World Environment Day and Ecologist's Day in Russia. World Environment Day

June 5 is World Environment Day. It was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 and since then has been celebrated annually by the entire world community. The reason for this worldwide action was an appeal received on May 11, 1971 by the UN Secretary General. The appeal was signed by 2,200 scientists and cultural figures from 23 countries. They warned humanity about the unprecedented danger threatening it due to environmental pollution. “Either we end pollution, or it ends us,” was the question posed in this appeal.

Forests play an important role in the global economy, providing income for 1.6 billion people on our planet. The forest serves as a source of wood and its products, food and medicinal resources and other material assets.
The value of forests comes down to more than just economic benefits. Forests play a critical role in conserving biodiversity and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Forest is the habitat of approximately 3/4 of all species of plants, animals and fungi existing on our planet. The forest is part of the cultural and historical environment, under the influence of which the culture and customs of entire nations are formed.

The main events of World Environment Day 2011 will take place in Mumbai and Delhi (India).

On June 5, domestic environmentalists also celebrate their professional holiday. The corresponding decree was signed by Vladimir Putin on June 21, 2007.

The appearance of this holiday in Russia emphasizes the importance of the professional activities of state environmental institutions at all levels, non-governmental environmental organizations and everyone who contributes to the conservation of nature and the environment.
Environmental protection issues are among the priority issues in the political, economic and social life of the country, being one of the tasks of national security. The right of citizens of the Russian Federation to a favorable environment is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

According to expert estimates, about 20 thousand people are employed in the field of environmental protection, working in government bodies of the Russian Federation and federal government agencies. At least 200 thousand environmental specialists work at enterprises in various sectors of the national economy and in the field of environmental services. From 60 to 100 thousand specialists work in scientific and scientific-educational institutions of environmental protection, and the number of students in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions and graduate students is 40-45 thousand. There are more than 1,000 public environmental organizations in Russia that unite millions of citizens.

As part of the celebration of World Environment Day - Ecologist's Day in 2011, it is planned to hold events that promote the process of sustainable environmentally oriented socio-economic development of society, maintaining a global environmental dialogue between the Russian and international communities.

On June 10, 2011, a solemn meeting dedicated to World Environment Day - Ecologist's Day will be held in the Small Hall of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

At the ceremonial meeting, the results of the “National Ecological Award” competition for 2011 will be summed up, and Certificates of Honor will be awarded to particularly distinguished representatives of the professional community of ecologists.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Ecologist Day or
World Environment Day

Global changes in nature and the environment in general are visible to everyone today. The world is worried and has long been trying to recognize the course of further cataclysms and take measures to stabilize the situation. Back in May 1971, more than two thousand prominent scientific and cultural figures from many countries of the world addressed the so-called “Cop Appeal” to the UN General Assembly, in which they warned about the danger threatening humanity due to environmental pollution.

Trying to attract the entire world community to the problem, the Assembly announced June 5 World Environment Day. The holiday was established in accordance with a resolution adopted in June 1972 at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. The celebration of this Day is designed to awaken in every person the desire to contribute to environmental protection.

In 2007, the professional holiday of ecologists was approved in Russia. The holiday was adopted on July 21, 2007 by Decree of President V.V. Putin No. 933 “On Ecologist Day” thanks to the initiative of the Ecology Committee working under the State Duma. However, the date of celebration was left corresponding to the world holiday - June 5. Today, Ecologist Day is dedicated to all employees of the Ministry of Natural Resources, bodies involved in environmental protection, authorities that control the use of the country's natural resources, as well as employees of public and private environmental organizations.

This is not just a holiday for professionals. Its essence is to concern everyone with threatening problems, to force people not only to think about protecting nature, but to teach them, to force society to fight for the cleanliness of the planet, to mobilize government structures and public organizations for a good cause. Environmental protection actions are carried out everywhere: days to protect water, forests, fields, air, there is a constant fight against environmental pollution, work to reduce or prevent man-made disasters, strengthen and improve natural and cultural landscapes.

Every year this holiday is held under a certain motto; the theme of the Day and the location of the main international events are determined by UN representatives. Thus, over the years, the themes of World Environment Day were: “Only one Earth”, “Water is a key resource of life”, “Only one future for our children - development without destruction”, “Organization of the collection, disposal and disposal of hazardous waste: acid rains and energy”, “Tree for peace”, “Youth: population and environment”, “Climate change. The need for global partnership”, “Poverty and the environment - breaking the vicious circle”, “One Earth - one family”, “For the sake of life on Earth, let’s save our seas”, “Enter the World Wide Web of Life”, “Green Cities: Plan for the planet!”, “We need seas and oceans! Alive, not dead”, “Forests: using the services of nature”, “Think. Eat. Save”, “Raise your voice, but not sea level!” and others.

In 2015
- "Rational consumption",
- "Seven billion desires. One planet. Consume carefully"
- Italian Milan

According to the UN, approximately 1.3 billion tons of food end up in landfills every year. Most food is wasted in Europe and North America. There, food waste amounts to 95-115 kg per person per year, while in sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia the figure is only 6-11 kg per person per year.

But the enthusiasm of environmentalists alone is not enough! There is a need for a major increase in investment in research and development and assistance to developing countries in creating appropriate scientific capabilities. All this needs to be resolved on a planetary basis, and research needs to be brought into the space arena.

And yet it is a holiday. And ecologists and all progressive humanity. And it does not allow us to forget about threatening problems and makes us think about a radical revision of our attitude towards natural resources.

Happy Ecologist Day, enthusiasts! The future of the planet is in your hands!

The planet is breathing heavily

She's been tired of us for a long time.
The earth is a living organism,
There is little room for outrage.
Plants, fauna,
And also air and water -
Everything was turned into a terrible shooting gallery,
It's time to get rid of us!
When such people exist...
...ecologists - let us remind you right away,
The home planet is given honor.
They have a goal - to save nature!

On June 5, the world celebrates International Environment Day. As long as man rampages and ruins nature, and therefore himself, as long as the main dream of most people is getting rich, the United Nations will tirelessly remind you that someday you will have to stop. Either humanity will do this of its own free will, or it will happen on its own. Perhaps this will happen on the next World Environment Day, which will be the last day for humanity.

History of origin

For the first time they thought about the problems in the relationship between man and nature only in 1972 during one of the conferences related to environmental protection. They decided to establish Nature Conservation Day so that at least once a year, at least a small mass of people would think about the damage that humans cause to the planet. With this attitude to the problem, the day is not far off when the planet’s resources will be exhausted and nature will no longer be able to withstand the harmful influence of humans. The UN believes that through the practice of assigning a separate status to one of the days of the year, the inhabitants of the Earth will quickly come to awareness of a particular problem. Environment Day is just a small but important step in this direction.

Under different mottos

Every year, Environmental Protection Day turns into a big holiday. In different parts of the world, the celebration is accompanied by large concerts, rallies, and processions. An unchanging tradition is the choice of a motto for the holiday. The problem in the world is one and global, and there are an infinite number of mottos that draw attention to its smaller components. UN officials choose the most relevant slogan and decide where exactly the main, official events dedicated to World Environment Day will take place. Over the years, the celebrations were held under such mottos as “Water is the main resource of the planet”, “For safe disposal of waste”, “Uniting people into a global partnership”, “Poverty as a cause of environmental distress”, “Earth is one family” ", "For the living oceans of the world" and many other mottos. It is not yet known under what slogan World Environment Day 2019 will be held, but it is clear that this will be a very important and pressing issue.

When is World Environment Day 2019?

World Environment Day (Ecologist's Day) is celebrated on June 5th. International Day for the Environment was established in 1972 by a resolution adopted at the Stockholm Conference concerning environmental issues. The main goal of this holiday is to awaken in people the desire to take care of the environment. In Russia, it was decided to proclaim this day a professional day for ecologists and environmental defenders. The holiday was adopted on July 21, 2007 by Decree of President V.V. Putin No. 933 “On Ecologist Day” thanks to the initiative of the Ecology Committee working under the State Duma. These holidays are celebrated by holding rallies, drawing competitions, posters and essays among schoolchildren, parades, events for planting green spaces and cleaning areas.

To all ecologists today,
Congratulations on your important day,
And we wish that in life,
Everything was your way.

And only success in your work,
In my personal life everything is “A”,
And my health is excellent
Never lose!

An honorable mission, a glorious cause -
Protect and preserve nature.
Ecologist is a very necessary profession,
This cannot be forgotten.

We, everyone involved in nature conservation,
Congratulations are due today.
We will say “thank you” for your concern,
Your deeds are very important.

And the greenery of the forests and the coolness of the river
You keep it day by day.
We are grateful for your efforts
And the Earth is grateful to you!

Happy Ecologist Day! I wish that not only on World Environment Day will people remember the urgency and importance of your work. Let the global nature of your work be appreciated. Let there always be the necessary funding and specific assistance. Be persistent, true to your beliefs and rapidly improve our magnificent world!

Happy Ecologist Day today
Accept congratulations,
You are strong for the environment
Take care and protect.

I wish you happiness and health,
Good luck in your difficult work,
In work, even in personal life
You are always, always lucky.

On Ecologist's Day I wish
Cleanliness is always around.
Let strength always be of nature
They give inspiration.

For those who have chosen the goal of life,
To defend our glorious world,
I wish you success
Joy, health, strength.

Our technical progress
Spoils the river, destroys the forest,
Disappear unnoticed
Flocks of birds from their native skies.

You guys are environmentalists
You need to protect nature,
So that our grandchildren can have
What to pass on as an inheritance.

Congratulations today,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Good luck to you in your business,
Long years, big salaries!

On whose shoulders are global concerns?
Who will never be without work?
Who fights for the purity of nature,
And protects the soil, air and water?

Ecologist is the correct answer.
He knows that he is harming the Earth.
And everyone who throws something away
It will add more work to them.

We wish all environmentalists of the Earth
To reach every consciousness.
Let your work bear clear fruits,
And let every fruit be the fruit of happiness.

We wish each and every one of you:
All plans and dreams come true!
You will burn with the idea, as now,
And all your wishes will come true too.

On Environment Day
Let me congratulate you,
And work worthy of praise,
Truly glorify!

So that the river is clean,
The blade of grass was turning green,
So that the Earth can breathe,
You work skillfully!

May good luck and success
They accompany you everywhere
Without delays and interference
They let you through everywhere!

Let there be joy from the heart
For a righteous cause
You conquer boundaries
And go into battle boldly!

Oh, how difficult it can be for environmentalists
Make sure that everything in nature is secure.
Both on weekdays and on holidays there is a lot of work,
Only there is no turning back.

Who else will watch the river?
So that people can drink without fear?
Who will filter emissions like this?
So that the cape can breathe calmly?

So, environmentalists, it’s time to work.
We will be proud of your work.
More aspirations and higher income
May the environment bring you...

The planet is breathing heavily
She's been tired of us for a long time.
The earth is a living organism,
There is little room for outrage.
Plants, fauna,
And also air and water -
Everything was turned into a terrible shooting gallery,
It's time to get rid of us!
When such people exist...
...ecologists - let us remind you right away,
The home planet is given honor.
They have a goal - to save nature!

Let our planet be safe,
This one fact makes life more beautiful.
So that officials appreciate your covenants
Yes, the filters were quickly installed on the pipe.
May our dawn be pure and wonderful,
And the world is big, diverse, interesting.
We wish you every success in your noble work,
So that the violation does not hide from you, do not hide it.
Find paths to success,
Work slowly and little by little,
Good luck with your big spoon!

Our nature is the most valuable thing we have. Many fantastically beautiful and bewitching places delight and impress humanity. But there are not as many of these magnificent places left on the planet as we would like, and why? It is precisely because of the influence of man and the progress of scientific and technological activities. People do not think about the fact that the formation of personal comfort and convenience in life negatively affects their very environment.

Environmentalists are engaged in the conservation, protection and restoration of the environment. It is they who contribute to the introduction into the scientific and technical process of technologies that will have the most favorable effect on the climate, biosphere, atmosphere and other components of the environment.


On May 5, Russia celebrates Ecologist Day and Environmental Protection Day. On this day, congratulations are accepted by students, teachers, environmental engineers, specialists in the protection and rational use of natural resources and everyone who is somehow connected with this industry. It is our most important duty to congratulate specialists in this field.

The date of celebration of Ecologist's Day coincides with International Environment Day. The holiday was officially approved by the President of the Russian Federation in 2007.

The specialty of an ecologist is one of the most important professions at this stage of human existence. More and more specialists graduate from universities and colleges every year, because the problem of environmental protection has acquired a worldwide scale. Everyone who is not indifferent to the future fate of humanity is trying to protect our nature from the harmful influence of people and their technical activities on it.

An ecologist is a specialist who analyzes, monitors and develops measures to reduce the impact of harmful substances on the environment. The main objectives of environmental research are:

  • identification of the main types of ecological systems and landscape units, assessment of the characteristics of their composition;
  • development of methods for collecting and analyzing information to characterize the state of the biosphere as a whole;
  • providing an assessment of the level of resilience of the biosphere and individual ecosystems relative to external influences;
  • development and creation of protected and conservation areas;

There are more and more people in the world who want to connect their lives with ecology and environmental protection.


Every year on June 5, environmentalists organize many events in honor of their professional holiday. Campaigns are being held to encourage people to use natural resources rationally. Exhibitions of children's drawings, scientific conferences and presentations are organized.

The area of ​​forest plantations and parks is also cleaned, trees and flowers are planted. There are many programs on television aimed at protecting nature.

Celebrations take place in groups, with family and friends.