Venotonics are drugs to improve the condition of the vascular wall. List of venotonic and venoprotector drugs, the best drugs for improving the functioning of veins. Characteristics and list of venotonic drugs for spinal osteochondrosis: useful

Venotonics- drugs with angioprotective effect, used for the prevention and conservative treatment of venous blood flow disorders. Currently, the pharmaceutical industry produces venotonics on a plant, synthetic and combined basis.


For example, popular venotonics for varicose veins of the legs (Venoruton, Troxevasin, Endotelon), as well as frequently recommended venotonics for hemorrhoids (Phlebodia, Detralex) are flavonoid-containing drugs, the effect of which is due to vitamin P derivatives (rutin). The raw materials of flavonoid-containing venotonics are buckwheat and Japanese Sophora.

The composition of combination preparations usually contains this vitamin, as well as other vitamins (C, B) and plant extracts. Dosage forms of venotonics: tablets, drops, balms, ointments, gels. The most effective combination of external and oral use of venotonics.

Effects of venotonics

The main target of the drugs is the venous walls. When venous outflow is impaired, venotonics are used to:

  • increasing vascular tone;
  • antioxidant protection;
  • reducing the permeability of the vascular wall to blood plasma;
  • stimulation of metabolism in tissues;
  • antiallergic and anti-inflammatory activity;
  • direct hemodynamic effect on the muscular-venous pump;
  • coumarin-like effect;
  • improving lymphatic drainage.

Venotonics are generally not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and some venotonics (eg, ergot-based, horse chestnut) have a wider range of contraindications. Therefore, before using them, consultation with a specialist is required.

Almost half of the adult population suffers from disorders of venous blood flow in the lower extremities. In the initial stages, patients feel heaviness in their legs by the end of the day and notice telangiectasias.

However, most patients begin to consult specialists only at the stage of pronounced clinical symptoms.

Stages of varicose veins

Venotonics for the legs are effective at almost all stages of the disease:

  1. Stage of prevention of varicose veins. It is necessary to evaluate risk factors for varicose veins (hereditary predisposition; smoking; drinking alcohol; physical inactivity; obesity; work requiring prolonged standing). If risk factors cannot be eliminated, drug prevention should be considered. To prevent varicose veins, annual courses of venotonics are prescribed for 2–3 months.
  2. Compensation stage. Together with compression therapy, venotonics used at the compensation stage can stop the progression of the disease.
  3. If the disease has entered the stage of subcompensation and decompensation with severe swelling, cramps, pain, itching, trophic skin lesions, venotonics are no longer able to “reverse the disease”, but can alleviate symptoms and prepare the patient for surgical treatment, which is the main thing at these stages method of getting rid of varicose veins.
  4. After surgery, venotonics are prescribed to accelerate the normalization of hemoperfusion.

When choosing a venotonic for varicose veins, a number of side effects should be taken into account. For example, Aescusan (a combination drug based on horse chestnut), taken orally in the form of drops, restores the endothelial barrier, preventing swelling and thrombosis, and increases the contractility of veins. However, the drug has a coumarin-like effect and is not recommended for liver diseases.

An example of a topical drug for varicose veins is Shungit: a venotonic in the form of a balm based on extracts of horse chestnut, Japanese Sophora, and horsetail. Local action (the balm is applied to the skin of the lower extremities) makes such dosage forms safer than oral administration of drugs with systemic effects.

Hemorrhoids are a disease of the rectal veins that affects about 10% of the adult population. In the acute phases of hemorrhoids and its initial stages, conservative treatment using a complex of drugs for general and external use is indicated.

Diosmin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects

The venotonic diosmin from the group of flavonoids is prescribed to increase vascular tone and improve microcirculation in the cavernous bodies. Diosmin has anti-inflammatory effect and antioxidant properties. Venotonics for hemorrhoids are indicated for general (internal) rather than local use.

Venotonics for pelvic varicose veins

In 30% of cases, the cause of pelvic pain is varicose veins. Conservative therapy consists of complex oral administration of venotonics:

  • aescusana,
  • anavenol,
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The main goals of therapy are normalization of venous tone; improvement of pelvic hemodynamics.

If no other diseases are detected, monotherapy for varicose veins of the small pelvis using only Detralex is possible. Aescusan is increasingly used in the complex therapy of chronic prostatitis, reducing swelling of the prostate. Most venotonics for pelvic varicose veins are herbal-based drugs with a complex effect.

Thus, anavenol is a combination drug containing extracts of ergot, horse chestnut, and mint. However, complex oral medications are characterized by an increased risk of side effects, so the treatment regimen must be determined by a doctor.

Cephalgia with cerebral venous discirculation has a number of characteristic signs: patients complain of a monotonously bursting “heaviness”, “leadenness”. When tilting the head or taking a horizontal position, the pain intensifies.

Cephalgia is accompanied by swelling of the face, a feeling of tired eyes, and nasal congestion. The basis of drug therapy for venous discirculation in the vessels of the head is the use of cerebral venotonics:

  • aminophylline, caffeine;
  • detralexa, tanakan, instenon, anavenol, cavinton, vasobral;
  • aescina, aescusan.

Venotonic drugs used for headaches

In addition to the venotonic drug, it has an anti-ischemic effect. Cephalgia is a syndrome that accompanies many pathologies, so before using venotonics for headaches, it is necessary to find out its cause.

One of the causes of degenerative changes in intervertebral discs may be circulatory disorders. Therefore, venotonics are an element of complex conservative therapy for osteochondrosis.

Venotonics are designed to improve microcirculation, which is accompanied by a decrease in pain. In particular, in case of exacerbation of pain in the lumbar region, the following is prescribed:

  • aminophylline,
  • troxevasin,
  • anavenol

Phlebodia shows positive results in the complex treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

Venotonic drugs used for osteochonodrosis

In addition, an urgent task of using venotonics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is to prevent compression of the veins, which occupies an important place in the etiology of dyscirculatory pathology of the brain.

Anti-varicose dietary supplements

The optimal option for solving the problems of venous outflow is a complex effect on pathogenetic mechanisms with the help of external and internal drugs: venotonics and biologically active additives (Venotonik Doppelgerz, Venokorset, Venal, Ginkgo Biloba Evalar). Pharmaceuticals offers a number of supplements based on plant extracts:

  • Butcher's broom. Its extracts strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce endothelial permeability and thrombus formation, and increase the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Ginkgo biloba. Contains terpene lactones and flavone glycosides, which increase venous tone, normalize blood supply, reduce the permeability of vascular walls, stabilize cell membranes, exhibiting an antithrombotic effect.
  • Red grape leaves. Rich in flavonoids, stabilizing endothelial membranes and increasing the elasticity of blood vessels.

Typically dietary supplements have a complex composition. For example, Venotonic Doppelhertz is a supplement based on butcher's broom with the addition of B vitamins, juices and fruit concentrates rich in flavonoids.

Pregnancy and lactation are periods when this drug is contraindicated. Despite the fact that manufacturers recommend consulting a doctor before using Venotonic Doppelgerz, reviews indicate that patients are more often guided by “friends’ advice” and take dietary supplements uncontrollably.

Nevertheless, there is a decrease in the symptoms of varicose veins at the stage of subcompensation (pain, swelling). However, it should be remembered that dietary supplements are an adjunct that cannot replace the main treatment of varicose veins.

The 36.6 pharmacy chain offers a wide range of drugs at affordable prices that help get rid of varicose veins. Our catalog includes medicines from manufacturers from many countries. You choose the drug you need at a reasonable price. You can use a filter by country and drug form.

Venotonics are drugs that are necessary for older people. With their help you can prevent the occurrence of problems with veins.

What you need to know when using our site:

  • users of the resource order delivery of medicine to any Moscow (or St. Petersburg) pharmacy. You need to pick up the medicine from the pharmacy and pay for it there yourself;
  • each drug must undergo a certification procedure, which confirms the high quality of the product;
  • the site offers a filter that reduces the search time for manufacturers and current products.

Indications for use

On the website you can find a list of venotonic drugs and instructions for use, but only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

The most common symptoms of varicose veins:

  • swelling of the ankles, feet and lower legs. Along with this, a feeling of heaviness appears in the legs;
  • vascular “webs” and “stars”;
  • paresthesia - there is a burning or tingling sensation in the legs;
  • night cramps.

Treatment of the disease must be started at the initial stage, otherwise it will be much more difficult to defeat it in the future.


Depending on the prescribed form of the drug, various contraindications associated with use are possible. The most popular formats for drug release are ointments and gels.

Venotonic ointment has contraindications:

  1. the drug should not be used on infected wounds or wounds with heavy exudation;
  2. The medicine should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the components.

Release forms

There are many forms of drugs. They differ in dosage and active ingredients, but they all perform the same task. Your doctor can help you choose the right type of medication for you.

Our resource presents many venotonics with prices and detailed instructions for use.

  • pills;
  • ointments;
  • gels;
  • creams.

Manufacturing countries

Many of the drugs are relatively similar, but only a specialist can give an exact prescription. Some manufacturers produce only venotonic gels, others only tablets.

On our website you can find medicines from any manufacturer:

  • French;
  • Indian;
  • Russian;
  • Serbian and others.



  1. [i] ICD 10, Background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes [Electronic resource]. – 2018. - access via the link:

The circulatory system, which consists of peripheral and large vessels, passes through the entire human body. Veins, arteries and capillaries distribute blood throughout the body before returning it back to the heart.

Contractions provided by the heart muscle push blood into the vessels. For normal blood circulation it is necessary that the venous system is in perfect order. Venotonics and venoprotectors help maintain the health of the venous system and improve its functioning.

Venous insufficiency– a disease that is accompanied by the release of fluids into the tissues from the vessels, stagnation of venous blood, as well as dilation of the veins. Against the background of such a disease, blood clots can form, tissue degeneration, the affected vessels begin to bleed, and thromboembolism develops.

Venotonics, sometimes called phlebotonics, are a medicinal product of natural or synthetic origin. They have a pronounced angioprotective (protection of the condition of the veins) effect. These drugs are used in the treatment of venous insufficiency. The second name for angioprotectors is venoprotectors. In the early stages of the development of pathology, these drugs are prescribed, and in advanced forms, surgical intervention is necessary.

Venotonic agents improve the condition of capillaries, reducing their permeability. They are used to improve the condition of the vascular wall. The drug stimulates contractions of the smooth muscles of the vascular walls. This action leads to a decrease in pain, it relieves inflammation and improves peripheral circulation.

Important! Venotonics and venoprotectors are not able to cure the disease completely, however, they significantly interfere with the development of pathology and also prevent its occurrence.

Venotonics in cases of impaired venous outflow of the brain help stabilize the patient’s condition. These drugs improve blood circulation and help restore the elasticity of blood vessels in the brain.

The most commonly used venotonic drugs (list):

  1. . The drug is natural based, the composition is completely safe.
    Active ingredients: extracts of medicinal herbs, vitamin B complex. Contains a high dose of antioxidants, prolongs tissue youth, fights free radicals. Taking it three times a day helps get rid of headaches and relieves problems with brain function.
    Manufacturer: Queisser Pharma (Queyser Pharma), Germany.
    Price: from 176 rubles.
  2. : Increases the strength of the walls of blood vessels in the brain.

    Manufacturer: Innotera Shuzi, France.
    Price: from 600 rubles.
  3. : the drug improves the process of trophic tissue of the head, helps to increase the elasticity of the blood vessels of the head.
    DV: natural flavonoids.
    Manufacturer: Servier Industry Laboratories, France.
    Price: from 730 rubles.
  4. Lerkamen: Used to treat arterial hypertension. It is a calcium antagonist and increases the elasticity of brain vessels.
    DV: Lercanidipine.
    Manufacturer: Berlin-Chemie, Menarini. Germany.
    Price: from 400 rubles.
  5. Askorutin Ka: strengthens capillaries, fights atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.
    Dv: vitamins C, P.
    Manufacturer: Marbiopharm, Russia. May be produced by other factories and countries.
    Price: from 75 rubles.
  6. Tanakan: improves peripheral and cerebral circulation. Herbal medicine.
    Dv: ginkgo biloba leaf extract.
    Manufacturer: Beaufour Ipsen, France.
    Price: from 560 rubles.

  7. DV: horse chestnut seeds (dry extract). Ethanol acts as an excipient.

    Price: from 237 rubles.
  8. Antistax: another herbal medicine that is used for problems with venous circulation.
    DV: grape leaf extract (dry).
    Manufacturer: Boehringer Ingelheim, Austria.
    Price: from 614 rubles.

It should also be taken into account that many of the drugs presented have a complex effect. The main purpose of venotonics is to provide elasticity to blood vessels, reducing their fragility. Some drugs act directly on blood circulation in the brain, however, drugs with a complex effect are also useful for the head.

B and venoprotectors for hemorrhoids

For hemorrhoids, special medications are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels and reducing their permeability in the rectum.

Below is a list of inexpensive venotonic medications for hemorrhoids:

  1. Vasocket: ingioprotector. A drug that corrects blood microcirculation. It has a complex effect and helps fight hemorrhoids. Available in capsule form.
    Active ingredients: diosmin.
    Manufacturer: Schwarz Pharma, Germany.
    Price: from 700 rubles.
  2. Diovenor: Analogous to Vasoketa. Venotonic and angioprotective agent. Designed to combat hemorrhoids. Not recommended for use during lactation.
    Dv: diosmin.
    Manufacturer: Innotera, France. It is also produced by domestic manufacturers.
    Price: from 430 rubles.
  3. : a venotonic agent that helps fight hemorrhoids and peripheral venous insufficiency.
    DV: diosmin, hesperidin.
    Manufacturer: Pharmaceutical Enterprise Obolenskoye, Russia.
    Price: from 470 rubles.

  4. DV: troxerutin.

    Price: from 340 rubles.
  5. Troxevenol: analogue of Troxevasin. It is an angioprotector.
    DV: troxerutin.
    Manufacturer: Viola, Ukraine.
    Price: from 50 rubles.
  6. Trental: a vasodilating agent that helps in the fight against otosclerosis and hemorrhoids. Prohibited for use during pregnancy. Has a wide spectrum of action.

    Manufacturer: Aventis Pharma Ltd., India
    Price: from 440 rubles.
  7. Agapurin: cheaper analogue of Trental. Also prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation. Has a wide spectrum of action.
    DV: pentoxifylline.
    Manufacturer: Zentiva a.s, Slovak Republic.
    Price: from 255 rubles.
  8. Procto-Glyvenol: microcirculation corrector. Actively helps fight hemorrhoids.
    Active ingredients: tribenozide.
    Manufacturer: Orivas, Lithuania.
    Price: from 430 rubles.

The same drugs can be used for pelvic varicose veins.

B for face

There are drugs aimed at strengthening the blood vessels located on the face. Many substances on this list have a wide range of uses. The essence of each product is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which allows you to get rid of redness and blood “stars” on the face.

Listed below are remedies to help combat this problem:

  1. : another angioprotective agent.
    Active ingredients: rutoside.
    Manufacturer: Novartis Consumer Health, Switzerland.
    Price: from 670 rubles.

  2. Dv: escin.
    Manufacturer: Teva, Poland.
    Price: from 150 rubles.
  3. Ginkor Fort: fights capillary permeability. Combination of funds.
    Active ingredients: dry extract of ginkgo biloba, troxerutin, heptaminol.
    Manufacturer: Ipsen, Ukraine.
    Price: from 512 rubles.
  4. Cyclo 3 Fort: reduces capillary permeability.
    DV: combined product, contains hesperidin methyl chalcone, butcher's broom dry extract, ascorbic acid.
    Manufacturer: NaturActive, France
    Price: from 500 rubles.
  5. Pylex: a herbal remedy aimed at combating hemorrhoids. Ointment for external use.
    Active ingredients: reparants and regenerants in combinations.
    Manufacturer: Himalaya Herbals, India
    Price: from 120 rubles.

Many cosmetics manufacturers offer various preparations that help fight rosacea on the face. Faberlic is one of these manufacturers. Their catalog provides facial skin care products that help eliminate redness, inflammation of the veins and other manifestations of venous insufficiency on the face.

Important! The appearance of blood vessels and veins on the face may indicate serious diseases of other organs. The condition of the liver and kidneys should be checked to exclude the possibility of their damage.

Venotonics for varicose veins of the legs: for varicocele

- This is an expansion of the veins of the spermatic cord and testicles. The left-sided form is most widespread, however, it can also occur on the right side, as well as on both testicles.

The causes of the disease are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • anatomical features of the male body structure;
  • problems with the spine in the lumbar region;
  • increased weight, obesity;
  • lack of sexual intercourse, masturbation.

Modern medicine provides a large number of drugs that prevent the occurrence of this disease. In advanced forms, surgical intervention is required. To avoid the development of the disease, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations and take preventive measures.

The lower body suffers the most. The legs receive the most stress, which is why varicose veins in the legs plague so many people.

List of drugs used for varicose veins and helping with varicocele(among them there are venotonics of polyvalent action with a lymphotropic effect):

  1. Antiox: Dietary supplement, helps fight circulatory problems.

    Manufacturer: Nutripharma, Ireland
    Price: from 450 rubles.
  2. Antiox plus: Dietary supplement, provides necessary microelements to improve blood circulation.
    Active ingredients: grape marc extract, ginkgo biloba, vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc oxide.
    Manufacturer: Vision, Europe
    Price: from 500 rubles.
  3. Arbiflex: antiplatelet agent.
    Active ingredients: pentoxifylline.
    Manufacturer: Russia, Europe
    Price: from 250 rubles
  4. Pentoxifylline: active substance produced without a brand. Cheap analogue of Arbiflex and others.
    Active ingredients: pentoxifylline.
    Manufacturer: Russia
    Price: from 100 rubles.
  5. Butcher's broom: a natural remedy with a venotonic effect.
    Dv: dry extract of butcher's broom.
    Manufacturer: Russia
    Price: from 50 rubles.

  6. Price: from 290 rubles.
  7. : anticoagulant. Analogue Lyoton 1000.
    DV: sodium heparin.
    Manufacturer: Nizhpharm, Russia
    Price: from 200 rubles.
  8. Viatromb: anticoagulant. Available in the form of a spray for external use.
    Active ingredients: sodium heparin.
    Manufacturer: Fabril Pharma, Germany
    Price: from 300 rubles.
  9. : anticoagulant. Cheap analogue of Lyoton 1000, Trombless and Viatromb.
    DV: sodium heparin.
    Manufacturer: Russia.
    Price: from 200 rubles.

  10. Active ingredients: diosmin.

    Price: from 773 rubles.
  11. Venolife: anticoagulant. Combined drug.
    Active ingredients: sodium heparin, dexpanthenol, troxerutin.
    Manufacturer: Akrikhin OJSC, Russia.
    Price: from 260 rubles.
  12. Venotonic Faberlic: foot cream.
    Active ingredients: horse chestnut and Asian centella extract, farnesol.
    Manufacturer: Faberlic, expert pharma series, Russia.
    Price: from 150 rubles.
  13. Shungite: natural preparation, venotonic balm.
    Active ingredients: shungite mineral.
    Manufacturer: Russia.
    Price: from 150 rubles.
  14. Horsepower: foot gel.
    Active ingredients: horse chestnut, medicinal leech extract, camphor.
    Manufacturer: Horse Force, Russia.
    Price: from 500 rubles.
  15. Venotroxin: foot gel.
    DV: troxerutin.
    Manufacturer: Russia.
    Price: from 102 rubles.
  16. Venoton: ointment for feet.
    Active ingredients: escin, complex of plant extracts.
    Manufacturer: Russia.
    Price: from 150 rubles.
  17. Diosmin: ointment.
    Active ingredients: diosmin.
    Manufacturer: Kanonpharma, Russia.
    Price: from 450 rubles.
  18. Hesperidin: flavonoid. Ointment for feet, also helps with hemorrhoids.
    Active ingredients: citrus extract.
    Manufacturer: Russia.
    Price: from 740 rubles.
  19. Venosmin: tablets, complex composition.
    Active ingredients: diosmin, hesperidin.
    Manufacturer: Fitofarm.
    Price: from 150 rubles.
  20. : Available in the form of cream and ointment for feet.
    Active ingredients: sodium heparin, escin.
    Manufacturer: Sandoz, Switzerland.
    Price: from 250 rubles.

Self-medication at home is strongly not recommended. If you notice signs of varicocele, you should immediately consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis and choose treatment methods.

Venotonics for children

Children may also suffer from venous insufficiency. This is explained by the structure of the body, the predisposition of blood vessels to the defeat of this disease. At the moment, there are no drugs strictly aimed at solving this problem in children. Doctors recommend using those products whose instructions allow use by children.

These medications include:

  • aeroscine;
  • gorkhon;
  • pilex.

These are medicines created on a natural basis; they can also be used in the treatment of children. They have an effect only in the early stages of the disease, so before use you should consult your doctor.

Venoprotectors and B during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the venous system of the female body is under great stress. This is due to the increase in body weight of the expectant mother, as well as due to an increase in blood volume. At the same time, the uterus grows, which puts additional pressure on the pelvic veins. For this reason, venous congestion may occur, which leads to the formation of a mesh on the legs, and the likelihood of hemorrhoids increases sharply.

Medicine allows the use of medications only after 12 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, you can take pills. The list of medications should be prescribed by the attending physician, based on the general clinical situation:

  • condition of the expectant mother;
  • individual intolerance;
  • presence of allergies;
  • presence of other diseases;
  • combinations with other drugs.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited, since a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the health of her unborn child.

During pregnancy, it is permissible to use plant extracts and foods that have an antioxidant effect.

It is permissible to use the following drugs with the permission of a doctor:

  1. : microcirculation corrector. The ointment is applied externally to the affected areas.
    Active ingredients: troxerutin.
    Manufacturer: Actavis Group, Iceland. Also produced in Russia.
    Price: from 340 rubles.
  2. : microcirculation corrector, angioprotector (venoprotector).
    Active ingredients: diosmin.
    Manufacturer: Atoll, Russia.
    Price: from 773 rubles.
  3. : anticoagulant. Aimed at combating venous insufficiency.
    Active ingredients: sodium heparin.
    Manufacturer: Berlin-Chemie, Germany
    Price: from 290 rubles.
  4. : drops for oral administration. A herbal medicine that has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels in the brain.
    Active ingredients: horse chestnut seeds (dry extract). Ethanol acts as an excipient.
    Manufacturer: Wernigerode Pharma, Germany.
    Price: from 237 rubles.
  5. : reduces capillary permeability.
    Dv: escin.
    Manufacturer: Teva, Poland.
    Price: from 150 rubles.

Carefully! Under no circumstances should you start taking any medications or ointments while breastfeeding without your doctor's permission. A pregnant woman is required to consult a medical practitioner, obtain permission, and only then use any medications. Self-indulgence can harm both the mother and the unborn child. Don't risk your baby's life!

The same rules apply to nursing mothers! During lactation, you should not use any medications (regardless of the method of their use: internally or externally). Before purchasing a drug, you need to study the composition and contraindications. Reception can be started only with the permission of the doctor.

Do venotonics affect menstruation?

The following question is often asked: “can venotonics have an effect on menstruation?” As a rule, medications whose action is aimed at strengthening the venous system do not affect menstruation. However, with long-term use of drugs, disturbances in the menstrual cycle are possible.

It is acceptable to use the following drugs during the menstrual cycle:

  1. Horse chestnut;
  2. Lyoton 1000;
  3. Antiox;
  4. Venoruton.

Venotonics affect menstruation only if taking any medications lasts an unacceptably long time.

Top 10 effective drugs

To the question which veinotonic is better? There is an answer and the best ones are collected in this list. The list of the most effective drugs in the fight against venous insufficiency includes:

  1. Ginkor Fort.
  2. Cyclo 3 Fort.
  3. Venolife.
  4. Venoton.
  5. Venosmin.
  6. Venitan.
  7. Horsepower.
  8. Shungite ointment.
  9. Lyoton 1000.
  10. Venotonic Faberlic.

Top 10 inexpensive drugs

These are the most inexpensive, but nevertheless quite effective means:

  1. Doppelhertz.
  2. Askorutin Ka.
  3. Aescusan.
  4. Troxevenol.
  5. Agapurin.
  6. Aescin.
  7. Trombless.
  8. Lyoton 1000.
  9. Arbiflex.

Natural venotonics

The composition of natural venotonics is dominated by natural components that have a tonic and strengthening effect.

The most effective foods and vitamins:

  1. Blueberry and black currant juice.
  2. Extract of chokeberry and butcher's broom.
  3. Grape and dry extract from the leaves of the plant.
  4. Complex “Siberian health”.
  5. Vitamins C, P, group B and nicotinamide.

All of the above products can be used as biological additives. They should not be abused, but in moderate doses they can have a positive effect on the circulatory system.


  1. Chamomile oil.
  2. Hop.
  3. Horse chestnut.
  4. Birch leaf extract.
  5. Citrus extract.

Attention! These methods are additional in the fight against venous insufficiency. For complete treatment, it is necessary to use medications prescribed by a doctor. In advanced forms, it is necessary to contact surgeons for help about what operations are performed.

Drugs that have a venotonic and angioprotective effect will help in the fight against venous insufficiency. Drugs can be aimed at solving a specific problem or have a complex effect. Before using this or that name, you should consult your doctor. Compliance with preventive measures and timely examinations will help solve any problem at the stage of conception.

You should only use chemicals after consulting your doctor. He must conduct an examination and then prescribe treatment and types of drugs. Each remedy is responsible for solving a problem in a specific area of ​​the body. Without the appropriate knowledge, you can easily make a mistake in your choice and trigger the development of the disease. Self-treatment can lead to the development of deficiency. Getting rid of the disease in severe stages requires radical measures, including surgical intervention.

As a preventive measure, to improve the functioning of the veins, it is allowed to use decoctions and infusions of herbs, take dietary supplements and vitamins in the doses specified in the instructions. It is also prohibited to consider folk remedies as a full-fledged treatment. Using natural products may improve your health, but will not lead to a complete cure. Monitor your condition, undergo timely examinations, and then the circulatory system will function properly.

Due to exposure to adverse factors, the lower extremities often suffer from venous insufficiency. Reduced vascular permeability, expansion of their lumen and deterioration of blood circulation are fraught with serious complications in the form of thrombosis or trophic ulcers. By promptly using venotonics for varicose veins of the legs, you can avoid the progression of the pathology by increasing venous tone and eliminating congestion.

In this article we will tell you:

General description

Venotonic drugs, also called phlebotonics, for varicose veins are part of complex therapy. Their task is to eliminate the main manifestations of venous insufficiency and prevent the development of dangerous consequences. Such drugs are necessarily prescribed to patients in preparation for surgery, as well as in the postoperative period.

Operating principle

Varicose veins occur against the background of a decrease in venous tone, so to restore it you will need to increase the tension of the vessel walls and reduce their permeability. In the first case, the result is achieved by contracting smooth muscle fibers localized in the middle layer of the vascular wall.

Many veinotonics used for varicose veins of the legs can simultaneously solve both problems. Therefore, phlebologists often recommend drugs with combined (polyvalent) action.

Thanks to the use of phlebotonics:

  • the tone of the veins increases;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • the risk of thrombosis decreases;
  • lymphatic drainage improves;
  • inflammation and swelling disappear.

Pharmaceutical companies produce drugs with a venotonic effect in tablets or in the form of medications for external use. The choice of drugs depends on the severity of the pathology, the form of release of the drug, clinical manifestations and individual characteristics of the body.

Venotonics for varicose veins are most effective in the initial stages of the disease. It is important to understand: despite the presence of valuable properties, such remedies are not able to completely cure the pathology.

Active ingredients

In medicine, it is customary to classify phlebotonics taking into account the existing active components.

In particular, the effect of using drugs is determined by the content of:

  1. Diosmin, hesperidin. Due to the presence of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor properties, flavonoids are used to combat varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and lymphedema. The substances help reduce painful discomfort and swelling, and eliminate excessive heaviness in the legs.
  2. Escina. Present in horse chestnut, it tones and increases the strength of blood vessels. Reduces the permeability of venous walls, removes swelling and normalizes blood flow.
  3. Troxerutin. A flavonoid with a venotonic and angioprotective effect, relieves inflammation and puffiness of the legs, and has an antioxidant effect.

There are products with synthetic substances (tribenoside, calcium dobesilate), phytocomponents (herbal extracts), and also a combination type.

Indications for use

To get rid of varicose veins, venotonic drugs are prescribed. In particular, they are indicated for:

  • reducing the likelihood of developing the disease, especially with a high risk of venous damage;
  • elimination of symptoms in the form of pain, swelling, heaviness in the legs;
  • prevention of complications - thrombophlebitis, ulcers, thrombosis;
  • high-quality preparation for surgery and after it (for preventive purposes).

Taking venotonics will be appropriate if you are in a sitting or standing position for a long time, or if you have a hereditary predisposition to the disease. Also at risk are diabetics, patients with hypertension and overweight people.

The prescription of drugs with venotonic properties is carried out not only for diseased veins of the lower extremities. They are suitable for the medical treatment of pelvic varicose veins, hemorrhoids, varicoceles and disorders of the venous outflow of the brain.

Contraindications and side effects

If we consider contraindications to the use of phlebotonics, they largely depend on the components contained. For example, herbal medicines have virtually no restrictions on their use. In addition, the form of release of medications matters.

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • damage to the skin (for ointments);
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • renal/liver failure;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

The drugs should not be given to children under adulthood. Despite the fact that the period of bearing a child is included in the list of contraindications, doctors often decide to prescribe certain medications to combat the manifestations of varicose veins.

Side effects may include:

  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • stomach discomfort;
  • problems with bowel movements.

The occurrence of undesirable symptoms is also associated with the way in which venotonics are used for varicose veins - orally or locally in the area of ​​vascular damage.

Popular means

When a patient turns to a doctor for help, he can recommend the most effective venotonics for varicose veins of the legs or pelvic veins, that is, drugs that best cope with existing disorders.

As practice shows, the best venotonics are presented:

  1. Diosmin. Thanks to it, the vessels restore their former elasticity, and permeability and signs of congestion are reduced. Taking Diosmin helps to significantly reduce the severity of venous insufficiency. Available in tablet form.
  2. Detralex. Helps combat weak tone and distensibility of venous walls. Improves tissue trophism. The tablets are well tolerated by the body, but side effects cannot be ruled out. This is usually explained by intolerance to the active substances.
  3. Troxerutin. The medicine in the form of gel and capsules helps strengthen capillaries, reduce the permeability of vascular walls, increase their elasticity and tone, and also prevent the development of edema and internal bleeding. The standard course of treatment lasts 4 weeks.
  4. Venitan. Is a representative of drugs with affordable prices. Created based on horse chestnut extract. The gel can be used during pregnancy. For open wounds and any damage to the skin, application of the product is prohibited.
  5. Venoruton. Has anticonvulsant, anti-edematous and analgesic effect. Increases vascular resistance to adverse factors.

The list of drugs that help successfully combat varicose veins is quite large. It cannot be said unequivocally that some remedies are good and others are not beneficial. After all, venotonics for varicose veins are selected taking into account many factors; accordingly, they will act differently in each individual case.

Venotonics are medications that stabilize the filling of blood in the veins that deliver it from the tissues to the heart. They are used in the prevention and treatment of venous insufficiency and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. If blood stagnates in the veins, fluid leaks out of the vessels into the tissue. Venotonics reduce pain and inflammation and have a positive effect on overall blood circulation.

However, these medications do not cure the disease, but simply slow down the development of the pathology or prevent its occurrence. Venotonic agents remove the signs of varicose veins and prevent the disease from progressing and causing complications.

The physiological, normal activity of the veins can be reproduced by 2 methods:

  1. Increase the tension of the venous walls by reducing the muscle elements in the middle of the choroid.
  2. Reduce the throughput of the capillary walls. Thus, the plasma will not penetrate into the tissue adjacent to the vessels.

There are 2 types of venotonic drugs:

  • increasing muscle tone in the vascular wall;
  • improving blood circulation.

Venotonics (phlebotonics) – drugs with a pronounced angioprotective effect

The effect of venotonics on the body

These drugs:

  • strengthen and tone the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduce capillary permeability;
  • give elasticity to blood vessels, thereby reducing their fragility;
  • prevent the occurrence of swelling and blood clots;
  • increase blood circulation;
  • have anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects;
  • stabilize lymph outflow;
  • restore normal functioning of the vascular apparatus.

Read also:

How to identify varicose veins? Doctors shared a secret

Systematization of venotonic drugs

There is no clear distinction between these drugs. Venotonics are divided into topical agents (in the form of balms, gels, ointments, creams), as well as suppositories and for internal use (in the form of tablets). At the moment, herbal venotonic preparations are the most popular. They have almost no contraindications, are well tolerated by patients and have a multivalent effect and a lymphotropic effect.

Venotonic drugs compensate for dysfunction of blood vessels by stimulating contractions of the smooth muscles of the vascular wall and reducing capillary permeability

Before choosing venotonics for varicose veins, you should consult your doctor. He will select the right remedy for you, taking into account your indications, body characteristics and concomitant diseases.

Tablet venotonics

Tablets or capsules for internal use are convenient for treatment. The most popular and effective of them:

  • "Detralex" - improves the elasticity of veins and tissue trophism, reduces blood stagnation in them. Due to a decrease in capillary permeability, the patient quickly relieves swelling and pain. The medication is approved for lactation and pregnancy, since the active ingredients do not have a negative effect on the fetus and child. Available in tablet form. Patient reviews of this venotonic are very good. Among the disadvantages, some patients note the high cost, but Detralex can be purchased by plates. The course of treatment is at least 2-3 weeks.

"Detralex" reduces the distensibility of veins and venous stagnation, increases resistance and reduces capillary permeability

  • “Phlebodia” is an effective medicine made in France that eliminates hemorrhoids and varicose veins. The active ingredients of the drug improve microcirculation in the veins and strengthen their walls. The course of treatment is 1 month. In case of heavy bleeding, acute stages of hemorrhoids, severe pain due to varicose veins of the legs, the dose of Phlebodia can be increased until the condition improves.
  • "Escin" is available in the form of tablets and drops for internal use. The drug is aimed at eliminating swelling, improving the tone of the veins, and eliminating inflammation. The complex effect of the drug on the body makes it possible to prescribe it to patients with various pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • "Angionorm" - tablets with herbal composition. The drug reduces platelet aggregation, improves blood rheology, which prevents the formation of blood clots. When following the course of treatment, patients observed a decrease in the inflammatory process, a decrease in swelling and soreness of the veins.
  • "Venoruton" - eliminates swelling, relieves pain, relieves cramps and symptoms of inflammation. Available in the form of tablets, capsules and gel. Rutin, which is part of the medicine, strengthens the vascular walls.

A drug for the treatment of venous insufficiency with a pronounced decongestant, analgesic and anticonvulsant effect

Venotonics for external application

Venotonics - creams and gels are not an independent method of treating varicose veins; they are used in complex treatment. They lubricate the legs with ointments and give a tonic massage that stimulates the outflow of blood and lymph.

Their representatives are:

  • "Venitan." Available in the form of cream and gel. Contains horse chestnut and leech extract. The drug protects tissues from external damage, prevents varicose veins and swelling of the legs, increases the tone of the vascular walls, and helps stimulate blood circulation. Thanks to mint oil, it has a cooling effect when applied;
  • "Troxevasin" - comes in the form of a gel and capsules. The medication enhances the tone of the vascular walls and removes swelling. The combined use of tablets and gel is effective. Heaviness in the legs and pain are eliminated, spider veins and bruises go away;

Troxevasin ointment has a protective effect on blood vessels

  • Faberlic Expert Pharma venotonic cream is an innovative drug that effectively eliminates the signs of venous insufficiency and has a healing and preventive effect. The rich composition not only removes pain and swelling, but also cools and deodorizes the feet. Despite the fact that this remedy is not a drug, it is used to prevent varicose veins.

When using venotonics for varicose veins, only complex treatment receives positive reviews. A phlebologist will examine you, prescribe effective medications and tell you how to use them.