2 months after rhinoplasty. Nasal septum surgery: postoperative period, nose care after correction, rehabilitation. Photo. Rehabilitation in the early postoperative period

Rhinoplasty is a surgical method for correcting congenital or acquired deformities of the nose, performed to improve its functional state and/or for aesthetic purposes. In most cases, these operations are quite traumatic, and the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty is characterized by duration, possible side effects and serious complications.

They can cause not only emotional and aesthetic problems for the patient, but also serious violations of his health. This largely depends on the qualifications and experience of the surgeon, the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the latter’s compliance with the doctor’s recommendations during the recovery period.

Some features of rhinoplasty

One of the features of these operations is a certain unpredictability of tissue changes during the recovery period. To some extent, this is due to the small volume of soft tissue in the nasal area, which creates conditions for its deformation by postoperative scars already during the recovery period. In addition, rehabilitation after the procedure is lengthy and has strict restrictions. They are quite debilitating for some patients, and the latter often do not have the patience to follow the surgeon's recommendations. According to statistics, about 30% of operated people require, in this regard, corrective or repeat plastic surgery.

To reduce the severity of side effects after surgery and prevent possible and frequent complications, it is necessary not only to correctly follow the doctor’s recommendations throughout the entire recovery period, but to do this consciously based on a general understanding of the course of the surgical intervention, possible complications and stages of the rehabilitation period.

Briefly about methods of online access

Depending on the nature of operational access, all types of operations are combined into 2 groups:


They involve making incisions not only in the nasal cavity, but also, most importantly, in the area of ​​the outer folds of the nose, including across the vertical skin fold (columella) separating the nostrils. This allows the soft tissue to be moved upward to allow manipulation of the nasal bones and cartilage. “Open” surgery is performed when there is a significant amount of surgical intervention or the need for re-correction.


When they are carried out, one or several incisions are made from the side of the nasal cavity, that is, without violating the integrity of the skin and the formation of postoperative scars on it. After this, soft tissues, including skin, are shifted upward for further manipulation. The possibilities of access to the cartilage and bones of the nose with this type of operation are quite sufficient to eliminate typical aesthetic defects. At the same time, rehabilitation after closed rhinoplasty is easier and with fewer complications. Therefore, plastic surgery clinics predominantly use the closed method.

Side effects and complications during the rehabilitation period

The postoperative recovery period is accompanied by unpleasant but natural side effects of surgery and possible early and late complications, which may be accompanied by undesirable consequences of an aesthetic nature.

Side effects are:

  1. Hematomas and pinpoint hemorrhages directly in the nose area, around it and in the periorbital zone, and sometimes subconjunctival hemorrhages of various sizes, which are associated with tissue detachment during the intervention and inevitable, even with the most gentle plastic surgery technique, rupture of blood vessels.
  2. Severe swelling of the tissues in the nose and under the eyes, which can spread to the cheeks and down to the chin area.
  3. Increase in body temperature in the first 1-2 days after surgery.
  4. Severe difficulty breathing through the nose, and sometimes complete impossibility, associated with swelling of the mucous membrane and hemorrhages under it.
  5. Lack of smell.
  6. Temporary partial or complete impairment of skin sensitivity in individual areas or all of the skin in the operated area.
  7. Development of temporary asymmetry of the nose due to displacement of its soft tissues by uneven swelling.

All of the above phenomena, which create a feeling of discomfort, sometimes significant, and gradually disappear within 7-14 days, are natural and do not relate to complications. However, during the rehabilitation period, serious complications are possible. The main ones are:

  1. The development of microbial infection and various additional complications caused by it.
  2. The occurrence of necrosis of skin, cartilage or bone tissue, usually caused by excessive dissection, vascular damage, coagulation to stop bleeding, infection. All these factors can lead to disturbances in the blood supply to tissues and, accordingly, to their necrosis (death).
  3. Dehiscence of postoperative sutures, which contributes to the formation of a rough scar.
  4. The formation of hypertrophic and not only worsens the aesthetic results of the operation, but also can lead to functional disorders (difficulty in nasal breathing and impaired sense of smell).
  5. Nose deformity.

In terms of the frequency of complications during the rehabilitation period, the second place (after the surgeon’s fault) is occupied by reasons associated with non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations.

Stages of recovery after rhinoplasty

The rehabilitation period begins with the introduction of gauze tampons into the nasal passages, which prevent nasal breathing (but they are soon removed) and plaster splints are applied. The duration of the recovery period, depending on the volume of the operation, the quality of its execution and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, ranges from six months to 1 year, and in some cases more. Conventionally, it distinguishes four stages.

Stage I

Duration is 1-2 weeks. The main goal of the first stage is to ensure the immobility of the bone and cartilage structures and soft tissues of the nose. This is achieved through special retainers or (more often) a plaster splint, as well as by introducing hemostatic tampons into the nasal passages, which also provide additional tissue fixation.

Why is plaster applied?

During the operation, correction of cartilage, bone, and soft tissues is carried out. A plaster cast, despite the fact that it causes discomfort, itchy skin and a general feeling of discomfort, allows you to:

  • to finally fix the necessary shape and anatomical proportionality of the nose;
  • prevent displacement of bone and cartilage plates;
  • protect the operation area from unwanted external mechanical influence;
  • When an antiseptic drug is added to the layers of a plaster cast, it also acts as a means of suppressing the development of infection.

Stage II

The average duration is 1 week. It begins with the removal of the plaster cast. In addition, hemostatic tampons are removed from the nasal passages and washed (to remove blood clots and crusts) with an antiseptic or 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Almost all unresolved surgical sutures are also removed. By this time, the general condition improves and stabilizes, and after removing the tampons, breathing becomes easier.

On what day after rhinoplasty is the cast removed?

In cases where the fixing ability of the plaster cast has decreased, it has become deformed, was accidentally or intentionally damaged by the patient, or has become wet during water hygiene procedures, it must be removed and replaced with a new one. The plaster splint is finally removed on days 7-14.

Swelling at this stage still persists and may even increase. If the swelling increases after removing the plaster, this is quite acceptable and should not bother the patient. The fact is that a rigid plaster cast not only supports the structures of the nose, but also restrains swelling of the soft tissues, redirecting it to surrounding areas. After removal of the obstacle, swelling also appears in the freed areas, but it is no longer dangerous, since it cannot lead to deformation of the fused bones, and quickly passes due to a decrease in the degree of the inflammatory process.

Can I remove the plaster myself?

Sometimes patients want to check the strength of its fixation, lift it or even temporarily remove it in order to get rid of unpleasant sensations or check whether the cartilaginous and bone plates have already fused. Such experiments cannot be carried out, since the correction performed by the surgeon may be violated, as a result of which the entire aesthetic result of the operation may be reduced to “zero”.

Stage III

Lasts on average 2-2.5 months and is a period of cosmetic recovery. During this time, swelling and hematomas almost completely disappear, and the shape of the nose, except for its tip and nostrils, takes on an almost final appearance. This stage is also important psychologically, since the patience of many patients is already running out by this time. However, they can already roughly assess the results of plastic surgery.

Stage IV

Lasts up to 1 year, and sometimes a little longer. This is the period of final healing and formation of appearance, during which various defects may disappear and, conversely, new defects may appear in the form of asymmetry of shape, irregularities, scars, the formation of visually detectable callus, etc.

With rhinoplasty, the postoperative period lasts from 2 months to six months. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the method of surgery, the materials used, the individual reaction of the body and compliance with the doctor’s prescriptions.

The main stages of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty can be seen in the photo by day.

A few hours after surgery:

As you can see from the photo of rhinoplasty during the rehabilitation period, after 7 days most of the swelling subsides. After two weeks, you can use cosmetics, including foundation, which perfectly helps hide the yellowness from bruises. After a month, the appearance becomes completely normal. True, rehabilitation after rhinoplasty does not end there, and it is still impossible to evaluate the final result.

The first days after rhinoplasty

Immediately after rhinoplasty, the patient recovers from anesthesia. In most cases, drug-induced sleep is used, so the severity of this stage depends on the successful selection of drugs and dosage. To reduce discomfort in the postoperative period after rhinoplasty, premedication is required.

At this stage you may experience:

  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • weakness,
  • drowsiness.

The discomfort will go away as soon as the medication wears off, so there is no need to worry. To prevent inflammation from starting and the temperature from rising after rhinoplasty, antibiotics are prescribed. Drugs are selected individually, usually in the form of injections. The patient also takes pain medication for the first two days.

Fixation of the nose after surgery

The postoperative period after rhinoplasty is a time when you need to be very careful about your new nose. Even a minor injury can negatively affect tissues that have not yet fused. To prevent this from happening, you need to wear special retainers during the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty. These could be:

  • plaster splints,
  • thermoplastic, which is attached with a special plaster.

Recently, plaster casts have been abandoned. The swelling may go away quickly, and the splint will have to be reapplied, which is very painful after surgery. Plastic retainers are considered more gentle. After surgery, during the recovery period after rhinoplasty, you also need to wear intranasal tampons to maintain the shape of your nose. They absorb secretions, which helps reduce swelling. More modern is the use of hemostatic sponges or silicone splints. They are installed together with the air duct, so after rhinoplasty there is no such thing that the nose cannot breathe. In addition, these materials do not stick to the mucous membrane, so they can be removed painlessly.

Bandages and tampons are usually removed 10-14 days after surgery.

In the first weeks

Reviews about rehabilitation after rhinoplasty make it clear that the most difficult stage is the first 2-3 weeks. Then the person gets used to some of the restrictions associated with the operation. By the month, traces visible to others disappear: severe swelling, bruises, and swelling. Another unusual side effect of surgery is numbness in the skin of the nose and upper lip. This is completely normal and will go away with time.

Recovery time after rhinoplasty depends on compliance with the doctor’s recommendations. If you want to avoid it, you need to follow these instructions:

  • Sleep only on your back.
  • Do not bend over or lift heavy objects.
  • Don't exercise for at least a month.
  • Avoid visiting the solarium, swimming pool or going to the beach for at least 2 months.
  • Don't eat too hot or cold food.

Also, for three months after rhinoplasty, you should not wear glasses; for two weeks you should forget about washing your face and using cosmetics. A doctor must monitor the progress of recovery, and only he can lift restrictions.

Final restoration

The patients in the photo in the postoperative period after rhinoplasty look great after a month. But this is only an appearance from the outside, since the swelling completely disappears in no less than 3 months. Typically, full recovery takes from six months to a year. For example, after rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose, rehabilitation will be shorter than after a complex operation. A month after surgery, your nose will look something like this.

Rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Aleksanyan Tigran Albertovich

The speed of recovery is also affected by the method of correction. With closed nose surgery, the rehabilitation period usually lasts up to 6 months. If the operation was performed openly, then it will take some more time to remove the scar.

How to speed up recovery after rhinoplasty

It is worth noting that the recovery rate for different types of correction will be different. For example, rehabilitation after plastic surgery of the tip of the nose or wings will take more time than recovery after removing a hump or correcting a nasal septum. In addition, the timing depends on the general condition of the body and individual characteristics. However, you can use additional tools and techniques to help you recover faster.

  1. To combat edema, it is recommended to follow a low-salt diet. It is also worth remembering that alcohol also retains excess water in the body.
  2. You may experience difficulty breathing a few days after surgery. This is normal and is due to the fact that crusts form after surgery. In order not to prolong the rehabilitation period, you must wait until the scabs fall off on their own. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the mucous membrane that has not yet recovered, and healing will take longer.
  3. To make bruises go away faster, during the rehabilitation period after nose surgery you can use special ointments, for example “Traumel S”, “Lioton” or others. But in any case, you should first consult with your doctor.

Every fifth plastic surgery is rhinoplasty. Dissatisfaction with the nose given by nature pushes not only women, but also men under the surgeon’s knife. The operation allows you to change the shape, size, eliminate defects, and normalize breathing. Successful completion of the operation is not enough to obtain positive results. Surgical intervention is followed by unpleasant rehabilitation after rhinoplasty. For those planning an operation, it is important to understand what negative consequences and complications may arise and what to do to speed up recovery.

Typical Side Effects

Edema is recognized as a natural reaction of the body that becomes a response to surgical intervention. After rhinoplasty, this manifestation is at its maximum brightness. The operated tissues swell, the swelling spreads to neighboring areas.

The entire center of the face suffers: nose, under-eyes, cheeks, upper lip. The swelling rarely goes below. The greatest severity of edema is observed after open rhinoplasty.

Performing the operation is fraught the formation of bruises. Operated tissue rarely produces significant hematomas. Especially if the surgeon used a closed intervention technique. The nose is covered with a plaster splint for 1–2 weeks. During this time, local hematomas have time to resolve. Bruises that often appear under the patient’s eyes spoil the appearance.

Bleeding after rhinoplasty stop tampons that completely cover the nasal passages. They disrupt natural breathing. The presence of turuntulas soaked in medical oil and various body fluids can cause an unpleasant odor and negative sensations. A pressure bandage on the nose often causes tissue numbness, and the patient has a desire to scratch the skin.

Removal of additional devices by a doctor does not always bring relief from unpleasant symptoms. Typical side effects during the recovery period include:

  • dryness;
  • nasal congestion;
  • general discomfort.

Attention! Manifestations persist for up to 1.5–3 months, in rare cases longer. The reactions of organisms are individual, the speed of recovery varies.

Possible complications

Patients are often disappointed with the results after removing a plaster cast. The nose appears large and rarely matches the model planned by the surgeon. This is a temporary phenomenon. Patients do not need to be upset about nose enlargement. The picture is spoiled by swelling. After 1.5–3 months the situation returns to normal. The organ will take on a pleasant shape. It is difficult to say how long it will take for the swelling to go away. The swelling can “walk” from the tip to the bridge of the nose for up to six months. Surgeons consider the phenomenon to be a variant of the norm.

Hardening of the tip of the nose is also associated with the prevalence of swelling. This happens not only after otoplasty. Patients often complain of decreased tissue sensitivity. The tip of the nose becomes numb, swells, and looks unnatural. After the surgeon performs open rhinoplasty, such complications are more pronounced. There is a disruption in tissue nutrition and supporting functions. The hard tip may be preserved as a feature of tissue fixation.

The postoperative period is fraught with breathing problems. Even after removal of the turuntula, the important function is far from normal. The fact that the nose does not breathe is due to swelling of the internal tissues. If the surgeon makes mistakes, an unfavorable picture may persist. Performing closed rhinoplasty contributes to obtaining various unpredictable negative results.

Surgical intervention, supplemented by the need to wear a permanent compression bandage, can affect the quality of the covers. The most unfavorable conditions are created for oily skin. Pore ​​enlargement and formation of local inflammatory processes (pimples) are possible. You will have to be extremely careful in caring for your skin, even after removing the cast. Gentle cleansing with micellar water or similar products is recommended. Doctors prohibit patients from performing traumatic cleansing for 3–6 months.

Photo immediately after surgery

As a result of incorrect actions of the surgeon, individual reactions may formation of callus, hump on the bridge of the nose. Sometimes the tip drops, asymmetry occurs, and the patient gets a crooked nose. The problem can only be solved by repeated intervention. The next operation is performed no earlier than six months later. Typically, revision rhinoplasty is performed in an open manner after 1–2 years.

After surgery the body is susceptible infectious diseases. It is important for patients to protect themselves from developing a runny nose. To prevent the disease, surgeons prescribe prophylactic anti-inflammatory drugs to patients. Your doctor will prescribe specific medications. It is important to carry out antiseptic treatment of sutures to prevent infection of wounds. This is especially important after rhinoseptoplasty.

Ways to facilitate rehabilitation

The duration and severity of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The following can affect the quality of the process:

  • level of quality of implementation of the intervention;
  • compliance with recommendations in the process of preparation and recovery;
  • performing additional manipulations prescribed by the surgeon.

The doctor must apply a tight bandage for closed rhinoplasty, and a plaster cast for open surgery. You cannot remove or move the device yourself. Unpleasant sensations (tightness, itching) must be endured. The doctor removes the plaster after 7–10 days. When the bandage has shifted or fallen off on its own, it is necessary to visit the surgeon prematurely. After removing the cast, the doctor will indicate the need to use strips. The duration of use of adhesive fixing strips is determined individually.

The doctor will recommend rinsing the nose after removing the stitches (7-14 days). The procedure helps accelerate the restoration of natural breathing. It is also important to take care of the condition of the scars. Regular antiseptic treatment will prevent the development of inflammation.

For skin care after surgery, it is advisable to use neutral products. You cannot wash your face in the usual way until the cast is removed. The use of cosmetics is also not recommended. It may be difficult to clean your hair after rhinoplasty. Hygiene procedures are carried out by slightly tilting the head back. You can visit a hairdresser and ask others for help.

To speed up healing, the doctor may prescribe a course of physiotherapy. Hardware manipulations after rhinoplasty can improve the condition of the skin, relieve swelling, and facilitate recovery. Procedures begin after 7–14 days. Shown:

  • phonophoresis;
  • darsonvalization;
  • microcurrents.

Pay attention! To prevent the formation of a hump, callus, and to alleviate the general condition, the surgeon prescribes a special massage. The procedure is performed by a specialist. The surgeon categorically prohibits performing classical tissue kneading.

Recovery duration

The standard recovery period after closed rhinoplasty, which proceeds without complications, lasts 1–1.5 months. During this time, the swelling has time to go away, the discomfort subsides, and the stitches are scarred. We can consider the first achievements.

Photo the day after surgery

After open rhinoplasty, the rehabilitation period lasts 2–3 months, if there are no complicating factors. Various manifestations can occur over six months. The second quarter of recovery is considered simpler; negative consequences no longer arise.

Photos of rehabilitation by day

If complications occur, recovery time increases. The duration of elimination of negative consequences is individual. Controversial situations are resolved only together with a doctor. Complicated rehabilitation can take up to a year. In some cases, repeated surgery is necessary.

Restrictions after surgery

Surgical intervention in the nose area is recognized as a complex plastic surgery. Full recovery takes a long time and is characterized by increased discomfort. To speed up and facilitate rehabilitation and minimize complications, doctors recommend observing a number of restrictions. Standard for most cosmetic procedures and surgical operations is the refusal of:

  • tanning in the sun, in a solarium;
  • swimming in the pool, open water;
  • steaming in hot water, bath, sauna;
  • increased physical activity;
  • various procedures (massage, hardware, masks, cleansing) without the consent of a doctor.

IN The recovery period after rhinoplasty is characterized by specific limitations. The doctor warns against:

  • getting injured;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • wearing glasses;
  • sleeping on the stomach, side, without a pillow;
  • active facial expressions.

Violations may affect the results of the operation and complicate the ongoing recovery.

If a runny nose occurs, the doctor indicates that it is impossible to blow your nose as usual. The nose is washed in the indicated way. The discharge can be carefully removed with a cotton swab. You can only sneeze with your mouth open. This relieves pressure inside the nose.

Most restrictions are removed by the surgeon after 1.5–3 months. Some bans are extended to six months. The surgeon monitors the patient’s condition and individually adjusts the recovery plan. Extreme, traumatic sports (boxing, wrestling, diving), and a physically overly active lifestyle will have to be eliminated forever. Patients should not engage in any potentially hazardous activities.

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty is very important, since it is its correct completion that determines the speed of healing and the final result of the operation.

Duration of the rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period may vary depending on what kind of correction was carried out and what correction method was used. On average, rehabilitation lasts up to six months. This is a complex manipulation that is performed on one of the most visible areas of the face, so you need to be prepared for certain nuances and subtleties. The entire rehabilitation period can be divided into several stages:

  1. At the first stage, which can last from 7 to 10 (depending on the type and volume of intervention and the individual characteristics of the patient), the patient will experience pain and discomfort. He will also experience swelling and hematomas, which cannot be avoided. You also need to be prepared for the fact that breathing may be difficult.
  2. The second stage can last up to 2 weeks. At this point, the patient is freed from the cast and can begin their normal activities.
  3. The next stage can take up to 4 months. During this period, the patient himself can see the result of the operation and how the surgical site is healing.
  4. At the last stage, the final recovery occurs, and usually this stage is completed no later than a year after the operation.

Now let's look at each of the stages in more detail.

The first days after rhinoplasty

During this period, the patient experiences the greatest discomfort and fear, since he still cannot visually assess the result of the operation, and his face with hematomas and swelling does not in any way suggest what the final effect will be. Therefore, when you decide to have rhinoplasty, you need to be prepared for it in advance.

Scarring- this is something that scares any person, and since a bandage is applied immediately after the operation, it is impossible to see what incisions were made and where, and the pain spreads far beyond the surgical site. But now cosmetic surgery has reached such a level that most procedures are performed using advanced surgical techniques. Closed rhinoplasty allows you to avoid visible scars, because all the incisions are made inside the sinuses. But even if rhinoplasty was performed openly, and the scars are slightly noticeable, the qualifications and experience of the surgeon will allow the operation to be performed with fewer incisions and a smaller size.

Edema and hematomas

This is an integral part of any surgical intervention, just like hematomas. The skin and other tissues on the patient's face are subject to significant stress as a result of the surgery because blood vessels are injured during the operation. Patients also experience pain and discomfort because the skin is cut and punctured during the operation.

In the first days after the operation, the general condition may also be somewhat depressed, since the operation is performed under anesthesia. Therefore, during the period of recovery from this state, premedication is usually carried out. But the patient may still feel drowsiness, weakness, dizziness and nausea. In addition, in order to avoid various inflammatory processes after surgery, a course of antibiotics is usually prescribed, as well as painkillers to reduce pain.

A mandatory procedure after surgery is fixation of the nose. This is necessary in order to avoid damage to tissues that have not yet fused. Otherwise, even a slight touch can nullify the result of the operation. Usually, plaster is applied after rhinoplasty for fixation. This plaster cast is called a splint. Nowadays, along with a splint, thermoplastic is used, which is attached with a special adhesive plaster. But recently, doctors are increasingly giving preference to fixators, because the plaster requires replacement when the swelling begins to subside, and replacing a plaster splint can be very painful. In this case, the use of plastic clamps is more convenient.

Also during this period, wearing intranasal tampons is recommended, which allows you to maintain the correct shape of the nose. These tampons also absorb any secretions, helping to reduce swelling. It is best if silicone splints or hemostatic sponges are used as intranasal tampons. These materials can be painlessly removed later because they do not stick to the mucosa. They are installed along with the air duct so that you can breathe.

The first weeks after surgery

During this period, some negative consequences of the operation may still be felt, which are most pronounced in the first days. But in general, the condition is already better, since the swelling decreases and the bruises after rhinoplasty begin to disappear. Negative phenomena that may also persist during this period may include numbness of the skin of the nose, as well as the skin of the upper lip. This happens because the nerve cords have not yet fully recovered. It is also not recommended to wash your face or use cosmetics during this period.

The third stage of rehabilitation lasts up to 4 months, less often it can last up to six months. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations here. So, during this period it is not recommended:

  • bending or lifting heavy objects;
  • eating food that is too cold or hot;
  • You should try to sleep on your back;
  • actively engage in sports;
  • visit solariums, swimming pools or the beach;
  • wear glasses.

Final restoration

In general, improvements can be seen within a month after surgery, but full recovery takes almost a whole year. In general, the period of complete recovery largely depends on the type of surgical intervention. So, if closed rhinoplasty was performed, then final recovery occurs after about six months. A year after rhinoplasty, you can return to your normal lifestyle and fully experience all the delights of the new nose shape.

To speed up the recovery of your nose after rhinoplasty, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations, and also know what you can and cannot do during this period.

The first days, month, year, life after rhinoplasty

Of course, after such a surgical intervention as rhinoplasty, life in general changes. This is explained by the fact that a person loses complexes regarding his appearance, he becomes more self-confident and remains satisfied when looking at himself in the mirror.

However, to achieve beautiful noses after rhinoplasty, patients must go a long way towards an ideal appearance.

Because the operation is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and has a long recovery period. Frequent questions after or before surgery include: does the tip of the nose droop after rhinoplasty, does it hurt, how long does rehabilitation last, and much more.

  • The first day after rhinoplasty is determined by quite striking symptoms, at this time there is severe swelling, soreness of the nose, and difficulty breathing as a result of the introduction of cotton wool into the nasal cavities. In addition, in the first days after rhinoplasty, bruises and bruises are often present on the face, which gradually subside over time.
  • The demand for rhinoplasty is determined by the positive final result; complications arise in rare cases. In addition to modeling the nose itself, during the procedure they can correct the deformation of the septum and change the tip and wings of the nose.
  • Scarring of tissue after rhinoplasty of the nose occurs, as a rule, during rehabilitation or at the end of it. It all depends on the care of the operated area and the regenerative abilities of the body.

From everything described, we can conclude that the life of a person who decides to undergo surgery changes greatly for the better.

What symptoms and complications are observed in the patient during the rehabilitation period?

As a result of rhinoplasty of the nose, patients often experience symptoms of complications, which are determined by various conditions, can be short or long-lasting, that is, cannot be corrected on their own.

  • Swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty

Swelling of the nose, including the tip, very often occurs after surgical intervention, since the operation causes damage to soft tissues and blood vessels. For some people, minor swelling after rhinoplasty may persist for a year.

  1. To eliminate swelling after rhinoplasty, the patient may be prescribed diprospan or other medications.
  2. The duration of swelling after surgery can vary; generally, this symptom begins to subside after the first week of the rehabilitation period or at a later date.
  • Callus after rhinoplasty

Often, as a result of surgery, patients can
detect a callus on the nasal area, which occurs due to swelling and is a bulging of cartilage tissue.

  • No breathing and stuffy nose after rhinoplasty

The main and most common complication after rhinoplasty nose is a violation of respiratory activity, which is associated with high swelling, pain and the presence of nasal turundas.

The respiratory function of the nose after the operation is restored, as a rule, after swelling is reduced and cotton wool is removed. In terms of time, this can be 1-2 or more weeks from the moment of rhinoplasty.

  • After rhinoplasty, a hump appeared on the bridge of the nose

The appearance of a hump after surgery appears rare, but possible. This condition is determined by the incorrect actions of a medical specialist. Most often, such a defect will need to be corrected only after at least 6 months with a second operation.

If, after the swelling has gone down, a hump has formed on the nose, you should contact your attending surgeon.

  • Subcutaneous scar after rhinoplasty

If the surgeon incorrectly applies cosmetic sutures, a subcutaneous scar may form on the soft tissue areas, which can be easily felt during palpation and can cause some inconvenience.

  • Temperature after rhinoplasty

An increase in temperature after surgery occurs rarely and may be accompanied by individual characteristics of the body or an infectious lesion.

  • Hard nasal tip after rhinoplasty

Due to a violation of the integrity of the cartilage and soft tissues, in addition to swelling, a phenomenon such as a hard tip of the nose may be observed. Basically, this condition is not long-lasting and goes away towards the end of rehabilitation.

  • Crooked nose tip after rhinoplasty

The development of a crooked tip is a fairly common complication of rhinoplasty and cannot be eliminated on its own. This will require a second operation in most cases.

  • Lump on nose after rhinoplasty

The appearance of a lump in the nasal area after surgery can be attributed to tissue swelling and after its reduction, the lump, as a rule, decreases.

  • Unpleasant smell in the nose after rhinoplasty

The appearance of a specific odor after nasal surgery may be associated with the use of medications and the healing processes of soft tissues.

  • After removing the rhinoplasty turunda, my nose did not breathe

As a rule, the respiratory function of the nose after rhinoplasty resumes when swelling decreases and the turunda is removed. If after such actions the condition does not change, you should consult a doctor.

  • Different nostrils after rhinoplasty

A complication such as different shapes of the nostrils does not occur often and depends on the surgeon’s incorrect calculations and surgical planning. To eliminate the defect, revision rhinoplasty is prescribed.

  • Bruises after rhinoplasty

Bruises after surgery are common and last for quite a long time, so patients are often interested in: how to get rid of bruises after rhinoplasty? To do this, it is necessary to use local agents that have blood thinning properties.

  • After rhinoplasty, the nose will turn up strongly

If the doctor did not plan the operation correctly, then the final result of rhinoplasty may be an upturned nose.

  • Headaches after rhinoplasty

Due to pain as a result of the operation, it can radiate to neighboring areas, so the patient also often complains of headaches.

  • Asymmetry after rhinoplasty

If facial asymmetry occurs, you should consult a doctor. The occurrence of this complication should be judged only when the swelling has completely disappeared.

  • Eye problems after rhinoplasty

Visual impairment and other eye problems resulting from rhinoplasty are very rare and are characterized by infection, severe swelling, or surgical error. Bloody eyes can occur due to a violation of the integrity of blood vessels and disappear after a few days.

  • Nose droops after rhinoplasty

If during the operation the surgeon incorrectly fixed the tip of the nose, after complete healing there will be a very dark drooping of the tip. To correct this defect, a repeat operation will be required.

What is not allowed and what is possible after rhinoplasty?

What you can and cannot do after rhinoplasty during the recovery and rehabilitation period.

To quickly recover after surgery, you must know certain rules, and know what is possible and what is not allowed after surgery.

  • Why you can't sleep on your side after rhinoplasty

It is believed that after this type of plastic surgery, doctors recommend sleeping on your back, since this normalizes breathing and reduces pressure on the nose, which allows you to avoid spoiling the new shape.

  • Alcohol after rhinoplasty

It is believed that alcohol after surgery is harmful because it causes vasodilation, which can lead to opening of the stitches and bleeding.

It is best to abstain from alcohol after surgery for the entire rehabilitation period.

  • Pregnancy after rhinoplasty

How long after rhinoplasty can you get pregnant? This issue should be approached only after a full recovery, and this is not earlier than 6 months or a year.

  • Is it possible to fly on an airplane after rhinoplasty?

When taking off on an airplane, a person's blood pressure changes greatly and bleeding may occur, so flying on this type of vehicle is contraindicated after surgery.

  • Sex after rhinoplasty

Is it possible to masturbate during rhinoplasty? This question can be answered in the negative, since tension is contraindicated for the patient during the postoperative period. You should abstain from intimate life for about 3 weeks.

  • Solarium after rhinoplasty

Visiting a solarium after surgery is strictly contraindicated as it can cause bleeding.

  • Glasses after rhinoplasty

In order not to further injure your nose or disrupt its shape, you should refrain from wearing glasses for at least 1-2 weeks. If the quality of vision is poor, it is recommended to use lenses.

  • Is it possible to sunbathe after rhinoplasty?

Both direct and artificial sunlight in a solarium are contraindicated for a person who has had nose surgery. Because high temperatures cause overheating and increase pressure.

  • Is it possible to smoke after rhinoplasty?

Hookah after noplasty or a regular cigarette are contraindicated because they impair blood circulation, increase blood pressure and lower the immune status. You should abstain from this habit for about a month.

  • Can I drink coffee after rhinoplasty?

For about a month after surgery, it is advisable to give up coffee, strong hot tea and hot spicy foods.

  • Why you shouldn't blow your nose after rhinoplasty

Since after rhinoplasty the nasal mucosa is very delicate and is just beginning to tighten, various damage and external influences are extremely contraindicated for it, therefore it is recommended not to blow your nose during the rehabilitation period.

  • Sports after rhinoplasty

For approximately 1-2 months, the patient is prescribed complete rest and no tension. Therefore, sports are contraindicated at this time.

  • Is it possible to pick your nose after rhinoplasty?

You should not blow your nose or pick your nose, so as not to disturb the mucous membrane and cause bleeding.

You can speed up the patient’s recovery period after rhinoplasty by following medical recommendations and proper nose care.

  • Plaster after rhinoplasty

To fix the nose after surgery, a plaster splint is applied and worn for at least 2 weeks. Removal of plaster after rhinoplasty takes place in a hospital setting by the attending physician. It is not uncommon for the patient to experience swelling after the cast is removed following rhinoplasty. This occurs due to compression of the soft tissues and after a few days it decreases.

  • Nasal tampons after rhinoplasty

To stop bleeding, after surgery, tampons soaked in the drug are inserted into the patient's nasal passages.

  • Plaster after rhinoplasty

Why put a patch on your nose after rhinoplasty? This is done in order to protect the operated areas from infections and other external influences and to promote faster tissue healing.

  • Correction of keloid scars after rhinoplasty

To eliminate keloid scars after plastic surgery, medications are used - glucocorticosteroids, which are injected into the sites of scar formation.

  • Strips after rhinoplasty

To eliminate swelling and fix the correct shape of the nose, strips are used, which are something like an adhesive plaster.

  • Suture after rhinoplasty

On what day are the sutures removed after rhinoplasty and when do the sutures dissolve after rhinoplasty?

As a rule, this is done on the 4th day, they are removed on soft tissues, and on the mucous surface they resolve on their own after 2-3 weeks.

  • How to sneeze after rhinoplasty

To avoid damaging your nose after surgery, you should sneeze with your mouth and nose open.

  • Chlorhexidine treatment after rhinoplasty percentage

In order to prevent infectious infection of the mucous membrane after surgery, it should be regularly lubricated with Chlorhexidine solution or another antiseptic 2-3 times a day.

Effective remedies after rhinoplasty

  • How to properly massage after rhinoplasty

To improve blood circulation and metabolic reactions, after rhinoplasty, doctors recommend massage, which can be performed at home.

When performing it, it is worth remembering that the procedure is done slowly and with light circular movements.

  • Diprospan injection for swelling after rhinoplasty of the nose

The medicine Diprospan has a large number of pharmacological properties and most importantly - helps in reducing swelling. The drug is injected into the area of ​​edema or intramuscularly.

The drug Diprospan contains many active components, so it effectively eliminates swelling after surgery.

  • Dimexide after rhinoplasty

Like Diprospan, Dimexide is determined by a pronounced
has an anti-edematous effect and is widely used to relieve complications during nasal surgery.

  • How to properly rinse your nose after rhinoplasty?

Regular nasal rinsing can help reduce swelling, normalize breathing, and speed up healing. After the operation, it is allowed to use medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, calendula, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The duration and frequency of rinsing is determined by the doctor.

  • Lyoton after rhinoplasty

To reduce swelling and improve blood circulation
After surgery, the patient is recommended to use Lyoton 1000 gel. It is advisable to use it daily until the swelling completely decreases, 2-3 times a day.

  • Peach oil in the nose after surgery

To remove nasal crusts, soften the mucous membrane and reduce swelling, After surgery, peach oil is prescribed, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The cost of the medicine is reasonable.

  • Dolobene after rhinoplasty

To avoid complications of the operation in the form of swelling, you should smear your nose with Dolobene gel every day. In addition to this property, such a medicine effectively accelerates blood circulation and metabolic processes.

  • Self-absorbing turundas after rhinoplasty

Currently, ordinary cotton pads are often replaced with self-absorbable ones, which do not require such careful care and are more convenient to use.

  • Physiotherapy after rhinoplasty

To speed up the process of tissue restoration and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, physiotherapeutic procedures are widely used after surgery. They are used only as prescribed by the attending physician, and if the patient has no contraindications for this.

Physiotherapy may include electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis, phototherapy and darsonvalization.