10 commandments of health. Ten Commandments of Health from Bragg Field. Nine doctors, given by nature, are at your disposal

Anna Kryaklina
Consultation for parents “10 commandments for your child’s health”

The material was prepared by teacher Anna Aleksandrovna Kryaklina.

Consultation for parents on the topic:

"10 commandments for your child's health

Every parent wants to see his children healthy and happy, but not everyone thinks about how to make their children live in harmony with themselves, with the world around them, with people. Meanwhile, the secret of this harmony is simple - healthy lifestyle.

As a rule, the result healthy lifestyle are physical and moral health. They are closely related. It is no coincidence that people say: "IN healthy body - healthy mind"Psychologists and teachers have long established that the most favorable age for the formation of useful habits is preschool age. During this period child spends a significant part of his time in the family, among his relatives, whose lifestyle and behavioral stereotypes become the strongest factors in the formation of their ideas about life.

Healthy lifestyle is a joy for big and small in the house, but to create it, several conditions must be met.

Many people practice on their own to maintain health simple rules known to everyone. Known since early childhood: “sun, air and water are our best friends”... But not everyone remembers and many underestimate the magical properties.

Since they also look simple and very ordinary, this is consistency and systematicity.

Commandment 1. Maintaining a daily routine

It is very important to teach baby wake up and fall asleep, eat, walk, play at the same time. Particular attention should be paid to getting adequate sleep: timely falling asleep - no later than 21.00-22.00, minimum sleep duration 9-10 hours. It is necessary to regulate the viewing of television programs, both in time and in content. All this instills a feeling of security, confidence and stability. It teaches baby distribute and maintain physical and mental strength throughout the day, making it more calm and positive.

Commandment 2. We regulate loads

It is very important to regulate both physical activity and emotional and intellectual activity. You need to carefully monitor your behavior baby, in this case you need to focus on its condition. Loss of attention, whims, hysterics, refusal of activity, disinhibition are a signal of overload. Give at the first opportunity child to rest. The best rest is physical activity in the fresh air. If measures are not taken in time and the load is not stopped baby, this state may be followed by exhaustion, malaise, hysteria, and then illness.

Commandment 3. Fresh air

Fresh air is essential for children's developing brains! Lack of oxygen leads to a significant deterioration in well-being, rapid fatigue and exhaustion. For good health and successful activities child It is necessary to stay in the fresh air for at least 3 hours a day and in a ventilated room during sleep. Daily walks are an effective method of hardening baby.

Commandment 4. Motor activity

Movement is a natural state baby. The task of adults is to create conditions for physical activity baby. The best environment for this is a playground or park, as they combine two important conditions for physical activity - space and fresh air. Let your child walks as much as possible, plays outdoor games, runs, jumps, climbs, swims.

Commandment 5. Physical culture

Regular physical exercise is very beneficial for health. They strengthen not only the physical health, but also the psyche baby, positively influence his character, contribute to the development of strong-willed qualities, self-confidence, responsibility, and the ability to make friends. There are many types of physical culture: morning exercises, physical education sessions, physical education classes in kindergarten, breathing exercises, eye exercises, etc. And, of course, sports sections - sports that you like child. The main thing is that you like the chosen type of physical education child so that he does it with pleasure. IN child Only what is formed in the family can take root, which means that the basis for success is the personal example of an authoritative child adult - parent.

Commandment 6. Water treatments

The importance of water procedures for health man has been known for a long time and confirmed by centuries of experience. You can choose any one suitable for your child type of water procedures or alternate different types. Dousing in the morning and evening before bed with warm, cool or cold water; contrast shower, contrast baths for hands and feet; wiping with a wet towel. Previously consult a pediatrician. The main thing is, let child enjoys this procedure. And you rejoice with him!

Commandment 7. Self-massage

Massage of biologically active points located in the nose, eyes, ears, temples, fingers and toes, hands, soles, by pressing, rubbing linear and rotational movements is an excellent means of improving the regulation of the activity of all body systems. Thus, it normalizes the functioning of all organs and systems, including the psyche.

Commandment 8. Warm, friendly psychological climate in the family

The environment in which one is brought up child, psychological climate in the family - have a huge impact on the state of physical and mental child's health. He absorbs everything positive that surrounds him. And this makes him a strong, happy and confident person. And, conversely, if child grows in an unfavorable environment where aggression, irritation, anger, anxiety, fear are present, he becomes infected with these negative emotions and feelings, which leads to his disorders health and, consequently, to developmental delays. Whenever possible, implement with child skin-to-skin contact(pat, hold hand, light body massage, etc.) and visual contact (see in the child's eyes, preferably at the same level with him, i.e. sit down). Establish a ban in the family: to violent negative emotions, especially in the evening, before bedtime, to shouting, to irritation, to incomprehensible child punishment, aggression, anger.

Commandment 9. Nutrition

Children need balanced nutrition for full growth and development. In catering baby should stick to simple but very important rules: nutrition should be according to the schedule; For cooking, use only natural products that do not contain preservatives, synthetic additives; include in diet baby foods rich in vitamins and minerals; it is important that the diet is well balanced; There should be fruits and vegetables on the table every day; food should be simple, tasty and healthy; the mood while eating should be good.

Commandment 10. Creation

In creativity the child can express himself: your thoughts, feelings, emotions. He can create the world according to his own laws, feel joy and satisfaction. In creativity child can express negative feelings and experiences and get rid of them. Through creativity child comprehends beauty, the harmony of the world. Help child see the beauty in the world, fall in love with beauty and support his desire to create. Various types of activities are suitable for this.: drawing, modeling, making paper crafts, sewing, knitting, weaving, playing music and singing, listening to classical and children's music, dancing, theatrical activities. All this and much more provides the opportunity for emotional expression, teaches child love work, be proud of yourself.

Thus, healthy The lifestyle of all family members in the present is the key to a happy and prosperous life baby in harmony with the world in the future. Maintenance healthy lifestyle is not that complicated. But if we teach children from a very early age to value, protect and strengthen their health, if we demonstrate by personal example healthy lifestyle, then only in this case can we hope that the future generation will be more healthy and developed not only intellectually, spiritually, but also physically.

People don’t think about health while they have it.
What is better: to be cured of the disease or not to get sick at all? It's better to stay healthy.
The human body protects itself from many diseases - nature itself took care of this. But our body’s reserves are not unlimited.

Everyone probably has their own formula for health. But there are immutable truths, reasonable commandments, by adhering to which from a young age, you can remain healthy and productive throughout your life.

10 simple rules for a healthy lifestyle will help prolong youth and preserve the priceless gift of nature - health.
Commandments of health:
1. Live in harmony with nature, for man is a child of nature.
2. Be actively involved in physical education, because what is not regularly exercised dies off (this also applies to sexual function).
3. It is better to undereat than to overeat. Excess food eats up the person himself. Follow the basic principles of proper nutrition, which have long been known: moderate low-fat diet, varied diet. Remember, we eat to live, not live to eat.
4. Be a cheerful, kind person and the disease will bypass you. Be optimistic in any situation - it helps to find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. This prolongs youth and beauty.
5. Everything in moderation is good for health, everything in excess is harmful.
6. Rest should be not only active, but also passive (saving on sleep is the most reckless saving, because many diseases are the result of chronic lack of sleep).
7. Know how to listen to your body, study it, help your defenses cope with the disease, and do not weaken them by hastily taking medications. Drink tea and coffee occasionally, and avoid alcohol and tobacco altogether.
8. Don’t let the disease progress – treatment is very expensive, and full recovery does not always occur.
9. Do not believe or listen to those who promise you a cure for all diseases: Health cannot be bought with money, even at the pharmacy. It can only be preserved and only through your own lifestyle.
10. Avoid too much worry and excessive mental work

Perhaps someone follows slightly different rules to maintain their health. And this is good: each person has his own individual characteristics, and they must certainly be taken into account. Because what is beneficial to one may be harmful to another.
There is a saying: “With loss of flexibility comes old age.” Loss of flexibility is largely associated with the aging process. Neither strength, endurance, nor speed are limited by age as much as flexibility. This is due to certain changes in the joints - salt deposition, proliferation of connective tissue, etc.

Physical activity will help maintain flexibility, delay old age, and preserve youth and beauty. Exercises to develop flexibility perfectly relax muscles, improve their tone, supply oxygen and nutrients, and promote the release of toxins. Sufficient flexibility of connective tissue, muscles, elasticity of joints and ligaments sharply reduce the likelihood of injury, increase the range of motion, and allow muscles to recover faster after stress.

CERVICAL SPINE. It is important to maintain flexibility in the cervical region. For example, senile stoop is a fixed flexion of the thoracic and cervical spine. Test yourself with the following simple tests:
TEST 1. Head tilt forward. Normally, the chin should touch the chest.
TEST 2. Tilt of the head back - normally, the gaze should be directed straight up or slightly back.
TEST 3. Head tilt to the side. Normally, the top edge of one ear should be above the bottom edge of the other.
TEST 4. Turn your head to the side. Normally, the gaze should be turned exactly to the side. If your flexibility turns out to be insufficient, we advise you to start exercises to develop flexibility of the cervical spine, but follow the rules:
- before starting the class, you should warm up well, preferably until you sweat;
- perform all movements gently, smoothly, without jerking, slowly and evenly;
- perform exercises until a feeling of slight pain appears, which serves as a signal to stop working;
- Important: Classes must be regular.

Exercises to develop flexibility of the cervical spine:

EXERCISE 1. Starting position (IP) – standing, feet shoulder-width apart. On the count of 1-4, tilt your head to the right (feel the stretch in the muscles on the opposite side of your neck). The same in the other direction. Repeat 2 times.

EXERCISE 2. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart. On the count of 1-4 – tilt your head forward, trying to “curl up” (feel the stretching of the muscles on the opposite side of your neck and back). Same thing back. Repeat 2 times.

EXERCISE 3. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart. On the count of 1-4 - turn your head to the right. The same in the other direction. Repeat 2 times.

EXERCISE 4. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart. On the count of 1-4 - circular rotation of the head to the right (the movement is performed at the maximum possible amplitude). The same in the other direction. Repeat 2 times.

SPINE. The flexibility of the entire human body is largely determined by the mobility of the joints of the spine. Age-related changes limit the mobility of the spine to a greater extent. This is manifested by the beginning fusion of the vertebrae, and bone “whiskers” appear between them. A sedentary lifestyle only intensifies these phenomena. Let's check the flexibility of our spine using the following simple tests, which O.A. Ivanova recommends in her brochure “Formula of Beauty”:

TEST 1. Stand straight, legs together, bend forward as low as possible, lowering your arms down. Normally, your fingertips should touch the floor.
TEST 2. Lying on your stomach with your feet fixed (for example, with the help of a partner), raise your torso by straightening your back back. Normally, when lifting the body, the distance between the chest bone (sternum) and the floor should be 10-20 cm.
TEST 3. Stand with your back to the wall, feet at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Bend as low as possible to the side, touching your back to the wall. Do the same in the other direction. Normally, your fingertips should fall just below your kneecap.
TEST 4. Sit on a chair facing the back and rest your hands on the knees of your spread legs. Without changing the position of the pelvis and legs, turn your head and torso as far back as possible. Normally, when turning, you should see the arms of a partner standing two meters behind his head raised above his head.

By performing these tests, you will find out how flexible your spine is. N. M. Amosov believed that the exercises below serve as the only reliable means of preventing age-related changes in the mobility of the joints of the spine. He advised doing these exercises regularly.
So, physical activity plays a vital role in maintaining youth, beauty and health.

Of course, some people may adhere to slightly different rules to maintain their health. And this is also not bad: each person has his own individual characteristics, and they must certainly be taken into account. Because what is beneficial to one may be harmful to another. However, applying these simple rules in practice will definitely not harm your health. We can say this with confidence!

Exercises to develop spinal flexibility:
Such exercises are not unique; two will be enough to get started. These two exercises, if performed regularly, give good results. Verified.

EXERCISE 1. I.p. – standing, in a horizontal forward bend, legs apart, hands on your knees. On the count of 1-2 – raise your lower back, lower your head, round your back; 3-4 – lower your lower back, raise your head, bend over. Repeat 16 times.
EXERCISE 2. I.p. – sitting, legs bent with knees up, chest pressed to hips, hands on heels. On the count of 1-4 - try to straighten your legs without lifting your torso from your legs; 5-8 – return to IP. Repeat 12 times.

Important: Before starting classes, warm up well, preferably before sweating; Perform all movements slowly, carefully, without jerking, until a feeling of slight pain appears, which serves as a signal to stop working; a prerequisite is regularity of classes.

Your health is in your hands. Everyone is the “creator” of their own destiny and life. Get out of your comfortable chair and do some exercises. Life is wonderful! Let's preserve what nature has given us.

Lost money - lost nothing
I lost time, I lost a lot,
I lost my health - I lost everything.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Every mother's dream is a healthy and happy child. What rules must be followed so that your baby grows up healthy? We will look at some of them, in fact, the most important:

  1. Always, in any weather (there are, of course, exceptions, for example, hurricane winds, frost below 15 degrees), go for a walk with your child. Fresh air will benefit your child more than you can imagine. Try to go for walks at the same time every day. Even if your child is sick, you should not cancel the walk (there may be exceptions: severe fever).
  2. Dress your baby appropriately for the weather conditions.
  3. Always feed your baby after a certain period of time, it will be different for everyone, depending on the age and needs of the baby. On average, this time can range from 3 to 5 hours.
  4. Bathe every day. It is best if you do not use a cramped baby bath for bathing, but bathe in your adult bathtub, having first, of course, prepared it for the baby (disinfection with some antibacterial and antimicrobial agent).
  5. Do not go with your baby to shops or other crowded places where it is easy to catch an infection. If it is not possible to leave the child with someone close, then at least do not stay in this place for more than half an hour.
  6. Take care of your own health, as your baby can easily become infected from you if you get sick. If you become infected, be sure to wear a gauze bandage.
  7. Never, under any circumstances, yell at your baby; mental health is no less important than physical health.
  8. Give your child enough fluids throughout the day to ensure good metabolism.
  9. Do wet cleaning regularly, preferably daily; ventilate the room where you are most with your child.
  10. Well, the last, but very important commandment: love your child with all your heart, take good care of him and the results will exceed all your expectations!

The health of a child is an important aspect for the health of adult humanity as a whole, because everything that is laid down in childhood is subsequently transferred into adulthood.

Prepared by teacher Voronina E.V.

The work was completed by teachers of group No. 2

Pavlova L. A, Lobacheva L. F.

« Taking care of Health from childhood, or 10 commandments of health"

Commandment 1. Keep a daily routine

It is very important to teach your child to wake up and fall asleep, eat, walk, and play at the same time.

Particular attention should be paid to proper sleep (falling asleep on time - no later than 21.00-22.00, minimum sleep duration 9-10 hours.)

It is necessary to regulate the viewing of television programs, both in time and in content.

All this instills a feeling of security, confidence and stability. This teaches the child to distribute and maintain physical and mental strength throughout the day, making him calmer and more positive.

Commandment 2. Regulate the load

It is very important to regulate both physical activity and emotional and intellectual activity. In other words, live by the motto “Time for business, time for fun.”

You need to carefully monitor your child's behavior. In this case, you need to focus on its condition. Loss of attention, whims, hysterics, refusal of activity, disinhibition are a signal of overload. At the first sign of these manifestations, you should stop or reduce the intensity of activity or communication.

At the first opportunity, give the child a rest. The best rest is physical activity in the fresh air.

Attention! Exceeding even emotionally positive stress (exciting games, joyful communication - especially in children 3-5 years old) can lead to overload and, as a consequence, to negative results. If we, adults, do not take action in time and do not stop or reduce the child’s load, this condition may be followed by exhaustion, malaise, hysteria, and then illness.

Commandment 3. Fresh air

Fresh air is essential for children's developing brains! Lack of oxygen leads to a significant deterioration in health. Lack of oxygen leads to rapid fatigue and exhaustion. For good health and successful activities, the child needs to stay in the fresh air for at least 3 hours a day and in a ventilated room during sleep.

Daily walks are an effective method of hardening a child. In the fresh air, the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems develop, and the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood increases.

Commandment 4. Physical activity

Movement is a child’s natural state. The task of adults is to create conditions for the child’s motor activity. The best environment for this is a playground or park, as they combine two important conditions for physical activity - space and fresh air.

Let your child walk as much as possible, play outdoor games, run, jump, climb, swim.

Commandment 5. Physical education

Systematic physical exercise is very beneficial for health. They strengthen not only physical health, but also the child’s psyche, have a positive effect on his character, contribute to the development of strong-willed qualities, self-confidence, responsibility, and the ability to make friends.

There are a lot of types of physical education: morning exercises, physical education sessions, physical education classes in kindergarten, breathing exercises, eye exercises, etc. And, of course, sports sections - sports that the child likes.

The main thing is that the child likes the chosen type of physical education so that he enjoys doing it.

Only what is formed in the family can take root in a child, which means that the basis for success is the personal example of an authoritative adult for the child - the parent