Types of computer games and their classification. Gamer's Dictionary

Computer games are a type of application software, a popular way of spending leisure time and a highly profitable industry in the field of information technology. Depending on certain characteristics, games are classified into certain genres.

The typical classification of computer games (formerly: video games) is based on the concept genre, which defines the set of characteristic features inherent in a particular game. This approach is not standardized, but it is popular and is followed by both representatives of the gaming industry and consumers of gaming applications. Let's briefly look at the main genres:

Arcade A category of computer games with a simple gameplay that involves performing a limited set of actions aimed at achieving a certain result. The objectives of games in this genre, as a rule, come down to gaining the maximum number of points and/or the minimum time to complete the game. Adventure Adventure games (also known as quests) - story games in which the hero performs various tasks, for which he requires communication with other characters, searching and using various objects, solving problems and puzzles. Role-playing games RPG (English RPG - Role-Playing Games) are multifaceted games with a non-linear plot, where the player, controlling a character, has the opportunity to improve his abilities. This requires defeating enemies, completing quests, selling and buying artifacts, etc. Character characteristics can be affected by timely eating, sleeping, etc. The “interestingness” of such games is largely determined by the adequacy of the artificial intelligence that controls the behavior of other characters.
The development of broadband Internet has led to the emergence of a type of RPG - massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). In this type of game program, virtual characters controlled by real players are able to interact with each other. Simulators Gaming applications that simulate the control of a process or device. Good simulators are based on mathematical models of the represented objects and processes. The more fully the model and its environment are described, the more realistic the simulator. Good computer simulators can be used as trainers. Strategy games The task of games in this genre comes down to gaining advantages over the enemy, achievable by developing and implementing a specific plan. The objects of control are not individual characters, but entire corporations, armies, states and even civilizations. There are turn-based strategy games, where players take turns, and real-time strategy games (RTS - Real-time strategy), in which all players act asynchronously. Action This genre of computer games, better known as action, is one of the most popular types of computer games. Reaction speed and the ability to quickly make decisions are the main components of successful completion of such games. There is an element of violence in action films, which may be the reason for the popularity of the genre (however, let's leave that for psychologists). Others Here we include those games that do not fall into the above genres or to which it is generally difficult to apply the concept of “genre”. Examples of such games are computer versions of chess, checkers, card games, crosswords, etc.

The above list deliberately does not include such established names as “casual games”, “browser games” and a number of other varieties, the taxonomy of which is based not on the plot, but, for example, on technical requirements. Subcategories have also been deliberately excluded from the review - we will leave them for independent research.

The classification of computer games is complicated by the fact that many games are released in several versions with different storylines, tasks and capabilities. A typical example is the game Minecraft, for which more than a dozen options are available.

An alternative classification based on his own research is proposed by A. Kirizleev (aka D_ED_2). He identified three groups of games according to the criterion of the actions performed:

  • Communication games: obtaining information, communicating, exploring the world.
  • Action games: moving in space, using weapons and equipment.
  • Control games: command, control, distribution of material resources.

Within groups, boundaries are set that determine further detail using clarifying criteria and using established category names. This approach seems more rational and systematic, although more complex.

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to make a complete classification of computer games. There are too many genres and trends in this area of ​​computer programs. However, the main genres have nevertheless been identified and it is quite possible to begin to navigate through them in all this diversity.

Types, types and varieties of modern computer games

Arcade have simple gameplay that does not change during the game. In most arcade games, the player needs to be very reactive to achieve results. Typically, arcade games have a developed bonus system: scoring points, temporarily improving character characteristics (weapons, speed, etc.).

Puzzles- a type of computer games in which the player is required to solve problems that require logic, imagination and intuition. Puzzles are usually integrated into the story, and their solving is the main focus of the game.

Race- one of the most popular types of games in which the player driving a vehicle needs to be the first to reach the finish line. The most popular type of racing games is car racing, but there are many racing games with other vehicles (even spaceships).

Quests(from the English quest - quest for adventure), or adventure games - usually games in which the hero advances through the plot, completes various tasks and interacts with the game world through the use of objects, communication with other characters and solving puzzles. The genre was given its name by a series of computer games from Sierra (Space Quest, King’s Quest, Police Quest), which became some of the best quest games of their time.

MMORPG(from the English MMORPG - Massively multiplayer online role-playing game), or massively multiplayer online role-playing games - a type of role-playing computer games in which real players interact with each other in the virtual world. As in most regular role-playing games in MMORPGs, the player controls the character, improving his characteristics and interacting with other players. The main differences from RPGs (see below) are the unlimited number of participants and the continuity of the gameplay, which occurs around the clock, while players visit the virtual game world whenever possible. By the way, as a rule, you can play such games online for free, unless of course you start leveling up your character for real money.

RPG(from the English RPG - Role-Playing Games), or computer role-playing games - games based on the gameplay elements of traditional tabletop role-playing games. A characteristic feature of RPG games is the presence of a fairly large number of characteristics of the main character, which determine his strength and abilities. These parameters can be improved by killing enemies and completing various missions.

Simulators- a type of computer games that simulate the control of any process, device or vehicle. For a simulator, the realism and completeness of the simulated object is very important. The goal of a good simulator is to bring the object control conditions as close as possible to real ones. The most popular are flight simulators, which simulate the control of a real aircraft. Good computer simulators can serve as trainers.

Strategies(strategic computer games) - require the player to plan and develop certain tactics and strategies to achieve the necessary goal, for example, victory in a military operation or the capture of an enemy state. The player controls not a single character, but armies, cities, states or even civilizations. There are turn-based strategy games, where players take turns taking turns, and real-time strategy games, in which all players perform their actions simultaneously, and the flow of time does not stop. Economic strategies are identified as a special subgenre, which reflect economic and market processes. The player usually runs an enterprise, city or state, and often his goal is to make a profit.

Shooters(from the English shoot - shoot), or “shooting games” - a type of game in which the player, in most cases acting alone, needs to destroy opponents using various weapons. Depending on the specific game, the player can use modern types of weapons, their futuristic counterparts, as well as completely unique types of weapons invented by the game developers.

Action(from the English action - action) is one of the most popular types of computer games in which the player’s success largely depends on the speed of his reaction and ability to quickly make the right decisions. The action in most action games develops very dynamically and requires intense attention and quick reaction to current events. The hero's weapons or hand-to-hand combat abilities are most often used as the main tools for advancement in the game.

- a fun and exciting activity. Moreover, now the gaming industry is making huge leaps closer to cinema, and games are becoming more and more exciting and realistic. Some people who call themselves gamers (from the English game - game) are able to sit for hours, trying to correctly lay the bricks in Tetris, spend days exploring different fairy-tale spaces, wander through castles full of ghosts for weeks, build cities on unknown planets for months, for years fire from all types of weapons...

There are games that are played by entire teams - on a local network or on some server on the Internet. Members of a fanatical group may be from the same institute or bank, or from different countries of the world, which, however, does not prevent them from playing Quake or Counter Strike together and fully communicating in their own way.

Each computer game, like a film, has its own genre. It is impossible to replay every game in the world, so I will only talk about the main types of computer games.

1. Games type "hit and run" or "shoot everything that moves"- favorite games of younger schoolchildren and some adults. There are many variations - from the simplest and most unpretentious, like Aladdin or Shrek, to the most sophisticated, with three-dimensional 3D graphics, high detail and realism. There are games with simple shooting (pistol, machine gun), and there are with fantastic (blasters, plasma rifles), there are with martial arts (fights, such as Mortal Combat), etc. In all these games, reaction speed is important; you have to constantly hit not only enemies, but also the keyboard, which sometimes ends badly for them (the keys). It is better to use a joystick or even a game console instead of a computer.

Regular games of this type are called arcades, and three-dimensional games are called 3D-Action. Instead of the frivolous word shooter, gamers use the word shooter, which is incomprehensible to the uninitiated, and therefore cooler. However, it means exactly the same thing - a shooter. Shooting games are divided according to one more principle: who is the main character in them. If you are the hero and you see the game world through the eyes of your character, then this is called FPS (first person shooter). In front of you all the time are the hands of this character, squeezing a machine gun, and you contemplate enemies and monsters through the sight slot. That’s why their faces are so brutal! Third person games are called TPS (third person shooter). Here the main character is shown to you from the outside. The most famous and beloved shooting games in the world are Doom, Half-Life, Call of Duty, etc.

2. Games – simulators (simulators): various kinds of racing, war and space games. Usually in them the player seems to be sitting in the cockpit of an airplane or car with screens, levers and buttons. Of course, driving in such cars and flying in such planes is easier than in real ones. But you can feel the taste.

Most of all there are car racing games (The Need For Speed, Test Drive); there are also airplane simulators (Microsoft Flight Simulator, Red Jets); there are even spaceships and robots (Mechwarrior, Wing Commander). In simulators, quick reactions are also important, since driving and flying take place at high speed, and combat is generally a matter for the nimble. But don’t confuse arcade racing and flights with simulators, since simulators are more difficult to play, and the gameplay is more realistic (the physics in such simulators is as close to reality as possible, so if you’re a little gape, the car will skid and so on).

3. Sports simulators(NBA, FIFA, NHL) – simulation of sports competitions in football, basketball, golf, etc. True, programmers have not yet been very successful in controlling such a complex object as a person playing football. And using a mouse for this is not very convenient. Therefore, it is easier to play such games with a joystick.

4. B strategic games (strategies) you build cities, countries and even entire planets, managing their development, building houses and roads, conducting electricity, taxing residents, concluding alliances and declaring wars. The essence of the gameplay is the extraction of certain important resources - energy, territories, water, money, wood, food, gold, etc. In such games, you yourself do not participate in the activities of the territories or planets under your control. Others are working, and you are their leader and think tank - king, president, general, supreme magician. From the point of view of the rules for making moves, strategies are divided into step-by-step (TBS - turn based strategy), where moves are made strictly in turn, as in chess, and real-time strategies (RTS - real time strategy), where each player makes a move when considers it necessary.

The most famous strategies: Warcraft, Starcraft, Age of Empires, Command & Conquer. However, there is also a type of strategy in which you yourself run and shoot a little. That is, it is partly a shooter, partly a strategy game. gamers call it FPS (first person strategy). For example, it could be a simulator of combat robots, in which you are not only the commander-in-chief, but also a fighter. The most famous games of this type are Urban Assault, Battlezone.

5. If in such a fantasy world you are not the supreme ruler or even a general, but an ordinary participant - a warrior, a magician, a space trader, then this is already called role playing game.

And if, besides you and the computer, another thousand (or one hundred thousand) people play the same game on some Internet server, then such games are already called multiplayer role-playing games: MUG or MMORPG. In a role-playing game, it is very important not only what kind of character you play (what abilities he has, whether he is strong or, conversely, smart, a warrior or a sorcerer), but also what weapons and armor you choose for him. Each type of weapon and armor has its own tactical and technical data, its own destructive power, degree of protection and durability. As the game progresses, your character gains points. Upon reaching a certain magical number of points, he acquires the next degree of power and skill: he becomes stronger, faster, and can carry more things and accessories. Some of the most famous and popular RPGs are Diablo, Fallout, Lineage, etc.

6. There is another type of role-playing game where you play not as one character, but as a small team, which you compose yourself. The interaction and mutual assistance of team members is of great importance here. Their individual qualities must complement those of others so that the team can defeat enemies in a variety of situations. The main thing in such games is tactics. Among the games of this type are Final Fantasy, Disciples, Fallout Tactics, etc. In general, strategy and RPG games are quite complex. They are played by people who like to work not so much with their hands as with their heads. There are few younger schoolchildren among them, but there are plenty of students and quite adults.

7. Adventure Games- usually these are clever, beautiful games - fairy tales, horror stories, adventures, and fantasy. These games have one thing in common: you often do not know the goal of the game and the means by which it should be achieved. You wander through a world full of strange or quite ordinary objects, whose purpose is unknown to you, and try to understand what's what. For this they are called adventure games, as well as quests (quest - search).

Here everything is done without haste, you are given time to think, walk around again and figure out everything. You don’t need to shoot at anyone (as a rule), you don’t need to kick anyone (almost never). They tell you something at the beginning of the game, or they may not say anything. You click on objects and they begin to explain something to you about themselves; conduct dialogues with strangers and companions of your wanderings, trying to catch the hidden clue contained in their words; go through some doors, take possession of some objects that you don’t know when and for what purpose will be useful... Quests are loved by adults, calm people who don’t like haste and fuss. They say that girls also like these types of games more. The most famous quests are Alone in the Dark, King's Quest, etc.

8. Board and logic games and puzzles preferred by those for whom gaming is not the main activity in life, occasionally interspersed with study, work, marriage and thoughtfully drinking another can of Pepsi, but just a short and easy rest in the office - a way to spend a few minutes until the boss returns and makes you type again your idiotic letters. Games of this type: various solitaire games, checkers, chess, poker and others.

I have listed all the main game genres, but nothing prevents developers from combining elements from different types in their game (strategy with RPG elements, etc.). It is worth noting that most of the games are of Western origin. In Russia, game creation is developing slowly and clumsily (many people say that they don’t have enough money to create a game; in my opinion, they don’t have enough brains!). The lack of desire and high competition of Western games discourages any interest in creating games in Russia. Another thing is in Ukraine - this is where such masterpieces as STALKER, Collapse, etc. are created. However, do not think that there are no creative and purposeful people in Russia... Here are a few games (popular and truly interesting) from Russian developers: Space Rangers, Truckers, Blitzkrieg, Corsairs, It's Hard to Be a God and others.

You'll never be able to beat all the games, but finding a game that's right for you shouldn't be difficult. Sites such as games-tv.ru or ag.ru will help you find a suitable game. But please don't get too carried away! No matter how interesting and exciting a computer game is, real life will always give you 100 points ahead. These points are much more valuable than game points! :)

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These include shooters, fighting games, arcades.

In 3D shooters, the player most often acts alone. He wanders around locations, collecting bladed weapons, firearms and energy weapons, hitting opponents that appear in his path. Usually, in order to pass a level, you need to complete a number of assigned tasks. The character's enemies can be monsters, aliens, mutants (as in Doom, Half-Life, Duke Nukem 3D) or bandits (Max Payne).

Depending on the legend of the game, the player’s arsenal can include both modern types of flamethrowers, rifles, pistols, and all kinds of futuristic blasters. Weapons can be knives, baseball bats, sabers, daggers, crossbows, shotguns, machine guns, Molotov cocktails. It is not uncommon for firearms to have optical sights. In 3D shooter games, the player can fight the enemy hand-to-hand by kicking and .

3D shooters can be from the first person (the player sees the location through the “eyes” of the character) and from the third person (the player sees the character from any side, for example, from the back, or can move the “camera” away and see the character as a whole. In a number of games You can switch to first or third person using hotkeys. Shooters are also divided into bloody (you need to destroy a large number of virtual enemies that are approaching the character in groups) and tactical (the character acts as part of a group of heroes. Examples of bloody shooters are Will Rock, Left 4 Dead). , examples of tactical ones are Counter-Strike, Arma, Batllefield.

The fighting game genre involves a series of fights between two or more opponents. Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Dead or Alive, Guilty Gear X are popular in this genre.

In games made in the arcade genre, you have to think quickly and act quickly. The gameplay is quite simple, but the difficulty is in obtaining all kinds of bonuses, without which it is impossible to gain access to some elements of the game.

Simulators (managers)

Simulation-type games allow the player to control one or another process, the basis of which is taken from real life. Technical simulators allow you to take control of a car or combat aircraft, solving various problems. Examples of technical simulators are F1 2011, IL-2 Sturmovik, War Thunder, Railworks, Ship Simulator. In arcade simulators, physics is usually simplified, but is still present (unlike arcade games themselves). Examples of games: Need for Speed, Wing Commander, X-Wing. In sports simulators, any game is simulated as completely as possible. The most popular are simulators of football, bowling, billiards, and golf. Sports managers are a separate category, where the player is asked to manage an athlete or a team, with the main goal not to win this or that match, but to build competent management of the infrastructure.

Economic simulators (they often contain elements of strategy) include games about entrepreneurship. The player must manage the enterprise, making a profit from it. Popular games in this genre: Virtonomics, Monopoly, Capitalism. Economic simulators also include a game system for managing a city (SimCity), a state on an island (Tropico), and a farm (SimFarm).


Strategies are games that require the development of a specific algorithm of actions to achieve a particular goal. The player controls the world, enterprise or any department. According to the gameplay scheme, such games are divided into:

Real-time strategies, where players make moves simultaneously, collect resources, strengthen their bases, hire soldiers: Warcraft, Starcraft, Age of Empires;
- turn-based strategies, where you need to take turns making moves: Civilization, Heroes of Might and Magic, Disclipes;
- card strategies, which are computer versions of popular card games: Spectromancer, Magic the Garthering.

Based on the scale of gameplay, strategies are divided into:

Wargames where the player is asked to create an army and defeat the enemy: Panzer General, Steel Panthers, MechCommander;
- global strategies in which the player is given the opportunity to manage the economy and foreign policy of the state, as well as develop scientific progress, diplomacy, and explore new lands: Master of Orion, Hearts of Iron, Empire: Total War and others;
- God simulators allow the player to control the development of a small town, turning it into a city, paying attention not only to the construction of buildings, but also to maintaining the optimal state of society: Spore, Black&White, From Dust.


During the adventure game, the player interacts with other characters and decides. Such games are divided into:

Text adventure games (text quests), where the player had to give instructions through the command line: “Wampus Hunt”, Zork and others;
- graphic adventure games (graphic quests), graphical interface and the ability to control the game using a computer mouse: “Larry in a Leisure Suit”, Syberia, Space Quest;
- action adventure game in which the player’s success depends on the speed of his reaction: Legend of Zelda, Resident Evil;
- visual novels involve displaying text blocks and static pictures on the screen, and the player is asked to choose one or another answer depending on the proposed situation.

Music games

In such games, the gameplay is based on music. A subtype of music games are rhythm games, where the player has to correctly press buttons shown on the screen that appear in time with the music.

Role-playing games

In role-playing games, the character’s personal characteristics (health, proficiency in a profession, magic) and equipment play an important role. Characteristics can be increased by destroying other characters or mobs. As a rule, role-playing games have a fairly large world and a carefully thought out plot. Examples of such games are Mass Effect, Diablo, Fallout, and Technomagic.

Logic games

In logic games, the player's reaction does not affect the course of the game in any way. It is important to correctly solve this or that task within the allotted time. Very popular logic games (puzzles) such as Minesweeper, Sokoban, Portal.

Board games

This type is a computer adaptation of traditional board games: Monopoly, checkers, cards, chess.

Text games

Text games require virtually no computer resources. Their story began a long time ago, but such games still find fans. The player is asked to choose one of the proposed action options. A type of text games are games in pseudographics, that is, a mosaic built from a set of characters.

Greetings to all guests of the blog site. In this article, I decided to touch on the topic of classification of computer games, their genres, types, and types. Unfortunately, the article was too long, and it was not possible to break it into parts.

Man is a playful creature. Therefore, it is not surprising that everything that he creates to make his life easier, he tries to use for his own pleasure. After man made the first cars, the first automobile competitions appeared. Today there are already a ton of competitions, or rather a thousand, from Formula 1, Dakar to old car competitions. It was the same with computer technology. Computer games have become a new phenomenon of our time. A few decades ago, children played with dolls and cars, but today children play computer games on tablets, laptops, game consoles and computers.

If we are talking about computer strategic games, we can name, for example, Starcraft is a real-time strategy game that can be played by four people. The main plot concerns the conflict between three galactic races. The main goal of the game is to eliminate all opponents. An example of this type of game could also be League of Legends(abbreviated LoL). This game contains arcade elements. In a nutshell, we are talking about the fact that two teams stand opposite each other and the task of each of them is to destroy the central building of the enemy’s base. The game is dominated by a variety of character choices - from animals with incredible abilities and capabilities, right up to magicians.

Arcade games - classification of computer games

Another type of computer game genre is arcade games (so-called “shootouts”). These are games in which you need to show your valor and dexterity (press buttons on a computer keyboard or joystick). In such games, what is important, first of all, is speed and dynamic action. The player does not have time to think; what is important, first of all, is the speed of work. These types of computer games tend to be bloody and dark. What is typical about them is that the player takes on the role of a first-person perspective character (FPP), the player quickly identifies himself with this character and observes the world shown through the eyes of the hero. Typical examples of this are the series Call of Duty, Medal of Honor or .

During the game, it's basically about getting into some enemy base, eliminating soldiers or aliens along the way. A distinctive feature of computer games of this type and type is the elaborate three-dimensional graphics, thanks to which images of action and destruction create an incredibly realistic impression.

There are also many games in which the player plays the role of a hero and he has to fight against supernatural characters such as zombies, monsters. He must fight until his last breath, do everything to survive and kill as many enemies as possible. One of the more famous types of these computer game genres is one that includes elements of “fighting”. The goal is to hurt someone. Formally, this kind of computer games is prohibited for children, available only from 16 years of age, as they can create a false image of reality or lead to an increase in aggression.

Survival horror games contain elements of violence and aggression, so many people condemn these types of games as they do not have a positive (educational) message. There you just need to fight, not have leniency, the player must do everything to beat the enemy as brutally as possible, to kill him. Computer games of this genre pose a threat to the mental development of young people.

Genres of adventure computer games

Adventure computer games are relatively positive types, as they contain puzzles, puzzles, and difficult situations that need to be solved. They resemble puzzle games, but they aren't.

In adventure game genres, the user takes on the role of a character from an FPP (First-person perspective) perspective. This type of computer game is characterized by a very extensive and complex storyline. We are talking about the player visiting cities, countries, talking to everyone he meets, acquiring new information in search of artifacts. This genre of computer game is characterized by simple graphics and is devoid of arcade elements to a minimum.

An example is for example Syberia, Dreamfall, where the flow of adventure prevails. Similar elements can be found in the popular series of computer games, in which the player plays the role of the beautiful lady archaeologist Lara Croft, exploring world landmarks, tombs, long-forgotten objects or various valuable items. Tomb Raider is a computer game of the TPP genre (from the English Third-person perspective), that is, the actions take place from a third-person point of view. The TPP and FPP systems complement each other in most games.

Category of computer games - role-playing

Another type is role-playing computer games (RPGs). A distinctive feature of games in this computer genre is that the player plays the role of a Warrior (usually a knight), a Mage (sorcerer) or another fictional character in order to visit unusual countries together with a team of heroes. Such games and their types contain powerful images of cities and objects; the presented world is very realistic and has many details. The game offers maps of cities or valleys in which you can move freely in search of objects, meeting other types of characters. In this type of computer games, the participant can decide for himself whether the hero will be good/bad or indifferent, in other words, the player himself builds the plot, and his every decision affects the future fate of the game. A very popular RPG style game is the Witcher series. Dragon Age or Guild Wars 1 and 2.

Logical and educational genres of computer games

Logic games consist mainly of displaying various puzzles that require attention and logical thinking on the screen. The most famous computer games of this type are Chess.

Games of the developing genre are important; they are designed in such a way as to develop and organize various resources of knowledge and skills that shape the attitude of their participants. Such games for children and teenagers are very valuable, especially in educational settings, as they activate users, teach many useful skills and develop imagination. The most popular examples of this type of game are computer math games, which teach the rules and principles of mathematics in an accessible and entertaining way. Mathematics is presented here in a curious and entertaining light.

Sports types of computer games

Another positive type of games are computer sports games. Their main goal is to develop leadership skills and sports passion. True, many of them come down to the so-called. “racing”, in which the player has at his disposal a certain vehicle, mainly a car, and the game consists of overtaking opponents, shortening routes, receiving bonuses and points for getting the best place on the podium.

Computer games of this type and genre mainly include the Need for Speed ​​series. They require the same speed and reflexes as arcade games. Unfortunately, even in this type of sports computer games one can notice aggression and a lack of sensitivity to the pain of others.

A very popular game of this type is Carmageddon, which was released in 2000. This game is about chasing but also killing passersby, colliding with other vehicles. In short, for hitting a person or animal, the player receives points.

Computer MMORPG games

The last type of computer game that can be imagined is the MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) genre. They are a type of multiplayer online games. Network games can be divided into: MMOG and LAN games. MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) are games that allow the simultaneous participation of several people connected to each other via the Internet. A LAN game (from the English Local Area Network) is a game on a local network that arose from the connection of several computers located in the same building or neighboring buildings. It differs from a single-player game mainly in that the player's opponents are other players, and not just computer-generated heroes. Online gaming requires the use of the latest computer technology, access to an Internet network connecting local area networks (LANs) from around the world, as well as additional means of communication. This type of games for children and adolescents creates new development opportunities and new forms of influence on young people.

In conclusion, it should be said that the rich variety of types or types of computer games can awaken joy among those interested and increase the popularity of this form of leisure and education. Everyone, regardless of age or gender, will be able to find the genre of computer game that suits their taste best.

It must be emphasized that the greatest benefits come from educational games, simulations and some adventure games, as they develop certain abilities and help in general development, enrich knowledge and help in the formation of specific skills or attitudes of young people and adults. The most criticized types of games are those that evoke negative emotions, they teach cruelty and violence, many strategy games, arcade games, fantasy games or some sports games. They can cause an increase in aggression in children and adolescents, and also have a negative impact on their psyche.