4 years, what wedding, what to give. Wedding anniversaries, wedding names. years of marriage

4 years of marriage - linen wedding. During this time, the couple learned to put up with shortcomings, provided love and support to each other, despite difficulties and everyday worries. For the celebration to be a success, you need to know the meaning and traditions of a linen wedding, as well as what to give to the “newlyweds”.

What a wedding

4 years of marriage are called differently in different countries. In Germany they celebrate an amber wedding, in the Netherlands - a silk wedding, in Western European countries - a wax wedding, in Russia - a linen or rope wedding.

  • The symbol of a linen wedding is a beautiful, strong material, the threads of which are tightly intertwined. This makes the fabric difficult to tear. Such properties of flax ideally emphasize the value of family ties. Natural material also symbolizes prosperity and prosperity. Likewise, young spouses are gradually equipping their family nest, improving their financial condition, and thinking about having children.
  • A rope wedding is called so because gradually the destinies of husband and wife become closely intertwined: they are no longer so easy to separate. It is believed that spouses get used to each other for 3–4 years.
  • The symbol of a wax wedding is heated wax, which is plastic and easily takes any shape. Likewise, spouses gradually learn to adapt to each other and develop mutual understanding.


There are many traditions associated with celebrating a fourth wedding anniversary. Here are a few of them:

  • The husband and wife are tied tightly with rope. The couple then tries to free themselves. If they fail, it means their marriage will be strong and durable.
  • My wife embroiders patterns along the edge of a linen sheet. Moreover, she adds elements of the pattern when her husband shows her attention and gives her gifts. On the day of the celebration, the wife gives her beloved a surprise. In this case, you need to compare the height of your spouse with the length of the pattern on the sheet.
  • The wife, without taking her husband’s measurements, sews him linen pants and a shirt. This kind of exam will show how well she knows her beloved.
  • During congratulatory speeches, guests shower the spouses with candy and flaxseeds.
  • The festive table is decorated with symbolic figures made of flax stalks. The couple saves the items until their next anniversary, then burns them.
  • For the holiday, the wife must bake sweets, and the husband must make wine himself.

At the holiday, the husband wore an embroidered shirt, and the wife wore a linen sundress. This dress code can be presented to all guests. This will add symbolism and solemnity to the holiday.

How to celebrate

It is customary to celebrate an anniversary together or in a small company of friends, close relatives, and godparents.

If you want to celebrate together, choose one of the following options:

  • Have a romantic candlelit dinner at home or in a restaurant;
  • visit the theatre, cinema, exhibition;
  • organize a small picnic: in the park, in the forest, near the sea or lake;
  • go on a trip.

Event decoration

A great way to celebrate a linen wedding is to have a themed party. To remember the celebration with positive emotions, prepare in advance. Together, clean the house and decorate the living room. Hang linen curtains and cover the table with an embroidered tablecloth. Decorate the room with bouquets of flowers, balloons, and linen toys. To create a romantic, cozy atmosphere, light a lot of candles.

For your 4th wedding anniversary, set the table with linen napkins.


A wax wedding does not require the preparation of expensive gourmet dishes. Offer guests simple food based on the hostess's signature recipes, such as baked potatoes with meat and a few homemade salads. An integral attribute of the celebration is wine, fruit, dessert.


During the festive feast, you can hold fun competitions and games. Themed parties are very popular. Guests can dress up in costumes of fairy-tale characters, pirates or pink piglets.

Gift for husband

Great options for a symbolic gift for your husband:

  • linen accessories: breast pocket square, tie;
  • wardrobe elements: shirt, T-shirt, scarf;
  • braided keychain, car toy, bracelet;
  • hand-embroidered bed linen or scarf.

You can please your husband with your favorite dish, a romantic dinner or a sexy dance.

Gift for wife

On your anniversary, assure your wife of your immense love and loyalty. Give her your time and attention. Prepare breakfast, help in the kitchen.

To give your wife a long-lasting celebration, give her a gift. It could be:

  • beautiful linen clothes with lace or embroidery: dress, skirt, shirt, scarf;
  • woven jewelry made from ropes, threads or cords: beads, necklaces, bracelets;
  • lace accessories;
  • home decor.

What do guests give?

Holiday gifts shouldn't be too expensive or fancy. Pay more attention to the symbolic meaning of the celebration.

The optimal gift for a linen wedding:

  • bed linen, lace bedspread, decorative pillowcases;
  • tablecloth, napkins, kitchen towels, fabric hot mats;
  • curtains;
  • bathrobes;
  • paired T-shirts, shirts with a print of a wedding photograph or an original inscription;
  • tapestry - a carpet woven from linen threads;
  • wickerwork made using the macrame technique.

Linen is a durable fabric. It is pleasant to the touch and beautiful, making it a perfect addition to the interior of a bedroom, kitchen or living room. If you cannot find a suitable linen product, give a gift from other natural fabrics.

For ideas, consider other fourth anniversary symbols such as wax and braiding. It could be:

  • woven painting or painted on canvas. Intertwined hands and tree branches can be depicted. The product will serve as a creative decor and an appropriate symbol of a lasting marriage;
  • service, cutlery, paired mugs or crystal glasses;
  • original candlestick with engraving;
  • decorative figured and scented candles;
  • natural cosmetics with the addition of beeswax.

Such traditional gifts will delight the spouses and bring happiness to the home. It is also appropriate to give decorative and practical souvenirs. When choosing a gift, be guided by the preferences and needs of the spouses.


The warm words of family and friends add special solemnity to the wax wedding. Congratulations should be cheerful, cheerful, and sincere. Traditionally, the parents are the first to address the spouses. They wish you health, happiness, and long years of family life. Friends can congratulate the couple in a comic and cheerful way.

Design a beautiful card, compose a speech, think up a toast, or memorize one of the poems.

You've been married for four years.
How quickly time has flown by!
Congratulations on this date,
We want you to live peacefully.

So that you don't quarrel with each other,
So that the house is full of friends,
So that laughter and joy are everywhere,
May only happiness be in him!

Four glorious years have passed
Linen anniversary – great!
Like flax let it be clean and strong
And have a long life!

So let in this good house
Live joyfully with love!
Let the threads be strong linen
Fate and life will be sewn together forever!

You've been together for four years
It was like being in a fairy tale.
Through the fogs and bad weather
You have found your love.

Congratulations on your linen wedding,
You have become even closer,
May everyone have a happy anniversary
Marriage gets stronger!

4 years of marriage is a long time for a young married couple. During this time, they rejoiced at their first common achievements and learned to overcome everyday difficulties and trials. A wax wedding is a wonderful holiday that should be fun, positive and solemn. This will bring joy, romance, tenderness into the relationship of the spouses. They will be able to continue to look confidently into the future.

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Not everyone knows what the 4th wedding anniversary is called. It is called flax. Even though it is fabric, it is quite durable. Such a wedding is considered a transitional one, which leads to the accumulation of various material values; they should lead the young family to well-being and prosperity. But in European countries such an anniversary is called a wax anniversary. After all, this is a material that takes almost any shape. And spouses need to adapt to each other, become softer. Warm as wax, the relationship is plastic, but strong.

Wedding anniversary 4 years - customs and congratulations

If you honor traditions, then check out the following:

  1. Early in the morning on this day, the wife covered her sleeping husband with a long cloth. But such fabric had to be created by the wife with her own hands and only on those days when the husband was sensitive to her, that is, he presented gifts and showed other signs of attention.
  2. Also, the skills of a young wife are manifested in the following sign. After all, the girl had to sew a sheet from linen and decorate it with lace and embroidery. When the 4th wedding anniversary came, the young woman had to put this sheet on the bed. This custom can be explained by the fact that the sets of linen that were presented to the spouses earlier have already become unusable over these 4 years. Therefore, now the husband and wife must have their own bed linen, which will replace the previous one.
  3. The woman also expressed her talent for needlework in the following ways. The young wife had to sew trousers and a shirt from linen for her husband and present it to him on this day. But during this time she has already gotten to know him well, so she needs to sew without taking measurements. Invited guests will appreciate the wife’s skill and see if the new clothes will arrive in time. It is quite possible to take this tradition into account and examine a young woman in this way.
  4. Not only did the wife give gifts to her husband, but he gave her gifts too. On this day, the husband had to make figurines from flax stalks in advance. They were placed on the festive table to decorate it. Such figurines were kept for another year, and when the anniversary came, they were burned.
  5. The guests also did not stand aside. They were given flax seeds in advance, with which they showered the heroes of the occasion and congratulated them at the same time.
  6. Another interesting ritual associated with guests was that they had to tie the spouses sitting on the chair well so that they could not get out. This ritual symbolized the strong love of the young.
  7. Since the fourth wedding anniversary is not an anniversary, it was customary to celebrate it only with loved ones. Now you can also not have an overly lavish feast, but rather have a fun party on a specific theme. You can dress up those present in costumes of fairy-tale characters, pirates, or as characters from your favorite movie.
  8. Don't forget to invite to the wedding evening not only your friends and close family, but also your husband's parents, bride's parents and godparents. It is the parents of the newlyweds who should be the first to congratulate the heroes of the occasion. It would be nice if the congratulations rhymed.

What do you give for your 4th wedding anniversary?

If you are invited to such an event, you can make a gift with your own hands.

In such a linen bag you will put what you decide to present to the heroes of the occasion. You can sew several similar fabric bags, in which the spouses will store all sorts of things and remember the fun holiday.


  • cotton fabric with a pattern;
  • textile;
  • lace braid;
  • twine;
  • scissors;
  • threads

To make a gift for 4 years, you need to cut out two rectangles from linen and the same number from cotton fabric. Their size is 18 by 15 cm.

Fold the printed fabric and the linen fabric in pairs with right sides facing each other, and pin at the edges.

Step back 1 cm from the edge and stitch. Unfold the fabrics and iron them. Step back 1 cm from the seam, place the ribbon here and pin it with a pin. Decorate the second half of the bag in the same way.

Unfold the first and second halves, connect these parts and secure with pins. Now sew using a sewing machine, but leave about 3cm of the lining cotton fabric untouched. This trick will help you turn the product inside out, which is what you will do. But first you need to cut corners.

Once you have turned the linen pouch over your face, sew up that gap on your arms.

Straighten the printed fabric and place it like a pocket in a linen bag. Iron on top.

Sew across the top. All you have to do is tie the bag with twine and you can give it as a gift for a linen wedding.

You can also make other flax containers to put your gift in. A master class and step-by-step photos will teach you this.

Take a rectangular piece of fabric and stitch it along the bottom and sides. Now turn 90 degrees and sew the corners. Unscrew the top of the bag twice and stitch here too.

You can decorate such a container with lace and embroidery.

Here's another great gift for your 4th wedding anniversary.

You can buy a set of bed linen or sew it yourself. Embroidery will decorate such a thing.

If you need an inexpensive gift, then make the following panel.

  1. Cut a rectangle from the linen fabric. Spread its edges by 5 mm with a needle, removing excess threads.
  2. Make a semblance of two birds from mesh fabric, and make a head from padding polyester, tying it with thread at neck level.
  3. Cut out a heart from soft red fabric; to give it volume, you can also add a little padding polyester.

If a wife wants to give an unusual gift to her husband, then she will sew him a linen shirt. It would be nice to embroider it to decorate it this way.

If a woman knows how to embroider, then she can decorate towels in this way, which will be an excellent gift or decoration for the interior of a linen wedding.

Here are some other gifts you can give for your 4th wedding anniversary. A wife can give her husband:

  1. Linen canvas, if the spouse likes to paint.
  2. Case for gadget.
  3. A ticket for a trip, a ride in a hot air balloon. The main thing is to wrap the ticket in a linen napkin.
  4. Case for glasses made of this material.
  5. Homemade trousers, linen pajamas.

And a husband can give his wife for their 4th wedding anniversary:

  • linen cosmetic bag with cosmetics;
  • clothes made from this material;
  • designer linen toy;
  • diary or photo album with linen cover.

The husband can also surprise his wife by inviting her on a date in a linen tent. There will be a table decorated with a tablecloth and napkins made of this material. Since the 4th wedding anniversary is also considered a wax anniversary, candles would be appropriate. But you need to take ones that will not lead to a fire.

By the way, it is not customary to give candles for 4 wedding years. You can present a romantic handmade lamp.

Celebration places are also decorated with similar items. And in similar tents you can not only have a romantic dinner for husband and wife, but also celebrate a linen wedding.

Even if you only have a little linen fabric, put it to work by making a photo frame like this.

This thing is made of wood. It is artificially aged, a photograph is attached, and a linen bow is glued on top.

The second video will tell you what kind of congratulations you can say on your 4th wedding anniversary.

The wedding day itself and the entire first year are called a green wedding - as a sign of youth, freshness and purity of the newlyweds. In the first year, you can celebrate the date of this event at least every month, and even every week!

The name of the first wedding anniversary is associated with chintz, a lightweight material. On the one hand, chintz symbolizes the fragility of the relationship: the young people are just getting to know each other better. On the other hand, relationships imbued with love are still very easy and simple.

For a chintz wedding, it is customary to give items made of chintz, cotton, and silk. It is convenient for loved ones to present a young couple, for example, with a beautiful set of bed linen. Spouses are usually recommended to exchange chintz handkerchiefs on their first wedding anniversary, but if this gift seems banal or impractical to you (for example, you are used to using disposable ones), then you can choose other chintz products.

In the old days, on this day, the “young man” was given a dress made of chintz fabric, and the spouse was given a shirt or trousers, also made of chintz. And, of course, the main ritual gift on this day was a chintz dress presented to the young wife by her mother-in-law.

The two-year wedding anniversary is called a paper wedding. Marital relations during this period are identified with the most fragile material - paper: it easily tears, wrinkles, and burns.

Over two years of family life, the spouses manage to get to know each other quite well. Unpleasant habits are revealed, responsibilities are distributed, and characters are polished. Often at this time the couple has a baby, which means the end of the romantic period when the husband and wife belonged only to each other and enjoyed intimacy. At the same time, this is a period of joy and happiness from new emotions and impressions - they should help overcome possible conflicts.

Guests invited to a paper wedding give all kinds of printed products: books, calendars, photo albums, paintings. Gifts made of plastic and pieces of furniture are also considered acceptable. You can even give money as a gift: they are also paper!

They say that an interesting tradition was associated with this wedding anniversary in Byzantium. For the festive feast, the husband and wife made dolls out of paper. Notes with wishes to the spouse were hidden in these dolls, and the advantages and disadvantages of a loved one were listed. It was believed that after two years of family life, husband and wife got to know each other well enough and could give an objective assessment. Young spouses exchange dolls with guests, which should remain next to them until the end of the holiday. During the feast, the husband and wife each carefully watch their doll, because the husband's friends or the wife's girlfriend can change the notes in the dolls. The substituted notes indicate only the merits of the spouse. If the note is stolen, the thieves demand a symbolic ransom. Towards the end of the celebration, the young couple take out notes from the dolls and read them aloud to the guests. The guests discuss whether the person who wrote them is truthful or whether he exaggerated something. The parents of the heroes of the occasion did not participate in this discussion. After the discussion, each of the guests had to give wise advice to the young spouses.

3 years since the wedding - Leather wedding

Three years of marriage is the first “significant” date for a young family. The 3 year wedding anniversary is called a leather wedding. It is believed that the “paper” difficulties are left behind, and since the husband and wife have not broken off the relationship like paper, it means they have learned to get along with each other and adapt flexibly. After all, skin is a symbol of flexibility.

The importance of the ability to find a compromise in family relationships is emphasized by the gifts that guests bring for the holiday. These can be products made of leather or leatherette: bags, purses, organizers, belts, and for the wealthier - leather clothing or even furniture.

It was no coincidence that the fourth wedding anniversary was called linen, because linen is not chintz, it is much stronger, which means that the relationship between the spouses has become stronger and more reliable. Linen is a symbol of strength and durability.

This anniversary is sometimes also called a wax anniversary, which laid the foundation for the tradition of always placing candles on the table. Well, of course, you should cover the table with a linen tablecloth, and place a linen napkin near each cutlery.

Linen is a symbol of prosperity and security. Linen items last a long time, and therefore gifts given on this day will remain with the spouses for life: tablecloths, bedspreads, and other high-quality home textiles.

The fifth wedding anniversary is the first major family anniversary. Wood is a warm, pliable, cozy and very homely material. In addition, it is also a building material. By five years of marriage, the couple had already managed to build their relationship, arrange a home, and possibly have a child.

Compared to all the previous symbols of wedding anniversaries - chintz, paper, leather and linen, wood is the first solid material, which is also very symbolic. By the age of five, all the main roughness in the relationship is smoothed out and comes to relative stability. Wood is a hard material, but, unfortunately, not eternal. A house built of wood is warm and reliable, but it can also be threatened by fires from family quarrels. It is considered a good omen for spouses to plant a tree on their fifth wedding anniversary. They say that a tree planted on the fifth wedding anniversary will survive all adversity and will be a memory for distant descendants.

If you have not celebrated previous milestones in family life, then a wooden wedding is definitely worth celebrating. It would be a good idea to invite your friends and all the guests present at your wedding. Gifts do not have to be expensive: boxes, carved items, wooden dishes and jewelry, small pieces of furniture.

This is the first “metal” wedding anniversary. But it should be remembered that cast iron, despite its external strength, is the most fragile of all metals, and may well break from a strong blow. In the old days, on this day, the housewife polished cast-iron dishes to a shine and put them on display for passers-by.

It is recommended to give cast iron pots and pans as gifts for a cast iron wedding (in modern conditions, you may have to replace them with Teflon or ceramic ones). You can give a barbecue and skewers: although not cast iron, it is directly related to an open fire.

By the way, in America and Western Europe the 6th wedding anniversary is called the candy anniversary, and in Latvia - the rowan anniversary.

The first partial wedding anniversary is probably due to the fact that the atomic mass of zinc is 65.38. Obviously, the holiday tradition does not have very deep historical roots and is not celebrated by everyone. However, it also has its own meaning: a zinc wedding reminds that a marriage, like galvanized dishes, needs to be polished from time to time. You can give a set of dishes and pots.

The copper wedding is celebrated on the 7th year after the wedding. Copper is a symbol of family strength, beauty and prosperity. This is no longer ferrous metal, cast iron, but valuable. But she is still far from noble or precious.

As for wool, it is a warm material, warming all family members with even and soft warmth. But sometimes it can be prickly, which reminds us of the possible roughness in relationships even at this stage of family life.

In previous years, in honor of the seventh wedding anniversary, the couple exchanged copper coins. Nowadays you can give each other handicrafts as a gift for a copper wedding - a candlestick, a coffee pot, decorative cups, and in honor of a woolen wedding - knitted socks or sweaters. Or, by analogy with copper utensils, you can give the hostess a multicooker or other useful kitchen device as a gift.

Over the course of eight years, everyday life becomes too familiar for the spouses, their relationship turns pale and dull, becoming like a nondescript tin. But the everyday problems that so interfered with the marriage in the first years of life have now subsided. The name of the wedding seems to say that everyday life, which tested the spouses’ strength, became their ally, bringing them closer together over common concerns about home and family. But you shouldn’t go too deep into everyday life so that family life doesn’t become too dull; it needs to be minted from time to time.

For the eighth wedding anniversary, you can give kitchen utensils, household items, or just everything sparkling and similar to tin products - tea, sweets in tin boxes.

A faience wedding is celebrated in the ninth year of married life. The symbolism of the ninth wedding anniversary has two opposing interpretations. According to one version, family relationships become stronger every year, like good tea poured into earthenware cups. According to another version, nine years after the wedding, the family is going through a critical period and is fragile, like earthenware.

For a faience wedding, a tea set or tableware is usually given as a gift. In addition, a faience wedding is a good reason to break a plate for good luck!

The first full wedding anniversary, a round date, is called a pink (according to other sources - tin) wedding. On this day, it is customary to have fun to the fullest, celebrate solemnly, with huge bouquets of roses, and not remember small family troubles and troubles.

Gifts for 10 wedding years should be as beautiful as the relationship between husband and wife that has endured ten years. Even the less popular “tin” name for the tenth wedding anniversary is associated with the flexibility and pliability of tin - that is, with the ability of the spouses to adapt to each other.

Traditionally, the husband gives his wife 11 roses: 10 red as a symbol of love, and 1 white as a symbol of hope for the next decade. Guests who come to congratulate the spouses on their tenth anniversary of marriage also give bouquets of roses. They try to include elements of pink symbolism (color, pattern) in the details of clothing. On the table there is rose wine, tea with rose petals and a cake decorated with roses.

This anniversary speaks for itself, because it is 1+1 - a union of two people - hand in hand, soul to soul. The marriage hardened and became like steel, became strong and elastic. Steel is a beautiful metal, with certain processing it becomes mirror-like, so your union, having been processed by life’s problems, joy, love and time, has become, like steel, mirror-like.

Stainless steel products are presented as a gift: a set of pans, a tray, a coffee pot, etc.

The Nickel wedding is the second “incomplete” wedding anniversary. According to Russian customs, it is celebrated after 12.5 years, since this is exactly halfway to the most important anniversary - 25 years, the silver wedding. For convenience, conception is celebrated six months earlier - at 12 years of age. The symbolism of this wedding anniversary is similar to the tin wedding: the sparkle of nickel indicates the need to refresh the luster of the relationship.

The theme of the 12.5 wedding anniversary gift is obvious - shiny items should be given, for example, dishes or even a mirror.

13th wedding anniversary - Lily of the valley wedding (or lace wedding)

Like lace, which requires great patience from the craftswoman, good, harmonious family relationships are woven over the years with great patience and accuracy.
Lilies of the valley, which give the second name to this wedding anniversary, also contain an equally reverent and tender image.

On the 13th wedding anniversary, it is customary to give gifts made of lace and items knitted from fine wool. It would be ideal for a husband to give his wife a bouquet of lilies of the valley for their 13th wedding anniversary.

Only 14 years after the wedding, folk tradition begins to assign the family the status of a precious stone, and this first stone is agate. A husband can give his wife agate jewelry on her fourteenth marriage anniversary. It is appropriate for guests to present bone products to match the stone.

The name of the fifteenth wedding anniversary indicates the purity and clarity of the relationship between the spouses. On the festive table for the 15th wedding anniversary there is crystal and glassware; participants in the celebration are recommended to wear light-colored clothing.

Gifts for the fifteenth wedding anniversary should be made of glass and crystal - vases, glasses, salad bowls and even Swarovski crystals. Husband and wife exchange crystal glasses. The feast, according to custom, continues until someone deliberately breaks a glass, glass or plate.

16th wedding anniversary - Topaz wedding

Topaz is a transparent gemstone of a blue hue, which is probably why it symbolizes openness, clarity, and mutual understanding. It is customary to celebrate the 16th wedding anniversary within the family circle, with relatives and friends. Any gifts that emphasize the warmth of the hearth and the strength of family ties are appropriate: a blanket or sofa cushions, a service or fondue set, a camera or a family photo album, etc.

17th wedding anniversary - Pink wedding

Some sources call the 17th anniversary a pink wedding, and the 10th in this case is a tin wedding. The gift for a pink wedding is obvious - a bouquet of 17 scarlet roses!

By this time, the eldest child often reaches adulthood, and with him the difficulties associated with his growing up end. The purity and freshness of turquoise is reminiscent of the color of the sky on a clear day. They wish the spouses the same calm and cloudless life in the future and give them turquoise jewelry.

19th wedding anniversary - Pomegranate wedding

The red hue of garnet, like the color red in general, symbolizes love. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate 19 wedding years in a scarlet or burgundy dress. Usually the closest friends are invited to visit, and when choosing a gift they stick to reddish shades.

The twentieth wedding anniversary is called a porcelain wedding. After 20 years of marriage, the family union is as beautiful and harmonious as genuine Chinese porcelain, the secret of its production still remains a mystery.

As a gift for a porcelain wedding, it is appropriate to give, of course, a tea set. But ask the hosts if they will be happy with such a gift, because if each of the guests gives a set, this can become a real problem for the anniversary spouses!

21st wedding anniversary - Opal wedding

People believe that opal brings discord and hostility, but according to other sources, it develops intuition, strengthens love and fidelity. In any case, one should hope that over the 21 years of marriage, the husband and wife have become so close to each other that not only a stone, but also more serious reasons are not capable of sowing discord among them.
It is customary to celebrate the 21st wedding anniversary in private. The husband usually presents his wife with a piece of opal jewelry - an amazingly beautiful gemstone.

So you’ve reached your first “Olympic” wedding! Bronze is an expensive and noble metal; to earn it, you need a lot of work to strengthen the family hearth. On the 22nd wedding anniversary, bronze items are given as gifts: figurines, candlesticks, watches, etc.

The 23rd wedding anniversary is usually celebrated in a close family circle. They try to decorate the table in the yellow-green color scheme characteristic of beryl. In warm weather, it is appropriate to move the holiday to nature. Gifts can be simple and inexpensive, symbolizing mutual love.

Satin is a dense, smooth and silky fabric. This is exactly how the relationship between spouses becomes - smooth and strong - after 24 years of marriage.
Since the 24th wedding anniversary precedes a major date - the silver wedding - it is not customary to celebrate it widely. But there is certainly a reason for a family feast.

25 years of married life - SILVER WEDDING

Poems, songs and plays have been written about this wedding anniversary. 25 years later, the name of the wedding anniversary for the first time “reached” the precious metal - silver.
Gifts for a silver wedding do not have to be made of silver, but they usually give something significant and quite expensive. This could be large household appliances, pieces of furniture (which have worn out over the years), or antique watches, figurines, silverware, etc.

The celebration of a silver wedding is accompanied by some special traditions. On this day, husband and wife can exchange silver rings and wear them in addition to their wedding rings throughout the anniversary year. The silver wedding can also be celebrated “officially” - in the wedding palace or registry office where the marriage took place.

Jade is a very durable mineral and is almost impossible to destroy. So a family that has lived a long life together becomes strong and indestructible.
Spouses can exchange jade items or jewelry. One of the beautiful and touching traditions of the Jade Wedding is the exchange of vows between the spouses. The husband and wife must hold hands and repeat their vows, which they probably made to each other 26 years ago. Repeating these pleasant and meaningful words will obviously not be superfluous, but will only bring the heroes of the occasion even closer together and strengthen their relationship.

Mahogany is a symbol of nobility and strength, wisdom and strong roots. All these qualities are inherent in a family celebrating 27 wedding years.
Gifts, of course, should be made from this noble type of wood: jewelry, boxes, figurines, etc., right down to an elegant table or chair, if you are not limited in finances.

28th wedding anniversary - Nickel wedding

Nickel is a very hard material and is also magnetic, highly polishable and very durable. The relationship between the spouses who celebrate the Nickel wedding should also have these same qualities.

A nickel wedding gift can be related to this metal, but not necessarily. You can give a beautiful bedspread for a double bed, a large bouquet or a cake with an inscription.

Velvet is a symbol of softness and tenderness. Without these qualities, it is difficult to save a marriage, which is well known to spouses celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary.
Velvet symbolizes wealth and luxury, so people often try to celebrate it on a grand scale, for example, in a restaurant. 29th wedding anniversary gifts should be decorated or complemented with velvet. You can present curtains or other velvet textiles, or show your imagination and present earrings on a velvet cushion.

Probably, the name is associated with the years lived together, in which there were difficulties and adversities, and therefore the relationship managed to “tan”, from “green” to “dark”.
A gift can be related to tanning: from sunglasses or a poster with a summer landscape to an invitation to a solarium or a trip to hot countries.

32 years - Copper wedding

Some sources call the 32nd anniversary the copper wedding, although the day 7 years from the wedding day also has a similar name. You can give gifts made of copper, or limit yourself to a bouquet of flowers and a birthday cake.

33 years old - Stone (strawberry) wedding

The stone symbolizes the unbreakable strength that family ties have gained by the 33rd wedding anniversary. Another name for this date is more playful and makes one think of strawberry cake or pie, which should certainly decorate the holiday table.

Amber is an amazing material that hardens over centuries, transforming from a viscous resin into a precious stone, becoming harder and harder, just like your relationship. On the 34th wedding anniversary, crafts and jewelry made from amber should be presented.

The fourth wedding anniversary is popularly called linen, but you can find many other names: silk, wax, rope. It was believed that after 4 years of marriage, the spouses were already tightly bound by family ties, like linen ropes, strong and reliable. With this symbol, our ancestors sought to emphasize the strength and inviolability of the marriage union, wishing the couple a happy life for many years to come. Linen also symbolized wealth in the family, since this material has never been cheap. It was believed that after living together for four years, a couple should grow to a certain level of well-being.

About celebration traditions

Of course, after four years of married life, the wife became a real needlewoman. Therefore, on the fourth wedding anniversary, the wife gave her husband a hand-made gift. It could be a beautiful linen shirt, carefully embroidered by a loving wife.

It was also believed that after four years, the bed linen given to the newlyweds for their wedding had already become quite worn out in the house. Therefore, the wife was supposed to sew new bed linen from linen.

Of course, handicraft skills were highly valued at that time. All products had to be decorated with satin stitch or cross stitch embroidery, trimmed with linen lace to please her husband and emphasize her love for him. They were supposed to be sewn from high-quality expensive fabric so that it would serve the family for many more years.

But a man could give his beloved wife a ready-made gift. The husband was completely allowed to buy his wife a ready-made sundress, but it must be made of linen and also with a beautiful finish. Linen lace was also considered an excellent gift for a wife on her fourth anniversary.

A linen wedding was usually celebrated in a narrow family circle. Relatives and godparents were invited. Sweets were always placed on the table: honey and fruit. This symbolized wishes for a happy and sweet married life to the husband and wife for many years to come.

The festive table was always decorated with figurines of a husband and wife tied together. They were called “lovebirds”, made from flax and tied together with linen rope. Therefore, 4 years of family life was also called a rope wedding.

Gift options in modern conditions

Today we are again experiencing the peak of popularity of natural materials. Fortunately, the choice of linen products is very wide: clothing, accessories, curtains, tablecloths, towels, bed linen. So choosing a gift for your wife, husband or friends will not be difficult. And such a gift will last for many years, because linen fabric is very durable and practical.

You can choose as a gift for your beloved wife:

  • Linen clothes. This is a very pleasant natural fabric that is comfortable to wear in the summer heat. But if you decide to give your wife some clothes for her 4th wedding anniversary, it is better to choose a gift along with her, so as not to make a mistake with the size.
  • A handbag. There can never be too many of them for a woman. Nowadays there are many folk-style linen bags with beautiful finishes on sale.
  • Mobile phone case made of linen fabric.
  • A diary or photo album covered with linen fabric or decorated with linen decorations. A photo album is a more family-friendly option. Let the first section contain photos from your fourth anniversary celebration.

When choosing a gift for your beloved husband, you can consider the following options:

  • Pants or shirt. In the summer heat, your spouse will thank you more than once for the linen clothes.
  • Linen kitchen set, consisting of a tablecloth, napkins and towels.
  • A set of beautiful linen handkerchiefs.
  • Bed linen is made from the same material to pay tribute to tradition and update the bed linen that has worn out over 4 years of marriage.

Today women work equally with men; not everyone has time for needlework. But if you are fond of embroidery, decorate the linen, clothes or scarves you bought. Your spouse will definitely appreciate your handicraft talent. Handmade gifts warm our hearts for many years.

When choosing what to give to a familiar couple or relatives for a linen wedding, opt for family gift options. That is, this thing should not be for individual use, but for the whole family. On the fourth wedding anniversary, it is customary to give a married couple:

  • Linen tablecloth with beautiful trim.
  • Linen napkins. It would be good if it was a set together with a tablecloth. And since the fourth wedding anniversary is also called a silk wedding, you can choose an original combination: silk napkins look very gentle on the thick fabric of a linen tablecloth.
  • Bed sheets. Just consult with the hostess regarding the size of the set. This linen will serve its owners for many years.
  • Linen curtains. They look very good in the kitchen, especially if decorated with elegant embroidery or beautiful lace.
  • Decor items: painting on linen canvas, original panel using linen fabric.

Let the spouses give each other personal items themselves. And it’s best to give a couple something that the whole family can use together, remembering their fourth anniversary for many years to come.

How to arrange a feast

Although initially it was customary to celebrate a linen wedding in a narrow circle, these days there can be a variety of options. In accordance with traditions, you can arrange a feast at home, in a close circle, as was customary among our ancestors for many years. If you decide to celebrate on a grand scale, book tables at a restaurant.

Pay special attention to table decoration. It should highlight your holiday - linen napkins and tablecloths at home, stylish linen covers on furniture in a restaurant. Additionally, you can use wax candles for a beautiful table decoration. After all, wax is another symbol of this holiday.

The fourth wedding anniversary is an excellent occasion to get together with a cheerful and noisy group and celebrate this occasion. In the first years after marriage, spouses try to celebrate every date. What is the name of the fourth and what should I give to spouses? We will talk about this in our material.

What is the fourth anniversary called?

Has it already been 4 years since your wedding took place? So, it's time to celebrate another anniversary. The 4th anniversary of married life has several names and its own special customs and traditions.

Since ancient times, such a date was called a linen wedding. Linen is a dense and durable fabric. If the first anniversaries had such names as paper, calico and said that the relationship between the spouses was still very fragile, then the linen wedding is already a certain stage of married life, which indicates that the spouses withstood the first tests with dignity, and the marriage became stronger, more reliable.

In addition, since ancient times it has been generally accepted that a material such as linen personifies material well-being and prosperity. Therefore, there is such a belief that spouses who have crossed this line will continue to live happily and prosperously in marriage.

There is another name for the 4-year anniversary of marriage. This is a rope wedding. Over the course of four years, the couple became a reliable support and support for each other. Their interests, destinies, lives are intertwined with each other, like a strong rope that cannot be broken.

But in Europe this date is called a wax wedding. This name also did not appear by chance. It is generally accepted that over the years of marriage, a husband and wife have become wiser, softer and can easily adapt to each other.

Celebrating 4 years of marriage, each couple can take any of these names as a basis. Of course, most modern couples celebrate a linen wedding and try to follow old traditions. For example, in the old days, for the 4th wedding anniversary, the wife wove linen from flax with her own hands, and on the morning of the holiday she laid it on the table.

Nowadays, you can buy a special linen tablecloth for this anniversary and lay it on the table. Remember that the tablecloth should be large. The shorter it is, the less happiness and joy there will be in the family. Also, in the old days, spouses gave each other linen clothes. Previously, shirts and dresses were embroidered by hand, and each embroidery had its own special meaning.

Like any non-round date, it is customary to celebrate a 4-year anniversary with your closest family and friends. The festive table is decorated with a linen tablecloth, large round pies are always prepared and candles are placed on the table.

Gifts for husband and wife from each other

A couple who have been married for 4 years must give each other gifts on this day. Spouses should prepare presents in advance. Gifts should be associated with the anniversary. Previously, the wife and husband gave each other linen clothes. This tradition remains relevant to this day.

  • The husband may well arrange romantic evening by candlelight. Every woman will appreciate such an unexpected surprise. You can give your wife a gift certificate to a beauty salon, spa, or some store.

  • In order for a symbolic gift to remain as a keepsake, you can present it to your wife a beautiful blouse or sundress made of linen fabric. In addition, there are original jewelry on strong ropes made of linen and more. As for the holiday bouquet, it is advisable to pack it in a fabric wrapper. You can also add flax flowers to the composition.
  • The wife can give her husband a good diary in fabric cover. Such a gift will be useful and will remain as a memory of the anniversary. If you are planning to give your spouse perfume, any technical device, a thermal mug or a useful gadget for work or a car, then be sure to choose packaging made from linen fabric. This could be a gift bag or a box covered with fabric.

What to give to friends?

For the 4th anniversary of marriage, friends and family may well give symbolic and practical gifts.

  • For example, this could be a set of beautiful linen napkins with or without embroidery. This could also be a tablecloth complete with napkins. You can also give a set of towels.
  • Linen bed linen is a practical and symbolic gift that spouses will appreciate. If a husband and wife receive such a gift on their anniversary, then that same night they should lay out the linen on the shared bed.
  • Many family friends traditionally give small curtains made of this material on this day. For example, these could be curtains for the kitchen. Now you can find beautiful options made from flax. In addition, now it is quite possible to choose interesting options for fabric blinds. They look modern and stylish.

  • You can also present a set of decorative pillows, a painting made on canvas, or a beautiful tapestry. You can give your spouse a couple of Tilda dolls made from this fabric. If you want to give some other thing, for example, a decorative item, then it is better to choose a linen gift bag as packaging.
  • Souvenir shops today offer beautiful fabric panels, wicker interior items and other products that are perfect as a gift for a rope wedding. A set of scented candles or unique handmade candles will do just fine. Today it is possible to order original wax figurines based on a personal sketch.

What can parents choose?

When children celebrate their 4th anniversary of marriage, parents want to give them something like this. which will definitely be useful in the household and will remain as a keepsake.

  • By tradition, many parents give holiday tablecloths, linen sets, curtains and other useful household items. A tablecloth must be laid on the festive table.
  • You can also give children a pair of bathrobes. This gift will definitely come in handy for the spouses. And if you also put personalized embroidery on them, the robes will become unique.
  • As a gift, paired T-shirts with interesting inscriptions that spouses can wear at home or when going outdoors are quite suitable.

  • Parents can give their children a trip to a country holiday home. The spouses will definitely be happy with such a gift. This is an excellent reason to take a break from work, everyday life and renew your senses. A trip for two is a great opportunity to have a second honeymoon.
  • You can also give your children a certificate for a master class related to their hobbies. For example, spouses can go to a master class on painting a picture of some romantic theme. Such paintings will then become a harmonious decoration of the marital bedroom. You can send your children to a pottery class. After the lesson, they will be able to take home original mugs or baking pots.

  • A certificate for a horse ride for two is quite suitable as a gift. And if you also invite a professional photographer, then you will be left with not only positive impressions, but also wonderful photographs. By the way, you can give the newlyweds a family photo album in a beautiful cover and a certificate for a family photo shoot in advance.

To learn what to give for a linen wedding, watch the following video.