Knowledge is life! Without the necessary knowledge it is impossible to survive anywhere. Philosophy as an integral form of scientific knowledge, including knowledge about society, culture, history, man (Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke, Kant, Hegel, etc.)

Lecture No. 18 (04/09/08).

Psychological school.

The creative task of the psychological school is a breakthrough to a living person through all the boundaries of morality, society, etc.

Edward Longhorn Foster(?) is occupied with the inner constraint of the Englishman. Novel "Where Angels Fear to Tread"- showed well-bred English society, which looks at everything from the point of view of morality, culture, and decency.

A young woman's husband dies, and everyone begins to raise her. She runs away to Italy and marries the dentist's son without asking. In England, this misalliance shocked everyone. It’s not easy for her to live with an Italian - he has a different psychology, a different attitude towards women. Her son is born and she dies. There is a problem in England - we need to save a child who has remained among the vulgar Italians. a decision was made to ransom the child. But he refuses. they feel strange next to this Italian - he is so lively, relaxed, not afraid of anything, he is very natural. the question arises - where does this Italian culture with its courage, audacity, harmony and beauty come from? The main character understands that this is not available to him.

Virginia Woolf turned modern realism into materialism. In his essay “Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Brown” he says that writers do not see the inner world of a person, they cannot show a person. a writer must write about human nature. To do this, you need to break the traditional form of the novel. you need to write it like this. to talk about a person with his inner world. It shows colossal internal dynamics in a person, which does not manifest itself externally; you need to look for the personality within the character. novel "Mrs. Dalloway" in this regard, one of the most complex and most accomplished novels. She builds a narrative through a stream of consciousness. The narrator identifies his point of view with the point of view of the hero; everything must be shown through the inner consciousness of the hero. The interest here lies in the fact that what actually happens in a person, a composition of streams of consciousness of various characters is created, these points of view are reflected in each other, flow into each other, there is an internal dialogue of points of view. Here external social time does not matter, what is important is the internal mental time of a person.

Topic X. Philosophical problems of social sciences and humanities.

An integral is a certain structure characterized by the property of transition from one form to another.

Philosophy is an integral science itself. We are not interested in phenomena in themselves, but from the point of view of development and interrelation (dialectical interrelation). The integral nature of science: the main thing here is that philosophy as a system of knowledge perceives the world in its unity and integrity, philosophy as a single whole. Philosophy is the doctrine of the general; any other subject will be specific to it.

Social philosophy also reproduces the social world - the historical process and its whole (the interaction of all its sides - economic, political, etc.).

Philosophy, incorporating knowledge of economics, etc., acts as a single (integral) whole and can then be considered within the framework of any science. Where communication is disrupted, development stops, stagnation, degradation, etc. occur.

Philosophy is not interested in the specifics of a phenomenon (economics, etc.), it is interested in:

1) the place of this phenomenon (the economy in the life of society);

2) to what extent it participates in development (to what extent the economy participates in the development of society).

The question: which economy can best contribute to the development of society is a philosophical question.

The economy is designed to provide for all material spheres of public life (there used to be a Soviet republic, now it is a bourgeois republic - a presidential one). By considering religion, philosophy decides what role religion plays in the life of society. Based on historically established self-awareness, it is believed that Christianity is best suited for the Russian Federation.

This approach is an integral approach – philosophy as an integral system of knowledge. The integral characteristic of philosophical knowledge entails the integral nature of its categories. Integral (universal) character and integral form are manifested in concepts, principles and teachings in all philosophical systems.

In the process of development, philosophy (as a system of knowledge about the world) is increasingly filled with scientific knowledge. From contemplative philosophy is increasingly moving to scientific (Aristotle - mechanics, Democritus, etc.). But still, in antiquity, philosophy was more of a speculative (sometimes brilliant - the atoms of Democritus) character.

With the discoveries of Galileo and Copernicus, philosophy was increasingly replenished with scientific knowledge. Over time, from a science of sciences, philosophy has turned into a specific science, an interdisciplinary science, having an ideological character.

Philosophy became an integral science in the sense that it comprehended the achievements of science, philosophy was filled with science, and a philosophical picture of the world filled with science was formed.

In social science, the theory of natural human rights was formed (Hobbes, Locke). In Hobbes's reasoning, equal rights for all inevitably leads to conflict - “a war of all against all.” As a result, a state is formed (best of all, an absolute monarchy) - a philosophical integral idea - the philosophical meaning of Hobbes's state.

J. Locke deduced by logical conclusions that from the theory of natural law it follows that the logical form of the state should be democracy.

The method is theory: dialectics (synergetics, system method - everything is covered by dialectics) as a doctrine of development. While we were understanding what dialectics is, it is not yet a method, but when we apply it, for example, to the analysis of economic phenomena, it is already a method (theory as a method). The method can be either general or specific dialectics. It should be borne in mind that dialectics begins in ancient times: Socrates, Confucius, Buddhist teachings. Hegel created the theory of dialectics, but it was still a theory; when it began to be applied, it became a method.

The enormous importance of science in modern post-industrial society has created a need to understand science, and as a result, the discipline “History and Philosophy of Science” arose.

Economics is called political because economics, studying the mode of production, studies not the relationship between two or more people, but the relationship between classes. Therefore, the correct name is not economic theory, but political economy. Sciences that study society (economics, political science) - social sciences; sciences that study man - the humanities (anthropology, psychology (the science of consciousness), etc.).

Both social sciences and humanities are closely related. Society is the totality of social relations. On the one hand, specific people enter into social relations, on the other hand, a person cannot exist outside of society. All sciences – social and humanitarian – are the result of social cognition. Social cognition is the knowledge of social phenomena from certain social positions. Here the search for truth is connected not only with cognitive interests, but also with social interests. The researcher always, consciously or subconsciously, exhibits a certain position. In natural science, the social component does not influence the content of scientific theories.

Ontological side of social cognition. On the one hand, we study the process itself, on the other hand - epistemological - how we understand the process, what methods we use. The value side of social cognition – from what position does the researcher start. Values: in the field of material, politics, morality. Value is what is significant (values ​​- duty, honor, etc.). When reading any work, we must take into account what is significant for the author, what values ​​are important to him. Marx approached methods of production from a class perspective, Smith from the perspective of private property.

The value side plays a decisive role in social cognition (the monarchy was valuable for Hobbes - he derived it from the theory of natural law). Negative ideas should be driven out of science.

Plato's integral idea: the state is the best that can be, a fair state is where a person will be provided for. Plato's integral idea is the idea of ​​justice.

Plato's ideas of the state are close to Russian spirituality - the state ensures the safety of people and their normal existence. The state exists for the people. But people must also ensure the functioning of the state with their labor.

Aristotle created the theory of a socialist state: the state was created in order to live happily, and not just to restore order. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his work” - Aristotle’s idea. There are always ideas of an integral nature that support the directions of social research. In the study of social sciences, it is necessary to recognize the importance of ideas.

According to Kant, the development of society is dualistic in nature. There are 2 principles in society: the world of phenomena and the world of things in themselves. Phenomenon: a world free of entities and a world of necessity.

The world of phenomena is what science deals with, but there is a supersensible, transcendental (otherworldly) world that influences the world of phenomena through needs (as an incentive to do something). Any of the reality options is chosen by necessity. Interest, goal - the expected result of actions. You need to understand the relationship between needs and goals. Need (necessity): an idea that has been decided for us. This is the integral idea of ​​Kant's dualism.

The essence of Hegel's approach is reason in history. The mind of each of us is a manifestation of the world mind through man. History is the development of the world spirit. The beginning of human history is the creation of the state; before that there was prehistory, preparation for history. The subject of analysis is not the world of things, but the consciousness of people, which is a manifestation of the world spirit.

Integral idea: progress of society – consciousness of freedom. Freedom for a person is the main thing. The essence of man is freedom - if a person is relaxed, free - he can create. Freedom is a condition for creativity. There was no freedom in Eastern society; freedom appeared in Greece, where a great culture and philosophy was created. Roman society was not only free, but it was also protected by rights. Hegel believes that freedom reaches its highest development in Germany - an ideological moment (attitude) that does not correspond to reality (Germany was fragmented, torn apart by feudal strife, etc.).

The main idea is the progress of society in the consciousness of freedom - the fundamental idea on which any concepts can be built.

The basis of any development is contradiction - relevance.

An idea is a fundamental concept around which other concepts are formed. The main idea is dialectics - the doctrine of development. The main idea of ​​Darwinism is the idea of ​​natural selection.

There should be some kind of contradiction, a key idea, in the dissertation. There is a contradiction (bifurcation point) and you need to find an idea that will solve it. You can first formulate a hypothesis, put forward an idea, a proven hypothesis is a theory. Judgment, the connection of concepts and judgments, deductive and inductive thinking - this is the apparatus of scientific thinking, in this apparatus there is an integral idea.

62. Formation of scientific disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle: empirical information and historical and logical reconstructions.

The development of social and humanitarian knowledge and corresponding scientific disciplines was carried out through empirical and theoretical knowledge of the phenomena of social life.

The basis of empirical knowledge is the accumulation, primary generalization and systematization of social experience in one or another sphere of social life (political, spiritual, economic, etc.). The empirical level connects us with life: a primary accumulation of facts occurs, then they are systematized, etc. and allows you to avoid scientific theories that are divorced from life. At the empirical level, so-called factual knowledge is formed, directly related to specific facts from one or another sphere of social life. These facts are generalized, certain properties and relationships of economic, political and other phenomena of social life are revealed, the unity of the essential and the inessential, the necessary and the accidental, the general and the partial. Empirical information obtained in one or another area of ​​the social and human sciences in the form of scientific facts and their primary systematization is subject to further comprehension at an abstract theoretical level. Such understanding of them is aimed at identifying the essence of the phenomena under study and the patterns of their development; laws are derived at the level of identifying entities.

A scientific fact is knowledge about a real fact, so when we comprehend the theoretical basis, we thereby comprehend the scientific fact. The collected facts are analyzed in a certain system of categories. Understanding scientific facts does not occur in a broad system of categories, but within the framework of concepts, categories, and methodology that correspond to a given phenomenon.

The theoretical level of knowledge is largely based on information from empirical knowledge; in turn, the empirical level of knowledge of social phenomena (economic, political, spiritual) comes from certain theoretical premises - a certain system of concepts and principles that reproduce in the mind of the scientist the subject of study (commodity circulation, political system of society), goals, directions study and methods of its scientific research (within the framework of directions). The leading direction is the path from empirical to theoretical knowledge and further, to a deeper and more consistent theory. This is how the disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle are formed and developed.

Historical and logical reconstructions.

As for the historical and logical reconstructions of knowledge and the social and human sciences in general, we should point out 2 main factors under the influence of which they occur.

One of these factors concerns the very logic of social and humanitarian knowledge. New concepts appear (science begins and ends with concepts, a concept is the beginning and end of scientific research), new approaches and methods for studying certain phenomena of social life, making it possible to study them more deeply. As a result, new theories emerge with their new design (structure) and new content, explaining these phenomena at a modern scientific level for a given historical stage.

For Plato, the state is a polis (territory with a certain population); according to Machiavelli, the state is an apparatus, a system of organs. According to Marx, the state is designed to reflect the interests of the ruling class. There is an amendment that universal human interests also play a role - these are 3 reconstructions that cause the emergence of new concepts, etc.

Another factor in the reconstruction of social and humanitarian knowledge is purely social - it is associated with the social interests of scientists, their value orientations, which significantly influence the goals and directions of research and conclusions from them. This is clearly visible when comparing modern theories of the liberal, conservative, social democratic and Marxist persuasion, including when comparing their justifications for the role of the state in the development of the country's economy.

Liberals: let us act independently, do not interfere in our activities; at best, he acts as a street watchman, monitoring the execution of contracts.

Conservatives are not against some government intervention in the activities of organizations, for example, in regulating unemployment problems (Keynes); The more money the population has, the greater the purchasing power. Keynes's theory, developed in the 30s. XX century, having experienced a decline in the 60s, today it is again taking a leading position.

63. The concept of “social” and “humanitarian” science. Dependence of the social and human sciences on the social context: classical, non-classical and post-non-classical science.

The logical social factors of the historical and logical reconstruction of the social sciences and humanities are dialectically interconnected (there is no such thing as pure science, let alone pure social science); Interest plays a significant role.

Dependence of the development of social sciences and humanities on the social context: classical, non-classical and post-non-classical science.

The development of social and human sciences depends on appropriate objective and subjective conditions; those. from the social context. Hence the existence, for example, of bourgeois and socialist political economy, political science (the study of political processes), personality theory and other social and human sciences. The social context in Marxist political economy is the position of the working class; he further developed the doctrine of value, surplus value. The objective aspects of the social context of the development of the social sciences and humanities constitute, first of all, the essence of a particular social system and the content of its inherent social relations (economic, political, etc.). We are talking about the objective social conditions of the functioning of the social and human sciences, which significantly influence their development (class composition; interests that influence the scientist). The subjective side in the development of social sciences and humanities is expressed, first of all, in the following factors:

1) Application of appropriate methodology to the study and interpretation of social phenomena.

2) The use of so-called sociological research, the goals and programs of which are set by the researchers themselves, often based on the corresponding order.

3) The level of knowledge and experience of the researcher, the social content of his experience (as an economist, political scientist, military man, religious figure, etc.).

4) Value orientations of the researcher, arising from his worldview and ideological attitudes.

These subjective factors, in their dialectical unity with objective social factors, to one degree or another determine the content and direction of development of the social sciences and humanities. Currently, there is more and more talk about classical, non-classical and post-non-classical science in general, incl. in relation to social sciences and humanities.

The essence of classical social science and humanities lies in the fact that the scientists who personify it have strived and strive to obtain exclusively objective knowledge and its various aspects, free from any subjective judgments.

The essence of non-classical social and humanitarian science is that the results it obtains in the knowledge of social phenomena are interpreted not only depending on the content of these phenomena themselves, but also on the conditions in which the process of their knowledge takes place, on the means of research used.

Post-non-classical (modern – mainly the second half of the 20th century) social and humanitarian science correlates knowledge about an object not only with the means and methods of cognition, but also with the values ​​and goals of the researcher’s activities. Great importance is attached to the value orientations of the cognizing subject and his ideological attitudes. The “human dimension”, the influence of the sociocultural qualities of the researchers themselves, as well as the sociocultural conditions of their cognitive activity, are increasingly being introduced into the interpretation of research results.

Control of how well you have mastered the modular discipline “Financial Law” is carried out using a point-rating system, including input, current, milestone and output control of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities.

For a modular discipline program in total you can receive 72 points. Most of the points ( 42 points) you receive during the semester, 30 points - during midterm and exit control.

The main types of stage-by-stage control of your learning results are: input (at the beginning of studying a modular discipline), ongoing control (in the classroom), midterm control (by module), exit control (exam).

Forms of control: oral questioning, test control, individual interview, homework, individual assignment.

All types of your educational activities are taken into account, assessed by a certain number of points. The total score includes the results of all controlled types of your activities - attending classes, completing assignments, passing tests, activity in seminars, practical classes, during business games, etc.

All types of educational work must be completed exactly within the time limits specified in the training program. If you have not completed any of the educational assignments (missed a test (test control), submitted a coursework later than the due date, did not complete your homework, did not prepare a report, etc.), then you will not receive points for this type of academic work are accrued, and work prepared after the due date is assessed with a reduction factor.

Ongoing certification is carried out at each classroom session. Forms and methods of ongoing monitoring: oral selective interviews, written frontal surveys, checking and evaluating the implementation of practical tasks, etc.

When studying each module of the discipline, a milestone control of knowledge is carried out in order to check and correct the progress of mastering theoretical material and practical skills. Midterm knowledge control is carried out according to the schedule during practical (seminar) classes according to the main schedule, or in additional time during computer testing.

2nd semester
Module 1. Financial law in the Russian legal system
Total points – 21
1 - 12 failure 13 - 21 tests
Midterm knowledge control
Total points –14
1 - 8 failure 9 - 14 test
Module 2. Budget law in the system of financial law
Total points – 22
1 – 13 failure 14-22 test
Midterm knowledge control
Total points – 15
1 - 9 failure 10 – 15 test
Final control
Total points – 72
1-43 failure 44-72 test
- connection of training modules
intermediate control
control of independent work
final control

After passing the module (midterm knowledge control), your rating in points is displayed in the journal of the academic group. The module is considered passed if you receive at least 60% of the maximum possible points that you could receive for this module.

If you have not passed the milestone knowledge test (failed to pass the module), you continue to study and have the right to take the next module in this discipline.

If you miss a midterm knowledge test (module) for a good reason, you are allowed to take it in agreement with the teacher and upon submitting a supporting document to the dean's office to obtain admission.

Repeated midterm knowledge control (module) you are allowed during the period before the due date next module, in exceptional cases, before the start of the test week. In this case, the grade received is taken into account when summing up the results of the score-rating certification and the dean’s office issues you access to the session.

When you miss a midterm knowledge test (module) without a valid reason you are allowed to attend the session only after liquidation of debt . In this case, the resulting assessment is included in the score-rating certification with a reduction factor.

Retake schedules are drawn up at the departments. Information about the liquidation of debt for the previous milestone control of knowledge (module) is submitted to the dean's office when submitting the results of the subsequent (regular) educational module. Information about the results of the midterm knowledge control (passing the module) is entered into the rating sheet. The results of the midterm control of knowledge (module) are entered in the “Midterm control” column of the rating sheet. At the end of the semester, based on the stage-by-stage control of learning, the points of the current, milestone and creative ratings are summed up, additional points are calculated (attendance and activity in classes) and a decision is made to admit you to the final control or to exempt you from taking it. If, based on the results of current, milestone and creative ratings, you have scored a total of less than 40% of the maximum rating of a discipline, then you are not allowed to take final control and are considered a debtor in this discipline.

If the sum of points is more than 60% of the maximum discipline rating (more 44 points), then at the discretion of the teacher you may be given a pass without passing the final test. In this case, incentive points are added to the accumulated rating. Their maximum number is up to 30% of the overall discipline rating.

The final results of the score-rating certification are announced by the teacher at the last lesson of the test week. If you have scored a sufficient number of points (“pass”) on the grading scale (Table 7), you have the opportunity to receive a grade based on the results of your work in the semester and may be exempt from taking the test. If you do not score the required number of points during the semester, you take tests according to the test session schedule.

Table 7

Total points

And perhaps they will “pass” for the fifth time. Because for the fourth time - by November 25 of this year - it already happened.

The governor appointed three assignments under the collective responsibility of different personnel troikas of his deputies to the previous beginnings of academic or calendar years. Vladimir Vladimirovich set up the contractor for the fourth delivery at the end of this year, having visited the site on August 10.

“The results of the Governor’s working visit to the Krasnoarmeysky district of Primorye” signed “Press service of the Governor of Primorsky Territory” and lengthy information from the news agency “Data” “A new school will be opened in the village of Roshchino” we published in the issue of the newspaper for August 13 under the heading “Uncut”.

“The head of the region began his working trip around the municipality,” Belodomov’s colleagues reported, “with a visit to the village of Roshchino, where, on his instructions, a new school for 440 places is being completed. Today, all necessary engineering networks are connected to the facility - electricity, water, heating and sewerage. Interior decoration is underway, the foundation for an automated modular boiler room is ready. Construction has begun on the fourth building of the school, which will house the assembly and sports halls. The governor emphasized that the school must be completed by the end of this year. Vladimir Miklushevsky instructed the contractor to mobilize all resources, speed up the pace of work and increase the number of workers at the site, and the relevant department and the head of the municipality to keep the issue under special control.”

And “Data”, an oil painting by the regional administration, was made entirely in oil.

There was no shortage of optimism and acting. Director of the Department of Education Nadezhda Vitkalova, whom the governor ordered to “keep the issue under special control.” Two months before his visit to the district, she reassured the editors: “Two meetings were held to identify construction problems and their solutions with the participation of the leadership of the Krasnoarmeysky district, a contracting construction organization, as well as a design organization that carries out design supervision of construction work. At the same time, the preliminary completion date for construction is scheduled for the end of November this year.”

In the report on the meeting of the social committee of the Legislative Assembly, at which she said all this and even more, the completion of construction was completely clarified: “The planned completion date for the construction of a school in the village of Roshchino is November 25, 2016.”

In 40 days, that means?!

No Hottabych can do this.

...Your correspondent once again visited the site last Thursday - October 6th. First of all, I hasten to inform you that it was not flooded: groundwater was half a meter below the floor of the basement of the fourth building of the school (pictured), which has been waiting since July 10 for 154 floor slabs for the brickwork of the first floor. Three hulls that were ready two years ago without a fourth are not even the full “top of the iceberg.”

There were and are not any “connected” utility networks: constant and complete power supply, heating, water supply, treatment facilities and much, much more.

There are not even their design solutions.

And most importantly, all this does not exist, because there is no normal funding for school construction. He wasn't there from the very beginning. It’s turned on its head: you do it, I’ll pay. What kind of shishi? And tens of millions of rubles of federal funds, the Department of Education told me, are already in the region.

It’s mid-October, it’s already minus here in the mornings. To complete the construction of the school, there is still so much work that they say: start and finish. That's it - even just getting started. If you take everything seriously today, then even then it will work out for a long time - until September 1, 2017, until the Day of Knowledge. But for a long time now, we’ve been seriously, sorry, lousy with this.

The school is being built with public money; construction must be strictly controlled by the state. It seems that a headquarters headed by a plenipotentiary government official with operational (once every two weeks) influence on the situation would not hurt for this.



Second half of the 80s. Reactivation of Pavlovsky coal mine No. 2 (PUR-2). The headquarters meeting is chaired by Vitaly Kirsanov, Deputy Head of Glavvlady-Vostokstroy. The object is in the steppe, the ground there is excellent, and after any rain it is impassable. ZIL trucks with concrete and mortar from Novoshakhtinsk are stuck on the “road”, teams of workers are idle. The head of Primorskugol, Anatoly Lisurenko, scolds his customer: “Who are they working for, who will all this remain for? Us! Now turn the overburdened BelAZs here and raise the road!”

Anatoly Vasilyevich was soon taken to Moscow as Deputy Minister of the Fuel Industry of the RSFSR. Yes, there were people...


“The general education institution is designed for 440 places, the village is eagerly awaiting the opening of a new school, about 400 students can hardly be accommodated in the old school. In addition, according to the head of the Krasnoarmeysky district, Natalya Gritsenko, schoolchildren from four neighboring villages will also be transferred to the new institution,” the Data news agency wrote in August.

There is no old school in the village; for 17 years (after its destruction) children have been studying in the building of a former geological exploration expedition. The new one is being built with funds from the federal program, which provides for study in only one shift (over 10 years, 6 million 600 thousand new student places will be created); now, according to the statement of the new Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva, only the third shift will be eliminated - 21,000 students.


Natalya Gritsenko is a former teacher, as is the chairman of the district duma, Evgenia Nemkina. Perhaps they know about it...

Each person comes into this world through birth, and literally from the first moment he is bombarded with huge flow of information, coming through the senses, which the child begins to absorb like a sponge, mastering this world and adapting to it. He grows, learns, matures, acquires knowledge, experience, and all this happens first in the family, among relatives and friends, then continues at school, in the work community, etc. A person learns about this world and develops, mastering knowledge, accumulated by previous generations, and also discovers new knowledge for themselves in the process of their activities. At the same time, a person’s new acquired knowledge and experience become the property of the society in which he lives, and other people, in turn, can use them for their development.

Depending on the quality and quantity of acquired knowledge, as well as on the environment in which a person is located, he forms a certain idea of ​​how this world works and what place he himself occupies in it, i.e. a certain worldview. Before continuing, it is necessary to define the terms at the very beginning in order to equally understand the meaning and essence of the issues being discussed. So, to answer the questions: what is information and what is knowledge, the definitions of Academician N.V. are best suited. Levashova:

« Information- this is the message we receive through our senses about what is happening around and inside us. Knowledge is nothing more than information that is meaningful and understood by us about what is happening around and inside us.”

It must be borne in mind that the information on the basis of which knowledge is formed can be true or false, therefore, knowledge can be both true and false.

In turn, true– this is the content of our knowledge that does not depend on the subject. For example: the statement “The earth turns” is true, and it does not depend on what a person thinks about it. The depth of understanding of truth depends on the level of human evolutionary development.

When studying worldview We can distinguish three stages of consistent ideological development of the world: “attitude”, “worldview”, “worldview”.

By the way, man differs from animals in that he can control your emotions, is able to pose questions to himself, and then seek and find answers to them, developing his brain, his thinking, acquiring knowledge with the help of which he can understand the world around him, follow the path of development, and this path sooner or later, if there is desire and will leads to truth.

Real knowledge is power, having which you can change the world for the better without destroying yourself and nature. Otherwise, a person who is not interested in knowledge and ignores it becomes ignorant, who is very easy to control by hanging “noodles” on his ears (giving false knowledge) and doing with him whatever he wants. Such a person, whether he understands it or not, at best, stops in his development, and at worst, he follows the path of degradation and sinks to the level of an animal.

Now let’s discuss the question: what knowledge has priority (and does it have it) over other knowledge for the development and formation on the basis of this knowledge of a certain worldview, both for an individual and for society as a whole, because knowledge is different from knowledge?

For example, knowledge of cooking is important because... The health of one or more people depends on it. But, for example, knowledge of human laws, and on their basis the creation of control technologies, allows you to simultaneously manipulate the consciousness of a huge number of people, while people will not even realize that someone is controlling them against their will. Therefore, knowledge that relates to various spheres of life can be arranged in descending order of the importance of this knowledge for the spheres of human life, and the formation of a worldview based on false or real information depends on the quality of this knowledge. In the first case it is degradation, in the second – development.

Knowledge about the structure of the world

The religious point of view on how the world works is very simple: God created everything in the world, and everything people are “servants of God”(this equally applies to the leading religious teachings: Judaism, Islam and Christianity, which have the same roots, as well as to various esoteric teachings, only God there has different names: the Absolute, the Supreme Mind, etc.). For example, in the Old Testament, which has almost a thousand pages, the description of how this happened and how everything in the world works takes up a little more than a page (Gen. “Creation of the World”). And all this is presented as the ultimate truth, because... ministers claim that these are revelations of God, transmitted through Moses to all people.

For a person who has at least a little convolutions in his head and who has not forgotten how to think for himself, all this cannot be called anything other than the ravings of a madman. Previously, those who disagreed with this point of view were declared heretics and simply burned at the stake. Currently, they are even ready to accept the “Big Bang” theory with the caveat that these are also the works of God, although God himself did not say anything about this. It turns out that church ministers arrogate to themselves the right to interpret the word of God, depending on the current situation. A very “convenient” position of the church, based on outright lies and designed for ignorant people, it allows you to “dust the brains” of those who do not have developed thinking and put all this nonsense into their consciousness, as a result, the shepherd (shepherd) receives another ram into his flock (flock).

The worldview of such a person is based only on faith in what the priest says, because many, due to their ignorance, do not read the word of God, the Bible, and even there, with careful and conscious reading, you can find a lot of interesting things, from which many people can open their eyes. and the highest hierarchs of the church simply use it as a tool for enriching themselves and maintaining power by forming in people a religious worldview based on faith in God, but this has nothing to do with reality.

To the question: “Who or what is God?” there is no intelligible answer, except that he is unknowable to our minds and silence... And he is also All-Seeing, All-Knowing, All-Loving, Almighty and a lot of different Everything... And at the same time, many wars and crimes in which a huge number of people died are presented , How deeds pleasing to God(for example, the Crusades). With his name on the banners, at the hands of the clergy, people, bearers of true knowledge, books, and any material artifacts that revealed all the lies of the religious worldview were destroyed.

And here, what are we teaching our children?: quote from the textbook “Man. Society. State. Textbook for 11th grade”: “The specifics of religion are the worldview and attitude, as well as corresponding behavior, determined by a person’s faith in the existence of supernatural forces (God) and the feeling of connectedness with them and dependence on them. God is the highest object of religious faith, a supernatural being with extraordinary properties and powers.” Question: What worldview do these statements form? Answer: any, with the exception of worldview, based on worldview.

Let's ask ourselves another simple question: can God lie? The answer suggests itself: of course not, because only the Devil can deceive. Now look how clergy lie shamelessly. I will give just one example of a blatant lie: that the Slavs did not have a written language before Cyril and Methodius. But what about the initial letter, the Glagolitic alphabet, the lines and cuts, the runic writings of the Slavic-Aryans? And such. Do you think that the church hierarchy does not know the truth? Draw your own conclusion.

Scientific point of view in most cases, cannot give an intelligible and reasonable answer to how the world works, due to the fact that she does not know anything about 90% of the matter of the Universe, and building a picture of the world on the knowledge of 10% is absurd, this is clear even to a child, After all, you can’t put together a picture from one cube if it’s drawn on ten. Having accumulated a huge amount of factual information about the physical world, modern science does not have an understanding of the essence of the processes taking place. Not knowing the true laws of nature, but observing only their manifestations, science follows the wrong path of knowledge, destroying nature, the environment and leading humanity to death.

Everything that contradicts the “generally accepted” theories of official science, even if the postulates of these theories have long been refuted by the scientists themselves (for example: the postulates on which Einstein is built are false) is considered the ultimate truth, and everything that does not agree with the official point of view of scientific community is declared pseudoscience. At the same time, “academics” assert the infallibility of their position with their authoritative opinion, and this opinion is imposed on everyone else.

Often this has nothing to do with reality, and a worldview based only on “authoritative” opinions, even from the most titled scientists in various fields of knowledge (physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, pedagogy...), is no different from a religious one. Thus science turns into religion.

For example: scientists have long tried to find the so-called "Divine particle"(Higgs boson) using the hadron collider, and recently announced that they seemed to have discovered it and even wanted to drink for it. They believe that after the Big Bang, when the Universe began to form, electrons moved around randomly, but when they began to interact with the “Higgs Field” (it is formed from Higgs boson particles), they slowed down and gained mass and structure, thereby forming the physical composition of the Universe .

“The Higgs field is like thick syrup,” explains Dr Alan Barr, a nuclear physicist at the University of Oxford, “it catches particles that are moving around and turns them into matter.” Experts are not 100% sure that this is the “God Particle” itself, but they agree that the found particle is very similar to it. “It's almost a Higgs boson,” Barr said. “You could say it's a very close relative of the particle, but we have to look at the finer details to know more about it,” he added.

Explanation like in kindergarten: protons and electrons already existed, but they did not have mass, which means that they are not protons and electrons, but something else.

J. Orwell(“Year 1984”): “Whoever controls the past controls the future, and whoever controls the present has omnipotent control over the past.”.

Knowledge of the moral laws of human development, as a biological species built into the ecological system of the earth and occupying a certain niche, allows you to consciously choose a creative path of development or a destructive one. In the first case, this path is based on moral standards inherent only REASONABLE beings, such as honor, conscience, nobility, compassion, self-sacrifice, love (in the spiritual sense of the word), etc., giving the opportunity for endless development, which allows, under certain conditions, to reach the level of creation. This path is not easy, it requires from a person enormous willpower, fortitude, hard work and great responsibility, but at the same time it brings great joy of creativity.

The role of knowledge (including computer knowledge) in structuring the ensemble of capitals

However, as we will show later, the role of modern knowledge, updated in the last 10-15 years, does not end there. At the same time, their construction, for example, of social capital is not always mediated, as it was before, through cultural capital (which, we recall, often serves as a “pass” to a highly capitalized network of interactions and, accordingly, to sources of social capital), which will be proven below.

It must be remembered that “in a society of transition type (and Ukraine, undoubtedly, is such - A.G.) the entire space of social stratification is determined by practically one indicator, namely material (capital, income, property) with a sharp decrease in the compensatory functions of other criteria of social differentiation. That is why the stratification processes taking place today do not contribute to the integration of society, strengthening solidarity, but to increasing polarization and social inequality, anomie.” Therefore, we (see Appendix 3) also analyzed the possibilities of converting economic status and position into capital of one form or another in the modern world, or, in any case, attempts being made to do so.

Thus, there is a direct linear relationship between economic status and daily newspaper reading (at a significance level of 1%): the number of respondents who chose this alternative grew from 13.8 through 16.6%, 18.5%, 20.4% to 25.4% (almost twice as many respondents in relative terms). The same thing, only even more clearly, can be seen in the analysis of people who devote one or another amount of their time to listening to music recordings. Here the trend is no less eloquent: 40.4%, 53.4%, 54.9%, 63.8%, 64.1% at the same level of significance.

When analyzing this type of cultural consumption, such as attending concerts, it is preferable to take the alternative answer “Once a month”, which is due to the very nature of this type of cultural consumption. And here a similar trend can be seen for the five selected groups: 2.4%, 8.8%, 7.3%, 10.1%, 18.6% - which, with a similar level of significance, can only indicate that cultural consumption in In this case, it is subject to the same pattern - or, in other words, there are very specific and constantly implemented strategies in our society to ensure the conversion of economic capital into cultural capital, and, accordingly, to ensure the (re)production of cultural inequalities.

This only confirms that “the economic factor is, of course, the main source of unequal access to higher education today. These studies have shown that insufficient material and financial resources of the family are most often cited as motivations for refusing to obtain higher education, as well as reasons explaining the difficulties and obstacles standing in the way of access to higher education. At the same time, against the backdrop of such a high importance of the material factor, another significant regulator was discovered that determines the attitude towards the accessibility of higher education. Thus, the respondents clearly understand that the main and main type of resources that determine the accessibility of higher education, along with financial capabilities, remains intellectual capital and accumulated knowledge: lack of abilities, reluctance to learn, and low performance are named by respondents as the leading reasons limiting the accessibility of higher education.” , and, accordingly, economic capital itself turns out to be ineffective and insignificant; it acquires meaning only within the framework of the strategy of its conversion.

Conversions, including into social capital. Strangely enough, the smallest group from the study spoke about “many friends” - precisely those who “can afford everything they want” (which are only 3.8% of all respondents), namely 64.4%. For comparison, in the two lowest categories less than 40 percent of each stratum said the same thing - and in the lowest - half as much as in the highest, 31.9%. We will not discuss here what is the cause and what is the effect, but the fact remains: capitals never appear alone, they almost always exist in the form of an ensemble, a complex, an inextricable unity.

And not only in this way is economic capital invested in cultural and social capital. Economic capital, as research shows, can be (see Appendix 3) a way to compensate for insufficient or “wrong” motivation: it is in state universities that the maximum of those who conduct scientific work (and many of those who would like to participate. In total, these two categories account for three-fifths, while in commercial universities it is a little more than half), and on a commercial basis in state universities - even almost two times less conducting scientific work than in private universities. This can only indicate that the strategies for accumulating cultural capital in this case are based on different understandings of the nature of capital and the opposition of two concepts: cultural capital as a symbol and cultural capital as personal content.

In addition, there is a certain connection between scientific and educational activity. With an average sample scientific activity of 17.9%, the activity of those who receive a second education at another faculty or at another university exceeds 30% (33.3% and 31.3%, respectively), and those who do not participate and those who do not want to take part range from 12.5% ​​(other university) to 26.7 (other faculty) with a sample average of 40.9. In other words, unified and targeted strategies for obtaining a certain level of cultural capital are obvious, regardless of the channels for obtaining it.

When trying to find out the relationship between the parameters of the respondents’ social circle, it turned out that the differences (see the two-dimensional distribution in Appendix 2, section “The Impact of Computer Literacy on the Ensemble of Capitals”) between the categories of students we have already discussed above, identified depending on the channels they use to replenish information, are insignificant, with the exception of only world-wide web users, among whom there are 7.8-9.2% (depending on the category being compared) more people who said they have many friends. That is, the myth about the breadth of the social circle of those actively involved in the Internet is justified, and, therefore, one can one way or another talk about the difference in the construction of the social capital of individuals depending on their involvement in Internet interactions.

However, this is not justified by the distribution of roles, with the exception, perhaps, of one very interesting collision. Despite the fact that the total number of those who use the Internet in preparation for classes is at the level of 19.2%, among such a difficult to study and small category as “outcasts”, such people turn out to be 46.7%. This is taking into account the fact that the general distribution of Internet users by role along the main contours corresponds to the distribution in the sample and its analogues in other categories of students, and also that the distribution according to the criterion “Do you often experience a feeling of loneliness?” does not differ from the distribution of other groups. This may indicate that, in fact, the Internet is becoming an alternative way of constructing social capital (if it is precisely the status of an “outcast” that predetermines turning to the Internet), replacing the “traditional” method - social interaction in reality - on the one hand, and the maximum compliance of the Internet an individualizing world, a world of individuals busy with their own affairs and interests, on the other. Be that as it may, the complex of knowledge in the field of high technologies and communications in the modern world turns out to be linked in some way to the possibilities of constructing a social network and, accordingly, one’s own social capital.

Such a factor in the development of cultural capital in the context of higher education as the scientific activity of students turns out to be polydeterministic.

On the one hand, when studying a two-dimensional distribution based on the characteristics of participation in scientific work and computer skills, it turns out that at a significance level of the chi-square coefficient of 1%, the differences in the number of actively participating in scientific work reach between “skilled users” and “users” » 15.6%, and between the first category and those who do not know how - 19.1%. At the same time, the last two categories cannot be denied participation due to reluctance: the number of “wants to take part in scientific work” in the second and third categories exceeds the corresponding number in the first category by 10.3-10.4%. In other words, we are not talking about a “inconsistency of desires,” we are talking about a “inconsistency of realities.” The question of the reasons for this situation requires additional study, but we once again state this fact as evidence of the importance of high-tech knowledge as a factor in the construction of cultural capital (as a “pass” to the very possibility of such construction).

On the other hand, when trying to detect a correlation between the use of various channels for replenishing cultural capital and participation in scientific work, it turns out that active Internet users do not stand out at all from the general indicators, but users of additional literature turn out to be somewhat “separate” in their results: the smallest number does not participating in scientific work (27.5% - 10.0-14.0% less than in any other category, except one, which will be discussed below), the largest number of activists in scientific work (27.3% - 5 ,0-10.3% more than in any other category), the largest number of people wishing to “join” this type of activity (45.2% - 5.0% more than the same Internet users). And, interestingly, in terms of the distribution structure, those who use “recommended literature” and not the Internet are closest to this category: they have the second indicators for participants and applicants (and statistically significantly different from other categories) and the closest (different by 7.1%, rather than by 10) the figure for the “non-participating” category. From this we dare to conclude that the traditional channels for the conversion of capital and their circulation, be that as it may, retain their functions, and, moreover, in such a relatively conservative area as the dissemination and appropriation of “scientific capital” (let there be we are allowed this epistemological liberty in the form of a heuristically potential metaphor), traditional channels still turn out to be more influential than new ones that have spread relatively recently. These conclusions can be compared when analyzing a fragment of the two-dimensional distribution “Results of scientific work - Use in preparation for classes...”: it turns out that the results of scientific work are approximately the same for both categories of students: those who use the Internet and those who use additional literature (see Appendix 2.)

An interesting correlation between the construction of cultural and social capital is demonstrated by students from the highly capitalized category in relation to high-tech: despite the fact that for them the values ​​of self-education and deepening their own professional competence turn out to be disproportionately higher than the average for the sample (respectively 23.0 versus 12.4 and 16.4 versus 6.2 with a significance of 1%!), that is, they realize the importance of (re)constructing cultural capital, we find that the value of emotional communication, establishing social connections (using the example of their family) turns out to be inexplicably low: the value of communication with family scored 10.7% in this category with a sample average of 22.2%. In other words, social capital fades into the background, giving way to the construction of cultural capital, and high cultural capitalization does not at all guarantee sufficient awareness of the importance of social capital.

It is important to note that according to our data, the purpose of using a computer does not in any way affect people’s performance on “horizontal” criteria (see Appendix 1.). Consequently, the structure of cultural capital is influenced not by WHY a computer is used, but by whether it is USED AT ALL. The same applies to the purposes of using the Internet - it is not the purposes that are important, but the FACT OF USE. As researchers write, today inclusion in the world of information and communication technologies is a new resource, the possession of which makes it possible to take a more advantageous position and determines the social status of a person as a whole. Students emphasize that they strive to use technology that meets global requirements. “I want to work with modern software and use all the services that the Internet provides.” A computer is their first purchase priority. “Those whose parents cannot buy a computer go to work as anyone to earn money for a computer.” They master the technique by learning from each other and with the help of books, and this process takes very little time.

We get even more striking figures when we analyze the participation in technical creativity of various categories of students. Thus, less than half (49.2%) of students with excellent computer skills do not participate in technical creativity - but at the same time there are 24.2% more respondents from the second group and 30.1 (!!!) from the third. The distribution by frequency of participation is no less “telling”: those from the first group engage in technical creativity every day as much as those from the third group - once a month.

Also interesting is the aspect of cultural consumption in connection with the qualifications of the computer user and how these ratios correlate with the ratios of Internet users.

The most active consumers of information from newspaper media are the second category of users, and not the first, as strange as it may seem at first glance. At the same time, in terms of the consumption of popular science and adventure-fiction literature, it turns out that the categories are ranked precisely in the sequence “excellent users” - “users” - “non-users”. From this “break from the pattern” we can draw a very interesting conclusion: modern media, with the volume of information that passes through them, participate less and less in the construction of cultural capital, in contrast to similar “traditional channels for broadcasting cultural capital”, under which we designated books on various topics, family, education system, etc. That is why we did not include access and use of media in the questionnaire designed to determine the level of cultural capital of an individual (see Appendix 4).

Of course, such an area as computer literacy cannot but significantly influence the life preferences of an individual as elements of habitualized structures. This can be analyzed based on those activities that attract modern Ukrainian students.

Thus, for a highly capitalized group, the values ​​of “walking,” “physical education,” and “meeting with friends” turn out to be less valuable than the average for the sample (the opposite is true for a low-capitalized group). However, the data on the value of sports looks paradoxical, where it is the highly capitalized group that leads with a statistically noticeable difference. We are inclined to explain this by the positive image of “big sport” (or “sport of great achievements”) created in society and the lack of understanding in society that the path to this “big sport” leads precisely through such unquoted “physical education”.

Such “secular” activities as visiting discos and visiting cafes are also among the values ​​“rejected” by the first group and approved by the other two groups of values. As well as reading newspapers and watching television (further evidence of the thesis that the media are gradually losing their role as a transmitter of cultural capital). These collisions could be explained by “being busy” and “reluctance to waste one’s time” on “such activities,” but... These same people, this same group indicate that among their preferred and desired activities they find themselves with a big difference from the general sample rating “ computer games" (52.8 with a total sample of 37.5 and 24.0 for the low-capitalization group). Working on the Internet received scores that were very similar in distribution structure (68.0, with the overall sample score of 41.6% and the “lower” score of 21.2).

There can be only one conclusion from this. There are no “undesirable” activities in the formation of cultural capital. There are activities that correspond to one or another everyday life, and those that do not (after all, a computer game is an indispensable attribute of the everyday life of a programmer and an ordinary user). In the first case it is approved, in the other it is rejected.

Further shallow and statistically insignificant stratification on such grounds as visiting cinemas, listening to music, attending concerts, participating in amateur performances and artistic creativity demonstrates once again that in modern society these channels of capital transmission are more or less equally assessed by everyone without exception, therefore we can assume they do not seriously stratify society along the vector of cultural inequalities.