Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to nerves. Stomach neurosis: how to recognize and cope with the disorder in time. Neurosis Treatment of neurosis in children and adults

Spasmodic sensations in the abdominal area are a reflexive contraction of muscles, which is accompanied by pain. Pain syndrome manifests itself in discomfort in various parts of the abdomen. The spasmodic muscle reflex can be present in various diseases: kidney and gall bladder diseases, colitis and gastritis. In this case, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will diagnose and prescribe treatment. What effect do nerves have on the gastrointestinal tract and is it possible for this to cause the development of ventricular extrasystole?

Stress affects the stomach

Poor diet causes stomach cramps

Often, the cause of cramps is considered to be poor nutrition. However, the occurrence of spasms is not always associated with nutrition and diets. Most people are of the opinion that many diseases manifest themselves faster as a result of nervous breakdowns and take a long time to heal. In relation to stomach cramps, this is justified. The stomach can hurt from nerves, since they are interconnected. Stress resistance is of great importance here. Stress as the body's response to emotional outbursts, a nervous state contributes to the appearance of spasmodic sensations, neurosis disorders (gag reflexes, belching, heartburn from nerves, diarrhea and constipation, flatulence).

Stomach pain from nerves is a condition that is not systematized in the relationship of certain diseases.

Only after passing the necessary tests and diagnostics is it possible to determine the essence of the problem and establish a diagnosis. A study may show that the cause of stomach ulcers is the Helicobacter bacteria. Most often, stomach pain is due to stress or nervous breakdowns. As a rule, experts use the name “gastric neurosis” for abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach, namely: functional nervous dyspepsia, bloating and deterioration of intestinal function; variants of changes in stomach acidity can also be diagnosed.

Pain after experiences

Relationship between abdominal pain and nerves

Dejection and rebellion, melancholy and sadness, anger and rage have a negative effect on the digestive system. If the stomach or intestines respond to stress with spasmodic pain or may stop working altogether, this is not surprising. Most often, stress manifests itself in digestive problems. This serves as a source of dangerous diseases, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, nervous gastritis.

So why do nerves cause stomach pain? What to do? The nervous system controls digestion. In a state of stress, the nervous system malfunctions. In this case, stress affects the digestive system, disrupting the functioning of the glands that are responsible for digesting food. The volume of gastric juice changes, the normal parameters of pancreatic enzymes (trypsin and lipase) and bile change. Namely: gastritis occurs due to nervousness.

In addition, according to signals that come from the brain, stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) enter the blood, which negatively affect the digestive system, because they secrete enzymes that change the digestive process. These hormones have a different effect on each person: some people don’t want to eat at all, while others eat more than normal. As a result, some lose weight from nervous overstrain, while others fill themselves with food in quantities that are not beneficial. Result: a malfunction of the digestive system, accompanied by stomach spasms.

The effect of stress on the gastrointestinal tract

Nerves as causes of abdominal pain

A person is prone to constant worry about problems related to health, career and financial situation. Psychological well-being always has an effect on the physiological state. Therefore, a negative emotional state contributes to a decrease in the performance of the immune system, suppresses the body, which entails infectious diseases and abdominal pain.

Common irritable bowel syndrome in combination with overstrain and anxiety, as well as nerve disorders, in addition to everything can cause nervous gastritis.

There are nerve-related reasons why abdominal pain begins:

  • Anxiety.
  • Fear and stress.
  • Extreme agitation.
  • Constant fainting.
  • Melancholy.
  • Prolonged and prolonged stress.

Signs of stomach diseases

When the stomach hurts due to nervousness, a person experiences not only pain in the lower abdomen, but also gastric dysfunction:

  • stomach hurts;
  • pancreatitis;
  • lower abdomen hurts;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • blood and mucus discharge in stool;
  • vomit;
  • regurgitation (acid reflux that irritates the stomach lining);
  • bloating;
  • stomach growls;
  • belching and excess gas accumulation.

Most symptoms last for two to three days. An exacerbation of gastritis due to nervous conditions may occur. When the painful condition becomes protracted, it causes severe discomfort and creates problems for daily life. If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

Self-medication does not help

Prevention and therapy

Stomach pain from stress shocks is treated with medication. In addition, a person needs to change their lifestyle and avoid stressors. Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • drugs to normalize stool;
  • antiemetic medications;
  • medications that affect mental processes, mainly higher nervous activity;
  • antacids, which protect the gastric mucosa from the action of hydrochloric acid and bile;
  • for people suffering from nervous anxiety and painful sensations, with psychological overstrain (nervous stomach), medications are prescribed that relieve feelings of oppression and depression;
  • herbal medicines.

Stomach diseases can be cured with medicinal plants. Herbal plants will help get rid of the effects of gases on the gastrointestinal tract: chamomile, peppermint and ginger. Fennel, catnip, valerian, tarragon, anise and angelica are herbal plants with a relaxing effect.

Medicines for stomach pain

It happens that a person has difficulty moving due to stomach pain due to nervousness.

In order to relieve stress and gastritis, you need to calm down and get used to living on a positive note and not getting nervous.

There are other ways to get rid of stomach pain that occurs during stress:

  • Ginger or its root has a calming effect on the stomach and relieves irritation of its mucous membrane. Helps with cramps and poor digestion of food.
  • Mint relieves stress and strengthens the nerves. Used to improve digestion of food and protect against indigestion.
  • Soda is used to eliminate colic, treat intestinal spasms, and works as an antacid that relieves heartburn and the gag reflex.
  • Rice will help get rid of stomach ailments due to neurosis and loose stools. Rice normalizes stool and absorbs toxins.
  • Breathing exercises to calm the nerves and normalize the heartbeat. Helps relieve fatigue and tension.


Now you know that nerves can cause stomach diseases. You should be more careful about your psycho-emotional state in order to avoid serious stomach diseases.

It is necessary to adhere to a healthy and proper lifestyle. If symptoms of disease appear, you should consult a doctor who will select the appropriate treatment method for you.

Gastric neurosis, or gastroneurosis, is a pathological condition characterized by symptoms of diseases of the digestive tract. This disorder develops more often due to severe nervous strain. Often this pathological condition is accompanied by intestinal neurosis. Treatment of gastroneurosis is carried out taking into account the causes of the disease.

Causes of gastric neurosis

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines in children and adults develops mainly against the background of neurasthenia. This pathological condition is caused by:

  • constant lack of sleep;
  • physical or mental fatigue;
  • stressful situations;
  • depression.

The risk group for developing gastroneurosis includes irritable people. A high probability of the occurrence of a pathological condition is observed when:

Less commonly, neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines of various types;
  • overeating or undereating;
  • unhealthy diet, in which the diet contains fatty, pickled and spicy foods;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • consumption of foods and chemicals that cause intoxication of the body;
  • viral or infectious pathologies.

In addition, neuroses develop due to vegetative-vascular dystonia, leading to dysfunction of the central nervous system.

This pathological condition usually affects the entire digestive system, manifesting itself in the form of intestinal disorders or gastric dysfunction.

Symptoms of gastric neurosis

With neurosis of the stomach and intestines, the symptoms are largely reminiscent of the signs characteristic of gastrointestinal pathologies. Depending on the characteristics of the lesion, clinical phenomena are of the following type:

With gastric neurosis, general symptoms of mental disorders occur:

  • frequent headaches, migraines;
  • insomnia;
  • increased irritability, aggressive behavior;
  • general weakness;
  • attacks of dizziness;
  • active heartbeat;
  • increased sweating;
  • feeling of heaviness behind the chest;
  • blood pressure surges and more.

Diagnosing intestinal neurosis based on symptoms is quite difficult. This is explained by the fact that gastroneurosis manifests itself in the form of signs characteristic of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Anorexic and bulimic forms of the pathological condition are considered dangerous. The first is different in that the patient experiences a strong aversion to any food. As a result, he stops consuming food, as a result of which his body weight rapidly decreases. In the bulimic form, the patient feels constant hunger, but immediately throws up food after eating.

Without treatment, progression of both conditions leads to the death of the person.

Diagnostic methods

If gastrointestinal neurosis is suspected, the patient is examined by a neurologist. Before starting treatment, gastroneurosis must be differentiated from other pathologies of the digestive system, characterized by a similar clinical picture:

  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • peptic ulcer.

To exclude the course of other pathologies, the following methods are used:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • X-ray or fluoroscopy of the stomach;
  • analysis of gastric juice;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract.

When making a diagnosis, it is also important to take into account the circumstances due to which intestinal neuralgia may occur. For this purpose, the patient is referred for consultation to a psychiatrist. If gastroneurosis is suspected, it is necessary to establish a connection between disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and mental disorders.

How to treat stomach neurosis?

The treatment of mental disorders uses a comprehensive approach that includes medication and psychotherapeutic intervention.

Drugs for the treatment of gastroneurosis are selected taking into account the causative factor.

Drug therapy

With gastric neurosis, symptoms and treatment depend on the form of the pathological condition. In the treatment of gastroneurosis, it is recommended to take the following medications, the action of which is aimed at restoring the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and relieving symptoms:

If intestinal neurosis is suspected, drug therapy is supplemented with drugs that normalize the state of the nervous system:

  • sedatives;
  • tranquilizers;

If concomitant pathologies that cause gastroneurosis are identified, appropriate treatment is carried out.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are used to restore the functions of the central nervous system. In the treatment of neurosis the following are used:

  • hydrotherapy;
  • electrotherapy;
  • darsonvalization;
  • massage;
  • ultraphonophoresis with sedatives;

Physiotherapy helps eliminate the impact of the causative factor, normalize muscle condition and improve blood circulation. Thanks to this treatment, it is possible to restore the functions of internal organs.


For gastric neurosis, psychotherapeutic techniques are usually used in treatment. This approach allows us to eliminate the true cause of the development of the pathological condition. In this case, the tactics of psychotherapeutic intervention are selected strictly individually.

Intestinal and stomach disorders caused by gastroneurosis are treated according to the following scheme:

If necessary, family consultations with a psychotherapist are held.

Treatment with folk remedies

Due to the fact that intestinal neurosis often occurs as a result of nervous disorders, treatment of the pathological condition with folk remedies consists of taking decoctions that have a sedative effect. The following are used in therapy:

Decoctions based on these plants normalize the state of the nervous system, suppress the activity of pathogenic microflora and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet for neurosis

Nervous problems affecting the digestive organs require a review of the patient’s daily diet. The latter needs to choose a specialized diet, which increases daily fluid intake. In addition, the patient should give up alcoholic beverages and regularly take vitamin complexes to strengthen the body.

All diseases are caused by nerves. It is difficult to disagree with this statement, since even the stomach can be nervous and in this state does not perform its inherent functions, and causes all sorts of discomfort to the owner.

The disease “stomach neurosis” sounds somewhat strange to the ignorant. Experts understand that the stomach, like all other organs, is penetrated by nerve endings and cannot help but react to a neurotic attack. This disease is by no means fatal, but it can turn eating food from pleasure into sheer torture.

The disease most often affects people aged 20-40 years, most of whom are women, who, as we know, are naturally more emotional.

Neurological indigestion occurs in more than 80% of the population, but is attributed to them as a manifestation of gastritis, peptic ulcers or other digestive problems.

Causes of a nervous stomach include:

  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • injuries and diseases of other gastrointestinal organs;
  • tumor processes;
  • emotional stress;
  • sleep deficiency;
  • alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • intoxication;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • anorexia.

Signs of gastric neurosis

The clinical picture of the disease is characterized by a sufficient variety of signs and does not always concern the epigastric region, among them:

  • Insomnia, dizziness, blood pressure surges, anxiety, frequent migraines, poor health, panic attacks.
  • Pain of a migrating nature, radiating to the heart, iliac and abdominal space. It intensifies in the evening, and subsides when the mental state improves.
  • Belching accompanied by loud sounds.
  • Feeling of emptiness or heaviness in the stomach.
  • Nausea, urge to vomit and urinate.
  • Rejection of eaten food.

Mentally unbalanced people, as well as those who are overweight and have vegetative-vascular dystonia, suffer from gastric neurosis. Symptoms do not depend on the volume and quality of food. With this disease, a feeling of an empty stomach may occur immediately after eating.

Forms of neurosis

The symptoms of a nervous stomach are quite diverse, so in the practice of gastroenterology, several forms of the disease are distinguished.

Table. Forms of gastric neuroses.

Name of the form of the disease Brief description
Severe heartburn

A long-term form that is not amenable to conservative treatment and does not go away after a strict diet.

Airbrush Swallowing air, which comes out with belching, accompanied by sighs and screams.
Anorexia An aversion to food, which results in significant weight loss and, less often, death.
Bulimia Uncontrolled absorption of large amounts of food, artificial vomiting to avoid weight gain.
Nervous vomiting Vomiting without nausea or urge. Occurs after eating.


The diagnosis is made by specialists in the field of neurology and gastroenterology. The latter find out whether the patient suffers from other diseases of the digestive system with similar symptoms, for example, pancreatitis, stomach cancer, gastritis, duodenal or stomach ulcers. For the former, the cause of neurosis is important.

Only highly qualified doctors can diagnose gastric neurosis, since the treatment process requires special manipulations.

Treatment of gastric neurosis

Nervous stomach is a disease that in 90% of cases is provoked by a person’s psycho-emotional state and therefore requires an integrated approach to treatment. The disease requires treatment at a mental and physiological level.

A neurologist, with the help of a psychiatrist, develops a program to restore the patient’s psycho-emotional health. Antidepressants and sedative medications have a number of side effects, so they are taken only as prescribed by a psychotherapist. His task is to change the range of the nervous reaction, to direct the patient to the positive in order to subsequently transform his value system into a positive, life-loving direction.

To relieve hypersensitivity of the gastric mucosa, the gastroenterologist prescribes drinking non-carbonated mineral water and pharmacy juices. Drugs that improve the functioning of the endocrine glands will also be useful. Spa treatment and walks in the fresh air are also recommended.

  • massage;
  • electrotherapy;
  • medicinal baths with herbs and soothing salts.

As an auxiliary therapy, the patient takes a course of vitamins, especially group B and C, to improve metabolism and all body functions.

A nutritionist will suggest a dietary plan after assessing the patient’s general health.

The following will help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits.

Folk remedies in the treatment of gastric neurosis

With the permission of the attending physician, you can use traditional medicine:

  • A decoction of oregano, which relieves spasms and is useful for its calming and bactericidal effect. To prepare it you will need:
    • water - 1 l;
    • oregano inflorescences - 6 tbsp. l. Leave the mixture for 2 hours, then strain and drink 150 ml 4 times a day.
  • A mix that includes: oregano + hawthorn + motherwort + valerian will have a greater effect. Pour boiling water over the herbal mixture, leave for an hour and take 100 ml 3 times a day.
  • Melissa tea has a calming effect. To prepare it you will need:
    • water - 2 glasses;
    • lemon balm leaves - 20 g. Boil for a few minutes, drink 1 tbsp before going to bed.
  • Mint tea can also be included in this category. It is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. mint and a glass of boiling water. Drink after 5-10 minutes of infusion.
  • A decoction of St. John's wort has a tonic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and calming effect. It is infused over low heat for 10 minutes, then drunk 4 times a day, 50 ml.

If you consult a specialist in a timely manner, the prognosis for the disease is favorable.

Sometimes the stomach hurts due to psychological reasons

What is gastric neurosis?

If your stomach hurts, you need to see a doctor

According to statistics,

  • Conflict situations at work and in the family.
  • Increased anxiety, suspiciousness.
  • Internal conflicts.
  • Overexertion, lack of sleep.
  • Psychological trauma, shock.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Tendency to hysteria and aggression.
  • Frequently being in a bad mood.
  • Apathy, depression, depression.
  • Hypochondria.
  • Previous illnesses, physical injuries.
  • Fear of an upcoming event (flight, going to the dentist).
  • Oversensitivity to bad news.
  • Poor quality, unbalanced nutrition.

Does your child have a stomach ache? Possible psychological reason

Stomach neurosis: symptoms

  • Decreased appetite or its sharp increase.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Diarrhea, constipation, or alternation of both.
  • Non-localized pain in the stomach, abdomen.
  • Bloating, flatulence, constant rumbling, distension, colic.
  • Heaviness in the stomach.
  • Constriction in the esophagus.
  • Aerophagia (frequent belching caused by excessive swallowing of air).
  • Heartburn.
  • Changes in food preferences (favorite foods may begin to cause disgust or, conversely, an addiction to something that does not cause appetite begins).

Symptoms of esophageal neurosis:

  • Lump in throat.
  • Feeling of difficulty passing food.
  • Compression in the neck and chest.

A lump in the throat may be a symptom of esophageal neurosis

Associated symptoms:

  • Weakness, malaise, lethargy.
  • Low temperature (within 37.5).
  • Headache.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Constantly cold palms and feet.
  • Muscle weakness, trembling.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Drowsiness, fatigue during the day and poor sleep at night.
  • Low performance.

Stomach neurosis: treatment


  • General blood test.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Blood test for biochemistry.
  • Coprogram.
  • Complex gastroenterological diagnostics.

Urinalysis is one of the ways to diagnose gastric neurosis




  • Hydrotherapy (swimming, relaxing baths with herbs and salt, Charcot shower)
  • Massage aimed at relaxing muscles.
  • Electrotherapy.
  • Darsonvalization.
  • Magnetic laser therapy.
  • Ultraphonophoresis with drugs and sedatives.

Traditional methods

Peppermint tea helps treat stomach neurosis

Mint tea Mint has sedative, carminative, antispasmodic properties, calms
St. John's wort decoction The herb has antibacterial properties and is a natural antibiotic. Kills harmful bacteria in the intestines and helps restore healthy microflora.
Tea with oregano Oregano normalizes intestinal dysfunction, fights pathogenic microflora, calms nerves, and improves immunity.
Oak bark decoction Effective for diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, relieves inflammation, has astringent and bactericidal properties.
Chamomile tea Chamomile has soothing and powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

In extreme cases, esophageal neurosis requires a drip

Treatment prognosis


A positive attitude towards life is the best prevention of neurosis!

Stomach neurosis is a dysfunction of this organ, provoked by various physiological aspects and psychological factors. Since absolutely all systems of the body are rich in nerve endings, neurosis can occur in any organ. The often described pathological process is observed in hysterical, neurasthenic and psychasthenic neuroses.

How does gastric neurosis manifest itself, what is it? In modern medicine, gastroneurosis is understood as a dyspeptic disorder that occurs as a result of a violation of nervous regulation. According to statistical data, women between the ages of twenty and forty are most predisposed to gastric neurosis.

Causes of gastric neurosis

Today, neuroses are becoming an integral part of the daily existence of individuals. Due to the fact that everyday life is filled with stress factors, tense work situations, also due to the constant lack of sleep and the presence of interpersonal confrontations, every third inhabitant of the planet has encountered this illness at least once. The well-known expression that states that all diseases are caused by nerves absolutely fully reveals the understanding of the psychogenic origin of neuroses.

Stomach neurosis, what is it? How did this term come about?

The concept of “neurosis” was introduced as an independent term into medical science in the eighteenth century, but it was not considered a disease. Individuals suffering from this disease were more often treated as malingerers or hypochondriacs. Neurosis began to be considered as an illness only after psychology was recognized as a scientific discipline.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines, its treatment depends on the causes that provoked its occurrence and symptoms. There are two groups of causes causing gastroneurosis: physiological factors and psychological.

The first group includes: dysfunction of the intestines or stomach and dysfunction of the nervous system.

The second group of factors includes:

Internal confrontations;

Interpersonal confrontation;

Constant stress and depression;

Dissatisfaction with one’s own person, failure to meet expectations;

Lack of normal sleep, fatigue, loss of vitality;

Prolonged lack of satisfaction of basic life needs;

Character accents.

She believes that the inability to “digest one’s thoughts and actions” gives rise to neurotic states. Only over time, after the individual begins to accept his own person and environment, ceases to be afraid of change, and will he no longer be bothered by excruciating painful sensations in the abdominal area.

In addition to the factors listed above that cause gastric neurosis, the following can also be identified: poisoning, unhealthy diet, bad habits, anorexia, bulimia (inducing vomiting), insomnia, individual mental characteristics.

Often the cause of the development of neurotic disorders of internal organs can be hypochondriacal neurosis. A patient with this type of mental pathology is constantly alarmed about his own state of health. A hypochondriac is disturbed by obsessive thoughts about possible infection or the presence of a dangerous disease.

According to most experts, stress plays a huge role in the occurrence of gastroneurosis. Therefore, many ordinary people are interested in the mechanism of the onset of gastroneurosis provoked by stress, its manifestations and how long does it take to treat gastric neurosis?

Each individual, finding himself in difficult life circumstances, is faced with “digestive manifestations” of stress, among which are nausea, heartburn, lump in the throat, vomiting, etc. Such symptoms arise due to the interconnectedness of all processes occurring in the human body. And the connection of the stress factor with the digestive system is due to the functioning of the “vagus nerve,” which regulates the activity of the stomach associated with the production of enzymes involved in digestion. That is why neuroses have the “ability” to influence the composition, increase or decrease the secretion of digestive juice.

The secretory function of the stomach is a rather complex process that originates initially in the brain. The vagus nerve stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach. Therefore, dysfunction of the vagus nerve also affects the development of gastroneurosis.

Proof of the described theory can be found in the research of G. Selye, who developed the theory of the concept of stress. By conducting experiments on rats, he proved the effects of stress on the digestive system.

The human body, finding itself in stressful circumstances, begins to prepare for a fight. Under such conditions, the blood is saturated with adrenaline, as a result of which the gastrointestinal tract cannot “think” about digesting food. Constantly being in a stressful situation leads to stagnation of digestive processes. That is why treatment of gastric neurosis with folk remedies directly for gastroenterological symptoms is often not effective enough. It is necessary to combine medication with psychotherapy methods.

Most experts are convinced that people who have a hypertrophied sense of responsibility and take on a lot are more prone to gastrointestinal dysfunction. Such a life credo leads to self-flagellation, the emergence of suspiciousness, a feeling of hopelessness and one’s own unfulfillment.

In addition, problems with the digestive system can be observed in people due to poor food hygiene. For example, because they are used to eating quickly or swallowing poorly chewed food. This behavior at the psychological level can be considered as an analogue of a superficial attitude towards life, a refusal to solve problems, to analyze them.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines, according to some psychotherapists, can be considered a person’s way of giving vent to their own internal tension and unresolved conflicts.

Symptoms of gastric neurosis

Depending on the origin, gastric neurosis, symptoms and treatment can vary greatly.

Gastroneurosis is characterized by quite diverse clinical manifestations of the digestive system. A common symptom of the described illness is nervous vomiting, which can be considered as a separate form of the disease. It occurs immediately after eating. Moreover, nausea, which often precedes vomiting, is absent in this case.

The next condition accompanying gastroneurosis is aerophagia. It is manifested by loud belching, which occurs due to swallowing a large amount of air while eating. In the presence of a hysterical type of neurosis, belching may be accompanied by loud sounds and even screams. These symptoms occur due to the unintentional swallowing of air that circulates between the pharynx and the cardiac region of the stomach, after which it is expelled. Often, aerophagia can be accompanied by gastrocardial syndrome. Aerophagia is usually eliminated with the help of explanatory psychotherapy, which is aimed at explaining to the patient the mechanism of the described phenomenon. The result of such therapy is the development of an understanding in the patient that he is able and should suppress belching.

There is also a separate group of symptoms in which gastric neurosis, symptoms and treatment are associated with the patient’s appetite disorder. These symptoms are manifested by bulimia or anorexia, when a strong feeling of hunger disappears immediately after swallowing the first piece of food or, on the contrary, an aversion to food is developed.

Another common manifestation of the described ailment is heartburn, which differs from the usual burning sensation in the chest area by its persistence - the burning sensation does not disappear when following a special diet.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines has other symptoms, in addition to the above:

A constant feeling of discomfort in the intestines and stomach, associated with its overcrowding (fullness) or, conversely, emptiness;

Pain in the stomach during neurosis can radiate to the groin, lower back and other parts of the body;

Changes in gastronomic preferences, for example, unexpected aversion to previously favorite foods;

Increased appetite;

General signs of illness, which are manifested by sleep disturbances, weakness, headaches, etc.

Often people do not pay much attention to the above signs, mistaking them for an ordinary digestive disorder.

The most striking signs are considered to be pain in the stomach during neurosis, since it can be quite varied, localized in the pit of the stomach or under the ribs, or “migrate” throughout the entire abdominal area. In more severe variants of the course of the described illness, individual manifestations of chronic gastritis are possible, which in reality are associated not with inflammation of the gastric mucosa itself, but with a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice and the accumulation of mucus in the stomach. In addition to pain, nausea, belching, and bloating are also observed. On examination there is a coating on the tongue. The patient complains of a frequent urge to defecate, diarrhea (less often constipation), a feeling of fullness, and rumbling in the abdomen. When drinking, patients note that after two sips they have a feeling of fullness in their stomach. At night the pain intensifies.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines has similar symptoms due to the fact that they are characterized by a common psychosomatic nature.

Gastroneurosis and intestinal neurosis are not always manifested by epigastric symptoms. Often, a patient suffering from gastric or intestinal neurosis suffers from frequent migraines, fluctuations in blood pressure, dizziness, sleep disturbances, and nervous awakenings. An individual with this disease becomes overly irritable and is tormented by phobias and panic attacks. Also, patients with this form of neurosis experience increased heart rate, heart pain, frequent urination, and a feeling of heaviness in the sternum.

This form of neurosis most often affects people suffering from excess body weight, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as mentally unbalanced individuals.

Treatment of gastric neurosis

Gastroneurosis is not life-threatening, since in 90% of cases the disease is of a psychogenic nature. However, to think that gastric neurosis does not require treatment is somewhat premature and imprudent. This disorder causes suffering to a person and interferes with the usual rhythm of life. Therefore, if you notice several of the above symptoms, it is recommended to immediately consult a specialist who will develop an adequate strategy and help you understand how to treat gastric neurosis.

Often, the outcome of the disease with timely seeking professional help is favorable.

Treatment of gastric neurosis with folk remedies is expected along with complex conservative treatment and consultation with a psychotherapist.

In the first turn, the therapeutic effect is aimed at eliminating signs of tension and restoring the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

To normalize the digestive process, the patient is prescribed a special diet. The nutrition plan is drawn up by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient, the clinical picture of gastroneurosis and the patient’s condition, the reasons that provoked the development of the disease, and the results of diagnostic studies.

Drug therapy consists of taking mild sedative drugs aimed at eliminating some unpleasant manifestations.

Regular psychotherapeutic sessions also help eliminate gastroneurosis. If necessary, it is recommended to take medications that regulate the function of the endocrine system and vitamin complexes.

To normalize the patient’s psychological mood and improve the functioning of the digestive system, physiotherapeutic treatment is indicated. Balneotherapy and hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, as well as relaxing massage have an excellent effect.

In addition to observing the above measures of basic therapy, patients need to adhere to a healthy rhythm of life, avoid stressful situations and spend more time in the fresh air.

How to treat stomach neurosis?

Many people are interested in the questions: how to treat gastric neurosis using traditional medicine and how long does it take to treat gastric neurosis?

The most beneficial is considered to be taking soothing teas made from oregano inflorescence. This herb can not only eliminate nervous tension, but will also have a bactericidal and analgesic effect on the digestive tract. In addition, this tea will give you healthy and sound sleep. To prepare this drink, you need to pour six tablespoons of the dry plant with one liter of boiling water and let the mixture sit for 120 minutes. Then it is recommended to strain the infusion. It is recommended to take 150 milliliters of tea at least four times a day.

Oregano can also be taken together with motherwort, valerian and hawthorn herbs. To prepare this drink, you will need to take three parts of oregano, one part each of motherwort and valerian herbs, and two parts of hawthorn. All ingredients should be pre-chopped and mixed thoroughly. You need to take one spoonful of the mixture, previously filled with one hundred milliliters of boiling water and infused for 60 minutes, at least three times a day, 100 milliliters each.

Eliminates nausea, improves appetite, normalizes nervous processes, lemon balm tea. For this purpose, you need to pour 20 grams of herb with 400 milliliters of hot water and boil for three minutes over low heat. It is recommended to take the decoction no more than twice a day.

A decoction of St. John's wort has a good antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is also indicated for stomach neuroses due to its mild antidepressant effect.

For therapeutic purposes in gastroneurosis, tenacious bedstraw is used. The roots and leaves of the plant have an analgesic, antibacterial and sedative effect.

Angelica roots are also successfully used in the treatment of gastrointestinal neurosis due to its bactericidal and tonic effect.

Eyebright has a calming effect, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. For gastroneurosis, an infusion is prepared from the dried leaves of the plant. For this purpose, it is necessary to pour 30 grams of raw material with 750 milliliters of very hot water and let it brew for two hours. It is recommended to take the infusion every three to four hours, 100 milliliters.

Mint infusion or tea from the leaves of the plant has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Peppermint is famous for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

For painful sensations in the epigastrium, the use of flax seeds is indicated. They have an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to grind them to a powder before use. Add two tablespoons of flax powder to water and leave for about three hours. You should drink just before going to bed.

A collection of 50 grams of marshmallow root, cudweed herb and 100 grams of motherwort helps relieve symptoms of fullness and stomach tension. An infusion of this mixture eliminates pain. It is recommended to take before meals three times a day.

Lavender is indispensable if you need to get rid of a depressive mood and associated pain in the epigastric region, eliminate nausea and correct poor appetite. In addition, an infusion of this herb has a tonic and calming effect. To prepare a medicinal drug, you need to pour 200 milliliters of boiling water over one spoon of the crushed plant and leave for 10 minutes. It is recommended to drink this drink instead of tea. In case of severe fatigue or nervous overexcitation, you can add honey to taste and 50 milliliters of red wine to the infusion.

A decoction of a mixture of herbs consisting of fenugreek, flax seeds, lavender tops and marshmallow roots, taken in equal weight shares, has an analgesic and tonic effect. To prepare a healing potion, you need to boil three tablespoons of the pre-crushed mixture in 900 milliliters of water for six minutes. You should take at least four glasses of decoction per day.

For gastroneurosis, yarrow herb is widely used to alleviate clinical manifestations. A decoction of this plant quickly eliminates inflammation, normalizes the digestive process and improves appetite. In addition, the use of this plant is recommended for other forms of neurosis, as well as for hysteria. Two tablespoons of the dry plant must be filled with 500 milliliters of water, boiled for about one minute over low heat and allowed to brew. The decoction should be consumed after meals.

For epigastric pain and “fractured” nerves, the use of a folk remedy consisting of 100 milliliters of aloe juice mixed with dry red wine and honey, taken in 200 milligrams each, is indicated. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and left in the refrigerator for ten days. It is recommended to consume one tablespoon twice a day for no more than four months.

An infusion of one gram of mountain dubrovnik stems, three grams of oak bark, and two grams of valerian and speedwell roots will also help relieve pain in the stomach and calm the nerves.

The duration of treatment of gastroneurosis using traditional methods is purely individual and depends on the symptoms, its severity and the causes of its occurrence.

While modern medicine is quite successfully fighting severe organic diseases, more and more people are beginning to suffer from neuropsychiatric disorders. This is all due to the intense rhythm of life, the pursuit of imposed values, stress, and the endless flow of information that surrounds us from all sides. Stomach neurosis is a common phenomenon, since it is the digestive system that is most sensitive to the psycho-emotional state. What is it, what are the symptoms of gastric neurosis, how to deal with it, what are the dangers of the disease and how not to confuse it with other diseases - all this is discussed in more detail in the article.

What is gastric neurosis?

Neurological indigestion is a series of physiological disorders of the organ that are caused by psychological factors.

Sometimes a breakdown in the digestive system occurs suddenly, after severe stress, shock, nervous shock and other similar reactions of the individual to certain circumstances. In other cases, the problem may increase gradually, when a person spends a long time in unconscious stress, depression, depressed or oppressed state, in fear, anxiety.

A somatic disorder can give all the signs of an organic disease and manifest itself in very real physical sensations, and of a completely different nature, from mild ailments to severe conditions. A person begins to suspect that he has certain illnesses, which only worsens his well-being.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines, the symptoms of which are extensive, is not so easily diagnosed. To exclude all pathological processes in the tissues of the body, the patient must undergo a thorough examination.

Despite the severity of the manifestations, nervous dyspepsia of the digestive system extremely rarely leads to serious consequences, but it can significantly poison the quality of life.

Why does my stomach hurt when the cause is nerves?

All our organs are permeated with nerve endings connected to each other. The stomach is most predisposed to react to the psycho-emotional state of its “owner”. The stress experienced by a person is transmitted by nerve impulses from the brain throughout the body, and in some organs disruptions in coordinated functioning occur.

The disturbing irritating signals coming from the center have a destructive effect on the digestive system, and it literally fails.

The most common causes of gastrointestinal neurosis

According to statistics, Esophageal neurosis affects women more often than men. People aged 20 to 40 years are at risk. Although there are many cases where psychosomatic dyspepsia was observed in children, adolescents and very young people.

The causes of the disease include the following:

Conflict situations at work and in the family. Increased anxiety, suspiciousness. Internal conflicts. Overexertion, lack of sleep. Psychological trauma, shock. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Tendency to hysteria and aggression. Frequently being in a bad mood. Apathy, depression, depression. Hypochondria. Previous illnesses, physical injuries. Fear of an upcoming event (flight, going to the dentist). Oversensitivity to bad news. Poor quality, unbalanced nutrition.

Special attention should be paid to eating neurosis in children. The child's psyche is also subject to negative influence from the outside. Severe fear, a tense family situation between parents, physical punishment of a child and other similar factors can provoke gastrointestinal upset.

Moreover, children are much more sensitive than adults, so their nervous system is very fragile. If a baby often diarrhea for no apparent reason, eats very poorly and complains of abdominal pain, sometimes it is enough to surround him with love and care for his intestinal function to improve.

Symptoms and treatment of gastric neurosis

The symptoms of dyspepsia are very diverse and are rarely expressed only in the destructive functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Typically, a person suffering from a psychosomatic illness experiences general malaise in addition to pronounced gastric upset.

Neurosis differs from organic diseases in that treatment with medications gives poor results. The explanation for this is simple - medications only suppress the symptoms for a while, while the true cause remains unresolved.

This is why some people start taking antispasmodics, carminatives, enzyme preparations, and do not feel obvious improvements. The lack of results and relief leads to thoughts that the disease is more severe than it seemed, which only worsens the condition, developing hypochondria. A vicious circle occurs.

Let's look at the main symptoms of the disease.

Stomach neurosis: symptoms

Symptoms of esophageal neurosis:

Lump in throat. Feeling of difficulty passing food. Compression in the neck and chest. Weakness, malaise, lethargy. Low temperature (within 37.5). Headache. Increased sweating. Constantly cold palms and feet. Muscle weakness, trembling. Frequent urination. Drowsiness, fatigue during the day and poor sleep at night. Low performance.

What is the danger of a digestive system disorder due to neurosis?

As mentioned above, neurosis rarely leads to serious consequences and pathological changes in the organs of the digestive system and the body as a whole. But if the condition is too long and the patient hesitates to seek help, then it is likely that gastritis, dysbiosis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and even ulcers will develop.

The fact is that against the background of neuropsychological stress, immunity decreases. Harmful bacteria begin to actively multiply in the intestines, and they provoke very real organic disorders. Due to tension, the bile ducts spasm, which leads to cholecystitis.

Stomach neurosis: treatment

Three specialists can participate in the treatment of psychogenic dyspepsia: a gastroenterologist, a neurologist, and a psychotherapist. The main role here belongs to the psychotherapist, but in order to fully and quickly restore all functions of the body, it is sometimes necessary to eliminate some physiological disorders that were caused by neurosis. Before the patient receives a prescription, a series of diagnostic procedures must be completed.

Depending on what symptoms the patient experiences of gastrointestinal neurosis, he may be prescribed certain tests. Let's consider the main series of diagnostic tests that a person who observes signs of a digestive system disorder should undergo.

General blood test. General urine analysis. Blood test for biochemistry. Coprogram. Complex gastroenterological diagnostics.

Based on the research obtained and consultations with specialists, the patient is prescribed a number of restorative procedures, which may include various methods.

The doctor conducts sessions with the patient during which the true psychogenic causes of neurosis are searched, then they are worked through and eliminated. A person learns to look and react differently to situations that put pressure on him. If internal conflicts are detected, the doctor helps resolve this dispute.

Along with psychotherapy, the patient may be prescribed sedatives, antidepressants, and tranquilizers.

The drug Teraligen has proven itself very well for gastric neurosis, reviews of which are mostly positive. This medicine not only calms the nervous system, but also has antispasmodic properties. Also effective are: Paxil, Fluoxetine, Atarax, Phenibut, Citalopram.

Please note that all medications must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-use of medications can lead to serious consequences.

To eliminate the symptoms of gastrointestinal neurosis, treatment may include taking antispasmodics, analgesics, carminatives, choleretic, antidiarrheal or, conversely, anticonstipation drugs and other medications to improve bowel function. These medications are prescribed by a gastroenterologist. If organic diseases were discovered during the examination, then an appropriate treatment package is drawn up.

Physiotherapy can have a good effect as part of complex procedures. When experiencing negative emotions, the muscles of the body spasm, pinching the nerve endings. This leads to pain, malaise, weakness, and poor circulation.

Physiotherapy may include the following procedures:

Hydrotherapy (swimming, relaxing baths with herbs and salt, Charcot's shower) Massage aimed at relaxing muscles. Electrotherapy. Darsonvalization. Magnetic laser therapy. Ultraphonophoresis with drugs and sedatives. Exercise therapy.

Often, good results are obtained from treating gastric neurosis with folk remedies in combination with psychotherapy sessions.

The following herbal infusions may help relieve symptoms:

nervous system, normalizes sleep.

A person suffering from psychosomatic diseases is also recommended to reconsider his lifestyle: add more activity, switch to a healthy diet, and eliminate bad habits.

Evening walks, being in the fresh air, going out into nature - all this has a positive effect on the state of the psyche. Perhaps it is worth finding new hobbies, hobbies that will bring some joy to life.

Treatment methods for eating neurosis in children

As already mentioned, most often childhood neuroses occur due to an unfavorable situation among loved ones. In such cases, children undergo psychotherapy together with their parents, who are obliged to eliminate the factors that provoke stress in the child and create a favorable environment for his development.

To alleviate symptoms and restore intestinal microflora, a pediatric gastroenterologist may prescribe certain medications.

Esophageal neurosis: symptoms and treatment

There is another type of dyspepsia of a psychogenic nature, which affects the upper organs of the digestive system. Neurosis of the upper esophagus is a sphincter in the throat that spasms. A person begins to feel a lump in the throat, has difficulty swallowing food, experiences severe discomfort, sometimes chest pain, headaches, tension in the jaw, and difficulty breathing.

Sometimes the spasm is so strong that it is impossible to swallow even liquid food. Most often, a lump appears suddenly, from a strong psycho-emotional shock.

In critical cases, when the patient cannot eat for a long time, he needs urgent help - a dropper with a nutritious saline solution, otherwise the body will begin to lose strength.

If you discover esophageal neurosis, it is better not to delay the problem and immediately seek help from specialists, otherwise the situation may worsen to the point of inability to eat.

In general, neuroses respond well to therapy, and even in the most severe conditions, recovery can be achieved quickly. The speed and effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the patient himself, how willing he is to perceive information and actively work in tandem with a psychotherapist.

No matter how good and professional the specialist is, there are times when the patient does not at all perceive the assertion that all his physical ailments are caused by the psyche. He is closed and not ready to work with a psychiatrist, listen and change his lifestyle.

In this case, exclusively drug treatment can produce results, but, as a rule, the remission remains short-lived and after some time the problems return. Complete recovery of eating neurosis occurs when its cause is discovered, realized, processed and eliminated.

In order to prevent such an illness, it is important to take care of the state of the body and soul: allow yourself timely rest, engage in physical exercise, be outdoors, not take on other people’s problems, treat some situations more simply, have a positive outlook on life, smile more often and look for pleasant things. impressions, pamper yourself, learn to enjoy the little things, try to stay in the moment “here and now”, and not in the past or future.

Gastrointestinal neurosis is not scary, not deadly, but very unpleasant and sometimes painful. By listening better to yourself, to your true desires, you will protect yourself from many diseases.

Stomach neurosis - causes, symptoms, treatment

Stomach neurosis is a pathology caused by stress, poor nutrition, as well as intoxication with nicotine, alcohol, mental and physical stress. Each human organ has its own nerve endings, so neurosis can develop in any system of the body. With a neurotic gastric condition, dyspepsia is observed. Women aged 20 to 40 are most susceptible to this condition. Symptoms are severe and significantly reduce the quality of life. What to do with neurosis? How dangerous is he?

Gastric neurosis can be triggered by psychological and physiological factors. In medicine, the following psychological reasons are distinguished:

It is believed that every child is predisposed to neurosis. The main reasons include:

Often, gastric neurosis develops due to bad habits, food poisoning, and subsequently poor nutrition. Neurotic stomach disorders occur against the background of hypochondria, when a person is overly concerned about his health.

Gastric neurosis manifests itself in different ways. The patient may experience nervous vomiting, which occurs immediately after eating, without nausea. Also, the disease develops aerophagia - belching, which is a consequence of the fact that a person swallows a large amount of air.

With the hysterical type of neurosis, belching is accompanied by shouts and a loud sound. Symptoms are caused by involuntary swallowing of air. In some cases, gastrocardial syndrome occurs with aerophagia.

A number of general signs characteristic of neurosis can be identified:

  • The stomach hurts, there is an unpleasant burning sensation inside the stomach.
  • My stomach growls and I feel heaviness.
  • The stool is disturbed - constipation and diarrhea are bothersome.
  • There is a feeling of a full stomach.

Gastric neurosis often resembles various diseases, so you cannot do without medical help. For example, aerophagia may indicate not only neurosis, but also gastritis. Therefore, you should not make a diagnosis yourself; it is best to undergo a full examination.

In order to learn about the mental causes of stomach diseases, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

Absence of a pathological process in the reproductive organs. Variable symptoms. Dependence of symptoms on various factors. For example, pain can often appear after stress. Vegetative symptoms. Medications do not help with stomach pain.

Symptoms manifest themselves on an emotional level:

Depression. Anxious fear. Sleep is disturbed. Neglect of personal hygiene. A feeling of hopelessness appears. A person is constantly sad.

At the first stage of the development of the disease, neurosis is not the cause of serious pathologies. Here it is important to get rid of unpleasant psychological stress and normalize the functioning of the stomach. The doctor prescribes complex therapy, which includes:

To restore your psychological state, you need to take sedatives and visit a psychologist. It is very important not to self-medicate and take medications only after a doctor’s prescription.

In addition, it is very important to normalize the digestive process and also adhere to a diet. The nutritionist specially draws up a menu, paying attention to the patient’s condition.

Particularly effective are medications that normalize the functioning of the endocrine system. To improve the functioning of the esophagus, you need to drink non-carbonated mineral water and special pharmacy juices, this way you can get rid of increased sensitivity of the stomach.

One of the effective methods of treatment is physiotherapeutic procedures:

Baths with sea salt. Massage. Hydrotherapy. Baths with herbal infusions.

With the help of procedures, you can normalize the psychological state and increase the effect of therapy. In addition, experts advise walking outside every day; it will be useful to visit a sanatorium.

Additionally, it is necessary to take vitamins; with their help, you can normalize body functions and improve metabolism. The most commonly prescribed vitamins are B and C.

In order to select effective therapy, the psychotherapist determines the cause of gastric neurosis. If the disease develops due to overwork, therapy is carried out to restore the energetic abilities of the nervous system. It is also necessary to improve blood circulation and enrich the body with vitamins. In this way, you can restore efficiency and get rid of insomnia.

To get rid of disturbing, obsessive thoughts, thought control techniques and relaxation are used. It is not recommended to take tranquilizers or antidepressants; this will only further complicate the disease.

One of the useful and effective methods is soothing tea; oregano is used to prepare it. The medicinal plant not only relieves nervous tension, it has an analgesic and bactericidal effect. Preparing the drink is quite simple: take a dry plant (6 tablespoons) + boiling water (liter). You should drink half a glass of tea three times a day. In addition to oregano, you can use hawthorn, valerian, and motherwort. All herbs are finely chopped, mixed, and then poured with boiling water.

To get rid of nausea, as well as to improve appetite and normalize the nervous system, lemon balm tea is used. Preparing the drink is quite simple: take hot water + herbs (20 grams).

Thus, gastric neurosis is an unpleasant illness that cannot be ignored.

Symptoms and treatment of gastric neurosis

Gastric neurosis is a neurological disorder and manifests itself against a background of nervous exhaustion, VSD or severe stress. The disease is accompanied by a number of symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction.

Gastric neurosis is more common as one of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. VSD is accompanied by disruption of the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system, and therefore can manifest itself in different ways, including as gastrointestinal neurosis.

Often, intestinal neurosis first appears after suffering stress. In this case, symptoms of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract are the body’s response to a stressful condition. Stress is a strong test for the body. Its consequences can affect the functions of any organ, including the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, the following pathologies and conditions can be the psychoneurological causes of the disease:

autonomic dysfunction; stress; emotional or physical stress; lack of vitamins and microelements in the diet.

All these reasons are closely related to each other and it often happens that one turns into another. Thus, an unbalanced diet leads to a lack of vitamins, which negatively affects the nervous system. The patient's condition is aggravated by stress, which, in turn, leads to the development of neurosis.

Intestinal neurosis is characterized by the following gastroenterological signs:

heartburn; feeling of heaviness; increased flatulence; belching; spasms; stitching pain in stomach; nausea and vomiting; bloating and colic.

Symptoms are closely related to the patient’s psycho-emotional state and are aggravated at times of emotional stress.

Unlike gastroenterological diseases, gastric neurosis manifests itself atypically. The patient may feel empty in the stomach and hungry immediately after a heavy lunch, or complain of bloating in the morning.

The patient's appetite often suffers. The feeling of hunger disappears completely after two pieces of food, or the patient is tormented by nausea at the sight of food.

In addition to pain and discomfort in the stomach, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

apathy; feeling of anxiety; emotional stress; obsession with food; depression; sleep disorders.

These symptoms are fundamental to making a diagnosis. With intestinal neurosis, the symptoms repeat those of gastroenterological disorders, so before starting treatment, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Diagnosis of pathology

For gastric neurosis, treatment is determined by the doctor after a detailed examination of the patient and identification of symptoms. For any disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, you must visit a gastroenterologist. The doctor will conduct all the necessary examinations and, if organic pathologies and gastrointestinal diseases are not detected, will refer you to a neurologist or psychiatrist.

The diagnosis is made based on the presence of other somatic symptoms and autonomic disorders.

One of the main features and dangers of the pathology is that patients do not pay due attention to alarming symptoms and often self-medicate instead of consulting a doctor.

The symptoms are not organic, but psychological, so activated carbon, drugs for poisoning or heartburn will not have the necessary therapeutic effect. While the patient independently tries to get rid of digestive problems, the nervous system suffers even more, so over time the symptoms only get worse.

For gastric neurosis, treatment includes:

psychotherapist consultations; taking special medications; normalization of the daily routine; restorative methods of therapy; folk remedies.

Gastrointestinal neuroses are associated with disruption of the nervous system, so treatment should be aimed at relieving stress and strengthening the nervous system. For this purpose, special drugs are used - antidepressants, tranquilizers or other drugs recommended by a doctor. Medicines should be selected by a neurologist or psychiatrist depending on the degree of impairment in a particular patient. Such drugs are sold only with a prescription, and self-medication can lead to negative consequences. Intestinal neurosis responds well to treatment in a psychotherapist's office.

It is necessary to treat the disease by normalizing the daily routine. It is important to learn to get enough rest and normalize your own sleep. For sleep problems, sedatives and folk remedies based on medicinal herbs may be indicated.

When choosing drug treatment, it is important to remember that an irritated stomach can respond negatively to medications, so in some cases the problem should be treated with the help of a psychotherapist rather than medications.

An important stage of treatment is general strengthening measures - increasing immunity, contrast showers, taking vitamins, a balanced diet and normalizing the work schedule. All this helps improve the functioning of the nervous system and helps overcome stress.

How to get rid of the problem

Many patients manage to get rid of the problem on their own, without the use of medications. To do this, you need to get rid of stress, normalize sleep and ensure proper rest for the nervous system. This can be done well with the help of sanatorium-resort treatment.

If it is not possible to take a vacation and relax, the following measures are recommended to relieve stress:

daily walks before bed; contrast shower; balanced diet; no processing.

It is important to normalize your work schedule so as to avoid overtime and night shifts during treatment. To get rid of stress, you need healthy sleep of at least eight hours. Since patients with neurosis often report problems with sleep, walking in the evenings and taking natural soothing decoctions based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, mint, lemon balm) before bed are recommended.

If the disease is accompanied by symptoms of autonomic dysfunction, a good effect is achieved by regularly taking a contrast shower.

With neuroses of the intestines and stomach, patients often refuse food due to nausea and lack of appetite. At this time, it is necessary to eat right - give preference to light and healthy foods, eat little but often. It is recommended to eat small meals every three hours. The menu should give preference to fermented milk products and cereals.

The only preventive measure for such disorders is the absence of stress. To do this, you need to normalize your daily routine, get rid of insomnia and not get nervous over trifles.

Neurosis Treatment of neurosis in children and adults

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines

Neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a functional disorder of the intestines and stomach, which leads to viscero-vegetative disorders, but without organic changes in the intestines and stomach

Characteristic of gastrointestinal neurosis is motor and endocrine destruction of the functions of the intestines and stomach, but neurosis does not include disturbances and disorders of the stomach and intestines as a consequence of diseases of the organs and systems.

Neurosis manifests itself in the form of functional disorders of the intestines and stomach. This disease often occurs among young people and middle-aged people. The manifestations of this disease can be quite varied and depend on the form of a person’s response and the degree of resistance to external irritations.

In the initial stage, the disease does not have an acute form, but is recurrent and chronic. Also, along with this disease there may be other disorders. For example: palpitations, tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, insomnia, distraction, facial flushing, irritability, forgetfulness, sweating, headache and increased urination.

External influences, difficult experiences, personal conflicts, and sexual experiences are of no small importance in the development of disorders.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to minimize personal conflicts and eliminate negative emotions, conduct physical education, tourism and sports.

Often the symptoms of indigestion are not paid enough attention to and are treated by taking painkillers.

The cause of gastric neurosis can become a stressful situation, mental trauma, mental stress, unhealthy diet. The most obvious symptoms of gastric neurosis are burning, cramping pain in the stomach. Very strong coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes can lead to this. The stomach may feel full or, conversely, empty. Pain can migrate throughout the abdomen, and can also have a clear location (under the ribs, in the pit of the stomach). Gastric neurosis can also have symptoms similar to those of gastritis. May be accompanied by belching, nausea, bloating, loss of appetite, and a coated tongue.

Very often there may be a urge to defecate and stabbing pain.

Nervous bowel manifests itself in the form of a sharp urge to lower down during excitement, loose stools, rumbling in the stomach may occur, and small colic may also appear. Usually, nothing pathological is found during bowel movements. Both diarrhea and constipation occur.

Treatment of intestinal and stomach neurosis

Treatment should be carried out only according to the instructions of the attending physician; the nature of his condition is explained to the patient. It is important to explain the condition, provide the results of tests and medical examinations, emphasizing that there are no organic changes in the gastrointestinal tract, thus explaining the causes and nature of the disease, the frivolity of the consequences to alleviate the experience and emotional state. The patient must believe in the success of the cure.

Instead of the pastel regime, patients can be involved in moderate work, but in compliance with the normal rhythm of life, be sure to rest, and carry out special physical exercises that will improve their physical condition and restore the functions of the nervous system.

It is also important, first of all, to limit emotional and physical stress, and eliminate the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. A diet is prescribed.

The patient's nervous activity must be thoroughly studied.

The goal of drug treatment is to regulate nerve function and improve sleep, relax spasms, and relieve pain. Sedatives are prescribed. If the patient has symptoms of depression, an anti-depressive medication is prescribed.

To reduce spasms and pain, anticholinergic drugs are prescribed, which weaken the muscles.

One of the symptoms of the disease is neurotic vomiting. Vitamin B 6 is prescribed. In especially severe cases, the patient should be fed highly nutritious liquid food, which is administered through a gastric tube.

If intestinal neurosis is accompanied by constipation, then a lubricant and mucous substances from plants are taken.

Folk remedies for treating stomach diseases due to neurosis

Enemas with chamomile decoction have a beneficial effect on the stomach. It is recommended to take warm baths with decoctions of medicinal plants and infusions, which mainly have sedative properties. I can take soothing infusions and decoctions orally (for example, oregano, valerian, motherwort).

Tinctures can be prepared at home

It is important to follow a strict diet for gastrointestinal neurosis. For example, on the first day it is recommended to drink water with lemon or apple juice, which is diluted half with water. On the second day, you can eat rice water and drink rosehip tincture. On the third day, you can begin to switch to regular food.

For any gastrointestinal disease, the body must receive all the necessary vitamins and mineral salts. It is also recommended to drink vegetable and berry juices, rosehip infusion (but without sugar).

Gastrointestinal neurosis can be successfully treated and does not lead to complications or tumor formation.

Stomach neurosis: symptoms, factors of occurrence and methods of combating the disease

In the modern world, a person is constantly exposed to information and emotional overload, so the risk of experiencing symptoms of gastric neurosis haunts everyone. The very name of this pathological condition – “nervous stomach” – seems absurd, because nervous diseases are usually associated with headaches, mental disorders, or, at worst, nervous tics. In this article we will tell you why this condition can pose a real threat to health, where it comes from, and most importantly, how to identify it in time and when to start treatment.

What is gastric neurosis

Despite the fact that the term “gastric neurosis” is commonly used, it would be more correct to talk about gastrointestinal neurosis, because This pathological condition rarely involves only the stomach; more often the intestines also suffer. There is nothing strange in the fact that the word “neurosis” is used in relation to the digestive organs, because Almost all tissues of our body are penetrated by nerve endings and, one way or another, have a connection with the nervous system.

By gastrointestinal neurosis, modern medicine means a disorder of the digestive process, which occurs as a result of a violation of nervous regulation. Women aged 20 to 40 years are most predisposed to the appearance of this disorder, but other categories of patients are also susceptible to the disease.

Treatment of gastric neurosis should begin with identifying the causes of the disease. Scientists divide all probable causes of pathology into 2 large groups: physiological and psychological factors. The first group includes “mechanical” disorders of the nervous system: impaired conduction of impulses or their redundancy, some other disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Psychological (more precisely, psychogenic) factors include many probable causes:

  • clinical or subclinical depression;
  • pronounced hysterical, neurasthenic or psychasthenic neurosis;
  • experienced emotional, physiological or informational stress;
  • internal or interpersonal conflict;
  • prolonged lack of sleep or other vital needs;
  • exacerbation of character traits, up to mental pathology.

Psychologists who support the theory of somatization of internal experiences insist that neurosis of the intestines and stomach is the result of unresolved internal conflict, often an increased sense of responsibility for others. According to these experts, patients with this disease will not benefit from drug treatment, which will only strengthen their confidence in their own illness. Problems of a psychosomatic nature are usually solved using various psychological techniques.

However, we should not forget that there are also purely physiological reasons for this condition, and by its external manifestations it can easily be confused with other serious pathologies that require prompt medical intervention. Therefore, a visit to a gastroenterologist and further examination are mandatory.

Symptoms of gastric neurosis

Neurotic diseases, which include gastrointestinal neurosis, have very diverse manifestations, which is why they are sometimes so difficult to diagnose. One of the most obvious manifestations of the pathology is nervous vomiting - immediately after eating, the patient vomits it back, despite the fact that this was not preceded by nausea. Nervous vomiting is sometimes classified as a separate form of the disease.

Another symptom of neurosis of the stomach and intestines is aerophagia - unconscious swallowing of air (usually with food), after which the patient begins to have bouts of belching. In hysterical individuals, belching is usually accompanied by loud sounds or even shouting, which is a consequence of a subconscious desire to attract attention. In these cases, explanatory therapy, which explains to the patient the mechanism of development of this symptom and the possibility of suppressing it, is highly effective.

Neurasthenia often manifests itself through gastrointestinal neurosis and appetite disturbances. The most common signs of a nervous stomach are anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is a feeling of disgust for food, the very process of eating food, and can then result in substitute forms of behavior - an obsessive desire to cook, feed loved ones, with one’s own refusal to eat. Bulimia, on the contrary, is an uncontrollable desire to absorb food with a complete lack of feeling of satiety, even immediately after eating.

Appetite disorders also manifest themselves in other forms - for example, the patient may perceive the taste of foods distorted, resulting in an aversion to food. On the contrary, patients may develop an addiction to the absorption of inedible foods (for example, such people begin to eat soil).

With gastrointestinal neurosis, some specific sensations may appear. For example, a feeling of emptiness in the stomach or, on the contrary, a feeling of fullness. These symptoms are usually combined with bulimia or anorexia, respectively. In addition, pain of a very different nature may appear in the abdomen, both related and not related to food intake. The pain can spread beyond the abdominal area: to the groin, lower back, and resemble pain in the heart.

In some cases, the symptoms of gastric neurosis, and therefore treatment, may be extremely unobvious. The patient often experiences migraines, fluctuations in blood pressure, sleep disturbances, and heart-related symptoms: increased heart rate, pain and heaviness in the chest. This latent form of neurosis often occurs in people suffering from chronic diseases: obesity, vegetative-vascular dystonia, psychopathy.

Treatment of gastric neurosis

In addition, some of them can be life-threatening - for example, a perversion of taste can lead to food poisoning, because... a person will not be able to distinguish between stale foods, and anorexia nervosa can simply lead a person to exhaustion. In addition, regular cramps and indigestion increase the risk of developing peptic ulcers and stomach cancer.

Important! Despite the fact that gastrointestinal neurosis is of psychogenic origin, this does not mean that it should not be taken seriously and treated. First of all, the symptoms described above can manifest themselves quite clearly and thereby prevent the patient from living his usual life.

First of all, as soon as gastric symptoms are noticed, you should contact a gastroenterologist and undergo a full diagnosis. If during its course no pathologies were identified, and the symptoms continue to bother you, then the next step is to visit a neurologist, and only then a psychotherapist. The craze for psychology sometimes plays against patients, and dangerous diseases are attributed to “psychosomatics.”

After this, the main drugs for the treatment of gastrointestinal neurosis will be sedatives in combination with psychotherapeutic work. The specialist must identify the internal cause of the conflict, work through it together with the patient, after which the symptoms usually go away. This may take a long time, but ignoring psychotherapy can lead to a worsening of the mental state.

Thus, gastric neurosis is a complex pathological process with causes of various etiologies, which requires careful diagnosis and treatment with a psychotherapeutic specialist. Despite its psychogenic nature, neurosis can be life-threatening for the patient.

Gastric neurosis is a periodic disorder of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). This disease mainly affects people who have to endure frequent stress and emotional distress. The disease is not considered critical and is easily treated.

Causes of the disease

Stomach neurosis is a fairly common disease. About 87% of people have suffered from it at least once in their lives. It is often confused with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Causes of neurosis:

  • Hard work with nervous tension and stress.
  • Systematic, regular lack of sleep.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Fast and fast paced life.
  • Mental overstrain.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Consumption of low-quality products.
  • Viral diseases.
  • Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

Unfortunately, in the modern world people forget about peace and measured life, trying to be on time everywhere. Many people eat processed foods or food from cafes, often snacking on stale and low-quality products on the go. This usually results in health problems, including the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, gastric neurosis appears in women who have reached the age of 35 years. Doctors divide signs of the disease into two types:

  1. Intestinal neuroses.
  2. Painful attacks in the abdomen.

The presence of the disease can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • Constant feeling of hunger.
  • Food and its smell are disgusting.
  • Heartburn.
  • Nervous colic.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Problems with excretion of feces.
  • Severe headaches and migraines.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Dizziness.
  • Feeling of chest tightness.
  • Heart pain and rapid pulse.

The most common symptom is vomiting caused by nervousness (aerophagia). This happens because when a person swallows food, he also swallows air. After which the latter begins to circulate between the cardiac section in the stomach and the pharynx, and then comes out with a loud sound and a strong unpleasant odor, which provokes vomiting.

It is difficult not to notice the manifestations when gastric neurosis occurs. The symptoms of the disease are so pronounced that they sometimes cause a lot of inconvenience. People constantly experience discomfort.

Forms of gastric neuroses

Doctors will identify several forms of neurosis:

  1. The most common pathology is constant heartburn. It occurs spontaneously when there is no reason for it. It is difficult to relieve with medications and special diets.
  2. The aerographic form of neurosis is manifested by involuntary swallowing of air while eating and drinking. This causes a person to belch, which leaves an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and this can cause nausea and vomiting.
  3. Aneroxic form of neurosis is manifested by aversion to food. With it, a person cannot eat and almost completely refuses food. This form can be fatal if left untreated.

In some cases, the patient may experience ravenous hunger, in which the person uncontrollably absorbs food in large quantities. To prevent weight gain, patients are forced to deliberately induce vomiting. This disease is treated by a psychotherapist.

Diagnosis of the disease

Gastric neurosis, the symptoms and treatment of which are very similar to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, is difficult to diagnose independently. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will check for pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancer.

Diagnosis is carried out by gastroenterological examinations. They help to identify the root cause that provoked gastric neurosis. If the doctor does not find any disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, then a neurologist will treat the disease.

Stomach neurosis, the symptoms and treatment of which we discuss in our article, often occurs due to nervous disorders and stress, as a result of which its therapy is not carried out by a gastroenterologist.

Treatment of the disease

When diagnosed with gastric neurosis, treatment usually consists of vitamins, medications and the help of a psychologist. This allows you to approach the disease from all sides.

During therapy, the patient is prescribed a special diet, which is selected individually. It depends on the manifestations of the disease and the patient’s condition. The doctor also prescribes sedatives, which enhance the effect of working with a psychologist.

It is important to remember that treating this disease yourself is very dangerous. If you use medications not prescribed by a doctor, this will provoke the appearance of other diseases and cause serious consequences.

To treat this disease, drugs are prescribed that have a positive effect on the endocrine system, normalizing its functioning.

Physiotherapeutic procedures improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize the patient’s mental state. Additional treatment measures include massage, water therapy with soothing herbs and sea salt.

Also, for a speedy recovery, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, walk, play sports and eat right. By consuming vitamins B and C, you will help relax your nervous system. It would also be a good idea to relax in sanatoriums, away from noisy cities.

This therapy will help you quickly overcome the disease and improve your health. It should be noted that neurosis of the stomach and intestines is treated according to the same principle.

Nutrition during neurosis

Proper nutrition and a special diet play a big role in the treatment of the disease. It helps a person avoid nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms until complete recovery. The basic rules are:

  • Chewing food thoroughly.
  • Swallowing should be done in small portions.
  • Eat often (5-6 times a day), but in small portions.
  • Do not eat fatty, fried or smoked foods.
  • Avoid spicy and salty foods.
  • Cooking dishes should be steamed, baked or boiled.

These are the basic rules of the diet; your doctor will tell you more about it.

Folk remedies

If neurosis of the stomach and intestines develops, the symptoms can be relieved with the help of traditional medicine:

  1. For treatment, you can drink soothing herbal teas made from oregano. They not only have a calming effect, but also an analgesic effect.
  2. Oregano is also good to combine with valerian, hawthorn and motherwort. This collection quickly calms you down and gives you a good, sound sleep.
  3. Melissa helps relieve nausea and vomiting, and will also help calm the nervous system.
  4. Decoctions and tinctures of St. John's wort have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. This helps calm the stomach and intestinal tract.
  5. Bedstraw roots and grass are used as an antibacterial, analgesic and sedative.

These simple recipes will help you overcome the disease, but such treatment can only be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Rehabilitation period

After treatment it is necessary to undergo a rehabilitation course. During it, you should follow the recommendations of a specialist, eat right and avoid physical activity. Avoid stress, nervous tension and fully devote your time to your favorite activities. Try All these simple techniques will help prevent hysterical neurosis of the stomach in the future.

Stomach neuroses in any form cause a person a lot of inconvenience. Because of them, appetite is disrupted, pain in the stomach, heartburn and other discomfort appear. Correct and timely treatment will help you defeat the disease and prevent its recurrence.

  • insomnia;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stomach diseases;
  • alcoholism, smoking;

How to recognize?

What forms are there?

  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • flatulence;
  • change in taste sensations;
  • nervousness;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • heaviness in the chest;
  • increased heart rate;


  • take a general urine test;
  • coprogram;
  • antispasmodics;
  • analgesics;
  • carminatives;
  • bacterial preparations.

When treating this disease, it is very important to follow a diet and establish a diet. The patient should eat small portions of food 5 to 6 times a day. In this case, food must be chewed thoroughly. You should not swallow large pieces of food, because with neurosis the sensitivity of the digestive system changes and thus you can injure yourself without even realizing it.

  • relaxing massage.
  1. Smoking, drinking alcohol.
  2. Drink drinks containing L-carnitine. It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and thereby only worsens the course of the disease.

Folk remedies


  1. Get rid of bad habits.

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The stomach is a hollow muscular organ located between the esophagus and the duodenum, in which partial digestion of food occurs. Gastric neurosis is a dysfunction of the organ that occurs due to various physiological and psychological factors. Most often, this pathology occurs in middle-aged women, because the fair sex is naturally the most sensitive to various stressful situations.


Many people experience symptoms of stomach and intestinal neurosis, but they do not even suspect that they have this particular disease.

Often, when unpleasant sensations arise, people simply believe that they have eaten unsuitable food. But in a person’s life, various stressful situations and psychological traumas can arise that negatively affect the brain and nervous system. Consequently, the functioning of the stomach is disrupted, because it is the brain and nervous system that control its functioning.

Main causes:

  • stressful situations, nervous strain, psychological trauma;
  • insomnia;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stomach diseases;
  • poisoning with poor quality food or chemicals;
  • diseases of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • alcoholism, smoking;
  • drinking insufficient amounts of fluid.

How to recognize?

When visiting a doctor, the patient complains of pain in the abdomen and other unpleasant sensations that are characteristic of most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The therapist or gastroenterologist prescribes certain examinations.

The results of these examinations refute the presence of gastrointestinal diseases. Then the patient is sent to a neurologist and psychologist. They tell him what neurosis of the stomach and intestines is, describe their symptoms, then he undergoes tests to determine his psychological and mental state. Based on the patient’s complaints and the results of these tests, doctors make a conclusion about the presence of this disease.

What forms are there?

There are several common forms of gastric neurosis:

  1. Neurosis with severe heartburn, which cannot be relieved with medications.
  2. Anorexic. This form is very dangerous, as it can lead to severe exhaustion and even death.
  3. Bulimic. The patient experiences severe hunger, eats with great appetite, but vomits immediately after eating. It can appear spontaneously, or a person causes it intentionally.
  4. Aerophagia. The patient swallows a large amount of air, which causes bloating and belching.
  5. Neurosis with low acidity in the stomach. Due to a lack of acid, food is poorly digested, causing pain, decreased appetite, and constipation.
  6. Irritable bowel syndrome. The patient develops abdominal pain and diarrhea, and gas formation increases.


The following symptoms are characteristic of neurosis of the stomach and intestines:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • the appearance of white plaque in the mouth;
  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • flatulence;
  • change in taste sensations;
  • nervousness;
  • lack of appetite or increased appetite;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • heaviness in the chest;
  • increased heart rate;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

All of the above symptoms occur not only with neurosis, but also with other diseases of the digestive system. To find out what disease caused them, you need to visit a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary examinations and make a diagnosis.


To make an accurate diagnosis, specialists must make sure that the patient does not have diseases of the intestines and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract that have similar symptoms. To do this, the patient needs:

  • take a general urine test;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • coprogram;
  • undergo a gastroenterological examination.

If all test results are normal, then the patient is referred to a neurologist and psychotherapist. All these stages are necessary in order to prescribe the necessary treatment to a person in a timely manner. After all, if the diagnosis is made incorrectly, the treatment will be ineffective, which will only worsen the situation.


When treating gastric neurosis, it is necessary to influence not only this organ, but also the nervous system.

The patient is prescribed medication, physiotherapy and psychotherapy sessions.

During sessions, the psychotherapist looks for the true psychogenic cause of neurosis and eliminates it. The doctor teaches the patient to react differently to stressful situations and explains how to properly relieve nervous tension. The patient may be prescribed a course of sedatives and antidepressants.

In case of gastric neurosis, to eliminate its manifestations, the gastroenterologist prescribes conservative treatment. The patient must take:

  • antispasmodics;
  • analgesics;
  • carminatives;
  • medications to relieve diarrhea or constipation;
  • bacterial preparations.

When treating this disease, it is very important to follow a diet and establish a diet. The patient should eat small portions of food 5-6 times a day. In this case, food must be chewed thoroughly. You should not swallow large pieces of food, because with neurosis the sensitivity of the digestive system changes and thus you can injure yourself without even realizing it.

Vegetables, fruits, and dried fruits will help normalize the functioning of the digestive system. It is necessary to remove fatty, smoked, spicy and salty foods from the diet. Food for the sick is prepared only by steaming.

As an auxiliary therapy, the patient will be prescribed a course of vitamins B and C to improve metabolism and normalize the general condition of the body.

Doctors also prescribe the following physiotherapeutic procedures to the patient:

  • swimming, relaxing herbal baths;
  • therapeutic and physical training complex of exercises;
  • relaxing massage.

These procedures not only have a relaxing effect on the muscles, but also calm the nervous system, which has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition.

If you have this disease, patients are prohibited from:

  1. Smoking, drinking alcohol.
  2. Drink drinks containing L-carnitine. It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and thereby only worsens the course of the disease.
  3. If the patient’s work activity involves the use of chemicals, then it is advisable to change jobs.

Folk remedies

To eliminate the symptoms of neurosis of the stomach and intestines, it is recommended to use soothing teas, herbs and relaxing baths. Here are some of the most common recipes:

  1. Pour 6 tablespoons of oregano into a liter of boiling water and let it brew for at least two hours. Drink 150 ml of the resulting tea four times a day.
  2. 20 grams of lemon balm leaves are poured into two glasses of water and boiled for about three minutes. Drink one glass of this tea twice a day.
  3. St. John's wort is widely known as an anti-inflammatory agent. Take a tablespoon of this herb and pour a glass of boiling water. Place on low heat for 10 minutes. The finished product is divided into four servings and drunk throughout the day.
  4. Angelica roots have bactericidal and tonic properties. 5 grams of crushed root should be poured into a glass of water, boiled over low heat and allowed to brew for at least four hours. The resulting decoction is filtered and drunk a tablespoon every four hours.
  5. Eyebright has a calming effect on the nervous system. You need to take 30 grams of herb, pour three glasses of hot water, leave for two hours and strain. Drink half a glass every three hours.
  6. Mint is good for coping with nervous tension and insomnia. A tablespoon of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew. Drink every evening before bed.
  7. Lavender is widely known as an antidepressant. A spoonful of this plant is brewed with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for at least 10 minutes. Drink during the day instead of tea.
  8. Yarrow can quickly relieve inflammation and improve appetite. Take half a liter of water, add two tablespoons of this plant, boil over low heat for no more than a minute and leave for 30 minutes. Drink the decoction every time after eating.
  9. Dry grass, marshmallow and motherwort will help relieve tension, get rid of pain and a feeling of a full stomach. You need to take 50 grams of dried cucumber and marshmallow and 100 grams of motherwort. Next, two tablespoons of the resulting mixture of herbs must be poured with boiling water and left to infuse. The infusion should be divided into three servings and drunk throughout the day 30 minutes before meals.


The likelihood of this disease occurring can be reduced by following preventive measures:

  1. Spend more time outdoors.
  2. Get rid of bad habits.
  3. It is necessary to avoid stress, but if this cannot be done, then you need to get rid of its consequences in a timely manner.
  4. You shouldn’t accumulate emotions inside yourself; you need to give them free rein from time to time. To do this, sometimes it is useful to simply speak out to someone, talk about your experiences.
  5. You should establish a daily routine. It is advisable to wake up and go to bed at the same time. In this case, the duration of sleep should be at least eight hours a day.
  6. You need to learn to calmly react to various irritating factors and learn how to relax correctly. To do this, you can start doing yoga, listen to soothing music more often, and do handicrafts.

Stomach neurosis does not pose a threat to a person’s life, but it signals the presence of negative changes in his psyche. Mental disorders have a negative impact on the entire body as a whole. If the cause of neurosis is diseases of the internal organs, then it is necessary to begin their treatment in a timely manner, otherwise they can become chronic and lead to irreversible complications.

Tract). This disease mainly affects people who have to endure frequent stress and emotional distress. The disease is not considered critical and is easily treated.

Causes of the disease

Stomach neurosis is a fairly common disease. About 87% of people have suffered from it at least once in their lives. It is often confused with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Causes of neurosis:

  • Hard work with nervous tension and stress.
  • Systematic, regular lack of sleep.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Fast and fast paced life.
  • Mental overstrain.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Consumption of low-quality products.
  • Viral diseases.
  • Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

Unfortunately, in the modern world people forget about peace and measured life, trying to be on time everywhere. Many people eat processed foods or food from cafes, often snacking on stale and low-quality products on the go. This usually results in health problems, including the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, gastric neurosis appears in women who have reached the age of 35 years. Doctors divide signs of the disease into two types:

  1. Intestinal neuroses.
  2. Painful attacks in the abdomen.

The presence of the disease can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • Constant feeling of hunger.
  • Food and its smell are disgusting.
  • Heartburn.
  • Nervous colic.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Problems with excretion of feces.
  • Severe headaches and migraines.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Dizziness.
  • Feeling of chest tightness.
  • Heart pain and rapid pulse.

The most common symptom is vomiting caused by nervousness (aerophagia). This happens because when a person swallows food, he also swallows air. After which the latter begins to circulate between the cardiac section in the stomach and the pharynx, and then comes out with a loud sound and a strong unpleasant odor, which provokes vomiting.

The manifestations are difficult not to notice when neurosis occurs and is so pronounced that it sometimes causes a lot of inconvenience. People constantly experience discomfort.

Forms of gastric neuroses

Doctors will identify several forms of neurosis:

  1. The most common pathology is constant heartburn. It occurs spontaneously when there is no reason for it. It is difficult to relieve with medications and special diets.
  2. The aerographic form of neurosis is manifested by involuntary swallowing of air while eating and drinking. This causes a person to belch, which leaves an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and this can cause nausea and vomiting.
  3. Aneroxic form of neurosis is manifested by aversion to food. With it, a person cannot eat and almost completely refuses food. This form can be fatal if left untreated.

In some cases, the patient may experience ravenous hunger, in which the person uncontrollably absorbs food in large quantities. To prevent weight gain, patients are forced to deliberately induce vomiting. This disease is treated by a psychotherapist.

Diagnosis of the disease

Gastric neurosis, the symptoms and treatment of which are very similar to other tracts, is difficult to diagnose independently. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will check for pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancer.

Diagnosis is carried out by gastroenterological examinations. They help to identify the root cause that provoked gastric neurosis. If the doctor does not find any disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, then a neurologist will treat the disease.

Stomach neurosis, the symptoms and treatment of which we discuss in our article, often occurs due to nervous disorders and stress, as a result of which its therapy is not carried out by a gastroenterologist.

Treatment of the disease

When diagnosed with gastric neurosis, treatment usually consists of vitamins, medications and the help of a psychologist. This allows you to approach the disease from all sides.

During therapy, the patient is prescribed a special diet, which is selected individually. It depends on the manifestations of the disease and the patient’s condition. The doctor also prescribes sedatives, which enhance the effect of working with a psychologist.

It is important to remember that treating this disease yourself is very dangerous. If you use medications not prescribed by a doctor, this will provoke the appearance of other diseases and cause serious consequences.

To treat this disease, drugs are prescribed that have a positive effect on the endocrine system, normalizing its functioning.

Physiotherapeutic procedures improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize the patient’s mental state. Additional treatment measures include massage, water therapy with soothing herbs and sea salt.

Also, for a speedy recovery, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, walk, play sports and eat right. By consuming vitamins B and C, you will help relax your nervous system. It would also be a good idea to relax in sanatoriums, away from noisy cities.

This therapy will help you quickly overcome the disease and improve your health. It should be noted that neurosis of the stomach and intestines is treated according to the same principle.

Nutrition during neurosis

Proper nutrition and a special diet play a big role in the treatment of the disease. It helps a person avoid other unpleasant symptoms until complete recovery. The basic rules are:

  • Chewing food thoroughly.
  • Swallowing should be done in small portions.
  • Eat often (5-6 times a day), but in small portions.
  • Do not eat fatty, fried or smoked foods.
  • Avoid spicy and salty foods.
  • Cooking dishes should be steamed, baked or boiled.

These are the basic rules of the diet; your doctor will tell you more about it.

Folk remedies

If neurosis develops, the symptoms can be relieved with the help of traditional medicine:

  1. For treatment, you can drink soothing herbal teas made from oregano. They not only have a calming effect, but also an analgesic effect.
  2. Oregano is also good to combine with valerian, hawthorn and motherwort. This collection quickly calms you down and gives you a good, sound sleep.
  3. Melissa helps relieve nausea and vomiting, and will also help calm the nervous system.
  4. Decoctions and tinctures of St. John's wort have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. This helps calm the stomach and intestinal tract.
  5. Bedstraw roots and grass are used as an antibacterial, analgesic and sedative.

These simple recipes will help you overcome the disease, but such treatment can only be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Rehabilitation period

After treatment it is necessary to undergo a rehabilitation course. During it, you should follow the recommendations of a specialist, eat right and avoid physical activity. Avoid stress, nervous tension and fully devote your time to your favorite activities. Try to get rid of bad habits. All these simple techniques will help prevent stomach problems in the future.

Stomach neuroses in any form cause a person a lot of inconvenience. Because of them, appetite is disrupted, pain in the stomach, heartburn and other discomfort appear. Correct and timely treatment will help you defeat the disease and prevent its recurrence.