Is pregnancy possible with polycystic disease without treatment? Polycystic ovary syndrome and pregnancy: treatment. Childbirth and pregnancy

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a very common sexual disorder that prevents conception and pregnancy. According to statistics, every fifth woman is familiar with the problem of polycystic ovary syndrome to one degree or another. Modern medicine cannot give an exact answer to the question for what reasons and at what moment this disease occurs. Some experts list hereditary factors, early abortions, infectious diseases such as sore throat, as well as stress during adolescence and exposure to colds as possible causes. The essence of polycystic disease is the appearance of cystic formations on the ovary, which contain undeveloped eggs. A question that often worries women with this problem: how to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome?

As a rule, if a woman has polycystic disease, pregnancy is problematic for her. And that's why? Polycystic disease is a hormone-dependent disease. The very formation of cysts on the ovary occurs due to a failure in the body’s production of hormones: too intense production of insulin begins and, as a result, androgens, male sex hormones, which suppress the production of female ones. And with a lack of female hormones, the production of healthy eggs and, therefore, pregnancy is impossible. The insidiousness of polycystic disease lies in its “invisibility”. Often, a woman does not even suspect the existence of this problem until she decides to have a child and encounters difficulties in realizing this desire. However, polycystic disease has its own symptoms, so if you experience any of them, be sure to contact your gynecologist.

Manifestations of polycystic disease:

  1. Increased body weight with a stable caloric intake. This is an indirect sign that occurs in approximately half of sick women.
  2. Rashes on the skin of the face and other parts of the body, similar to acne in teenagers.
  3. Male pattern body hair growth. This is primarily hair on the face, chest and stomach.
  4. Increased work of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Skin and hair become oilier than usual.
  5. When performing an ultrasound, a disproportionate enlargement of the ovaries is recorded.
  6. Irregularity of the menstrual cycle.
  7. Intermenstrual bleeding.

Polycystic disease is an insidious disease, which is fraught not only with infertility, but also with such serious consequences as cancer or rupture of a cyst or ovary. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo treatment. Trying to get pregnant if you have untreated polycystic disease is extremely undesirable, because even if this happens (which is rare), bearing a child can become a serious test for the health of the mother and child.

Complications of pregnancy with polycystic disease

From the fetus:

  1. Miscarriage or threatened miscarriage
  2. Premature birth
  3. Stopping the development of the embryo or fetus

From the woman's side:

  1. Significant increase in blood pressure
  2. Weight gain
  3. Diabetes

Therefore, it is better to plan a pregnancy after undergoing appropriate treatment, which will be prescribed to you by a gynecologist. This is usually hormone therapy in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures. The new generation of drugs does not cause weight gain, as was the case previously, and gives good results. An improvement in the quality of ovulation processes is observed on average in seventy percent of women. The effectiveness of treatment in half of the patients is high enough for the woman to become pregnant.

In advanced cases or if the cystic formations are too numerous, treatment may not be effective. How to get pregnant with such severe polycystic disease? There is only one way out - surgery. Nowadays, removal of ovarian cysts is done using a minimally invasive laparoscopy method, when manipulation is carried out through small incisions. Even if you decide to have an operation, you need to understand that it may not be a panacea for all ills. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. This will determine the duration of the effect. Therefore, if the operation was successful, you should not delay conception. This is your time to get pregnant and have a baby.

Pregnancy with polycystic disease, for the reasons already described above, requires special attention, both from the expectant mother and the attending physician. In order for a woman to safely carry and give birth to a child, throughout her pregnancy she must be under the constant vigilant supervision of doctors, undergo all prescribed examinations and tests (they are similar to), and follow the regimen prescribed by the gynecologist, if required. Considering that polycystic disease is fraught, among other things, with problems with pregnancy, this is a fairly common practice. With polycystic disease, pregnant women are also prescribed special medications that improve the mother’s well-being during pregnancy and reduce risks to the fetus.

Video about polycystic ovary syndrome in the Health program

This video describes the management of pregnancy with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Even those women who carefully monitor their health and plan a pregnancy often have problems conceiving.

Pregnancy does not occur for many years, due to a whole range of reasons. One of the most common ailments that interfere with conception is polycystic ovary syndrome. The problem requires medical intervention and changes in habitual lifestyle.

What is polycystic ovary syndrome

It is quite difficult to get pregnant due to polycystic disease. Often these are incompatible conditions. Polycystic disease can be primary (sometimes genetically determined) and secondary. In the latter case, the development of pathology is influenced by various reasons.

The catalysts for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • viral infections;
  • excess weight;
  • constant stress;
  • previous abortions.

These problems trigger a chain of reactions that provoke hormonal changes and make pregnancy and childbirth impossible.

Hormones act on the ovaries because... the latter are most sensitive to them. Their walls begin to thicken, as a result of which the mature follicle cannot enter the uterus - the narrowed walls do not even allow it to squeeze through. It begins to fill with fluid and is stored inside the ovary.

And this will happen in every cycle while the woman is without treatment. As a result, the ovary turns into a collection of watery cysts. This is what the clinical picture of the disease looks like.

Symptoms of pathology

The issue of pregnancy with PCOS arises especially clearly for 5-20% of women of reproductive age. This is the number of ladies who are diagnosed with the problem. The symptoms of the pathology are quite characteristic, but either not everyone knows about them, or they do not attach due importance to the warning signs. And you should listen to yourself. After all, the sooner a problem is diagnosed, the faster it can be cured.

Dangerous symptoms look like this:

  1. Irregularity of the monthly cycle (so-called delayed menstruation).
  2. Menstruation with polycystic ovary syndrome may be uncharacteristic, for example, too heavy.
  3. Skin problems - acne is common.
  4. Overweight.
  5. Increased oily skin.
  6. Male pattern body hair growth.
  7. There is no pregnancy with regular unprotected sex.

As a rule, people go to the doctor precisely because of the lack of conception.

How is polycystic disease determined?

Diagnosis will require a comprehensive examination. You cannot do without a standard examination of a woman in a gynecological chair. An ultrasound will also be required to check the functionality of the pelvic organs.

In addition, the list of studies includes blood tests for hormones and biochemistry - with polycystic disease, cholesterol, glucose, etc. often increase. A standard laboratory test will reveal all deviations in just a few days.

Is it possible to get pregnant with this diagnosis?

Pregnancy with the disease is theoretically possible. But there are certain risks. Firstly, it will be difficult to conceive. Secondly, polycystic disease constantly affects its course. The fetus is at risk of miscarriage, freezing, and premature birth. The risks are reduced if timely treatment is carried out or the disease is controlled under medical supervision.

If we are talking about congenital (primary) polycystic disease, then in addition to miscarriage, the disease provokes problems such as:

  • gestational diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • excess weight.

It also happens that polycystic disease spreads to the kidneys, resulting in chronic renal failure.

If pregnancy occurs

If you manage to get pregnant with polycystic disease, you will have to take special care to save the baby.

Naturally, you will need to be under the constant supervision of specialists: undergo regular tests - they will be determined by a doctor, undergo unscheduled ultrasounds, follow all the recommendations of the attending physician and go to the hospital if necessary. In general, doctors know how to manage pregnancy in such a difficult situation, but it is still better to plan conception after treatment.

Methods for treating polycystic ovary syndrome

If the diagnosis is received, you need to start therapy.

Treatment depends on the severity of clinical signs and the age of the patient. This process is multi-stage and often involves symptomatic therapy.

Weight loss

First of all, it is necessary to adjust body weight and cope with other negative factors affecting health. That is, if you have high blood pressure, excess cholesterol, or diabetes, you need to take them under control.

To normalize weight, specialized medications, diets, and physical exercises, selected and formulated on an individual basis, are prescribed.

Other conservative methods

Cysts in the ovaries are formed due to hormonal imbalance, so it will have to be corrected. As a rule, a woman is prescribed drugs from a series of contraceptives.

Also, as an alternative therapy, progesterone can be prescribed every month in courses of 10-14 days. Combined female hormonal contraceptives may also be prescribed, which provide the production of a protein that binds testosterone and reduces the amount of male hormones in the female body.

Drugs for the treatment of PCOS - Diane 35, Duphaston, Clostilbegit.

Surgical intervention

If conservative options do not help, radical treatment is used - surgery.

Even at the planning stage, it is worth considering examining the body. And if there are serious problems, you need to take action before conception. If doctors insist on surgery, you should listen to their opinion. Don’t be afraid of the word “operation” - in modern clinics, polycystic disease is dealt with using laparoscopy. It is carried out using a laser - the surgeon makes incisions and cauterizes.

Ovarian resection can also be used, i.e. removal of damaged areas of the organ. In both cases, recovery will be short and uncomplicated. But then you will have to carefully monitor your health in order to detect a relapse in time, if one occurs.

Treatment during pregnancy

If it so happens that a woman has already become pregnant due to PCOS, doctors in most cases will choose an observation policy. The use of hormonal drugs can negatively affect the health of the fetus.

The maximum that a woman can be prescribed in such a situation is to take multivitamins. Therapy will begin only after birth. But during the entire 9 months, the woman will have to visit the doctor frequently so that he can monitor her condition and intervene if something goes wrong.

Is pregnancy allowed after PCOS?

The main question: is it possible to conceive a baby after polycystic ovary syndrome?

Doctors say there are chances. But you will have to strictly follow the recommendations. You definitely need to go on a diet and follow the correct drinking regime - at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day. In addition, it is necessary to follow other medical instructions, especially regarding hormonal therapy.

On average, a woman has 6-12 months to try to get pregnant after polycystic ovary syndrome. If after this the desired conception does not occur, the patient may be offered additional assistive technologies in the field of reproduction.

A woman's condition after childbirth, if she breastfeeds, will noticeably improve, because... stimulation of the mammary glands will lead to normalization of the hormonal system as a whole.

Preventive measures

The main commandment of professional doctors: prevention is the best therapy. All women without exception have a risk of polycystic disease. At the same time, the rules of prevention are simple and accessible to everyone.

Be sure to adhere to a sleep and rest schedule. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Chronic lack of sleep negatively affects the body, especially the female body. Sleep in comfortable conditions - in a clean, ventilated room with slightly humid air.

You should also take care to enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is necessary to preventively adjust the menu by removing all junk food from it. Fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods may be tasty, but the body as a whole will not say “thank you” for all this abundance.

It is imperative that a woman avoid stress. Properly dose exercise and rest. Moreover, you should ideally rest without gadgets in your hands, since they do not allow the brain to relax and go into recuperation mode.

And most importantly: in order to prevent the development of polycystic ovary syndrome, you need to treat yourself very carefully - do not carry or lift heavy objects, do not strain yourself and refuse harmful working conditions.

In this video, experts talk about polycystic disease:


Treat your life with great respect. Do not allow casual and unprotected relationships and abortions - all this has an extremely negative impact on the lady’s condition.

In addition, you should visit your doctor regularly - ideally once every six months - so as not to miss an impending problem. The chronic course of the disease is fraught with the development of infertility. If this option is not your choice, take care of yourself in advance.

It is widely accepted that pregnancy and polycystic ovary syndrome are incompatible concepts. Patients, having heard this diagnosis, give up and lose hope. Statistics show that, indeed, every fifth woman who consults a gynecologist about unsuccessful pregnancy planning is diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Despite the seriousness of the pathology, the possibility of conception cannot be completely excluded. If fertilization has taken place, then throughout the entire period of gestation you must be attentive to your health and continue treatment, taking medications as prescribed by your doctor.

The abbreviation PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome. Previously, this condition was identified as an individual disease. Numerous studies have established that the syndrome is just a manifestation of certain pathological processes in the body. When they are diagnosed and eliminated, there is a high percentage of probability that the sex glands will function normally.

Polycystic ovaries are often found in women who are unsuccessfully planning to conceive. Patients cannot get pregnant for a long time and for this reason they turn to a gynecologist. The first ultrasound shows the problem, and additional blood tests confirm it.

Polycystic ovary syndrome or Stein-Leventhal syndrome is the process of formation of numerous small cysts in the ovary. Keep in mind that polycystic are not the same thing at all (see the link for an article about the differences). Simultaneously with the dysfunction of the gonads, pathological changes occur in the functioning of the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, pancreas and pituitary gland. Together, these processes form PCOS.

At the planning stage, a woman may find out that she has scleropolycystic disease. This condition is characterized by symmetrical enlargement of the ovaries and changes in them like polycystic disease. If this condition is detected, the patient must be examined to determine the associated pathological factors. After receiving the diagnostic results, the specialist will prescribe treatment. Self-correction of PCOS and treatment at home is unacceptable.

Symptoms and diagnosis

A gynecologist can suspect PCOS already at the stage of an oral interview and manual examination. The main signs of a pathological process that worry a woman are:

The presence of several external symptoms of PCOS in 50% of cases confirms this diagnosis upon further examination. Diagnostics includes several criteria that allow not only to confirm the problem, but also to establish the provoking cause:

  • gynecological examination (the development of the external genitalia and the correspondence of the size of the uterus to the ovaries is assessed);
  • ultrasound examination (the size of the gonads and their location are determined, numerous follicular inclusions and a dense capsule can be seen);
  • a blood test that determines hormone levels (LH, ratio of LH and FSH, testosterone);
  • identification of metabolic disorders (lipoprotein fractions of different densities are studied);
  • glucose test and detection of insulin resistance.

The diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome can be made if the patient has a number of clinical symptoms, ultrasound shows an enlargement of the ovaries by 1.5-3 times and a hyperplastic endometrium, and the ratio of LH and FSH is greater than normal.

Is it possible to get pregnant with PCOS?

Medical practice shows that the chances of getting pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome tend to zero. The main barrier to conception becomes. With PCOS, many follicles grow in a woman's ovaries. Sometimes their quantitative value approaches 50. In a healthy body, no more than 10 such potential storers of eggs are found. If normally in a woman by the middle of the cycle one of the follicles dominates, then in a patient with PCOS all components of the cluster remain unchanged. The current situation leads to the fact that ovulation does not occur, and this is the root cause of infertility.

It is believed that it is impossible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome even if an egg is accidentally released. In this case, the obstructive cause will be the condition of the endometrium and pathologically altered hormonal levels. It turns out that fertilization occurs, but the embryo simply cannot attach to the cavity of the reproductive organ. Infertility and polycystic ovary syndrome are diagnoses that go hand in hand.

Numerous practical cases show that a woman still has the opportunity to become pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome. Of course, the chances will increase if you undergo treatment. However, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of conception in a woman with the presence of reproductive organs during the fertile period. Despite the low percentage, there is still a chance that you can get pregnant on your own.

PCOS and pregnancy

Due to the fact that polycystic ovary syndrome and pregnancy are not mutually exclusive concepts, patients with this pathology need to be especially attentive to their well-being. Due to constant irregularities in the menstrual cycle, a woman may simply not notice the new situation, but it is in the early stages that it is important to organize measures aimed at maintaining pregnancy. If a potential expectant mother is sexually active and does not use protection, then when another delay in menstruation occurs, a test should be done.

This is what a polycystic ovary looks like on an ultrasound.

For those patients who become pregnant on their own, gynecologists prescribe examinations that show the need to use maintenance medications. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a dangerous disease for a new condition. Hormonal imbalances and disruption of the sex glands in a woman provoke the threat of termination of pregnancy. This condition is determined by the detachment of the fertilized egg from the wall of the uterus and the formation of a hematoma between them. At the same time, a blood test shows an insufficient amount of progesterone. The condition is dangerous, but timely medication correction can eliminate it.

The second danger that polycystic disease poses during pregnancy is gestosis. During long periods of pregnancy, the expectant mother may suffer from high blood pressure, which is manifested by swelling of tissues and internal organs, as well as headaches. A dangerous consequence of gestosis is premature placental abruption, which threatens not only the child, but also the expectant mother. Premature birth, gestational diabetes, obesity and the inability to give birth naturally - these are the dangers for expectant mothers diagnosed with PCOS.

If pregnancy occurs with polycystic ovary syndrome, then this can be considered a great success. A woman should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible and receive individual recommendations.

Treatment of polycystic disease

Gynecologists unanimously insist that the patient needs to cure polycystic ovary syndrome in order to become pregnant. Medicine does not have any unique medicine that solves this problem. Due to the fact that polycystic disease is a complex of various pathological processes, it is necessary to use several methods at once.

Initially, doctors try to eliminate polycystic ovary syndrome when planning pregnancy with medications and lifestyle adjustments. If the problem cannot be solved, then surgical methods are used. Patients often use alternative medicine at home. However, great care should be taken not to aggravate your condition by taking herbal medicines.

Diet and lifestyle

It is imperative for a patient with PCOS to achieve the desired goal. You need to completely remove sugar, baked goods, alcohol, spicy foods and spices from your diet, and also consume less salt. It is necessary to increase the number of small meals - up to 6 times a day. It is assumed that you will maintain an active lifestyle and adhere to the regime at the same time.

Conservative treatment

For patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, drug therapy is prescribed in the form of hormonal effects. Therapy often comes down to a course of oral contraceptives, which shows good results and restoration of ovulation in the first few months after discontinuation.

Metformin helps women cope with high blood sugar levels. The complex of vitamins and nutrients normalizes the functioning of organs and launches natural metabolic processes. It is believed that after treatment the chances of pregnancy increase several times.

Stimulation of ovulation in PCOS requires mandatory monitoring of the functioning of the ovaries through ultrasound monitoring. With the beginning of a new cycle, the woman is prescribed drugs that promote the growth of the dominant follicle. Sometimes (but not always) effective. Its use lasts until approximately the middle of the cycle.

To quickly become pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome, it is necessary to perform constant ultrasound monitoring. As soon as the dominant follicle reaches the required size, the woman is given drugs that provoke the release of the egg (for example,).

Planning pregnancy with sexual intercourse is carried out over the next 1-2 days. You can become pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome only if you receive maintenance therapy with progesterone-based drugs. For this purpose, medications such as Duphaston and Utrozhestan are prescribed immediately after ovulation. Clostilbegit is not used for polycystic ovary syndrome in the second half of the cycle. A more precise treatment regimen is prescribed by the gynecologist individually for each patient. How to get pregnant with polycystic disease using stimulants is described on many resources and online forums. However, the pathology is serious enough to warrant following these tips. Polycystic ovary syndrome should be treated only with drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Surgical treatment

Laparoscopy for polycystic disease has helped many patients become pregnant. During surgery, numerous cysts are removed by making incisions. Pregnancy after ovarian resection for polycystic disease can be planned for the next cycle.

In medical practice, there are cases when laparoscopy helped already in the first month, but the patient did not wait for the start of menstruation due to conception. The chances of pregnancy after ovarian laparoscopy increase significantly and remain high for 6-12 months, after which the pathology may return.

Alternative medicine

Folk remedies are also used in the treatment of polycystic disease. The use of a complex of herbs is very popular: sage, hogweed and red brush. Natural medicines normalize the cycle, restoring regular menstrual function and increasing the likelihood of conception. Before using traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor.

Is it possible to get pregnant after polycystic ovary syndrome?

It is possible to become pregnant after polycystic ovary syndrome, especially if complex treatment of the pathology has been undertaken: the use of hormonal correction and laparoscopy. During the gestational period in patients with PCOS, special monitoring is carried out. Almost all expectant mothers who become pregnant after treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome require hormonal support. It involves the use of progesterone-based drugs.

Women with excess body weight are recommended to diet and maintain a drinking regime. Patients cured of polycystic disease have a high chance of becoming pregnant in the first year. Subsequent long-term breastfeeding consolidates the favorable state of the ovaries, since during lactation they do not perform their function.

If a woman manages to get pregnant immediately after treatment for PCOS, this is considered a great success. The absence of a positive result within 6-12 months is a reason to use assisted reproductive technologies.


IVF for PCOS is carried out only if there is a high chance of a positive result. Before the procedure, the patient takes a blood test called anti-Mullerian hormone. Diagnostics shows quantitative indicators of ovarian reserve. If the ovaries have a large supply of follicles, which is not always the case with polycystic disease, then the likelihood of successful IVF increases.

When the ovarian reserve decreases to certain values, budget programs for assisted reproductive technologies are not carried out. In such cases, the woman is offered a donor egg, the use of which significantly increases the percentage of a good outcome. The final decision always remains with the woman. Often, such patients need time to think, but it should be taken into account that missed deadlines threaten a relapse of the pathology.

Complications may arise during the IVF process for polycystic ovary syndrome. The first thing that reproductive specialists fear is hyperstimulation syndrome. This condition is characterized by the active growth of a large number of follicles. There are known cases when 20 cells suitable for conception grew in one woman’s ovary. OHSS is considered a dangerous condition; it significantly worsens a woman’s well-being.

Symptoms characteristic of hyperstimulation during in vitro fertilization: abdominal pain, impaired excretory function, swelling, fever. OHSS and subsequent pregnancy in the same cycle can complicate the patient's condition. For this reason, in vitro fertilization is extended over several cycles. The transfer of eggs is delayed for 2-3 months, and during this time the female body recovers on its own or with the use of medications.

If a woman has polycystic ovary syndrome, and it is decided to carry out IVF in this condition, then mild stimulation should be carried out. After tests and hormonal studies, the reproductologist selects medications that minimize the likelihood of hyperstimulation. During the entire period of follicle growth, the woman is under medical supervision, which allows, if necessary, to correct the problem in time.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is the consequences of hormonal disorders in a woman’s body. It manifests itself in the form of small “necklace”-type formations on the ovaries, due to which they increase in size (up to 40-50 mm). Until now, modern medicine has not yet found exact answers to the question of why polycystic ovary syndrome occurs. Some experts believe that hormonal imbalance is facilitated by numerous abortions, stress and infectious diseases in childhood, while other scientists consider polycystic ovary syndrome a hereditary disease.

This syndrome is a consequence of hormonal imbalance, which results in increased production of insulin, and as a result of male sex hormones (androgens): testosterone, 17-OH progesterone, DHEA-S. They block the natural production of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone), which significantly affects the maturation of follicles and egg release.

Manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome

The first thing a woman should pay attention to is irregular menstruation or its complete absence. Since androgens prevent the normal maturation of the egg and ovulation, the menstrual cycle is delayed for several months, or even six months. Thus, there is no ovulation, and as a result, female infertility develops.

Minor manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome include:

  1. Hyperandrogenism (increased levels of male sex hormones in the blood) manifests itself in the form of rashes on the skin, increased greasiness, as well as hair loss, up to partial baldness. Hyperandrogenism also includes increased hair growth on a woman’s body according to the male type (on the chest, legs, abdomen, back and above the upper lip).
  2. Excess weight. According to statistics, up to 50% of women with polycystic ovary syndrome have increased body weight, of which 10% are obesity of the first and second degree.
  3. Enlarged ovaries according to ultrasound, often with a thickened capsule.
  4. Mid-cycle bleeding and painful periods.
  5. Infertility.

A woman may experience the above symptoms and not pay attention to them for years; the desire for treatment arises only when attempts to conceive a child are unsuccessful, since pregnancy with PCOS is virtually impossible. Having learned about the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome, any woman who wants to become a mother in the future will certainly ask the doctor a question: how to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome? This syndrome is reversible and is not a disease, so it cannot be cured; you can only create temporary favorable conditions for pregnancy.

How to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome?

A woman who wants to become a mother, knowing about her diagnosis, should go to a medical institution and see a competent doctor who will select for her the optimal method of treating infertility due to polycystic ovary syndrome. If you have polycystic ovary syndrome, you can get pregnant after undergoing treatment.

Methods of conception with polycystic disease:

  1. Ovulation tracking. Ovulation with polycystic disease occurs rarely, but sometimes it is enough to track the moment the egg leaves the ovary in order to try to conceive a child. This will be helped by keeping basal temperature charts, the compilation of which involves daily measuring the temperature with a thermometer in the anus, vagina or oral cavity, with further recording and comparison of the results. Ovulation tests are also used, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Control of the growth of the dominant follicle and the release of the egg is monitored by ultrasound.
  2. Taking non-hormonal drugs. A common cause of polycystic ovary syndrome, which was not mentioned above, is endocrine disorders, namely insulin resistance, resulting from the insensitivity of tissue receptors to insulin. In order to neutralize this hormone, the drug Metformin (Siofor, Glucophage), which is intended for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, is prescribed. It increases tissue sensitivity to insulin, and as a result, reduces androgen levels. In the treatment of polycystic disease, the drug Clomid has proven itself well, stimulating the production of female hormones necessary for full ovulation. Often both drugs are combined to enhance the effect of treatment.
  3. Taking hormonal drugs. Most doctors prescribe COCs (combined oral contraceptives) for at least three months, followed by discontinuation. While taking them, the ovaries are inactive, and after stopping the drug they begin to work with double force, so 80% of ovulation occurs in the first cycle after stopping COCs and pregnancy is possible.
  4. Stimulation of ovulation. The procedure for inducing ovulation involves taking several groups of hormonal drugs according to a specific regimen prescribed by a doctor. Stimulation is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor and ultrasound monitoring. The drug “Clostilbegit” is prescribed, which allows you to start the process of maturation of the follicles, then an injection of hCG is performed to rupture the follicle and release a mature egg from it. Preparations containing progesterone are prescribed immediately after ovulation, in order to create optimal conditions for the attachment of a fertilized egg and support pregnancy (if it has occurred).
  5. Laparoscopy. The procedure is based on the removal of cysts on the ovaries through surgery. For polycystic ovary syndrome, this method is the most effective, since in 95% it allows a woman to become pregnant within the first 3-6 months.
  6. IVF (in vitro fertilization). This method is the most difficult and expensive, but it gives a great chance of getting pregnant with PCOS. It is based on the implantation of a fertilized egg into the woman’s uterine cavity. IVF is used for polycystic ovary syndrome when other methods of conception have failed.

In eliminating the manifestations of polycystic disease and its treatment, the medicinal herbs “Borovaya uterus” and “Red brush”, as well as various dietary supplements containing extracts of dwarf palm, licorice root and sage, have proven themselves well. It is worth knowing that self-medication is dangerous to health, so it is important to consult a doctor before taking drugs and herbs.

In modern medicine, polycystic ovaries is not a death sentence, because there are many tested and proven methods with which you can get pregnant.

Pregnancy with polycystic ovary syndrome

If a woman managed to get pregnant using the above methods, this is only half the success; the next goal is a successful pregnancy. It is known that in women with polycystic ovary syndrome the risk of spontaneous abortion is three times higher than in healthy expectant mothers. The doctor who will monitor the woman throughout pregnancy, referring to the existing polycystic ovary syndrome, prescribes a course of medications to prevent miscarriage and premature birth. Hormonal therapy with progesterone (Duphaston, Utrozhestan) is prescribed from the beginning of pregnancy until the end of the 16th week. In some cases, these drugs are taken until 28-30 weeks.

Expectant mothers are sometimes prescribed Metformin and Dexamethasone (the dosage is selected by the doctor based on test results and the characteristics of the woman’s body) in order to prevent miscarriage and the development of gestational diabetes. Since polycystic ovary syndrome limits the ability to regulate insulin in the blood, it is important to adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet, which consists of reducing the consumption of simple carbohydrates (sweets, starchy foods). Whether it is possible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome depends on each specific case.

Childbirth and PCOS

With proper treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, contrary to the popular belief that it is impossible to get pregnant, in most cases conception occurs successfully. However, pregnancy may not proceed as smoothly as in somatically and gynecologically healthy women. A very important point in the management of such patients is monitoring the hormonal profile, since hormonal changes characteristic of polycystic ovary syndrome can affect the course of this pregnancy. It is also mandatory to monitor blood sugar levels and conduct a two-hour glucose tolerance test.

Miscarriage with PCOS

Thus, due to hyperandrogenism in PCOS, complications can arise such as the threat of miscarriage, spontaneous miscarriages, the threat of premature birth, as well as the birth itself, which may not occur on time, but earlier. With elevated levels of male sex hormones, dexamethasone is sometimes required. Also, in case of complicated pregnancy, with the threat of miscarriage or premature birth, progestogen drugs - utrozhestan, duphaston - can be prescribed.

PCOS and childbirth proceed without any peculiarities if labor begins after 37 weeks. Those who gave birth with PCOS note that, in fact, pregnancy was accompanied in most cases by hospital treatment. Hospitalization in 80% of cases was based on indications of a threat of miscarriage.

Does PCOS go away after childbirth?

If the diagnosis of polycystic ovaries has been established and there is no doubt about it, then such a disease cannot be eliminated on its own. After childbirth, mandatory aspects for such women include maintaining a balanced diet, which reduces the amount of carbohydrate foods consumed, moderate physical activity,

control of blood sugar levels, after the end of breastfeeding, if necessary, taking drugs of the metformin group, such as Siofor, glucophage, prescribing combined oral contraceptives with pronounced antiandrogenic activity.

Many women after giving birth are interested in the question: when will the menstrual cycle resume?

This depends on several factors, for example, how long the woman will maintain lactation, what exactly this cycle was like, as well as what weight gain was during pregnancy and what it is at the moment. If the above recommendations are followed, the menstrual cycle can become regular, but in the absence of control over lifestyle and nutrition, the percentage of restoration of at least partially the ovarian-menstrual cycle is quite low.

In any case, after childbirth, a woman should be constantly monitored by her obstetrician-gynecologist and, if necessary, receive therapy aimed at combating this pathological condition.

Pregnancy with PCOS: reviews

Indeed, according to the pathological processes occurring in a woman’s body when diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, problems arise with the menstrual cycle, and, accordingly, with pregnancy. This diagnosis causes infertility for many couples until they get to a qualified specialist who will prescribe them the appropriate treatment therapy.

Forums for established and future mothers are replete with a variety of discussions on the topic “how to get pregnant with PCOS,” reviews are updated daily and contain a lot of different advice indicating medical centers, doctors, diagnostic methods and therapy.

Most women leave positive feedback regarding pregnancy on taking hormonal medications and laparoscopic interventions.

Among the hormonal drugs most often prescribed in such patients were combined oral drugs with pronounced antiandrogenic activity: Jess, Diane-35. Some praise the treatment of PCOS with Regulon, and pregnancy planning, and the reviews depend on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, the timeliness of seeking medical help, as well as the quality of the prescribed treatment.

The reviews also turned out to be extremely positive regarding a fairly simple but effective way to normalize hormonal levels and reduce the clinical symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome - changing a woman’s diet towards increasing the protein component of the diet and reducing the carbohydrate component. In some cases, based on reviews left by a woman who has gone through both stages, more demonstrative effects from lifestyle correction can be noted. However, everything is individual and requires a specific approach in each specific case.

PCOS and pregnancy: reviews of operational methods of combating

Laparoscopic methods for treating infertility in polycystic ovary syndrome also receive a large number of positive reviews. Namely, this applies to laparoscopic drilling, as well as wedge resection of the ovaries. After such surgical interventions, pregnancy occurs in 80% of women.

The main thing in the fight against this disease is a timely visit to a doctor and the beginning of complex therapy. Is it possible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome and irregular periods can only be said after examination and consultation with a specialist.

A woman may face obstacles on her way to the desired pregnancy. Reproductive function is directly dependent on the state of the endocrine system, and when it fails, the joy of motherhood remains only a dream. When diagnosing polycystic ovary syndrome, the disease itself is not a death sentence, but if left untreated, infertility cannot be avoided.

What is polycystic ovary syndrome

Hormonal imbalance leading to the formation of small cysts and causing enlargement of the ovaries is a female disease called polycystic ovary syndrome. Fluid-filled neoplasms disrupt reproductive function, so ovulation occurs either unplanned or does not occur at all. Often the female disease is asymptomatic or its symptoms may be similar to other gynecological diseases. Only when a problem arises with conceiving a child does it make itself clearly known.

A confirmed diagnosis is not a death sentence for a woman. PCOS and pregnancy are not mutually exclusive in all cases. In medical practice, there are many examples when patients with this disease were able to conceive, bear, and give birth to a child. This can be done even without treatment, but the main obstacle is the stage of the disease, which significantly affects the possibility of conception.

How to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome

If the follicle, and with it the egg, are produced regularly, then polycystic ovary syndrome and pregnancy will not interfere with each other. Over the course of a year, a woman will be able to conceive without medical intervention, and to determine the days of ovulation, the doctor will recommend measuring basal temperature. You will have to think about further treatment under the supervision of a gynecologist or endocrinologist after a year. In order for polycystic ovary syndrome and pregnancy that does not follow it to cease to be a cause for concern, it is necessary to normalize the menstrual cycle, and this may take six months or more.

How to cure polycystic ovary syndrome to get pregnant

A dangerous female disease that threatens infertility and uterine cancer, can be successfully treated with conservative or surgical treatment. The latter is a last resort when other methods have been tried, but it is necessary to prevent the development of a more serious disease. Traditional healers offer effective treatment methods, and the following methods help solve the problem of polycystic disease and speed up pregnancy:

  • Conservative treatment. Polycystic ovary syndrome, but not the cause of the disease, is successfully treated with hormonal therapy. Taking oral contraceptives helps restore the menstrual cycle. A doctor can prescribe pills only after examination and blood tests for hormones.
  • Surgical intervention. Progressive pathology is a direct indication of the need for surgery. Laparoscopy is considered the most gentle, in which several small incisions are made and instruments are inserted to remove seals with liquid and adhesions, which helps restore regular menstruation. Wedge resection helps normalize ovulation in more serious ovarian lesions. The surgeon partially removes the pathological tissue, and for a successful result you also need to take hormonal medications.
  • Folk remedies are proven recipes based on the gifts of nature that help cope with the treatment of the disease, and pregnancy does not take long to occur.

You should consult with your doctor about the choice and duration of the course; most folk recipes go well with drug therapy, helping to cure the disease:

  1. Viburnum juice with honey. A natural medicine is prepared from fresh berry juice and flower honey, mixed in equal proportions. For the first week, the mixture is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, starting with a quarter teaspoon; the second week - a third, the next week - a full teaspoon, and on the fourth - a tablespoon of the mixture. Then they take a break for one month and start taking a tablespoon again, gradually reducing the volume to the initial amount every week.
  2. Peony tincture. This drug can be bought at a pharmacy, and the important condition is to take it strictly according to the schedule, i.e. at the same time for a month. The scheme for taking the solution (mix 1 teaspoon of peony infusion with 1 teaspoon of water) is as follows: three times a day, at a certain time, and after a month, take a break for 10 days, repeat the course three times.
  3. Red brush. Prepare a herbal tincture with alcohol (vodka), keeping the proportion of 0.5 liters of alcoholic liquid per 80 g of dry red brush. Infuse the mixture for a week, leaving it in a dark place, and then take half a teaspoon three times a day.

When to plan a pregnancy after laparoscopy

Although minimal surgical intervention is considered less traumatic, it does introduce limitations. After laparoscopy, pregnancy planning begins with a course of medication to stimulate ovulation. After about three to four months, the functioning of the ovaries will normalize, which will make pregnancy possible. Even complete removal of the ovaries will not be a death sentence for a woman: it will be possible to conceive and give birth to a child through the use of assisted reproductive technologies, stimulation or IVF.


Reviews and results after treatment

Dasha, 32 years old

For almost a year nothing worked out with my second pregnancy. I went to the appointment and was unpleasantly surprised by the diagnosis. I thought that with polycystic ovary syndrome, pregnancy would no longer occur, I was upset, although the ultrasound showed nothing serious. The doctor recommended what medications help you get pregnant, and I also started drinking tea with mint and honey. The test showed two stripes after 4 months, so no need to despair.

Marina, 26 years old

I have had an irregular cycle since I was 14 years old. I didn’t attach any importance to it because I didn’t think about pregnancy. I’ve been married for three years, we didn’t take any special precautions, and when we started thinking about having a child, we discovered a problem with ovulation. I had to take Metformin tablets, and from the start of treatment it was only on the 5th cycle that I managed to get pregnant. I'm 15 weeks, I'm afraid of labor, but I'm looking forward to it.

Victoria, 35 years old

After being diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, I managed to get pregnant twice. The pathology was found when I was already pregnant with my first, and I didn’t even know about the disease. I managed to cure it with pills, I was very afraid of surgery and infertility. I also used folk remedies: I drank a decoction of horsetail, tea with mint. She became pregnant with her second child 1.2 years later.

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Polycystic ovary syndrome - how to identify and treat the disease in order to get pregnant?

Women often experience menstrual irregularities. A decrease in the volume of discharge, duration, and regularity indicate a malfunction of the reproductive system. Let's take a closer look at such a disease as polycystic ovary syndrome, highlight its causes, signs, and control measures.

Polycystic ovary syndrome - causes

To begin with, it should be noted that polycystic ovary syndrome is a disease of an endocrine nature. It is associated with a violation of the secretory and reproductive functions of the gonads. According to statistics, it occurs in approximately 15% of women of reproductive age. To understand the cause of the disease, let us consider the mechanism of its development, briefly highlighting the physiological characteristics of the female gonads.

Thus, in the ovary of a healthy woman, 5-6 follicles simultaneously mature each month, in which germ cells are located. But at the same time, only one fully matures and ovulates (bursts). It directly contains the most viable egg. The rest undergo reverse development under the influence of hormones. In the case when the hormonal background is unstable, there is an excess of estrogens and androgens, and little progesterone, immature follicles do not resolve, but form cysts - cavities that are filled with liquid contents.

The situation repeats itself every month. As a result, the ovaries are completely covered with cysts. Doctors have been studying the nature of a disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome for a long time, the causes of which cannot always be determined. Among the probable theories of the development of the disease, it is worth highlighting:

  1. A decrease in tissue susceptibility to the hormone insulin, which causes compensatory synthesis by the pancreas. As a result, the female gonads intensively produce estrogens, which leads to suppression of the ovulatory process.
  2. Failure of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, leading to disruption of the functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. Inflammatory process in the ovaries.
  4. Dysfunction of the adrenal glands, which produce androgens.

In addition, the trigger for the development of pathology can be:

  • severe stress;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • infectious diseases.

Polycystic ovary syndrome - symptoms

Often, the signs of polycystic ovary syndrome are hidden. Because of this, women go to the doctor with severe manifestations of the disorder, including:

  1. Irregular menstrual cycle. With polycystic ovary syndrome, frequent delays in menstruation are recorded. In this case, the duration of absence of menstrual flow may vary and depends on the severity of the disease and the degree of damage to the gonads. On average, the delay ranges from 2 weeks to several months.
  2. Chronic, painful sensations in the lower third of the abdomen, lumbar region and pelvis. The pain is not very pronounced and is intermittent.
  3. Increased production of sebaceous gland secretions. Women note that the skin and hair on the head become oily faster.
  4. Acne.
  5. Excessive hair growth on the hands, the appearance of hair on the chin and chest. This is due to an increase in the concentration of male sex hormones in the blood.
  6. Rapid and significant increase in body weight. Deposits of adipose tissue occur in the waist area due to impaired sensitivity of the body to glucose and increased insulin levels in the blood.
  7. No change in basal temperature values. The parameter remains unchanged throughout the entire cycle, which confirms the absence of ovulation.
  8. Problems with conception.

Pain with polycystic ovary syndrome

Suspecting that they have this disease, women often ask the gynecologist a question about whether the ovaries hurt with polycystic disease. The doctor answers in the affirmative, but warns that with small tumors there may be no pain. Most patients with this disease report aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. However, the nature of the development of pain syndrome has not been fully studied. Doctors believe that pain is caused by excessive growth of the ovaries, which begin to put pressure on the pelvic organs.

Menstruation with polycystic ovary syndrome

When talking about the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome in women, doctors put menstruation disorders first. The main reason for their delay during illness is a decrease in the concentration of sex hormones. Follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which are so necessary to begin with, have low concentrations. The follicle does not mature completely, does not develop - ovulation does not occur and menstruation is also absent.

The substances necessary for the second phase of the cycle are synthesized in insufficient quantities. Because of this, menstruation is delayed. It lasts from 14 days. With severe disorders, changes in the gonads, menstruation may be absent for 2-3 months or more. Often the delay itself becomes the reason for contacting a gynecologist and diagnosing the disease.

Diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome

The diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome is made based on the results of a comprehensive examination. It includes:

  • general examination of the patient - the doctor determines the body type, excludes the presence of excess weight, evaluates the skin and hair;
  • examination in a gynecological chair;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis - forms the basis of diagnostic measures; on the screen, the doctor records thickening of the endometrium, cysts, and an increase in the size of the gland by 2-3 times;
  • laboratory tests - the concentration of pituitary and ovarian hormones in the blood is assessed, glucose levels and lipid profiles are determined.

How to treat polycystic ovary syndrome?

When a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome is made, treatment begins with eliminating the cause of its occurrence. This is determined using diagnostics. Based on its results, an individual plan of therapeutic measures is developed, which includes:

  • hormone therapy;
  • lifestyle changes;
  • dieting.

Can PCOS be cured?

Doctors say that polycystic ovary syndrome can be cured if a woman seeks help in a timely manner. Moreover, the treatment process for such a disease is always long. Taking hormonal medications for at least six months. Courses have to be repeated periodically to maintain hormone levels at the required concentration. But, as practice shows, it is not possible to completely get rid of the disease. The therapy helps to minimize the manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome and achieve the desired goal - to conceive a baby.

Polycystic ovary syndrome - treatment, drugs

As noted above, the basis of therapy is hormonal agents. Their selection is carried out individually, with preliminary analysis. Among the common remedies, it is worth noting Duphaston - it is often prescribed for polycystic ovary syndrome. In addition to this, they are used:

When there is a decrease in glucose tolerance, doctors prescribe glucose-lowering drugs. Metformin for polycystic ovary syndrome is used directly for this purpose. The dosage and frequency of administration are determined individually. It reduces the concentration of insulin in the blood. As a result, the stimulating effect of this hormone on the gonads is reduced.

Vitamin therapy is also often included in the complex treatment of a disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome. It has been established that vitamins such as:

Polycystic ovary syndrome - treatment with folk remedies

The use of traditional medicine is an excellent complement to basic drug treatment. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. Among those effective for polycystic disease, it is worth mentioning the following:

  1. Red brush. The medicinal plant restores hormonal levels. Reduces the concentration of male sex hormones. The red brush for polycystic ovary syndrome is used in the form of:
  • tinctures: 80 g of roots, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, let it brew for a week in a dark, cool place, take half a teaspoon, 3 times a day, course - 2 weeks;
  • decoction: 1 tablespoon of roots is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, left for an hour, taken half an hour before meals, 50-70 ml, 3 times a day, drunk for at least 1 month.
  1. Borovaya uterus. A medicinal plant used to treat gynecological diseases. Polycystic ovary syndrome is treated with this plant as follows: add 500 ml of vodka to 80 g of herb, infuse for 7 days, take half a teaspoon, before meals 3 times a day, drink for 2 weeks.
  2. Licorice root. Used as an infusion: 1 tablespoon of roots is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, left for an hour, taken throughout the day in small portions. The course of treatment is a month.

Diet for polycystic ovary syndrome

When answering questions from patients regarding how to cure polycystic ovary syndrome, doctors point out the need to follow prescriptions and instructions. Diet plays an important role in the disease. At the same time, doctors recommend eating foods with a low glycemic index:

  • lean meat;
  • fish;
  • chicken eggs;
  • rye bread;
  • lentils;
  • legumes (peas, beans);
  • cottage cheese;
  • fermented milk products;

Fruits should be present in the diet. Preference should be given to:

  • apples;
  • oranges;
  • grapefruits;
  • kiwi;
  • cherry;
  • plum

When preparing a diet, adhere to the following rules:

  • equilibrium ratio of proteins and carbohydrates;
  • fractional meals - 5-6 meals;
  • maximum organic products.

Laparoscopy for polycystic ovary syndrome

Surgery for polycystic ovary syndrome is indicated when drug treatment is ineffective. Doctors insist on carrying it out after completing a six-month course of hormone therapy, which has not brought results (the number of cysts has increased, they have become larger in size). Surgical intervention is performed laparoscopically. The advantages of this method are:

  • reduction of injuries;
  • reducing the risk of complications (adhesions, internal bleeding, inflammation - are recorded less frequently);
  • fast recovery;
  • good aesthetic effect.

Polycystic ovary syndrome and pregnancy

With this disease, conception becomes a problem due to the lack of the ovulatory process. To normalize the cycle, a woman has to undergo a course of hormone therapy, which lasts up to 6 months. If there is no effect, surgery is prescribed. Pregnancy after ovarian laparoscopy for polycystic disease occurs within 2-3 menstrual cycles (if there are no concomitant diseases).

Is it possible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome?

With polycystic ovary syndrome, you can get pregnant only if you strictly follow the prescribed therapy. It includes:

  • taking hormonal medications;
  • weight correction;
  • exclusion of diseases of the reproductive system.

It is worth considering that polycystic ovaries during pregnancy that has already begun can lead to complications:

  • bleeding;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • pregnancy fading;
  • premature birth.

Ovulation with polycystic ovary syndrome becomes irregular. Because of this, all the doctors’ actions are aimed at stabilizing her. The woman remains to fully comply with medical prescriptions and take prescribed medications. In order to increase the chances of conception, it is necessary to determine the date of ovulation using special tests. Sex during this period will bring long-awaited results.

IVF for polycystic ovary syndrome

Tired of fighting the disease, women ask doctors whether it is possible to do IVF for polycystic ovary syndrome. Doctors answer in the affirmative. With in vitro fertilization, ovulation is stimulated; with polycystic ovary syndrome, it is absent. After this, the mature egg is artificially inseminated in the laboratory. An already fertilized germ cell is implanted into a woman’s body. Implantation occurs and pregnancy begins. The pregnant woman is monitored.

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What is polycystic ovary syndrome: can you get pregnant?

Polycystic disease is a fairly popular disease of the female reproductive system, which does not allow one to fully conceive a child, much less carry one to term. According to statistics, every fifth woman has encountered a similar problem. Each of them had a completely logical question: is it possible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome? Doctors say that this is impossible.

To date, experts cannot accurately determine why polycystic disease occurs in women. Some doctors talk about a hereditary factor, about abortions that were done at a fairly early age, various kinds of infectious diseases. Still others say that the appearance of polycystic disease can be triggered by frequent stress experienced during puberty and the fact that girls in adolescence and older years very often suffered from colds.

The disease consists in the fact that cystic formations of different sizes begin to appear in the ovaries. Inside them are eggs that have not yet developed. Often, as soon as this terrible diagnosis has been made, women begin to think about how to cure polycystic ovary syndrome in order to get pregnant.

As practice shows, if a woman has polycystic disease, serious problems arise with conceiving a child. This can be explained quite simply. Polycystic disease is a disease that is related to hormones. Cysts in the ovary begin to form due to the fact that the body begins to produce hormones incorrectly. A large amount of insulin is produced, then androgens, which are male hormones. As a result, the amount of androgens becomes too large and they gradually begin to suppress the production of female sex hormones. When an insufficient amount of female hormones is produced in the female body, the eggs cannot fully form and be healthy. Accordingly, the chances of getting pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome are minimal or even zero.

Many doctors call polycystic disease an extremely insidious disease, because it initially develops without any symptoms. Very often, a woman finds out about the presence of a problem only when she decides to give birth to a baby and she does not succeed. Of course, if you carefully monitor the condition of the body, you can notice some symptoms. At the same time, it is very important not to delay going to the doctor and if the diagnosis is confirmed, you need to immediately begin treatment for polycystic disease.

There are several symptoms that will help you notice the presence of the disease. The most common and clearly expressed include the following:

  • body weight increases, although the diet remains the same. This symptom occurs in approximately half of women with polycystic disease.
  • Rashes that may resemble acne. They appear not only on the face, but also on different parts of the body.
  • Hair begins to grow in the same way as in men. Hair often appears on the chest, abdomen, and in particularly severe cases, on the face.
  • The sweat glands begin to work several times more intensely. Over time, both skin and hair become oilier than before.
  • If a woman undergoes an ultrasound, it will record an enlargement of the ovaries, which will be disproportionate.
  • The menstrual cycle becomes irregular.
  • Between menstruation, minor bleeding may occur, which ends quickly.

Polycystic disease is a very serious disease. It can cause not only advanced infertility, but even cancer, rupture of a cyst or an entire ovary. Therefore, planning a pregnancy with polycystic ovary syndrome is possible only after treating the problem.

If polycystic disease has been detected, then you should not even try to get pregnant until it is completely cured. If this happens, which is extremely rare, the pregnancy will be very difficult for both the woman and the child. Most often, such pregnancies end in spontaneous termination at different stages.

  • constant threat of miscarriage, miscarriage;
  • labor may begin much earlier than expected;
  • a child may stop developing at a certain period of time.

If we talk about the female body, the following health problems are most likely to arise:

  • blood pressure will be constantly very high;
  • body weight may increase by almost half;
  • Diabetes begins to develop very rapidly.

In this regard, it is best to start planning a pregnancy after treatment is completed. It should be prescribed by a specialist after a thorough examination of the patient. Polycystic ovary syndrome and pregnancy - treatment in this situation involves the use of hormones along with a variety of physiological procedures.

Modern medications with hormones do not cause a woman to gain excess weight, but they show excellent results. In approximately 70% of women, ovulation processes gradually begin to improve. In addition, pregnancy almost always occurs after polycystic ovary syndrome, which is cured in time.

In this situation, if the disease is in an advanced state or the number of cysts is very large, then there will be no result from treatment with hormonal pills.

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Is pregnancy possible with severe polycystic ovary syndrome?

Yes, but only if surgery has been performed. Today, cysts are removed using minimally invasive laparoscopy. In such a situation, only small incisions are made to perform the operation. Of course, even after surgery, not every woman is able to get pregnant. In such a situation, it is important to take into account certain characteristics of the female body and how polycystic disease occurs in each individual case. Pregnancy after ovarian laparoscopy for polycystic disease can occur in approximately 90% of all cases. If the operation was successful, then you should not delay conceiving a baby, because the effect of such treatment is not too long and you need to use this time wisely.

It is worth treating polycystic ovary syndrome very responsibly, not only for the expectant mother, but also for the doctor. In order to be able to carry and give birth to a healthy child, such women must be under the constant supervision of a specialist throughout their pregnancy. Do not forget about regularly taking the necessary tests and following a certain regime, if necessary. Considering the fact that polycystic disease often leads to problems with bearing a child, the above practice is not uncommon. Repeated pregnancy with polycystic ovary syndrome involves the use of special medications that will have a positive effect on the woman’s well-being and at the same time reduce the risk for the child.

Why is it difficult to get pregnant with polycystic disease?

As soon as the diagnosis has been made, a woman has a question: is it possible to get pregnant after polycystic ovary syndrome? If you believe the statistics, then sooner or later almost every woman with such a diagnosis will be able to give birth to a child. However, treatment often takes a long time and can be quite difficult.

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During polycystic disease, due to the large amount of male sex hormones in the female body, eggs stop maturing and, accordingly, ovulation does not occur on time. At first, minor delays begin to worry, then the menstrual cycle is seriously disrupted. After some time, changes appear in the ovaries, which lead to the fact that pregnancy cannot occur. In addition, a large amount of male sex hormone has an extremely negative effect on a woman’s appearance.

So, there are several reasons why pregnancy cannot occur with polycystic ovary syndrome or a miscarriage occurs soon after fertilization of the egg. The most common reasons include the following:

  1. No ovulation. Because the egg is not fully mature, it cannot be fertilized.
  2. Irregular menstrual cycle. In such a situation, it is very difficult to determine the days of ovulation for conception to occur.
  3. The egg was fertilized, but it was unable to attach to the wall of the uterus.

Is it possible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome? Yes, but for this it is necessary to significantly reduce the amount of male sex hormones in the body. Accordingly, it is unlikely that it will be possible to manage without treatment for polycystic disease.

Conservative method of treatment of polycystic disease.

Due to problems with the menstrual cycle and lack of ovulation, a woman will face infertility in the near future. It is worth noting that this disease affects a lot of girls aged 12-14 years and women aged 28-30 years. After 40 years, the risk of developing polycystic disease in a woman is reduced to almost zero.

In order to still get pregnant, you first need to increase the amount of female sex hormones several times. To do this, you need to take special hormonal drugs. Previously, estrogens and gestagens were used for this, but now estrogen-gestagen tablets have begun to be produced, in which the possibility of conceiving a child has increased to 50%.

Very often, doctors may prescribe a medicine such as Clomiphene. It is quite effective and helps about 70% of patients. The effect of the medicine is that it begins to gradually block all those receptors that are very sensitive to estrogen. If you take the full course of the drug, the menstrual cycle gradually begins to restore, and then ovulation occurs regularly.

Is it possible to get pregnant after treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome? Yes, you can, especially if the doctor prescribed special medications to stimulate ovulation in a woman. Such drugs are usually called gonadotropic and the most popular are Metrodin, Menagon, Clomid, Horagon and others. Their effectiveness has been repeatedly proven and many women, after taking them, became pregnant and carried a child without any problems.

In order to put the production of female hormone in order, specialists can prescribe various types of hypothalamic drugs. For example, Differin-Depot or Zoladex. With their help, the pituitary gland gradually begins to function normally. If you combine the use of all these medications, then the ovulation process after the end of treatment is restored in approximately 95% of all women with polycystic disease. At the same time, 65% successfully bear healthy children. It is worth noting that all of these medications can make the ovaries slightly smaller.

Hormonal therapy is needed to create the most comfortable conditions for follicle maturation and for ovulation to occur. It is very important to remember that the earlier polycystic disease was detected, the easier it is to cure it without serious consequences for the female body. Some doctors believe that polycystic ovary syndrome goes away after childbirth and therefore you should try to get pregnant. Conceiving a child, as mentioned above, in this situation is very difficult and the risk is high, and the disease disappears only in some women. In any situation, the problem cannot be avoided without comprehensive treatment.

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Treatment of polycystic disease with surgery.

When there is no result from the conservative method of treating polycystic disease, doctors prescribe surgery. In some situations, it may be prescribed along with medications. In most cases, surgical intervention is prescribed when, after treatment for a year, a woman has failed to become pregnant and the menstrual cycle has not been restored. The woman must be over 30 years old.

Today it is common to use laparoscopy instead of laparotomy. This method is more convenient, because the incisions are small and special flexible optics and manipulators are used. In case of polycystic disease, the ovaries are dissected in several places and through them the maximum number of cysts is then removed. After this, the ovaries no longer produce large amounts of male sex hormones and ovulation soon occurs.

If there is a need or, most likely, an opportunity, then during the operation it is advisable to also drill the ovaries. This manipulation allows you to remove all thickened areas of the ovarian capsules. To ensure that ovulation occurs, the hole in the capsule is slightly enlarged. The effect of surgery lasts a maximum of a year, and therefore you should try to get pregnant as quickly as possible. The first attempts can be made within a month after the operation.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of polycystic disease.

How to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome using folk remedies? This question arises in almost every woman who thinks that hormonal drugs will harm their health even more. It is worth noting that in this situation, traditional medicine can only create an imitation of treatment. Of course, in this way you can slightly strengthen your health and immunity, but you cannot do without drug treatment for polycystic disease.

In order to increase the effectiveness of taking various types of medications, you can drink decoctions of medicinal plants. Borovaya uterus, licorice, and dandelion root are excellent for polycystic disease. Basil has earned excellent reviews. It can not only be brewed, but also consumed along with dishes: added to salads, soups, etc. Traditional medicine can only be used after the permission of the doctor who is treating you.

Polycystic disease is a very serious disease that can cause not only infertility in a woman, but also numerous health problems. If pregnancy suddenly occurs and the disease is not completely cured, then there is too great a risk that a miscarriage will occur or the fetus will die. Therefore, the sooner an accurate diagnosis is made and the correct comprehensive treatment is started, the greater the chances of getting pregnant in the future, carrying a normal pregnancy and giving birth to a healthy and strong baby.

How to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome?

Polycystic ovary syndrome and pregnancy today are the focus of the site for mothers When a marriage has been going on for more than a year, and there are still no children, every woman begins tedious trips to gynecologists and other specialists. Usually there are many reasons why you cannot conceive a baby. For example, excessive production of male hormones - androgens. Because of this, disruptions in the menstrual cycle occur and polycystic disease develops.

  • problems with the endocrine system - the work of the ovaries, adrenal glands, and thyroid glands themselves;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • diseases of the nervous system and constant stress;
  • heredity.

Chances of getting pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome

Let’s say right away that it is quite possible to see the long-awaited signs of pregnancy in this condition. However, you must understand that conceiving is not the most important thing. It is also important to carry the baby to term.

Polycystic ovary syndrome and pregnancy: treatment

It is necessary to begin treatment for polycystic disease only after the diagnosis is confirmed. The site for mothers does not recommend that you independently “judge yourself”: “polycystic disease”, and even start taking medications haphazardly, according to the recommendations of other forum readers.

We warn you: similar symptoms may occur with hypothyroidism, hyperprolactinemia, tumors of the ovaries, and adrenal glands. In these cases, the treatment is completely different.

For polycystic disease, the doctor will prescribe hormonal therapy. It is designed to normalize excessive androgen production and stimulate egg production. Since polycystic ovary syndrome can be cured in order to become pregnant, each woman can only follow an individual regimen; also, do not use medications prescribed to other patients. After all, there are a lot of hormonal products on sale today, which one is yours? Only a close study of the tests and the individual characteristics of your body will give the answer. In addition to hormonal therapy, physical therapy is sometimes required.

Many girls, when they hear about the need for hormonal treatment, get scared, worrying that their weight will increase and unwanted hairs will begin to grow. But today modern drugs do not give such side effects. Of course, there are always exceptions, and if the patient begins to gain a lot of extra pounds, you need to follow the recommendations for a special diet.

Unfortunately, there are cases when laparoscopy was done incorrectly or in vain, and then it is for this reason (incorrect choice of treatment method) that a woman will no longer be able to become pregnant.

No doctor will give you a 100% guarantee that you will get pregnant after polycystic cyst removal. Moreover, after six months the disease can relapse.

Polycystic ovary syndrome and pregnancy: possible problems

You should understand what difficulties women with this diagnosis may have during pregnancy:

  • threat of interruption,
  • risk of fetal development arrest,
  • danger of early birth.

Now I would like to give answers to the most common questions of women who are unable to conceive a long-awaited baby.

Is treatment necessary for polycystic disease, or can I get pregnant on my own?

This diagnosis does not always require therapy. If your period comes regularly, you can conceive without medical intervention. But if this does not happen within a year, then you should go for treatment.

What is polycystic ovary syndrome

Why are contraceptives prescribed if I want to get pregnant?

Sometimes your doctor may prescribe a course of birth control. As a rule, there is a chance that they will even out the menstrual cycle. At the end of the dose, the woman will ovulate. But you can’t take any pills on your own.

What to do if ovulation stimulation does not help?

To stimulate ovulation, your doctor will prescribe you a certain drug, for example Clomiphene. Sometimes, as a result of stimulation, the follicles still do not reach the required parameters, then in each subsequent cycle the doctor will increase the dosage (but not more than 200 mg). The promotion is still pointless. There is a chance that your ovaries are resistant to this medicine. Then the doctor may try another drug.

Is there a risk of side effects from stimulation?

Like any drug treatment, this also has some risks. For example, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. To prevent this from happening, regular ultrasound monitoring and consultations with the treating gynecologist are important.

So how to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome? This is the main and sometimes the most “nervous” question. This is where it is important to understand - you need not to run around to doctors, not to read various articles and stories, but simply normalize the rhythm of life and significantly reduce the level of stress.

So, we found out that a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome does not prevent you from getting pregnant! The main thing is to approach treatment correctly, be calm and positive, and carry a healthy baby!

2018 Blog about women's health.