personnel records journals, rules for registration and storage

To record movement in the personnel service, it involves maintaining specialized journals. These are spreadsheet documents of a multi-page format, most often unified. Usually they are kept either in large notebooks or purchased ready-made in specialized stores.

Types of personnel journals:

  • registration of incoming and outgoing documentation, including letters;
  • registration of orders;
  • registration of arrival and departure of employees on business trips;
  • registration of statements, submissions, notifications, official and service notes;
  • registration of work book forms and their inserts;
  • books for recording movements of various personnel documents, etc.

All magazines must be bound and sealed, and the sheets must be numbered. They should be stored separately from all documents. Preferably in a safe or special cabinet.

Features of maintaining and storing personal files

Maintaining personal files is not mandatory. However, most organizations collect employee records in one form or another. Of course, it’s more convenient to do this in one folder.

A personal file is a set of documented personal information about an employee, collected and compiled in a certain order. It may include a variety of documents and copies:

  • copies of employee orders;
  • copies of statements;
  • copies of identity documents confirming qualifications, education, benefits and marital status;
  • questionnaire;
  • characteristics and reviews;
  • certificates, etc.

Personal files include personal information and should be kept away from other documents. Access to them is permitted only to a strictly limited circle of officials. When personnel are dismissed, personal files are handed over for archival storage.

Rules for registration, storage and issuance of work books, as well as inserts

All organizations are required to maintain work books for their staff, with the exception of part-time employees. During the initial appointment, the employer independently purchases blank forms and makes the first entry on them. The relevant information about the employee is entered on the title page. Subsequently, it is necessary to monitor their relevance and make changes in a timely manner.

On the spread of the main part, entries are made about the employee’s labor and social activities, his employment with permanent employees. All entries are numbered in a general manner and are made on the basis of an order. The notice of dismissal is accompanied by an imprint of the organization's seal and the signature of the manager.

Done by hand, with a blue ballpoint pen, in clear and understandable handwriting. Carefully monitor the relevance and accuracy of the entered data. If it is necessary to correct information, then it must be carefully crossed out with one line and the relevant information must be entered. This action must be confirmed by the manager’s signature and seal.

Work records are kept separately from other documents, in a safe. It is prohibited to hand them over to employees or third parties without a special resolution from the responsible authorities.

Features of operational and archival storage of personnel documents

The storage of personnel documents is determined by their special significance. They contain personal information and are confidential. Such data is not subject to unauthorized disclosure. Otherwise, a fine will be imposed on the personnel service employees and the head of the organization.

To organize proper storage of personnel documents in the personnel service, it is advisable to have a separate room. There must be one entrance to it and must be equipped with a metal door with an alarm.

The documents themselves must be stored in metal cabinets or safes. Avoid exposure to sunlight and dust, as well as temperature changes and excessive humidity. These simple steps will help you save your personal data.

HR records management from scratch: step-by-step guide 2019


a brief approximate step-by-step guide to setting up HR records in a newly opened company

(if you want to put things in order in an already running campaign, then another step-by-step guide will be more suitable for you - restoration of personnel records >>)

If you have been assigned to deliver to a newly opened company HR administration from scratch, and you have little experience in this area (maybe you are the founder, manager and so far the only employee of a new company, a novice HR officer, or even an accountant or office manager who has been assigned HR, or a novice entrepreneur), then our guide will certainly help you. It is compiled simply and accessible, especially for beginners in the personnel business.

And certainly The rich reserves of our site will help you :

  • free reference database on personnel records management: 25 main step-by-step procedures (hiring, vacation, dismissal, etc.), 200 samples of personnel documents, block “Work books” (samples of filling out and consultations), 5 manuals on personnel records, consultations, articles on personnel) and much more;
  • a large reference base available to subscribers of the magazine "Practice Personnel" (the price is affordable for everyone >>): 140 step-by-step instructions on personnel work, more than 1000 samples of personnel documents, bins of consultations and articles, a course on the basics of personnel records management, a bookshelf, etc.;
  • our best books on HR administration.

So, you have been assigned personnel. Where do we start?

1. Let’s stock up on the necessary laws, special literature and programs. You will need all this in your work.

  • Necessary Violation of labor laws may result in big fine. Therefore, knowledge and compliance with labor laws must be approached responsibly.
  • From specialized literature, we are pleased to offer you manuals (you can download them for free) and our best books on HR administration. The site's repositories of reference databases will also be useful.
  • Decide with management the issue of purchasing a program in which to keep personnel records. There are many such programs, and many are specialized and very, very convenient. Some bypass the functionality of 1C in some ways. But most companies traditionally keep personnel records in 1C. The fact is that there are plenty of 1C support specialists in any city, but you won’t find specialists in support of other programs everywhere.

2. We take copies of the organization’s constituent documents from the management and study them carefully.

Personnel documents will have to comply with the constituent documents of the company, and not contradict them in any way. Read in the Charter the procedure for hiring a director (you will be hiring him) and the procedure for setting his salary, the period for which an employment contract can be concluded with him - some features may be prescribed in the Charter. Sometimes the Charter prescribes the procedure for hiring key management employees and establishing remuneration systems for them (for example, with the preliminary approval of the general meeting of founders), and even the procedure for approving the staffing table.

3. We determine the list of documents that should be in the personnel work area, and which we will draw up.

It is clear that you will draw up documents required by law in any case. Check with management which of the optional documents you will draw up for the company. You can also clarify in advance with the director what special conditions he wants to see in the internal labor regulations, other local regulations, and in employment contract forms.

If your company is a micro-enterprise, then, according to 309.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you may not need to draw up some documents:

"The employer is a small business entity that is classified as a micro-enterprise, has the right to refuse, in whole or in part, the adoption of local regulations , containing labor law norms (internal labor regulations, regulations on remuneration, regulations on bonuses, shift schedules, and others). At the same time, in order to regulate labor relations and other directly related relations, the employer - a small business entity, which is classified as a micro-enterprise, must include in employment contracts with employees conditions regulating issues that, in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law must be regulated by local regulations..."

4. We register the director

Check whether the director (CEO) is properly registered. If not, then first of all we register a director. He is the first employee! The documents must show from what date the director has been working. A step-by-step procedure for applying for a director’s job is available in a large reference database and in the “HR Package”, the necessary sample documents, and thematic consultations are also there.

5. We draw up a staffing table, internal labor regulations, and other local regulations (see table from paragraph 3).

Surely the company does not yet have a staffing table, internal labor regulations or other local regulations. Let's make them up. We coordinate all these documents with the director. We take into account the director’s comments and wishes and check whether they contradict the law. Ready-made versions of these documents are agreed upon in accordance with the procedure established by law (if necessary, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees), then the head of the company approves them. We have many examples of such documents freely available on our website. There are many more such samples and thematic comments on them, step-by-step procedures for their approval in a large reference database and in the “HR Package”. On our website you can freely read a new useful article " Staffing: form and content". We recommend that subscribers of the HR Practitioner magazine read the article: " We draw up internal labor regulations: legal, thoughtful and beneficial to the employer." and view templates of local regulations.

6. We are developing a standard form of an employment contract that will be concluded with employees.

For subscribers of the HR Practitioner magazine, we recommend the following manual: "We hire an employee: personnel issues". From it you will learn, among other things, what conditions are beneficial to the employer to include in the employment contract, and what conditions, on the contrary, are undesirable and dangerous.

7. We are preparing other documents that we will need to conduct personnel work in the future:

We prepare accounting books, registration logs, time sheets, order forms, liability agreements, etc.

8. We decide with management the issue of who will keep work records .

If employees have not yet been hired, then the head of the organization (director) will first have to maintain work records. An order is issued about this. On our website there is a sample order for the head of the organization to assume responsibility for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books. Such an order is mandatory; it is a requirement of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. If it is not, the employer may face a fine. Subsequently, the director may transfer these powers to the accepted personnel employee, also by order. On our website there is an order form for appointing those responsible for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books >>

9. We register employees for work.

Then the employees will begin to work and for the personnel employee the phase of everyday work will begin, it will be necessary to keep a time sheet, draw up a vacation schedule, arrange vacations, apply incentives and penalties, business trips, part-time jobs, dismissals and much more... Our resources will help you with all this site.

Personnel records are necessary in any enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership, activity and number of employees. To conduct it competently and professionally, you need to be well versed in labor law, monitor changes in legislation and have skills in the field of personnel records management.

What is personnel accounting and why is it needed?

An integral part of the activities of every company is personnel records. It represents work regulated by law on registration, accounting and monitoring of the movement of employees of the organization.

Personnel activities involve registration of:

  • reception of employees;
  • layoffs;
  • horizontal (transfer between departments) and vertical (for example, career growth) movements;
  • business trips;
  • sick leave;
  • time sheet;
  • leaves (of any type - annual, without pay, for pregnancy, etc.);
  • personal cards for each employee, etc.

HR accounting also includes:

  • maintaining military records;
  • regulation of labor relations;
  • creation and registration of various orders and instructions (for example, on hiring, rewarding an employee, etc.);
  • labor organization and other issues.

All documentation is prepared only in accordance with the required norms and rules. Some forms are unified, others are installed at the enterprise itself.

Competent organization of personnel records solves many problems and tasks of the company. Of course, there are thousands of nuances, but there are basic points that apply to every enterprise.

How to organize and who to entrust with maintaining personnel records?

There are several ways to organize accounting. Everything depends only on the characteristics of the enterprise and on the choice the manager makes. The most common options:

Create an entire HR department if the company employs a lot of people

And when the staff is small, you can hire one specialist. The advantages of this method are that the work is organized by the manager the way he likes and is regulated and controlled according to his own principles.

There are also disadvantages: it is difficult to check the professionalism of the specialist being hired, so there is a risk that a not entirely competent personnel officer will be hired.

You will have to spend time and money on training or look for another employee.

The advantages of this option for organizing accounting are that if a person is recommended, then (perhaps) he really does the job, that is, he has been tested in the case. Of course, you need to discuss working conditions with such a personnel officer so that they suit both parties.

Entrust HR matters to an accountant or a good secretary

Pros: It saves time and money. That is, there is no need to select a personnel officer, and there are no costs for maintaining records.

Disadvantages: the main problem when choosing this method is that employees perform additional work after the main one, which leads to errors, mistakes, gaps and a simple lack of necessary documents. And, of course, professional knowledge on the topic of personnel records is important here. And if the same secretary has them, then the risk of complications in this case is minimized. And vice versa.

Entrust HR records to an outsourcing organization

Good: all personnel activities fall on the shoulders of the outsourcing company, which assumes such responsibility on the basis of a contract. In addition to the fact that constant, continuous assistance is provided on personnel issues, choosing this method significantly reduces costs.

Disadvantages: you need to choose a well-established, serious company, and you also need to establish interaction, create a concept of working with specialists who will work outside the office.
The manager just has to choose the most convenient and suitable way for him to maintain personnel records, weighing the pros and cons of each method.

Job functions of a personnel employee

The HR officer is assigned the following responsibilities in accordance with the instructions and employment agreement:

This is an incomplete list of the responsibilities of a personnel employee; the requirements are approximate. There may be more than the above (or less), but in total these are the skills and abilities that a HR specialist must have.

Personnel records: what documents are needed?

Normally, every enterprise must have the following types of documents relating to personnel:

  • administrative (personal and production orders);
  • confirming work activity;
  • information and calculation;
  • internal correspondence;
  • control and registration logs.

Some personnel documents must be present at the enterprise. These include:
PVTR (internal labor regulations);

All documents are stored for a certain number of years. Regulated:

  • article or section of the Labor Code;
  • Resolution of the State Statistics Committee;
  • Federal Law and other regulations.

If something (instructions, orders, etc.) is not available, then this fact will need to be corrected. In general, one of the principles of the HR manager’s work is timeliness. It makes everyday work much easier and even gives legal force to some acts. It is actually very important not to neglect current affairs. Otherwise, they tend to grow like a snowball.

Organization of personnel records: how to keep it, where to start?

Having settled in a new position as a personnel officer, you first need to conduct an audit of the mandatory documentation. If it turns out (and this happens) that some important papers from the list are missing, then they need to be restored. Of course, it will not be possible to carry out such work in one day.

Therefore, you should highlight the most important positions and start with them. Check for the presence and correctness of the design (and if you need to correct or draw up a new document): staffing schedule, vacation schedule, employment contracts, orders, records in labor records.

Keep logs of employment contracts and personnel orders. Create a work record book. Understand personal cards (T-2). Work with local regulations.
The main thing is to complete all current documents on time. Work based on the Labor Code and office work rules. And do not destroy personnel records. Their storage time is approved by the Federal Archive (“List…” dated 10/06/2000).

All accounting documents are needed for transparency of labor relations. The personnel system establishes norms and principles that provide stability to the organization’s employees, and administrations create convenient conditions for personnel management.

Accounting automation - 1C: advantages of working with the program

Keeping personnel records, especially in a large company, is an incredibly responsible and enormous job. But mistakes are not allowed here! But today there is a way to automate the activities of personnel officers, which can significantly facilitate and simplify the work of the department, streamline activities, significantly reducing the risk of errors.

Using the 1C program, you can keep records in accordance with legal requirements. The database ensures reliable storage of the necessary information on employees. As it accumulates, it becomes possible to build various reports that can help in analyzing work and developing new directions. For example, reports could be like this:

  • staff turnover rate;
  • personnel statistics;
  • movement of workers, etc.

The program helps solve almost all problems and tasks of personnel accounting. Thanks to 1C, the head of an enterprise has the opportunity to obtain information about the state of affairs in a given department, conduct analysis and make the right management decisions. Automation also allows you to synchronize the activities of several company services (accounting, human resources, payroll department), which improves work efficiency and also creates all the conditions for timely payment of salaries.

What psychological services may be needed? This article will tell you about all the secrets of the tests.

To conduct a tax audit, read the article: all the secrets of choosing a tax audit specialist.


So, to summarize, we can note the following:

  • Personnel records are the most important part of any enterprise.
  • There are several ways to organize accounting. The choice is up to the leader.
  • The job responsibilities of a personnel employee are determined by instructions and an employment contract.
  • There is a list of documents related to personnel work that must be present in every company. And you should begin your career in the HR department by checking these documents.
  • Keeping records is much easier if it is automated.

Personnel records are the core for the normal and efficient operation of any enterprise. Therefore, its management must be approached with full responsibility.

The general definition says that personnel records management is the process of registration and maintenance of personnel papers. This topic is relevant for both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. The preparation of documents has strict legal standards, and the described rules must be taken into account by all managers and human resources departments at enterprises. With the help of personnel records management, it will be possible to optimize the personnel management process, organize the work of each team, and simplify the reporting procedure.

What is personnel records management

The basics of personnel records management include the entire process of drawing up papers, filling them out, and reporting on personnel who work in the company. Each document issued has legal force, including those formed on the basis of an employee’s application. Personnel production is often carried out by the personnel department, whose functions include the following personnel work:

  • payroll;
  • registration of vacations and sick leave;
  • registration of certificates.

Goals and objectives

Tasks and objectives of this HR department:

Direction of work

Employee tasks

Accounting, registration, control

Keeping records of the number of employees, hiring, dismissal

Work regulation

Familiarization with responsibilities, choice of workplace, premises

Coordination, training

Conducting courses, training, advanced training, retraining, checking performance results

Working with documents

The specialists of this department are engaged in compiling papers, books, work schedules, maintaining a register, reporting


Organizing activities according to instructions

Legal regulation

HR work is regulated by a number of regulatory laws, orders and sets of rules at the regional or state level. Failure to comply with the requirements specified in the regulatory framework is a violation. Basic regulations for conducting personnel production:

  • state regulations on work books (2003);
  • rules of office work and document management from 2009;
  • federal instructions for maintaining records regarding employees;
  • general requirements, which are approved by order of the ministries.

Legislative framework of the enterprise

Each enterprise uses a series of documentation that regulates the work of all personnel. The movement of documents and their preparation is carried out according to the instructions and regulatory framework prescribed above. The legal framework of the enterprise is divided into five key categories and is regulated by the internal regulations of the enterprise:

  • charter of the enterprise;
  • work schedule;
  • standards for the protection of personal data;
  • labor protection (regulated by the federal archival decree);
  • staff work schedule (and documents on staffing levels).

Personnel document flow in the organization

Unified paper accounting systems in enterprises are divided into three main categories, including internal regulations, staffing, and wage regulations. The first category includes the circulation of papers according to the vacation schedule, filling out documents about the work schedule. The second paragraph is more global and contains provisions on the preparation of contracts and accounting policies. The wage regulations regulate all issues regarding the payment of wages, bonuses, sick leave, vacation pay and severance pay upon dismissal.

Staffing according to form T-3

The staffing table in form T-3 is a single type of paper that describes the entire personnel structure at an enterprise or company. The columns contain data on the full name, position of the employee, and the department where he is registered. According to regulatory and legislative standards, the official salary of a specialist is prescribed there. Any change in the registration process must be registered by the accounting department in this staffing table in the T3 form. The filling instructions always contain recommendations for each column. In total, the document includes 5 information points.

Work schedule

A work schedule is a document that approves a specialist’s daily routine. The manager's schedule is regulated by document flow. It includes points about the need to conduct an inspection in accordance with current legislation, about lunch and breaks, and about reporting. In some companies, the clerk requires a report to be drawn up every week or month (the document must be confirmed by the signatures of the employee and the clerk after verification). A plan and schedule are formed for the future working period. Employees' working hours are recorded.

Labor agreement

An employment agreement is a civil law document that is drawn up between a future employee and the employer. Standard forms for this type of document are not provided, and the agreement is filled out in free form, indicating qualifications (position) and period of work. The required result is also written there. According to legal standards, this type of document is very similar to a contract document, since it prescribes the final result of the work, and not its structure. To fire employees, you only need to work until the end of the contract.

Personnel orders

The reinstatement of employees and the hiring of specialists are carried out according to personnel orders. This type of document prescribes the appointment of personnel to positions and other movements of specialists across departments. Personnel department employees and management personnel take part in the development of instructions and orders. Local decisions are made by company managers/administrators. Orders have a uniform form, it is established by the regulatory framework. According to the storage period, the papers must be kept in the accounting department or in the human resources department for up to five years or more (depending on the type of order).

Job Descriptions

Job descriptions are a document that prescribes the responsibilities of the parties (employee and employer), and also contains data about the instructions and responsibilities of a specific specialist in his position. They are confirmed by the seal of the organization and the signature of the responsible person. Three copies are required to complete this document. One remains in the HR department, the other with the performer himself, and the third with the manager or administrator of a specific department. The purpose of this order is to optimize human resource management processes at the enterprise.

How to organize office work in the personnel department

Proper management of personnel records requires a high level of responsibility. HR staff must ensure that the signing dates are correct. You can entrust the maintenance of work books and other personnel documents to outsourcing companies. Responsibilities of HR staff:

  • create a work schedule, accounting documentation regarding vacations;
  • draw up documents for labor protection (required for government agencies);
  • prepare and issue orders;
  • carry out payroll calculations and control the payment of bonuses.

In-house HR service

A full-time HR service is carried out when all accounting and all paperwork is carried out only by hired full-time people from the HR department. This paperwork regime is relevant for enterprises and companies with a staff of 20-30 people. State standards require strict adherence to the form of all orders and other requirements, otherwise the legal entity may receive a fine. In the service sector, where one legal entity employs up to 30 people, it is more profitable to use the services of outsourcing companies.

Attracting specialists from an outsourcing company for HR work

Hiring HR specialists from an outsourcing company will save money and reduce the overall headcount. Independent specialists carry out the entire volume of necessary work on drawing up orders and schedules. They also keep a special journal and regulate the work procedure of each specialist in the company. Outsourcing HR administration is characterized by the fact that a legal entity does not have its own HR department, but entrusts this task to a separate team for a reasonable fee.

Personnel accounting from scratch step by step

To keep records of HR department documents, office equipment and an office are needed. Having a strong safe is important. The order must appoint a head of the document management system. After this, internal acts are formed. For each employee in the company, it is necessary to create a separate folder where his work book will be stored. Personnel records management requires the preservation of this documentation throughout the entire period of the specialist’s work in the position. Throughout the entire activity of the department, information is entered into books and orders are drawn up.

Requirements for HR employees

HR administration is a relatively complex process that requires certain theoretical and practical skills. The regulatory framework for this position contains a list of conditions under which a specialist can occupy this position. Educational institutions do not distinguish a separate profile, such as personnel records management. Managers and administrators are suitable for activities in the HR department. Thus, employers appoint people with a legal education, information security or document management.

Rights and responsibilities of a personnel officer

The first obligation of such officials is knowledge of the legislative framework and compliance with established accounting rules. The articles and federal laws that should be followed when conducting personnel records were indicated above. The HR officer has the right to receive information from employees, view personal folders, and see the accounting book (salaries). The powers of specialists in this profile include affixing signatures and working with employers to improve staff efficiency.

Conducting personnel records

Today, HR records are conducted both in written and digital format. Documentation is signed personally by authorized employees. State standards are used to maintain documentation, which unify all templates and forms. It is necessary to take into account the standards of GOST R 6.30-2003 and GOST R 7.0.8-2013. Important papers are stored in special folders or metal safes. Depending on the scope of activity and the size of the company, specialists need to adhere to different requirements for the frequency of reporting.

Search and registration of personnel

Initially, before registering employees, you need to find specialized personnel who would meet strict criteria (they must be related to the specifics of the work). To do this, they use specialized bureaus, agencies, job search sites, labor exchanges or private advertisements in newspapers, the media, and websites. After this, mandatory personnel documents are drawn up, registration is carried out, and an employment contract or contract is signed.

Hiring stages

The procedures for registering people for positions begin with entering data about the job applicant in a special journal. The accounting sheet records information about experience, length of service, and previously held position. Upon approval, an order is drawn up to appoint a person to a particular post. The final stage is the formation of a personal folder, drawing up a file in the company or department. The contract specifies information about the duties and salary for the position held.

Personal cards and the formation of an employee’s personal file

Types of personnel documents include an employee’s personal card. It contains all the information regarding marital status, full name, a photograph is pasted in there, and the date of birth is written down. All this is done by employers in order to create a package of data about each member of the company’s staff. According to the law, this data cannot be transferred to third parties. To conduct personal business, folders, cabinets or even metal safes are used (depending on the level of equipment of the company office).

HR journals

Printed paper products help to systematize reporting and simplify document flow. Documentation in the form of journals for office work includes the following types:

  • to control documents and papers that are delivered to a company or enterprise;
  • on time control, periods of business trips;
  • to control any notes, statements;
  • records to ensure the safety of work records.

Maintaining work records

Personnel records management obliges specialists to keep records of work records. All records are kept if a person is officially registered at the enterprise. The employee is given a work book upon dismissal. This documentation records all changes regarding position and awards. Training in personnel records management from scratch includes mandatory points on the correct execution of work books. Any errors are corrected by members of the HR staff. If they are discovered, specialists may be charged with an administrative violation.

Systematization and storage of documents

Separate legislative norms have been created for audit and storage of documents. It is important to mention Article 17 of the Federal Law on maintaining archives. It states the need for the management of companies and enterprises to take care of the safety of archival documentation for the required period. The storage period is prescribed by law and complies with state standards. To ensure the integrity of paper documentation, metal fireproof safes and cabinets are used.

If necessary, data from documents is transferred to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. Automation and digitization of paper circulation is one of the priority areas in optimizing the process of managing staff work. Today, most reporting is not done on paper. This does not relieve the responsibility of business leaders and managers to preserve the archive for one, three, five or more years.

Electronic personnel records

When using electronic personnel records, it is important to comply with document security conditions and reduce access to the archive due to the law on the protection of personal data. Electronic documentation recording has a number of advantages:

  1. quick access to documents;
  2. protecting files with passwords;
  3. there is no need to purchase safes to store papers;
  4. saving space in the office space - 10 thousand documents or more can be stored on the hard drive;
  5. saving time - you can sign and find any document in 1-2 minutes in the hard drive archive on your computer.
