The value of communication for the development of society and man. The problem of communication of modern man

Communication is a complex process of establishing contacts between individuals and entire groups. Without communication, human society simply will not exist. From the very appearance of the first man, it has become the cause and guarantee of the emergence of society and civilization. Modern people cannot do without communication in any area of ​​their lives and activities, regardless of whether a person loves loneliness or company, whether he is an extrovert or an introvert. Let's try together to find the reasons for such a unique phenomenon as sociability, and answer the question of why a person needs communication.

The role of communication in human life

The answer to the question of why a person needs communication is brought to us by the history of primitive society. It was from communication, which was carried out by the first people through gestures, that human speech developed, concepts and designations of objects appeared, and later writing. It was thanks to communication that society, human society, appeared, and peculiar rules of communication between people were established.

Why is communication needed?

A person's need for communication is determined by his natural life and constant presence in society, whether it be a family, a team of employees, a school or student class. If a person were deprived of the opportunity to communicate from birth, he would never be able to grow up as a social person, civilized and culturally developed, would resemble a person only externally.

This is proved by numerous cases of the so-called "Mowgli people", deprived of human communication in early childhood or immediately at birth. All body systems developed in such individuals quite normally, but the psyche was very delayed in development, or even completely stopped due to lack of experience in communicating with people. It is for this reason that we understand why a person needs to communicate with other people.

The art of communicating with people

It would seem that if communication is quite natural for all people, then each of us should contact freely and be able to do it. However, some sometimes have a fear of communicating with people or, in other words, social phobia. This fear usually occurs during adolescence, the most difficult in a person's life. If the first conscious entry into society is negative, then in the future a person will have problems in communicating with people.

Communication skills are acquired with age, and the most important thing here is to master this art. The most ancient commandments of communication can help with this:

  1. Communicating with a person, do it in the best way, in your opinion.
  2. Show respect for the person you are talking to.
  3. Trust whoever you're talking to.

With people we know, as a rule, we do not have any problems in communication, we know well how they react to certain words, remarks, news. But when talking with strangers, you should always do it on the positive side, not show any negativity, always be friendly. Speak with a smile, but try to keep your words and phrases appropriate. Look the person in the eye with a clear and friendly look, show sincere interest and attention to the interlocutor. If you can't get over yourself and do all of the above for one reason or another, it's best to just avoid contact with the person.

The role of communication in the development of the whole human society and the individual is enormous.

Communication is an unconditional companion of human history. In this sense, we can talk about the importance of communication in the phylogenesis of human society. It was communication in the process of joint work of primitive people that led to the emergence of consciousness and speech in them.

Let's not forget that it is in communication that all social relations are realized and reproduced. In other words, society functions and progresses through communication between individuals and social groups.

The role of communication in ontogeny cannot be overestimated; in the process of individual development of a person throughout his life. Communication is an unconditional companion of a person in everyday activities, in everyday contacts of people. Communication is a necessary condition for the formation of personality, its consciousness and self-awareness. It is in the course and thanks to various types and forms of communication that the inner world of the individual is formed.

The significance of communication in human development is revealed in the cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky, who showed that all higher mental functions of a person are initially formed as external, social, i.e. such, in the implementation of which not one, but at least two subjects participate. And only gradually do they become internal, psychological, they turn from interpsychic into intrapsychic. The development of the child is understood as the process of appropriation by children of the socio-historical experience accumulated by previous generations of mankind. Communication with elders for a small child is the only possible context in which he comprehends and "appropriates" social experience. That is why communication is the most important factor in the mental development of children.

There are 3 groups of facts that prove the decisive role of communication in the mental development of the child.

1. Studying children - Mowgli. Such children show a deep and irreversible underdevelopment: they do not develop speech, intellectual abilities, human feelings, self-consciousness. So, at the beginning of the twentieth century. Indian psychologist Reed Singh discovered two girls near the wolf den: about 8 and 1.5 years old. Singh took them away and tried to raise them. They ran on all fours, got scared and ran away from people, howled like wolves at night. The youngest, Amala, died a year later. The eldest - Kamala - lived to be 17 years old (she died of uremia). For 9 years, she was mostly weaned from wolf habits, but still, when she was in a hurry, she fell on all fours. Kamala essentially never mastered her speech - with great difficulty she learned to use only 40 words correctly.

2. The phenomenon of hospitalism. It was discovered during the first attempts (at the end of the last century) to establish out-of-family education of small children left without parents. This was typical for orphanages both in tsarist Russia and in Western countries. The phenomenon of hospitalism is expressed in mental and physical retardation: belated development of movements, walking, a sharp lag in mastering speech, emotional impoverishment, senseless movements of an obsessive nature (swinging the body, etc.). This also adds low rates of growth, body weight, rickets. French researchers described 33 children who were brought up in an orphanage from the age of 3 months. Child care was good, but there was a lack of necessary contact between the children and their caregivers. One third of children died in the first 2 years of life. 21 children survived. 5 of them did not know how to move and sit at all, 3 only sat without support, only 5 walked independently, 12 did not know how to eat from a spoon, 20 could dress themselves. The children had underdeveloped cognitive functions, 6 children did not speak at all. Specific neurotic reactions were observed in children: sadness, self-isolation, lethargy, loss of appetite, and insomnia. Back in the 20s. Soviet psychologists, pediatricians and physiologists began to look for ways to overcome hospitalism. It was found that separation from the mother does not fatally affect children's development. What is decisive here is not the connection with the mother, but the nature of communication. The phenomena of hospitalism can also arise in a family environment with indifferent to their children, little emotional "cold" mothers who do not pay the necessary attention to them, i.e. in the absence of communication. and in an orphanage, effective education of children is possible, but on the condition that the emotional contact of the child with the staff is established. The lag can be corrected by methods of a pedagogical, educational nature. True, it is not enough to eradicate hospitalism - you still need to constantly ensure that it does not reappear.

3. The impact of communication on the overall mental development of the child:

a) Communication can accelerate the development of children. Under the leadership of M.I. Lisina organized special communication sessions for babies 2-4 months old. It turned out that they, in comparison with their peers, not only intensify communication with adults (revival, joy, invocative vocalizations), but also more quickly develop attention and interest in the whole world around them during periods when an adult was no longer near the child;

b) communication allows children to overcome an unfavorable situation. It has been established that in orphanages the lag in the development of speech can be overcome if they are included in live communication with other people;

c) communication can correct the defects of incorrect upbringing, for example, mastering ways of communicating with strangers in the course of classes with 2-year-old children allows them to get rid of shyness, embarrassment, anxiety that occurs in the presence of new adults.

The problem of communication is one of the central ones in psychology precisely because of its crucial role in human life.

Communication is the main component of any relationship, from the first stages of human development to modernity. The most intimate, loving and romantic relationships are born through ordinary conversation. Yes, it is undeniable that all feelings at the beginning of a relationship are preceded by a first glance, an assessment of appearance and unconscious labeling, but this is nothing compared to communication. Some novice psychologists, attaching great importance to statistical data, give inappropriate advice on the norms of communication, on the time that should be given to a conversation, but how one can reason and give advice regarding uncontrolled processes that are inextricably linked with emotions.

Each person is inherent in the contrast of the information received from reality. Good cannot be appreciated without evil. Based on this, you should not give free rein to your internal assessment of the interlocutor. If a person is not sociable with you, this in no way indicates his constant isolation. We equally love loneliness and noisy companies, but everything has its time.

In the modern world(information age) communication available anywhere and anytime. Almost every person has a mobile phone, and modern mobile communication has no limits, except perhaps in the zone of the solar system. An incredible number of cellular operators and even more tariff plans allow you to keep in touch with loved ones. International cellular communication opens the horizons of communication with relatives on different continents, thousands and tens of thousands of kilometers away. Your every word is priceless for your parents, grandparents and all other people related to you by family ties, because love is multifaceted and knows no boundaries.

Communication is the central basic category and problem of psychological science and is considered by it comprehensively: as a need and condition of human life, as interaction and mutual influence, as a kind of exchange of relationships and empathy, as mutual knowledge and activity. Communication can be defined as the broadest category for all types of communicative, informational and other contacts of people, including simple forms of interaction such as presence.

The moral and psychological properties of people that characterize them as subjects of communication are already noted in the sayings of the ancient Chinese thinker Confucius and the ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and others, as well as in the statements of thinkers of subsequent historical eras.

So, Confucius (551-479 BC) drew attention to such moral qualities of a person that make him pleasant and useful in communication, as a sense of duty in relation to other people, respect for them, especially those older in age, compliance with the norms and rules of behavior established in society which helps to maintain order and harmony in society.

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (469-339 BC) substantiated the doctrine of moral standards and the moral consciousness of people as the main factor in their communication with each other.

Socrates' disciple Plato (427-347 BC) believed that communication between people should be built on the basis of such virtues as justice, prudence, piety, and observance of moral standards. He paid attention to the ways of conducting a conversation, reflected many subtleties of the dialogues of different interlocutors, showed the dependence of the direction of people's thinking on the nature and content of communication.

Many ideas of thinkers of past eras are directly related to the problem of interpersonal communication between people, including business communication. So one of the fundamental provisions of the theory of interpersonal communication indicates that various kinds of mental states of people are largely determined by the content of moral consciousness and, as it were, contain it. Therefore, the study of the psychology of business communication involves understanding from the position of today that theoretical heritage from the field of psychology, which can contribute to a deeper understanding of the problems related to it.

A lot for the psychology of interpersonal communication is given by the studies of the psychology of the masses by G. Lebon (1841-1931). Living in a society, a person is faced with the influence of the "crowd" and becomes a participant in mass gatherings. All this has a psychological impact on him, including as a subject of activity and communication with other people.

Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) created a “field theory”, which, in his opinion, should explain the relevant moments in the relationship of a person and the environment in which his life activity is carried out, as well as in the relationship of people with each other. The merits of K. Levin include a deep experimental study of the motivational side of people's behavior, the study of such problems as team leadership styles, types of conflicts, ways to resolve them, etc.

The psychoanalysis of S. Freud (1856-1939) and his followers had a significant impact on research in the field of personality psychology, its behavior and interpersonal communication. Freud came to the conclusion that human behavior is influenced not only by his rational thinking, but also by irrational manifestations of the psyche. We are talking about various kinds of psychological impulses and inclinations aimed at satisfying human instincts. Human drives under the influence of moral, religious and other restrictions and prohibitions are forced out into the unconscious. However, they "make themselves felt", continue to act without the knowledge of the person. Hence the problem of "unconscious urges" that affect people's behavior in a certain way. The analysis of these motives and, in general, the problems of the unconscious opens up a lot for understanding people's behavior, their interpersonal relationships and communication with each other.

The followers of Z. Freud, primarily A. Adler, K. Jung, K. Horney, E. Fromm, W. Reich, and some others substantiated the influence of not only psychophysiological, but also social factors on the formation and behavior of a person. So, A. Adler (1870-1937) studied the unconscious desire for power as the main motivation of people, manifested in their interpersonal relationships, family, social associations, etc. K. Jung (1875-1961) developed the concept of the "collective unconscious", influencing the relations of social groups.

Symbolic interactionism (T. Mead, A. Rose, T. Shibutani, etc.) takes the corresponding symbols or “meaningful actions” as initial acts of communication between people, which can be verbal and non-verbal means of communication (communication), including including facial expressions, visual contacts, voice intonation, gestures, other movements and actions. T. Sorbin, R. Linton, E. Hoffman and others reduce interpersonal communication of people to the realization of their social roles. This, in their opinion, determines the content and direction of communication of social subjects.

Domestic psychologists consider the category of communication within the framework of the activity approach and cultural-historical theory. S.L. Rubinstein (1889-1960) analyzed the role of people's activity and communication in the functioning of their psyche. The human psyche develops only in the process of interaction with society, in the process of his mental activity in the spiritual development of reality, the transfer of external objective activity into an internal, ideal plan (internalization).

A major role in the study of these problems belongs to L.S. Vygotsky (1896-1934). He developed a cultural-historical theory of the development of the psyche and believed that the functioning and development of the human psyche reflected two main plans for his activity and behavior: natural, associated with the satisfaction of his biological needs, and cultural, associated with various forms of his social activity and behavior.

Ideas S.L. Rubinstein and L.S. Vygotsky received their creative development in the works of A.N. Leontiev, G.M. Andreeva, A.R. Luria, B.G. Ananiev and others, where we are talking about understanding the images that arise in the process of people's perception of each other; their mental actions, in the process of which the transformation of external actions into internal ones takes place; motivation, expressed in people's motives, giving their actions "orientation, selectivity and swiftness", etc. all this is directly related to the psychology of business communication, like the concept of V.N. Myasishchev about "mental" or "psychological" relationships between people.

Psychological relations as a system of conscious selective connections of the individual with the objects of the external world follow "from the entire history of human development", express his personal experience and internally determine actions and experiences. As elements of psychological relations, the motives of people's activities, their will, needs, interests, goals, etc. are characterized.

Communication- the process of transmitting information, carried out with the help of signs, speech, symbols, involving people's understanding of each other.

Interaction- a specially organized process that proceeds in accordance with certain rules and norms (the simplest example is a handshake).

The analysis of communication as an interaction presents significant difficulties. In general, the separation of the three sides of communication - perception, communication and interaction is possible only as a method of analysis: with all diligence, it is impossible to single out "pure" communication, without perception and interaction, or "pure" perception.

Communication- this is a form of activity carried out between people as equal partners and leading to the emergence of psychological contact, manifested in the exchange of information, mutual influence, mutual experience and understanding. Psychological contact provides in communication empathy, mutual exchange of emotions.

Without communication, we would not be who we are. Only in communication with other people does personal development occur. If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would not become a civilized, culturally and morally developed person, he would be doomed to the end of his life, to remain a semi-animal, only outwardly, anatomically and physiologically resembling a person. This is evidenced by numerous facts described in the literature, “Mowgli children”, who grew up among animals, only outwardly resembled a person, they did not have upright posture, subtle manipulations of the hand, there was no human facial expressions, there was a general underdevelopment of mental processes and speech.

Communication serves to establish a commonality between people, regulates their joint activities, is an instrument of knowledge and the basis of consciousness for an individual; Finally, communication serves the self-determination of the individual. To paraphrase a famous expression, you can say: "Tell me who you communicate with, and I will tell you who you are." Each of us acquires its main features through personal experience of communication, through direct contacts in the family, institute, on the street. This so-called microenvironment . Thanks to communication in the microenvironment and the contacts taking place here, each of us gets to know the social world more widely and communicates with it, i.e. is affected by the macro environment. macro environment is a society with its own science, culture, ideology, laws, social norms, etc. The meeting place of the micro- and macroenvironment, the line on which they interact, is small group where each of us lives.

Material overview

Target: The purpose of our work is to study the degree of influence of social networks on the process of communication in modern society.


To identify how often students of middle and high school age, as well as parents and teachers of students, use social networks;

Analyze the purpose for which representatives of the above groups visit social networks;

Find out what pros and cons the survey participants see in communicating on social networks;

Determine whether the respondents consider online communication a worthy substitute for real communication;

Compare survey results between representatives of different age categories;

Methods: analysis of various sources on this issue, questioning of students, parents and teachers of the gymnasium, comparison of information.

Subject of study: communication of people of different age categories in social networks

Study participants: 105 people aged 11 to 50 (students in grades 6, 10, parents and teachers).

Hypothesis: in modern society, more and more time is spent on communication in the Internet space, which is gradually crowding out live communication between people from our lives.

Relevance: In the modern world, people cannot do without communication. Any social activity is not complete without it. A person's personality is formed in the process of communication. Communication helps organize joint work, build a person's personal life. Through communication with other people, we receive important information about the world around us, which forms our worldview and helps us become cultured, educated, morally developed and civilized people.

The process of communication in the modern world is rapidly developing, providing us with new, improved opportunities. The Internet opens up significant prospects in this sense, allowing a person to communicate at any time and with any audience. To realize these opportunities, social networks were created, which occupy an increasing place in the life of modern society. Social networks have become a part of our lives. You can talk about whether this is good or bad for a long time. If you think about the fact that before they didn’t exist at all, now it’s almost impossible to imagine a day without visiting a personal page on the Internet, there is an opinion about a certain degree of dependence. The question arises: have networks replaced live communication between people? This question determined the choice of the research topic and its relevance. The world around is becoming more dynamic, and communication and information are becoming one of the main development resources today. Our research demonstrates that social networks are not only an opportunity to create new acquaintances and maintain relationships, it is one of the ways to step back from real life for an indefinite period. Social networks are the prerequisites for creating that virtual reality with which we may have to share real life in the future. In order not to get confused in what is happening, it is worth thinking about the pros and cons of communication in social networks now.

Theoretical part.

Literally 5-7 years ago, not many people knew about the existence of social networks, but today they have firmly entered our lives and have become an integral part of it. Almost everyone now has their own page on the Internet.

The term "social network" was introduced by the sociologist J. Barnes in 1954. The scientist developed an approach to the study of relationships between people using visual diagrams, in which individuals are represented as dots, and the connections between them as lines.

What is a social network now? First of all, these are sites designed to introduce and gather people with common interests, give them the opportunity to communicate on various topics, upload and discuss photos and videos, add each other as friends or foes, download and listen to music, search for long-lost friends, relatives.

The first social networks appeared in the west. The most popular of them are Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Badoo, Flickr,, LinkedIn, XING, Bebo,, YouTube, MyAnimeList, HabboHotel, Google+,, Avaaz, Friendster. analogues appear, such as VKontakte,, My [email protected], Hydepark, In the circle of friends,, My Circle, etc.

We can say that a social network today is, first of all, a tool for online communication that the Internet offers us, and everyone has a choice whether to use it or not. Social networks as a form of communication from the very beginning began to have a huge impact on the life of a modern person. Today, humanity actually cannot imagine life without communication in a particular social network.

In support of the above theses, we present the results of a survey conducted among students of the gymnasium, as well as parents and teachers.

Question. What is the purpose of your access to social networks?

Social networks are used mainly for communication and learning the news. Young people aged 15-17 (50%) go to social networks in order to listen to music. The vast majority of respondents aged 30-50 (81%) reported that they use social networks for communication, although children aged 11-12 spend time online for fun (52%). For work and study, the Internet is used by 81% of respondents aged 30-50 and 71% of adolescents aged 15-17.

The vast majority of respondents noticed that they most often go to the social network Vkontakte. At the same time, some of the respondents reported that they most often go to the social networks Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook [Appendix 1].

Social networks, having appeared not so long ago, certainly attract teenagers. According to some studies, teenagers are the predominant component of the audience of social networks.

Social network - an interactive multi-user site, the content (content) of which is filled by its visitors, with the possibility of specifying any information about an individual, by which the user's account (page) can be found by other network members. Simply put, the social network acts as a kind of social space in which communication as an activity is not presented in the traditional "live" form, but acquires the features of simple communication. Social networks contribute, firstly, to the organization of social communications between people, and secondly, to the realization of their basic social needs. Electronic communication has become an integral component of social media activity. Online dating has become very popular now, as communication on the Internet helps to reduce the psychological barrier. After all, it is much easier and easier to “add as a friend” or comment on a photo than to come up on the street and get to know each other. The information presented on the user's page replaces the stages of acquaintance, as interests, hobbies, etc. become immediately known. It turns out that the first impression is formed when viewing a page on a social network, but it often happens that the information turns out to be fictitious.

The world of virtual life, organized by social networks, allows you to realize unconscious motives and helps a person to live those scenarios that he may never dare to live in real life, allows you to feel yourself in the desired image. The main reasons that serve as the basis for the formation of a new Internet image and Internet behavior are self-doubt, dissatisfaction with oneself, low self-esteem, and the desire to break out of the social vacuum. The user of social networks constructs his image himself, collecting it like a mosaic from his fantasies, ideas about himself, the opinions of others, the expectations of society. In social networks, the Self-other is created in the image and likeness of one's own Self. This new, "ideal" personality, created in the virtual world, very soon begins to influence a real person. This is explained by the fact that in social networks, users see only the "virtual" side of the personality and begin to react to it.

Thus, social networks provide a person with unlimited opportunities for real-time communication, become a platform for the manifestation of the creativity of the individual and, in this regard, the transformation of the individual through cybersocialization. A person who tries himself in various virtual images not only tries on the desired mask and works out a certain model of behavior, he also changes his inner world. A person in the process of being in social networks receives a new social experience, becomes an active part of virtual events. Thus, a creative organization of human life takes place, namely, the emergence of a creative personality in social networks.


Society as a whole and the individual cannot do without communication. Communication is a complex, multifunctional and multifaceted component of human life. Without communication, interaction of social groups aimed at joint labor activity, exchange of experience and skills is impossible. An equally important role is played by communication in the process of forming a social personality, establishing interpersonal relationships, and forming human individualities.

Adolescence is the age of communication, the age of the greatest desire to obtain approval from peers and a group that is significant for a teenager. Adolescents receive many of their ideas about social roles and life values ​​precisely in communication. The modern Internet environment allows a teenager to realize those roles that are difficult for him to play in real life. It is in the networks that the real interests of modern teenagers are reflected, there is an active exchange of information, since there they are not subject to adult control. And for many of them, social networks are a necessary condition for life; many schoolchildren can no longer imagine their existence without the Internet.

However, the means of communication do not stand still and develop very rapidly. Throughout history, these media have evolved and evolved, from footprints and rock art to television and internet technology. The whole life of modern society is filled with computer technology. The global Internet occupies a special place in the process of informatization of public life. As a new information network and communication system used to carry out various activities, the Internet involves specific ways of communication and promotes social interaction between individuals and social groups.

Email was one of the first ways to communicate on the Internet. Mail is certainly good, but in order to have someone to correspond with, you need to find those who will be interesting for communication. The main places for acquaintances are traditionally forums and chats. Forums are good for everyone, and, above all, for the balance of opinions placed on it, but the rhythm of life in them is somewhat slow. For those who want to communicate more intensively, there are chats. Chats are thematic, but still, as a rule, this is just a place where people gather to chat on completely different topics. Everything would be fine in forums or chats, but they take a lot of attention, not allowing you to devote enough time to other things - for example, work. And here programs like ICQ are indispensable. ICQ (ICQ) is an Internet pager, convenient and simple communication with those users who, like you, are now on the Internet. Recently, the method of communication on the Internet with the help of social networks has gained immense popularity. And it is unlikely that Mark Zuckerberg and other developers of such resources, working on their creation, counted on such a stunning popularity of their own offspring.

Internet-mediated communications are endowed with elements of feedback, they represent an open and unlimited communication of people who are not physically nearby. This leads to the formation and constant growth of societies united by a commonality of views, interests and goals that do not take into account social, cultural, political and other differences between the participants. Internet communication is an easy way to establish contact. Interpersonal interaction takes place in conditions of anonymity, emancipation, lack of non-verbal information, non-normativeness and some irresponsibility of the participants in communication. A person in the network can show greater freedom of expression and actions (up to insults), since the risk of exposure and personal negative assessment by others is minimal.

Also, communication is characterized by its own socialect. A sociolect is a set of linguistic features inherent in any social group - professional, class, age, etc. In this connection, within the framework of this direction, one can study the sociolect of children's Internet communication, the professional "language" of those who work on computers, literary language, computer slang in general, etc.

The neologisms most used on the Web can be conditionally divided into the following groups: computer terms, Internet slang, computer slang or jargon, youth slang.

The lexical stock of the electronic language is constantly replenished, as a result of which individual communicative flexibility is formed. A characteristic feature of network communication is the possibility of feedback and a peculiar construction of a dialogue: improvisation, remarks, colloquial speech, playful remarks, ironic exclamations, quotes and, as a result, the frequent use of slang, Internet slang (memes). The memes that have spread on the Internet have led to the formation of various subcultural communities that are part of the basic culture, but differ from it in language, behavior, etc. Examples of memes can be musical melodies, jokes, jokes, fashion trends, car brands, pictures , emoticons, i.e. anything. Each of the slang used on the Internet has its own history of origin. Take emoji, which was invented in 1979 by Kevin McKenzie, for example.

Internet language is divided into age and professional categories. Slang replaces the younger generation with complex linguistic constructions that they have not yet mastered very well. In addition, young people tend to look for ways to be different from others, to isolate themselves from adults, to have their own secrets, to oppose new game forms to boring traditional foundations, therefore it is they who own most of the linguistic experiments and innovations.


It is no secret that communication in the virtual space has its own characteristics, hiding both positive and negative sides. The advantages of non-contact communication, of course, include the ability to ignore the distance separating users, which allows you to communicate with any person from any corner of the planet, confidentiality, which contributes to the realization of a person’s deep psychological needs, allowing him to show sides of character that are not in demand in real life, the ability to the help of personal communication to penetrate into the culture of other peoples and races, and much more. Communication on the Internet is invaluable for people with disabilities, allowing them to receive a full-fledged education, work, and communicate with people.

Question What are the benefits of social media?, our respondents gave the following answers:

· You can chat with all your friends. And completely free of charge and at any time.

· You can see who is currently on the site and write to him.

· You can publish your photos, share information, links, music.

· Ability to quickly get the latest relevant information. It can be news from your country or the world, architecture, in the city, events with friends, etc.

· There are many applications that help you relax. These are flash games, tests, polls, etc.

The flip side of communication using the World Wide Web is the ability of the general public (including children) to access unwanted information that can harm both user data (various viruses) and their moral principles (various obscene information). In addition, uncontrolled "sitting" in the network is fraught with the emergence of the so-called Internet addiction, and not only young people, but also well-established and successful adults are exposed to it.

We present the questions of the survey and its results.

Question. How often do you access social networks?

38% of respondents noted that they access social networks daily 4 or more times a day, and the vast majority were teenagers aged 15-17.

24% of respondents noted that they access social networks 2-4 times a day [Appendix 2].

Question. How much time do you spend on social networks?

The results of the survey showed that adolescents aged 15-17 (37% of respondents) spend the most time on social networks (more than 4 hours a day), and adults spend the least (less than 1 hour a day) (71% of respondents) [Appendix 3] .

Question. How long can you go without social media?

14% of respondents cannot completely abandon social networks, but the vast majority of people aged 30-50 (57%) can do without social networks altogether. 84% of respondents can do without social networks for 1-2 days [Appendix 4].

Speaking about the activity of adolescents in social networks, we note that not only adolescents, but also adults take an active part in social networks. Most of the adolescents we interviewed used the VKontakte social network, while the dominant network of adults is the Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir, and Facebook networks. However, if for adolescents this type of Internet activity is the most important part of their communication, a “vital” type of “connection with the world”, then for adults this resource is not so important, although they consider it as a sphere of interpersonal communication and a place for interesting events. leisure.

Internet addiction can lead to severe family and academic problems. The researchers note that people who are addicted to the Internet are haunted by a feeling of loneliness, they are also characterized by modesty, depression, and social solitude. Individuals addicted to the Internet have a significantly lower level of social activity than those who do not have such an addiction. Studies show that Internet users, if they do not have access to the network, become upset and restless, overly receptive and touchy.

Some topics and sites on the Internet are considered non-traditional from the point of view of parents and the older generation. There are certain prohibitions on them, because they do not correspond to religious traditions and morality, accepted views. Thus, the Internet contributes to discord between parents and children.

So-called “fake accounts” have become more frequent on social networks, which are not always used for a harmless purpose. The information on the page may be false. However, curiosity takes over, so young people stay up late, trying not to miss news updates, and gradually become addicted. Such a phenomenon is fraught with detachment from the outside world, disorientation in real life. A person becomes uncomfortable outside the network.

However, the above in no way detracts from the positive impact that the Internet has on modern man. It’s just that each of us must mark our own clear line between the virtual world and objective reality, remembering that no social network can replace communication with a close and dear person.

The Internet, along with real life, opens up a wide field of opportunities for a teenager, expanding the space to meet his changed needs and aspirations. Moreover, they are open to absolutely everyone, regardless of personal characteristics, social status and other features. Unlike the real world, the social world limits it as a social object (gender, age, nationality, professional affiliation, etc.), the information world is fundamentally unlimited. The anonymity feature of the Internet allows Internet users to create an online identity that may differ from their real identity.

We decided to find out what benefits our respondents see from communication in social networks.

Question. Do you think social networks bring real benefits to people? 50% of respondents believe that social networks bring real benefits to people. 12% of respondents believe that social networks do not bring real benefits to people. 38% of respondents find it difficult to answer [Appendix 5].

Question. What do you think is the main benefit of social media?

The vast majority of respondents noted that social networks bring the greatest benefit in communicating with people. 78% of children aged 11-12, 66% of teenagers, 67% of adults agreed with this answer. The most unpopular was the answer of the game, only 17% of all respondents think so (they turned out to be guys aged 11-12).

Conclusion: Generation past, present and future... We are representatives of different times. And students, and their parents, and teachers today are representatives of different generations. The fact that people from different generations look at things differently is an indisputable fact. For us, it is important to have complete mutual understanding in joint activities, which is achievable through internal communications.

Internal communications have changed, are changing and will continue to change. Because the views, values ​​and needs of the target audience are changing. For generation Y - this is how sociologists call people born from 1981 to 2003, the source of information is mostly the Internet, the format of the material is pictures, photos, videos and short text messages. Generation Y consumes information at any time of the day, because smartphones and tablets are an integral part of the lifestyle. It's like keys, without which you can't get out or enter the house. Only in this case, tablets and smartphones are the key to the bottomless world online.

Today, researchers do not have an unambiguous answer to the question of whether social networks are an unambiguously positive phenomenon or, on the contrary, they are rather harmful for communication between people. Yes, and it is unlikely to be found. After all, contradictions are inherent in our communication in real life. Social psychologist Susan Newman said: “We are just beginning to understand how “likes” and “tweets” affect our psyche. Everything new and unexplored causes rejection for this very reason - because the rules and traditions have not yet been worked out, there are no clear boundaries between “possible” and “impossible”. And they can only be determined empirically.

Our research experience has shown that answering the question: What communication do you prefer?, 86% of respondents noted that they prefer direct communication, 14% of respondents prefer communication in social networks [Appendix 6].

To the question: " Which communication option is best for you: direct communication or through a social network? 46% of respondents noted that it is easier for them to communicate in life, 10% of respondents admitted that it is easier for them to communicate on a social network, 44% of respondents noted that it does not matter to them whether communication is direct or indirect [Appendix 7].

Thus, after analyzing the results of the survey, we came to the conclusion that, indeed, the 21st century has become the age of the network. Many people, regardless of age and occupation, use the Internet and social networks to communicate with other people, older people use networks for work or study. Having studied the survey data, we came to the conclusion that teenagers aged 15-17 spend the most time on social networks.

However, 86% of all respondents prefer direct, live communication to communication in social networks, and this cannot but rejoice, because. this means that we will be able to look people in the eyes for a long time when we communicate with them, to feel the touch. This means that at the end of the phrase “modern communication of people is communication on the network”, we can still put a question mark.

Conclusion: Internet communication should complement life, and not be the basis of all our activities. Social media can bring many benefits. But the abuse of social networks can lead to addiction, loss of attention, waste of time, alienation and dullness. Social media is both good and bad. It is in our power to take from them only the good and weed out the bad. In order for social networks not to harm health and psyche, each person must regulate his pastime in the virtual space.




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